146 IR SUAA Sil. Moston, Bewier. V3 WO or THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS TALE, Frientionder, Souter ye inleaantuitah J na TE Fis Bost, Ovoews 2 --Berristers 7, Barriviars Fp a og Bo Sern Soh A Ry vim og A ad ¥ ¥._Kelly vA 'wt an JONEE, BA. and LX we B Four Aasneinte Barrister snd Sol eters. 19 King Beast Kast, BA S5U8 Mortgage nie ovatiabin THONAE HW RENDLE. barrister, oi otny anf We King aotary Strest East Prove BA R176 CREIGHTON FRASER DEYNAN 0 MERDOCR. Bartiwiers, Socio Yiary Pibite Bark of Commerce dg, were Bigeet North RA 3448 j. X i NC. Fraser i Greation, Gc; HC Eis mon §auee tar srrangsi SWART Barmsier lo 5. Ase slate, Bruee VV. Mackey Block, 5 King Street East, RA (8d Resinence, Mai BA 34009 BOSALD BLAKE DOORS. Barnsier and Sov eiler % Wing Stree East Ve noma: Bus nese 8 27 Res dence RA 85073 io bol B MANGAN tia Money to loan Kone Stmet Fast, Ohavs Residence. BA 534% BY PALMER. 5A tor, » i¥s Simens Difice WA 59141, Rewience GREER. Murphy snd Machion risters, Solicitors and Notaries § King Street Pasi WA 5-4 J. Murphy and James A BOWMAN PAYID i 4 ister Sallet tor, Vs Sims hh 957 Re dence, BA ren HeGIRROY snd BASTERD, Bars Solieitars CUents' funds available for ] artgagrs Bh Simens Birest N. is mA bi ad Charles €, Meliinhon acs Bastedn Of fo MPHREYS. . Boyehyr and risters, Solicitors " a G. 6. Boyehyn, BA " King Street East BA 51177: Res. RA MO 82761; RA 55108 a fer WA sepia worth aad 4, Bar Public Russel narnisier Street HA Waclions ers, Hum b-1804 or Whithy Money to loan JOHN A. CAMERON. harris y public, 18% King NHA ana mary; sues arranged 5-- Nursing Services... BUNNYBREAF Ander Oshawa. Care for people SIPEryisen ted able rates. RA 35-2930 6---Dntometrists 1 J RICHARD BIACK. Dr. of Optom olry. the of eyes, eonipet lenses, 196 Simene North (at Colborne avenings by appointment KA WH TUCK, RO, aptom Pleane pay accounts f downlown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street Invalides ex amined st home Dial RA 54587 7--Surveyors AF, HORTON and Associates taria Land Surveyors. Professions neering, 306 Dendas Sires Qhithy, MO #5091, Ajax 728 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On tario Land Surveyor, eommercial hiue RA Sirest private of HN rRARON former elder! naires In etrist on En West Pies 12 Bloor Street asl W FLIW and Trollope, Ontario Land Surveyors, Be Adeloide Avenus Bait Phone RA § Building. Trades LROZING and excavating Dial 8618. Free estimates Taylor Bro: , 3 Hilleourt Drive, Whithy types building repairs, raofing trough, chimneys, fireplaces side stoops, RA 80304, Gordon May PL UMBING and heating pipes, fit tings, fixtures, new used, chang ing from se le tank to Sewer 8 spe: elalty, Installations at reasonable rales Information and estimates (ree on any type of plumbing Dial RA A424, J Foley ALL plumbing and healing supplies Phone RA 53%21, Harold R. Stark, fod plombing, heating and enxineer ing, 48% Simeoe Street Bouth WATERPROOFING specialists. Roof to Write Box hing. T N 4 'oe ' e, Whitby cellar Far appomtment 1258 Bowmanville i BUTLROANG and ® MO BB61s Free estln Brothers, 36 Hilleourt Di GERALD FULTON WELL DRILLING Reasonable rates. Honest workmanship. Under con. tract, we can A 5.4067 water CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL, LOAM & SAND Prompt Delivery RA 8-895] P.O. BOX 329 BUILDERS Ceramic tiled bathroom sup plied ond fixed, complete with four ur, Sn Large Rio Pag tradesman Press "RA 8.1177 TED VEENHOF Well Digging Cleanouts & Deepening Compresor Work RA 8-3864 GIVE YOUR BATHROOM A NEW LOOK Genuine ceramic wall tile in stalled by on expert 90¢ sq fr. Copper tile for kitchen splash $1.95 sq #1. Call after § AMHERST. TILE SERVICE AM 1.1323 rR 7 manigage Hillman, | SSIFIED AD RATES 35 worse o low Coy Cnarge we 7% «02 CL idea PACER T HE in rid Frotospionsi ong Buoness (en 7 56 gor mien for § Ames "hy sadtionst ws $100 pwr ree, MUST be iw by § V5--instruction anor 4 WANEE EATERY Raton Voi tp Bi we ng Wen ly oe laacher, dont srmedior, a ate, 7 fenrivh aS Car. a phone RA $008 TT Wants fore pavication. 5, Soran $03 Fimas graft not be STs In Gd erie figement, mor Beyord he pres charged for 5 Single imation of he Sovertisement wm wien erie secs. And oli reserve hg Nght ts siassity ad rang GEsding 19 ossification ments The cos oA y Sbrerti Times wii not be for A msponetie for mers ase Then het nm shah fe Schl sve ssccies. The © FS SARs HN 15 repr ads worreet'y BA i ony IneLCaRces of GAVE IaImert srrising meatier ha Bid n ony form we oie ned | " --Business Coportunities HEATED stive. IAest foes Stimane and Ofbve 8 Simene Street Sowih ts SINESS man i of » to Box 5 ESTATE SALE -- 8 snack Bar and gar Pumps Can be hovght se n wih good ferme An 14 YORE Rawle 18 news. For mare ini Ojsen ot BA 85107 » wings. Rislow and sen, Realtors 12--Dressmaking KEPATRA Fur shortening lis ites. § Bond Sires REVERSIBLE skirts » alterations on ladies dren's BA 347 rer 4 Avenue, Fark Bosd Bouth ALTERATIONS of all women and children. Reser # specialty. Ressonahie rate DRESSMAKER AND FURPIER Alterations, remodeling 22 ROWE 57 PHONE RA 8 ¢706 13---Gardening & Supplies ANY kino of gardes i* oy suport RA & gr COMPLE IE GARDFN SFRV 'CE disced, frees ht wiehas In Purchase Hap with de Oshawe Tim. mail wih I ental * We high, ation eh Fast RA yr vit peciaity. Miner wey, wise chil of Eimgrove rason ak i Gardens ploughed landscaping, wod cut ved RA B:179¢ AURORA SAND & GRAVEL Brick, Sand, Crushed Sons; Road Gravel, Pit Run VALLEY FARM RD Phone Mobile Operator TEmple 9-254] rem OWEN BROTHERS CO. LTD TREE EXPERTS We specialize in tree prun ganas Vacant Yanary ! Frey a conta and Jackals Cea on 1 "ih bis MONEY TO LOAN ing, tree planting, tree re- moving, cavity work PHONE RA 5.5287 T4--Household Repairs TOO MUCH quickly with an fled Ad. Call RA 53492 for friendly help (in placing your ad PROFESSIONAL painter guarantded work and materials estimates. Al Conroy, RA B-0086 PAINTING ano paper DANEING, Pro fessional free estimales work guarantees ai ow prices RA 80818 Ie PAINTING DECORATING interior or exterior, Roxa sstimates room? Rent spare rooms | Oshawa Times Class paperhanger, Free work hy work euaraniesd Free [HA 486 [CHESTERFIELD and ald ehairs re leavered like naw. Gel the best for less ot Modern Upholstering, 13 Bimeoe South. Call A BSS for a free estimate CHEATERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered like new, Why pay mare? Our rates are reasonable Natisfaction guaranteed Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery [ta 10 Bond SiYest West | 80811 Phone Mark HA 3.2030 YOUR loeal chimney cleaner, Chim stalled, frances vacuumed, Free esti mates. RA 5.3087 FInst class calpenier, stalrways, trim, floor tes laid, all work guaranteed. Tele hone RA #2838 ROOMA papered, $8 and up, labor only, Painting and repairs. Estimates given free, Can furnished materials at low prices. RA 5.7207 FURNITURE repaired and resuphel stored. See our materials for re covering. Bruce BR. Dalton, 78 Charles Street, RA #7210 FURNACE SALES | AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service $7" labor plus parts SEGERS RUG and UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS RA 5-7488 A clean rug looks better and. lasts longer CHIMNEYS? REC ROOMS? DECORATING A HALL? REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OR SMALL 9--Building Materials YHE best in insulation, ase Pal-OPak, save money and install © yourself, o we can do ii for you and Sons Lu North MO amy ml Ceasily with an haa apartment Oshawa es Classified Ad. Call S300 sow 0 plage aa ad . CALL AJAX. THAT'S ALL! 1 vl RA 8.5103 NG ST § For free estimate 1 Nok AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LIMITED OSHAWA {velo LLL OL 54471 17~Meoney to Loan aw 8 Maney ta fawn om Are mart. oud ols" raarmant of A Po ond Am ie SF Cre Fraser Drymen nd HONEY. svatianle for losn om» ITA aRRS, ARABI PUTERass of MoT. Wite Box 37 Owhaws Times partienians WE WAVE cients' mapas avaiiatie 197 lage om First and sanimd moet gagns and sien puehase of movigagas and igrnemenis of sole. Lois Homes. #7 King Street East, Oohpwe, BA! {5 rive "IFIRGT ond second marigage BETRRIATAS iT ERALRd mick and Hewmick, Barristers, 3 ¥ KA 479% cond mangeses arrang Taige Broker yf Mo P Ha hd LE HOLIDAY CASH | i a) PHONE FOR A LOAN | $50 10 $5,000 RA 3 ' B-628 hoard Finance CO OF CAMADA LTD 294 SIMCOE ST OSHAWA $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for nd Agres scant and immedior: logn on Fir Maorigages menis for Sale, on Second residen City sub Sur improved property tial and industrial ur and county, gnd mer cottages Summerland ited, 112 North, Oshawe 5-3568 MONEY TO LOAN Manies for all types of 'mon gages; for first and second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant land short term mortgage for builders; first and second mortgages and agreements - for sale purchosed App! M. Swartz, 26%4 King Street East, Oshawa. Telephone RA 34697 a" ] Lin Street RA Securities Simcoe Phone | T8a--Mortgages AVAILABLE for first or second morigage, repay $40 monthly, private. | 19--Personal | HYGIENIC supplies (rubber 00s) mailed post paid in plain sealed en es with prige jist, Bix samples, 25 canis; #4 samples, $1.00. Mall Order Dept, A 11, Nov, -Rubher Co, Box #1, |Hamliton, Ontario. | { Digl RA STORM windows washed and put up | neys bullt and repaired, gas linings in| cupboards, | MIDDLE for elderly HA 44841 AGED woman, live in lady for companion Telephone ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hale Marie Murdutt will be In Oshawa, Dee. 20th and 21st Phone Hotel these dates for appointment 20--Cartage Gennsha on FOR pick-up and delivery service, Tele uhone MO A864, Oshawa - Whithy Alax area JOHN'S. Moving and Storage, Oshawa, Whithy. Heasonable rates. Fully equip, ped ane insured. Phone RA 83661 RELIABLE ick up and delivery serv lee. Phone MOhawk 88204 any lime MOVING? DO-IT-YOURSELF RENT A TRUCK Trucks of all sizes Call -- TILDEN 45 KING STREET EAST RA 5.6553 21--Personal Service PETER FAN Nursery School, ehildren 85 years, Monday to Friday, from $13 monthiy. Contact Supervisor, 581 Sim ooe Street North, RA 8.0604 from #30 [to 9.30 | FORTRATYR drawn or painted, murals Sesigned For information esll RA WANTED -- CUSTOMERS FRED'S FINA SERVICE 1180 SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 8.4951 General repairs to curs and trucks, Reasonable prices, L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE ROOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RE TURNS 686 OSLER STREET, OSHAWA, ONT RA 5.9953 PALM: AND CRYSTAL READINGS by MRS, ANN advisor on all affairs of life No appointment necessary Open daily from 10 am + Special Holiday $1.00. 140 Sim i | | | | v _ |CHIMUARU ASA, hd tov Hou ~~ (EEE, Fi * de AR [= 32--hArticles Wanted 32-- Articles Wented 32--Articles Wented TICASH Jor SCRAPTT STEEL JeThs arom Open AR Day Seturdey | mM GREENBERG & SONS RA 3.7333 308 Bioor 51. SHAW WANTED AUTO WRECKING CO SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3.2643 RA 3.3374 (esilect RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. Ane Stn Takin wins ond Da tenia Centre, Bi Wing Street [ant wast, HA ryt | SERVICE Wren ¢ vou "WANT IT = DAY OF MIGHT! TV. ond RADIO | CALL RA 8-5286 A Werk Guranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA B.8180 OSHAWA 1V.. GIEBOMNS $7 x. | oes GIFTS FOR Wes a a Always Meshitt's! n't be spend 4 you? NESBITT'S LADIES WEAR 33 King 5. E RA 5.0832 FOR HER GIFT Buy with tenfidence of ELEGANCE LADIES WEAR A small deposit will hold until Christmas 9 BOND 87. E new of women they / don't something 4572 wrong when : budget Why 61 Tv TOWERS p 40-11 bf gas #H " - sorting + t dip golvanired. Me paint Complete 6! all Total | F Mering | enna and 9 95 new chernel gn price ed teed tor % nsta gue 18Q1 TV Enterprises 253 Drew St RA 3.3553 DID YOU SEE OUR MEW ALL GALVANIZED RADESS TOWERS web xpert workmanship 1961 All Wave Antennas You Kr That We | | RA 6-333) santa Sugoests YARDLEY TUSSEY" A complete line at POWELL'S DRUG STORE 7 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 54734 LOOK YOUR BEST FOR CHRISTMAS your hair styled ot WOODLYN BEAUTY LOUNGE B! SIMCOE N, RA 5.7878 i" dd | Same vice En Take Ser y expert Te Have ce Calls till B:30 mcs | TRY US T.R.1.O. TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. EAST RA 8-678] 40' TOWERS $45 30' ROOF ANTENNAS $30 20° ROOF ANTENNAS $22| For 0 complete line of SEWING MACHINES FLOOR CARE EQUIPMENT /isit Your SINGER SEWING CENTER Sewing machines and vacuum cleaners from $59.50 floor polisher, wox gpplie and Rug Sham. poo, as low $39.95 SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 Ontari RA § 5443 Combination Complete ly Installed With 2.Year Warranty LEN & LOU'S CITY 1.V RA 5-7844 B02 SIMCOE § Bn 1] A Christmas Surprise MONDAY, TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS PERMANENTS $5 7 Florines Beauty Shop 215 KING E RA i FOR CHRISTMAS Have Your Hair Styled tions HI C ] $3.00 ) Service Calls SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE | Television - Radio . Range Washers Dryers and Oven Control Repair Specialists PH. RA B.4873 49 BURKE a Service ible FASHIWUNS BEAUTY SALON 109 BYRON STREET SOUTH WHITBY = MO 8-362] NEW BEL AIR Rates 23-- Women' [] Colon SPECIAL permanent waves, $6.50, Bd ward » Beauty Parlay Celina Street | THE CANADIAN CORPS HALL, 30 Richmond St W WE DELIVER SOLVE Gop D EATING irs PTS FOR THE FAM THE FAMILY Co A GRAND RESTAURANT Catering to Parties Bonauets sic Home Delivery and Pick-up Orders RA B-4666 144 King E (Upsteirs) FOR RENT te banquets end porties == Monday thru Fri day. For mere information Mrs. Elsie Olay, RA 5.2931 RESERVE NOW SLEIGHRIDING & DANCE PARTIES FOR JAN, AND FEB Little Buckaroo Ranch | RA 5-27%7 Catering THE ACRES RESTAURANT Chet: 1, K, Ishi DINNERS, LUNCHES BANQUETS Reserve now for: Christmas Parties, Christmas Dinner and New Year's Dinner Sun, to Thurs, B am pm; Fri. Sar. B am, to am. Phone Colfax 3.242 Proprietor: Mr. Roel Ishii 1" 2 | TRY OUR BARB QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, halt chicken with trench fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot dogs milk shakes MODERN GRILL RA 5.3887 LITZ! Oshawa Shopping Centre Compare Litz auality and prices LITZ DELICATESSEN RA 81111 VISIT ALBANY RESTAURANT Fér European cooking. Take out orders 454 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 5-3433 LECT E DIET T (ERE vei) CHILDREN'S CLOTHES amber and golden, HP. Anderson, Novth. Phone RA HURRY! FOR A LOVELY GIFT KIDDY CITY 42 SIMCOE N RA 8-266 USE GUR LAY AWAY PLAN « GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY | 66 Chureh | | tered, ght "tan color, $75 Telephone | Ajax Whitehall 2.53503 after & p.m | 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm sfhok ploked up promptly Phone collect, Hampton, COWax 3.9791 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone [FOR SALE Fight pigs, 10 weeks ald, 12 pigs, seven weeks ald Telephone [OLiver 3-473 for farther information 27 --Fuel & Wood PRY hardwood ends, suitable for fur. | naces. stoves, fireplaces, eto, 85 large oad delivered. Phone RA 80818 { | | RENT = Tent raner 1 wl | " | SEWING MACHINE Phone RA 37633 | £ CARROTS, 65:h, bag, 8c. Sg bushel special $49 50 [and half-mile east on Ard concession (PORTABLE) 266 Ritson Road 28.year Written Guarantee PUPPIEN for Christmas. German Shep: OSHAWA A ae CENTRE hold, Telephone Whitehall 3-507 for fur Inantha old, Will hold until Christmas, GOOD EATING PURERRED imported long haired Ger John Van den Hoogen, BOARDING, trimming, bathing, fefiea 56% FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING raining alking strain. Apply Mrs | puppies and grown stock registered TRY US stock smooth and long coats. Variety DACHINUND ppl 0] Jiuiles and srawn dogs | oC Mile North Whitby we BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready for [CHIMUAWUA ip, seven manthe, Tenis: | For Your Christmas and accomodate SOUREN LARNRABAR dog lol -- 3 classified ad el For a Warm Reception GIVE SNOW BOOTS AND GIFT SLIPPERS DAVIDSON'S [HOME ECONOMICS FOOD | FOR CHRISTMAS IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Your Christmas Shopping Problems Through Our.... LL Spe Seti ACT LLL LLY Best selection, style ond quality for that Man you admire PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE 36 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3.3612 TURKEYS Freshly killed, ond tosty, delivered nen ready. Year round supply, Special prices for churches ond bonqguets Courtice Turkey Ranch RA 8. 5392 ---- tender HORWICH CREDIT JEWEL + ERS $1.00 OPENS A -- CHARGE ACCOUNT Twe locations Oshawa Shopping Centre end 20 Simcoe Street South Watches, rings, silverwars, luggege, cameras, fancy ching BE HAPPIER All Year Round With MEN'S SWEATERS, SHAGS BULKIES, BAN.LONS FROM $8.95 SAM ROTICH MEN'S WEAR 7 King St. E RA 52433 BOLAHOOD'S SPORTSHAVEN FOR YOUR SPORTING GIFTS Everything for every sport the year round, 61 KING EAST . RA 3.2711 FREE CHRISTMAS BONUS with your purchase of a suit for Dad, you will receive a Top Coat or Car Coat absor lutely FREE, Your Credit Is Good at DUNN'S MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR "Where Smart Men Shop 36 KING EAST © In Downtown Oshawa | URGE SORE TOYS TURKEY AND FOWL CHURCHES, BANQUETS XMAS PARTIES SPECIAL PRICES, BESY QUALITY Litz Pruddtn arm AND PROCESSING PLANT 117 Bloor 51. E. RA 3-4722 ORDER NOW YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEYS At lowest, . market prices, Grade 'A' Premium, ters ball 6 Ibs, 10 25 Ib. weights SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA TURKEYS YOu © BETTER ORDER EARLY FOR THIS HOLIDAY FRESHLY KILLED YOUNG TURKEY Delivered Oven-Ready "Buy The Best It's Your Best Buy" TOWNLINE TURKEY RANCH RA 5.4233 | AND FREEZER PLAN | bli | For information with no gation Dial RA 5.3709 FOP A PRACTICAL GIFT SHOES, SLIPPERS OR GIFT C ER DIICATES MODEL SHOE » ORE 32 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH (Corner of Athol Street) % LET US HELP WITH YOUR "PLANS" We Tony Construction RA 3.9964 specialize In houses "BE OUR GUEST" Everything in furniture ond appliances. We will hold any item till Christmas. terms Saad TOYLAND Oshawa's finest, See our Complete Selection of Tove I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King W--RA 5.6311 learner Chureh St) SUDDARD'S FOR TRI.ANG ELECTRIC TRAINS SCALEXTRIC RACE CAR SETS TOYS BICYCI ES SKATES 497 SIMCOF ST. S. RA 5.3979 LEL LE LEU ITE. SANTA'S SHOWCASE EEL LL SU i TPE GEE ARTIST SUPPLIES Easels, Paint Sets, Oil Colors Brushes, Paint by Number Sets, Gitt Wall Plaques Easy M. COLLIS FURNITURE CO 78 KING W RA 5-0332 See nur complete display of we FLOOR LAMPS TABLE LAMPS we CEILING FIXTURES AND ROOM DIVIDERS OSHAWA FIXTURE & LAMP SLIPRLY 12 CHURCH ST OSHAWA wo TIRISTMAS TREES Lee Loo "ey CHRISTMAS. trees, spruce and pruned Booteh pine, Bill Seotl, 15 Hall Street, RA 50550 CHRISTMAS trees, Scoleh pine, #3, Corner of Prince and Colborne Streets, Gary Tayimi wd Ted Brown, WH 85063. We deliver CHRISTMAS 1REES Professionally pruned Scotch Ping and Spruce OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING LOCATION: AL PRESTON SUNOCO STATION, SIMCOE N, RA 8.6366 ~~ Free Delivery CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine, CHRISTMAS SPECIALS! IN CHILDREN'S SHOES, ALSO FOOTWEAR FOR LADIES AND MEN WESTERN SHOE STORE 84 KING ST. W. RA 5.4203 BEFORE YOU CHOOSE SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION Choice and Fir /7 PARK RD, § PHONE RA 8.6469 OPEN TILL 12 PM "CHRISTMAS! REES NURSERY GROWN = Scotch Pine, Spruce ond Balsam, Drive into location ates KINGSWAY MOTEL 695 KING ST. EAST RA 81 Spruce VGIFT SLIPPERS" DANCEY'S SHOES USE QUR:- LAY-AWAY PLAN FOR GIFT SLIPPERS SHOES AND WINTER BOOTS BURNS SHOES DOWNTOWN OSHAWA RA 5.4611 CHRISTMAS FOWL | cLirisTAAS TREES SHOES 31 Simcoe North == RA 5.3312 Evervthing in furniture and appliances. We will hold any item tll Christmas STARR FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 49) Ritson Rd S$. RAS. 34 NYLONS-GLOVES 'Supersilk® or "Kayser" Attractively Giff Boxed Chose Them At D'S 31 Simcoe St. §. RA 5.115) Al EDGAR'S PAINT & WALLPAPER . 34 KING ST WEST 2 BOWMAN! Open Evenings RA 3.7351 ROSSLAND ROAD WEST WAND ROAD WEST [NURSERY GROWN mmaas ™ Christmas and New Years PROFESSIONALLY Freshly THEREYS and Scotch Pine: Also felivered. Special price on | Spruce and Bu'sam. W. FE. LYMER Colored, Wirite, Gold, Silver, Blue or Pink. Table and Gift Certificates, Potted Plants VAN BELLE GARDENS Christmas Fowl! Capons and Turkeys Dressed and Delivered FRANK HOAG HWY ILLE N I HOBBIES CEE CONNIE & CLIFF'S HOBBY SHOP Hobby kits, craft supplies HO, railways, toys Lay wway plan RA 8.3431 16 Bond St. W, Before you look elsewhere, leat us name-brand table radio value $1 Self-storing doors Self-storing windows TV towers | En -- (PORTABLE) [24--Market Basket Regular $79.50 [Brine baskets, Eyman Brox. RA NEW BEL AIR ZIG-ZAG h 40 north on No, 12 Hig A SEWING MACHINE | rst farm on eft | HONEY = White, Regular $135.00 quid or processed Special $89.50 341 -- Ww wath machines 25---Pets & Livestock h Jet herd, veaistered, beautifully marked FABRIC TOWN temperament guaranteed. A de posit will |ther information A 5.6579 [REGINTERED Dachshund pups, thee sig @ ae ena a aogier ane Telephone MOhawk 88203 for further partioulars man pointer puppies, Five months old, FOR TOP QUALITY special pheasant and trial dogs. Apply | Street, Plokering. WH 2.4183 APPLES | Waubena Kennels. RA BEAUTIFUL vy budgies baby budgies ready for Buishel and, hali bushels Broad, 114 Elgin Steet East At Lowest Prices POODLES heautiful white miniature | Cedar View Kennels. RA 3.3062 Puppies and adult PALLOCK of ool Champ wiared. Tue Phone MO Hass whiny 0 RC H A R DS Will hold unt] Christmas. Codarview | Kennels, phone RA § 5062 Highway 12 East Side train tal strain ap . (Brand. 114 Elgin Street rr i PARTY New Year's Reservations Call THE MOULIN ROUGF or too SMALL RE o 30---Lost and Found to be sold ina color with black eollar ADAWOTE Sandy" Please telephone RA 530m WAIT, ABSOLUTELY FREE With purchase of $39.50 of mole, one aluminum lawn chair or door grill value $9.95 « With purchase of $100.00 or more a DIA ALUMA SEAL CO. RA 5-9365 ANYTIME AT MAPLE GROVE apartment size MA 3.5049 A W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST. EASY HO PETS FOR SALE oF ve Open Evenings [MINIATURE Poodles for sale. Black RA §- 1764 re an thet fulbiet. Resin Sabian [deriey Kennels OI S487 CHRISTMAS Jas BLY lit for your child, free collie TRANSPORTATION fae six oks old, really cute, Call OLiver §.3uas The Safe Wav to Celebrate Sate, Wav 10 Cole FOR THE LITTLE Halt? BUCKAROO ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST Mercury Taxi A RLAISTERED RA S47 45 KING F SHE TLAND PONY Oshawa's Mos RA RK 1240 say thanks with a Xmas Gift 9.95 from $39.50 from $17.00 from. $59 50 + Mode