The Oshawa Times, 23 Nov 1960, p. 30

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Movember 23, 1940 CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS ATA onc sir Ne BOYS' | and tt gil Bo ree Coin. Tow fy ' \ 2 . Cost ' " gH y [ qual hard wearing cord " \ mater oh designed for ely designed and made 1 b ; " / | the young men in the for long wear, C 4 family, Attractive monly Ef white, pink and blue | plaids. Sizms 2 to 6X - fo HOUSECOATS From From "THE PRINCESS" 3.98 to 8.95 2.98 10 3.98 AT THE BOY'S SHIRT F { PL. "Pretty As A Picture" YT p+ > 4 0S HAWA S 4 0 Pp Pl NG C 3 N R E For thot extra. gift, Wash 'n 4 op ' x Vel, ? - N Dressy Cottons, Luxurious Velvets, " J #7 in z Cotton All White Shirt omes wit Sheer Nylons, The ideal olf for. the owried telor Bom "Little Miss" on your mind vores SATURDAY, NOV. 26 Es or how rom 4,98 WATCH FOR HER IN THE PARADE VISIT THE PRINCESS BOOTH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE (Near Loblaws) TTT eto pO O Cel Cae tp Gr LL gl 0000000000000 00000008000 D0 BAEUEABIBOEERABEE0BORERIPIRODERABEEEBERICHINEABRERENNEIEY BUEBES 238333885388 9 A 3 AY Li ah 2 pT 3) on the party A TALUE Aa horizon OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE, OSHAWA CEDARBRAE SHOPPING CENTRE, SCARBOROUGH RICHMOND NEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE, RICHMOND Wild NEWTONBROOK SHOPPING CENTRE, WILLOWDALEF THORNCLIFFE PARK SHOPPING CENTRE, LEASIDF OAK-QUEEN SHOPPING CENTRE, OAKVILLE YEARS OF MUSIC AMERICA LOVES BEST! VOLUME 2- 2RecorDs 3.98 SAVE 6.00. REG. 9.98 ~~. , . Jim iis they romain Bob Newhart's || FREE RECORD Ya" STEREO BUTTON DOWN MIND a ARR STRIKES BACK PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER A 0 50 a Ly 0 524 te Reg. 4.20 3 6 e Complete line of Hi-Fi and Stereo Now Only 3 . e Portable Record Players | TERRIFIC VALUE! HAVE YOU HAD YOUR NEEDLE 2 Records of familiar melo- CHECKED LATELY? dies favoured for the past | | Bring it in and we will gladly check 100 years it for you. It's Free! by 101 Strings Donkey Serenade-- Blue Danube -- La 2 \'{:) Come See our Complete Line of 1961 ® Paloma and many wii Sly Clairfone Stereo Consoles OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE A Na Free records with every purchase 52389838368 38883388838585338333398 Svarry "overtures io the season of fan and galety +. brilliant rhinestones make ready for a late-day alliance with your festive fashions, Enchanting when colour-keyed 10 an ensemble , . . dramatic with black, In sparking shaces of topaz, amethyst, emerald, sapphire or clear crystal, 3738883589485 3338889 63888 RARAD SA WEA Lt RA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 53511 888888289823238828333493988888383353837 1989806808080 888058289303080333030808308833893a832830200 £863838588238588888068630830403 308835353880 898535358 BE42388838 ENJOY THORPE TIF PREYS MYFNIENT WAY; BP ALL $

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