The Oshawa Times, 24 Nov 1960, p. 23

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GL a i ER RE I ON Ege Flots A4=Yausss; Apns., Flam | fous 2p, Pe [Yoho n For Roms ia ._|45--Real Estate For Sale j45--Reol Estate for Solo | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdoy, November 24, 1960 ne ™e Be 3 hens" rewdestss) §5--Reol Estote for 47--Automobiles For Sole FE FE ETE om as Ss JOHN F. DE WITH Sih Er EE te bee te ee | 1303, King East, '0 schools, shopping and TE LL Ky pr heating unk, electric hot water heater WIGHWAY frontage, Raglan. 20 acres, 1065 BUICK hardiop, two tone, Smosh Apply 1248 § Wecker | Ditve. yoUE . Tot to og € "ay Slortable Realtor and met phone Ra 35% - psa] Chev NE . $345. 1987 seal FURNISHED two - room spariment,| + room house, large lot, $55|ciosets, 63 Grenfell Street, RA 58721. | sits dBts oe sedan, vail Saat: 0 go, Cd . Phone | General Insurance 10 ACRES -- good soll, sixroom| GOOD income, ots AL Stares Garage, Bloor bathroons and entrance, private park pL"; gr, |FURNASHED two rooms with Witehn.| barn, solid brick, Phone 04, Svaila now. RA 55617. © "wie - i NMED I 23M I kun. NEWCASTLE haa, an nyeniehens, 32 Darn, to.S _-- ¢ Street West, RA 55646. san THE ~ room contained ' « a hydro, ), fr ew Bienen and oath ed Apaty willing to shave, RA 5-618 after 4, exchange on city property, Tindall Real|5-6081 for ; : Hogi wed decorsind, hat hot water, ove and iris, 15. 92 between ¢ and f\owe farnished room for gentleman. PHONE 3341 Estes iA Fol eS ws (REE public ANDI. YAGY'S min. | {all conveniences, RA 3-481 wpm § orth, AIRY farm, Two as or 243 Ritson Koad North, | apart, HATE ONE Tareh seve sied TTA 0 Acre form, on highway |traet, bulk cooler, eightroom stone open dally - inl Jor Cation, private entrance, heavy duty | able rent. 26 Prince Mest ' ] {) ith 70 x large barn, water bowls, $6000 plans, exceptional MERCEDES BENZ 00M snd board for A Er , RA om oa fe ome, 354 Pyenctian| ¥iEing, private "bath, isiephone RA| NICE hed room, new home, Kit a se, smoll bom |Cowm, ¥rad Cook, Realtor, Marvin Nes- beg ry A THREE unfurnished, clean rooms, 7 [S989 icken A pitt, ¥ 1. H Ise Cf Jacking. Al 48 Codar| THREE uty (some: Poss blinds, builtin cupboards, garage, 53% nen privieses, or gentleman Prone ond S-roomed, one-storey fem 1196 . No. SALES AND SERVICE / iy oe stop, central. Apply arven Avenue, S10rms, tile floors, pA extras, im- BRICK house with g fons "very pose A after 5 p.m. house. Asking $14,000 WHITBY, Dungatow, $1000 full priee, | gore, $14,500. Buy direct | 408 KING W., OSHAWA board RA 54697, excellent condi ONE iarge furnished room with private : ARR) (arse bediooms, SSRIS oi, EAING, or and save money, 2 nen, ptional, sui io pets A HOUSE = for rent oF sale, mew, six|8ied. hot water wih off heating. One| Rurnished TOON Ih Dilvate © Term, garage, corner jot, MO 85179. King East, 1 oral Motors, RA 5.2955 [IMMEDIATE possession, ground floor, re or write (only "163 Warren Avenue, Rh SATS. ith [9199 VULL down payment, sixroom 50351 37/132 00M and three room , ample T Apply 31 Charles Street. | a 24 Acres near Port Hope wi brick A and bosrd for gentlemen. ¢on-|reasonable. RA 8.15%, or 762 King East, 263 Broader Avene, a SAD Tee CARGE for smoll "bam; 6- aT ving room. full base ERIVATE three-bedroom brick bungs- a 2 J ; EE rr | house, ; years ving room, base: | ro Rn Apply 241 South, APARTMENT, four rooms, sel ¢ eon. rity seamen oy room, nicely furnish $43 Sim. | apartment, al A ULL north) ¥th XT isa Al roomed house. Price $6,000 |ment, fully decorsted, immediate en les school, built six years, i £00M and in privais home, Sained 3d han child welcome, RA| 08 woe Bises ls Alommone "BA q 2d hovpial, bus at door. Phone Bouse with $1,500 down. | RA Bio2 Brelhons "Hor Misiate Appointment RA aveniags. N VEMBER : warm, comfortable room, parkinglges -g men "A [na ; -- (big 10k Saerstice." A 5011 ick P Bow Tad FIVE - room frame house, garage and pace, Telephone RA 8.0504, pe SE now, Taralhed bhi new, acseine 10 Acre form near Bowman- ee lone acre ground, $1500 down. Estate Wo 4 0 large rooms, sink and cupboards, iment, moda ort 1 modern with baths, GROUND floor, private entrance, wo ille, with lorge bam, silo; [SELECT distri; Ki Street East Cook, Marvin Nes some 'ravileges. homme. corres" LD Mishen, uptisirs, iota 2 Fig bath. Apply. ei Gia Avply 368 Windsor or RA S974. |farnished oom, ies, Sloss do Hort B-roomed home with off mod. [ares at Wilson Rosa. Hgpniiig pe Blackstock pt fats SALE N 3 ol | Osha alow attac ----------------------| unches Jacudd. LLY LS -- Bow. RA 39462, - a "oa ed _ [CLOSE to £1 sells ana bus bus, Foal View Biv: "ud ¥. AoAy 2 en Sonvaniences, Excellent [fries bedrooms. epacious ving room. Br APPT. Buy a te in Brookiin, BOOM and board for two 668 |\GNE self contained thresroom Apart eo modern, plece bath, large size rooms, Write ROOMERS -- good o| worden soil. modern tlie Wichon, tied foarpiscelBrick tungslow bargains besginl buy. y demen. Apply 131 Rosd ; heated, 700m, brick house, finished playroom 800d clean comfortable bath, landscaped. Phone MArket From $600 Down or " ICK Sedan -- gute- RA 8-012 Tak Oe Or Oo rami ned or un. 0} host, aiaminim storms, saved Box 241, Oshawa Times. {foums, Single beds, central, 86 weekly, 150 Acre DAIRYFARM, lo- |any time. Mitter, Broker, OL 53745, BA 84171, > ui rodio,-achial miler BENTLEMAN, clown, ~ quiet i 399, |rivewaz. near "playground snd" bus. ONE bedreom apartment, piue smail| Ss abarme Fast. fA et ssa| Coted north Oshowo with & ONLY 40 dows -- ave morigase for FOUR room Dusgslow. Ajax. 4660 ope 4,800." some, good meals beds, lunches : - 4 werator, | "dou gentiemen i ota, L- balance, carries $67 monthly, new, dec- down, total price $6500, 4 e eontinuous hor were, perme, |[URNISHED (mo rooms. eo Ste |; in" sooms and halk, cupboards, ve. Washer, dryer. Lansdowne Drive, paved only, cooking privileges desired. Ap-| 0% Milk quote, L-nemee (orien SNe Kee wodded|s pet cant, ol heat. , at door, 81 Park Road South, |bral" sacking, reasonable. 96 Centre |irigerstor snd stove, private entrance, POTkins, adulls only. Telephone RA ply 135 Celina Street, bankbarn with, stes Stanch- | Cek and ron, ass, schools, sewers 89536 alter 8 p.m. 58 CHEVROLET ROLET Sulune Si Se- . ; 2 ; [newly decorated, bus at door. Apply 208 \524%3. » D room, home ions, wate $s, bu + |shopping, all 'conveniences, Yes, oil 800M asd board, available for three Street, IKing Street East for further particu |EIGHT - room house on paved road, | FERNS vom: Boma parking, vriviiadon hen house, etc; B-roomed |nest. RA 55331, W. T. Lamson, Rea) Han] 2 in a Tae sion =" i i A or an, weekly, HH meals| Gorey four rooms self-contan. | flee. hydro, water, in Bowmanville area, now, Apply 103 La Salle Avenue after] house with all modern con- [Estate Ltd 4 for a 15-year term. G. pr. Tagreshon A. 59087, od» it. Now ove and reiriger. re Tr gy etite, bv, Write' Box No. 344, Osh 6 p.m, veniences. Asking $31,000, Broker, P WH 25770, Hon -- formerly owned dred In oun Bote. owe 15 down town. RA S-4508, | EINE, Om awa, be Lim . As J Drive, 4 oe Boa = ; warm rooms| Terms, 1500 DOWN. On Avenue in 8 T Yio S122 for turiher infor. 1150 a W Toad South. close to King: PUILY. furnished ifres - Tom apa a A a av es. motess ba to og By A 150 Acre form, west Port FOR SALE chatee locaton, s modern Sriom brick "58 VAUXHALL Victor Super be L a Ritson South, Je » 'o-room A d bung o ROOM with board or ght 0 ade uae 3, 4 mat, AowistAiry, beni viivas sitraace ivie Ra 0997 Sor 'Suita tora bree. WA 7 Hope, with stream, L-shaped New ranch style bungalow |planned Kitchen, forced air heating with Sedon -- "Excellent Con- 4 and ba ine lig se! room | °° BE i " : ofl, Nice com ition", Ariy 33 Eien em, a Soom. | NEARLY wow three _ bedroom | Pi with private entrance, parking. ~ 97 SELV-G NTAINED " apart. ri shi for gem Jose ave, na. cite, soos; pd ae aIa0 in ori gh oo | price. $13,500, di a Ibert Stree {ment $55 monthly, includes heat, light private home, central, Dial RA 37514 4 4 A i toy, Ernie Holmes a " ROOM or room and board, good meals, flo oe available Nov. 2. Two Try water, children wel Cal HA | goer d new home with tous Ji p ; --2 | "57 VOLKSWAGEN Window , FHOUSE space, approximately y 900% ' come, Call HA| Sree 1 ™ roome ew spacious living room, kitchen |Npw six-roomed furnished " close to North GM, hospital and four dren welcomed, For appointment Seat bhi RE apace, AERA 200 and or 211 Simgoe Street South, room for girls, two single beds, od nces, Con- Van = "Amazingly ' sq. 1. . ght cooking faellit private en.| Modern conveniences, ond bedrooms, one ond half [ed bungalow, for sale or rent, park : somes. Apply 2 Division, Was MODERN four zoom newly Qeoorates] eo rance, near hospital, RA 81914 or 61| sider house for trode. bathroom, plus many extras, |§8s beating. No agents please, A Good", ROOM modern brick bungalow on y ® , plus y extras. TE 9- 44--Houses, Apts, Flats |Cediac Avenue South, renting for $90 Lariment wove, Teirigeraion. dryer i EO OE 101 Shiny Cont rst ioe i 200 Acre DAIRYFARM as a | _Phone RA 8-4182, Nia mossdi's rive, Wiig. '| 56 CHEVROLET Deluxe Se- flable immediately n. . h lai ~ + clean, furnk d room for "rent, ' ------ A ---------------- For Rent month hy Ava Bl WA 84661. 3.5034, i [ie tor rooming Jose or ubdeting with or without board, bus at door, also| @oing concern, wil git Ma. NEW MODERN 6 ROOM 27 -- Automobiles for Sale n = "One Owner", TWO - room apartment in ivien. FOUR + room apartment, two bed. APARTMENT -- (hree rooms and bath, time RA 78943 evening. me_garage. Telephone RA 8474 chinery ond pure bred cattle 2 tibiae ol , " refrigerator, Arar inent 2 ater. rooms, private entrance, private Da a be ne oly, "an. |AT 238 CADILLAC Avenue, six-toom| TWO clean unfurnished rn Te included. Asking $30,000, Ranch-style house i966 MORRIS 850, in good condition,| '55 BUICK Sedan -- "Excep- paved parking, near bus, Shopping bath, pirking. RA 81723 after 4 p.m. saioars, aon iable. 137 Huron louse, ofl heated, hot water heating ferred for reni, $35 monthly, git pre-| Terms arranged. y easy low terms, just sion, over pay tiondlly Good for Model Centre, GM. 337 Fri 4 ry four bedrooms. Apply 25 Brock Street [7 Bi Be w Strost for fur) 90 Acre form, almost oll cl t hoo! i nd ments, Telephone pt Yeor". ON EIGIN 4 t, a tk, YOR apariment-- three "Yooms, - Kast, Oshawa - . ) . ose 10 sc , shopp ng of 1951 CHEVROLET, good "running ¢ one tod hat Nest | house, ofl heated. heated, clean, TV antenna, garage rou k - 100m apartment, re(rigerator TWO + room fursished apartment. mod. | INGLE furnished room, in clean, quiet | workable, lorge L - shaped bus service, North west sec- |winterized, $175 or best offer, Telephone 55 CHEVROLET Deluxé venetian blinds, hardwood floors, Im. Pleasant surroundings, Eastend, ab. and Bedi Jal Ai TY og ern kitchen, second floor, sult business home, use of washing machine, near bankbarn, running water, . RA 54935 for more information, Coach maculate condition. Apply 211 Franels stainers, RA 5.4233, Telephone RA 5-4812 4 [couple Bo children, central location, im- North GM, central, RA 58150. drive shed, garage, etc.; 8- tion. Owner leaving City, |e ---m 'igh Street. TWO furnished rooms, private bath| ble rent.|TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and| roomed home with running Telephone RA 5-6271, 45--Real Estate For Sale '54 CHEVROLET Two - door LARGE (hres - room apariment and and entrance, parking, sult girls or THR two - bedroom apartments, | ita 5-1042 kitchen with refrigerator, sink, cup- Ask $15,000, L Rm -- m-- kitchenette, stove, re ator, ark. | couple, five minutes from four eor- all appliances. Use Jour own W neces: | Lo IMENT -- Three rooms. upstairs. |POArds, for adults only, parking space. water ging ony, Low Hardtop. ing, Teagoriable, shoot 3 Gibb shook. |n ners, Available now. RA 82423, oy door, ows all Pm, alierson, jin private hom res Sout Genera # Elgin East, down paymen PRICED TO SELL AT REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT 53 PONTIAC Lourention , Simcoe Street entrance, THREE bedroo | " 5 i ' i STORE or business a aise six biviac 1] Ty ing. To to (Bix ~ room house, three bedrooms with | | Avaiaiie rin g i | RICE Kerwiahed sou: Sew Wome Mh: 1 Acre DAIRYEARM with Centrally located in a very nice district. A modern 11-room Sedon, a0om house, downtown location, both piece bath, Satage i he vito Alexandr or (37884 after 5 p.m, Oh ant oto, on 8 brick income property. Featuring § large bedscon " 02 large Reated, RA 55380 evenings, RA 8.4646 ATE oe room apartment in fl Bnd 51911 pl "duplex in new home. Tile NICELY furnished room with all con Pa 0 mode: ii "'tchens, 3 living rooms, -- 4-pc. tile throoms '51 PONTIAC Sedon. for further particulars, [street level, private, three-piece bath ark. Telephone RA 3.1911 od bats roughout. Stove, refrigerator, TV oul |veniences Apply 24 Royal Street. = soomed house, furnace, water, with showers, these 3 apartments are oll self-contained with : APARTMYNT, five rooms, newly deco. stove, frig. Abstainers, adult home, THIER - room apartment, ted bath, let, Private three-piece bath Separate phone RA 35-8505, Asking $15,000 with $3,000 heavy duty wiring and also separate meters for each. Reliable rated, with refrigerator and stove central, RA 8:5676 evenings or Satur ean" Ssovao RA 59570, Saizance, oon. | ins ad driveway. - Adulla, Cal rw 7o rooms and bath on second floor, down, { : y A d, ith li " f F Il high TED CAMPIN Available now, Marina apartments, $9048 ral, 08co, 1 |RA 5.9595. LL [heavy wiring, parking. to iiives. Soi ; enants how occupied, wi iving quarters or owner. Ful A ig per month. Telephone RA 3.9182, THREF, - bedroom House, also two|MECOND block {rom Shopping Centre, | PREY, -- two - room apariment, sell responsible couple, Telephone RA 5.6759 250 hee | arm with a good divided jFement_ with 7A, oil heating, poved private, rive- FOR ONE or two gentlemen, furnish. épartments in another building, five. four rooms and pri vate bath, parking. contained, for woman or couple in ex-| " - set of buildings, stream, arge woy with plenty of parking space ot t rear, Immediote pos- ant" ihuous hot water. neat JO, 4d our h avaiable, BA i i Nad North inci change for baby sifting, Photio' after EE prt Tor refined tady ar| L-shaped bankbern, Jive session, Please call for full porticulars, also con be seen any- south plant, parking, Telephone RA ; . room apartment, including d |gentiemen, n hospital, bi A shed, etc; B-roomed bric ime. 89564 between 6 and 8, | ROOM Tarniahed, hented apariment. kiichen, bullin' cupboards. heavy duly APARTMENT -- three rooms, Tarde bast. 3 Kingsdale 'Avene, 8 house with furnace, running time 607 KING ST. EAST ing, clos A . AVAILABLE ° December 1. Tour-room Move, refrigerator, TV Satin Tact | $1 aking, slow 1 PO ith garage, sink and "mobeards ya| TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and| water, Asking $25,000, TOWN LINE AT KING STREET EAST OSHAWA South, Telephone before 7.30, RA 3.4319 ties. Adults oniy. RA 5-498 THREE room apartment, bedroom, [Kitchen Available now. 42 Bimene lichen with sefrigerair, built in edp-| Terms. $800 down payment for this new modem brick bungalow. Full Oust East of Wilson Road) MODERN, two - bedroom apartment ving 1oom, Wichen, thres-pisee bith, . {ply_887 Ritson Road South, 50 Acre farm, commuting basement with FA, oil heating. Having a frontage of 50 feet Sauip ped, clove lo South Genera) Mo DELUXE ephone a aned, a children, Te {FOUR . Soomed apartment, ut os ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, - avail distance from Oshowa with by o depth of 525 feet, Possession immediate -- owner leaving RA 3-4494 ily, AYA p " |drapes supplied, reserv parking, |able in private home 'a) 08 40 acres workable, pond, 20' hi . 1, Telephone RA 81311, TUNER, - Toom unfurnished Sy (available now, Fotephone © na' 85038 | North, 5-7 pm. RA 88071. igh 8s Workab Fah ay. Oihova, wer Will held Terigope for the balance ot very rea RES. RA 5.5574 Telephone RA 59119 for further, infor. | iter 5 p.m [SINGLE room, suitable for one gentle: : 8. ' i ONE MONTH'S APARTMENTS [mis PRIVATE, sllconiined, (hres room man, very" central. Apply 18a Awoi| boil oot OmR Fuse IN 10 ACRES FREE RENT MODERN ives tau furnished base. FAIR, EL Fak REFIT Price 39,900. Terms. | Within city limits with 9" acres 9f good gorden land, Has 39) SEAWAY t apartment, privat th a , location, comfortia ' gd i j i i NEW BUILDING [iets ih "Neli"s Comvenuncas parks inciies No. chiaren. APH had ince 'bedrooms for" less 'To 200 Acre DAIRYFARM, lor | fi. omens Inchon on 8-mees Srstmey Seeing wth 5 oo Only 2--1-bedroom suites, in suit business couple, Telephone RA '!7 Montrave Avenue, spectable person. Apply 77 Ontario| oo COC Oshawa or iage. le Broom, ig ng i ba ode i ith- [32903 THREE . room unfurnished apartment, |Stree 4 4 ' d g 4 . @ modern, spotlessly kept West central with or with for couple. 175 Athol East, after 6 with large L-shaped modern- December 1st A UNFURNISHED three - room apart. Pp ' 01 East, after 6 p.m, TWO furnished Yooms, centrally locat- ece . gaurivian bili, Saal | gut leas. 0 i apo ei A 58" SAO Cn Slphah A 4108 of pos S| Sy mocha hed Broomed : ote Seno, paved | || OND) REALTY [lho Smt is To isi ¢s W ligated agi WHITBY rking. Automatic lound APARTMENT = fh nd bath, CLEAN | "siove, re.| ROSEHILL Boulevard, 76, furnished i : si pa a iy OSHAWA LTD. children welcome, "day care for chil: ry a Fo room, suitable one or two ' gentlemen, diag iter howe tor OFFERS WHOLESALE acilities, " dren, if Thothts works Darin i twin beds, Gladstone Avenue, RA [kitchen privileges, Mico dome, 4 100 A p ) REA OR PRICES FOR TWO DAYS rvic © r . | 8-840 i h cre farm near Janet- LT MO 8-4770 RA 8-5123 034 Merritt Street, TT 81430 h ; 4 ' and sunroom, pri sm ville, with 56' x 34' barn, « room Cid APE he ted. Ley central, m buat voirstal evn 5 phates ul Soom arti] hen house; stream; 8-roomed 204 KING S. E ONLY re, u hy K 2 i J p) hy ful ac! i T * Byrd service, ample parking. De hu -- A. Tome Sh. oo available now, near hospital, Tele. Rouse, Asking $8,500. Bad : RA 5-2363 '58 FORD Fairlaine "500", TBY CLASSIFIED [ime ee it Bi rr coe hoi) [rey SLAOTD, Seaenteriv oid iS ARE hullding, hear Shopping Contre, free | Fw (11) nt iy apartment, dou room, Jvin_beds, 1 mith Bl Ta of Teynton dun emis i automatic washer and dryer, Apply 315 [fined gentlemen, very centra gin ; . i '57 MONARCH 2-dr. Hard- Montrave Avenue, Apartment 1 or 3 private bath, gas range, heat, hydro| East, RA 3.9767. townline. Price $650 per lot . after 7 included. 730 Simcoe Street South. HEATED - & Roomed, Lshoped. olmost bri auto trans, real { POR RENT ~ Unfurnished two roomed (ROOM and board for two p ED hodne coping room for gentle. : ped, aimos sharp 1259 ¥ floor apartment, heated. Tele private home, central. MO §-2352, | FOUR "room house, in South h and oi pid Tor IAPOCTIon = Hew MoaorR | mi nor, Cuple; central, one block from| new bungalow with attached echo tichig ad fiver apartment. bested dale rivaie home, cent BEIT elo to bus. Telephone RA 5:3827, |OFEN Tor Inspection ew modern Giscalls parkina: avaiisnle now. ABPY| Doran Tare, lor brondioem | SALESMAN AT NEW INFORMATION CENTRE | |, FOR RENT -- Whithy apartments, | " at 125 Clarke Street, yy 1 56 METEOR 4 -dr. Ranch South, SOUTH END =-- thrae- room A ua. fri; tor, stove, A A - o] - 3 : modern one and two bedroom sultey;| private entrance unfurnished, In Ricé antenna. parking, clove to Bnepping | TWO parily furnished housekeeping feor covering, drapes panel MOND AY TO S ATURD AY INCLUSIVE Wagon, radio, spotless AARTNEN or ig oR Street |outlet, lockers, washer, a ie | satay af + Deoek Telephone RA Centre, $05 285 Montrave. RA 5-8769, (16 Drow street, RA 3.413 atte 3pm, he Plywsed, bor in fscreation body, good fires, needs Rental $85 to $120 monthly, Contact sles | RESIDENTIAL -- self-contained, hoats| : LLL YOY SXTras, ; motor work f We Setwernld: A: Daly, MO 84775, A, J. HH | APARTMENT, self - contained, park- ed three rooms,. second floor ho ROOM, very close to North Gen. 5 Roomed bungdo ith all FROM 2:30 TO 5 P.M. 59 OAR leaving for Nova Scotia between |ing space, newly decorated, suitable for trance, balcony, parking, three-plece eral Motors, for two gentlemen, single ungaiow with @ '56 FORD "v8", di A November 26 and December 3 an ac - -- -- | couple, available immediately. Tele | hath, stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, $60 ! corner store, Willlam and Mary] modern conveniences, garage 2 Completed Models--Both 6 Room + radio, commodate one or two passengers. Qua ITY Men's metas fh MOhawk 8:3246 for further par- monthly, mature tenants preferred, | Telephone RA 5.0906. on 5 acres land. Asking With Attached Garage--Also 3 other homes in real buy ....... $699 84242, 3 |tieulars, Id, Box 71 Port Perry, FURNISHED rooms, #5 per week, Gen-| $10,500 with low down - APARTMENT, modern, on main floor, (smart appearance. Reg. $15 pe Armen err Lb 1 re tle Teleph ' pay advanced stages '54 PONTIAC Sedan, radio, . hi unfurnished upstairs rooms, | TH room heated apartment, bus. |tleman only. Telephone RA 35-2883, a a Tour place bath, television outiel, dryer. Store, "Whitby, Ont. St cate Bor. 1 Bo eh rg ocinis |iness couple preferred, heavy wiring. FURNISHED two rooms, also single, me, ' . . needs work $299 rking, adults preferred. RA| py - ' after | |private. ground floor, refrigerator,| - 5 Roomed bungalow with al S h f Id | A t pave pa PUPS for sale males females 1% Telephon RA Ls i |ONE and two - bedroom prariment, Larne, central, reasonable, 96 Centre| modern conveniences, attache C 0 |e nsurance SSOCla es v) 52 PONTIAC Soden ir in pris FOR WENT -- Sunny fumishd bach. (0.4698. ath, available immediately. ne a ¥|or unfurnished. RA 8-993 oF RA 5030 - ed garage. Located in Orono, ning condition .. olor apartment, sink and stove, linen TWO one-bedroom apartments, apari- South General | Motors, 254 Malaga Road | r unfurnished. RA 8:3043 or RA 3.9338, | HOUSEKEEPING room, 5 Felt Price $10,000, Easy terms. 6 SIMCOE N. RA 3-2265 12 PRINCE ST. ' supplied, private entrance. Sult one Or ment building, heated, close to school n UNFURNISHED "three - room apart. (And stove, all conveniences, 51 PONTIAC Hardtop, re- aduits. 821 Dundas West, ul L 53611, B ookiin' | CENTRAL location, large warm com. ment, heavy wiring, TV outlet, bus line, immediate possession. Apply 03 Abert di poten BE Shopping. parking. OL Xn fortably furnished room, in clean, quiet|reasonable, storage space, adults, RA Street. Frank Hunter RA 5-2974 conditioned motor _six on BENS a, Jursisied, i FoR RENT -- Furnished rooms, newly | home, board if desired. Gentleman pre. (5-168, 301 Gibbon Donald Mountjoy MA 3-3950 WILSON REALTOR months ago ..... ing, 831 Dundas West. privieges iho' grade 107 Font, oon: | opr Abstajper. ah 30078, UNFURNISHED four room flat, ground 45--Real Estate for Sale L.A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 A TREMENDOUS FOR RENT = "Two semi-d hed | tral - MO 8.31%, Latha hed Waray a; a drOOH, oll ig gin Ba BIL . homes, one with two bedrooms GE 9 ru, ft, refrigerator, like new, {henting, Courtics on Highway 2, avail: Joa. South Goveral Motors, 773 Albert Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 . SELECTION OF NEW with hres All modern conveniences, Viking four burner, electric Move, wash able December 1. Apply 100 Alma Street Street, CAR TRADE-INS TO Sobczak, Watson Street, ne ov Di gd Beton I Ia LARGE furnished bright two - room SOUTH-WEST . | TO RT Swoon Tsass wilh 4 den tools, MO 84785 FOUR - room house, oli furnace, heavy apartment, clean, very central, re. . Compact home for couple - nicely located. This 4 room bungalow CHOOSE FROM { Jor m month, Children wel-| OLE. house of your no-longer-used Albert Street, Per Month. Ary tFahsportation. 354 Simecos North or YA is charming inside and out, Heated by oil, full basement, oak come. MO 8.4545, goods ~ kids' furniture, cameras, |. - - -- | 8.5084, REAL ESTATE BROKER floors, 2 bedrooms. Taxes only $86.00. Full price only $7, 600, ir ports gear -- and convert them into|TWO -and half room furnished apart - qu-- p-- ---------- CASH paid for used furniture, re rh i Tas roti On aa aneo | ment, sink, refrigerator, two-piece bath, [SMALL furnished apartment, clean, arstors, stoves, skates. almost any. af Ad. Call RA 33402 today! Adults. 2 Cadillac South private three-piece bathroom,' private] 31 BOND ST. EAST RA 8-5161 NORTH-EAST ! 0 8-498). : LIVE poultry alto feathers wanted. FOUR = foom unfurnished aparimont, encrance, wiltabie for" business couple ' J14 200 full price hd this Sulstonding 1% storey home, rug MOT: NT -- December 1, three-room ariel Prices paid, Jake Private entrance and bathroom. 80 able, RA 8.0707, - rick construction, Hot water heating, attached garage, paved i partment, In apartment building, $60 Parker, MO" 83614 'soliect two-room apartment, fully urea , EE Torre WRT TE INCOME HOME -- CLARKE STREET drive. Everything for the discriminating buyer, and priced to | Fe a avy duty wiring. West after 4 p.m, trance; also two rooms and bath, pri: 7 room brick with garage. This home will pay for itself, The sell, WHITBY NT apartment, three rooms, Yale entrance; iaundry facilities: In| price js small and so is the down payment. If you are looking * Artment house. RA 5:3038 or 64 Wayne! {5:3 house to live in rent free then give us a call, NORTH-WEST TRADE UP OR DOWN Brick bungalow, outstanding workmanship and appearance, Only BASEMEN FOR SALE -- Television, 17° Mo CO D E pate private bath, partly furnished or unfur. ut Sousdle, good condition, reason L WAV nished, separate entrance, nicely deco. | | ] w able. MO 8.20 rated, RA 5.6701. 213 McNaughton Av-|SELF-contained three room apartment, FOR SALE -- 070 x 16 fires ws, Brew un| From $6.95 (Lanolin _en- [enue : with compiele bathroom 'ong or" two DOWN $1,000 DOWN -- COLLEGE HILL ne yao Sid, omplste in svery detail. Garage. Priced to sell . . : -- [3 0 A | N i Phone MO dae tied), Includes expert shap. |REASONAULE lo calipiv ionssts |} 1 Nesom Dive. pancy November! ¢ rooms with garage. A well kept home, selling for a moderate : 4 FOR RENT -- "Apartment, nt. Kifchen, din. din. a Stylist" Hid heat and water supplied, dulltin cup: GROUND toor = four-room # artment, price. A look will convince you that this is a good buy, Open Evenings and All Day Saturday | a Private bathroom an oards and sink, heavy duty wiring, [private bath, entrance, parking, laun . v He, edretuni. Mans, water supplied.| MO 8-5124 for appointment. [Apply #2 Royal Street |dry room. 165 Verdun Road, RA'3-30%.| DOWN $1,000 DOWN -- KINGSDALE AVE After Hours Please Coll: Ci North, phone MO| (C s by Ken), 4 > . Wes Elli RA 8.0581 hy i Apply 808 Centre North, p es by Ken COMPLETELY furnished 2 room base CHILDREN welcome, five-room house, : / Ad Mansi i es Elliott .,.. . Charlie Rankine CO 3-2397 8 Paling ment apartment, newly decorated, heat, | semi-detached, North Oshawa. Vacant| This home is in a fine residential district and has 6 rooms with Bill Norris ..... RA 5.6588 Lloyd Corson RA 3-2537 For two room apart-| FOR RENT -- Box, boat and |hvdro included, very central, Available (now, city bus at door Jeasonable to| a double garage. Oil heating and all conveniences. The buyer Dick Young RA 3-7183 ment, with sun room, ground floor, cabin trailers, chain saws, |ToW; Telehone RA 81738 for further reliable tenants, RA 52428, looking for @ house of this type will have a good home. -- 0 "saben. stove. Self contained. Phone skill saws, cement mixers particulars $15 MONTHLY -- four-room house, 1% a --- paint sprayers shotguns. iE TE b modern three rooms, Kitchen: bi] Rohe at Hampton, RA 5.0186 NEW BUNGALOWS FOR RENT -- Two.bodroom d 3 otte, bath, asher, dryer, $60, evenings 0 7.3 , heated, separate entrances, TV| rifles, etc ' 3.5006, Apt. 7, 63 King West, Bowman. 137 KING Ww Bd, pig ly 1218 Brock South, ville, Also store aN: ai. None FULL PRICE $12,500 FULL PRICE . Ho 1 84496 after § a i g. Le RENTAL OWN ANVILLE = heated apartment, {Oshawa Phan 10 5 strict, One child] Well built homes in different parts of the city. All these homes 28H fish, Cod, Haddock, and sole ervice an ales three rooms, kitchenette, bath, laundry welcome. Phone 68-3696, have been privately built with the best of materials, These RA 5-0732 filota arriving oyory Thuriday 19m 1415 Dundos E., MD 8.3224 [facilities tent 300. Phone MA $377, | NEGEMBER 1 available, threoed:| homes will be well worth looking at. So call us for an ap- REAL ESTATE LIMITED Lunenburg Ns Smoked fillets, kiopers | TRALL 2. [Art. 3, 90 Queen, Bowmanville, {room house, Apply 214 Wilson Road| pointment and Digbys, down east hologna, fat an EIGHT-room brick home, excellent con. | South, Friday after 6, any time Sat : . mixed suit pork. scallops, and. frash PLANT VY dition, close to hospital, ofl heating, |day. yume Satu 40 KING ST. E. DIAL RA 8-4678 oysters At Sout ' Ys R warage, Immediate possession. Winse | ou NGAT OW -- five 1 LIST YOUR HOME WITH Us opposite Firehall -- Bradloy, Miller Realtors. RA 8.1679." |p, ss yo Jat 1 heat FOR FAST ACTION FOR RENT--Large two-roomed apart: TWO furnished hou-ekeeping rooms, 18. No small children, RA 34371 afte * [ment, ground - floor, ofl dae ne tiove, BULBS NOW bedroom and kitchen, refrigerator,|3 p.m, wltey $1070.00 DOWN IS : ute, Phone MO. 0-2398, stove, parkiag space, central 10 down | Gy" MONTHLY -- three - room, partly AFTER 6:00 P.M. CALL : SEPTIC tanks cleaned the way new tanks installed, Wal 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO TYPEWRITERS, just arrived. =) St k L d i room house, 3 on Nle rent large on. Apply 193 Bloor Street East. oc -- andscapin rooms. Apply 3 Mill Street, Oshawa. IsMALL clean h in A : LT JUST 1 BLOCK FROM KING STREET BEVE"WYCK nished apartment, suitable for couple Telephone Ajax, WHitehall, 2.2036 for Buy and Sell with Confidence We have a lar e variet town. 156 Agnes Street ' " ' ~ i Of Deh bute Norton) [I Hts Sot, svat of Svcs to | ei, onan ata, bow| Som Goldstein, RA $6782 Mike Dubyk, RA 8.5690 RICHMOND STREET EAST GOOD HERE! Midtown Used Furniture, North. MO 8-4 re with no children, good bus service, |further information, Fou RENT Cowan LTE GARDENS [Lae ane ihr FOUR room hous: trssecs bath WHAT A LOCATION . . . 10% DOWN Adults pie MO 8.3591 Whitby, HIGHWAY 12, ed air esortttd: Suddsy - bao be Tote. '59 PONTIAC V-8 Sedan = Fotis Cal MO Sabie WHY © 3 miles north of Whitby ONE MONTH [tee REALTOR -- INSURANCE WHAT A HOME!!... lke naw. Orinel 7 EF ELAS op Sannin 'a | PHONE OL 5.3570 FREE RENT RRR mie 000 miles, or fraining. 3 i - ava e immediate on Tam N : " 07 Athol Sireet. B58, ERY Revidetee 4 3 -- te ya 67 King St. E. WHAT A PRICE!! '59 SINGER Station Wogen 9s in WUICK Super, wionvertible | Modern one- and two-bed Hou E ~ §iX - room and bath, heavy ~ 4,400 mile car. New Edrel e-dor pardte © Wil secant ruts BEAVER room periments, $85.00 ond Ri RET i HARD TO BEAT $12,685.00 with N.H.A monthly payments of 74.57 | cor warranty. SEWIT i. . or Is hy N phone joneral otors, school RA 5.2673 | i --_-- i 3 3 i i -- { Raley 'all makes of eine BARGAINS _RA 8-8676. SIX ~ room brick house, all convenl- Quer ig 4 Bo aan brick bingsion with eHtached which includes both interest and principal. matic Jrcnamssion, Cus- i fachin », La py vn reel Nori Jot STANDARD. HABEOAKD ron emo 205 Albert Street, built-in cupboards, tastefully decorated, fully landscaped includ. E > tom radis; in excellent | 4 Whithy MO 8.4981, dl OFFICE SPACE IMMEDIATE possession. spacious Ino cedar hedge and patio, aluminum storms and screens, T.V, HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: '55 OLDS. "88" Sedan == i 8 ---------- 4' x sheet $1.79 three, or four - room apartment, pri.| Qerial, paved drive. Located in north end of City close to A ti | FOR RENT 10 sheets or more $1.59 FOR Yate Snirance and bath, garage, heavy| schools and shopping. 1050 sq. ft. of floor space Brick veneer with partial ioe il transmission, H POPLAR PLYWOOD UNDERLAY aly outlet, seumusie Jest. 5 bedrooms stone front wg SUTtom radio. I Luxury Apartments | 4 x 4' sheet $1.19 RENT 4 BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL Large modem ikea with Forced air with oil heating 55 DODGE Sedun = Radio, y 00 sheets or Wore $1.10 ' 44a--Rooms For r Rent Designed for the family wanting space to live in. Large master dinette Living room with dinette 55 FORD Seda Deli x Hor discriminating: people. MAHOGANY SLAB DOORS assenger elevator service, IT housekeeping room, nicely fur.| bedroom, 2 bathrooms finished in ceramic tile, modern kitchen Exhoust fan in kitchen Ceramic tiled bathroom walls Naka ohaeny bi Ive Erica sailed Ah Sendo ah 0 New building. Centrally lo Shed, quiet, for refined gentieman, re. with built-in oven and stove, natural mahogany cupboards, patio 2 aluminum storm doors tron railing on front porch 8 olay, egos va 708 Dunlop West. Phone M a cated in downtown area. [Near hospital, North GM, stores, 9°07 Opening out from dining room, spacious, bright recreation ? i 4 8.4174, ots $ Moderat HE and bus, 13 Elgin Street East. | area -- to be decorated to the purchaser's choice of colors at Laundry tubs Gravel driveway 54 PONTIAC Coach -- Cus. Ww FIR PLYWOOD SHEETING > vate rent, Leases now LOCATED at 200 Ritson Road South,| Mo Stra, cul, eltached garage, fully landscaped. pre-paid sere Sodded front lawn Prepaid services including Jam radio, clean through- x eet . . vai two bed d y i i ' | STORM WINDOWS, s ey a "an kitchen, well furnish: vices. . ing for only $21 800 Storm windows and screens curb and gutters, 53 VAUXHALL Sedans -- 2 I DOORS, CABINETS | BEAVER LUMBER | THE TIMES [suv warms wa mmvon, Sob 14 nce does rn Shtied fh nropery | 3 models to be built on these 9 beautiful lots socall | Mechanica AT" i Pista on request. Prompt CO. LTD. fe ure In _Jlean home, later. Price $1,195, Contact Mr. Earle Allin, RA 5.7782 or this office for an appointment to see the models at miles. Needs "minor mos (1 JERMYN'S CORNER DUNDAS & HICKORY BUILDING Forni 'Brod RA 5308 Man only, 36 RA 5.7732, : your earliest convenience. tor work, 1B rkin h WHITBY DOUBLE room with small Kilchenotte, After Hours Please Contact-- AFTER 5:30 CALL ASK ABOUT OUR 1 YEAR 11 Woadwork hg Shop B Contact T. L. WILSON cooking ance pad. fe" ines Mr. Earle Allin RA 5.7782 Mrs. Loreen Kellett RA 3-3770 FULL WARRANTY : Prone M Are MO 8-5818 v | Phone RA 3-3474 Fitings, sult gentiemen,| Mrs. Irene Brown 5-3867 Mrs, Rolonde Tierney RA 5.5207 Joe Maga 5-9191, Marion Drew 5-7610, Dick Barriage 5-6243 : [YR a Don Howe RA 3.9692 Lloyd Metcalf 5-6983, Everett Elliott 3.9290 (Continued on Page 24) \ ~

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