8 ROUSEROLD WINY left and the large | 70 carve » standing roast, from you. Slice from Popular Port Perry Resident Vises B with the rib bones to,edge to the bones, 4! Honored On 86th Birthday es WOOLWORTH'S YOUR SANTA CLAUS STORE Women, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial BA 3.3474 re-- 's THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Movember 23, 1960 PERSONALS Mis, Eric Cooper, president of Toronto on Saturday, Decem| the Woman's Association of Al-|ber 3, Among the 36 guests were, bert Street United Church, assist. the bride's mother, Mrs, George ed by Mrs. 8, C. H. Atkinson, os Kitzul, of Thorold, Ontario; Mes, . "* gifts, flowers and cards, receive at the Christmas Festival! F. Mucha, $r., Toronto: rs , G : " o y ettily decorated {bezasr to he held this week in the M. Wisdyka, Port Hope, Mrs, M |. eb, GEORGE JACKSON Tie prettily decorated birthday lower hall of Albert Street Unit. Holodrozuk Sr., Miss Stelle Ho! ! ed Church lodrozuk, Mrs, Joanne Holodro-| zk, Mrs, Alex Holodrozuk, Mrs.! Mrs, O. F, Gazley presided at gyclyn Nagribianke, ali of To 8 committee meeting at her| pons ronto and Miss Lexie Love Before marriage Prince Albert hot oi George Ji , the popu Around 25 guests, relatives and (ioneer of Ontario County, friends, gathered to extend best was & prominent member GUARANTEED FIRST QUALITY NYLONS Seam-free -- Invisible mesh nual concerts are still reminisced | home on Bader avenue on Mon pg. Hew. yh Kotak and Mo n 1 | 4 ny A [day evening when arrangements Friends and. neighbors who ws. New Worthy Mistress, Officers Jack Anderson,| {by many snd ~issed by quite a Sizes 8Y2 to 11, , Stephen Mandryk, Mrs, Al- Iaide McLaughlin School wnderipert' Corbett, Mrs, Leo Kozak, the auspices of the Adelaide Mc ages Dennis' Parfit, Gifts were Laughlin Home and School As-|receiged from Mrs, Michael] sociation. Stary, Oshaws, and Mrs, Wil a wed. lam Wiadyks, Port Hope, who) on, ilu) yatta, and| Were unable to attend the shower, igoing of guests, and your own | Out of town guests at the Sister Dorothy Phillips was lan of Ontario West, Right Wor elected as Worthy Mistress of sh'pful Sister Martha White Hon. | Queen Mary Lodge No. 97, atlorary Member of Ontario West, its regular meeting held recently Most Worshipful Brother Thomas! In the Orange Temple, The other Callan of the Black Perceptory, officers are as follows:- Deputy Sister Helen Higgins Past Mis Mistress: Sister Margaret Mar-|iress of Queen Mary 204 Aurora, | tin, Jr, deputy, Sister June Good. Sister May Litner and Evelyn! man; Guardian, Sister Kay Hop- Virgin of Vimy Ridge Lodge, few, Mrs, Jackson has been president sionary Society both locally and! the pres ent of Beugog Chapter, 10DE, besides being various school boards, the | of the Women's Mis. active on the "t -- i & CUTTING THE ANNIVERSARY CAKE Friends From Far and Near Honor Pair on Golden Wedding Friends from many points in|Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Mottet and Mr, and Mrs. ate of St, Joseph's Hospital, To. Mr. and Mrs Ontario travelled to Oshawa on|son, Burlington; Saturday to bring greetings and best wishes to the Reverend and|B, W Mrs. 8, B. Griffith, Bruce street,| Mrs. Reid, Kingston; Mr W. R. Wartman and homae Harpden, Mr, and Mrs % holiday plans are always of in ! [terest mm this column, Write, tele i iphone or visit the social depart iii ment with your item of news for Prestonvale | which there is no charge Tele {phone RA 33474 Dr. and Mrs, W, J. Langmaid were recent guests at the Park Plaza Hotel while visiting To- to Mrs, Albert Faucher, Eulalie avenue, was hostess al a shower | recently honoring her niece, Miss Doreen Marie Kitzul, a gradu- Mr, ronto, whose marriage to on the occasion of their. golden|cy, Napanee; Mr, and Mrs, Ay) emt --m-- - wedding anniversary, Their three children, Mr, L. R, Griffith, Cobourg; kJ Griffith, Kingston, and Mrs, B, 1.|ham, mer Harnden, R. Griffith and Mr, and Mrs family, Cobourg W. R.|and Mrs, Jennie Loveless, Mark- L.l Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Clark Gange wedding were; kins: Recording Secretary, Sister Whithy Mr. and Mrs, Harold Crawford, Mary Hayes; Financial Secretary Mrs. Blanehe Sister Isabel Reid,; Treasurer, Bateman, and Mr. Ronald Genge, Sister Theresa Cleveland; direc- Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth tor of ceremonies, Sister Diane pital Elis, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs, |Cowle : Chester McGrath snd Mr, and 15t lecturer, Sister Florence Mrs. Elgin Bromell, Bowman-|Strank; 2nd lecturer, Sister Net- ville; Mr, and Mrs, M. E, Bur |rude Logan; inner guard, Sister goyne, and Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Margaret Moore; outer guard, in and Annie Boulton, Mary Forrest Emerson, Charlottetown, PEL, ' ) it.| were won by Sisters Winnie Bar- Sister Elva Cowle; 2nd commit-|% | Sister Margaret Phillips; rett, Theresa Cleveland, Helen Isabelle Higgins, Ina Milgate, Margaret Annie Toms and Helen Mrs, Howard Galbraith, and Mrs Olga Longhurst, Beeton, Ontario; ard co 4 wpbidd mmittee, Sister Mr. Keith Llewellyn, Ottawa; Kerr; 4th committee, Sister Ina Martin James Llewellyn, Milgat : / Reynolds, and Mrs, Law| iigate; 5th commitiee, Sister tee Hamiltoh; Mr and Douglss Arthur Quigley of Van-rence Tessier, snd Mr. and Mrs Nan couver, B.C, will take place in Donald Lowery, Willowdale, It was reporied that Sister ihe, bas had 8 baby hoy, Bister Shaeffer Is in Bos United States: Mrs Arthur Brock| Draw prizes were donated by grandehildren |Bisters Winnie Barrett, Betty At-| grandchildren, | p Bis jert. ¥ins, Kay Hopkins, Marilyn Ros- tie Fenton; chaplain, Sister Gert |seau, Mary Hays, Charlotte Grif. has four children, J. ¥ Jackson; Dr, G, Harold Jackson, who is practising in the end Mrs. Clayton Love, seven and four great-| hi rl Poli with a, ie MORE BANANAS [}- =owaames ware you LWORTH s_% The West Indies islands of Sool of Setisfaction pr Trinidad and Tobago exported [nearly 10,000,000 pounds of ba |nanas in 1958, compared with! 70,000 pounds in 1947, rie i | Blake; Degree Captain and Past | Mistress, Sister Evelyn Bilton Worthy Mistress, Sister Evelyn | Bilton presided a! the meeting COOKING GAME "Is there any way to take the) |assisted by deputy mistress, Sis- 'wild' smell of venison or moose Green (Betty) of Toronto, assist- Toronto guests were the Rev ter Dorothy Phillips {meat away while it is ed the couple in recelving, Mrs, |erend and Mrs, R, L, Casement, vin] Griffith who was attended by her|Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Smith. wives, bridesmaid, now Mrs, Annie/Mrs, Ruth Bloye, Mr, and Mrs Norma Genge, Ronald Clark |" a yn mt 27, i haplain, Sister y iid t in water with a : 3 . : ented by Sisters|Boak the men w. i aft A ! 3 Albert Street United Church |for his brother and ushering were| flags were presente od Crotall. wots an aftériool dress W, s. Boye. Mis. Jcthon Guan, was the setting for a wedding on Messrs, Vernon Brooks and Elva Cowle and Margaret Mar {cupful of vinegar added, for a g bosich of FAL yellow roses, | family Mr Tin Mrs. W any Saturday afternoon, November 19, Thomas Wilson, [tin couple of hours, Then mix hot Mrs, Croxall was in light blue/ Whitney, Mr, and Mrs, B, 1 when Norms Jean Genge was A reception was held in thel The lodge members then wel mustard with vinegar and spread with a corsage of gold carnations. Green and son, Miss Nancy united in marriage with Ronald/Chureh hall, To receive, the|comed the Right Worsipiil de a thin paste over the meat, Mrs, Thomas Harnden, Mrs, |Wartman and Mrs, Clara Grif- Cyril Clark bride's mother wore a sheath) ter Lottie Hain) rio West, Rigri| (Some folks lke the wild odor; Archie Knight and Mrs. N. P.|fith, Among the Oshawa guests| The bride is the daughter of Mr. |dress of stone green chantilly lace! Mistress o bition WE Oot tars con't stand i) Reynolds presided at the beau-|were the Reverend and Mrs orship ul Sister Margaret: Cal-'others cap -- WELCOME THIS MAN INTO YOUR HOME... W. and Mrs. Morley H. Genge, and over taffeta with a white flower tifully appointed tea table and A. McMillen, A telegram of con. the bridegroom is the son of Mr. bandeau hat, Assisting was the Mrs R. Griffith and Mrs. |gratulation was received from and Mrs, Russell L, Clark, all of bridegroom's mother who chose a Oshawa sand beige jacket frock of Chan- W. R, Griffith served. Two Mrs, 0, Vickers, Winnipeg, Man CR - i Se a a. granddaughters kept the guest|itobs The double-ring ceremony was tilly lace over silk faille with a register The honored pair received con. FAMILY CIRCLE H. Atkinson. Mrs, gratulatory telegrams and many| A family dinner party was held leyed the wedding music and ac- roses, ecards, bouquets and gifts, Spec. in the Corvair room of the Hotel PIEY 4 Mrs. Florence p the Genosha with covers laid for 25, companied Mrs, @ @ " Lord's pri .| Tributes were paid by Mr, B, w, Jenkine who sang The Prime Minister the Right Honor. Reid of Cia ed 3 eB, of Prayer" and "Through They corsage of pik Toren a jal messages came from able John Diefenbaker, and from the Minister of Labor, the Hon- long, standing, and the Reverend| Years" LE orable Michael Starr, MP, WED AT UXBRIDGE Daughter of the late Reverend| master of ceremonies and meme silk faille taffeta, Guipure W. H, Reynolds and Mrs, Rey- nolds, the former Ethel Reynolds was born pear Kingston and] married to Silas B, Griffith in|Dunstord, Cobourg, Orillia and veil and she carried a cascade of 7th SCOUT MOTHERS Uxbridge in 1910, Her father per-| Toronto, formed the ceremony assisted by|- the bridegroom's brother, the Reverend J, E, Griffith The bridegroom was born at Wilfred in Brock Township, son of the| village blacksmith { It might be sald of Mr Grif:| fith that he went from "devil"|trude's CWL celebrated its third to "disciple", He started to work 85 a printer's apprentice known ful pot luck supper, in the trade as the printer's devil, and at the time of his|for this special meeting, and was Ficd a colonial bouquet of yellow| were made for the Christmas ba.| wedding he was foreman of the composing room of the Uxbridge| Journal | He was studying for the min. istry and became a minister of the Free Methodist Church in 1920, For ten years, from 1040 to 1980 he was superintendent of he Kast-Ontario Conference ex. tending from Toronto to Ganan- oque, and from 1949 to 1952, was pastor of the Oshawa Free Meth. odist Church HEAVY TOLL Years of travelling from charge to charge and the pressures of| a pastorate combined with a de! votion to duty In her husband's work, began to sap Mrs, Grif. fith's vitality and in 1952 Mr Griffith retired from the minis. try due to his wife's ill health. | He returned to his first calling] and for the past six years has| been a compositor at The Osh-| awa Times | Guests who came from out of town to honor the pair included Mr. and Mrs, N. F. Reynolds, Orillia; Mr, and Mrs. Erhlyn| Kay, Sutton; Mr, and Mrs, N, J Sedore, Newmarket; Mr, and| Mrs, Archie Knight, the Misses and Myrtle Knight, Mrs performed by the Reverend 8, C, half hat of beige satin, Both wore Bruce Searle corsages of chrysanthemums and "or the honeymoon trip the ide wore a taupe ensemble with couple will live in Oshawa, Griffith of Dunsford, the Given In marriage by her| oom's brother, father, the bride wore a full | Mr. LR. Griffith acted as length gown of carnation Wie GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES | bers of the family, including six outlined the sabrina neckline and grandchildren, and close friends the long sheath sleeves, A crown were present from Kingston, of seed pearls held her finger tip AUX, | | white chrysanthemums and red| The 7th Scout Mother's Auxil-| carnations jay eid its November meeting Miss Catherine Genge of Char In Bt. George's Anglican parish Iottetown, P.E.I, was maid of hall with Mrs, R. A, Lloyd pre. Madonna Group : honor in a street-length dress of|$lding, Marks Anniversary sf sow six chromspin at, The minutes were ead by Mrs, 1 !feta fashioned with a round neck-|} Mrs, d| The Madonna Group of 81. Ger. | and short sleeves with iy Hutchinson gave the treasurer's) length mittens | y . anniversary with a very success. POInt elbow Plans were discussed for the ry nl on matching bow knot bandeau| cpristman NY run lor the Heemskerk had offered her house|®'y'ed her headdress and she car-\naopg "a1e0™ ging) arrangements cordially thanked by Mrs, Walter Chrysanthemums with matching zaar to be held November 30. Branch for her hospitality ribbon streamers, " | rs, Thomas Mitchinson read| The other attendants were Mrs.| "The Duties of a Secretary" and Male UP] an convened by Wilbur MacKeen and Miss Helen Mrs. A, E Allen read "The Du-| Michael Ruskay, Special guest Laxton, both in leaf green chrom. Hey of a Treasurer was the Reverend J, B, Myers, spun taffeta designed identical to } ea was served by Mrs Doug: Also present were Mrs, John|that worn by the maid of honor, as Gower and Mrs, Erie Cooper, Henriksen, Mrs, Leon Davey and They wore matching bow knot r-- Mrs, Conrad LaRiviere, who are headdresses and carried. colonial HELP WANTED regular workers for the Nearly nosegays of bronze chrysanthe:| HEANOR, England (CP)-Dr, New Shop, Mrs, Branch invited mums with matching ribbon|P. Wayman, the medical officer them to become members of thelstreamers, Miss Laurie Clark, (for this Derbyshire town, has Madonna Group. rmall niece of the bridegroom, suggested that 8 O 8 cards he Mrs, Harry Staples was ho- was flower girl, and wore a fuli/given to old people who live noured by Mrs, Branch for her skirted short frock of yellow taf-|alone, 'They could hang the cards helpfulness towards others and feta with blue accents. Her wide|in théir windows if they needed the Nearly New Shop, and called brimmed bonnet hat matched her|assistance, CLEARANCE SALE 1960 Electrohome TELEVISION AND STEREO HI FI CONTINUES Now for a limited time you can buy Canada's leading quality electronic equip- ment at low low prices, REDUCED TO TELEVISIONS . . 219.00 REDUCED TO STEREOHIFI . . 269.00 WITH AM-FM RADIO Fully Guaranteed and Serviced upon to present a card with a dress and she carried a basket of EE spiritual bouquet and a eheque to|white chrysanthemums. Father Myers, FOR BEAUTIFUL Father Myers thanked the Ma- PORTRAITS donna Group for this, and for . the good work they have done decorated for Christmas so there through the Nearly New Shoplis work to be done, for the church and the oppor-| The Nearly New Shop will be tunity so many people get to closed during the holiday season dress their children for the win- starting from December 16, the ter, for so little money reopening date is still to be set, | Mrs, John Kelly and Mrs, Al. The bingo games which were! bert Winterink were con played after the meeting were| gratulated on their new-born sons, /won' by: Mrs, John Kelly, Miss 40 King E. RA 5-015) Liberal Terms MEAGHER'S 5 KING ST. W. RA 3.3425 This new Nearly New Shop Eva Bruckner, Mrs, Robert Des| seems to be harder In cleaning Rocher, Mrs. Walter Brageh i and it was decided to buy a va- Mrs, R. J. Beaupre and Mrs. re. 8 Lyons, Mr. and Mrs, James ouum cleaner, The shop needs John Henriksen. They all YOUR FUTURE MAY BE IN HANDS! Soon the Accredited Fame Canvasser In your township will be knocking at your door. Welcome him into your home, This man may hold your future In his hands--your future as a farm producer now harassed by Increasing costs, diminishing income and the growing threat of contract farming, This man represents Fame, Farmers' Allied Meat Enter. prises Co-Operative Limited, a powerful organization of farm producers dedicated to a better, more rewarding life for you and the community in which you live. Fame will place under the farmer's control a province-wide network of processing plants warehouse, transport and sell fresh meat and processed meat products to the retall trade, Fame will devote its effort to Increasing your share of the consumer food dollar, FAME is now Issuing debentures to initiate its program In Ontario, These debentures bear 6% interest, Fame Co-Operative Debentures are a first-rate investment, not only in terms of financial securi- ty, butin terms of the long-range economic future of every farm Lyons, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Stock brought up, and will be'celved a prize Lyons, Mrs, A. F. Ball, Mr, and|™ Mrs, George Crawford, all of Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. Robert OSHAWA AND AJAX Knight and_ family, "Brampton; ENROLL NOW THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIALS There's Still Time to Knit a CHRISTMAS GIFT | They Weim Notations Cloudspun . . Knitting Wool and Patterns So easy and fast to knit . and just right for sports or casual wear . . . Over 100 patterns to choose from,and for every size and age too, . , , One of these hand-knits would make that someone happy on Christmas morning and for all the year to come We Have A Large tye He Stock To Choose From "NORTHLAND WOOL" ....... "CLOUDSPUN wooOL" WOOL BOBKINS ve COLDWATER WOOLLEN SOAP ALE TET ree KNITTING NEEDLES Lestat vis vans WINDPROOF INSERT-A-LINER (ready to stitch in) that will brand, merchandise, producer in Ontario, BEST BUY Gne DEBENTURES FROM YOUR LOCAL CANVASSER This is the Age creditation Card the Fane Canvasse or must show you toi dl bY that he % been accep 88 a:-Fave Debene ture Salesman In your township, This card must be signed by the President and the § y of Fans, J 3K or wrire vou FARMERS' ALLIED MEAT ENTERPRISES CO-OPERATIVE LIMITED ROOM 304, aivne DuUuNDAS gv, for the NEW WINTER TERM Commencing Tuesday, January 3, 1961 at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 8 Day School Courses from which te choose Individual Instruction Modern Equipment Graduates ossisted in Securing a Position Evening Classes Tuesday & Thursday 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. Choige of Subjects SPECIAL CLASSES GET FREE LITERATURE Dial 5-3375 Thy cord ideation @® DEBENTURE ISSUE RASPBERRY PIE BANANA ROLL Made with fresh bananas 8 on acuradind convener for Romany' Aled Most fen Pio Coaparotive Linived. 49+ 37° ON -- Te TT TO Sion 0 Wh nd ty Bn Pent -- wARL --- 4.0x. skein 1.10 2-0x, skein .69 pkg. of 6.75 . per bottle 79 25 and 30 24910 3.98 The Accredited Fame Canvasser boa wear this Iden ation badge. EE I TI AREER EE RE ETT EE EEE EE ET ER Ea FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. You can "Lay-Away" your knitting wool at Ward's and purchase it as you need it , . . ask our experienced knitting sales personnel about this and our many knitting-help features. WARD'S STORE HOURS: 9 am. to 6 Pm, w= Wed. 9 am, to 12:30 -- Fri, 9 am te? pm, Specials are Also Available At BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe Street North SIMCOE ST. §., AT ATHOL RA 5.1151 W., TORONTO FREE DELIVERY ns