thety general wellbeing" with the Easy To Buy For Men Nis P opie és CE Wide Range Of Gifts Daily On 'Roads pean) Canadian Press Slaff Writer |zation last yesr spent $9000 ir "J unite the safety counehl Who says, "men are Bard wor son--is with a stack of sportienough to select a suit for Wim OTFAWA (CPI~I (his Is anion attempt to break the "eu of cu rns out fhe statistics, Traffie buy for'? Well, lots of womenishirts in easy-care fabrics - into the new country suits, average day on Canadien roads, Heediess Harry, necidepts last year killed 3200 du, but if they would down thelr Knit sport shirts are ing These 1 ists of @ coat, nine persons will have died ny The min on fool and the OB€|porcons and injured #5000, tears of @ving men elothing|inty greater favor with men of vest and trousers, some with two traffic accidents by midnight, belind the wheel must "realize woo coo 5000 000 vehicles in --~a whole new, huge ares of gifl'every age too, These may belpairs of slacks -- one to mateh! As each hour ticks away oo all times that they, as ndi- oo cds cng 6.000.000 of Conads's 2% THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Movember 30, 1960 possibilities would open wp, Men seen iv patierns as well as solids and one to harmonize, lwill be injured--240 in 24 howrs.|vidusle, can prevent accidents." Lu, bag beanie have Meences 19 seldom hesitate to give womeniin almost every style These smart suits may be in Traffic accidents will occur ati "Complacency has no place drive, fashion. gifts, why not vice versa! . a solid color with a patierned|the rate of one every 80 seconds, among the people of 8 nation] They will travel 42000000000 ; (BWEATERS vest, oF Viee-verss, These grim figures were gvenlsuch ss Canada when thelr very\miles next year and of L HERE'S SOME HELP Bulkies belong in every man's|" You don't have to worry sboutlby the Canadien Highway Safety lives are threatened by & relal- ther: will die in the roar of shot A man can never have loo wordrohe. These are oo 1onger|gyerations, Inquire when you Council as it prepared for Bale-\ively small core of heedless and iering fenders, Some $300,000,000 many pairs of slacks and the sel-[the college man's wollorm. This| make your purchase shout having Driving Week, Dee, 17 areless persons,' seid Prime property damage will be caused, ection for his leisure hours Is season they are lighter, brighter ui metter taken care of after! The week is set aside by | Minister Diefenhaker. ! Te answer, Says wide and wonderful for $60 - "61, fashioned for every age and taste Christmas, Most stores gladly eo-lus a time for trying to SmPresst wpe (oll of injuries snd desth|eovnel No matter what his teste, con The neckline is the important|ooerare on motorists and pedestrians hells on avoidable loss" ssid Gov. "Hemmer, hammer, hammer, servative or liberal, plaid willlstyle point and the V is the 1m-| "pake the plunge this year--give sale driving and safe walking mor General Vanier, hammer at them, Make them bet his vote, They range from priant look. It takes off in deeple men in your life & gift of pay in lives and limbs, c : store up knowledge of sele driv an almost indiscernible pattern|V yokes, collars that roll into ali pion The prime minister, the gov: vw Harvison, Sommissionor ul und safe walking unth, In to extremely bold, V shape, high V necks with or ernor-generd), heads of poliee! the RCMP, put some teeth nl ite of themselves Lr The style trend Is hack to the without collar GepRriments, mayors, clergymen): Support A the week, Phe oy come to make use that traditional slacks with belt loops Cardigans have a new look with Cr h and the cop on the heat try to yg oree, ig indeed alt Po owledge," |standard slash pockets, and five or six buttons and sometim-| ass opper ice forces," wiL €rae on WOBBLY TEETH i wnd home that sll that's " single pleats. Either cull or cuff-les comes In vest styling. Po i oe pd both the drinking driver and : " {less are acceptable, Throughout the swester pi ure] P 1 F d thought, Many Canadians listen, drinking pedestrian," especl-| oo (pe ER op SPORT COATS ipatiern is the big ih ji oison oun But there are the hopeless few, ally In the holiday season, A man told Essex health officials | Onee again, never can he have (aking off from (he classic skil LETHBRIDGE, Alta, (CP)--A| The council, after 15 years of PROBIEM 18 URGENT his new set of false teeth wobbled iton many! In this ers of casual Wester, and ribbing often mak- substance has heen found that is preaching highway safety, is able| lealth Minister Monteith said so much thet he couldn't est, \dress, sport coals go to office, |®® the pattern, toxic for grasshoppers but does|io predict that 45 persons will|Canddians spend millions of dol-|\with the result thet he lost 28 country Club and country, The, Men like good-looking, warm "ot affect animals, Dr. Henry dia during Safe - Driving Week.|lars every year fighting sickness| pounds, The cost of the testh was paitern and color designaie the|iackets for wear while hunting, UTR of the federal agriculture The loll last year was 52, These\and disease and In "improving! refunded, 4 "where to wear' Toothall tating, garden put- department told the Alberia ¥n-lare helow the annual average -- --- ' pee ' tomological Society, which is boosted hy the heavy hn color guide for "61 clear|lering, or what have you, And, 6 esearch: . through Spring designates the there pre jackets for every oo Jovever, he added, yr Hoatore| on holiday weekends WW leaders as gold, green, wine, na casion " its general use hy PEATH-F REE GOAL a vy blues, Patterns will be hold-| rarkes areas important in fa Foca ending We eneral se | "Shut the' gout 'romaine & hy : ler and brighter than ever, but|shions this season for men as forl Dr, Hurtig, winner of the Cen.|lree of Iralfic deaths, i otord? * - iG IN CARACAS Ithere are many smart solids and!wo men, and many suburban tennial Medal of the Belgian Areh Bryce, executive dire p i of 9] : more subdued patterns, coats feature pile or fur linings| Agricultural Institute for his of the council, "maintains all P Per, Bonfires set by rioters against | demonstrations which continued to put down the rioting, SPORT SHIRTS and eollars work om pesticides, said present care Jind consideration cow the light EnezIe 0 ent burn | toda Army troops move ~(AP Wirephoto) materials used for grasshopper BEHIEVE d : mas Yeuszilon oF nen during into. the Aor Miri streets : A good way to give yoursell DRESSY CASUALS control have an undesirable ef-| "We must plead with thewrista # gay 08 8 of Christ -- saudi a gif, i you're gifting hubby' It you know your man well feet on animals, and pedestrians," seid the apos- " . » | -- DRINKING anawy o MINSTER, Engl Sees Nigeria (HALF HIS PUB | Piel Void Bs Good Ally CAN BE OPEN Sabie beetdrinking Champion J Te Suffolk ehampion, who recently LLANYMYNECK, Wales |q 0 oq 2 Pints in 85 'econds LONDON (CP) -- Christopher dag aly Devon Taylor's best time is 2% pints in (Chris) Chataway says in 9 fs Alin dependent Nigeria will greatly fay $=the half that is in Fng Conservative. Member ofl )i00% the "regulary" from § y A ales, ey order a pint in Parliament, who was born in the Wales. | oy walk pi the Sudan and takes a special Inter-| ooo" side of the pub--back est in African affairs, said at an| 0 wales--to drink it Anglo-Canadian luncheon hel "ynder Britain's drinking thinks the newest member of the .u.¢ pubs must remain Commonwealth will exert an "'im-| a oc0q on Sundays in Wales, mensely salutary effect in Al aithough they may remain rica " ly "Tha. hap! The Nigerians had a "solidity" half > lang kis gs gL For and unemotional common sense! England Dollar Really Works CRC Of Ghana, Chataway said there is enough evidence of aothoritar- ian tendencies to cause concern, but it had to be remembered! that this was a young country,| Pe ok Y that were rare in the emerging] Dawson, whose inn has an | "5° hy TborlT i ou continent England - Wales signpost in " CAM. leader he has met day opening in Wales BF agreed, He can't open on Sun- and Lounge Lt) [Mo H | He said Prime Minister Sir] the middle of the foyer, said "y at Abubakar Balewa impressed him| "It's about time the laws DE ROI And Stan Worthington, radio, TV is 25 8 C ) | T A day--his pub is 25 yards from | * Coffee Shop ju I | GOODRICH Sd od A more than any other African Were chang to allow Bun- #800 fine rooms with bath, ] Your keeper of a nearhy inn, * Grenadier Dining Room England * Convention AND mocracy., Sometimes there, LONDON -- The Postmaster: | Parking seemed to be a press campaign General, Reginald Bevins, has against Ghana turned down a suggestion that On South Africa, he has op-i,, ..~ o0 po al d posed nationalist racial policies "ere should be no postal de but questioned whether it would|'iveries. on Christmas Day this Lanson M, Boyer | Gen. Mgr." perhaps unsuited to some of the Facilities 5 trappings of parliamentary de MAIL ON CHRISTMAS * Ample ib ia. 7 be wise to exclude the union year as an experiment, The sug- 45 ok Bi hi &/ i B.F. GOODRICH TOYLAND IS NOW OPEN , , , SEE THE WONDERLAND OF from the Commonwealth, Gov- gest yas put to him by th V ' criments chanted and Bolle non Po. Ove werner |. GIFTS FOR THE YOUNGSTERS , . . USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN were not always permanen: wing Commonwealth inks, howl soi MT, Bevins said postmen were @% [#8 - BUY NOW, PAY LATER, uous, took a long time to forge christmas Day, but deliveries El AND 4 and should not be broken quickly| oy that day wefe usually ex- 4 or without careful consideration céptionally heavy. He sald that HOTEL Pivein-One Bath Cub Chataway, once a star runner for many people the postman's ye 4 : ; d A CASS AVE, AT BAGLEY Grass, June Geranium, §1 with a fours § y § i r-minute mile to his arrival on Christmas morning DOWNTOWN DETROIT 26, MICHIGAN | - credit, retired from athletics five was a very important event of ! years ago. |the day. SPA Ts Sosy for play and Chair Set 1K Auton = SPRING HORSE 47 : $1Q95 i So nal | EY sovered Masonitedopped "nm 7 mn if G Indoors or aut high wble with "snap {1} " ! bod Hoh tocking devies, Give HIM A Gift ~ oe Nanda Phey wom lost ong of From A Man's Store!" = Moh fo 8.88 Every man will appreciate a gift especially if it somes from JEWELL'S MEN'S WEAR, We have made it our business to know what men like in the way of wearable accessories 50 why not make it your business to get your Man's Christmas Gift here, Choose from FOR ! This List y i] 1 Bath Stand =Blue Gram of Gift hi \ ONLY 1 EER Ad T Suggestions! i | 4 : i Gowns Bi : i § | NE 4 TRAILMAKER 00 DOWN Sport Coats dor enor LR with more tread Joon HN rh Te \ to GRIP the road Gloves @ Ties {i SARA A pt : lets you Go-Go-Go--through ice, mud and snow! Pyjamas Dow shin {| WE Fully Guaranteed 6 FOR Y roo) $i [UG 01 § winTER TRacion §, 912 9G 88 CONVENIENT ° --- fh NEW TREAD TIRES pi 3 "A" TRADE-IN LAYAWAY PLAN Vis A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL Our Y ; \ ) pe. 4 HOLD ANY ARTICLE Gite ir Codmele Depariment UNTIL REQUIRED. Bor! il & CITY WIDE FREE DELIVES oH Kip 3 | |) ------ PD oiONE Ra 3 S205 OSHAWA Seoseor MEN'S WEAR RA 8.8422