wa THOUGHT FOR TODAY It takes c 3 =~ ---- w Too bad about gravity, more energy to close a mouth than to open it, ommunit ty Chest Pass "She Oshawa Time 0 Mark WEATHER REPORT Cloud, today, Snow tonight, cold Thursday, with some snowflurries clear and VoL, 89--NO 284 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy CYRUS EATON FETED IN MOSCOW | ener id adimir Maiske Agricultural Min. farewell reception aid U.8, may from USSR gold sup. ndustriall rus ole ni h honor Cleveland clentist n left luncheon on h clear age, Vrom left are | ich Georgl Zhuko tand vi ni Katon aton; Al ister t a Hr 1 tonight § to Min "mh for Cultural Relation Prof, | have borrow Moscow last veek | Va Emel scientist if drain on attended Sixth Inter and head of 1 admin | ply topped Pugwash Conference | tration for utilization of a hosts at in Soviet in Moscow reached where he national Heat On Government Over Eastview Issue TORONTO (CP) hard-hitting battle developed the legislature Tuesday ght as Progressive Conservative mem bers and force tramped the the cently partment Faton and his wife anos America S.8.R isn't omic AP Wirephoto od dive ked al le la spondent ire, B Both Attorney ( Rah erts and Municipal Min ister Warrender the ustice are still investigating ast He cau view veport, drafted b oft] mentid officials and 17, to governmental action | FROST hen Mi fot tion the ald UNE Jlakd Wiver wa inld vest Another fe in re profe ona te Co of the added that the § had given every 16 perversion of member it he ul ieneral Affair ald the 1 depart ut member ndication of { opposition have back and fourth ground of Fast Ottawa town b the pal over med Mi pha to ow re de carred uburban investigated of muni Sopha (L 2 In the th the first the go determine tread Mi mier released chat wed the pre vin 'mantle to cover the mis around him cast over anybody," ed, "1 have opha vith using of Inte \ required REPLIES Frost charged with perverting ends of dirty politic Mr. Sopha tr t that eriminal charges be Mayor Russell the ne should added Late cast i or I have Mi earn Noy ee 0 affalr A rity imer Sudbury) deed those the op " justios of me debate attac) ernment wether should be laid the misman n { speaking a cloak of Mr never have never punched ntegrit Frost rep ved a ol Mi tate acted al the he rapped fallin 10 criminal charges in connection with agement the tow altaly wa Ing : also with that in opha took issue the premier prosecutor sion investiga Parks Com thor Minister Gordon La-|, I'here that he 1 against Pe nothing Mr, Li tated "The last their Yiprime minister Mon ! | o RAN ment by ) r me ne a a In report ro commi " in the quoted wer Niagara he vhich La chairman the highe and | said tion of ing « that the ratepayer vould vote on at the polls ¢ The Liberal My Mi id ql it! sald they (the municipal el ) i 10 he withe a A ey mayo out of m on of ment ol Dale teem for the Sopha "But park commis out their to vanted practice Cuba-Canada Trade Group HAVANA Premier Lodi named a mmerce missi nan effort oen hut i Han} { re "W 1 t fg wre te h reflection on all member Daley 80 al Lauald position ald pha duties I | \ vithout to cast a attention the laws or kl busine SAYS SHOULD Hi Wd the not por imp take Jan ment the and they \ on hro ( th have \P of { ide mom ino ro 1 named to pre over ation, It Is from ( wered ¢ mn to to nher dele in the nmepet and ol Dry Canadi olficia lady shady Tory MacDonald tornes all import National Bank consultant arrl Gamlo the delegation virtua exhaust the national Radillio Castel H inclusion Nasser Troops {isis ses. fine ef tnant i To Quit Congo PJ, 58 ] a" 1 8 PMiesday of Cuba ted lan Makeup of the re date was 1 | A he ted | ding fter a bad Ii Custro dol | { n ed inte the reeent uel to that bal nt uncom ld | $01,100,000 a CAIRO (Reutt Arah R pull its Nation Vas 0 Chest Total ©" lin ( ion erves ainst of $l At A Glance = = wnavy $210,000 a $200,000 Fy $175,000 ad" wit "Sapp $150,000 Cul' $125,000 $100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 Your Greater Oshawa COMMUNITY CHEST Needs Your Support BUYING depleted financial ex ent furious overcome the shipments to were 000.000 h Vv hopes Can the United ons. Cana the only ns not uba are institut n hopes and trade announced $60 hina and with that ly been a Red ( ement that i the US, om to Cuba has the Castro re ONIN in exports CITY EMERGENCY | PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA FIRE DEP HOSPITAL hy SR RR RA RA wha dl J.2211 ous labor "Rell; a and arme d opposition, i a broke OSHAWA, ON TARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1960 Third Man For Cabinet AP today President selected Udall NEW YORK elect Kennedy Representative Stewart Arizona to be his secretary of the interior--the third of the 10 cab inet posts to be filled for the new administration Kennedy f of already has chosen Governor Abraham Ribicoff {Connecticut for secretary of | health, education and welfare and Governor Luther Hodges of North | Carolina for commerce secretary | That leave ven cabinet open ings still Kennedy sald Tuesday expect nounce for secretary That was Washington to sorts on the town an old friend, banker Charles Spalding, at a restaurant and then laughed and applauded at a Broadway play The Best Man built around a political conven tion of to ght selection to an slate he oon on h pend He arrival from a night of dined with | BANK WASN'T | FIREPROOF LOS ANGEL (AP Thirty year Mi and Mrs, Leslie Smoot lost faith cavings They fo in- institution the maltress in turned stead Tuesday they | u heating pad before to work thelr bar next door Hours later smoke, Their maoldering, [illing with turn they small orgot to oll went in the melled maltire the wa house | moke "Our money cried Mrs savings are Luckily the tact, They bank Train Crash | Explosion money," All inside." was In In two oul Smoot our sewed $8,000 put it Kills Five | NASHUA, NH. (AP) A crowded passenger train and a |1aaded bottled gas truck ded a grade ing today, touct ing off an explosion and fire that killed five person injured more than a dozen | The dead included driver, his wife and mall children, and passengers ahoard Boston and Maine propelled diesel car Laconia to Boston Bits of the truck small tanks commend used by blown and other the truck their two one of the the train, a Railroad sell bound from laaded with of al for cooking directions householder were in all Skulduggery In Vaughan? MAPLE of Vaughan tioned at cp Two couneill Township were a public meeting day night about allegations possible conflict interest tween thelr private dealing publie duties Councillors Bruce Ralph ver, and E. W. Anstey, a ager, denied they had had in bad faith ors ques Tues of a ol he § and a law man acted {opposition Today it was back Lo business plus some Christmas shopping The presidentelect had hreakfast engidgement with Dag Hammarskjold, secretary-genera of the United Nations, to discuss ing world problems involv the peace of mankind He had a luncheon date with David Ormsby Gore, British dele gate at the UN who Is a friend of years Udall Is a westerner tapped for pot that usually goes to a vesterner hecause of the interior department responsibility over reclamation, forests, and Indian fairs, A 40-year-old Tucson law yer, Udall has had a long-stand ing interest in the problems of Indian France Now | An Atom Club Member PARIS ded 1 price for vorld's atomic pendent, ex clear I'he National embly gave it hackhanded consent to President de Gaulle's plan for a $1,200,000 000 striking foree when the gov ernment's opposition again failed to muster enough votes hehind a motion against the overnment It was the third and final time this had happened in the assem. bly, Under the Fifth Republic's Twenty {parliamentary procedure this was entered the William Frantz school enough to override the Senate,| Wich had t : (Tuesday, largest number ven had twice rejected the pro-| gino" haveott emptied the struc and enact the bill into law i {ture of 00 pupils Nov, 14 ' 0 Dppositon marshalled only | following the enrolment of a Ne vou i than the 277| gpg girl in the first grade needed for the censure motion haat 1 ! A id vhich would have overthrown| A 00 y i dig is Li Premier Michel Dehre's cabinet, |f0mpleie white oye By Aly } 1} \ Jonogl On the two earlier readings, the io We Ju i 3 a p nogh was 207 and 214 ve. NO elementary of i 7 and 24 re still in force because parents do not want to incur the wrath of a hill their neighbors I'ree Negro {girls are in the first gr al a pres ing many POLICE walk Kristin crowd near integrated William Frantz school, New Orleans, for her own protection a curred IN Sleene clothes from plain away filer she ine (AP) wrath of demonstrators It France finally to pay the full in the an inde national nu de ay nembers club clusively triking force As hip NEW ORLI (action holdin trators a blocl Integrated school ward calm today trances to the « three white children ANS (AP) vomen 4 demon an out en of censure away from nt around hroug building Lhe some less wa peetively Under the Is considered ol censure falls VET OOS Fifth Republie, adopted if a motion | involving the project pass, If the Senate dis.|ePonogh the assembly has the! I! feeling over final word on a third reading, In|his daughter at the this case, the French parliament | prompted Jame has finally approved the proje ot give up his job with SOW without ever voting specifically in| erage and water department, He ts favor said he was quitting Dee, 15 be Only de | cause fellow workers heckled Gaulle's signature and publica. | him tion in the official journal re Mrs, Gabrielle main before the controversial nu. | daughter to the measure effect, "hoyeott hegan New Brunswick Fraud Charged FREDERICTON (CP) harge that New Brunswick's former Progressive Conservative overnment permitted fraudulent stock-selling operations. for politi cal benefit derived from a show" of Industria! expansion and activity 18 contained in the report of an investigator released today David we to attendance of Frant Gaby the cit chool 1 the formalities of has escorted her school Her car splat wa clear take Alcharges against principals of the companies involved. Information and advice for this was being made available to the atlorney | general The July and Liberal hearings last August were ordered hy Premier Robichaud, also attor ney-general, who said he had information that investors, mostly from the United States, lost more than $7,000,000 to fraud. ulent stock-selling operations, The companies named were St Stephen Nickel Mines Canam Investments L I'rans-Nation Minerals Limited, Kennamet Development Corpor M. Dickson, acting curities administrator who con ducted the investigation under Security Frauds Prevention recommended consideration given to laying of criminal se the Aot he imited, LATE NEWS ation Limited, A, G. Powis 'and Company Limited, Seaboard In dustries Limited and Atlantic Investments Limited FLASHES Rose Told Of Amputation TORONTO three days in a Tuesday his were they stream ically Hoffa Faces Mail Fraud WASHINGTON (AM) J Teamsters Union, was Orlando, Fla, today on union funds cp Timmin by doctors he He accepted injured are beg of poison \lan gold of the n in over a! log by his ordeal inning to take \n artificls indicted Policeman Finds Blaze | TORONTO (Cp \ polic today in St Clare separate n ba ement window and } SC will have ames mail fr {The report said it was 'impos. gible" to' come to any conclusion other than that the former administrator, G. Earle Logan of Saint John, .N.B., was subjected to interference both hy then gov ernment members and the for Imer public utilities board All members of the board province's investment body, were replac by Mr, Robi chaud after election of his eral government last June Charges | Individuals included in the in Hoffa, pre of the [vestigation were J. Gerra, by a federal jury at [Kenneth H., Gregory Francis aud" charges misuse {A. G, Powis, Dénnis A, Miller [Alan Champagne and Harold Ansel The report said companies investigated impounded and not released until clarification of titlement, n O8t 7, who mine 1 \ was trapped for was told his right and part ews calmly, His Kidneys also the mine, but doo! believe the job of clearing his blood kidney has heen used period vo weeks ago to lose fool the licensing dent grand involving n School 1 had been eman discovered a tire early after he crawled through surprised three youths inside, he en ool | Police since the! Limited, | act | Lib. | Authorized os Post Second Clos Moll Office Department, TWENTY-FOUR PAGES Ottowe with her views on integration | Miss Steene sald her home was in Uddsuala, Sweden and that she was an assistant professor of English at the University of Alherta, Canada AP Wire whoto Uneasy Calm In The South tered with onstrators A visitor born Di woman English an egg hy hooln Monday to the scene, Swedis h Brigitta Steene, assistant professor of at the Calgary branch | of the University of Alberta, was| the target of an egg thrower Tuesday. Pickets understood her to say she had no objection to inter-racial marriages, The egg missed her but hit a I'he teacher uch a As away dem statement Miss Steene was e¢ by police, the ors shouted: "We'll nigger marry, We Luther King." Rev, Martin Luther merly of Montgomery, now of Atlanta, is a gration leader Pension over the integration order has been confined for sev eral days to the area near the schools, and the home and Meth. odist Church of Rev, Lloyd Fore: man who has refused to with: draw his daughter from Frantz despite threats and insults corted demonstrat get you a to Il get you King, for Ala,, and Negro inte man's unoccupied home was or- dered after vandals splashed paint on his house, cut window screens and damaged an air con ditioning unit, The Foremans are living with friends, reporter, | later denied making| | powers in 1953, A 24-hour police guard of Fore.| WEST TRIES TO BLOCK VIET CONGO MOVE Russians Want Lumumba Freed UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP The Western powers mobilized today to beat back a Soviet move to scrap the United Nations Congo operation and put im prisoned former premier Patrice Lumumba back in power The Security Council was scheduled to hear Soviet de mands that Congo authorities re lease Lumumba and disarm the {troops of Col, Joseph Mobuty Congo army chief The West headed off an at tempt by the Boviet Union's Val-| of the entire Congo operation, . This would mean disbanding the 20,000-man UN force sent to re- store peace to The Congo, REFUSE TO PAY The Russians have refused to pay one cent of their share of the $66,000,000 cost of the Congo operation for 1960 or the esti mated $120,000,000 for 1961, Delegates speculated that the 'ongo situation would be given top billing in the scheduled meet. {Ing between President-elect John erian Zorin, council president for| Sennedy and Hammarskjold to- December, to call a snap meet ay. This included the financial ing Tuesday night The Western "F518 confronting the United Na. insisted on at least 24/U1on8 as a result of the costly {hours' notice to give them time|©oNg0 Operation, to prepare their case The U.S, already has made a The Russians gave a clear in-|$20 000,000 advance on Payments dication of the line they will take|due to UN funds fo tide the UN in a statement Tuesday accusing|over until the first of the year, Secretary-General Dag Hammar-| Kennedy's younger brother skjold of playing a "disgrac eful | Edward, arrived in Leopoldville role of servility to the West in! Tuesday on a faet- finding mission |The Congo for the president. elect, BLAME WEST, BELGIUM The statement hlamed the Western Big Three and Belgium \whom it called "knights of the | money bags" for the latest events {in the strife-torn African state |The Russians' four main de | mands: 1, Free Lumumba at once along with other imprisoned members|, of his ousted regime, 2, Disarm Mobutu's forces, 4, Set up a special Afro-Asian mission te find out who is fina cing Mobutu's army, pel all Belgian MLA's Will Get Citizen's Rights TORONTO (CP) A bin amending the Legislative As» sembly Act to give members of he legislature the same common rights as ordinary citizens was given third and final reading Tuesday night, The bill, rushed through with. ) out opposition, gives members from The Congo, the right to aceept public monies The Russians - already have and enter into a contract with called on Hammarskjold to draw the government under justifiable up plans for financial liquidation clreumstances, S.A. Church Meet Defies Race Law JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) One source said "amazing" White and Negro churchmen as-| progress toward a commen ape sembled together here today in|proach to South Africa's apar. open defiance of South Africa' fit Id (racial segregation) peliey national racial laws for a multi-racial con-|was expected World Opinion in two of the Afrikaner churches was sald to be unders was considered) going revolutionary changes most important church Last month a book was pub. ever held in Africa.|jished by 11 leading theologians 87 Protestant dele {and ministers of South Africa's Jowh Africa and! three Duteh Reformed churches 24 non-white denouncing apartheid and calling sources said raciallfor a new approach to the eoun segregation mandatory -under|try's race problems South African law---was not en The hook, entitled Delayed Aes forced among delegates for the tion, made a major impact he. first time since various council cause the Duteh Reformed meetings started in South Africal Church is supported by the Duteh-descended Afrikaners who has set out to/back Prime Minister Hendrik find common ground on the race| Verwoerd, issue during its eight days off However, the three Dutch Bes study and discussion, The execu-|formed churches were expected tive has laid down a five point{to line up against any recom- agenda covering nearly every mendations for swee ping changes aspect of race relations, lin race relations, ference of the Council of Churches The conference one of the meetings Among the gates from abroad were Conference The conference FRENCH PREMIER AT ALGERIAN DEBATE Premier Michel Debre, sits with other French minis» fers in the National Assembly a Paris today during debate on left, President de Gaulle's Algerian | policies. From left are Debre; Louis Joxe, minigter in charge of Algerian affairs Minister of State Roger Frey: Minister of Justice Robert Lecour and Min. ister of Culture Andre Mglraux. -AP Wirt photo