2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnestoy, December 7, 170v i i ow House S eeds Lomiet Yard OSHAWA ELECTION RESULTS : 4 P Burned Out | TORONTO (CP)=A spectacy- ~AQW- 1 g fire early today razed a lum wer yard in suburban northeast AWA (CP) ~The Common Opposition Leader Pearson Scarborough 3 pped up Ms law-making paceicomplained mimediatiely abon The (wo irm fire swept Tuosday ¢h rangement, saying it will through an estimated two acres | The speed came despite oppo-lleave only one day for debate on of dried nthe wr belonging to the sition complaints that Conserva- ih budget's anti-unemployment Ontario Lumber Company Lim itive backbenchers are talking too propo.als before Christmas, This ited st Warden and Ellesmere Jong about government anti-ue wid mean continuation of the avenues, No injuries were re employment measures supported debate after the House recon ported, Several kilns and other i hy everyone, The B-hour sitting des on a date which Mr, Dief- build'ngs on the lot collapsed MAYOR a VE . ( saw these strides taken cehaker sald he will announce, Ontario lumber is a manufac 4 7 Vy 1, The House approved---with: lati turer of prefabricated garages GIFFORD 5) 5 a( 75 4 ' 4 y ot a vote--the government res Although Mr, Pearson didn't and homes (A > 7% 4 olution for bringing in a bill to mention it, the posi-recess budget THOMAS 4 ' ' increase federal ald for provin which can last six days under OLD PAN ITY # 7 einl vocational framing schools experimental House rules--could! The role of Peter Pan--erented NW. Ward Total SW. Ward Total NE. Ward Total Annex Area Total S.E. Ward Total Cedardele Total ph --_-- Debate on the bill itself will be- conflict with the Liberal rally in 1904 by Sir James Barrie a gin today eheduled for Ottawa Jan, 911. has been played on the American COUNCIL be © 7 2. The assembly heard Trade, The productivity counell, as stage by only four professional i » - 7 Lg Minister Hees sketeh the plan outlined by Mr, Hees, Is the actresses ATTERSLEY } 6 3517 8520 Vy : for setting up a nations! produc same body proposed by Mr N---------------- BASTEDO 3! y. 2668 643) 7 tivity counell, a 25-member body Diefenbaker at the October un BINT 38 2725 7184 1 1 that wil try to ineteuse Indus Subloy mio conference In Ot " 6 176 8 h y trig) efficiency and make Cons 1awa, The government will give ASPH LT BRADY y 337% $339 dime products more competitive) it $150,000 & year and malch any BRANCH : 4 87 3501 B462 4 on world markets, This proposal| contributions the council gots CAMERON 2 33 8 82 1965 4707 y remains at the resolution stage, from private industry. SHINGLES CLINE . 2 1995 4859 if In another significant develop! Heading the council will be an DAFOE " ' 2657 7095 & . ; ment, ¥inanee Minister Vieming executive director, The members (CMHE Accopted) Ww Ea 1" 2956 7106! EH sald he will present his pre will include five from Industry FIRST GRADE DOWN o8 13 1 x . 7300 8 i} X ; Christmas baby budget at 8 p.m. and eammerce, five from labor, CASH & CARRY DYER 49 2100 5259 § : : 4 FST on Tuesday, Dee, 20, Prime (ive from agriculture and other EDMONDSON / 23 28 25 1298 2966 A Fy Minister Diefenbaker sald Parlia- primary industries, five from the 6.66 7 wh ELLIOTT v 5 f ) 967 245] f y men's Yuletide recess will be general public and four "technic colors " " 1% oe gin after the next day's sitting, ally qualified persons from scien per squere GAY oF : 218 Lo Li nos A titie departments of govern | 1 Ab (4 colors) FN J Jo 4 J ' LANE 3 572 } 5 428 3529 8046 bh Useful Trade ment." INQUIRE ABOUT TEAMS MURDOCK 2 546 1329 B 336 2815 6826 © . MURPHY 333 25 717 136 1633 3677 'NOW ABOUT THAT TIP, MAC Learned In Pen | TALLY-HO ROOM McCULLOUGH . : p " an + p: Cabbie ii) Berman of reels of York toda We } rina 4 LUMBER RIDGELY | ns FT 37 Ftd 4244 Brooklyn and his bodyguard, | Oliver goes along for protec: | ceded (hat the bulldog eh | TORONTO (CP Kingstor A good Place RISTOW J 4 Js £19! Bir Oliver, inspect the rear of | tion from hu ho have heen I attack only on command, penitentiary officials have prom Yo Meet and Relox ' WACKO / J 5 1390 3649! Berman's taxi during driver's | attacking eit enhbies, Bever has discouraged some potential [oq on immediate investigation 1270 SIMCOE ST. N, WALKER ) 3 " ' 19 3024 7468 €arly morning tour on the | al drivers have heen Killed in | fare into statements that special keys HOTEL LANCASTER RA 8.4688 WHITING . - 3 1434 3299 nre being made at the prison to open Toronto mall boxes BOARD OF U.S.Race Hate Cranks in. 4 each EDUCATION ing hus lar to He fold police ARMSTRONG 541 98 1256 1131 272 2 6175 dog whi ugk his WILD BIRD FEED AYLING : 303 389 J ; 1764 R d F ces At N land claimed they were made in - BANFIELD 282 2 564 550 21 3618 ring oy a ! j MG claimed tay Wit ule ; I Ap Key sed to repal all boxes BASSETT 5 952 833 ( 7 eed 1p yovaie mak pon Sunflower Seed Millet Seed BRITTEN ; 685 762 402d UNITED NATIONS. N BROWN 248 537 592 34 Bie Something close to ' shud de vho seek lo f mbar 4 the US AUPE w owners, urging their co Medium Size White--Off Colors y. shakes the ames o Hie hot poshil) fn "operation . DRYNAN 365 123 82 811 ' : 4405 States diplomats when stories of time But that' didn't prevent a wild WEEK-END. SPECIAL 51bs, ... 99¢ S5Iibs. ... 75¢ Wit the A Canadian reporter found (ha FLETCHER 195 e 978 736 8 4352 aeiat discrimination A Canadian aver. And wooly evening early in th s AR lh AR hs. GLOVER 409 30° 945 792 3 A488" sentatives at the 15th sations in the. corridors and 'Avion When Cuban Premier ¥i TILDEN RT AGAR 251bs, .. $4.15 251bs. .. $2.75 i del ( tro stormed out of his ho 1 F ) 3¢ 3k 28 y 233 General Assembly of the United! lunges of the UN---took 6 gen: 7% ! OC s s PREFER 1138 Jo)% 5) eral ar ession they nréily. moderate tone of discrim.| ©! in Manhattan, charging fl NEW MODELS 100 Ibs. . $13.50 100 Ibs. . . $8.00 J ) 240 3 NALons gi : LL a] Hh 4 choke ostly of the Us and moved to another estab MARKLAND 8 108 191 y 1005 are keeping thelp fingers erossed ination, The fp He In hy of Je lishment in Nozvo Harlem 5 P.M. FRIDAY TO discrimination question, |pinpricks of New O'NEILL 7 1429 13158 33 2 7219 on the growing importance of i More pectacular event Some African delegates ran 9 AM, MONDAY ' ROBINSON 277 401 219 1968 African and Asian countrie wh a the hate letter which!inta rebuffs and argument in $14.95 pl Ll le . SAYWELL ) ) 1289 1167 25 263! 6493 and the bitter struggle between the ad might have been ens festaurants because of their un 4 ) - / A p an pi p- Oty the Roviet Union and the US neeted imiliarity with the tipping sys RA 5.6553 SHAW ) 68 1065 524 2 tom, They were accustomed to in favor--the Ameri Ihe words of Ghanalan and Ni SPARKES 25, 204 563 513 y 2 2877" Ae as essential that visit: gerian diplomats were virtually|the European system in which 16 CELINA ST. RA 3.2312 STROUD 880 BOA 1953 4619 ini" disomy. m1 ax," aro denical and wont this wavi (ho 1 18 wtomaiiclly included WERRY : 638 757 y . 3930 spared racial irritations in New Mhis thing does exist, but it in the restaurant cheque WHALLEY . 430 584 y 2811 !|York improving and not everybody ZAKAROW 25 6113 962 11 4233 §. Ambassador James J. prefers to make a noise abou Wadh worth promptly demanded ji." an inquiry hy the Federal Bureau We want to ignore trouble a SEPARATE of Investigation recently when & much as possible as our eontrl nuinber of African and Aslan del: |hution to overcoming these mos! SCHOOL BOARD egates received a hate letter regreitable customs," the Ghan alter reviling thelaian #aid ' y he letter ' h ' BARON A 78 ok / 417 4 1276 wack and vellow races and re "Phis situation here cannot hi ' -------- BOLAHOOD : t ) : ' 1 185 ferring to the "Roman pope' and compared with Ghana or Nigeria ; gr" v We CLARKE ] 1363! the "Jew slavs," declared vhere there 1s no discrimination Fo ' r-- COOK d y f 11" 878! The Ku Klux Klan is on guard at all," 0) ' arn Against the black and yellow Although New York state ha ni DONALD 1 J ny - 1352 peril sweeping in from across the laws against diserimination in oY HUGHES 4 «\/ &!/ } 367 LE housing, some African delegate KENT " } a 108 Observer noted that some have had (rouble in [finding LAWRENCE ? 2 307 lone parts of the letter indicated ig: apartments, The U.S, delegation MEAGHER ) } i | 665 norance of colloquial English=or however, has heen eager (o as 4 , RE American--speech. "Tanned and slgt them on this O'NEILL 2 ee 1218 feathered was used for "larred Sovenleen new countries were PAGE o : 325 210 and feathered for Instance admitted to the UN this year and PRAZMOWSKI 3 4 . 3 B98) Wadsworth declared the U.S, delegation tried to an RUDKA k v. 208 , 1224] "Whether this is the work of ticipate complaints by discussing TOPPINGS 27 | 237 ; 1215 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ONTARIO COUNTY UNIT ARMSTRONG 117. 8 1880 If 5. 4167 10147 OF THE ARP p 2 403 3 y 1378 3231 : BODOY 6 1913 «7 324 we2| CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY FLEMING 745 1536 . 3798 9326 POPHAM 7 28 907 27 2171 4814 gives enthusiastic support to SUNDAY MOVIES the Chest X ray now being conducted oid in the City of Oshawa YES 707 : 3373 8330 NO 68 h 4 : p, 2941 7337 SUNDAY CONCERTS BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS YES 753 7/75 | 2106 677 3999 NO 450 524 1130 1081 248 2282 a crackpot or the work of other 6 problem th hotel and re 'Sleeping Beauties' Prohibition SR OR. PAUL NOLAN Mother Convicted Police Club oA EA CLEVELAND (AP) A Ju prolonged comas, In July | Bit Down wishes to announce HOW TO BE INCREDIBLY SUCCESSFUL court Jury Tuesday con: same thing happened to Venita Lian "Fratantonio Specials' were mudied by she WHEATLEY, Ont. (CP) -- A Rol gm the opening WITHOUT STATUS SYMBOLS : she mistreated cause of both sisters' illness. two-storey frame building built ne wauy daughters p " a & Te v § 2 tly. feeding: them Hoon Early in August the hospital Rou hoe during prohibition in i WwW | 4 210) i drugs had blood tests made for the the United States as Detroit Po : 4 I HAVE nothing against $10,000 auto But noneed to wail for special occasions, Albert A. Waldman said [Presence of barbiturates---Sleep. lice Club Neadquarters was 4 10 Alexandra St. mobiles and backyard swimming pools, You ean drink Jordan Valley Still Rosé | order psyehiatrio exam. ducing drugs that supposedly burned down Tuesday night. The] IF - . OSHAWA We're all for them. Tt is just that as itl : itions for Mrs. Fratantonio. 20./ar¢ obtained only by preserip. structure stood on the shore of " wily ere i or them, 18 Jus nk as with any food, in any glass, and at any wha Ww y tion, The tests were positive, The Lake Erie east of this ¢ status symbols, they are no longer ab- \ \ we the ARBOR V ; " as, accused by the prose: ohilgren® (oS were Bositive, The Me of this commun Telephone RA 8.3961 ) v oare no longer ab temperature that pleases you. If you are eution of bringing her two daugl(ia improve immediately midway between Chatham h solulely essential strong willed, you ean even close it and fers close to death hy feeding . and Windsor, It was owned hy be Consultation by N ; hem barbiturates which kept Moses Vegh, of Ohio, Cause of y p : Appointment Jordan \ alley Still Rosé does Just about save some for later. them in prolonged comas, T C d the fire had not heen deter i | The Sire. Hae ada rans-vanada | as well, we say, You don't acquire a taste for Jordan | irls, Bernadette, 3, and mined + oho Home. Tier Walk Offi i | - - " For instance, if you are seeking status Valley Still Rosé, it's love at first. sight ! ICla . : Because actually lai Tul Weldm me Sontiaued i with a business acquaintance, or just want , the affair starts when Mire, Fratantonio's bond 'ANCOUVER (CP) A statu ORK fd you first see h "TY slo y and it her in custody of her/tory declaration that he actually Rr to Hnpress an old school friend with your J } frst. the bottle. Fal and slender, wishand, Vincent | walked (ACTON Canada was - a : 3 \ savoir faire and sophistication, serve (with delicately proportioned » . . a ravishing ARIES ARS signed here Tuesday hy Kevin A OR \ ON 1 ' N \ a, : UNFEASION. tate' Griffin of Toronto ' ON NR ' : \] | or without a flourish) a tall, cool bottle of beauty. And, once sipped, you are caught 2 AeY fie Pp @ state's " 3 WN , -- 1 case was a statement in which| Griffin made the declaration a. 4 YH Jordan Valley Still Rosé, You'll be in for good in the tenderest of traps Mr Fratantonio confessed tolfor the sake eof chiropractor 3 | j ¥ 4 the druggings, She later repu | Mahlon Seeley of Prescott, who ds 3 | credibly successful (especially if your guest v diated it Ro Soied fm hej offered Griffin $5,000 in cash and ood ws \ ig also vour boss). AN JORDAN such an admission a $10,000 medical scholarship if y | . A A VALLEY Hut the prosecution drew trom |e walked from Toronto to Van N her (he admission that she had|couver \ \ AR \ written her initials beside one | Griffin and pacer Matt Deane an WN \ . Mudd 'R Qs LE answer in the statement, after|arrived here in time for the Grey changing it from "yes" to "yes, |Cup football game Nov, 24 3 NN PINK an wine but it was in juice." The ques-/Deane was the co-signer of the str JORD AN WINES * a x Sti Han Ww whether she had ysed|declaration signed in a Vancou 3 Ny | : 5 : -- ' of his office an evedropper to administer the!ver lawyer's office are The lawyer, A. D. Long, said A year ago last September, the next move is up to Mr, See Herbagette began slipping into|ley, \ | £