/ Oshawa Couple's Brush With Death In Light Plane WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY RS By the time 2 man can afford Indian Summer weather is ex- to lose a golf ball, he can't hit pected to continue through Fri- it that far, E day. Winds light. \a : 4 ] 3 ; ; A single engine, two passenger nection with Hogan started on aiveraft, on a fight from Oshawa Bunday, when he spoke to Whithy § Airport to Toronto Island Alrport!stock-car racer and pilot, Charles early Wednesday afternoon, ex- Kemp, Kemp showed him an Fr ploded in mid alr and crashed into coupe plane, and told Puckett that Lake Ontario, south of the Port Hogan had & similar aircraft - iE Union road, killing two Toronto which he wanted to sell Is 2 Wy a Ld won padi a Hg anadians Tol Presumed dead are the pilot, buying the plane, but | wanted to V3 2 / Ted Hogan, 35, a well known look it over," Puckett said { stock car driver, and the passen-. Ay Oshawa Airport Wednesday ' 7 6 . ' ger, Bruce Tanner, 25, a slock CBY Hogan took Puckett, an experi 5 p 4 mechani enced flyer, up in the plane, *'It # ' ! (o]e) (®) 1 The crash eh submerged flew very well as far as I'm con # ' | the plane in ten feet of water and cerned he said These are 7 4 A LEOPOLDVILLE (CP 400 rds from shore, was wit- very reliable aireraft,'® 7 4 Congolese troops erected VOL. 89--NO. 273 10 Cote 0 Coy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1960 bon Crten asarment, ores TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES Angry and were reinforced by a platoon nessed by ipping personnel of " i iki 54 A pd st Pid i. 4 un of tough Malayan jungle fighters, the Johns-Manville Asbestos plant GAS FUMES i 80 United Nations fois wh A The Canadians were solidly set nearby They landed, and Mrs, Puckett 4 : / a5 tension. In tals oils toc ay up in the school buildings, They hey gave conflicting accounts Went up with Hogan, After a few I iil % mounted toward the By Were described hy Col, Paul y saw but agreed that minutes, she noticed a strong OE A . 4 point # Smith of Edmonton and Vancou- of what the i » . 4 ol p +g vas travelling in a smell of gasoline, and asked % / Al UN ver, the signal unit commander, I berals 1SS100 bly direction and was above Hogan 10 open.the canopy, which / : ay N forces were on the as easy to defend and difficult ue eC 1 ststubnd the shore line when it exploded be did. They landed immediately i ph 4 alt ( (a hay I4nalmen and to take n & cloud of thick black smoke When Mrs, Puckett could no long : 4 , ? her UN troops were under or-| Orders to shoot to kill are te ' ders to shoot to kill if attacked (ake effec Y er stand the fumes by unruly Congolese, UN soldiers ake effect only if Congolese sol * } + . On Finance and crashed into the wale d 1 diers attack th hool and onl Y The explosion sent the plane up "My wife was white and shak 4 4 dug in around the residences of oh d ie school and only Win B elections ward, away from the shore lineien when they landed," Puckett enior UN officials A Olwhen given by an officer and into a spin, It plunged down'addad. "She is quite sensitive to Col, Smith said there is a pos. * r " The, Are prisals Visits France minus a tailplane and with one gas fumes, which probably e: : dts ay fogred pevrisgls for Mon- sibility the defence setup may QUEBEC (CP The QuebeciJune with a majority of almost hy plains why 1 did nol } y Ms, " n WHICH 8€V:- have to be maintained for a t a ving hangin a thread notice them oral Congolese 4 Liberal party overwhelmed 8ll|6000 for the Union Nationale Hours after the crash, Oshawa when | was up ; billed a oe tty pa! pba may later be brought into defend PARIS (Reuters)---Two senlor - y Puckett ih Puckett { that ih : US. officials continued the fi orist George eke and h uekett sald that as the plane A Congolese Ary x 4 oifieia : or pi vile were till shaking as they landed, Ron Poulter, an instruc y iid tod io'eie Ab BB fio i the perimeter of the school up two new seats 0 . ; ' OW a vis 4 p at Os a Flying Cl a A pds y » DEEN grounds . emier Jean Lesage immedi.[the legislature, The new stand. newspapers debated the iflure realized : narrowly they had od hy het Gang iy ng { Ts ald -- found, bringing the casualties Oe io vietories proof of ings ave Liberal 53; Union Na. to talk West Germany into mak- missed déath 4 wital Lt he would not buy 4 plane un Sy from the baltle to five dead, OFFICERS MOVE BACK he y oy Li ' 7 ular 1 Independent 1; total ing direct cash payments for the Fifteen minutes after my elle w | 14( een checked hy a y Ty < s {three missing and three severely! Officers living in apartments growing Liberal populi upkeep of American forces out of the plane, it was Inimechanic, Poulter fold Hogan i ; 7 wounded near the school have moved hack Both Liberal wins tool al . tioned ther Lhe lake Mr. Puckett told The that if he would leave the plane y : 5.4 Ihe Congolese roamed the to school quarters--two wings of away from the Union Nationale MANY TURN OUT U.8 Treasury Secre v Rob. Time jovernight at Oshawa for a me 2 & treets and set up roadblocks in! dormitories linked hy a central party, The byelections were the! An unusually heavy turnout ert Anderson and the undersecre.. Mr, Puckett said that his con chanical checkup, he would drive p fo / y a residential area where many headquarters huilding by long first electoral tests since the Lib is recorded in both ridings. In tary of state, Douglas Dillon, who Hogan and his friend Tanner back 3 u i {UN personnel have houses, UN shaded corridors, There are erals ousted the forme | nl Joliette, 77.6 per cent of th }2 me here Wednesday from the : to Toronto, Hogan declined the " 4 ul laff were advised to spend the many trees on the school Nationale government in Que oters cast ballots, In Rouville Bl West German talk met French frat ills offer, and took off for Toronto d ¥ night in the city { grounds { last 1 UR : | { A f # ¥ b ' J yr hae s general election last June ber cent on 1 ¢ eligible ote Foreign M niste Maurice Couve 4 Island ? am : i 4 li he 150 ( Sidi stationed h anadians are allowed to leave remier Jean Lesage called the ge Murville today . can't understand what hap ® i ere were ordered to remain in the school only for shift changes Winning in Joliette riding was victories a clear endorsement to) The Americans, concerned that p pened to that plane," Puckett a i their school quarters, They dou-| at the UN headquarters message Gaston Lambert, a 40-year-old in. his government and said the re-| American gold reserves have hit i; sald later, "Even if the engine| y bled the guard around the school' centre, located a half mile away, dustrialist, Victor in Rouville rid- sull neourage us to continue thoip lowest level in 25 years, are y § seized, It would not come down | -- ing was Francois Boulas | working along the lines we have que to go to London Friday for| v 8 quickly like that, A good pilot can SUBDUED SUB-STOPPER ' | Bo decisive were the Liberal|traced," more talks, Anderson met Wed.| glide them a long way without . . wins that all opponents--Claude- ; The bon Nationale had 10|,esday with French Finance Min. N power, and Hogan seemed like a cn mudd Laltes, » Now York dragied aa. ¥ deal Juliding (®) X ) go ssue 4 Nationale, | Immediate comment, | o ! " [ \ 0 v 08: ol : Edouard Hetu, Union Nationale ister Wilfred Baumgartner good pilot," He sald that the only f ith id n Richard: J, § i he by- ted 1 Pa mith, and Marcel Ostiguy, Independent, An unusual feature of the by-| 'The Times of London says In Gxplanation he think of, way ining" ot 'wopmar, w "IAP Wirephoto) ,. Paul Frechette,| elections was a call Tuesday by " Hila LY A wo Rouville--|a group of self-styled Union Na an ddiioclal It would ®, ( m u to The Pry ehor a wing or tailplane, "I's almost ? hd lost their $200 deposits for failing tional reformists for party sup logical impact there may be in ik fmpossible to stall or spin one of . to get at least hall as many volte orto: 5 to drop blank ballots into] Avnerica at the sight of thelr 5 these aircraft," he sald as the winners the boxe (negotiators coming away from esc e er | Bonn empty-handed." | ba SEARCH ON ui in : | JESS THAN MAJORITY WOULD SHOW AGAINST bi Ny . Wn aki a . Ln" Jillette the Union Nation: The Group said that, although MusT FACE DANGER Uo pos ct UI fhe dcels whan UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP)(to bring together rival forces ale's total vote was less than the|this would concede the ridings to, 'Ag (U8) service families are Richard Bodley of the Pickering United Nations efforts to bring backing Kasavubu and Patrice majority by which the seat was|the Liberal party, it would show! indrawn from Europe" under | y Township Police Dept, He fold re. oes (®) Orol | (®) peace to the Congo ran into an Lumumba, deposed Congo pre won in June by Antonio Barrette | opposition to the present Union president Eisenhower's an:| Bitsy porters that he first saw a wing other roadblock today after Pres ier who has been supported by fobmer_LinignaNationale eats Vatignate pip a ¢ both rid.|nouncement last week "there will § J ii tip of the craft before it went] TIMMINS (CP)~Miner Alan Rose today, sald he "is a very ident Joseph Kasavubu per. 'Toinans who resigned last September te ing u i oh at hath bl he voices heard asking why the below the surface, and that a Rose, fighting for his life in hos: sick man, that is obvious," suaded a conciliation group to| CHANGES STAND a dispute with other party iy Sad Oly ) Lins the veform Dumber of servicemen them. g ti b patch of thick black oll marked pital here, was to be flown to po oted Roke' a saving hold up its trip to the chaotic] Kasavubu, who had previously elals. vole. ti: dollakies with: al ois wer i BR selves shoud hot be Feduced aso. the spot Toronto today for specialist treat: . usted : pd as haying i country, opposed the mission, changed his 167 polls reported was; Mr, Lam. The Rouville defeat could pre This i a Hg NATO. o g TED HOGAN Foronto Harbor Police despatch: ment "; Hen the frat Hmber L, The 15 member Aslan-African mind after winning the Congo's he! 0.433: Mr. Hetu. 5188: and sent a serious blow to the polit [ure py. N : ed three hoats to the scene of the Hose, 26, was trapped under 4 aying was my very flvstimission, se heduled to leave today emply UN seat, and was reported ert, 10,453; » He 8 oan ct "Daniel Johmson whole | u wes crash and, together with the Pick. ground for 69 hours in a tunnel thought I'm ashamed that [for Leopoldville, suddenly can- doing what he could to try to Mr, O Heuy 1293 : In Rouvile al i Bly Mie nel Benazet foreign affairs : ering Township Police Depart. collapse at the Hollinger Consoli had to be In a place like that celled its trip Wednesday night| smooth the way for the group. Mr, Boulals | 23 Yoles lo BE or Union Natlonale Kove comment itor of the Parls news| § ment and the Metropolitan Police dated Gold Mine here, He was Pefore I started praying when Kasavubu asked for time} His efforts apparently failed, 3489 for Mr. Frechet wi ) Only HE Re On ny paper Aurore, SAYS that in the Department. they began the brought to the surface shoutly be "Next I thought of Rose (Shir. 10 prepare public opinion in the He told Secretary-General Dag one of the 61 polls unreporte talks West Germany 'shows it search fore noon Tuesday ley) and Mark," Congo to receive the UN delega-| Hammarskjold's advisory com. p Joliette last eampalgn in the riding 4 ¥ b wl 8 Mr, Barrette won Joliette lasticamy # self ungrateful and a had ally." | Department of Transport "air. Meanwhile, Rose's wife, Shir- Told about the fund. he said it|ton mittee Wednesday night that It y SAV Jest Germé y al le 28 here ve. | wi Re Lada w 8 n d an Nae | craft, an Ontario Hydro hellcop- ley and thelr two-year-old son was "wonderful thd people want | Li ie Rate s here had heen appre would not be wise to make the E ter and private gireraft surveyed Mark, were travelling to Tim: to help a comparative stranger 1ensive as to what kind of recep: (trip at this time * . down the reported U8, bid for a tion the group would receive! High official ler C the area but reported that the ns by train, She was expected We Tadd ! caive Igh officials under Col, Joseph WwW \ ; TAl 111 1 | Y 1 cash payment to cover most of water was too Mos to spot any I ra al 4190 p.m gr was hy oa 1 thao Seon from angry Congolese soldiers|Mobutu, Congo army leader, had the $600,000,000 spent annually fo Fantastic," he said when aroused over the killing of four| served notice earlier they would Wreckage of the plane was Mrs, Rose arrived in Toronto k thing ue to leave Timmins about noon, 3 ' op stationing about 0.000 service due to leave T Juke about hiv Wie's Jutivel 3 of their men In a clash with UN send oul troops to prevent the men and elr dependents n " aan L] onderiu a 0 N 11 PY N } J found with grappling. hooks at!/from Manchester, England, Wed " He | rons mission from landing at Leopold: . y ; | West Germany 5 could get here SOON Chie 8 8 y 2 alrpor V 1 V al Plan | Wost Gorntany to fused tol 4.30 Wednesday, and the location nesday night jo hief aim "of the mission waslville airport, RINE |budge from its stand that U.S.| 4 marked with buoys. A flying FRACTURED ' - ' ¥ § ¥ 3 4 jacket was found floating nearby LEG ke ? Efforts to salvage the plane] Rose was trapped in a cavein \ wmoed 5 day at the 1700-foot level of the mine Ge 5 1 2 commenced at 8.45 am, today, # West German Econom wa but hy 10 am. no success was re. He suffered a fractured left leg ported and his feet were damaged by HYDKO EELICOPTER USED IN SEARCH opposition to win two provincia Ihe hyelection ere looked on byelections Wednesda) picking as essential by the Liberal party 4 to consolidated their position in nancial mission here today as upkeep co must he arranged TORONTO (CP A $1,250,000 $1,250,000 already pledged by the through NATO - research program aimed at revi ing Canada's sagging uranium in Prof. Forward hopes to imitate dustry was announced today h program started after the exposure, He was In serious con The program---bankrolled by pipst World War by the Interna dition when he was admitted to six major uranium companie tional Nickel Company, At that0f Views except on the stationing : hospital Tuesday, but later re will be headed by Frank For: yime, nickel demand was falling "OAS Issue. 10 t P ane ports sald he was "improving. ward, University of British sharply because of the halt in Movion British newspaper, Lord - Reports today, however, indi eaverbrook's Landon Dally Ex Columbia metallurg : Who de armor plate production press," declares: "It Is a hitter 4 . » cate the miner is fighting for his veloped me BHO : Rel pro Inco's research Sevelom 4 day for the Americans, Surely 1 ot 1es hie Reaver aircraft. chartered cost for IR0VeLY 9 nany new uses for nickel and pow they will learn that the Ge ICE T/ 0} i aver craft, eharier This is a united effort by the OREO WORM Rea RaW ¢ ey wi oh Wn that he Ger BRUCE TANNER BEAVERTON (CP)--The hady {rom Austin Airways to take Rose mines to keep our industry of pilot Donald Johnson, 83, of to Toronto, was due to leave here alive ald Gilbert LaRine Uranium is a very versatile | Toronto was found In Lake Sim. at 12:0 pm founder of Gunnar Mines netal™ said Prof. Forward, "We coe today a half-mile from the Meanwhile, Rose's fellow work Canada's uranium industry Is ry du Loi NY don e orters un wreckage of a light plane which ers have started a fund to help facing the prospect of complete of 5 Con, THR crashed late Wednesday on a the family, It is led by John Me ye hy 1063 hecause o rid Added Me: LiaBine flight from Peterborough to Op. Phail, who was working with yroduction and the le We ate d ring this 20 we. ean ia Rose when the timbers gave way ' United States contract erpetuate the mines, give em y The single - engined Aeronca and loosed tons of broken rock Mr. LaBine sald six mi | RE hI ve ah) Champion was upside down in and gravel into the blind-end tun ( i 0 ¢ { have organized to set up the Ca the water a few miles south of nel ister Ludwig Erhard sald nesday night he believed further talks would lead to a narrowing anfum Resear oun. 'AXES Mage of , Gi ap y MN nadian Ur WY A n ) 4 A LONDON (Reuters) A group He added it was more import this village on the east side of harth Brillinger of the Tim dation to finance the program R the lake mins Press, in an interview with UNIQUE STEP of British reporters walked out ant to know what the bee-venom Police said Jol 'a 'hotly wi Such co-operative mave. he on a Canadian doctor Wednesday did than what it was loud B oi i olinacn » OGY was 0 1 a oo . po the county at a press conference called to! Dr, Saine also was closely ques low uf a ¥ ip party in shal . san :, a | dy doy announce a project for treating tioned on how he would raise the he ib o e Whs wearing a life dl a mi Ng. HELLY 4 are. GRRL sufferers from arthritis, skin dis. equivalent of $3,000,000 which a preserves and, d appeared that aL PH p AUT ' p ' J M EY '¢ ne : ny, Denis m, Faraday eases and nervous disorders by printed statement at the confer in a a np he 10 3 Ji a hore Rie ft . mm the Ove rament t ance bee-venom therapy in Canada, ence said he was expecting to in Pini hid alier the otha . nik Eldorado Dr, Joseph Saine, director of a Vest In the project in Canada, | co ve Fe " N Ns Owned dorad i eal' pints. 1 tecided He sald he would have no diffi. struetions since ebhruary from The foundation will spend $250 Montreal clinie, has decided to culty a raisin th it Taney. GF Orillia Air Services, which owned 000 a vear, Mr. LaRine sald, with $21 0,000 et up clinies throughout Canada © ! y the light plane, and left Lake where bee-venom therapy devel. even more, from his own ve chenung, eight miles north of $200 000 oped by Englishwoman Mrs, Sources and those of friends Peterhorough, at 4 pm. Wedues 0s pone Man Dead, 3 Hurt ' Julia Owen will be given PAID $1 day on a Cross-country solo The walkout took place when sd how much he had 1 The solo flight was to } J ad pale | 4 o have TRI v The : $175,000 A Saine was being questioned about por shaving Mrs. Owen's knowl. Deen the last before he tried for MONTRE AL (CP) The ( NR| ant X osion a ; 4 bo MM : Tonia. ailat'e. Hen ta announced Wednesday it has| the constituent parts of bee: odge, he replied 1 paid Just his private pilot's licence \ b a y al $150 000 venom $1 Johnson had moved to Toronto posthone a trial of a new fast MONTREAL (CP) --Police re ' When he said that one conatit Earlier the d | testi. Just recently from Barrie freight service between Toronto ported at least one man was at " 8 0 and hi She, Sony ™ » a » . ne eh read te Ay " and Winnipeg, scheduled for to J ol three other A ( ns ( allie acl a re onials from medical men vouch day killed today and ee a $125,000 porter insisted that no such acid ing for the effectiveness of Mrs ywuglas Fisher. CCF . wed in an explosion and fire ai a Bl ns oa | nem lo ment Douglas Fisher, CCF member the Canadian Petrofina Limited 100 0 ' \ po . x seated iy hi venom therapy and Pp Y of Parliament for Port Arthur, efinery in Point aux Tremble $ . 00 3 othe re boi ol : By g Re iy 0 het S ia Hh ig ns he 30 d had warned in the Commons : tha Was proposed O put inte | Vv in 18 fac she fed them) Lt) 1 an aast-e subu |F d D ] | Tuesday that the CNJ rew an _east.end suburb % on patients something which so far in such a way as to vary the un ep ete nember ngineer R ak No other details were imme $75 0 ad ted X ed SEE \em be engineer, firemen, Jy available ' 'ad resisted analysis and added N ol their venom "to suit brakemen and conductors--might| ! diately avail I think that is disgraceful lifferent. patients and conditions OTTAWA (Cp There Was rage an illegal walkout in North. | Several reporters asserted that Dr. Saine said that he had seen $39,072,495 in the Unemployment gy 3 > i : ¥ ern Ontario if the trial run was! 3 3 ITY EMERGENCY | it was not known what the hee. dorens of Mrs. Owen's case his. Insurance Fund sn Oct, 31 com madi Tr C $25.000 venom contained and they tories and patients, Every pationt pared with $464.834,421 on the, The CNR said the experiment TOGETHER FOR THAN PHONE NUMBERS | ' walked out had either been cured or much same date last year, Finance is being postponed because condi , Later Dr, Saine said I am not improved Minister Fleming told. the Com: tion are 1 right b ? iL ' told tl ons 3 a ut it was LONG BEACH, Calif Mrs giving Day. The mother, whose | ov 1 : Beach C. an exhort on the SRiLVSIE oF bon B vinted slateme Ro ORS Woknomls t i] ' it ving Dg } se | on a Long Beach Calif, street, _ ERA 53-1189 = " Your Greater Oshawa " Rs . he aly FE bee, ied statemen aid the man Ne nesday derstood that the non-operating' Clota Samons, 23, who left two | out-of-work husband has head: | She returned for the children POLICE A d=11¢ . . * { Ay d Hdl rs i in Canada would we Oct, 3 figure this year unions'n ationswide strike sched . . ed for Oregon in search of a | vesterda || p \ ae INITY CHE yo chem I have rea t fo 3 ned in Montreal and Tor. was up fram $306.863 607 oy ded for Det § also influenced of her children at a Salvation . ear \ ay and now offers of FIRE DEPT. RA S malio ack yon went of b and othe ould fallow i, 1960. In 1937. the Oct. 31 fig- (he railways decision oReed Army hall in v moment of des Sab n a Je die the two help are * iilig in, The chil : _ : ; es . 3 a { J ratiwal ' ols cant stand to see them | dren are Bruce, §, (left), Mich- HOSPITAL RA & #d swYour Support venom but dnt take that "as Mrs Owen attended the press ure was $884.800.316 and } The trial will be made at aj pair. is a thankful mother after hungry: any. more" She and 'acl. 4 and Shirley. 1 Mich IY N v N 249 ¢ 4 ata eh h oe , ¥ asl, §, A ; Jog conference, it was $643,034,049, Hater date { a reunion in time for Thanks the third child slept in a car, (AP Wirephoto) '