ree Shye Oshoron Times hee made Chrismas Wks oes ER erie 10 the crs Ehesimet SECOND SECTION HAY A, ONTARIO, MONOAY, DECEMBER 12, 1960 PAGE THR TEEN sec es ty every Wes anh have # cw w= DDGMPays |Fiye People Injured fe 2 ort Visit To 1] Lor any heating spphiance, Dow 4 : hove fuse WB' 5 Ory COM NEr = ni 74 Local Lodge } wins. owt eave LreE (igits mm when IESrmg or eng] Five people sutlered iwiwries wins was reponied (9 hove hesniBR 1, Omens, colided with We OW, DOR'L ee RET hah 15 BRP oo os me of Cop. 70 Bec nts Teporied lo the perked on the wdc of the Fons ear re on Oswaws Foie Depariment fvr- when the car Sriven by We. Par. On Setar . 9, ( 4 " fusks IF Hgihing rcs / biiia es i / y dpe MORE THAN MW Christmas | the Oshaws Junior Gorden | sme of (he BIRR ements | show, The logs were cirewaled wplishion longs, So FR were ME the peckend. AMR Bye re rah collided with B. Bert ad Aven od | Club othe Cnidren's Arena | which were yidged Ww the Wn order (9 prevest a rash of Christ 7 cerned LiEdment oh the (shane Jeon Ce WETE DResensers Wh) poof 4g erA I 8" Shuey here #6} lor amd wepior sections of A wii have Times Photo dl pd si fires i end po Minis ng Bog » Gonsrit Honda and were who 11he cor devon by Han Cos. | rises been s Hand 4 welcome os © 16 go home. Damage Ww 55 Dimage 9 the £85 wos report 70 R ha ping i depity i po pd WREHERA ae tiBenis 1A# uA BIOL Eh wt BIBRA, by the Oshawe Pics AR ANGEMENTS Visi 1s fhe lodge Mh gpd A, ove B. Perek, 19, of 4 Bla { Wiki tate dD ud igs NS ' A ii Bro. Wennameker Aenvered & just west of McMiblon dive, ot beth strest, Oshawa, Wes treed fine pddress on O48 Fellowsnp 12.50 am, Sundey lor whikdions Lo bis Nem eye Ha mailed w ; a sid, on howell of Grand Master Taken to Oshaws Generel Hos and knee ot OShowe Gemersl Hos | No one Was : { ¢ : Vicker, ewiented the senson's pial were Allred George Par pial, plier a collision st King and] AB estima / ! f J ' grectings (o the members. He nish, of 150 Verdun road, Osh Bassey streets, Salwrdey wt 6.15 swied from # spoke of the petivities of the awa, with shrasions 1o both arms p.m. Wr. Peek ws Snving west order 1B Onlario end In the kuees, and bis forehead; Barton King sirest west when he esl . 7 world # large, We emphases Collins, #9 Ritsom 108d, wihilided with # vebide drives by 0 Ss / " ihe good the members fo their shrasions to Ws lip, nose md Charles 1. Gilliland, of 164 West | 7% ; fellowmen and mentioned thet eye, Jean Collins, M6 Bilson mownt street, Apt, 3, Oshawa. driver of the other car wes . i Coripition Lodge wis mstitnied road, with awasions 16 both legs! Damage to the velidies was esti Frank Bray, of BR 1, Oshews, The Chiistimas party and exhi- Gificyit tor them to find food 4 ; by Grand Master Wikkiom Ford and Eileen Collins, 24 Blevenson mated at $500 Ton cars were Involved bition of Chrishines Brrangs Vhe second fhm desl with the 2 on May 5, 1507, This means the road north, with abrasions to her A two-car eolision, mm Ross collision om Simcoe street ments was Haged by the mem: procedure and work volved ip , lei lodge will kelehrite Ws ken lofi leg land rord west, Setwrdey, Dec. at Elm averse, Sunday # 1159 bers of the Dshawa Junior Ger- the log@ng mausiry as carried mo , # tenmal wn 197 The four were tresied by Dr. 18, ot 12.20 pm. cansed ap esti am. Damage was eshimated of den Club, in the hianguet ball of iB uF Wonled aress : The dlogen of the grand mas C. BH, YVipond snd Dr. Kian pt muied $175 demege. Hordid BR. 8275. The driver of the first gar the Children's Aren y lay. During the evening Bani - pre. o 7 3 ter this year is "Progress With the hospital snd later released. Hayes of 422 Rossland road west, was Robert M. Thompson, 192 EVERIBE, When pi 4 ie sented a gift 10 each 3 } } gi Determination Bro. Wanna. They were taken to hospital by was making # pght hand turn Beant street, Kingston, The seg maker commented that 04d Fel- police cruiser and ambiance ie Wis Arivewsy when & car ond car wis doves hy Vera B MEMDErE anf the Exech ang one 16 # na £ i / : of the Oshawa Horticulturgl 56-18 appreciation for the Wi # # lows have an eduction founds The cor driven by Eieen Col driven by Jan Cones aptol, of Stephenson, of #6 Quebee street CleLy WETE BPEL or BE BRE BWVER 8 Eh " tion. Loans ean -he made by the -- - -- a OREBEUN edad / ' A foundation to the children of O44 . The hall wa wel OF led f 1.7 A Fellows to further thelr educa with some TH arranger duds: Mosk Hou, a vrs, Band | h Pu | 4 ¥ 9 fiom The loans can be paid back ocal NY m hon mes WEEE emiered 1or Compe fond divided the exhibiiors ino . ] ) ? } ler L the Jumor Gardens: two sections, The Junior section B ' : if i ' Mention was Bo made of the H ] | P 7 8k 5 6 n years 8 2 : i | . 4 a Fellows ome # Barre art NAGE IMPREAsED i or th ve an A, ei for y / ; J i where presents, pu by Basrie 0 Y 8 THOR. FRET OEE, YE those from 12 Wo 16 years of Bge - / ' 5 Al throughout the province, will be Tro ram eq Diss pelle 0 u 4 # idee A the ho 0] ' : > f hy opened by the mates during the " Em h A Yom oh Sem WOW Rl Wak JoRperE 4 BEA vr 4 k %, slings SLRS men originality and desig hei TYMIOR SEOTION waron, 8 : 4 (0 ) naman serson On Wednesday, Dec, 4, the could never he obtained by pri- together Saturday might at Hotel arrangements, Extra points w i Arlene Owen # 4 eq 7% y The Ife held a most SHECest| choy Symphony Orchestre 15 vale study alone, In the Oshaws| Genosha for thelr anpual Christ: given those whieh rom mi Hy re Phoimpson iii Vi 1 ful Christmas Party BOturany | siarting its thire season with # Symphony Orchestra at presenti mas dinner and dance, terigl which had heen gathers cen £ and Suzanne Wes pi 4. Wi , for the ehildren of the members. concert in Simese Sireet United there are five players whe arelunder the auspices of the Em trom the great out of dog 0 ar HevaRden dl He / i he payty was under the diree-| orl Some members of hel students in Oshawa schools, shout] ployees' Benevdlent ¥und Baa heen painted and Taso) cies, Robert yaul, Talis Ad h 4 c Hon of Bro, Bobier. Toys and cugience will he wondering i alone eighth of the number of| Benevolent Fund Chairman Bill into the arrangement ward and Terry Thom / ; candies were distributed and #\ friend or relative will cope with! members who attend regularly, | Wilson, and his father, Time 5 Mrs, Fairbrother, » ' Mantel arrangemen i 7 fine program of -eneriaimment| that fiendish passage + his! This 1s a very satistying situa | Publisher and General Manager y lived in Oshawa and first « Wen wry Than w, G pn . wis presented heen struggling with for weeks. tion and it is reasonable to as-|T. L, Wison, extended a warm ganized gu Adumor Garden Cl Lshis 11d ks a 1 v o A Christmas party for the Some players will be thinking sume thet these numbers will in-| welcome to everyone in atiends In Oshawa, was very pleased with! Susan Simpki SANTA CLAUS VISITS UNION PARTY wives of deceased members ofthe same thoughts with even| crease. As soon as finances per-|ance as Hotel Genoshs em the results which had heen d the lodge will he held Baturday,! more apprehension, and perhaps! mit it is hoped that the orehes- Plovess carried n piping hot tur. iforts of Mrs, [SENIOR SECTION ' of Local 60, | Christmas Party Saturday | big attraction for the children, Dee. 17 marveling at thelr foolishness nts. can establish some scholar: key dinners (a the nearly 2% em: f as he gave gifts Lo Busan played through [ Bandiord, as the presen 5 I and instrucior of the group wnons, Carolyn Haywa #0 jee Employees (Oshawa Board | umbus Hall for their ehildren, | Hasiah, 4, and Lovie Selleck, | #8 chance to make # Jblig demon: | ious instruments, so that promis-| With full stomachs, the stall Hosts of the party were Murs bie MacMillan, Cathy § of Works Department), held a | Been here is Santa Claus, the | Oshawa Times Photo 1% | Nativit Pla stration of their short comings | ing young musicians may henefit| snd guests settled back to enjoy Earle Sandford and her co-chair Far Mchongia, Di | Y Y In the latter group will hel both themselves and the orches-| entertainment supplied by Mont: 7 some of those who with great ira real might club eiFeuit entertain. Mrs H Hayward who! and Peter Volks, tied yan, Mi Fat and Larry Day, » |' " lose in attendance hilderhofe, Brenda Kavanan : a Tg steps toward FOR PUBLIC PLEASURE comedy » dance team and Les, " {Haro i $ ' ] TOES an a aus 8 resente the first tentative Hens toward The third' principal sim of the| Barker, a Canadian cartoonist, and Terey Thomp obi 4 ol ps1 g the chestrn in th i FILME. SHOWN establishing the orchestra in We rh Us the presentation of| currently working the might eiuk Cath A 95 8 Ol Pwo IMETEsng ana ede ation 4 Ad ) vr fet By Students Would y To " tod eymical| concerts. and this the public as eireult in | 8, ' films were shown group, Wiishire, Adrian Pope Br wi From Tree Sales ays 181 [to feel that the chances of sue-|pech of its operation has several aha fhe i had heen aid what 10 feed the Wipds dur: bie MacMillan: David Hedge and | The Christmas Slory was recess were small, Very lew i ed Ad aly i ftiaf as rounded po) the eyeing w Te ing the winter season when it isi Earl MeDopald, tied told in song and moving color, ers turned out; there were whole|le pride, (he Rone h oS ie freshments and dancing, Musie . 2 FONTY FOO! The Seoteh|and largest plantation owner when students of the Bastern| sections missing; some had locally cultural = Ach pg for the dance was supplied hy {pine Christmas tree havvest on|' There are no ways to quick 0 ar Y Pentecostal Bible College, Peter-(nol played for years and others matehing or ti 4 h he vt] George Wade and his Corn Hush VOTE ANALYSIS the Stouffville » Brighton » Ponty-|profits in this business, 1 have borough, presented Nativity Pa.| Were still learning, The contrast|other communities, The suppo pool badiands region of Ontario been relailing trees In American! v geant af the Pentecostal Church, between (hose rehearsals and) given fo the orchestra in the pastiers, I ais Maria) hee Banta Claus made a guest ap # ndey the present ones is marked and| Iwo years and to other organize: gh Che ) 26 sinee the ei E 8 2. Sires | has ronched the mopping wp| harley itl boing v the 4 rly fe pearance of the UAW Hall af 8 Biman street south Bundnytie Drew even. though there] tons over 8 much longer period # Christmas party held for the ® (ara still gaps to he filled andi indicates that many eitizens of ew ' vr Ny getting involved in such & @orious! ships for advanced study on var: ployees, thelr wives and friends, yr angement Brend i i an of Public Berv: | afternoon in the Knights of Col- | US ho sities ses|yel, | | 1659 4 smher A The p 10 | : Ne W Ma Ol W ( )1 | a ing win Onan Tos $5000 on the Dusiness." : Sifiren wis er ame " the ped " li the BL a section 18 at full strength, 1 Oshawa take a genuine Interest EE a i ' A A884 RH ERY | Oshawa and Digtriet Labor Coun | INE helpes lid | , of 4 ele eity' | Resident grower Ken Moses| gj) which the students played the|he Fate of progress ean helin thelr elly's achievements in trees that will soon be disiribut on Sunday belween 2 and 4 the p sore 4 , dihthd A : maintained, in & very few yeavs|the arts, ou orme ed to petal store and vacant|with 300 acres sald that mast] on ports Several beautiful tah Oshawa should have # large and corner lots outlets from Buffalo| people have a mistaken deal" AY one time his arrival seemed! lean's were created, possibly the 4 dn d Concerts alse produce income, In South Wards and Detroit and as far south as|ahout the growing of CHFIBBS uterine me his ar ly hh med most beatiful being the scene in| PAIANCed orchestra, Perhaps It Is unfortunate that gl The official reception of mem: Florida trees for a livelihood, They thinki van out of snow 19 wiles from| whieh the shpeherds were seated cREAT GOOD MUSIO nances should intrude in antistie hers and the eonferving of Madge With Christmas day falling on| that ane has only to buy marginal Oshawa, The program began with] around the manger and the Chile!" Te abiectives of & symphony Endopvor, hut few, i A ol 6 was held last Sunday hy Sunday this year, the sale of land, plant it quickly and St 30 minutes of cartoons with com: Child avehestra, however, are not] Met things in life are free. Bal-iaary's Holy Name Society, A survey of the many statis | the ward One, No 81, he 100% (reps in the United States will hel hack on his verandah Walling fF ments on Santa's progress bel The visual aspects of the Pa limited to the acquisition of play Aneing the budget fan er A 8 recent Inaugural eleee ties which invariably pile up fter| by & one vote margis limited to about seven days, star:|the trees to make & quick profit| tween films from emeee Cif fgeant were hacked hy the welllers and at this time it 1s fitting backing, even a Ma tion the following slate of officers 8 municipal election shows! The mayor took only two of the|ting Dee, 17, that will gross On| for him. Mr. Moses says he finds) pijiey trained sollege choir, Many ofthat the orchestra should 100k atl and help from local individuals iors Shosen: Drosident, I. J, Mayor - elect Christine Thomas eight polls in Cedardale, finish (tavio growers some 82 million|ii dificult 10 make ods Modest A thunderous applause hy some| the individual vaices weve good,|some of these alms and evaluate and pi 4 ws (oF the ov:| McCarthy; vice-presidents, @, drew her voling © support from ing here on the short end of the|The greatest percentage of trees) profil afer being a decade In the) 160. children under 12 years of hut the most memorable air was! their success, The primary mo il has managed to stay sok eld and CO, Roesch; secretary the south wards Cedaranie, 1553-420 count. One poll, 610, was|sold [here are Beoleh pine, afbusiness ie greeted Santa on his aprival (sung by the young lady wholtive of the group who started the|oent hut it has done so largely|®: Tones; trepsurer, G, Woodall Puth-west and south-east -- and tied, hoth candidates taking 60) species unique to the provingel Nature is very much against The Jolly benefactor veciprocated| played the part of the first angel |orchestra was to create an op by limiting its activities pik aland directors, R, Jubenville, ¥, Rk Seiad orn Jw im voles 4 ahd lo the Pontypool distriel in the ( bristmas ee Ber nk rising all present withl The church was packed to| portunity to play dood Mudie, very grudging payment of wn: Paar, FP. A Paultler and J, i? i er second largest ward ma-| pa i is sects HEABES y ames capacity, any people-do not realize that B p 0 " ' | Mrs. Thomas lived in the an: jority Mrs. Thomas found in the {STILL ROLLING icing and hirds are a constant! Luncheon followed the receiv: apachy, -------------- pi i music is nol enough Avaidable gles When income h The society was addressed hy dexed area, on Oshawa's west| annexed area. She took 80 of the) Yio THERAANG source of severe erop damages) ing of gifts and due to the efforts To get full benefit from any Te-iaw will begin to operate, Kx-|Bev. H, J. Hickey, spiritual dis de Harrls avenus 46 polls for 3420 votes. The ma or he Sutling hiling and hauling amounting to more than 10 pen of the UAW Ladies' Auxiliary No, N E ti t eration we must take. part in it, penditure will vise to meet in: rector of the Archdiocese Holy Mayor Lyman Gifford, long-|took 16 polls and 5040 voles, Ong FEWER (IGINE pote hive) cent of the tolal rowth 1 Aaddl-187 a liberal supply of sandwiches, ew H) ima e and the Oshawa Symphony Oromo and some projects whieh|Name Union, Father Hickey hme resident of south-east Osh-[poll was Hed The majority: 871 a A ph ini WE operations) tional 10 per cent damage 18 piekles, conkles, cupcakes, tea chestra offers anyone who eanlave now only dreams may bes spoke on the aims and purposes #wa, led in hath the north vals Fl fare hy cased hy man: careless spot) and milk was on hand, U play, or who is willing to leavn| some reality of the society and referred to yards, He had a small majority| Mes, Thomas led 16 polls in a ae, AW " Opheavy, ten: fives, had planting and poor] CIE Pilkey, president of the n art 8 ge an instrument a chance to enjoy them as the right arm ef the par: in the north-west ward and ajrow, from AB right through to|'08 'Faller 10aas of trees sUllppuning practices; shady methods) Oshawa and Distriet Labop Coun playing good musie in congenial UNITY OF PURPOSE ish priest, ) [row, [roll out each night from thelof | ¢ seedlings, planting onlell, emeee'd the ly, K } 7 | | substantial one in the north-east No. 78 of huying seedlings, | ' party, Kelth i) 0 (AP) company. That rehearsals are| p r 0 Almost 100 members were of ward | Mayor Gifford had some big (labyrinth "of haulage ponds Onihad soils and then trying to sell) Ross, secretary - treasurer of the By. 10 Yt RE AF) The sutth fun is shown hy the number of oo naly pr, hu inportint ficlally received into the society, . 2 tpl! majorities In the anne youl | ATkeLs inferior varieties of trees, Oshawa and Distriet Labor Couns (© scientific dating techniques people who gladly pay member:| tion belween SUAIEnce and APLIEH TE ------ HEADED 66 POLLS aren, even though he lost it, Foup| BPFUCE aNd halsam Christmas) ell, was chairman and Mrs, © )00 Obie earlier age esti-| MIP fees, have hahy sitters and) wiion is the objective of all truelone of the priceless avtistie Mrs, Thomas led 66 polls ool margins show this: No, 64]'T¢08 are now being harvested in| 18 YEARS oLn Pilkey was In charge of the RL # who practically ve-organiee thelr) oi "even though the practice of|periences. whieh he iH . - pling up her 8466 vole Mayor] (140.81): No. 65AL (115.48): No {Hh Rhelhrn A Halon « Barrie Fhe Beoteh pine Chrisimas tre | refreshments The afternoon of ' tence Indicates that the cald lives in order to attend, some modern COMPASETS, WrILers He onoes rah Lg hot io eiifond les In 45 polls (wa WER ii (100-0); and No. #0 (138.40). [0d Midland » Tenciang regions) industry 1s 18 years oid in Sou: cheer was enjoyed by all atiend:| Fvidenee Indi ales that he cold] "a cinor abisctive of the or: and Printers may SUgHORE other: our young peamle a te 4 | as he voflected TA6R vals Bh ARR RR LBL noerlles of hoi of these then Ontario aid controlled now| ing Pladets of our las system ory chestra 18 10 provide a means|wise, Music 18 weltten to bel which oa in B 4 uh My Mrs a Homa overall © margin ware in {he Tnllowing_ nell No, |tecios dis Li Bb Jahy big Aharion wel swe of hy . 5 save Dr. ohn H ame un! hy which young people JSudying heard, and veaches its fulfill-|age which tends to over-value Mis B04 vols HK { 17 Jo. 70 (166-63) JH AGH f ah VA 4 t ht iI musie either in school ¢ 08 or J " fessionals hooking at the 11 polls Wing No 78 (106-44 thar 1] In Ontario nd Rovther ome denies whens wha, i not yenity of Calitormia physicist, i" sin may Prva a ror eu oly Vike & come ogeth. pevieotion Wand mechanical 5 arial order me finds the In nm Hime or rela sales|attempting 0 earn anythin ANA i } ner. : > bed 4 | $ t ahiherieal in the ih vest + and al the last moment, about mid ahout this highly ng : fan Hair Toloia, 21 mitjy BY $h Sven ho deat, 00 Jrouided sre, va hdoubledly be 3 q i dad Ms. | 06 ainess. tre ) J " LL y d p ( chanical perfegs trocar id's Mer) CELEBRATING Porn, oy ol est, oe, hel lions hate at on fai # ee of aes, ht msiros, un of on, oi Wedpekday neni' fmas 630-604, He took five out | we ung i Aso 2 husines # 1 BOLE: | satisfaction; they Intend tol audience and performer that ean|if we ean ju Mer cone dhe Bolle, Ne oa BIRTHDAYS Christman tree thin meets the a had trimming until they ave i 1 tists have heen able to compute | make music thelr profession] aceur In & live concert oF play, oer, the et Jute ios, the rest hy good [eve a ald Figin Budd of Sim-| eventually forced out of the busi: | & / (dort of slow speed clock that| membership in an orchestra willleven though the latter may he pleasure, some pride and ens | congratulations and best [908 Poatypool's pioneer planer! ness iy | reaches back to the time when provide a solid foundation of ex-|less perfect artistically than the couragement to strive for new ; he earth was formed, [perience and knowledge which!produet of the studies, This 1s'goals for all wh | Thoma 0k polls Hive wishes to the following re hi, the first twa hy] i ) dents of Oshawa and distriet IX votes resheetively who ave celebrating thelr plght with a deol ew e (o] Ee 4 Hoda a sive 72 vate maori | "Larry Westlake, RR 8 {fhirteen of the 1H. pol helo yi Lowlse Murdock LD aden \ fl wen PRUE) Mead rT street u A J Gifford ax he led BO) Volt ap idie Clarke, 308 a e uc on PRomas, (440-148. HI ef Wroneh street; Chilstine Sim Kins, 788 Thornton's road | TORONTO (CR)--A cattle awe Phe auctions have heen slow LOSE VOTE [ worth: Mes. C. Meknight, aad [ton where the final hid doesa't| reaching Toronto, They are al| Re maar tok twa. Rl Cubert street; Hud Hill, 4s | 00 omatieally, olose the sale 1s ready operated in stockyards| ad 30) hy one vate nw us. al Myers sweet; Daryl Pipe, |PeIng teked at the pravineialiin Montreal, Winnipeg, Calgary, third hy five vo and a fourth] 708 Lakeview avenue; Kliza eKyards here Moose Jaw, Sask, and Saska hy eight votes. Mrs Thomas de beth Ann Steenburg, RR 4 It was started In September on 1000 veloned nall pocket of ne Oshawa: Jennifer Hall. RR experimental hasls operated] Currently only slaughter cattle bh 3006 ers } Mi. 0 31) & Bowmanville; M Averill [thes days 4 week are being sold at the publie aue: BOARD MEMBER a i yo 6 was eidinning iN it Bt 8 ) | bo oo * of To p 4 i ahial | o ot W ib hil y Py \ WY h a Jat Bort i iy Ale ool a here hut terlacoment=--ap dome W. Mokup, Aub of Mt Io HAR I Coker INT Division street; Mil Rp ee are Hive fopder--cattle are als expected Park Mu Jaen yhlekup, " he Rex 10 polls ae lk ht Wi Mrs, M. Halas, RR 4, Osh days a week, Monday te Friday oe ania by this Method in the hoon Nad dum Sai, aa he south-west wa or ) \ 5. Me p 1 y Ne ar," § Me f pr the ao JH af want. Nese | We ne iW Freda ¥ lot after hi New Yeay said Fred ihe private treaty, is expected to president and member of the \ d I ¢ 2 Cadillag » [Camphell, manager of the st00K: | gisannoar ard of the LaClede Bond and nhlavity, taking the ward el] Phe first five persons to in yard Mortgage Company of §t sh 'or seven of the 10 nol win The Osh fimes of | "The commission salesman, ov| , Voder this method, wali now! paws, Missouri. My Pigkup, a v tv, the mavar's ma ein hivthelays each day will [seller, has the final word on a the most papular with buyers and graduate of OCVE (1988), held IY was naw reduced fo BING seopive double tiokets to The [sale and may refuse to let a steep|10HETS Sales are made hetween! managerial positions Wm the voges. Mes. Thomas built wp hel Regent Theatre, good for & [go if he thinks the bid price is MMmission salesmen and pack:| mortgage loan depaviment of ; rifning margin in the next furl four week period. The current [not high enough Wg company buyers The Prydential Insurance Come wads | atiraction 1s "Desire In The | "This is designed te protect the Another method-the Duteh| pany of Ameriea in Buffale, Polls 12 and 18 went to Mes) fu farmer ar produce »| Auelion--will stay. Here ok Philadelnhia Boston and Chi BR I eR BA prochucer who owns the la) ore Sto Er at 5 u 'Y 100 \ 114-40) Reports an hirthdavs will cattle. The cattle are assigned tolfatte, mostly veal calves, will] "REQ Prior 10 Accepting his new ll 2 fe 8 1 nu > HA be recived only hetween the [a commission Aalesman hy the Continue tn he sold along with Position ha Wei ; Boils of 8 am and 0 am (Eeodicer and it 1s his job te get (YRIEY produets, At this Kind of] ts ship took Polls f A > e | and 17 the m leone hy i Phone RA 3:8 A fair price If he thinks a final{ancitivn the auctioneer hoging the| ol Vata hid price 18 not high enough then! hidding and instead of raising the! est ota AR ! MITEFF WON'T FIGHT he can pull his oattle aut of the | hrice lowers 1 wil he gels a VOTE MARGIN CLEVELAND (AP)--Alex Mit. ("ng and enter them again when buyes | TF | y , Thomas continued herioff, Argentine heavyweight['he chances of getting a higher! Although the auction wethed S ly | winging ways hy coming up wih hoxer, said Sunday he won't fight [Price are better being tried here isn't new, it has| . i i i i her! biggest majority, #08 voles. Pele Rademacher here Tuesday| PIok Nicols of the Owtavio/wot yel wade any ahprecianle The oifice of the Greater Osh. | a, Ba. wm south-east ward. She led 18 hecause his eves hurt fpom sun: [ABFleuliure department's live limpaet an big U.S, centres. Ohi Awa Loamimanity Chest enarted tale Ei, itr" RE hom ek hon 1 cn to, Mt lw, ah sd, AAA NEW PUMPER UNIT DELIVERED TO FIRE DEPARTMENT ve ph the mayor's : hooked a " ne Jif | ANCHO has heen go \ by x EY : W Me POIVe @ Hst of do Mrs. Thomas had four vols ay. Seg i uel ARIGIRRL IeRtion, a fond ey | a Ee Te ie thed nations, not previehsly acknawled The Oshawa Fire Depart | equipment, which veplaces an | the engine. Seen, fram left, with 1 Aid. John Brady, ohatrman of MARRS tn polls 3 and 33 a Wand Dr MH. Lame some of the sales pressure from naw awd again. Kansas City and" 4 JOHOW ment Saturday afternoon took £18 . year » old bumper with a | the new pamper which cast | the city council five protection solid edge In the of §. The brig i him in good shapeithe first of the week awd spread | Denves 5 Doth ho ai AORN IT 0S 50.00] delivery af a new La France | capacity of 700 gallons per | $36,000, ave Fire Chief H. R. | and elty ANORERY oammities: seven polls taken hy the mayor except far the complaints aboutlit "out mere eveily was being ht A th methods atl W, Holliday M0) Triple Combination pumper | minute, will pump #40 gallons | Hobbs; CIE Moore, sales Ald, B t 13] XN i . | | girely mare on private aedty! t which will he ered : | 4 hob! \ Top , Eraes arks and Ald, werd spaced evenly throughout his aves {realized ling | hy oh Wi quart I | per minute. It is of unique de. | resentative of La France Fire | Gordon Atterslay, members (selling Total To Date HILT 40[ the main fire aall. The new ! sign an the cab is ahead of | Engine and Foamite Oo, Lid | of the comamitien dre would he 288 vale | | n