THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Movember », "we 19 1 Regret Nothing' Says: mm win wing Baled Be Thormidll cowgh # bu Ig ie Broke we Nis ¥ tie he borrowed 19 - J ew-Killer Eichmonn pa i EE Sof NEY YORK 4 ried 11608 heer ' me th ng Gestapo Hh Well ETER of fo y Sn " COLCHESTER, England (CP 7 no #88 ¥ ent fo pH Lite PP 5 an secom TY WH wade in this Essex s OFFER VELL THROLGH wi er Ariens vanving edioria : that this Cy, mee 5 Roman capilel, are i wnonn #lls how In 194 The Ulen We ot H Jey 0d hdo us oll. & true stad » amed Romulus and Remus A Wi CEEHTE ou Crermany ive enti atives in Na ontyatied men o e of the Unit afier e legendary wine who _-- igi ne H mm Aud " or d funaary 1 AE VE he Sates ' ries 4 founded Home . y Choose a new Chesterfield Suite for your home. is : 1 ( ' 5 Se 5d6r05) 4 i Ahm the secon wl J $ PA gp ment of Bis memoirs miblished in 4 i y perf |} ' i [4 the ewrrint issue of Tile Maga ae 5 At the ewrrin "1 ms JP "No mis i thet A an Ra i a : pa 7) f in Desert Flo 16 1900) 19 New boss Hen Old Spice Gly Sot tiian & sizes Mier Shove MITCHELL'S presents wv ~ O1d Spice Pro-Elecirie 755 and 1,25 / CUSHIONED WITH Wipam.- eoonfyean === i You soit on millions of fing air bubbles soft as 2 cloud, yo! the 100% foam whber ix molded to retain sont cushion shape, ie kaep fabric wrinkle-free ( | p : " A y A y ne 4 ¥ "i 4 | i J | Od Spice Arar Shave PP Friendship Gurden Git pie, | Votion.. 1,50 and 125 Desert Rower 2 Fragrance Basket Dy ing J Powder 2125 MITCHELL'S Drug Store 9 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH RA 3-343) ® CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY » 0 ANLMTA WEL MIA WD a May A UOINDITA VOIDS S333 ET EE Ea Te a FI COTTE Tee A i fps ss eomm---------------- The Kroehler suite illustrated is a perfect See our selection of better example of today's trend in modern furnis chesterfields in both period 00 fre longer lines with trim arms Your and modern styles, Prices start CTTTOTCTTTIRC Ahm A DH WM, Sy SP S84 3 3 | Q os low os choice of excellent fabrics In decorator 0 colours ' or : Pisce UN SR BRE | WED ALL OUR FUR TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED COATS ARE GOING ON SALE, STARTING THURSDAY 9.30 A.M. SHARP! A A |¥ , | W 5.4 ) y ¥ / ; » } BUDGET TERMS Never before have we had such a sale . .. Yes, it's a dream of a Coat Sale , , . with : ) ) Cc Sa ' For gracious entertaining during the Christmas sea- A deposit will son: and for years to come, a dining room suite is a wonderful addition to your home' We have 18 suites hold your choice Sndisplay Baricd, (Yodern and Colonial. Prices range. until Christmas. I TITIITIEEI IIT TeEY the Season's newest styles at lowest prices . select from the finest English Imports . + +» Fashion and Beauty with the warmth you want for cold winter days to come Prices are drastically reduced . , . You Save $ : 9, * 790" OFF (- Choose o Cedar Chest, 6450 to . he perfect gift for Sweet. . Store Hours . Je per Mot er, Wile or 00 x Mon. Tues. Thurs.. Sut. 9:30 dum. to & pm, Doughter, We have an , Relaxer Lounge Chair == Just right excellent selection, . , for the man of the house. Better Wed, 9:30 am, to 12 p.m, » Fri, 9:30 am, to 9 p.m. quality chairs by Kroehler, scien. ashuon Village J | = tifically designed to stretch and IR "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN OSHAWA" a --. ----- =e Qa ATR EEE RRR, SET CNR Peg Te el a a BORO AE SO BE SS RS BON a > 89.50, 99.50 * 109.50 FOUR SHOWROOM FLOORS Holden Bros. FURNITURE CO. © § 63 KING ST, EAST RA 5.3514 relax in magic comfort -26 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5.2722 Car Call Cot @ SRY Ne TRATES VOD On mR TANI O TET CHL E00 Qu hE Fn de