' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Movember 28, 1960 13 Le ed REPORY FROM PARLIAMEMS New Parish Hall |... From Skid Road | 8-£€xf0 ; " cial Lim d F) ! » Far-Reaching Proposals I D di t d Sal Special Limited Engagement 5 edailicqaie To vation 1 cw DECEMBER 1. «2. 3 4 el A N( WYER (CP) ws V or yy Aden 4 dun 4 Sed i y Gays oF the 4 KAA WHE 215 pounds NAT NE CHEVAEL Jou Canstan AM wie CARE ne £06 ia ere (6) ern e dod : o # i Seg : © £ has 3 criminal eonvictions--asd J bre Pr a ated Wardens of eh p t Sin a % at the' " gd 3 Sopley oA Ris Red oF BREW Salvation Army 3 Fhe y $ ; ' 4 service Revs By MICHAEL STARR, MP (pride in democyas en i v aK ' P ension, Po 9 9 of Map . a ral Minister of Labor given the henefit of this KING OF GLa ' - Bishop H. RB. Hunt per- a H the + eagrave Un : ead 2 Si rond Patra Bw 5 at rs @ GEMORSLEBLIOn Of Bow the eum. [oF Economie Progr € armed the servis whieh merk-visitin y; Mr, C. A Glass po or o JB bree four men whe will is ph ore than ears ¢ § p y 2% £ dig an fd y RB 4 SH id >» deadbesis » bas since | as "ad the opportunity Dersome oi Whew OF Park ! A ed the opening of a $12.000 huild-las Bishop aplain; the Ree re " on wna out deadbesis whe have a wit mentary Government can spin Pariams ! 1 damaaniaia ily imitor. Rey. Mr. E. W. Fuller v. Mr. D. ost every hope of communicating with the Deo / A ¢ a 0 4 program providing vastly b 7 y r. E uiier St George's : 5 : ¢ hen the proper amount © v Bins Ih 4 3 sf dic sin of 2 £ The new service comeides with grio Riding throug v, gd wved facilities for this parish. !the Bishop , y ple in Ontario Riding i io injected hy energetic @ « ' ' ' . and Rey the recent opening of new Harbor madiym | hi ' ui re of ministration - ; . as 24 : $ 2 Zreastly os PLAGLLE UNVEILED All Bemis' fights headquarters KBOW Ral FUE af Lion room, Rew d iad fasts 4 M ¢ y Among the first measure expanded wn a E gr ' senior Ca Pp Press of new duties when ' kite ¥e (aeilities wrin t dedication two the pressure ' come before Paria Was Bi ara 4 ys ) hom ted During . the Bieation One hundred and twenty peo charge of the 4 made it impossible for me (0 p % rooms for the churchiplague ere WnYy Oh 4 A . oil of th means of H to guarantee 10a) © J ie ) y iP 1 oa 4 pers 4 th . & i gitended the Dedication sery- pairgl system bas never been * i yet of ' Loragde e an A v i labors : 4 avg Hon 1 ng the period Provement of business Premises pyiid pew Leehnil BNIDE In-| SENGGH age Spat vt: hair itiione, Jy den pid] tried in Canada before, "It won't j COMMIRIEALION od did and equipment This went; v ' 3 srther cupboards. It is a renovation andiapd contributions helped mak - wean move Work, just re 2 Performances Daily ~ 2:00 & Bus pm. b 5 Question 4 { : in B : § ' wddition to the original churchithe ball possible; and one to the me, . wu through to fOrst reading nai forward ational develop. adoition io f PDH y hl se duties, of course, are Si oy Ip : us api. ment tial n the hall which was one large room members of the present congre DANISH EXCHANGE WPOrTURRY," : demanding. However, atmosphere 0 TER PY Ben § » i / g The mew headouarters bas 2 'heen brought to my atten-jminny favor the principle of Great Slave Laks ay Proj upste Mone DASEMEnt FOR Eaton " YE ONE 4 Fhe Com HOCK EXCNANEE fining room to seal 1600 . i do heen hroug ) my atien- Bill. This " provide co { River P . 3 pew | structure, whichibuilding nto being ' stiagn 1V ana a tion that many people appre | the i Shut | y oh Ahad les | s hullet i asi tab chapel for 40, A dormitory holds ¢ useful assistance Lo properiies oA Proje ' ¥ ' Quenec ine uae Hi WRELR Briel speeches were made HY « Jenmark in the 17th century, . Retin ated being Jept n direct touch 4 A, p iB men and the new infirmary with otivitie ns Parliament small businesses grossing £85 Rg 4 ) ihe matte hgare and other es Of ious than $250000 per year ang such as Ca of her modern ¢lassroom cost in} d ort m thelr mem { i NISH . though, a Fe f a! Ad pels 4" is theibe a particuiar Hoon io the LOUr- sun reso £ easing ou e peighborhood of SI12000; ah YOU WHO NEVER Fi ber and this iii ist industry | natio 4 le at the hut $2600 of which hb already reason for the resumption of this : 4 : " {same Lime 1 ng a been paid for b e 1 Pep AD 10 HOUSING ' / BEES Phe HIGH S HOO , £ of 4 ) £54 I yuildin epre { i : 2 On Tuesday, the House took up | y e ' y CC BLUEPRINT he matte ) 4 culmination of severs ¥ Nom! / { Crnme an. HH National Housing Act an eT n of e Hl 4 lann a f d ha gry ric blueprint ave consideration to a pumbe Phi | are invited to write for FREE booklet, Tells how you con veiled COONAN blueprin / {ent Con I 7 0 both in terms of long-range andi" '8 Teac ng al ! ( y bundred corn Your High School Diplome calculated to stimulate ' f ( short-term measure Amen are 3 ( i ( dead ¢ £ ' 10 t t building indus J anada. © ¢ / 0 erating. dchated by Paria. bulding industry in Canada. On og wis fl AT HOME IN SPARE TIME } ment t i ' ------------ t I ne N) dLIE eau m ; 3 " Many of the formalities of other] © = ooo ents furthering the well be ' " e Bishop AMERICAN SCHOOL, 100 Dundas Street, Deseronto, Ont sessions were cut out at the sug. 27°F FEY / net e actual Dedie J . : Governme objective elp se sti f the Prime Minister and ' nment s oN) ' e £ 4 i b r f the Opp as many Canadians as possible I v ement with | POS ) dl own thelr own nome tion Phere are also important ts worm OEE Send von regarding wroon rence ANOTHER SMASH ALL-COLOR SHOW ! he most inte ng was cut down to an unheard-of | i GO TCA ADDRESS tures of the amendments to the one day, by mutual agreement ony Housing Al ya ™ 1 UPRORRIOUS MOTTE FROM THE BEST SELLER} BOE WHE pris Pie vr An iith The misiness of the ses-|Course. the provision rega a C2 DORIS AY DAVDNWEN OUR 63rd YEAR Governmen a stance n I Fie Government's proposals are| CODSITUCLIOR OF SEARS oe gi ¥ ; -- . to provide jobs for as many Cana. FEF tor ; iid phohbidaia dl det " o dians as possible ie " ult fice: oe lakes and] #s ¥ . 4 There are measures dealing d sd J ag ) ; Wp A Wi TE ghia " A DEARE | vith the econon there! *! ' g 1 4 METROCOMDE . Xu are measures' to provide jobs; BOFLaNt part ih the developer YODAY and TUES, § OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE to bolste the economy of Our county nis Nas bes { att i 1 ci, ho ATR YLOYT {TGBAY ond TUBS, id ¥ 1 : ystem ol mana wate ays ope there are measures Lo. push or Ah ie count hts Soffa dip a War the rte Canad io 20, 1 SOV ef] YOU TOUCHED ME! Bulit by Vickers...powered by Rolls-Royce Open be so in the future, One of the 4 are J To Wh digo action ond most serious and most talk A Romantic Comedy By about problems of our day ha pression this woek tha the House been Ihe amor Mestad he WE APOLOGIZE Yomesroe Willams wd Doseld Winihom as in a mood for action 3 ' Was Wn 2 " y national heritage, By the ament VARIED ME ASURES iments introduced thi eek, the ; So far 1 busine has con-| Federal Government would ents { I" ny. patron w/ were unable to gel In AT sisted main! w considera o b Inte garinership dy he Sidi to the Ploze Theatre. Friday and. Saturday night the House, A hoi hing Jogi hos erious danger to ihe ) t ce the funniest comedy of the vear PLEASE McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE effe tinued usefulness of a greal na TUR nef | | OVER". For your convenient v re hold Really, it makes one feel a new! tional assel ve 3 d | nvenience we are | November 30, December 1, 2 and 3 - t over for 3 days only 8:30 P.M, SHARP New Offices BRE rn BOX OFFICE---~HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE SATURDAY, NOV, 26, 8:30 AM. TO 6 PM ud MONDAY, TUESDAY, NOV, 28, 29 = APM, TO 6 P.M, Al | 105t I illed ON NIGHTS OF PLAY -- AT THEATRE -- 7 P.M, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT y : THE PRODUCERS OF "CARRY ON NURSE" GENERAL ADMISSION 1,00 CARRY ON SERGEANT""CARRY ON TEACHER' -- ce ing Five of the eight available and MacDonald, Indust office spaces in the Commer. ceplance Corporation tm th cial Holdings (Oshawa) Ltd, re Clerk of the Eighth Division eently completed Commercial Court of Ontario County and Building, at 286 King street west Morley and Snowden, Insurance have already been occupied, T.|Arjusters Morse Hatt, president of Com Morley and Snowden a ne firm which has just opened up SCANDALOUSLY CARRY ON WITH mercial Holdings said last week The owner of the Commercial with the opening of the Com \ Building, the first of its type mercial Building 1 \J in Oshawa, have attempted to The Allin and Hetherington y he v- TED RAY JEAN NENT WwW 3 SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY DANCE COURSE 6 PRIVATE LESSONS Oreos are. spacious, woll- all are 2 CLASS LESSONS 15 line up allied, or complimentary Construction Ltd,, of Bowman LESLIEPHILLIPS 0AN SIMS type of firms to occupy the new Ville just completed. the ne building, Mr. Hatt vid two-storey ultra modern. hri [ / 35. 3:30 . 5:30 Conveniently located, on King| building, It heated bh Electro 7.30 - 9:30 street west, just west of Park heal which is supplied and in » vad, the new two storey build. stalled hy the Oshawa -elecirical To By Md features to offer| firm, Hill-Cornish ODEON GIFT BOOKS for Of the eight contractor vork NOW ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE tenants and many attractions | Early in 1061, the most modern airliner of service for every travel purpose and for its type will go into service in Canada: every purse. TCAs turho-prop Vanguard! 'As TCAs The Vanguard is built by the makers of ing on the Commercial Buildin construction firms in the Me, anietuly decorated umd, ric Cohowa + Gautiee - Bowman | 1STUDIO PARTY vide excellent working condition for its tenant fhere is ample] James A. Ma Donald, a part N parking facilities at the rear of ner in the Greer, Murphy ai FOR ONL fleet of 23 of these aircraft is delivered, the famous Viscount -- Vickers-Armstrongs, th building for 25 car in Ma Ronald law fm is secre Vanguard Service will be extended to all a mgmber eompany of the British Aircraft 1 \ on now occupy ne a asi ( { | ( | i ( Jim reial Building ing abi the Holding Oshawa) Ltd. and i main centres across Canada, to the United Corporation, Like the Viscount=and TCA's States, and south to Tampa (Florida), DC-8 Jets, too = the Vanguard is powered Bermuda, Nassau and the Caribbean, All by Rolls-Royce, offering TCA's passengers Vanguards will provide two classes of in 1061 a truly great new way to go places! Credit Bureau of Oshawa Ltd, lin charge of the Commercial the law firm of Greer, Murphy Building | Double Ring Ceremony Held By GRACE MILLS The reception room was beaut AJAX Candle-dight and white ily decorated with white eh flowers formed the setting in St, anthemums and pmk carnation Paul United Church, ajax, for When leaving for the honeymoon the wedding of Mary Margaret by air to Miami Beach Fla., the Russell to James William Pyette bride wore a sheath dress of red at 7 pau on November 18, The wool, coat of winter white with LE sapphire mink trim white hat ching i y and fun ARTHUR MURRAY W. MARKS LICENSEE 1h; Simeoe § RA 8-168) Open daily 1 to 10 p.m Air Conditioned How fast is the Vanguard ? 425 mph, Gets you there almost as Only Adults May Take Advantage of This Offer fast as a pure jet except on long distance flights: only 70 minutes : Bb. \ Toronto ta Montreal, 1 hy, 45 mins, - Vancouver-Edmonton! WN 2, FIRST : FOR ICE =Y AN SHOWING 3 [5s the Vanguard a jet? = » double ring ceremony Was formed hy Rev. T. Rex Norman Miss Clar a Edward played of red carnations the wedding music, while the jun On their return Mr. and My HARRY OYLER } ior choir.of St, Paul's under the Pyette will reside on Sherwood direction of Mr. Robert Russell drive east, in Pickering brother of the bride, rendered the Om of town guests at the DARLINGTON choral selection Pyette - Russell wedding on Fri The bride entered the church day were fram Oshawa, Whith F{ on the arm of her father, wear Rowmanville, Uxbridge, Toronto SCHOOL BOARD ing a full length gown of white Llaremont, Courtice, Sarnia Windsor, Pickering, and many black accessories and a corsage The Vanguard's Rolls-Royce "Tyne engines drive propellers, therefore it's called "turbo-prop" (sometimes known as "jet-prop") The TCA DC-8 is a "pure" jet, a = ul Bi 0 5) I'm surprised it's so BIG! | peau de sole, with scoop neckline | ; long sleeves ending in points. The from Ajax | Plenty of headroom in the t full skirt falling into a chapel, ™ Vanguard, Wide aisles, room i -_ | n 8 | train. Her fingertip vel of tulle ™ CH pe seats that lift up like those in a Nusi was held hy a pearl q col JRES were : illusion was held by a pearl and theatre, each with its own table | rhinestone coronel . > * Her bouquet was a cascade of INA IGIDA Carries 06 passengers comfortably! white rosebuds contred with a white orchid The bride's attend ants were Mrs C. S Russell DaiE ROBERTSON Vimrorio DeSICA "FAST AND SEXY" | VANGUARD SERVICE BEGINS IN EARLY 1961 sister n «Jaw of the bride. as \ matron of honor and brides Sewanee by £ M MARGAICNNA, LUCIANA CORE | AL OO A os { a i a ad MAKE: SHORE » eid HERBAL | 1 | TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES AIR CANADA vonto, and Miss Justine Rose ! pee Oshawa. They were gowned alike From 20th Century-Fox in [ecrmmaun / J : mn sapphire blue peau de sole 7 . with bell' skirts, matching bows! { BOOK THROUGH holding the ir se Apphire veils. They Y Biber SE sevme Sap Semmes || EOLR SEASONS TRAVEL the hr de and carried crescents! only wife GRIFFITH 1ONES . of white chrysanthemui g / r "while, ¢ Mrysant eum. it J J \ STUART WHITMAN + MAY BRITT MAUREEN CONNELL Domestic and World Wide Travel Arrangements HENRY MORGAN + PETER FALK a een, ees wg a o MECMRENE || 57 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 8-6201 Wk STARTS TODAY were Mr. Robert Fawcett, Ajax.| and Mr. William Hansen, Pick KILL color by BOOK THROUGH -- J) MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE ering Cinemascop - The reception was held in Stl Paul's Church Hall, where the! bride's mother received in Dior blue peau de ste with matching father hat, and white archid cor ® ADDED FEATURE eo \ sage. She was assisted by the i groom's sister Mrs Ww alter HARRY Pearson, in blue printed s with matching accessories _~ white orchid corsage ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Thomas Meadows Co. Canada. Ltd 22 SIMCOE ST, §. OSHAWA RA 3.9441 ADULT ENTERTAIN LES STARTS TODAY BOOK THROUGH I AR {Ss > DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE ISLAND STATE has jamped 10 4,000,000 fron ; is} : > 3 NO CHARGE FOR QUR SERVI 2.553.000 since 1933 AMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE TT 300 DUNDAS ST, E, WHITBY.OSHAWA. BROOKLIN MO 8.3304