FOOD SAVINGS (HRI Ne > LL Jo Aldwinckle Women's Editor Dial BA 13-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedrprday, Pocember y 1960 7 <- PERSONALS A seeessin arrived he added further to ' h- the fun and confusion. Both the e on Saturd yecember 3. women were Mary Wood and both mes Lr oo! Serve all the foods your family likes best -- end save money in the bargain ~ plenty of money -- by filling ALL your needs ot SPROULE'S, We've a STOREFUL OF LOW PRICES. MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT nor ge BEANS WITH PORK wor GQ OGILYIE DELUXE--20-0Z CAKE MIXES 2 «0863 Apple Spice Cherry Almond -- Golden -- Orange - Chocolate White ik 89 MILKO Instant Powdered Mi "oe a Sunday guest of bis uneie and/thureh fas] ow Vien a sta HOLIDAY PRU CHIFFON PII iy Cie o QUALITY MEATS eo 9 Pret tty Pie Made With F ruits Sproule's beef is red brand beef---Canad's finest quality juicy--tender full of Havor. pare wed ay Yc a) i ; And A/iyaped Powdered Milk ROUND STEAK or ROAST Hilda Roka el for Englar ol, 0 Mi Jr sy | Wil us, Mov wi | aie yi Pe, 3 ese apes ote, Went ne en) & WING STEAK or ROR hy os ev he coupe ere marr a cn. Bowmanyie ee, ats char, emo. i en Ee se wi 0] PORTERHOUSE and ends and | cco or 7, 105 gud have Jed i ie i you CO Wome Cid Tl tt ts Crs si SIRLOIN STEAK t ot 1 I tion ular eouple. A lett ; Jon of A geelis Monda ces the ant nutty Wimbauer-Powers OR ROAST i ie Mi hristmas d vy holiday feast Nupti ls Held CUT AND TRIMMED TO GIVE COMPLETE SATISFACTION ting in receivir a ! | | | resiien Ti v ) ¢ "Chesh Mr: { Blac ! ! 1 ind M Kmersor vant HOLIDAY FRUIT CHIFFON PIF : GROUND FROM RED BRAND BEEF THURINGER SLICED OR BY PIECE oured 1 ind Have ) nite ¢ ' tea and vice.presiden (Makes 9-ineh single erust ple) hd ' iim ¢ 7 ' ; X a neni Jveive Wi ablespoon | Catholic Church with ¢ . ® ground suet ® fresh oysters Boys Band Provides Program e, ane ' yy, Havored gelatine. Reverend ir SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD SRNL: ° Ft pill chickens deliciously ara of : Lawn Bowlers 3 laugh SAUSAGE Pha 49¢ cooked at Sproule's \ ¥ fe bh Wa re » fil] asssssENsRNNRSESSEERREEEEY ' Ds a garin a woes) ff RESERVE FOR ME V1 1 avend. go ' | 4 | i e ¥ i I p -- qu 1 } ri A | J J : a plump , tender ey 5 irs, Kwart| and | i ® No of on oh : ir Gordon Pine," Mrs, tl mixin me wt vei | § weighing approx.lbs. { Tt Mu ! 1.4 1 1 » te " ys I g Ay Rowe 3 ; ol : My Name 1 M on cova |B Address 4 k ; of eels townie, To Whip Pasteurized Po faye 1% will can po Vr, Apples Baked kA; Cupning who, wus absent, ed Skim M lakes Ahont Je newly weedu It live Fi fepmrerereremere-- : I . on 5 In Oranae Sauce e H pr Vouition regards v Cop. Advertisers Enshangs les. 0 der fo c d pla y b | | Sproule's will have e fina) ge rh : : ! Re, dp I the famous i Er Rar aa J Chas carl ai paris In Wed DA Coan: vee mend use | | BUTTERBALL ed by a selection of three sea i her until crumbs ate form-| Following the presidents wish fd f Conada's Best Known | NAVAS sy Bmghn ad a lo Hay A R ; . } ad ' May and: 4 Hamm ew Brand in All Sizes at \ ' ' =i. 1) y \ F Wand ' : : etre men : we e served ] Attractive Prices, fd \ on emonstrating yum " : ' i : Ra : y rain n isha finctive mood Mr. Feancis|tor Mrs W. W frs: (30°F 11 fo 114 hours or until | COAST TO COAST IN CANADA | a LN & Sh 3 ne they : H Ke YIELD: 6 ur I U.S. AND CARIBBEAN : \S IT'S CHRISTMAS BAKING TIME % Ridgewood BRITAIN AND EUROPE SARAN WRAP 39¢ WAGSTAFFE'S CUY "ti 0 | 5' Rel ' c SOCIAI NOTICE, ~~ i a or a A 3. { Choo ¢ 4 ¢ , rvie ou like at the time WAGSTAFFE'S » a MIXED PEEL Puy 39 divin : HAV esse pga for tomes travel or ff GLACE CHERRIES "5; 35° WALNUT PIECES Ci. 43¢ I SUPREME SUPREME MARRIAGE o DCB JETLINER SERVICE | 3.0 The marriage of Joyce Corinne QUALIT Y y 3 Deile Beivices the n ho had Rd i Blanced Almonds py 25¢ CURRANTS 12:02 27¢ aughter of M WB. MeCu ] i HRISTMAS linking yo Winnie g Alisa MEDIUM | i ECLIPSE Selle TE Oiavs and ta Tate RL apcouver, Vinnipeg. Toronto 11h, Ib. MoCullengs ol ir 4 ani iw | Gifts For Men! GIF [ Mon Rl it © DO-8 4 repuiar in | COCOANUT Colle Bag 39¢ PASTRY FLOUR tor 49° First Class or Economy, as well as low-cost ICING SUGAR 2, 25 ALMOND ICING 1h Bac =e propeller services JEWEL dc OFF PACK Tin hon Unter" ITEMS | owmsocmmomi mous cs | | SHORTENING ~~, 28¢ Tenderflake LARD , 21¢ Are serve y / wi mont Fir : : . 8. TIES » » . . a y 50 fo 3. 50 Clase vi yeoune thong sop Servi eh Hk all COUNTRY FRESH GRADE A MEDIUM eo ( hicago, Cleveland, 0 lindsor, Ne Whether voi ein neo | SOCKS . ' i » | 00 fo 2. 95 3 . k md velar a it in : { ight | de y I woe . J span the continent east and ,.Baving 1 eat or fo heed ; \panimen GLOVES : : : 2.95 fo 8.50 SE | | . a Con nen po mi] went ving : (H PY oil want six whole pear | ¢ CARDIGANS : GOING SOUTH? doz. | v nt 1 em ol USE ; Frequent Tourist flights take PULLOVERS 1.95 fo 29.50 ju. tram : | Toronto and Montreal to Florida, Bermuda, | 4 our ® BULKY KNITS § | Nassau i the $ Wig an. First Class i y Take ¥ E S Cc | 1 Doar om ne 8 4 i: a ar THE | service a id available to some of these L J ou Take Your Extra avings in Cash at SPROULE'S a ro { SPORT SHIRTS . 4.95 to 14.95 Sonata N KLEENEX NATIONAL tablespoons fresh lemon { Anvone can fly TCA: Ask about TCA's 'Flv "iY DRESS SHIRTS 5.0010 7.95 ! OSHAWA RL G{ SANDY CANES | PAPER TOWELS | TEA BAL d try to keep the stem a TWIN pa Por Hull details see your Travel Agent op 6 CANES PACK 49 50's 39¢ ve wih some of the syrup ¥ Dressing Gowns , 14.50 fo 19.60 % MES i T7120 moor steer w., Toronto ® BONUS BARGAIN ® | iio pits tie 1 Ge TE JEWELLERY . . 2.50 to 12.50 § HRISTMAS | (fy TRANS CANADA aR LiNEs | TIGR crater | vas ht e BRUSSEL SPROUTS ") SNOW SHOVEL | FL KS , reps fpsoanves 205i 7.95 "AIR CANADA 00R GLOSS Sie oye GIFT yr ORR. rge 18% size, red enamel finish 10c OFF PACK -- IN CHRISTMAS STOCKING rao tat al : mt | Sa an""108 | ALKA SELTZER Go 68¢ one third cup wale CENTRI Book Through : rn i a GIFT CERTIFICATES Ji DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Garden Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES ""LAY-AWAY PLAN" WIBLISHED ' a FRESH AND SOLID ® JUST ARRIVED eo 300 DUNDAS E WHITBY MO 8.3304 1b Brussel Sprouis Cello Bag 25°¢ Famous Japanese Mandarin Oranges IN CRISP AND CRUNCHY CALIFORNIA RNIA with zipper skins. 45 to 55 Oranges SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT CELERY Jumbo 19¢ in box, attractively priced, FREE GIFT BOXING [HI MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE ATTRACTIVE FRUIT BASKETS MADE UP FOR ALL OCCASIONS Chad : i | LOC ald CLASSIFIED Thomes Meadows Co. Canada Ltd We are big enough to serve you--Small enough to appreciate you STUFFED CARROT CURLS eh ; 22 SIMCOE ST. §. OSHAWA RA 3.944) YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE » Jie ar, Wo, srt i LTD. { SECTION Place n te wate for | = BY 10 KING ST W FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL hm Ra 3-023 TX PION El oh Set on 24 » RA 3-3492 | s7xinGst.east osHawA RA 8.6201 FOR FOODS THAT QUALIFY AT PRICES THAT SATISFY. picks. Makes RB to 12 eurls