The Oshawa Times, 23 Nov 1960, p. 5

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zess office of the defunct Herald THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Wovember 23, 1960 § =] Double Life For EEE Monthly Meet tional mews co-operative wn Mont Minister-Editor % emia Of WA Held Toward the end of fhe Second QUEBEC (CP) -- When Owen slip OB 2 derical collar "end Be receives no selary from the World War he entered MeGH Channon was Wu bigh school in become my other self" 75 member congregation, Money University, graduating in 194 Westmount, Que,, in the 1900s he Eh : th id normally go i8te swith & BA He gradusted from. BALSAM AND MT, ZION Sympethy ie extended to Mrs {eouldn's decide between 8 career AL Win POY tere jo TiRister's 54 used msiesd divinity schol W191, WIRDIRE Tne Montily Women's Associe- Sadler amd her (amily. {in the ministry OF REWSPAPET. 'Loo. su bis daily routine re Imiesionk rd_other work. the Joan Calvin Gold Medal (oF sion met in fhe church Daserment Mr. and Wes, Thomas Jorden pork. OL I A Oe ile yor stom 4 um 1 Week bighest scholastic standing in Wis on Wedsesdey afternoon, 12 lo and Eerie had Bunday tes with "Today," be says with ehar- "uo other takes place Os aus te Rev, | pb ond an class dics answered the poll eall with Mie, and Mes BL Joris of acteristic tongue-in-cheek bumor, Ca ou orocsing on he BE Im' oF ERanton, | Two years loiter he came io Armistice verses oF Poca on Claremont, #§ still con't make up my mind." nile drive in his station w JOBS NOT DISSIMILAR Quebec 1h become editor mchief Bemembranes . Mr, Welter Carson and Mr He hes resoived the problem| he GWE In lle Bes Vai "Preaching is prety much eof The Chionicle = FecPurs) A misecgneons dover wenSiin _ Mangyrim Se. Spotting by choosing both. By Gey he 5 oortier home riting editorials, 8 that you're Ruebec's only Engishlencuste peg at the home of Mrs Coed ney oats Me |editor ol the Quebec bromicle-1"" Siz. owe § ome io the cealing with words," he says daily As editor he writes ©80F- Dicey on Saturday fog for oar: Mey Mes Perey Jo [Telegraph At Right aod on oo gi come 10 06 yhe purpose may differ but 8 and hos 8 bend In FUBBIRE Mrs Dave Thoriey | ary spent hy {weekends he's » Presbyterian backs and olen say to my Jords sre the ammunition used THe WEVSPEPEr's BewsIoom Scien). ' With Mr. and Mis. Don Plett and minister ey verend (AARNo convey the message end the A sturdily-built 200 - pounder. Myg William Hertwon, Mr and HEY cy He tries to keep the jobs sepa. gan, ad Dn De way % F sork is not that far apart who stands five - foot - 11, M2. Mes Les Herron end Lloyd 9%. and Mos. Loyd Moeult} and rated although, he admits, they" soy poner work browget Mr. TH RNEC IS 40 4 job on the Channon speaks In the same were guests at the Ball Neole wich Mr, and Mrs, Burnett Jamie sometimes overiap, "thanks to uewspaper and | intend to he mild-mannered voice whether i yediding in Toronto oh Beturday son snd Mery Jesn '" Channon here in 1953 as editor- ; the telephone in-chief of The Cheohicle - Tele. rue Lo it. IL now what the policy the DUwipi oF giving orders WB cyening. Mrs, Willem Herbron My and Mrs, Frank McAvoy | "As far as this Job is eon geoph Holder of & bachelor of 9 the publisher is and I try to DeWSroom. spent the weekend with Miss oud family hed Sundey diner cerned," he seid, waving Wis divinity degree from Preshyter : : i follow it. Ws possible thet my Married to the former. Marian Mabel Herbron at Richmond HEL, Si Mr and Mrs, Edger Evens bend around his cluttered eubl ian College, Monires), he was Ther self mey from time 10 Adams of Tendavis, Idaho, he is Miss Betty Gates is teaching end femily, cle at The Chronicle Telegraph, scked to preach ope Sunday in time disagree, But | dows think the father of five daughters gt Pine Grove this week ------------------------------ the Reverend Owen @oesv't Veicartier in a church thet had ™ shows ranging from 5 to V7, | The late Robert Seder, who PRIVATE SUPPLY come here pt 83 been without a regular minister, At 42, Mr, Cuaron hes beep!™ passed away a the Oshawa Gen Every household ip Bermuds Sometimes he leaves th nore then 2) years, He re- is the newspaper business off} OLD LIGHTS eral Hospital on Nov, 5 was 8 has its own private water supply newspaper office to go directly turned periodically and within gs and op since 1934 when he grad- The sncient Romans used ofl resident of Mt, Zion and Balsam with rain walter channelled from to a function requiring his serv. year agreed to become its full usted from Westmount High lamps in lepterns with side for & umber of years, He moved the roof Iolo en underground ices as 8 minister, Then he'll time minister, School end started iu the busi- shields of thin, transparent RorR to Bowmanville 11 years 8g0. tank, DAIRYCO CANADA GRADE NO. 1 AYLMER PINT-SIZE PUMPKIN-PUSHER Little Joanna Henning 2 | vegetable, which has a eir | Everett of Walsham Le Willows, peally isn't trying to push tms cumference of B4 inches, was | Suffolk, this year, 159-pound pumpkin The giant | grown in the garden of Ww. E J : cp Wirephoto) TOURING GREECE Foreig tourists visiting Greece Home-School vs age aay Wo us WITH PECTIN OOKLIN Ine Home and Bake sale, Mrs John Medland _ m, _-- Association met on Tues tea tables, Mrs, Lorne Craw Euan = 24 oz. ¢ day, in the Meadows rest Junior ford, Miss Joyce Graham, teach. 4¥ 2 7? A e School, The president, Mrs. Cll. je of Grade 6 Senior School, an LB ford Johnston chaired the mee nounced a program in music en ) extended heart wel. titled 'Christmas Reviews 7, ing and come to teachers, parents and would be presented by the pupils guests. The attendance plaque of Senior School on the evenings Lr was won by Mrs Alfred Wilson's of Dee, 20 and 21 respectively room for largest number of par- al the Whitby Township Hall, J ay ents at meeting Brooklin, Statement up to date presented) Mr, William Boyd, Grade B -- by treasurer, Mrs william Man-| teacher at Senlor School, on he- -- El 7 ning, Mrs, Carl Kydd and Mrs, half of the Association, voiced a [1H] kif ' Lorne Crawford, were appoint. vote of thanks to the speaker for | M---- ed to purchase new dishes for his visit and instructive and edu-| oo 4 the kitchen cational program ! Mr. T, Nicholson announced Parents and members were re the sum of $130.46 collected in minded by the president, Mrs Brooklin for UNICEF and thank. ( lifford Johnston, no meeting ed parents and children for co-op- would be held in December and eration with this worthwhile proj extended good wishes for happy ect, Tentative plans were made holidays to all, Meeting closed for 'Valentine Tea and Sale of with 'The Queen', Grade 1 moth- Home Baking" to be held injers served refreshments and a February to raise funds, Con-|soclal period was enjoyed, to close veners appointed comprised: the year TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1i--Hamilles CBLT-TV Channel &~Toronts WGR-TV Channel L-Baffale WREN/TV Channel é-Buffale WKBW-TV Channel 7----Buffale WROC-TV Channel §---Rochester 1i=-Romper Room &--~Junior Round-up {1=Family Theatre 7-Deputy Dawg THURSDAY EVE, T--The Lone R s--Award Theatre 5:00 P.M, {JJ * Lone Ra «Popeye » JACK SPRATT ud 4 Learn 2-My Little Margie R=family Jnsatre ~The Big Rascals 9:50 AM, Friends Stic 5115 P.M 1=Movie em 8--Bozo The Clown - © 1---Romper roo West Berlin Concert | t=Mischicl Makers $--Home Cooking Three Siooges | ¢ 4~Life of Riley 5:15 PM. 2:30 P.M, S-Bust 0 A.M. 4=Mischief Makers = fEarly Show 4 + Wee Herb Sheldon i S~Huckleberry Hound §3-Dough Ra MI $-- Playhouse Five 4--December Bride 5130 P.M, CALIFORNIA Felix (nh 10:30 AM. Fd oy Show Big Mac 1--Medic ~Roy Rogers | 6:00 PM. $8~Play Your Huneh g-Elsynute i rome NO. | IMPORTED er: 4=Video Silas Big Mac Show 4=-Westers 11:00 AM, 6100 P.M, fe i ¥ WEDNESDAY EVE, 9:00 AM, 4145 5:00 PM. S~Highway Fatrel T---American Football 6--Metro News 6:15 P.M, aague 4..Drama Series 58-Price Is Right $--~Bes Hunt t=] Love Luey S~-Highway Patrol , £ | 6:30 PM. 11:80 AM, is P.M, ; 7--Love That Bob é~-Cannonball i i oP i Weather 53-Conoentration 6:30 P.M, 2 ? Weather 4-The Clear Horizon | 11=News £ "PM, 2:00 NOON 54-3--News; Weather = TY i ! 3 1643 News 11--~Bugs Bunny and 6:45 P.M, S--Huntley Brinkley Friend ny 8--Huntley Brinkley LGE Report j=The Texan t . V \ HDS , { . ' P 1 7100 P.M, 8:2 Truth or 11=The Rebel Consequences $---8even-o-One Professional Football 8 The Rebel 12:15 PM, Alive -- i 4=The Tracers @ 6--Seven-o-One i <a { BEACHES ves | SOE ne House | B-Lonve i to Reaver | ONTARIO GROWN 3 12:30 PM Tapper Comedy | -- H ul Pa Vir For A DAY &--Shotgun Slade | | Lr SR EC he 1 | vshrooms orm | ' 58~it Could Be You T=News: Weather 4-The Nation's 4----Search For 7:30 P.M, \ ! w 7-H ' Tomorrow {1==Lockup " { SNO ~Hong Kong 12: M. 7~Guesiward Ho | po + §3--Wagon Train | no mM 6--Bachelor Father i e WHITE n ~The Aquanauts ¥ 53---The Outlaws , 7:45 PM, 'Guidi Lint ~The Witness NO. W-Country Time 1-=Movie Matines 7:48 P, 4:00 P.M T--About Faces 1148-My Three Sons 5 Movie H M. 1% PM 4--Meet the Millers 11:6--~Live a Borrowed 0» Life 11:6-First Person 131 ' 4 pip RY 7..Oszie ana Harriet 7-Confidential File T==Donns Reed Wanted Dead or $--As The World Turns 8:30 P.M, x EP . Alive 900 PM 11-6---Klondike A aki #3 The Price is RIM | o yeas Foothall 7--Real McCoys h 4 sn ru Che: Helene +=Dick Powell's 0) | S EX i R A " £ nese Ferry Como t-Drama se Grey Theatre a oo00 * &--8can or I= 1 ye 52-Jan Murty Show My Alster Elleén . LH E 9:00 P.M "uw PNM 11.4<Nursery School 11--Junior OHA Hockey I've Got A Secret aly TY Ne Sung eo 10:00 "8 PM §-3- Bachelor Father / EXTRA 116-Winston Churehill= | j)--Jane Grey Show t= Angel~-Comedy A W" " The Valllant Years | 7.Road To Reality Series k PINKY : p J PRY py J BRL BR TRA, EXTRA OPEN THURS, & (Eps Cy ary | $3 le Tre {ou Lm STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS wr | 25 hue ROLLA FRI. UNTIL 9 PM, Circle Theatre Theatre nesses Ernie WITH THIS COUPON AND WITH THIS COUPON AND : , Lenny WITH THIS COUPON AND WITH THIS COUPON AND WITH THIS COUP 10.30 P04 House Party THE PURCHASE OF THE PURCHASE OF THE PURCHASE OF TS UION Av WITH THiS COUPON AND Dundas Street orn 7=The Untouchables ) 4 Ww {146-- Explorations 3:00 P.M, --- So Show , Al A 16 OZ, TL, OF A 12 OZ, '2'L6. PKG JE Tnteroor Calling Music has 4 Fag PINE SOL sex RUPERT RAINBOW R 42 18. IS: ; HITBY ) Ld og ent The Cloe Peter Gunn fas, Al i Er SP ff ri A LU Paste Wax ||Disinfectant ||Head Cheese] TROUT VALUE $4.98 RICE VEG. OIL North Plas Arrival of Santa &~Person To Person cours co Arch ; UPON EXPIRES UPON EXPIRES COUPON EXPIRES COUPON LXRiR coure 1 0 ON EXPIRES 80 10:30 P.M, NOV NOV Yosh OV, 0 oA) 11=This Week In : NO N NO Football Y-Interpol Calling COUPON EXPIRES 0 0 11-Public Service Guide 7-Whn Da You Prust 64-The Verdict Is Vie 1-H go 3 Tm EXT fy » A S~Man unt 9 i 1=Late Show $3-From These Roots | § All . ; 144 ' " " " Co ah 4:00 A, al Fac bog Te STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS DNRY, nek Parr ~Popeye With Capt, 11:00 PM. ! WITH THIS COUPON AND WITH THIS COUPON AND TH THIS COUP N S rds M ? ay Nandstand 11-96-5-4-3-News; Sports THE PURCHASE OF TGA WI tat ore hat MH i Rrra. WITH Tip COURON Ane 44 he #---Toron \ 1:15 PM LB. BAG ANY BAG ASE OF THE PURCHASE OF ME tery Fhoalny me Rot for f=Late Show OF CANADA NO,\ WHITE or RUBY AED ian AN § OZ PKO. AVIA TIN OF \ \y Dr 4A $= Viewpoint PEL OR NB, FLORIDA OF CRESCENT . Rates Di 3-Sporisres . 5 : fran ou ie § ReDls Potatoes Grapefruit ' ON EXPIRES Cour 1abings dus. Mary I--Late 8h 4 on N b Here's Hollywood = Midnight Metro - ih y wn # + Edge of Night $3 Jack Paar $-Big Rascals Play of the Week

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