50--Articles for Sale 50--Articles For Sale BARGAINS Heavy duty stoves, $29 and § = 5 CROWN View camera with 1 Lal up; r $10 and up; i ma lens and accessories 12 film holders chines, $19 and up; Jefsigerator oA and case RA 5-485 and up; chrome table and chairs, A nne-piece dining suite, $69; chesterfield EW rugs. 6 x 9, 925; 9 x 13, $5; (airfoam) $69; step tables, $5.95; type- colors red, green beige. 5 piece efron writer, $49; vacuum cleaner $15, Visit|sets, new; over 40 samples to or nhose RA 81131, Community Furpi. also oe one Tecove from #3 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 24, 1960 Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Exchange Sales HighLow 11 a.m. Ch'ge BIRTHS up. Block Sales High Low 11 Stock Sales Hemay 1 am. Por Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ore Stock ALDWINCKLE -- Sgt, and Mrs. Clive' 5. Aldwinekle are happy to announce Toronto Stock Exchange--Nov, 3% Weston 4% p 110 West A wis Dom Tar 14% 14% Li po J 15% " 15% Frobisher Glitwin 1000 2000 S500 115 112 115 +3 28 WT T% TH Upp Can Ventures ture Store, 19 Prince Street, Oshawa. |RA 8 PIANO, upright, 55" high x | PAINT, interior, exterior, 8295 gallon gitter, Diane Marie, » Dom Text 9% All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss Electric, "+ % s ton Public Hospital, Ontario. sister for Glenn, Janice and Carolyn. BABCOCK sounce the arrival of a bal bs. 10 ozs., on November Belleville General Hospital for Mary and Cathy A sister VEHRENBACH Mark and Fa nee Meagher) are happy to announce the birth of a son, 8 Ths 8 Jzs., on Tuesday, November 22, 1960, Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Mary Anne and Cathy. Walter POSACKSE nee Shody), the birth of their lovely son, on Sat srday, November 19, 1960 at the Osh. awa General Hospital Proud grand. parests are Mike and Mary Shody. Thanks to Dr. Ostasichuk and Dr. Ross, and Mary Bab-| at the and Marion are happy to announce) 2~0dd lot, Stock Abitibi. Acad-Atl Acad-Atl A Alta Gas Alta Gas wis Alta Nat Gas 565 Algoma Alumini Atlas Steel Bank Mont Bink NS Bell Phone Bowater Brazil DEATHS COOPER, Maude Emma ~~ At the Belleville Hospital] Wednesday, Novem wer 22, 1960, Maude Widdicks, beloved wife of James Cooper and dear mother of George, both of Belleville, and Eric of Oshawz. Resting at the John Bush Punersl Home, Belleville for service Priday, November 25, at 1 o'clock. In- terment Belleville Cemetery Entered into rest in Hill. Oshawa, on Wednesday, November 5, 1960, William George re, beloved son of the late Mr. and E Gore, in his 78th year mstrong Funeral memorial service i L November 25, 2 interment Oshawa Cemetery Cdn Brew CBAL Cdn Can A Cdn Celan C Fairbs B CF Prod pr C Husky bd Cdn OH) Eg PR Lo Wan A Con Gas Copp Clark | (Quotations in ents unless marked §. ai rights, xw---Ex-warriots.) INDUSTRIALS Sales High Low 11 « P C Bank Com 410 A wis C Chem wis Husky wis 760 x4 -- vidend, xr--Ex- Fam oMC Net sm. Ch'ge 1225 " 210 25 5 15 ow nw $13 1B $19% 19% 2% u 745 745 £20) $30 - % I Ae "5 945 5 u2 153 1453 400 0% | + Inter EEFF. FF tin I F 365 225 2120 100 350 2100 z10 100 Royll St L Salad Shawin Simpsons Steel 8 Propane Tor-Di Trans Ww Nor Phine Ont Loan Ont Steel QN Gas Roe AV Can 250 Russell Plly $i8% GN Gas wis Gr Wp G Gr Wpg vt Greyhnd Hardee Hi-Tower Imp OH Ind Accep wis Inland Gas p 1 Bronze pr PL 220 300 z10 200 801 100 1800 200 275 100 Bank 295 z50 Corp 400 St Maurice 500 Salada-8 600 9 110 255 185 200 115 250 a wis Can om Bk Mt 200 1 40 Curb CD Sug C Paper D Gilss pr Price Br Alminex Asamera Cal Ed C Chieftn Cdn Dev Cent Del C Dragon Dynamie Fargo HB OIG Pac Pete Provo Gas Sapphire Wespac Acad Uran Alba Expl Anacon Ansil A Arcidia q Black Bay Bouzan Buffad C Chib wt Cassiar Cent Pore Chester 2060 Con M and 8 170 C Mosher 1900 Deer Horn 1000 Denison 1100 Dickenson 17% 0 14% % s 40 1% Geco Mines Got Maset Giant YK Grandroy Gunnar High-Bell Hud Bay Hydra Ex Int Nickel Iron Bay Iso 700 +% $13% 19 Opemiska Osisko Pick Crow Que Ascot Que Chib Que Lab Quuston Quemont Realm Roche Ryanor San Ant Sand Riv Steep R Territory 10000 100 5000 200 1000 13% 13% + % 1 1» 33 205 66 16 43 43 +6 in 1% + % +2 2 H I] a K] Bu Bu 2 - oN -3 10% 10% 41 4% + % 5 535 6 16 +1 Wiltsey "Mh Yk Bear Yukeno Zulapl Sales to 11 a.m.: 243,000. MARKET PRICES MONTREAL (CP) Cattle prices this week on the Montreal livestock markets were generally 50 cents higher than last week. Calves were steady. Hogs were 50 cents to $1 higher while sows were steady to $1 mained steady. Receipts totalled 2,162 cattle, 1,550 calves, 1,480 hogs and 580 sheep and lambs, Choice steers sold at 24 - 24.60; good 22.50-24; medium 18.75-22.50 and common 12.25-18.25. Good cows brought 15.50 - 16.50; medium 14.50 - 15.50; common 13.50-14.50; canners and cutters 10-13.50, lights down to 7.50. Medium heifers made 18 - 19; Sonmon 14.75-18, lights down to Good bulls were 18-18.50; com- mon and medium 12-18, Good and choice vealers were 27-29, a few at 30; common and medium 18-26; lightxdown to 12; grassers and dri 12 - 14 Feeders sold at 17. On the west-end market 945 hogs and sows were offered. oak, reconditioned, new felts, Es RA 5-7001. |TYPEWRITERS, aldiag mac! New eiectric add-mul¥iply-subtra $119, and your trade. Bill damilton, Ashburn, B: USED parts makes of wringer type % hp Oshaws Hardware and Church Street, RA 37624. CHICKERING piano, very good conds tion. Can be seen at 967 Colborne Street 1 RA 30174. | TELEVISION, General Electric, 17° in A-l condition, ass also baby carrisge, motors $5 to $10, aaranteed recondi- tioned washers stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton. CO 3-224], TV TOWERS. 40 ft, sell-sapporting galvanized a instal $57.95. Trio elev. b4 . RA 46781 $10. T A 5-1053 after 5 p.m. VIOLINS, "solo 5 Srey attachment; also col musi instruments Apply Ss King Street West ). | RANGE, heavy "duty, electric, an. | ment s'ze, good condition, $35; muskrat fur coat size 18, $10. Telephone RA ass. 1 BUYS a § piece chrome set, an up-| holstered chair or two jake lamps and | a trilite, valued at $59.50, with the pur-| chase of any chesterfield 5h $150. until De- . Barons' Home Furnishings. 424 Simeoe Street South. "Where Prices are Lower' VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- BiG bedding rr town, bunk iplete, our & {filled mattresses, | continued tickings, $14.88; beds, spr |single size, eight only, out they 1823; Roll-away cots, complete, Sam flake foam pillows, ca $9 cents, Wilsop Furniture, Church Street. close out teed rebuilt Rentals. og o oy Repair Serv- AWNINGS, ain ao jo or gay siripes. "| WINE and cider barrels, sold an sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Tlectrie, re RA 37 624. ce of odds and Prompt serv now for early elivery, Chair and Sable rentals, Cleve ¥ Fox, 412 Simeoe North. ORDERS taken for storm or aluminum, Phone RA 3-4989. TAPE recorder, anti office desk and chair, filing cabinet, plywood box for %-ton pickup, vacuum cleaner, wood kitchen table, small fice proof safe. OL 53712. ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS Direct factory prices, Manu- "| coverings, Wiig some slightly marked. Many famous brand lines, costs forgotten, ar 3 |borite desks, regular $29.95, sale $19.95; space saver davenport, smart regular $59, special plain pec walnut and blond end-tables, e bed, |and fancy, values to $29.95, out they go from $4; tri-light floor lamps, regular $19.95; slashed to $7; '60 model metal body carriages, values to $48.95, reduc ed for quick sale, $36; lovely assorted gofies tables, regular to $24.50, five only $8. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. MUNDINGER a cordion, "mother of pearl, 144 bass, practically new, $150 or best offer Telephone RA 52974 GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup plies, new and 'used, terms 10 por cent down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, RA 56511 150 75 465 D Bridge Dom El wts Dom Stores factured locally. Free esti- mates. No obligation. | : bargains in used hunting| COMPANIONS are found through Want! Colonial Aluminum Sales Check the Want Ads every- Ads. Check Classified "Personals" to-| RA 8-4614 da After hours RA 5-5378 Grade A hogs were 28.75 - 29. Sows sold at 18-20. Duvan Faraday Trans Res Un Keno $37% $40 1000 125 wr Walk GW Weston' B |47--Automobiles for Sale 50--Articles For Sale = ) PONTIAC Laurentian four-door 6 ADMIRAL upright freezer, "six months cylinder, automatic transmission, radio, old, two wheel trailer, steel frame, low mileage, $2850. Must be sold im- new tires, table saw with stand, best R& mediately. Apply 530 Simcoe Street offers, RA 8-0180, North, wee IBARGAINS on new Inglis Appliances, 1960 CORVAIR "Deluxe" fully equip- | washer-dryer, two units $385.25; re- H ped, low mileage, blue, Priced at $2200, Fiietators $189.50; Inglis dryers only, Ma be seen at 286 Eul lie Avenu 9.50; ranges $159.50 and up, fully ay Ban e._ | omic: coffee fables $8.50, 1955 OLDSMOBILE 86, two tone, stand- 2.6410 Ajax Bargain Centre, AL 47--Automobiles For Sale rd transmission, radio and new tires; Avene, on No. 2 Highway, | 195 for tat qulop | 19% Pontias Sour doof 9 Hon kon, GOOD, used refrigerators, stoves ve. furniture, all fully guaranteed, wash- ers and parts, vent parts for dryers. WH 2.6410, Ajax Bargain Centre, Har- wood Avenue on No, 2 Highway. heat-| USED parts and repairs for all makes % hp motors reconditioned Market 2200 125 OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY |~ PECIALIZING IN iments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all types 435 KING § RA 8-311] or RA 8-8876 225 25 61% 61% |GET the worker you want with an|BAG big Oshawa Times Classified Ad. Phone RA |equipment |3 3492 now to our job offer. day! (Continued from Page 23) (Continued on Page 27) CLASSIFIED M PEN GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL blue, radio, signals, Kindness beyond price Pt 0, Minnis, heater. : dit in 3. vet within reach of all ition: Telephone -- |hicles excellent condition, low mileage, '54 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, fully equip-lone owner and private. May be fi RA 8- 6226 ped, immaculate, low mileage, saeh nanced, Telephne RA 8-8742. fice at $495, cash, trade or terms. Call 90 | . 198 CHEVROLET 4-door, radio, KING STREET WEST RA 81/15 - er, good motor, Best offer. 70 Burk of wringer type washers, 1950 FORD pickup; 1957 Bedford panel; | Street. Phone RA 5-8896, 5to 7. iM 3 A 3, diarantesd seco ers LOCKE'S FLORIST [fox sale or trade. Apply 202 King Street | 5 CHEVROLET Bel Air hartop, 12,000 | jfampton, CO 3.2241 arrangements and requirements for all occasions miles: '59 Chevrolet Impala, four door - re - |1956 BUICK four-door hardtop, fully hardtop, automatic transmission, 15,000 ELECTROMOME RCA Victor, Admiral. 43,000 | The finest in TV, Hi-fi and service, NSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | powered, deep tread white walls, radio. miles; '56 Ford panel truck, k |Ko down payment. Hilltop Motors, RA |miles, one owner; '35 Buick four door,|highest trade-in allowances at Par way | |8-6891 | automatic transmission, 4300 miles; '53 Color TV on. display. Stem Nom Ford, good running car; '53 Ford sta H OLET { di , $22. 954 | em [fost EHEVROLE 1634" Chevrolet Th: iy |tion 'wagon, A-1 condition. Phone MO (3; BUYS a_smoothiop mattress, y, valued 94 - HOUR PHONE SERVICE < RA 8- IN MEMORIAM z i= er, signals and washers, low 'mileage pada i |frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, ALLSTATE Auto Insuran To Like new. Apply 1043 Horop Avent. [sto ry etc. For top cash offer, con- 20 per Sa, hid months fo i Ri 1952 DODGE sedan, $125, Call RA [tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131, loving memory | Derscnal service at your home 7809. GAS forced warm air furnace, 64,000 e! {1958 STUDEBAKER Champion, 4-door, | BTU output; also gas floor furnace andfiute days for further information You Wes and Joe joved to much, 1056 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, two |5-6879, 6 to 7 ories n A% nd mem ili Rg RR Gk |1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, V8 How Dad and I took such pride 3.2781. | automatic, radio, heater, padded dash, | power kes and steering, wind 'own- | shield washers, positraction. Phone RA| 1246. ED. WILSON SEZ Buy At Dealer's Cost And Less! ... $50,000 .7 1957 AUSTIN A95, 6 cylinder, heater, Excellent deluxe, two tone, new tires, matic heavy duty springs; both Funeral floral MUST GO SHOP NOW FOR TREMENDOUS VALUES DURING OUR GIGANTIC STOREWIDE ROLET coach, radio, heal furniture? We'll buy it. Re- HATCH in ever on and brother, L-Cpl Vaoton, $325; 1952 Chevrolet Y-ton, $295, |'58 CHEVROLET deluxe, with custom room suite over $150, This astounding |Speciais this week. Mike's BA Service radio, only $350 down, $51 per month. pfer wld lg RR ation, Raglan, Ontario. Van Heusen Motors opposite Brewery rms 7 4 % VOLKSWAGEN, perfect condition, on King. Simcoe Street South, "Where Prices are at r World War 2 Nov ou down and $37 per month. Van Heusen | {Hilltop Motors, RA 8-6801. gas space heater with blower, 30,000 olland) ho pA s e -- - os g Hand) pio ver Pree ir. Motors, opposite Brewery on King, 11955 OLDSMOBILE "88" "hydromatic, BTU; 20 gallon gas Jot rate heater, When summer turns to auturmn '49 OLDSMOBILE, good transportation, | radio, two tone; reasonable, Telephone|¢¥erything for $100. RA 8-5304, 3 radio, signal lights, heater, good RA 53812, " Lower!" low mileage, only $895. No down pa . ment. Hilltop Motors, , RA 689; LLIN And leaves begin to fall, 53812 The good, old musical trumpet, drum tires Best offer Telephone RA 39447 | SUPER modified 348 Chevrolet V8 en- gine, triple cwibutation, stroker kit. RA OUT OF ARE Variety of 15 car wheels FORGOTTEN $3 each, also body solder and plastic solder. SHAW AUTO WRECKING | #8 89 BLOOR EAST } RA 5-2311 DISTRICT FLOOR COVERING Thousands of yards, Sandran, Gold Seal, Congoleum, Quaker, Heavy Inlaid Lino- Fret vee XN 8e Lane Cedar Chests Automatic tray, just in time for Christ. wooden box 6 x $450; 1953 Chevrolet -- at $59.50, with the purchase bed- ist Canadian Army De: i537 FORD V-8, one owner only, $295 excellent condition, No down payment. with automatic controls, 50,000 BTU; Watchin our true sons on para Ard to Re every day that I Rrace {1057 "OLDSMOBILE two tone, one {| would like to think er car, excellent condition, radio, You all will be watching and play- = power prakes, windshield Yu ing for me very reasonable, hycromatle custom radio and white walls, really When 1 take my journey's end |dealers. Phone RA 56202 1 to 5 P.M. |clean, only $1695. Van Heusen Motors, --Remembrance outiasts all, Mother. i550 PONTIAC deluxe coach, in splen- (opposite Brewery on King. did condition, new tires, good 13 ( - 1 ng memory of a 56 FORD coach, only $245 a MES BR Ty who pase: Sug, Seater, defroster. Actual mileage 5 oer month. Van Heusen Motors, | opposite Brewery on King. ed away November 24, 1957 " -- 1955 CHRYSLER New Yorker sedan, ij pryMOUTH seluxe sedan, one of Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, rh The world's weary troubles and trials power steering and brakes, new tires.|.. og only $245 down and $26 per |month, Van Heusen Motors, opposite are past; Must sell, $595 or best offer. Phone ) silence he suffered, in patience he|MO 8-4517 Brewery on King 1953 CHEVROLET deluxe in good run-|, oc Til God called him home to suffer ning condition, snow tires; also Italian 38 CHEVROLEY hSejuxe it oedutital no more 120 bass Camerano accordion, $75. SE Laon rE awk on King. Sadly missed by son Harold, daugh-|3.7,59 ter-in-law Grace '5 BELAIR Chevrolet sedan, clean; in loving memory of a throughout, radio, Well cared for Db; [85 OLDSMOBILE $1750. Telephone RA 3.4416, akes, exceptional Arthur one owner, November | 126 William East | miles. RA 3-9771 N with cash, check th eOsh- 0 "OHEVROLET Biscayne sedan, with Arborite Top Desks Walnut or Oak finish. 19.95 A 4% | » th SALE #4 Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung windows only $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Co RA 8- 5385 SEE HOME APPLIANCES | OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 All aluminum products = Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving One contract, nothing down. For free estimates call Reg. 29.95. Liquidetion Spring-Filled Mattresses All Unpainted Bookcases REG. 5.99 ONLY with the purchase of any piece of un- painted furniture. 14.00 STUDENT'S DESKS 17.00 26.00 two-door hardtop, automatic, power condition, 45,000 sizes. Hurry, 14.88 J} HOLMES dear father and grandfather, Holmes who passed away 24, 1957, Gone. Away May Unt! Durable tickings. while they last. LIQUIDATION PRICE 1957 CHEVROLET deluxe sedan, twolg > SPORTSME (tone, 23,000 miles, radio, cican Interlor| awa Times Classified Ads daily for bar. you rest in peace dear father, 3 | gains. Place your used sports gear for we meet again, 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian, automatic sale today, Phone RA 3.3492 for afast- Ever sembered by daughter Ruth, transmission, 24,000 miles, private, best action ad son-in-law Wilbert and grandchildren offer. Telephone MO 85354 1955 FORD custom fordor automatic, Wayne and Ralph 53 OLDSMOBILE hardtop_ automatic, [push-button radio, continental spare, ie By two tone, white walls, chrome whitewalls, mechanically perfect. Hill- In fond and loving me wheel discs, trade or finance. Telephone top Motors, RA 86891. dear husband, Arthur |g) 8.5912 passed away November | ENJOY a new TV set you can buy 1958 VOLKSWAGEN panel truck in first with the cash you get from your no- hours and days of lclase shape, less than 15,000 miles, |longer-needed household items, Sell trou abled nights are past, [RA 8-8874 them with an Oshawa Times Want Ad | | dear father, gone to rest, from sorrow, care and pain, | Smooth Top Mattresses End - of - line Clearance. Serta Beverley, Orthopedic, $3 Rest onic. Values to - 50 Crib 23 Spring-filled, Reg. 12.95 Liquidation Price HOLMES of my who ky He pain, n our was found sweet ° emembered by CHEST OF DRAWERS VANITY DRESSERS PLATFORM ROCKERS Just in time for Christmas. Upholstered in beautiful fabrics. LIQUIDATION PRICE aching hearts we know |= -- |Call RA 3.3494 today to place your ad BUYING OR SELLING SEE hoe wile, Ruby i500" CHEVROLET Impala convertible, ' 2 IN celle conditiol TED CAMPIN | Aluma Seal Co. MOTORS Take over payments. Call Whitby MO| RA 5-9365 ANYTIME 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA reasonable WH 2.1626, Uust East of Wilson Rood) {p55 CHEVROLET station wagon | "ALUMINUM DCORS | \ D RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 cellent condition, radio, white walls AND WINDO WS! or '_ |down payment. Hilltop Motors, TT 8.6891 CAR AUCTION 61 RENAULT brand new, full factory | {warranty only $395 down, $53 per . month, Van Heusen Motors opposite 10:30 a.m. | Brewery on King | |'56 METEOR sedan with radio, one owner only, $225 down, $30 per month. | Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery {on King. ys 5 In loving memory of a and grandfather, Arthur passed away November HOLMES dear father Holmes, who 24, 1957 You're not Alr, V-8, smart| with very cles walls, private, Ajax 1955 CHEVROLET Bel two-tone, green finish, forgotten, Father dear, interior, radio, white shall you be; ife and memory last emember thee. embered by daughter w Keith, grandchildren and Glenna Nor eve ex- No RA Special Reduced Price, or We Sell, Cash and Carry' CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAJDA 481 DREW ST. RA 3.9851 FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Why pay high retail prices for food? Buy with discount. Approximate cost family of three $13.80 per week. In- cludes food and No down payment. For appoint- Bobb mas. | only, slightly marked. Reg. 79.95. 6-Pce. Kitch -Pce. Kitchen heavy-duty chairs. Demon- strator , 69.50. LIQUIDATION PRICE filled mattress, matching box spring and set of polished hardwood legs. Popular single 30-inch size sleep shop for dozens of other money-saving bedding values, 2 REECE dear mother, ) suddenly In loving memory of our Mary Reece, who passed Nov. 24, 1939 nemory is our keepsake which we'll never par; her in His keeping, er in our hearts. emembered by her daugh ta Liquidation Special Extension Arborite Table 4 matching Reg. 6 Each continental bed includes a comfortable spring only at this special sale price. Visit our spacious Reg, 39.95. Every Scturdoy, LIQUIDATION SPECIAL Buy or sell here | OSHAWA CAR AUCTION 25 GRENFELL ST. RA 8-5179 |48--Automobiles Wanted | - [WANTED | SABYAN MOTOR fot fu SALES LTD. LAKESHORE wrecking STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH tees nennee Tri-Lite Floor Lamps § v s7 Reg. to 19.95. LIQUIDATION PRICE Ends of Broadloom SCATTERMATS CASH AND CARRY . 1.29 BUNK "BEDS Maple or Walnut, complete with prin S mattresses, guard rail and ladder. Liouation 8 58 g PRICE : "ARBORITE COFFEE and STEP TABLES Heat and stain resistant, LIQUIDATION SPECIAL have 4 SEATER Chesterfield Suite Foam cushions, narrow style arms . . . Choice of covering. \ Reg. $249 LIQUIDATION $ | 49 PRICE In lovink memory of our te smn ¢ bby, who left us so sud "A _one-owner, undercos 51 GMC; also Go Kart less RA 5-2856 Auto Wreckers want Highest prices paid s keeping, hearts mother, dad SPOT CASH OSHAWA, ONT PAID FOR RAndolph 3-3461 Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES rh, CASH athy, beautiful floral of FOR YOUR CAR 314 PARK RD, S ed from ne gh rela | RA 3-9421 ros, Aue _oniewers] VAN HEUSEN N'S GA MOTORS irses. at Oshawa General __149 KING ST. W. CARD OF THANKS We wish thanks and appre. ( nu! RCHYARD to ex freezer, be irtfelt fo © | ments HousTON's Garace |PHONE RA 5-3709f AND SERVICE STATION I 8, ERY COMPLETE LIVING ROOM OUTFIT 10 SELECTED 12-Pce. Deluxe Living Room Group BRAKE SPECIALISTS, com- | ALUMINUM DOORS PLETE BRAKE SERVICE . MOTOR TUNE-UP AND AND WINDCWS We Sell the Best GENERAL REPAIRS. and Repair the Rest A special thanks to Rev. But SPECIALS 67 KING ST. W. Replacing Glass, Screens, ete. is consoling words and help. Funeral Home their CHEVROLET Biscayne RA 3°7822 2.door, tan and brown, |50--Articles For Sale FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE nt manageme sad bereave sym. , 1 beautiful car, $1495 {USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. JIM ELLIOTT husband, father and son SALE PRICE B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543. ardor Se- Ruth Churchyard sons MONARCH F MOVEEN Sack Persian lamb coat, don. lioht Live ac 3 nk ui eu N size b to 18, price SALE oo ue $695 [excellent condition. HA s 303 Both 1a FORD Sedan, light green SALE PRICE $495 DODGE Station Wagon, Offers More for Your Money 5 Years Experience in Aluminum Business SPECIALS FOR THIS MONTH Doors $42.50 Installed--Windows $18.00 Installed NO DOWN PAYMENT--36 MONTHS TO PAY f NO PAYMENT TILL MAY 1, 1961 a family cor SALE PRICE $795 FREE ESTIMATES PHONE BUICK 2.door Hardtop, George--RA 5-7119 or Earl--RA 3-2619 10-PIECE COMPLETE BEDROOM OUTFIT Scandia style. Vinyl upholstered PIEC ES Includes Spring and Mattress. sofabed and har dia % 148 LIQUIDATION . 5148 s1 &8 NO EXCHANGES--NO REFUNDS--A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST. RA 3-321 CASH Mrs and parent FOGEL We wish to extend our cere thanks and appreciation for the s of kindness, messages of nd floral tributes received elatives and many ly wish to thank Atkinson for his t i Armstrong PN neral Home for their kind and effi- ie yanagement of the service in our recent bereavement in the loss of oving mother, Mrs Gertrude Liquidation Price Liquidation Price ou Fogel Mrs Lois Burden and family Please Note in effect for dines now column: yellow and white, radio SALE PRICE $495 BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD" 1271 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-4675 ths, Memoriams. Cards of Thanks 9 AM SAME DAY DEATHS + 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 a Ne X=