y 1 pi taught for severs ta (school, Just Plevna before United Church, but a well at the when Labor had 48.7 per cent of the total voles General comment on these re sults centres on the theory that 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, Movember 24, 1960 Labor is now paying the penalty for the pathetic spectacle of dis British Liberal Te Auxiliary Unit EAL i ,__ ts Holds Meeting . EEA Bai 73 MacKei, has presevied to the £ouBtly Auxiliary, J, H. Pascoe, secretaryAressurer ship for six years, a _ Strength Grows during last year, Op KEDRON ~The Mother's Auxil- stalled the newly elected officers duty of Education for enter -land Coronation Se he @ band, it is recognized that, "or ou connie and Cubsifor 1961 who sre os follows: isl] br Because _ the sired, | Harold Werry, teacher of Gro . a oF iB Mr. Grimond's campaign to win its first meeting in the low. "frs, Harry Rose, pn | mittee, one and two, Is 8 popu By M, MeINTYRE HOOD gy in recent Slections| ver disgruntied Laborites is be- held 4s Dn oe Church on Mes, Juck Elliott, vieepresi Ager a4 Jou ; ron community resident, Special to The Oshaws Times has been no Libera san ginning to pay off. (Monday, Mrs, G, N, Varoum, uehi; Mrs, Vernon Powell, see ed by Mr LONDON ~ or by-slections didate. The Meals Sa Comer. This Is bound to stir up gain) president of Auxilisries fbr thei retary; Mrs, Allan Wilbur, tress. mins were selve iitford Hop. wld on the same day in widely- made # | » idess held by some Libersls and|Oshews District, opened urer, . separated English eonstituencies|ihere was Bo Conservative cab-l.; Joo tes that a new meeting with the Beout Mother's Conveners of committees were resulted in six Conservative vic- fidate 13 Wen Bolin and nol radical force--a Liberal-Labor Prayer, Mrs, Yarsum then in- ch : teleph ner for sh its done by! + tories. That was Just as was ex-| Liber ton, the agreement was|dliance--might be formed, But {Seouts, Mrs, N, Wright; fele- 4 P ped 43 Th John Hartjes and Son, of Pick CENTRE | pected. All were former Conser-|by«iection, the Liberals and|if the decisive swing among anti. phone convener for Cubs, Mrs, lovrroom sec seven years oi. COFYEE i vative seats, some of them over-|scrapped by (the in the field, |Conservative voters continues to{more of his followers in the nextiC, J, James; visiting convener,|to meet the needs of the subur- i " $so Paulo In Brazil, gre whelmingly so, But the massive|they put & ; shift from Labor to Liberal, it is|pariiament. It may yet be possi- Mrs, DD. Barneit; press reporter, ban housing growing up outside NEW SCHOOL . {in ig an bi nded tf mr Lov ary 07, va, Do ae 0 Co ht Liber, teron Hl" a", Libr oreo Mis, V, Wowcl, ola Cute ors und nrthessers The Han of oe no shat te wlan wad The rato ewe, wis lnnted 4 AL 119, y i oj ( A ' ; mem ud 4 {, i abowsd fon in arginally.held Laborian . ye convener, Mrs, Bert Smit. "| On the sie of the new Kedron nell' style of Mawel. Meighis|home is Sharbot Lake, Mr. Burke village, the Libersl party has been aithe Tory had a majority of 671 Grimond tion to the government, bd ww 7 7 terrific shoek to Mr. Gaoitskell| The Liberal years, and this year refurnsy g : the profession on a fulltime This fall East Whithy Town. : {triet, ine sis, intervention took seals could give Mr, of JY de] wv other Labor leaders. more votes away from Labor oo four of the six by-eloeting,| than from the Conservative. at Carshalton, Petersfield, le law. and Hverton, the Liberal NAMING pised fig: candidates sto d , an sent Labor milatiogly 10/30 Vor, Pl S200 the bottom of the polls, Tt was a) bd EN es and the Liberal triumph far beyond any. | SUppost. hus a. Ta toto] thing which they had expeeled| Cool "vote was 8878 while in their most optimistic mo- iy polled 52.919, iis "In the six elections combinad; TORY FOR MACMILLAN [the Conservatives secur : Ago election results, while ex- per cent of the votes ean, only pected, marked a complete vie-three per cent below g gobs tory for Mr. Macmillan, In alli centage at the 1959 genera doe, put East Bolton, the seats were tion, The Liberal vole was 1 retained by a thumping majority, per cent of the total, an Aversg in spite of a much smaller vote|of over 11 per cent greater | " than in the general election of a|the votes secured by She party| year ago. In one constituency, in the last elections ey eon-| Mid-Bedfordshire, the govern tested in these six ridings ww ment majority went up by over Labor's percentage of the : 8 1000 vote dropped to 25.1 per cen A al ! The East Bolton vietory was fall of 18.6 per cent from the fig the most satisfying of the six to ures in these six seats in el the Conservatives, There, by an' general election of a year 8g0, TELEVISION LOG Cu HY Channel 11-~Hamilton CBLTAYV Channel 8-~Toronto WOGRTY Channel 2-Buffale WBEN.TV Channel 4-Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7-Bulfale WROCTY Channel 5--Rochester 4:30 PM, THURSDAY EVE, ona 4--Serial Dramas 82-To-day 6h 5:00 P.M Mheatre Boro The Clown West Berlin Concert h Blooge ats PM Mischief Makers = Hert Sheldon 1H P.M Karly Show - Roy Roger | Playhouse Five No Place Like Home Big Mae Show 6:00 P.M, Metro News Drama Series Highway Patre) 6:15 P.M, #- Cannonball age PM | ho oe vews; Weather 6:45 P.M, Huntley Brinkley rl 11 Wanted Dead or Alive 6 veven-0-One v | eaves | nedy 3 5 # Topper C [FB T-Liuestward Heo | &--Bachelor ¥ather nese Mm. 116. Live 8 Borrowed Life fT Donnse Resa 10 P.M Loh Klondike 7--Real McCoys 8:2 Bal Masterson Dick y Theatre 9:00 P.M fewJunior OHA Hockey 7=My Three Sons Fancy Free 83 Hachelor Father 4 Angel---Comedy sierie 9:30 PM. 852 Tennessee Ernie Ford 7The Untouchables Ann Sothern Show 10:00 P.M & Peter Guan 52 The Grougho Show Person To Person 10:30 P.M, | 11-6-Open House 13=This Week In Football TerInterpol Calling &-Toronto File S--Man Hunt dJune Allyson Show ~The Third Man 1:00 PM (176:5-4-2--News; Sports 1m:15 PM I--Late Show Viewpoint F-Sportsreel 11:30 P.M, l=Late Show S-Midnight Metro $2 Jack Paar Play of the Week FRIDAY 7:00 AM, T=Buffalo 7 AM, 11-6 | 4==News Powell's Zane 1 11.6--Nursery Schoo) 1 AM, T=FPopeys é~News Roundup $115 AM, Captain Kangaroo 9:00 AM, Li~Romper Room 7--Deputy Dawg S--Burss and Allen Popeye's Playhouse ~My Little Margie BHWAM Li~-Movie T=Romper Howin 8--Home Cooking 4=You and Your Family 2-8usie 10:00 AM, 88-Lough Re MJ s--Here's Hollywood 4--Fdge of Night 2-Three Stooges 4145 6-~Junior Round-up FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, 1=Family Theatre T--Adventures of Rin Tin Tin 5 Popeye Visit To Banta Big Rasen B15 P.M, é~Misehiel Makers Herb Sheldon 130 PM, 7=Early Show 6. Fury 4-December Bride 10:30 AM, Hemembranee Day Service ¥-Dr, Hudson's Journal 82-Play Your Huneh | 4~Video Village 11:00 AM, 7--~Morning Court 53-Price Is Right 41 Love Luey 11:30 AM. 7--Love That Bob ithe Clear Horizon 5-2--Coneentration 12:00 NOON |~Bugs Bunny ¥=The Texan Weather B23 Truth or pe SPlayhouse Five 2-Hamar of the lunge 4-Big Mac Show 6:00 P.M, 6-Metio News 4~Mackenzie's Raiders 2---Highway Patrol 6:15 P.M 6-Civie Election Special 6:30 P.M, 1" News 48 News: Sports 6:45 PM, 65-43 News 7:00 PM, 11~Guestward Hot f-Beven.o-One §~The Flint Blones 4~Father Knows Best 2 Br 12:15 P.M, ows 4~Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M Beat The Clock «Movie Matinee Search for Tomorrow 2-1t Could Be You 12:45 P.M, 11=News Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, 1=Movie Matines T~About Faces S--Fenture Movie 4~Meet the Millers 2-Mid-day Matinee 1:30 P.M, Y=Divorce Hearing &=The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 7=Day In Court 6-Chex Helene §2-Jan Murray Show Drama Series 5 Time 130 PM, i~Road To Reality S-3~Loretta Young eatre &~House Party 5:00 PM, 7--Queen For A Day §3-Dr. Malone Millionaire 3:30 PM, 11-~Publie Service Guide i=Who Do You Trum 64-The Verdiet Is Yours §3-From These Roots 4:00 I'M, li=Popeye With Capt, Andy T~American Bandstand 6--Cartoon Capers 83~Make Room Por Dadd addy 4~The Brighter Day 715 PA, To=News; Weather 7:30 PA, 11.The Heal MeCoyp 7-8ea Hunt Football Huddle 52-Dan Raven 4~Rawhide, Western Kio P.M 11-6~Country Hoedown 7--Bell and Howell Presents 5:30 P.M, 11:6--Perry Mason T="The Flintstones §:3-The Westerner Route 66 0100 P.M, T=77 Sunset Strip §:3--Bell Telephone Hour 9:30 P.w 116-Danger Man Harvest Of Shame 10:00 P.M 116~Have Gun Will 'rave' 75-The Detectives Twilight Zone $~Michael Shane 10:30 P.M, 11~Peter Gunn 7--Pony Express 6-0On The Scene Eyewitness to History b--Two Faces West 11:00 P.M, 11.7-6.5.43-News; Sports 11:15 P.M, 11=News- Weather 7~Late Show 8- Viewpoint 11:30 P.M, UeLate Show 6--Gunsmoke 83-Jackh Parr MGM Theatre 12:00 MIDNIGHT Wrestling 1:00 AM, $=The Unexpected CROSSWORD ACROSS ipoken {ranspom 2} Holsting 8 21 1. roothall's Bowl mity or dtake device «Man's 10: Shaggy a lion 12. Storms 13. Young eel ups 14. Formerly 15. An animal hunt 16. Past 17, Prickls envelope of fruit 18, Scotch river 10. Seed grain 21. Spreads grass todry 22. Bury 24. Hit, as the toe 21, Bvange- line's home 81, Alder tree 22, African antelope 84, Business notices nickname ke Smudge , Partial , Encroach 8. Looked closely 9, Frog's sound 11, Loses moisture 15, Mohame medan princes coin 28, Shield 24. Wal. dort on -- 2%, Ex- changes On. fasten 28, Painted sloppily 29. Pastoral poems (var) CIAL INE] [SEE EHC! wz) ad IQIBITIEINID] MOI XIA] Yesterday's Anvwer 80, Donkeys 32, Excellent! 35. Voided escutcheon 86, Infant 88, Bound, as acrow 25 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN STAMPS" with coupon and purchase of oz, "Twin Pack" Humpty Dumpty Potate-Chips LA oupen Expires Dec, | 30 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN STAMPS" with eoupon and pure Any 3 bags ~ Rane SNOW CROP 5+ Mixed 50 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN STAMPS" with eoupon and purchases of We or bottle MAZOLA 0IL 842 Coupon Expires Des, 1, 1940 30 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN STAMPS" with coupon and purchase of HA. ox 10¢ off deal Fels Liquid Detergent 83 Coupen Expires Dee, 1, 1960 350 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN STAMPS" with coupon and purchase of 24-02, pkg, MINUTE RICE Coupon Expires Deg, 1, 190 50 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN STAMPS" with coupon and purchase One 18oxdh ft, roll oy ALUMINUM FOILWRAP oupon Expires Des. 1, 1960 LOBLAWS ALWAYS BUYS BED LABEL TEX BAGS 75. 6 CONTINENTAL CHOCOLATES .. is 98 RAISIN PIE "og oer. aon 3G PRIDE of ARABIA COFFEE i 87: ux 1.95 LOBLAWS FRESH BREAD tutte; ts 19 QUEEN ANNE CHOCOLATES ... it 87 HOSTESS FESTIVE SHORTBREAD #2 3 Je SHORTBREAD DAINTIES ........... - 33: CHOCOLATE SHORTBREAD RINGS +2 39. 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