The Oshawa Times, 24 Nov 1960, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, Wovember 24, 1968 § GROUPS, 10 CLEAN SNOW BOOTS | Nursery School A thorough (restment with & CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES CALVARY BAPTIST BWYF | The Calvary Business Wom- len's Fellowship held & meeting on Monday evening, November 22, beginning with a Chinese Din per followed by & short business meeting, after which all sttended one of the Bible Conferepee meetings being beld st Celvary Baptist Churer Major len Thomas, DSO. of (England who is the special speaker for the Conference, brought 8 message on the "Much more" of 8 Christian life He outlined the following principies and stated thet in overlooking these facts the "Much More" to Salvation is missed "The Lord Jesus ( he what He was Perfect) ix do whet He did (Redeem), We had to do what He did (Redeem thet we might have wha He l(Life), We have to have what He is (Life) to he what He was (Perfect) " It was planned to hold & meet ing et Yonge Street Mission in Toronto on the evening of De hrist bad sD give a chapter from the book, held of the home of Mrs. Gergld "The Ship Under the Cross' {Barron Reporis from the varius sec, The president, Mrs, The first meeting of the On|, i stad reiaries were given. Towel kits| Nickerson opened the DE (eric North Shore Branch of the A ght seit stain con for overseas relief were discussed 8d led in the devotional period. ouiarie Nursery Education Asso and it was decided to have, The business istion was held recently at Sim- each member bring one kit tp the with treasurer. secretory ond oo. Holl This branch includes Jenuary meeting Discarded silk|fower convener ©Ving Teports. uu ery schools from Wolkhy, guorougidy but do Bet : Teachers Convene io vi poe your sow will proieet your Bow bos Walter from unsightly seit stains stockings were collected to be Members were appointed to visit 5 Osh a i sent 10 Korea for women whe re-| the Hillsdale Manor on December Bowmanville and - WA gd } 5 5 leather, ym : {12 . A "1 Sally Parker, supervisor +f Sim-| weave them and use them forll5 and each month others willl oo "on Nursery School, gave an| Verious uses volupieer services outline of &. tWo-dBY 'Workshop STOPS DRIPPING The December meeting 1s to be, The birthday box was dometed ("C5 8 rorcnny' attended in| Your Christmas candies will held at the home of Miss Sylvia by the Mrs. W. Peterson and Toronto as Drench repr ve. | burn evenly snd without drips if Rundle on Monday, December| birthday greetings sung Mrs, George Pearce supervi you chill them overnight fo 12, 8t 7.90 p.m. when it is planned The group decided to put on & or o the Blue Sp ' Nureery| refrigerator before using. to have 8 film. This will glso be quilt on November 23 po An es Setly TT. STE S---- SHIFT T0 LONDON the election of officers for 1961 Next month's meeting will be Tie members are reminded to held on December 27 at the home shout 8 ten-week evening study course on Parent - Teacher Be Van Johnson will have the title pring in thelr mite box money. of Mrs Ronald Collips with Mrs The study book will be given by| Ralph Hopson, program com "Hons WER Mics Kay Wallace and Mrs, M.|vener and Mrs, Darcy and Mrs, Charis Hosg, #9 Jackson. Worship service by Mrs. | Walter Nickersom in charge of| Whithy Nursery $c Hoskin refreshments tending io Tonople. i ue Refreshments were served by! The hostess sve ph General discussion took place hostess assisted by Miss ments assisted Pug Mrs Ld Gon the subjeet of certification of Carol Alexander | Brown and Mrs, Walter Wellman. "V7 5ery school workers in On : tario and the raising of the sian Joyous scent Jor a MEDITATION GROUP MERRY MATES Edge dards thereby, Mrs. C. F, Meditation Group of Cedar. A BIRTHDAY PICTUR Celebrating his first birthday | formerly of and tomorrow is Daniel John Qui grandsons of pey who is seen with his bro 0 ; ni ther, two-and-a-half old W. Fe on, Paul Alls Danny and Paul Mr. and Mrs, ( ere the sons of Mr. and Mrs, | New Howard Quinney, of Newcastle MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL In Love With Married Man Advised To Seek Reality years castle ~Photo by Ireland fervid drama self-giorinication iround this of tnat she was weaving Though she s that the more sees Freddie the more Janelshe wants to be with him, actu ly s a case of the more she ees him ite she Dear Mary Haworth: This ter concerns my girl friend problem. She is in love with a episode married man It started last April whe was working for a switchboard operator came friendly w the fellows who u company every day Fred told Jane that he w( d 1 at a gas station as a side job dese | yvanting refresh at night and invited her over one ment and shelter and advancing night, S80 she went, and they on a mirage thinking it A talked, ete, and from that time flowering oa But on close ap os they were in love proach, there is nothing at all U PERL {just the old barren CAN'T STOP SEEING HIM scape gist of hel with Freddie ghe smal e more desper total feels, because e is so ery nN qualified to help her solve any- ed to call the« arched same land § the ad cemne | The next regular meeting will be held on December § et Cal vary Baptist Church with Miss Bertha Zimmerman of the Sudan Interior Mission as ICEREBRAL PALSY COUNCIL The Oshawa and District Cere bral Palsy Parent Council held Ld November meet at Simcoe Hall with the pre Mrs. Del bert Arkless, presiding | The secretary Mrs. Ralph Campbell, read the minutes in dicating that on January 1, 196] the administration of the School and Clinic would he taken over by the Women's Welfare League of Sikmeoe Hall, marking as does a new eva for the physically {handicapped children of Oshawa and district Special announcement Was made by Mrs, Albert Rose of the December 2 at the Ca Hall in Bowman speaker ng sident dance on inadian Legion ville The Court Charlene ent A cheque for $300.00 eovering pro cecds of its recent haz The rummage sale proceeds were re- | ported 'by Mrs. Norma Harper Mrs, Harper also reported on the plague demonstration to be held it Simeoe Hall on Novembe 24 Announcement was made by 1 shortly be sending handsome of assistance, The ext meeting will held on Tuesday, December 20, and the new slate of officers will be sub Mrs, Harold Beamish ind Mrs, Albert Rose Mrs, Arkless also gave a re port of the recent Cerebral Palsy cheque hy way ¥ ) mitted by president that the Lions Club will , that he married for (wo| years and Nis wile is expecting a baby in December, Jane's heart was broken when she heard thi because by then she was sure she Joved him very much, She can't forget him and doesn't sleep nights, wondering about his family life, The more she sees him, the more she wants to be with him, Freddie wants a divorce but doesn't have was Six weeks later Fred told bergen re To the! problem hazanr at Simcoe Street Church Mem Hall Mrs. Marie Garishore of New and Mrs, Walter Sterriker of Oshawa nostes ST. STEPHEN'S M.C The regular meeting of St. Ste-| help your girl friend get on track, give her of Aelred Watkin's book The Ene Love (Kennedy) which i luminates the self-deceptions and self-indulgences that wreck one's hopes of happiness M.H phen's United Church Mission P A » WHAT TO DO ABOUT DAD? Circle was held at the home of i Dear Mary Haworth; I AM 8 the president, Miss Dorothy Fish, ypical tecnag A with 2 JL Pical op Monday evening, November 21, vy father Is 8 WONCOF| wri e Fish led in the call to ria the h cop mies of casts were ses money, although he loves Jane ful person but very unreasonable worship and presided. The see- very much. Please don't say tell her to stop ¢ seeing him, She has already tried'! that and it doesn't help B.B. |e ( NOT REALLY IN LOVE Dear B.B,; Poor Jane isn't in Jove with Freddie, She is suffer ing ratoer from frustrated sell love--which is to say, from an unsatisfied hunger for the ex perience of being prelerred, In terms of having somebody pay tribute to her as the one-and-onl adorable, desirable, delightful He says three minutes is long| ong" ohanter of the study hook, nough on the telephone. It may|vypneo All the World Together" e for him, but it isn't for me |was given hy Miss Sylvia Run' specially when my boy -friend|qie and Miss ills, 1 am really worried about|. -- Carol Alexander | ;|and cherish you in proportion as I have tried everyihing, even 10iy0, ave truly gracious and con. | itting him down and talking 10\5iqe ate and that kind of conduct iim, but he only gels mad and has to be practised at home or it keeps insisting that three minutes jon veal but merely "put on me M H | Mary Haworth eounsel through her column, not by mail or personal interview, Write her Please tell LW Order 1 is long enough vhat to do. LW, so put first things Heaven first Dear first law was LAlting, lighthearted LAVENDER by YARDLEY ENGLISH LAVENDER SOAP TABLETS $168 Bes the Banta's pack of Yardley the December December 7 he eld on FIRST BAPTIST WA The monthly meeting of WA First Baptist Church was| BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE PHONE RA 8-4681 NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET your co-operate their domestic Your friends will admire onot parents e " vith Thus Freddie himself, whether married or divorced, isn't Jane's Guests in care of this newspaper rules and re-| ol problem, Her stymied conviction that she can't live without seeing) # ' £y Sriteh-up nN FAVINGS him is merely a symptom of her pl) Son anew ghronic unhappy - condition CET WHITE being alone and lonel and sell F centered the \ Np | SEWING Nem MACHINE human scene if she hadn't been emotionally Quality and Reputation at SENSIBLE PRICES! destitute in this respeclt sh -- ---------------- in mid of the wouldn't have flirted with Freddie at the start and them pursued him | to his place of work when he was | only a telephone a stran ger, whose background was un known to her A warmhearted, fectionate girl, really in other persons worthy of sympathe have too much moral ballast, too - much dignity and too many ex-| 4 gellent ways of spending her time to lend herself to pick up! encounters, | TRYING MAKE DREAM LIVE What Jane can't forget isn'l voice genuinely af interested as creature LIC care ould DOWNTOWN OSHAWA WA g NEW! NO-MIX Toni First home permanent Freddie the fellow, but rather the Ak Aoki de 3 Aki] FOR SUPER VALUES! LADIES' AND MISSES' WOOL & RAYON GLOVES Red, White, Pink, Blue and many other attractive colors Reg. 79¢ SALE PRICE 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE with a pre-mixed neutralizer! Bravia IEEE | Super, Regular or Gentle $200 LOOK your LovEL/e ARST SELF-STYLING HAIR SPRAY ye " FOR A SOFT CASUAL WAVE (aobéc Pins included $200 Now Bobbi Refill $130 PICK THE PROM FOR THE WAVE YOU PREFER gu-- Creamy Prom for sofy, flowing weaves Regular Prom for springy, long-lasting curls 1200 WA Lotion or Crystal Clear AS, 75, $1.25 FOR CHILDREN 2 10 12 Assorted prints in every color imaginable. Regular values up to 1,29 yd. SALE PRICE Easier for mothers = Pp Yo 4 times fase nn Reguler 1 to 3 yord ends Sale Price, yord The The Monthly meeling of the combe wes welcomed 10 the | jou JOUS ason dale United Church held its reg-| Merry Mates was held at Christ group | se / ture wes read by Mrs. J. ¥ William Lock presided, Mrs, Stanley Armstrong, Whithy, Norion. Sentence prayers were Plans were made for the pri president; Mrs. Alan Oshorme Mrs. George Paver, Mrs. Alberti party in December, The group is) sy : 4 dg rich ong La rs, George Pearce, Oshawa, Carswell and Mrs John Johns noing its Christmas party for secretary-Areasurer; Mrs, Charles mes n the 84th Psalm luck supper end entertainment, | ' message on the a old Mz. Harry Ross gave an inter: Miss Sally Parker, Oshawa, The speaker Mrs, Haro branch representative, The next J on hypnotism the mission field, Taking Serip-|"" "7 PFE At the close of th y a Refreshments were served by, of the evening re ture thoughts from St. Matthew, HERE Tih ul hil d reshiments were served by Miss speaker said "We have been . : appa bE Mr, and Mrs, Robert Mouck, Mr sen such an abundance but WE oog see Mgleolm Adams, Mr day, Millions in Africe and India (Party to donate something to the , i value of a dollar for 8 Christmas are born and live an entire life] LODGES AND time with their daily food con the CP, s ' ¢ and T, Commitiee sisting of a handful of rice, and Sister Luella Pine gave ( years," Bhe compared life here SOCIETIES | Betty Taylor reported on the re- with theirs, and said there Is) cent lodge banquet; slso on the much need of clothing and hymn| SUNSHINE REBEKAH sale of greeting ecards | hooks, Finishing her talk shel g chine Rebekah Lodge No. Vice Grand, Sister Margaret much will be required." the Lodge Rooms on Monday Who Were ill and also extended a) Clothing consisting of & quilt evening, November 21, with vice special welcome to Sister Elsie and children's clothes had been|zrand, Sister Margarel Grey, pre Gibson and Brother Chester Me- made by one of the members and siding In the absence of noble Grath who were visiting the Church Mission in British Colum-|10 illness, P.N, G. Sister Anne| Orono Lodge reported that it pl {Coskwell presided in the vice|Would be unable to confer the _ |grand's chair Rebekah Degree on December § Mrs. Fred Willia mssang "My" pollowing the opening ceremo for Sunshine Lodge,' Mrs, Alfred Barassin memory of Sister May Thomas, were voted on and one application meeting will bela past president of the Rebekah for membership was received, Assembly It was decided to send individ. It was also decided in lieu of |ual gifts to veteran Oddfellows the send a special donation to some home in Barrie and a commitiee worthy organization; also in place) of two were appointed to look of the usual exchange of Christ- after this TEXTILE MILL @ TA RA 5-161] 0 » . » Bargains by the Yard at Low, Low Prices ® FRIDAY 10 A.M. SPECIALS o " " 54" WOOLLENS 36" WASHABLE novelties, plains, etc. All colors, Regular values up to 3.98 yard, Regular volues up to 89¢ yard, 10 A.M. SPECIAL Yard " 42" Printed Washable 36" PLAID WASHABLE Regular values 1.98 yard TER COTTONS Sale Price, yard ' y Sale Price, yard . 45" RAYO SS AND DAN RIVER COTTONS RAYON DRE Regular values up to 1,69 yard, Regular values 2.98 yard, 49 SPECIAL ...., Sale Price, yard 4 D RAYO 45" WOOL AND RAYON Regular value wp to 2.98 yard, PINWALE CORDUROY Sale Price, All colors, Sale price ® FRIDAY 7 P.M. SPECIALS ¢ 5,000 YARDS OF ASSORTED { YD. ® STOCK UP FOR NEXT SEASON AT THIS LOW PRICE o REMNANTS | ror wi pines so | TVAFFETAS In 18 shades a9 colors 99° Sele Price, yord ular meeting recently, The serip- Memorial Chureh, Mr. and Mrs.) The executive for the yesr is; read by Mrs. Andrew Hupter,|mary Sunday school Christmas Bowmanville, vice president Mrs, Fred Williams gave a short December 10 in the form of a pot Hosg, Whithy, director-si-iarge ' ' at ' Parrott who has # daughter in| SUPE talk and demonstration) oo." lhe held tn Janusry 28-19 and St Luke 1248, (he and Mrs, Gerald Crawford, |? Parker, will have to account for it some| vg wu" gio nley Davidson mas gifis for the lodge members' hamper, to be distributed through their life expectancy is only 30 CP. andl, report and Sister quoted, "For whom much is BIVeR, 299 held its regular meeting in Gray, reported on the members i be sent to the United grand Sister Greta Drinkle, due lodge isk," accompanied al the Organ) ice the Charter was draped in| Three prospective members the children's Christmas party to| and Rebekahs residing at the 75 SIMCOE ST. N, EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD! All wool tweeds, checks, plaids COTTON PRINTS 10 A.M, SPECIAL, 1 4 . Yord 88° Regular value 1.49 yard, 69' 36" . 39" 10 AM, 4 2 49 yds, &s 36" Yord Yard DRAPERY DRAPERY 45" Cloth Regulus value wp to h value 1.98 yard. THE ABOVE ARE JUST A FEW 298 yo All decorator Sale Price, yard OF THE OUTSTANDING VALUES ON SALE WOOLWORTH'S Your Santa Claus Store BRACH'S CHOCOLATE COVERED MORNINGSIDE CHERRIES 12.02, Box WEEKEND SPECIAL Only 7 3 100% ORLON--DIAMOND PATTERN MEN'S HOSE Will not shrink, Sizes 10 to 12, Only 79. LADIES QUALITY GIFT APRONS A real practical gift thot is alway welcome LADIES HANDBAGS To match your fall and winter ensemble 3.98 The Exquisite Assortment 51 BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS Regular 98¢ 3 DAYS ONLY 5 Canada's Largest Seller of Nylons Now Offers You PRIMROSE 1st QUALITY MULTIFULL SEAMLESS NYLONS Twice the wear in every pair! A truly proportioned parcel 1.29 pai Visit our bakery counter, All pastries baked fresh daily in our own ovens on the premises, Woolworth's Special DELICIOUS SPICY MINCE PIE Reg. 55¢ Only 50: Your Favourite ! CHOCOLATE BANANA CAKE Reg. 59¢ Only 53. ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CAROL CAKE NOW! sesessnnas Ib 89° Open Friday Nite Til 9 pom. tor your shopping convenience 3 > 3 WOOLWORTHS iy \2y, Ne Sg

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