The Oshawa Times, 28 Nov 1960, p. 6

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VANISHING VOGUE ~ Com- ing - out parties for debutantes, such as this one at Montreal's Fewer Coming-Out Parties Indicate The Passing Of By BRUCE LEVETT (h anadian Press Staff Writer |t s midnight struck for Cinder! so the day of the debutante|t wing to a close in Canada For debs, whose long, white clad lines stretch back more than 100 years in Canadian social his- | to are a vanishing breed ue, there are centres where debutantes are on the increase but each ar there are fewer|a cities in which opportunities are|r offered for young girls to be pre-| sented formally Even the debutante herself is hanging Her pedigree is has less money; her parents arc C A C less prominent; she has less time onward love to prepare for a formal debut, The Canadian Press, in a cross Canada eight! cities where young are presented to official society at a glittering function MANY W ERN DEBUTS Debutantes are increasing Cal Vancouver had bumper crop this year Victoria 18 girls c le It In ary al e practice has a firm hold on fmonton Debutantes came into their own| in Halifax five years ago and are| cornerstone of the social|'l Montreal has at least three entation dances still is keen th a ) still a tl pre Interest in New foundland, possibly the keenest porn ANNUAL BALL in the country, The interest still is high inp tegina, but there debutantes are... paoihie out by deeree. And Quebec City which once glittered, is dimming| yp its lights New - Brunswick served the custom for 40 years and there are no coming-out parties in Prince Edward Island. | In Ottawa the formal presenta tions are dying out if not dead TURNS THUMBS DOWN The attitude of the military--| once a key factor in the intro.| ducing of girls at various regl mental halls----was summed up by|1 Major Frank Richardson of the 49th Regiment In Sault Ste Marie "We considered it at one time but didn't take to the idea too kindly, We've enough headaches without that." Mrs, Barbara McLean, dent of the May Court charity ball at Sault Ste, Marie says: "We never discussed using the Charity Ball as a coming-out party. Speaking for myself, it would be drawing too obvious a line, wouldn't it?" There was an attempt to stage a ball to introduce Manitoba| debutantes about 15 years ano, | hasn't ob:| 0 J 0 presi Hospital Charity Ball and the St Andrew's Society Ball Ball such affairs continue Montreal di out-dated, In the old days it was| POPULAR FUNCTIONS shorter; sheja method of girls meet but urvey, found only about|adays the antes, is the only purely French til is carrying on quietly andi...' pas waned 'because girls couver Island--made up of mil {rolls around {debs Garden party, hat for next 40 and 50 girls attended in each|gan sponsoring Le Bal de Cen that the custo: Ball, an annual affair for the last 10 lleutenant-governor landers, . cial event in some We Canada communities and foundland, This Montreal debu- 1060 Charity Ball, are disap- rm pearing in most Canadian cities although they remain a tgp so- Vanier, tante makes her formal curisy before Governor 4 omen, Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, November 28, 1960 'Van Driel - Robinson Nuptials Held In First Baptist Church The marriage of Lois Ethel| ert Martin, They were identically Robinson and John Thomaf Van gowned in peacock blue peau de Driel, both of Oshawa, was sol- sole fashioned on sheath lines lemnized recently in First Baptist with sabrina necklines and short Church sleeves, Tiny bows eompliment- | The bride is the daughter of ing the bodice also caught the | |Mr, and Mrs, Gordon M, Robin- hemline of the slender skirts, | son and the bridegroom is the They wore small white fur pill- ! lson of Mr, and Mrs, A. J, Van hox headdresses and carried pink Driel, sll of Oshawa sweetheart roses on white fur] | The Reverend N, FP, Bwack- muffs, The flower girl, little hammer officiated in the double- Miss Brenda King, cousin of the ring ceremony, The wedding mu- bride, was gowned similarly tol sie was played by Mr. H, Phillip ihe other attendants in pink peau! of Toronto, and Mrs, John Stone de sole, sang "0 Perfect Love" and "I'll Mr, Douglas Greentree per: Walk Beside You", formed the duties of best man| The bride, given in marriage by and the ushers were Mr, Donald , was wearing a gown Ferguson and Mr, David Van ichioned by her mother, of Driel, { bite peau de soie on princess! The reception was held in the Mme, Vanier is at right, ~CP Photo 17 PERSONALS falling into a cathedral church parlors and the bride's train, complimented with tiny mother received wearing a two hows and a scoop neckline trimm- niece ensemble of mink-tone- igh Society C High Society Custom oo dent Last June there were 19 who { went through a month of lunch eons, teas and dinner parties Vancouver has two fetes--the Military Ball, sponsored by the militia on the Friday nearest|the gan May 8 and the Trafalgar Ball, ape Op, Charity sponsored by the Naval Officers' piachen Association of British Columbia g.pq on the Friday nearest Trafalgar the a is not enough of the old Day r rinded around us any, The Military Ball goes hack 14 Do i years and is the ball of the year nh of on the Vancouver social calen dar, e's getting "too old and too ired" to go to all the parties Two other Montreal presenta jon dance are the St. Mary's or the CRA B the abse Mrs, J, icity director says she Bartlett Morgan, pub for the would like to sec There age of elegance nore," sery Mrs rved h allanty Ballantyne Borrow James agrees pi business Is Hower "This coming-out meeting boys, Now Girls apply for a year in ad boys from 10 vears|/ vance to be presented at both af Parties are fun and I|fairs and are accepted on a first ceremonies and formality, | come, first-served basis we have to he realistic now Mrs, Gordon Southam, chair girls just don't need to/man of this year's debutante ome out anymore." | committee for the navy ball, said Miss L. Bolsseau, organizer of Mere oimast defin fly Fi . n which t " a dotits Souliers M 0 J ss-wealthy to join|" Bal dee Petits Soulless, the debs, "Money isn't a classifi- Phone R a ¥ cation." Mr In Vietoria, the traditional Kite party the annual ball of they United Services Institute of Van Teas, ding an 0g o holiday terest ir phone o ment w a hene Waterloc Flward Marvin reeent g |E., Horn anadian ball of its kind in the She says she thinks it will a few more years but in ity Is Ast re still students when the ball|ltary officers past and present A maximum of 30 girls are pre | sented to the lieutenant-governor | Prior to the Second World War debutante halls were held at Gov ernment House, debs are ACC sometimes invited to the annual Christmas Ball there, but not for the last two years Prior 1 1049, to court annual to joining Confederation Newfoundland sent its in England or to Buckingham Pal Friend ing sym William queline death of Tan Fliz Now e Now they appear at the annual butantes Ball, sponsored hy|to which about 14 uitable"" | gaughter Chapter of the Im.|young ladies are invited, They chalifou Daughters of the are selected by the women's com-| i | mittee of Western Command and! lother groups, erial Order impire Mrs, Hal Puddester, a member f the ball committee in 8 | Quehee City is an example of ohn's, says Interest Is so keen|the changing face of society in applications are coming -in{the eld, established areas, June's affair Between| In 1951 the Kiwanis Club be f the last five years But it is In Ballas for the The It was| Harvey |drillon--the Cinderella Western Canada the coming . out affair dies hardest, [Upper Town demoiselles the Highlanders'| held in October, But last year's ball was the last, The club, losing money on vent of the year, Usually about{the ball each year, had tentativ- girls are presented to thelely scheduled another for this Yonson at the affair|year, but was forced to cancel it,|Ing cha ponsored by the Calgary High. Nobody came forward to take it| held the lap. the larg S-- {and gue {in the n United forth th | consider clarify {of their | ship. | Mrs {hearers solos, a | happily | Perrault In Calgary, Church tion of * in the 1 years, is the foremost soclal) presided at social evening finger tip veil of tulle illusion and prised of feathered Reginald Pike confined to hospital door prize filling Lambert Edmonton has its Military Ball on Monday Harvey-Hunt Hears Timely Discussion | Of Amalgamation |Wiovd Saunders. November WMS of G ec in white fur. A crown of tulle hrocaded satin with matching ac and seed pearls held her ces Her corsage was com tawny gold was the gowned In Guy Forrest, vice-presi- leaves ores ih at the sie carried pink cymbidium or- carnations, Assisting Thursday in chids and stephanotis on a white bridegroom's mother Mrs, fur muff steal blue hushand is| Attending the bride were her accessories, Her corsage consis Winners of sisters, Mrs, Marranne Robinson, cd of feathered pale pink carna es were Mrs, ¥, Werry, maid-of-honor, Miss Helen Rob: tions rile Laval Mrs, Sonia inson of California and Mrs, Rob-| As the couple left on a wed ie an dg bi ? an Sud ding trip to: Florida the hride £ da won . {was wearing a fitted suit of beige of Te elu Was ro Coronation H&S [wet with matching accessories er 1. Refreshments Wh 4 . {and black Persian lamb coat, Her w Lionettes Mrs, William Night of Cards Jawellery consisted of brown iale and Mr Norman topaz crystal, a gift of the bride for Mrs Frank Xalar and her groom, On their return the newly committee convened a successful ided couple will reside in Osh might of cards on behalf of the awa, Coronation Home and School As-| sociation recently, On a red, | white and blue theme the flow-| ers, a delightful and eye-catching mobile and table decorations i ented a bright and gay setting for the auditorium and school | rooms Mrs, R, L. Donald, president of the association welcomed the ests and at the close of play presented the winners with gaily-| vrapped Social Humboresque Cl iilding last nce of the president whose the in Mrs, Rufu who is ill at home birthda niver f guest wed and owr parties aries, coming and your always of in Write, tele 1 depart item of news for no charge, Tale- plans are lumn the 1 this ¢ r visit th nere | A 3.3474 Mrs Miss Mi nd by H W. R Mary and Mrs Detroit; Mr, and Neshitt, Nestleton nests of Mr, and Mrs Athol street east Balley Moyer Fran Mrs were ( pr (8 conveners, Bakogeorge and Mrs Ritzie and their assistants, grade mothers provided refresh ments, Prize winners were: Mrs, Gor- wathy to Mr, and Mrs, don Jackson, Mrs, David Russell, Leahy, Toronto, nee Jae. Mrs, Earl Matthews, Mrs, R Chalifour, in the sudden Wicks, June Gillespie, Mrs, Ray| their beloved daughter, Burns, Mrs, A, Leavitt, Mrs, B abeth, aged three months | Kacsor, Mrs, Roy Pearse, Helen November 21, grand-| Jozkoski, Mrs, George Bertum, r of Mr, and Mrs, C. B |Mrs, William Hancock, Mr, R. r, Colborne street west, |Meleod, Mrs, R, Donald, Mrs. -- -- {1 H, Campbell, Mrs, G, Moss, | Mrs, Gordon Hawker, Mrs, Tilk Mr Brinning, Mrs, Ray | Branton V. Kitchen, Mrs 18, Wayllet, Mrs, Déan McLaugh- Joan McFarlane, Mrs, R Mrs, Stan Turner, Mrs. Mrs, Peter Peter the 8 In Oshawa are extend John Mrs [Tin Mackie, meeting of the Hunt Evening Ausiliary| Favorite Recipe Simeoe Street United] M For Pumpkin Pie heard an able presenta 'Trends in Women's Work| Church", Mrs, Alex| Line a ple pan with rolled out and Mrs, Fred Ross, us | ple paste, Molsten edge and apply rts and brief comments, |a sipip of pastry about half an » undivided attention of finely to rim of pie, Seal and te group of members| orimp edges, Since this shell is sts, The auxillary's place to he filled when paste is raw, ew women's organization. do not prick with a fork, Put in Church Women, called|ihe refrigerator to chill while wughtful questions, the preparing filling ation of which helped tol" Measure 1 cup of well-drained, members' understanding| mashed, freshly cooked pumpkin role in this larger fellow linta top of double boiler, Mix in [1% cups of rich milk, Cover and pumpkin mixture to scald Ukrainian Presbyterian Church was the scene of the wedding recently of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Jeffrey Colleran, The bride, the former Miss Dorothy Leonora Jacenty, is the The M. Love delighted her| jy it A PICTURE The centre of interest in this four - generation picture is six month - old Kimberly Diane Reckzin, who is seated on the knee of her mother, Mrs, Ken- i 4 "FOR THE FAMILY ALBUM Harbarenko, Oshawa, Baby Kimberly is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Reckzin, Wels lington street, Oshawa, neth Reckzin, At the left is the baby's grandmother, Mrs, Wil liam Horban, RR 3, Bowman. ville, and on the right her great-grandmother, Mrs. Mary GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES in brocade and brown ( re Corneal gave port held lows Mrs Adolphe Vernon Clay Beth Grills bank Mrs LADIES AUX, NUPSE The November meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of Local 50, Na tional Employees was held recently at Lhe neal Union of Public Bervice of Mrs Cox» The president, Mrs, John McLachlan, presided, The see etary's report was rerd by Mrs Bowman and Mrs, Robert the treasurer's re The winners of the euchre November 22 are as fol Thomas Abthorpe, Thomas Abthorpe, Mr Burke, Mrs Evelyn Mi Betty Brown, Mi { Mrs, Mason, Mrs Mrs, Frank Swithen Mrs John MeLachlan,| Vera Bzikay | door prize was won hy FE, Diamond of Myrtle home Robert rown The Ars, WEDDING PRINCIPALS daughter of the Reverend and Mrs, John Jacenty and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Colleran, all of Oshawa. Photo by Ireland by singing two beautiful] jpeg p ppreciation of which was expressed by Mrs, Joya nt over boiling water, Combine well in mixing bowl + cup lightly packed brown gar, 1 teaspoon ground einna The next meeting is December| Boddy, president, had charge of 21 at Simcoe Hall, 8 p.m. and|the meeting vill be the election of officers, | Fhe devotional period was led a - iby Mrs, William Thaxter, She jer Scot AUXILIARY read the Christmas Story from 16th 8 out. AX liar Ww is held atithe second chapter of Si Cedardale Dated' Chara 1 Matthew, Mrs. Boddy then read edardale nited Church with "Phe Light of the World" Mrs, Arthur French presiding 8 LAB. of 114 ory 1b B n The meeting opened with the The secretary, treasurer and opening prayer repeated in uni-|flower conveners read their re S00 ports, Members made nine sick The minutes were read by calls during the month, The main Mrs, Rola id Morris, The treasur-/item of business concerned the er's report was given by Mrs, Ar-| yearly donation made to the WA, thur French | The group was reminded of the ~The Akela auxil quarterly meeting of the WA to lary for the Hallowe'en|he held October 7, in the form of party Chiat i in | {a pot luck supper 1€ Irisimas meeting will be} held in the form of a i Thi) to] The program . R Was In charge be auctioned off for 25 cents, | v gm Fach mother is to bring a gift Knaggs and her group, Mrs, worth no more than $1.00 to he Thaxter, Mrs. William Coulter exchanged, The next meeting will|and Mrs. 0. M, Alger be held at the Church on Thurs-| Miss Millicent Luke spoke to day, December 8, 2 p.m, the group, Her theme pertained The meeting adjourned with|to old traditions and responsibil. the Scout Mizpah, A social half-|ity to the future OL 0 wed, hour followed ARDENT WORKERS SUNSHINE GROUP On Thursday evening the Ar. Sunshine Group No, 4 of North-|dent Workers Group of King minster United Church WA met|Street United Church held its in the Church parlors recently. |Christmas party in the form of a Mrs, R. R, Peterson, group lead-|pot luck supper. Mrs, Joshua er, presided and opened the meet-| Kinsey opened the meeting with ing with a few words of welcome|a reading, 'Lord Jesus, Christ, followed by the Lord's Prayer re- Be Thou Our Guest", followed peated in unison, by the singing of carols, praver Mrs, Robert Nicholls conduet-\hy Mrs, Ewart Clemence and a ed the devotions, Minutes were|short reading, Christmas. The read hy Mrs, Harry Woods and|georetary's report hy Mrs, Frank the treasurer § report given by| James and treasurer's report hy Mrs, Austin Franklin, Ms, Willlam Ward were given, It was decided to hold thel wmps Douglas Redpath was in December meeting in the form onapge of the devotional per of a Christmas party, startingliod veading Scripture, Luke 2 1.24 with a dinner in the chureh par-| a ces ol lors on Wednesday, December yotaes ail 4 story of Christmag 6.4 .m, Huninh , 1a ie iowa by Murs, Stanley Gomme sang we + "Dear > Str Wh The Mizpah benediction closed Mls, fear ttle Stranger. an the meeting and refreshments hy Mrs. Frank Hortop There wete served I¥ Mes, Jarry Rae) lore several guests present and the tables were prettily deecorats FIDELIS GROUP ed hy Mrs, Leslie Guy and Mrs, The Fidelis Group of Simcoe Hales Barker, Street Church WA met at the| After a short business session home of Mrs, Robert Holden for Santa Claus arrived and dis. its regular meeting, Mrs, Haro'd'tributed gifts to everyone, r-- he thanked the Cubs the meeting of Mrs, Ernest fon STORE HOURS Reilman.~ WHERE SMART WOMEN HOF Two Stores In Oshawa 20 Simcoe St, S, & Oshawa Shopping Centre OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY ALL YEAR ROUND Mrs, Angus MacLean, assisted! non "4 teaspoon ground ginger, by Mrs Jove Moody santueted Vs teaspoon Erated nutmeg ad 1¢ worship service on a phase of | 1, Add 3 unbeaten the thems "Into All the World|, and 1 teaspoon rated "ogether', | a rn y y ° ( ge rind, Beat with a wooden During the brief business per [sp on until the mixture is mixed ld, conducted by the president. |ihoroughly, While stirring egg Nrs, A. C, Potter, messages off yixture rapidly, slowly add scald. [Regret Vere fectived hom sev ing pumpkin mixture, Stir in ¥ eral sick and s nembers. f oup of orange juice, : The treasurer, Miss Hazel Pow-|" pour filling Into chilled raw pie A . he er, noted that the financial objee shell, Bake pie in 450 degrees F. Q. As some people age y Hive for ihe yeat stil Fuired oven for 10 minute then re-/seem to become more and more diligent stewardship, if it was to says Jean Brown, social editor of the Winnipeg Free Press, The affair was rushed and, she re calls "Few of the girls' dresses fitted and the thing was gener: ally disorganized. After that, no one seemed interested in holding another debutante hall," NOT ENOUGH DEBS This year, Toronto replaced its| traditional Artillery Ball--spon.| edical Mirror teaspoon salt Better fealth Through) Know, As many J WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT: Note to readers: Thanks for all the questions 'as possible will be answered in this column, but for nice letters obvious reasons replies must be brief, the redness shows up as a sort of| halb around the cornea, | sored hy artillery units only with the first Garrison Ball spon:| gored by all militia units, A] dearth of debs led to the abandon. | ment of their presentation and Toronto newspapers hailed the| new arrangement as a smashing] SUCCess | Queen Elizabeth helped tof scoteh formal presentations last] year when she announced the practice would cease in London Lt.-Gov. Frank Bastedo of Sas katchewan, saying he was going ___to follow the rest of Canada, de- ereed there would be no present ation of debs at the Trafalgar Ball in Regina, where five to 20 girls have heen presented to the lientenant-governor each year for five years, The navy, which sponsors the hall, says there has heen no wane in interest--if anything, it greater this year until the Bas. tedo decree, Montreal's Charity Ball calls itself the oldest event of its kind in North America--dating back to 1847 when Lord Elgin was pat ron, Last year 35 to 40 debutantes were presented to Governor-Gen eral Vanier at the Charity Ball but ball spokesmen sald he passed it this year because FOR BEAUTIFUL' PORTRAITS Yih 40 King E 3 RA 5-015 he attal A soe duce oven heat to 325 degrees F.| neurotic and hard to get along ned, | (slow) and continue baking unti!|with: Do they actually have all ial hour was enjoyed at|fijling is set, A silver knife in: the ills they complain about? serted in centre of filling should | A, Oldsters like a lot of younger |» od {ing Ont | ture, Otherwise moisture may he |dra \ PO Ee the conclusion of the meeting leaves, come out clean, This will take about 45 minutes longer, CROP TOPS oot vegetables should be stor- with tops removed, accord WARM FRIENDS to the Information Branch,| In cooking, best results are ob. ario Department of Agricul: tained when eggs and milk are at room temperature, advises the the | Information Branch, Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, wn from the roots to . be out of kilter, folks, may develop neurotic | symptoms which show up as res peated complaints when nothing is physically wrong, One day it's {"indigestion"==the next day it's "backache" or perhaps just vague {pains here and there, They seem always preoccupied with the bady {or a part of the body believed to The trouble is [very likely borrowed from the T0 11 I a wong | Married recently at S§t, | Michael Melnyk and the late George's Ukrainian Catholic [Mr, Melnyk and the bride. | Church, Oshawa, were Mr, and | groom is the son of the late Mrs. Paul Turko. The bride, the | Mr, and Mrs, John Turko, all of former Miss Anne Melnyk of | the Ukraine, Oshawa is the daughter of Mrs, Photo by Mary's IS YOUR PLUMBING GOOD ORDER? Statistics Show 50% are NOT -- If You Fall into this Group STOP WASTING MONEY NOW! CALL RA 5-5132 TODAY For FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIRS end NEW FIXTURES GUSCOTT PLUMBING 207 SIMCOE ST. §. OSHAWA Studio was| TROPICA PLANTS! @® Brass Planters @ Plant Stands @ Plant Pols ® Ceramic @ Potting Soil Planters @® Plant Food We have the largest assortment in order to make your indoor gardening more enjoyable, A. W. RUNDLE | GARDEN CENTRE |past = childhool fears, growing up anxieties, and adult disap | pointments, The average oldster {who has nothing more wrong | than can be expected in later life Ivery often needs a sympathetic listener and, above all, something lof interest to occupy his time rather than actual treatment of imind or body | 'Q. Several months age my eyes became quite bloodshot, | used an eyewash but this didn't help: (What do you suggest? | A, Redness of the eye is a warns ling signal common to many cons iditions, Play safe and see a physician. He may find that the redness is due to allergy or pers {haps there is a mild infection, Medical advice should always be had at 'once if eye redness is ase | sociated with any dimming of | vision or severe discomfort, or it 1015 KING E, RA 5.1764 28 King St E Q. "A competent electrologist has been giving me treatments for superfluous hair but the cost is high, | have been con: sidering purchasing a home electric machine, Would this be advisable? '==N: M, A, Removal of superflous hair by electrical means is a tedious and time-consuming process and because of this it is likely to be expensive, Results obtained de- pend entirely upon the skill with which the machine is used. The chief. danger is facial scarring and this could be more disfigur- ing that the hair, Before taking) any steps on your own, diséuss| the pros and cons of the matter] with your family physician or dermatogolist Q. Is frequent nosebleed a sign of high blood pressure? A. Many medical textbooks men. tion high blood pressure as a common cause of nosebleed. However, the nose can bleed as the result of some local condi» tion which has no relationship to hypertension. Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors, The diagnosis and treatment. of dis ease is the function of the patient's personal ian Questions directed to Science| Editors, P.O, Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario will be in| corporated in these columns when| possible, f Kain Druga RA 3-462) | Your Garments Are Safe Here | got a great kick out of a cartoon that appeared In a recent issue of a dry cleaners' trade magazine | suppose everybody else who saw it had the seme reaction as | did, for at first | thought the editor had made & mistake: The whole picture was upside down, It showed the manager of a dry cleaning shop standing behind the counter talking to a customer, But | did a double take and read the caption, which was right side up, It had the manager saying, "I've turned the place upside down, 3ir, bie 1 still son's locate those pants you left here te cleaned, Personally, | thought that was quite funny, but if you think about it @ minute, you might consider that cartoon a bit too near the mark for @ cartoonist te kid about it in a dry cleaning publication, But mind it a Rondnath didnt of the gh our shop probably the fontious dvy ol bit, At least | didn't, because keeping track ! and hundreds of that flow th in @ week has become second nature to us, We have a good tagging system that never fails oftener than once in a million times. In fact, the odds against our mise placing anything that comes in to us are about the same as the odds against an Eskimo suffering from sunstroke at the North Pole! So if you hear of any Eskimos suffering from sunstroke in thelr, native habitat, lot ne know, Hl personally stand watch over our system d might, there'll be mo slipups of ~, Fi ake daubly sure SOT we Lf

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