'EvenEskimos Avoid | _ nl : Pr a Radar Station Area | [[NLEXPLOSIONY| (fy Yay By GERRY MWeSEN, aRaioieh wii 16 Aes Canadien Press Salt Welker § Later, they i @o ov MONTREAL, gah popests of RoVIREIrR ME wi The Wepre, [ke most Rovthern soiere mre #VIdest REN # | IRVes, FIER fussy ERlErs #06 Cape Dyer, ote of # EW § i take what they can gs Rot on the western coast of) Hal's ORE FERS IF RL VERN aL Ln Ling often Dom The bese Tie cheeriess rader sation] The wewlly ner) Cremwes 509 mites north of Mowtrest, | | 'TeqgRent he netty Evie lacie Ws a8 BIER 50 WRITER nd) lump, Wickpamed #6 # TEE 59 Aedoid of Wie thet even theif ederd Wiestrie Free Snacks) nrdiest Kakimes wyoided if Latter the rm thet built the DEW A Esimaos lve there now line posts Ww the early 10s, | H " f WARTHA HER we emploved # the! "We can't wry the gervege or { g ; hove bees rosin in we wold," sid FO Conroy Shown of , , "i parts of the Wig Esst-l Only # few arctic (ox & 2:55 » 605 - 9:15 JOAN BENNETT send wha m hee 1s other, small soimate room Jo thet - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | AOWT nar . ; sl 4 " civilian workers mes the polar besrs ore F | hy ot rn rr 5 Te Vir ARRY BELAFONTE ROGERY RYAN SHELLEY WINTERS EIS VJ 081010188]! despite ample Indoor comions, never seitied there hecianse mt o Owldonrs, nature oilers Witle he- ing is 59 poor \ yond good ishing and regeed There wre Eskimo setiements 14 ARTS TODAY IND BIG HIT! . i . . SRENETY ot Pangnintung, howl 125 miles 5 5 Camp Dyer sands on 5 T00- east and the site of mm RCMP 'HORIZONS WEST " » foot mountain thet Dlanges fl base, and Padloping Idand,| dW TECHMICAOR ~~ R A most sheer te Davis Strait. showt 25 miles north, bit sepef-| 4 Other mowniaing rise 500 and sed from Cipe Dyer by mown starring ROCK HUDSON 4 0 fect Wak aroyed the bese teins 7s Wgh Rs 00 feet . NOTHING BUY ROCK Despite the isolation, sn wnder i " . oN The ares 15 trediess because walter eaie to Newloundiand md 1 of the solid rock. Lichen, pretic a SCRUET-WRYE BYHEm perms LN cotton and a few tired Bowers (Elephone COBY ETSREIONS to he riale lo? We votes wrewn ide wacly win he wivic] OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE "Even # lew months here can' I the Cape Dyer radar records he tough," seid FO Peter. Con suspicious objects, North Amer) voy, 31, of Ottawa, In & telephone can Air Defence Command head CASTING MEETING conversation. with s reporter af quarters at Colorado Bprings 2, St, Hubert RCAF base near Coo, can he put on the alert. in FOR Monies! seconds. The telephone link so An hour before the conversa: extends to other DEW and Pine "" " tion, another worker st Cape Tree line radar stations and 10 Dyer had. to make & burried run RCAF and USAF bases through for his snowmobile when a polar out North America hear turned on him as he took Apert from the defence aspect pletres it's resssuring to he able to esl) . . { "Phere are & lot of hears the outside world when & 109 By Dorothy and Michael Blankfor! around this time of yesr ex- mile anhovwr gale is blowing and I nk ' C directec A, Hiott Pained FO Conroy. "Davis Strait a great while face is peeking to be directed by Art Ellio hasn't frozen vet and they're hungrity wn the window Wednesday, December 14th, 8 pn Hold Bazaar ot Simcoe Hall Thursday, December 15th, 8 pm, Ys / f At Enniskillen at Mclaughlin Library Theatre ENNISKILLEN The parson, Mr, Arthur Stainton, Peterbor All Members and Prospective Members age board eireuit bazaar Was ough is spending & | ks al held Wednesday evening, Nov, 9, 4 La a WING 4 few Weohs p Are Welcome y with a good attendance. The \ Committee In charge wish to] Mr. and Mrs, Harold Ashton thank everyone who helped in were recent callers st A, Werry's Anyway to make It a success Mrs, Mable Hands, Mount Den-| nis spent the weekend al Mr. and Mrs, John KE, Griffin Mr. and Mrs. C, Oke, Oshawa visited his aunt and father Miss Kisie Oke and Albert Oke Mr, and Mrs, Harry Strutt, Mr and Mrs, Howard Bowen, Mr ; ' /; 4 Ross Bowen, Oshaws, were Bun Highway 401 at Bowmanville Interchange day visitors at C, Pethicks and of REHWIN , ' Mrs, KE, Bratl, afl (8 ~ Dance to the Famous ~ Mr. and Mrs, George Trwin . p were Bunday tes guests of Mr 1 and Mrs, Lioyd Hewson, Agin- S\'E ® Cliffe Locke's Orchestra eourt, 1 ", Miss Clara Page, Mr, and Mrs ; . Ed, Coombs and girls, Toronto om ® Fabulous Floor Show ! were with Mrs, E, Page : Mr. and Mus, Joonard Siatnton y =---------------- @ Featuring: ALEC REID of Toronto Night » amily were Sunday tea \ 1d " i Bie A . must possess the man | love, , heart, body and soul! Club fame , , . in the Lounge guests of Mr, and Mrs, Herbert LJ MGM sn i ior by TECHNICOLOR Elaborate Buffet Supper Stainton, Hampton ® Hats, Balloons, Noisemakers pm, Dec, 10th, Would all Mission | The Mission Band Xmas party -- . J and members bring thelr mite] RHAPSODY Special Interior Decorations I will he held at Mrs, R, Stenger i on Saturday afternoon at "2:30 hoxes, BIAREING Limited Reservations -- Dress Optional ames Tyson, Barrie, visited ELIZABETH TAYLOR Ample Parking Facilities vieitors at Cecil Robinson's, ! Mrs, ¥, Toms, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT For Reservations Phone Bowmanville collect MA 3-3373 J the ¥, Beckell's, Hor VITTORIO GASSMAN 3 Admission $15.00 Per Couple Mr, and Mrs, A. Sharp were| Mr, and Mrs, Walter Ferguson Wie UT... \ were Monday visitdrs at Mr, and| (1 (" JOHN ERICSON : LOUIS CALHERN 4 9PM. TO 177 ~ ---- a - Mr, and Mrs, Norman Avery and family, Bowmanville, with Ae Mr and Mr Clarence Avery a [11] LY M [0]: E F | (®) D ®) Tile 7, FLYING DUTCHMAN Motor Hotel Mr, and Mrs, Roy Langmald, ous' Mr, and Mrs Charlie Langmaid| AAPPPPIS NOW ON FALE IN HANDY BOoKLETS and family, Boling, Mr, Jim Kins. LL a man, Courtice, Mr, and Mrs, Keith MeGlll - and hoys were with Roy MeGill, Mr, and Mrs, W, M, Henry, Toronto, Mrs, Frank Denby, Bowmanville, were Monday visl:| tors at Adam Sharp's | Sympathy to Mr, and Mrs, N A p on the passing ol 8, | | (3 ' iba ge Basking 9 Mrs , VY A superb blend of Canada's oldest and finest M. Keith, Toronto i whiskies==in a truly elegant decanter richly Mr, and Mrs, Bert Stevens, ® rs i boxed in aod velour, A rare delight, A most Hampion, Mi, Roberi Rurgonn| : / @&H welcome gift, Tyrone, were Sunday callers al ' ' d | Hue, were Sunday col YES! EVERYONE SAVES WHEN --' Ans At Bach Special Sale ' Donald Wearn, Scarboro, Mr THEY BUY AT THE "BIG J, ! WwW. 1) Russell, Oshawa, with A, L STORES", SO COME JOIN THE a e Will Sell , , .. + 1 1 t 3 earn's CROWDS, AND PICK UP [i Miss Nancy Wood, Gates Mills y amer 1 3 Ohio, Robert Duncan, ORC, THOSE CHRISTMAS GIFTS fi ad Case pec a ¢ ec ¢ Guelph, were with Mr, and Mrs YOU WANT AND CAN NOW 4 : Only hands long skilled in the art of distilling 8. R. Pethick AFFORD, ) : could priduce a whisky so smooth, so mellow The CGIT Candle lighting sery il 2 00 so rich in flavour as Special Selected, Aged ice will be held on Sunday even At Each Special Sale i ! ONLY &» 8 years in wood, ing Dee. 11, at 7 pm Mr, and Mrs, Ed Co df We Will Sell , . . iB sh : i il : ) . f SE ATRL WRT | | fll CHI ARE Corby's Cir and Nim, Raph Virtue POWER It i VERY LIGHT were Sunilay visitors with Mi H gy : Pe i p Viala Williams and Ruby Virtue, DRILL in ; § 3 ONLY 1 00 The very lightest and latest trend in whisky, Taranto | y , hd Fully aged for 6 years, VL is a smooth blend of Miss Mary Griffin, Rowman 1 00 4 ; y very lig t Canadian whiskies with all the char. ONLY Hs EACH 4 acter, flavour and full strength you expect of ille, with her parents, My b : Min' Rh. Grif nda. : | Tubular Steel Hammer Corby's quality. Manning-Bowman y \ \ HAND MIXER $= > our 100 (Ea [If Corbis | Corby' JUST 1.00:.cx - w * LADIES' WATCH 49.50 RESERVE 0D K ye 17 JEWEL ' : \ J : 1 Mhabatided ty Smooth quality As popular for its 5 x 35 BINOCU LARS : : NRW Ten STE EEY SANTA 49.50 whisky N a budget price ap hi for its rice, In a smart mellow flavour, Pn) AND CASE : BR | MUSIC BOXES--4" Music Boxes 1.99 7" pe hottle, Aged Aged 4 years, In a ' & i Qrisntel Derign 3 . 8" Music Boxes 5 vears in wood, decantentype bottle: A LLA ) } ~ MISCELLANEQUS--~Chrome Hair Dryer 4.76 pes ) P \ ----r 2.00 8-pe. Wrench Home-Aute 69% == Tepe, C b : ONLY {la arnt doe, 4 : . ov $ ottles 1.99 = Travel-lrons 1.99 «= Deop-Fryers 14.95 -- Toasters EXTRA DRY The Guild Inn invites Electric Shaver in 8.88 -- Steam Drptlvons 9.88, London GIN you 1a p oO i you 12 hla ve "tae ost CUTLE Avg 4 Carver; 6 Steak Knives; 3-pe, oh ade Nee Yea a Carving Set; 2-pe, Carving Sets, ote, The smoothest gin The vodka with the one of Canada's mest unique and CLOCKS--Boudoir Clock 1.99 =~ Travel Clocks for long drinks and soft, hreathiaking beautiful country inns. A mag ° | ' 299 -- Kitchen Clocks 3.99 ~-- Den cocktails, One dry smoothness, Tops nificent setting on the famous - ) Clocks 2.99, dryer than any other for cocktails, r Scarborough Blutts, ver win Metro Toronto A Phone. or . BRING THIS Te'oua lo, Guided Fok 1l COUPON FOR 26 KING ST. W. Two Doors From SPECIAL MONDAY AMherst 1.3331, Manager w= YOUR on Dine : CORNER ' SALE TIMES THE GUILD INN &) FREE GIFT PRINCE ST. -- KING W. WOOLWORTH > 10 am. 2 pm. T pam, Cuikdwond Parkway on Kingston + Dearboroughy Ondario, Canad