Children's Coals Coal Sels Snow Suits Dresses Skirts ENE WR RE Ld dd ts rE Eis nas Ed a a pr SALE STARTS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 24th Towels Make Such Useful, Appreciated Gifts These by 'Lady Galt' known fer their quality == In pepular "Chequers pattern fine value at regular price and ex: ceptional at these sale prices , , , buy in matched sets of Bath towel, Hand towel and Face cloth = for hems use new or Christmas Gifts while thers Is a saving, Choose from pink, aqua, blue, ar green, with white Bath Size Hand Size Face Cloths 12" x 12" 22" x 42" 16" x 28" Reg, 35 Reg, 1.29 Reg, 69 1.00 each 66 each 2 fn 45 Fayourites for Gifts Embroidered Pillow Cases Pre-Christmas Sale, pair boxed 177 ® Imported ® Hand Embroidered ® Standard Size Hand-embreidered pillow cases gross stitehed mult. colour patterns en high count white eoatten , , attractively aoxed. ready for gift giving a moderately priced gift that wins appreciation, Standard size choose from five pleasing ,, Reg. 1.98, Pre:Chiistmas Sale, pair 1.77, in fine designs A Coloured Stripes - be 22 x 32 inch Size Imported Linen Tea Towels Pre-Christmeas 8 Sale ® Linen dries better R . ® Pastel stripes go with most kitchen A9 2 for 19 colour , Colourhat heavy quality linen tea towels In the big sizes (22% x 32) with lots of drying surface , lintsfren linen dries diahes ond glassware to a sparkling lustre . |. , and vou save on avery one during this svent , Reg. 4% PMe-Christman Sale, each 44, or 2 for TY, Warm and Comfortable Because They Are Well Made Of Soft Flannelette . . . Sale Priced Too! Boys' and Girls' Pyjamas "Santorined' tobris kesps dire olter werhing for girls with novelty prints on white and pests! grownds, lt or 0ovs 0 Viney, Sn and Rovaly Sets to bx Specially purchased In Hime for thelr slesping com: fort during chilly nights , , , an exellent value for little boys ond girls ~~ well made, tilly ent ond "Senferizad" wo you know they'll kesp thelr vie wath efter wash, Pra-Chrivimes Sele, peir 1.49, Pre-Christmes Sale, pols 1.49 Soft Washable Flannelette assures Warmth Infants' "Two-Pants' Sleepers o Bottoms some with fest for added wormth and button-on for ebm 1, 2 md Pre-Christmaes Sole, set Sleepers are 90 Ides) for the little tots == they're completely covered in sleepers, sven when they kick off the covers , , , these are a special value pur chase , , , Tep and two bottoms, during Pre-Christe mas Sole, oot 1,59, HH a. An Exceptional Value of Manufacturers Clearing! Boys', Girls' and Toddlers' Swealers Pre-Christman # Sema first quality, seme L Sele, each Sustanderd Normally ® Pullovers for Sirls, 4 te &s 19 LU ® Cardigans and Pullovers for Mere Boys and @irls, 8 te In 1.88 A special purchase makes this valus possible Choose fram shart sleeve pullovers for girls, 4 ta 6x sizes, and sardigans and pullovers far boys, and girls In sizes 2 to 3x , «+ Mostly In easy-care, shape-retaining Orlen® , ; , Norm: A values are 2.98 or more, Pra:Ghristmes Sole, each Speciol Purchase! Special Value! BOYS' "T" JERSEYS Pre-Christmas ® Collar style with Sale long sleeves ® Sixes 4, 6, 6x 88 Bove' ""T" Jersey knit of combed eotton In a variety of coloured stripes , , , Ideal for every day wear == washable of course , , . eollar style with tep button closing and leng sleaves , , , Choose fram Brown, Navy, er Grey, Sizes 4, 6, 6x, Pra-Christmas Bale, each B88, Several Styles = Low, Low Priced | GIRLS' PANTIES Acetate raven tricot panties for big end Witle girls , , , trim or plain In ate pink, bln, melee, dre , oF white + + sompletely washable of course , , . spatially purchesed bo bring you & fine velus ef & low pries, Sixes 3 to 6x Sixes 8 10 14 Pre-Christmaes Sele Pre-Christmes Sele 5pr.1.00 4pr.1.00 Warmth and Style -- Sale GIRLS' ORLON" SWEATERS + Cable stiteh long sleeve pullovers and First quality sardigans, * Siam 8 00 14, A selection af girls' Orlon® this sale C of Dupant sweaters secured especially for Choose from cable stiteh turtle neck, long sleeve pullovers in white only and first quality eardigans in Jade, Cocoa, Orange lee, Powder or Yellow , , , Sizes 810 14. Pre-Cheistmas Sale, cardigan or pullover, sach 2.08, ¥ Regd TM aa m--------------" Priced ! Special Purchase Pro: Christmas Sale, each ® Various plaids ® Sizes T to 14 wool plaid fabries | ing knife pleats Mauve, or Tan Christmas Sale, each 4.88, Reg'd TM, of Bupent Special Purchase! Save 3,10 GIRLS' REVERSIBLE SKIRTS Usually 1.98 Girls reversibla skirts in a variety of wool, and Orlon® and tailored garefully with smart appear Choose fram colours of Red Sizes 7 to 14 Bedford Cord, Kasha Lined for Warmth, GIRLS' LINED SLIMS @ Durable fabric @® Loden, Gold or Usually Sale, pale Antelope ® Six 7 te 14 208 2.39 Specially purchased slims In favourite Bediord cord tahrle «= Kasha lined for extra warmth , . , tailored in slim ling style with halt boxer waist and two pockets . , , Laden, Gold or Antelope == Sizes 7 to 14 Usually 2.98, PresChrish mes Sale, paly 2.39, Pre-Christmes Pro-Christmas Sale, sash 4.88 ue, . Usually 7.98, Per ------ Store Hours: -- 9:30 + 6 pm, Friday to 9:00 p.m, Save on Made In Canada Line! Jc BOY'S COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS sg SE ProerEhriatmas Sale, each RoE: | 97 or 19 2350 Smartness and warmth for young fellows al a money-saving price , , , neat check designed "Santarized" cotton flannel, sombined with eut and goad tallering, ba warm goed looks Breast ant style, Sizes 8 10 14, Ng 1.98 Christmas Sale, each 1.77 or 2 for 3.50, oe "Sontarized" tahely ® Parma stays in sallan o Foner shask patter slim in 0 Buy Four Pair = Save $1 BOYS' FANCY SOOKS ® Weal and Nylon Kah Chrlstmes Wo, " Hy for Winte | o Heavy quality Usually 59 or - A Lt XL e Yam bey reavy quality far warm winter, toot combort |, | knit of wool and nylon vam for warmth and Hiangth ng eh A of twa nea Sivek patton, colours of grey, hive, navy, charcoal, or beige oo Stren 8 te 934, Usually 79. Pea Christmes Sole, pais 59, 4 pale Si wker's OF OSHAWA Othave Shopping Contre Stevenson & King Sta, Oshawe RA 8-4626 AAAARALIAD SASL !