The Oshawa Times, 10 Dec 1960, p. 5

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ho ; WHITBY And DISTRICT POLICE, FIREMEN IN GAME 41152 held its '| Wednesday I : ¥ Whithy, noble grand sister Greta|70 miles from Bella Coola, There > Camphell presiding. The meeting is great need of medical care for = # \were sent to members absent due Bella Coola stems from an Origine gimeoe At Auxiliary Meeting The Christmas meeting of the sion, this apart from her medics) afternoon Auxiliary of the work She wes a delightful, eng org" Women's Missionary Society wae thusisstic speaker and her talk held in the Assembly Hall of the presenied » resi challenge {United Church on Tuesday #t 3 Mrs, Hare thanked Miss Cuddy p.m. The president, Mrs, 5. Hare, for having come, st considerable schedule are theee Christmas {was in the ehalr and opened the inconvenience to hersell, to bring|verties ard two public appesr- meeting with a warm welcome 16 first hand knowledge of the work ances hy the senor band, all especially the visors got Bella Cools, The board ofl On Monday evening, Dec, 12 The minutes of (he. November |Home Missions of the United|the snnusl Christmas party for we some bisy Asys shed of Benevolent Lodge Has Christmas Mee The Benevolent Rebekah Lodge Christmas meeting in the 100F Hall, opened in the usual manner Sister Btella McLean, viee grand, gave the report of the sick commitiee,.-Cards and flowers to Hliness, and sister McLean will see that shut-in members will re were wied! Chureh of Canada supports a hos | ehildren of the Brass Band mem- os read, pital and two churehes in the area hers will be held at the parish Rev, John Buiih presided at the of Bella Conla halt a Aw » Soimy Anglican election of officers, Mrs, C R. Quays Ero | Charen, children wnder Roper, convener of the nominat in & . Vetuay Ny ip are Invited and besides entertain ing commitiee, presented (he (ive were ten hostesses, The fol em Wd irate they will have slate, which wes accepled, nl iowing are executive membars (oy Syparinity a meet Sania speaking of the transition into the (or the Afternoon Auxiliary of the alls a8 ie wi ' ' New Women's organiuation which Women's Missionary B0Iety, | ers of the Junior Wand mill hold yi ne into #tfact Jomunry 1 Honorary president, Mrs, John! their shnugl party, In the band rs, Hare mentioned some of the goin "pase president, Mrs, W, L.\rooms, at the corner of Brock ehanges we must face, Carroll; president, Mrs, HW, Rend Dundas sireet Mrs, M, G. McCarty led In the Hare, first vice president, Mrs, Instead of the usual bend prac worship. serviee and read the |, 7 Fallaise; second vice presi-|tice on Thursday ni in the story hrist's Luke's gospel, Mrs, McCarty pie- president, Mrs, 5, L, Osporne tured very vividly the Journey on recording secretary, Mry, F.!the parish hell at All Saints' the road to Bethlehem, Joseph!Ollen-Bittle; assistant, Mix G -------------- {end Mary arrived at the Inn! McQuade; treasurer, Mrs, E where there was no room fof Bowmen; assistant, Mrs, A, E them, the scene in the stable and Sturgess, Secretaries; correspond: also the scene on the hillside ing, Mrs, D, J. Kean; Christian where the shepherds were wath: stewardship, Mrs, J, BH, Brecken: ing thelr flocks, Then closed With idge; community friendship, | "Are we crowding Jesus out of Mrs J, FE. Whitehurst; supply, our lives today? 1 we would only Mrs, B, C, Roper; associate mem: let Him in all bitterness, strife pers, Miss W, Boys; literature, | (end selfishness would be erowded Mrs, H, C, Phillips; assistant, | out." Miss J, 1, McKay; press, Mrs Mrs John Smith introduced the ii. W, McQuay; pianist, Mrs guest speaker, Miss Ann Cuddy, Ross Hall; assistant, Mrs, R V For First By CLIFF GORDON The Whithy Hillerests who are playing host to Fronienacs here tonight are eur: three other teams (not counting {last night's game) whith was not Belleville, Peterhorough and Kingston, all have six points each as each "club hes won three games, The Whithy the scoring race, The; hig line of Shearer, Westfall Data as released to us yester including last Prosbyteons Plan #t Bells Coola, B.C,, and gave a most interesting talk which was Hiustrated by colored slides, of is enough timber In the area to its Vall Feather Roll on Thursday last another 6) or 70 years at the Whithy arena There war | Miss Cuddy spiced her talk with|# Very good turn out for the en the draws for six lucky persons The winners were; R, Colton, 207 many problems which arise from Byron street south; Ron Twining who is in her final year in medi: Richardson - cine at Toronto University. Miss Winners In {hes work at Bella Coola, The pop {ulation is mostly Indian, the oc pve p day, not several humorous incidents, She Jovahle evening and it saw a game, also told of & day spent at ANNA goodly number of fellows go home Chri P inter marriage among the In. 401 Anderson street; H. Jensen, ristmas arty . ' 1604 £me i €, Liscombe, B16 awa Pa digns, The present population al 004 Kmerson; C. Liscombe, 81 St, Andrew's Preshyteens open Cuddy spent (he past summer working in the Mission Hospital! Kinsmen Roll |eupation of the people fishing and |logging. It is estimated that there, The Whithy Kinsman club held ham reserve, a distance of some with their Christmas dinner | Also on tap for the evening was these people, Bhe spoke of the Centre street; Bev Gibson, B3| oq its weeky meeting with a busi street, Oshawa; Bob| pecs" meeting led {al six or eight families Ann Cuddy Speaker [Brass Band Plans Many Activities birth from dent, Mrs, I, Kamp; third viee hand room, the practice will he| held instesd in the auditorium of the Kingston Belleville rently tied for first place with Kingston played when this story went to). Ithe press, Tied with Whitby are/FUTURE GAMES team also Player has three players in the top 10 of | MeGill are the Goyer urke and Weston night's Aylesworth 1 hy Bonnle| | Wright, 184 Glenholme avenue mownsend, The details for the! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sotwdey, December 10, 1960 § ~ Members of the Wyithy Bross Bendmaster Erie -Carke Ba Ldislor man 4nd his son were killed ed nd | thet © Retice will aetus ¥ : unix Brads Band: Ld f out ors in crashed into & stationary! In satisfactory condition in hos: ion experiment to find them in the weeks between now the hand sounds in that suditor- snowplow on Highway #3 nesri pital sre Mrs, and Christmas, Included in their lum, If the band sounds satisinc- this town 32 miles northwest of Exeter, » (tory, he sald, the public may ex London ipect to be invited to eonceris| lihere in the future, On Saturday, Dee, 17, the Whit-| fy bend will play in the Banis Claus parade st Brookiin, The parade, incidentally, 1% pm, cone the park on Baldwin street, with old {Banta distributing goodies to all) children present, On Thursday, Dee, 22, instead | of the usual practice in the band room, the band will he out on the | streets of Whithy, weather per: mitting, They will be adding 10 the festive spirit of the tows hy | nlaying Christmas esrols through) the downtown section and (he | | shopring piaze. Later, the senior bend mem. pers will hold their Christmas Iparty in the band rooms res m-------- | begins ai {| 1 Hillcrests Tied ! \Father And Son Killed In Crash Seubers oi the Samay, Wore 13. Dead sre Leslie Richard, 7, and bis son Allss, 41, EXETER, Ont {ternal injuries snd suspected log when 8 ear they and arm fractures, jou Bailey, of ; Jored couple, and Susan Bailey, wo 10, Three others, Including TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE RE APPOINTMENTS TO TOWN PLANNING BOARD Persons having The necessary qualifications end whe are will: ing to serve on the Town of Whitby Planning Boord for a term of three years, are requested 10 intimete 1o the Town Clerk before Monday, December 19th, 1960, their willingness 19 serve, The Town Council will make a selection of two members from the nemes submitted," W. 5. MARTIN, Mayer, JOHN R, FROST, Clerk, Spot (Team Whithy Peterbor, | Picion Cobourg oad | Tonight -- Kingston st Whithy | Individual scoring records for op ten - -] a (B) (B) (B) {#4 Ww (K) Bn (Ww) > S@ Stephenson Bhearer to pt Hunter Westfal) O.H.A. Junior "B"" Hockey SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 8:30 P.M, KINGSTON FRONTENACS vs, _ | Whitby Hillorests Whitby Community Arena Adults 78¢; Students with cords end Children 50¢ (K) w) urran urke Slr! RNTLBIAD PADWIDI|WO ( B Miss Cuddy taught in the Bun-| Toronto, Bo in all, four of the siX| Cy ristmas party were discussed | celve Chrisimas baskets It was with great pleasure we| welcomed Sister Gladys Stone: i (burg of Bunghine Rebekah Lodge DDP of Oshawa west No, 7, when : she brought the message of the day school and preached on ocea-| prizes stayed in Whithy It was decided that the party would take place at the home of | WHEN LOVING C {Carole Wright, 718 Burns St., on| Dee, 21 at 7.50 p.m I The meeting closed with games| enjoyed hy all ARE COUNTS , , Best Wishes Whitby Police are sharpening up skates, sticks and butt-ends fof thelr classic charity game against the Whithy Fire Depart. ment on Dee, 18 in the Com: munity Arenas, Three stalwart members of the Whithy PD are shown practising finer points in ! operation with objective for the current year of the Grand master of the 100F and the President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, It was an nounced Benevolent RL, in eo Kinoven RL will recei/e Rister Louise M, Clarke, president of the Rehekah As {isembly when she makes her of { | Rogers, tington and PC Ernest Shep: | perdson give firemen an idea of what they will be facing, In the lower photo, Sgt, Partington, right, tosses PC Mason over the hoards, _ Proceeds from the game ~ there will be a silver collection -- will go to the Whit- hy Safety Counel lo assist them ficial visit Jan, 18, in Brooklin, One application for member ship was received, Sister Hazel Lilllan Yoeman and Davidson celebrated their hirth days recently Lodge was closed after which a playlet was enacted Ruberts, Pellow, Saunders, Me Lean and Ward, entitled "Christ mas Festival', and was very much enjoyed hy the members A social hour was spent with de. Hazel Rogers, Mildred Smith and committee hy Bisters lightful luneh served hy. sisters With the exchange of in their work in Whithy hockey. In the upper photo, PC Oshawa Times Photos Jack Mason, Sgt, Clifford Par- [gifts an enjoyable evening was brought to a close Your Fine Clothes Deserve - Our Exira Care We're particular about your clothes , , , you'll know this is FIRAT EMPEROR Japanese tradition records tha the first emperor, Jimmy ascended the throne Feb, 11, 66 Ee] { | ) fact when you see the results of our therough=meticulous dry cleaning, Send us your cleaning FUR FABRICS OUR SPECIALTY--BORG COATS Ets CARDINAL CLEANERS Lid. CORNER THICKSON'S RD, AND HWY, NO, 2 PHONE RA 8.5611 Free Pick-Up and Delivery «= Satisfaction Guaranteed Family Monuments fl Created To | 4b Individual | Reauirements STAFFORD BROS, Menumental Werks 318 Dundes Bont MO 8.3552 | | | | WHITBY ~ DAY-BY-DAY KIWANIS PARTY Army Band To Aid Needy Homes [7mm = Yuletide carols will put Christ: canvassers whl be able to iden | Wednesday, Dec, 14 at the audi mas dinners on the tables of thel(ify themselves, They also are!torium of the community arena needy in Whithy again this year able to give out receipts for the Attending will be Kiwanis, wives } 10 vak Every year this time the money donated to the Christmas and children under 12 years, O Salvatiof Army Band serenades! Cheer Fund." Course also attending will he Hombre of She amy CANVASS] A (hol street 7pm or funds in the particular areas| "People who are not contacted] i Funds gathered are put Into a anil CLUB CALEND R Chrisinas ( Fund which (nfend thelr donations directly to holiday dinner vaplain Roberts, {United Church YPU Captain Roberts of the 8A re.| Since the Salvation Army sup: Whithy Baptist Church Explorers by number mueh higher this Clairmont and Port Whithy, resl-| Association year, He hopes ta be able to sup: dents of these towns are also House of Windsor 10DE Chapter sire it the Athol street office, Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 This can only be accomplish -- 8t, Andrew's Church Young generously to the Salvation Army! WASHINGTON (AP) The United Church Fireside Evening CANVASAOTS stale department warned Amevi:| Auxiliary WM& fication from those solieiting Infagainst taking Christmas vaca: our name," he sald, "All our'tion tours to Cuba, BROC Phone MO 8.3618 Now Playing Evening Shows at 7 and 9 P.M, at leer TUESDAY, Deg, 13 Whithy Red Cross work room Whithy Baptist Chureh CGIT | Faith Baptist Church YPA United Chureh WA Afternoon All Saints' Anglican Church After noon Guild Andrew's Church Helen Marshall Society United Church WA Evening Group Whitby Baptist: Church Ladies Ald R. A, Hutchison H and § Asso clation Whithy Chapter Order of the Fastern Star No, 248 { Santa Claus, The / beg the various districts in 1OWN.| ponations may be sent to 306 anta Claus, The party begins at Wn which the Band is playing by one of our members may rn supplies the food 'for the 0Ur Office on Athol street, sald Mannay, Dee, 19 pofts that needy families in Whit. plies needy families in Brooklin, Brook" Street South H and 8 ply dinners to all those who de. Asked to send their donations to! Almonds' H and § Association ed, he says, if people will give! WARNS STUDENTS | Wamen's Group WA "People should request identl: [can college students Friday Palmerston H and § Association St Feature Starts ot 7:20 & 9:40 WEDNESDAY, Dee, 14 §t, John Anglican Church WA work meeting = St. Andrew's Preshyteens Kinette Club Unity Club Past Noble Grand (Rebekah) Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary Ruth Group WA St. John's Angli ern eel THURSDAY, Dee, 18 [Salvation Army Women's Home League All Saints' Anglican Church St Margaret Guild Women's Institute FRIDAY, Dee, 18 Senior Citizens Group MANY MISSING There are approximately 15 000 different kinds of mammals SYLVIA LOPEZ "=z BRUNO VAILATI **3 PIETRO FRANCISCH uo os HOSE SS00cvems EASA COLOR by Pin -DVALIGCOPE eww e or WARNER BROSW SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS AT 1:30 be found in North America, in the world, 3,800 of which can} Whitby Churches ST. ANDREW'S EMMANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHURCH REV, GERRIT REZELMAN REV. D, MARSHALL Third Concession Road West of Byron St, S, at St, John St, Yew SMOKELESS OIL FURNACE No, 12 Highway | IRON FIREMAN CUSTOM Markl Users report % savings on oil 4s tuts service costs... gives Ideal home comfort a. Randall & Sona. Jid. 10:30m=Holland Servis, Whithy, 10:30==English Sunday Scheel, Whitby 2:30==English Warship at Bawman. ville {in Pantecastal Church), 3130==Sungtiy School at Bowman: vite 7:00-=English Worship at Whitby, Everyone Heartily Welcome FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St. N., Whitby 9.45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP CHILDREN'S CLASSES "Whitby Baptist Church 102A BYRON § MO 8:99) CANADIAN TIRE STORE 11] oppiciat Opens General Contractor J. W. NEWMAN CONSTRUCTION LTD. TO THE NEW ON THEIR - WHITBY Rev, J M Ward, Minister 2:15 AM Mrs, W, E Summers, A, T.CM, RADIO BROADCAST 10:00 AM, Sunday School 9:45 AM BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR 11:00 AM, & 7:00PM, 11:60 AM MORNING SERVICE AT BOTH SERVICES OUR PASTOR SPEAKING Special Music at Both Services 7.00 PM EVENING SERVICE Everyone Welcome | WHITBY UNITED CHURCH | Rev. John M. Smith, BA, BD Mrs, J). Beaten, ART.C, | Minister © Organist Rev, A. M, Butler, B.A, Assistant Minister MORNING WORSHIP WHITE GIFT SERVICES There will be Two Services. Attend the Hour of Your Choice | 9:30 AM PRESENT YOUR GIFTS == 11:00 AM | CGT, VESPER and CANDLE-LIGHTING SERVICE 7:00 P.M - " Leaders and members of the C.G.I.T, will conduct their Christmas Vesper PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 307 BROCK. N, REV, JOHN SCARR, Pastor Phone MQ 8.5772 8:45 AM~~RADIO BROADCAST CKLEB OSHAWA 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. & 7:00 PM QUR PASTOR PREACHING ' Fri, Dec. 16th 8PM REV. HOPE SMITH from Calvary Belleville Temple PICKERING You Are Never A Stranger In Father's House Congratulations TO THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE ANADIAN TIRE STORE 'WHITBY Structural Steel, Crane Service and Block WERE SUPPLIED BY , , . 'COOPER BLOCK LTD. PHONE MO 8.5911 t 4

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