The Oshawa Times, 10 Dec 1960, p. 12

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' the wh her eaty elves ,/Vanier's Daughter [7 Dedicated Doctor [= RELI "nyu brn or ieott ed CA y mes on Wek from , Grasse Baiad Mes, id bok hy bikie ww LE i a me Terr, fo HR Tar : . ' add wens é so Be iE fr (5 he ald 65% WEIR heh ny With v Cres pukiprog Rp +d | Interesting Hem wore ion, Si 4 meh Chis, of Both Ont arin, I; ad wid He rest "INGE bp IRIE hd Feces, thon EL ood 40 5% uo Home Gorown Vegstomes" | A vie of thanks was voiced od Tas oss Sort Wis fimenciel siotemen. (0 M1 Ds Joni lo pues cd Ale, 08 CONTEMPORAINE Wis SONATE IIa » The dostor ws (he | rend WA dpnouiet | Kelsemyments one ov i i. In # famity which py] 2 ia har KH a oh " a Si ve, Ene 6 # Tra pi ; HP) did h | ne ie rTP i fr ending Mo meeing wih be hoi Wl bln Woy i he as A ne Frange Ki is ", , ii RARE CERNC LE Aaa, #19 £9 We * £ w» wl : We "VI ton weed gg vod 4 Va et is ot the Umvermmy of Ditawe, "HE EXPORT EARNINGS VW A AL a TT oes Ele 24 Yonge, repre wiely oh, Se vers id Dore, 18 w ing aid. end wp oA £0," Br, Vewer said, es Aisi, id tere ined more thon Wid, Pr. rupley comt"' wcially i you Vike to travel as tet ' guise! 1.1 Ny WE ESky, Wb, Brown's, Greemwond. | 09, ---- A HH +3 F233 3 ® iy of had | i MN , HEIR was ey, ' r B_ sonversptionehis, Ly In Briain where she Was one ; of the first w. BYER BWR +8 Aegree pt 8 Cam dud cation, OIher VWomen won degrees there bik they were pot (ewarded ot lupiversity conve | eations Vanier Is' oven more @ucions' Welore coming to Boston, the | 64 Beaver Trade | Still Booming The Uh cenithe Indian we sre not LZ] Canada's take anything away from Wm ond on the other, Indian siiairs| PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE NEW i TERMINAL Montreal To Open Jet-Age Airport | MONTREA, OP) Canada's the terminal's only drawback busiest airport % fully into may he the distances he must BEL (CP) the jet age this mopth with the walk, The Wib-loot aeroquay tin f RUEBEL P non official opening Ded, 15 of # nels and the long corridors lead FV 18 MOVIRE 1h Oh $30,000 000 terminal ine & Gilding that has 780/000 first industry~the beaver trade oo "der the federal Prius The Interior of Montreal Inter Mure fest " Bind OR Ihe and Quebec's government 18 ment," national airport's dezdling termi: BFOURG ARG FFM LOOKS making changes to meet chang pal is erpmmd with modern) However, there sre plenty of ing ig MANY OUTSIDE RESERVES d There was no indication how) passenger comlorts and elec relaxation Breas nurseries," f fronir devides, The elght-storey reading rooms, hars and resiay The huck-Atoothed beaver, ke many white men may take wl building is described by thelrants--and the ticket booths most of the rodent family, Wilt | (vanoing where Indians have department of transport as "the [ov ervment departments and ies rapidly under proper on: stonpe | newest, the most efficient and|haggsge outlets have heen ditions, The provincial sh snd There ave some 100.000 beaver! the most modern in the world "! planned 10 save steps Lame department predicts #8 on the PIOVINGE's 1% (Risa It replaces an outmoded and| The airlines moved Inte the WNMpPEF Erop this sesson Cotman Armand Tremblay, dh overcrowded structure that has building Dec, 1, with #ll the! As a result the government, by rector of the pravincial govern been described a8 8 general essential facilities functioning by order-in-councll, has doubled the ment fur service for 20 years! nightmare, especially sine that date. However, the main number of beaver that may (Some 100.000 are In two areas! heavy Jel traffic began flowing dining-room and the Immigration trapped outside reserves 10 2 outside the reserves where rap: through the airport two years department olfices were Rot £% fram 10, AM the same time, white vg 18 permitied Bin, pecied 10 he fully completed hy men have been permitted lo trap Heiweon 1000 tnd 10 hel The new terminal sell has Dee, 15, Finishing touches alse Indian: the oly Persons verry a i} heen something of a nightmare hed 10 be put on Several EORESH: | oormivied to (rap an proYIREIBIIY:| on oi hibited, Thi for successive Liberal and Fro Blons and this work was expected © ted Feservas=--have let Lap VUpPIng Was proh § y 4 Govern. 0 Fun past the official opening (REFR YES BU soason's limit is 85.000 skins onl gressive Conservative govern. 't i} l! #liines go, ments, It was planned in 1044 ai|date # projected cost of $4,000,000, B The, fist four floors form an where Lveserves. Another 25,000 probably! There ave two big factors he will be caught outside, Each last year, the price lag had B0-foot long vectangle In which hind the decision to allow white skin will bring about the same soared to the paint where the! 12.000 000 passengers a year can|tFopRers Wi, One Ii northward price ag last year--8i6.75, | treasury board ordered a special he handled comlortably, Aboul E¥PAREIOR, Hie QIher Is BOVEFN| [asi season 46.048 skins were! review of expenditures | 8,600,000 now pass through Monk-| ment ald to Indjans, taken and the (otal value was! This: review resulted in modi {real annually Roads and rails are LOMING $610,774, In the previous season fications--not the first the termi The upper foors--oceupied for #8 the north Is opened up, The 51048 were (aken, valued pf nal blueprints have seen since! several months in some cases-- While man has come with them, 675,346, [ actual eonsteuetion began in 10586, are mich smaller, They contain There are move and more white The Provice's veserves cover | . the administration and air traffic men in veglons where only In hy 827,400 5 fles inl MET MANY OBSTACLES antral departments (hat kee N roughly Se, 00 Wquare mies ih : contrnl departments tha Pp dians lived a lew years ago. |, 6 | ! chee Work was held to & snail's pace! the alpport functioning smoothly: | , {an ave from northeastern Quehee | In addition, 8 Quehee govern: above (he BI. Lawence gulf--lo hy # steel strike, the hankiuptey | The terminal stands on the oh h-contragtors and , (ment official said, many Indigns|the northwest on the Ontarle| of several su 0 southeast side of the airport, can live on federal Government |horder, | squabbles between the DON near. gn 11,000 + fool concrete y f { and the airlines over Dbasie| double runway designed epee: PAYMENS and do not peed tof Fach reserve Is divided into design lially for jets. The central heat: '*40. "Why should they go 160 numbered sections and each of| one sweeping ehange Involved! ing plant, located mare than alle #00 miles along # trapling these is the domain of 8 partiey:| plans for aireraft parking space, mile away, provides a steam heat|W1en they can get unemployment lar Indian family, The sections Originally, yi ! park beside fngerdike eorridors| Elizabeth ing wealth, The advent of jets made this| impossible, partly heesuse of the effects of noise and engine bigs and partly hecause Jets need plenty of space to turn around Now, jets park at a 860-foot aeroquay B75 Teel in front of the terminal, Twelve Jets can be accommodated, Three passenger tunnels extend from the Aeroguity to the main hullding, Ten airlines wow schedule Jet fights through dontreal det-prop and propeller aircraft park al Rikers protruding from the east and west ends of the terminal, Basigally, the west end is reserved for International flights and the east end for do mestie Highs The ground flay is used hy passengers coming to Montreal while these onving enter the termingl from a halk-mile long ramp leading ta the fest and main floor, diveetly ahove the ground floor exits, From a passenger's viewpoint BALSAM AND MT, ZION BALSAM AND MT ZIGN A eombined servige of ehureh and Sunday School will he held on Bunday at 3.80 p.m, for a While Gift Berviee, All are asked to hring gifts, The monthly Woman's Associa tion will meet en Wednesday altermoon, December 14 at (he home of Mrs, Burnett Jamieson The Christmas (ree will be held at the ehureh on December Mrs. William Gates, Sr. has the mumps Mp, and Mrs, Art Harvey and family of Cobourg had Sunday dinner with Mp, and Mvs, Frank MeAvay and family Me, and Mrs, Jack Tulley and Slophen of Torante Spent Sunday with My, Trving MeAvay and] Kathleen, ! Mr, and Mrs, Lame Jones and Poreen had Sunday dinner with Mrs. Morgan Bvans of Clare mont, Miss Janice Wilson of Green: wood shent & od days with her grandmother, Mrs, Frank Dis ney, FIGHT LIQUOR, FAGS BERLIN (AF) ~~ Intelligence urees Teprt Communist Bast erlin is offigially sombatiing al eoholism and smoking with milk and fruit wise bars In factories and resdent areas, Advertis ma of alcohol and tebaces i limited, TALLEST PROFLE AWEriSan Meh NOW average five-feet-10 inches, equal to Al piga's Nilotie inibesian, long - & the workl's tallest peo: o aircraft were to) load 2 Ve-times thal of the Queen Wsuranee by slaying home one of extending from the main build: hotels In the British Common official admitied the largest] "1's 8 delicate question," the he worked by u 4 {thir ene hand we must eonvinee Nov, | and ends April 8, Happiness belong Together A child's happiness is determined primarily by the love and affection of his father and mother. There are several thousand children in Ontarie wha have beer deprived of this natural and necessary human relations ship. For the most part they are children whose parents have neglected them because they have been unable or unwilling (0 assume their duties as parents, » These ehildren depend on Children's Aid Sogieties for help and guidance, Under Ontario's Child Welfare Act the 55 Children's Aid Societies in the Pravinee are vested with responsibility for ehildren whose parents fail to meet their obligations, This operation eest §13 million last year, Skilled workers provide services (0 strengthen family life and to hel some hard-pressed parents cope with their problems, Their goal " 10 give these ehildren a fresh start within their own homes, Where this hoi Pesible Wher Pow Are developed in the best interests of the ehildren--plans which may lead, ultimately, to them in per maneps adoption hames, + 0 Pocing is You are reminded to consult the advertisements which appear from time 10 time in the classified section of this newspaper, deseribing specifie hildren available fog adoption, dha be : Because of the impoeriance of providing the sare for children, ¢ is uid of three Advertisements ay arb be available wough your booal Children's Aid ng DEPARTMENT OF PURLIC WELFARE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Los P, Coclle, 0.0, LL.D, Mjnister James & Rand Deputy Minister Rd ORHAN HK Serving Oars Chiron WWW Childhood and RN MR NI NON I NON NON NOOK RNOKNONNON roughly 200 square miles--may to 18 trappers hecause on [each season, This season started | and hold him shove you, You don't expect a ehild to somprehend every spiritual ideal, You don't expect a child to sense instinctively the eonsient soncern of God in Ms Nite, You lift a ohild , , , you give him the epportunity fn hs Church and In his Ohristian home. to gain moral and veliglous insights, And you hold him above you , , dedicating your own time and strength te your Chureh so that you and your ehild ean find together the spiritual foundas ton en which men should build thelr lives, You don't expect a ehild to stand toe bo toe with a man, You lift a child , , , You don't expect a child to understand fully what is vight and wrong, THE GHUREGH FOR ALL , ,, ALL FOR THE EHUREH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of sharacter and gond citizenship, J is # storehouse of spiriugl values, Without & sreng Church, neither democracy nor civilization oan survive, There are four sound reasons why ovary person should attend services regularly and support the Church, They sei (1) For his own sake, (2) For his children's sake, (3) For the sake of his sommunity and nation, (4) For the sake of the Chureh Meelf, which needs his moral and material suppart, Plan to go to shursh vegularly and vend your Bible daily, Rook Ohapler Verses Colossians } Panlms 1] Fraverhs Proverbs I Pimethy Buinuel Pan Day Bunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ih 4 |} A LL ma Oapuright 1060, Kebab Adv. Service, Mrarhurg, Ve 5 mr THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS KEMP'S ESS0 SERVICE RA 8.3680 HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE RA 3.7823 IRELAND STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY RA 3.3480 METTE PLUMBING COMPANY LTD, RA §-337% : LORNE G PLUMBING RA 5.1044 DMAN HEATING KENNETH ASHMORE PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 8.0412 STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS MO 3882 ROY W, NICHOLS GM, SALES & SERVICE RA 3.7242 MA 3-338 288 Bloor 1. W, 67 King St. W, 21 Athal 8, W, 23 Celina 4, 758 Maw By, $57 Goward N, 318 Dundes $1, E. Whithy Courtics Bowmanville NORTH OSHAWA PLUMBING 52 Wayne Ave, A: W, RUNDLE GARDEN 1018 King § § BOR HOY CONSTRUCTION 1154 Nelson §t, OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL 877 King 5, § N, NH, EDGAR & SONS LTD, PAINT & WALLPAPER RA 3.738) 3M King $n W, HENDERSON CONCRETE © PRODUCTS AT RA 3.4412 1089 Nelwon 8, STEPHENSON'S GARAGE RA 5.0822 15 Chueh BANK'S FLOODING 80 Bostlevwn 0, MASTER FEEDS $4 Chineh St, BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LTD, 463 Ritson, Ad, Ny JIM HURVID, . PLUMBING & HEATING RA 5.8543 215 Wilson Rd. § HAMBLY TIRE LTD, 534 Ritson Ra & LUDWIG DEES) Painting and Decorating Contractor RA 3-048) 736 Eostbourne Ave, R, B REED & SONS FLORISTS 1034 King 8 W, RA §:4704 RA 8.422) RA 5.110) ALDSWORTH CLEANERS 36 Athol Sv, E GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP 0 Kip I & M Bion A NEPFERING'S £330 Ne. 3 Hwy & Thickson's Re, RA 33000 Attend the Church of Your Chaic:

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