The Oshawa Times, 23 Nov 1960, p. 2

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Five Killed In Home Blaze EDMUBDSTON, KB, (CP) {Fire RPPATEntly touched off by. | Whe throne speech Byoided out BR EXDIOSOR TORY Brongn # the On'ario legislature today sei right mention of plans for & pro- frame dwelling st nesrby Mor: tled down 1o regwer chores, vinelsl sales tax, But some nesuit's Mills Tuesdsy, taking minus the pomp and pagermiry Queen's Park sources sew # bint the lives of five sleeping boys of Tuesday's opening session in the assertion thet Consda's 19 While their mother was away # Premier Frost and Wis Progres- provinces pre constitutionally en-® neighboring home sive Conservative government titled to an equal share of the| The victims, children of Mr, prepared (o fend off opposition major fide of direct taxation, (and Mrs, Levile ry, 0 government policies an . (Lucien, #; Beno, 3; Leo, 2 nounced in the speech from the| EXTENDS STUDIES Christian, 1; end twomonthod throne | The policy statement sald the gonauld, Mrs, Landry, 77, Is the Highlight of the throne sd-|0epariment of economics WOME uother of five other children, Al) dress was the announcement of €xiend Ms studies of the Prov-iin sohool when the Weze broke plens to form 8 fepartment of ince's seonomy with Jha Liem. out, ; merece and development |ton 6 £ Commer 4 : with . view to stim Lp velopment department, Mr, Landry vas aWRy working ness, inerensing production and! Special studies are to he made ne er camp and es extending trade," of Ontarig's business relations| /andry had gone to a neighbor's oe we ith the United States, with|ome shout 600 yards distent to g . Hi particular reference to ways of 6 some water, G-Strings Hit ' reducing the imbalance in trade, On the way home, she stopped In Halifax Legislature | Settles Down TORONTO (CP)~Members of PEAS 15-02, TINS SOLID WHITE 702 TT 71 ich TF Ae a / PACIFIST BOARDS ATOM SUB its launching today climbs | the committee for non-violent ahoard the craft in the Thames | action were towed away from River here, Several small hoats | the area by the US, Coast containing other members of Guard, ~(AP Wirephoto) Lawyer Suspended * TORONTO (CP)--Gerald Mar. shall Ferguson of Toronto Tues. day was suspended for 18 months from practising law by the Law Soclety of Upper Canada The suspension resulted from SAVE OVER 2¢--YORK PURE VEGETABLE 32.02, BOTTLE SAVE 20¢--~CLARK'S FANCY Conn, = One of the YT cifists that attempt: ed to ird the atomie Polaris § e Ethan Allen during GROTON Eichmann 'Just Followed Orders' NEW YORK (AP) = "1 carried 20, 1042, At its close, he relates, orders," says Adolf Otto/the participants drank, sang 1 the former 88 officer|songs and elimbed on tables and d millions of Jews 101 Shales to offer toasts, feath In wartime Naz Ger oyu 5 000 DIE [Ws faflure to keep hooks and Eichmann tells of witnessing cnough money in clients' ac. his first mass execution of Jews| counts to satisfy indebtedness for | at Minsk, where 5000 men, rust funds, and to account for women and children were slain mon y receive J hy him as solieis e says the > auns to lor for an estate, 4 A walls Ly Jroups,t | William Robert Hare of Sault and jumped In, |8te, Marie, also was suspended, | m a ue | for six months for not replying to They then were riddled withi, coo toon the society regards ie i . p 1 iid Ind macuine-gun RIS Nam ling a eomplaint against hs pros her executions was developed ronnie! pre, . " Highest Scout Bookies Get {Award Given and tourism, at snother neighbor's, She told ciel snd Industrial development] She raced hack but wes unable work, to enter the burning structure The speech stressed the need Three neighbors slso raced to | HALIFAX (CP)-Three strip. to stimilate production end em-|ihe scene hut were unable to en {ployment while Ineressing 'helter, Volunteer firemen came | keep stage Tuesday--but bathing sults! 01. a had Ron, grin A Gstrings, | PoPWiation growth explosive material in the house |" A few hours after their court PLANS WINTER WORKS {and she hed no ides what eould appearance on eharges of taking) The government miso indicated have eansed the explosion, A part in an immoral performance,!it will undertake a comprehen woodstove was used for heat, An hat had heen & genuine strip. flees and deparimentsl facilities, A. sot Monday ho hurriedly | reform institutions and (reinng changed to a dance rouiine, Up.|5ehools, Bnd conservalon pro der ovders not to take anything|lects=all of which are necessary [off the girls discarded only Bl to meet Ontario's growth require: [ PUGS, gram and parks system, mod-| TORONTO (CP)=Mrs, Mollie ences yelled for a return lo Mon: cenization of the reform institu-|Stainer, 30, chose a five-day jal) day's routine tions program, more scholarships| sentence Tuesday rather than CHINA LILY Police raided the theatre Mon: and hursaries for talented stu-\pay a $100 fine for operating a CHOICE WHOLE day after matinee and enrly-eve- dents, and more funds for mu-|nursery school in a residential MUSHROO S member house: 71 Conservatives, ithe fine, fhe surrendered to po- 10-0Z, c 22 Liberals and five CCF mem: |jjce Tuesday and said the fine TIN hers, would not be paid, PAR For the first time since 1047) "0p = of , Y | , Btainer's hushand, Sig. IN CRIME the session will be split In two CECE CERISE SHAT publie Take Your Exira HESPELER (CP) = Dig. trict conservation officer CV, | re Horton still Is chuckling over ---- mothers' children | Wud) persecution--not pros. ecution,"" he sald, ; Stole Potatoes |v he si. rok ' from the side of the Policemen Fired Ont, County Men EATS A Another motorist came x | Char e d In De th with friendly personalized service plong, stopped and ran over, NCASTER, Ont, (CP) = An: "You're taking a chance [easter Township policemen, Wil: g a Swift's Premium Tendergrown liam Bradburn, 20, and Terry| PETERBOROUGH (CP)~Ron- and Edward Ovenready 2- to 3-Ib, average 7 hunting ¢halrman of the three-man po. death of Wendell Asch, B3, of f / ery 4 at il liee commission which conducted Toronto, They pleaded not guilty, 3 i fan. J the investigation, charged that E------ onthe si Ny fi ¥ 7 1 © the two men were likely to bring | 3 / [] diseredit to the entire force, www | Oh o The hearing was open to the whlie at the Husa of defence attorney John Howlhy, who ques:| yvs in his personal mem he was "merely a little the machinery' that han mass executions | Us an order was an or 5, "If I had sabotaged the order of the one-time fuehrer of 1 erman Reich, Adolf Hit ler, 1 v | have heen not only yundrel but a despleable pig." The first installment of Eich mann's memoirs is published in the eurrent issue of Life maga ¥ As part of the reorganization, RCMP she hed heen there shout 4 products research division is 10|10 minutes when she heard an he established to compl nt the expl and saw fla leap tease performers, out on bail on / : ( charges srising from Halilax's| OC 551g of TY ner. from adjoining communities but ot off' oneern Was ExXpresse 16 they unable to save the building first "takeit-off' show, were! co 0 of cevondary dustry to i y sige ) ing the girls came on with 8 toned sive winter works program, inquest will be held, ; down version of the show that! "This will include schools for had prompted police to srrest|the desl and for retarded ehild-| N S h 1 Nursery «Cneo BLUE BONNET 0 i T k YELLOW QUICK ments," the speech sald few layers of filmy vells and fin-|™ 500 dude Bn ex ished their acts in two-piece Other plans inch " ning performances, The girs picipalities, school hoards end district, were arvested and locked wp. |other local Agencies, ihe " Mrs, Steiner was found guilty arts fil sit until mid-De- i hy then on until late School setots the street from January and eontinue until] me but 'we are not al. Savings In Cash ' this one, One of his men went to eols A SPROULE s lect a deer killed by a ear ulling that deer out on the ighway like that, he told O'Flanagan, 24, were dismissed! ald MeEacheron the conservation officer, "Let |TPuesday after a two-week inves: Tanner, both of Cannington, Ont, tigation into the August, ny were remanded to Nov, government's present commer: Ing from her home, back on the Garrick Theatte pace with the PrOVIRCE's| "rpc 1 andry said there was no them Monday wight, | ven, hospitals, administrative of [Tat . Jail Term | wr 88° nded forest management pro- bathing suits as packed mudi Dene rest Manag p! Each was freed on $500 bail, | Present standing in last June and given time to pay spring, (lowed to care for working on Highway 10, He had to me give you a hand to get it theft of six bags of potatoes 20 on a charge of eriminal negli: out of here hefore a game warden comes along" Magistrate Robert Morrison, gence In the Nov, soon afterward, | He says his transport trains hrought in as many as 10,000 units a day for execution at the Ae ch [ Ihe memoirs were obmined erman Journalist, Wil. } Bassen, who had assembled than 000 pages of handwrit and - transeriptions recorded interviews with mann in Buenos Alres start from a ( } I t { | | en no of witz camp, He describes his first tour of the camp with its com mander, Rudolf Hoess, saying: "At the end he took me to a Scientific TORONTO (CP) = The attor. grave where the gassed Jews lay piled on 8 strong iron gril Iney-general"s erime laboratory is i [to analyze scraps of paper which police believe is a new type he OTTAWA (CP) == Governor: General Vanler as chief scout for Canada Tuesday presented the Cornwell scout badge highest tioned the commission's jurisdic: | tion In the ease, Bradburn and) O'Flanagan Toesday admitted potatoes from the| NU-WAY < GROUND SUET SHOULDER NOW AVAILABLE taking the RUG CLEANERS 4 award of scouting ~ to Mrs, W. |p o® 00 Fre a Marshall on Aug, | {Harold Brannan of Bt, Thomas os "jos, | Pork FRESH OYSTERS ATTRACTIVELY | Hoess's men poured some inflam {Is dad by Deokmakan TE mable liquid ever them and sel] i 1864 hy a si | NTICITY CONFIRMED [them on fire, , . . I ean still see 4 Police sald iosday | ey found ys it spent six months| that mountain of corpses In front To PRIS 5 Wien ad Rded a ns . oh oronto ap ( @ { | oy ira lating Sie sa of In 4 i i [4 e slips apal hy record A "lis. | Feout i | in re of h ho il Fichmann Insists he i not antl tnterratod helore thelr aves wii n|ntfering and lness WAS MEN | he (hoff | @ authenticity gemitie, and had no wish te harm '" ¥ nore thelr yes 4 ) sof Te 4 I nn, abducted from Are individual Jews personally, hut{# man in the apartment held tioned, 18 He boy § sliation Tt Sanatabley n nadb urn pd i last spring by seeretiwag "just politically opposed tal them to a candle | a car J J O'Flanagan admitied plaelng ' | ar afte 5 right leg wa " yg y now Is awalting trial In] jews hocause they were stealing o hargled with keeping a het,| 14 A year after his HB WAS 'four hags of potatoes in the gar | prison PRICED SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRANKS 1-48, CELLO 49+ PKG, on behalf of her deceased son, |" "mne tw p wunished at Patrol Leader Robert Harold tie ae Police. Chief ed Brannan : las Mitehell, who forfeited them) Hig fortitude on continuing his 10 davs' leave, They were activities despite severe) japaed (his waek and denied) * Dysing end Repairing 4 ® Binding end Fringing 4 ¢ Shoulder Roast Chops 43: GROUND FROM RED BRAND BEEF 9% we, or MINCED BEEF 31bs, 1.00 BARBECUE CHICKENS ARE DELICIOUSLY COOKED AT SPROULES SAVE ON CHRISTMAS BAKING NEEDS AT SPROULE'S Rustralian Seedless RAISINS 2' ie BAG ECLIPSE MEDIUM 49° PASTRY FLOUR COCOANUT 10¢ FRESH COOKING Cc RR BRAN CURBANTS 20¢ 39¢ BLEACHED MIXED PEEL RAISINS NEW SEASON'S 98° 29° AUTHI Life hi Wall-to-wall carpets cleaned in your home i 8-4681 ) 4 174 MARY STREET 4 m-- 39¢ 27+ 7b, Cello Beg 12.08, Cello Bog olb, Cello Bag 1b, 15.08, Pkg, Pha. don, Phas, ent's activity orig nited to tracing Jew deporting Jews, to ghettos and em to wear yellow] 5, But Hitler in 1041 their physical annihila Wl Pineapple RINGS APPLE CIDER Galion 10¢ OFF NEW GAINES CRISCO GRAVY TRAIN 3¢ OFF THE COMPLETE DOG FOOD FLUFFO hha JO 04 199 BAG GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TASTY GARDEN FRESH CARROTS 3.18, < POLY NUTRITIOUS SNOW WHITE BAG PARSNIPS Cc Birdseye Dinners | rim Lossy No, 1 VE 4¢ 89 | Cucumbers 2/19* ALL VARIETIES FRUIT BASKETS ATTRACTIVELY MADE UP FOR ALL OCCASIONS \ We are big enough to serve you--Small enough to appreciate you 30h, Tin 14lb, Pky, TALLY-HO ROOM A Good Place To Meet and Relax NOTEL LANCASTER Hquidation plan was dis ( | hy ( Apo generals at a | conference in Berlin Jan, Smiths Falls Planning Board Quits Again SMITHS FALLS, Ont, (CP) For the second time this year, Smiths Falls town council is faced with wholesale resignations by members of the town's plan. ning hoard Four of the eight heard mem. hers, including Chairman Mun yay A, Tye and Viee-Chairman Daryl R. Thomas, submitted th resignations at a council ting Monday night, A fifth mher, Harry Rickerd, re ned "lor personal reasons' week, fhe letter sald the resignations paused hy the town eon lity to enforce planning FRESH MILK ARRIVING DAILY 2% Wn 39¢ GAL, SKIM MILK 4 GAL 26¢ thur) sald a wildeat strike of} -- CNR workers is developing inj northwestern Ontario over short || notice given workers of a change | of rall service, | The Senate was told hy Walter Aseltine, the upper chamber's | government leader, that the com. | mittee on manpower it set up last session is ready te roll, Councillor, 91 'Awfully Tough' TRENTON (CP) = N, J, Me: | Nair, 81, Sunday, asked council Monday night for a vote of con fidence after an accusation that he was too old for his Job as all town councillor, | Mr, MoNalr, chairman of the| publie works commitiee, sald: || 'T admit I'm old, but I'm awfully tough." | Later Mr, MeNalr shook hands fi with 'the man who thought that li younger blood should him, Councillor D, R You are invited to open a . the breath of life from us." ne honse were Mr. and Mrs |Amputated above the knee to re: age of former constable Harvey as implicated in the and 17 scout leaders, orulger' and two In Chief| | the Jews to the once reprimanded a soldier for -- TORONTO (CP) Insurance| Parry Sound, | men, on his orders, and that the of Jewish affairs, he P li i 'Not true, completely unethls| Medal for Meritorious Conduct d be as pointless to ATMS SENSITIVITY nounced in the Commons planned Housing Act to encourage home meeting of (he Garage Opera. Toronto that! qian-horn David B, Gottwals, 103, the action now proposed to help First Commons reading was CI) Spirited Away Douglas Fisher (CCF-Port Alice sald Tuesday, ++ from a FIRE, , . from a KILLER James MeDonald, move a hone tumor Clayton -- dismissed two weeks Bilation of Jews," he| ONCE KIND TO JEW re Other hoy Scout ollantey nd agn over what the police com: imit my participaton| Tn rounding up Jews for ship | * service awards went to CUBS! mission ealled "deceit arising thout pressure, ment, he says he kept his men| D | under orders to avoid all unneces | 1ISmissa They inohided Mitahell's J Mitehell's house, If 1 had not transported Nilver Cross: Wolf Cub Andrew| "fhe chief testified Tuesday | ould not have been| heating a frall, old Jew with a Richard Kitchen, Kiteheneri' (hat his two bags were later | to the butcher," eluh, idjustment firms sald Tuesday| GIE Cross = Wolf Cub Steven | our | iven to Cl § } h was to round up they would fire on the spot any Sharpe, Belleville; Scout Denys our bade givel to Clayton i) hi ol A ve oy oun YE of thelr men caught taking kieks| Major, Ottawa and Troop Leader n eountries and ship them -A-Gl eal," sald a spokesman for the|_Patrol Leader Hatto Fischer, ¢ | aa To a At ance Ontario Insurance Adjusters As: | Ottawa, : | I for the whole 1h 2 pias | f0olation, Managers of individual rm -- | 3 the Jewish problem as) By THE CANADIAN PRESS {firma sald instant dismissal the official in charge of Tuesday, Nov, 22, 1960 would be the J 4 | 3 ' » the result of sueh prae.| | woul 'Canadian Aged 102 The adjusters were comment:| 3} H 1es In Washington construction and municipal Im. tors Association of provement works, {ear vepair firms ean get all the 7 \ ) Vashingt at Tos) JI. Garland (Le=NiplssIn). | work they want if they pay off fons od Monday. Cottwnls Insurance adjusters, wag a mative of Hanover, Ont stimulate unemployment should | a --. have heen taken much earlier | given to legislation authorizing the government to fharantoe| r . hank loans to small business for| CORNWALL, Ont, (CP) expansion and renovation, with fameane sole oh Jrooden Ri businesses with gross revenues of | from the canal bank west of this 15 BRUCE ST . Testing = 2 10 § p.m. and 7 fo 10 p.m, IF YOU COULD... «+o from TB? Of course your answer is YES to all three! For you KNOW TB IS A KILLER , , . It can spread like a and scouts from across Canadalfiom an accident with a polico| | was the one who sary harshness, He notes that he) F Ki kb k Wolt Cub Ronald Richmond, (hrown In the town dump by the| d of the Gestapo's de - hacks from car repair firms, David Wilson, Rath to their final destination | Works Minister Walker an 1 am a very sensi: amendments to the Natlonal|ing on accusations Monday at al WASHINGTON (CP) = Cana. his party's housing eritie, said! have been taken my 'Wooden Shed Thurs., November 24th up to $250,000 a year eligible, |8t Lawrence Seaway town, por fire, : 24.0. Christmas CELLO BAG Charge or Budget Account KAYE'S Sports & Ladies' Wear M0 68 SIMCOE ST. N. '2 OSHAWA replace | . A RA 5-5451 i A | A ES | 1 EON {ER OPEN ALL DAY WED, For your Grey Cup Dinner FROZEN FOODS a If you've got TB, your family can get it from you, Make sure you don't have Tuberculosis, If you de have TB you'll be told how to get well and protect your family from it! * HELP PREVENT TUBERCULOSIS HAVE A TEST Support the Sale of Cinisimas Seals were ell's Inabi bylaws Council refused to accept resig nations, Last January, the six members then on the board resigned In st against what the hoard leseribed as lack of shapera tion from the counell, The mew| Mayor James MacDonald sald hoard was appointed after thei Mr, MoNair could not ask coun board under Chairjeil for a confidence decision, It Reach rejected & had to come fram the velers ' 1 request te reconsider its Mr, MeNair agreed to serve out decision to quits {the remainder of his term, i ¢ the farmer man ¢ ZINN

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