sc oe oy EA a EE EE EEE SE EEE ESE SR 7 EES SE a a de dha ae dh de Ee EEE EE EE EEE FYE YY YSFRTPTYFPFYFYYISPYYF 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Movember 13, 1960 (52--Legol el, of Biology NOTICE TO CREDITORS BIRTHS _| Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange |": N THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM | V Course N Nel 4 Wet id « { : f a {EN ON, F FORONTO 15 AM. S10 Stock Sales Wighlow 1} s.m. CW ge Slack Bales Wigh Lew I} a.m. Chige MINES Seles Wighiaw 1} "e to HENRY HEWSON, Retired, HAMILTON «CP VieMester a 0 96 ' ' A "3 i 10. "> 6 4 hh Bork Sales Wighlow If om, ¢ AA wo 3 Wo 105 ' deceosed University and television station 5 s ! 4 4 ! CH V have joined to offe we ub vi 0 All persons baving aim ned to offer a woh v "id APR Lil f " so 4 We + Boe AV Cap 100 $40 n Neph ww 4 uu ge 0 , against the Estate of Williom belevi ed universi biology WARY Bili wnd Ila aie Bappy " 3 ' oval Bank : BB MB 4 § ' 4 » Ww Ww th Course Car full scademie REBOunek the sioivwl of 8 som, 0 Ihe 716 fob i A . A y h ® # Henry Hewson, lote of the hog? Tis ¢ PELL lusdsy, November 13, HMM INDUSTRIALS of 3, . 1 Q 8 Arts h « # Pig ' a " 2 ; #4 City of Oshewe the redit for i tudents, # Othe Omens Generis Wosphs v #26 $4 A 2 2% " 4 Wid " : 7 County of Onterio ired, It is, believed to be the first hawks 10 I flare wet vi od We Ris Bales Wigh Low if a.m EWge Comin WE, 1 { p " sz. 1 burnt 7 Wi " deceased, who died on or such experiment in Canada, i 2 A y : 9 . Ih Beth " " Miss ¢ y about the 18th day of Sept Beginning in January the sta DEATHS 4 ia a 4 7 7 pa h GE. i 3 } ; ember, 1960, are hereby 'lion, in co-operation with the uni. "y / Se We Tia 2 2, , : on f é ) notified to send in to the yersil extension department, ; 4 wa y 00 $5 p "Uw we ' MS 200 i MB BB - indersigned Personel Rep will broadeast three lectures a oBYAN. Mary -- AL Our lady 4 : Ag 4 ht : 0 $58 g f " Noranda presentative of the said de ok. Students who register will 21, 1000, Wary Wymn (of "4 ; ga Bn.» 1 y 7 4 Conch gas ! Nermetsl ; ceased on or before the 9th supplement the 6 leciures with . aogier of ie pao i re v ' 1 , A : 4 op 3 1 : orth Can aT" | doy of December, 1960, full exthook study st home and Sat Long, in her 96th yews. Hes " ts itm ' H Hood # 2 2 : 50 Sia TBs. he Pore I b Opeinishe ho : particulars of their cloims. yrday morning seminars held the W Fown Funeral (hape : " ' i be Pow I 425% 4 1 " 3 1 ¢ Sahan Immediately ofter the sold ,u00 cyery three weeks mass in B John ¢ - ' iN G . h 4 Oniskn Ws 2 : dote the Persone! Represent: |. University officials said the ; Pick Crow 4 / otive will distribute the assets Fm " Adu wr 1 iy 2 4 2 : Ll A : Pacer y of the said deceased having ("ae 4 bachelor of aris degree id in the . 3 y i bi 0 y . . ' ¥ 4 1 Pros Al " I 0 egard only to claims of y b 14 help adu further their gen t " 4 4 5 2 1 Que Ascot 4 2 whic h shall then have 4 wsdny evening 100 p.m.) - pi mp 0 vit / 4 4 ; Gir Chih 05 | which he shall then eral knowledge, Examinations FiAWMINIO Sieh pnd Tmnnn wisn 5 #ERmuner the Wirth of their son 7 he Br The Canstisn Prem win. on ¥rige ayember 18, 1086 # " pat ; / Cdn #3 fhe Oannna Geners! Hospital, » ok IiBace Moe CFR on . y ' Revnoids pr mW for Anne and » 4 # ' 4 - Horn Ve] " Leourse I aid students wishing 4 i hEEop A . ' ow 7 a Metal vl notice . will he held in June OSHAWA CY 41s wr 0 : owt + 2 : semen 164 18 0 » | Ooted ar Ohowa this 7th |" Th euperiment ts wuccess MONUMENT COMPANY A p 3 4 1 ' 20 2 , rr : Rio Algom 75 { doy of November, 1760 ful the university will consider PECIALIZING IN (Pow g A y ah 4 ol : 3. 4 i i . EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, offering other lelevised courses, a 1 Ta 7 : a 4 h # Administrator, WeGibbon ond Bostedo Tobacco Board Barristers end Solicitors » g " £ [5 ee i 20 Simcoe Street North, Pt TRE Fo By dy 3 iy = Hl % ons, over Faces Charges <i) Un 4 Ae 3 } 0 i i ' ) } } f Tribag > 4 i; ( vy fi IERAL Cin § ; | . A. ile 3 . IN THE MATTER OF THE PILISONBURG (CP) -- Legal HAPEI 4 "a p A A R A lll ly fay § "25 Abbe h Upp Can 12 7 ot ESTATE Of ORING, ACtion will be taken against the ire beyond price : ' i ' ' ' # a 0 8 2 WILLIAM WINDLE MOR of Ontario flue-cured tobacco grow : I per oli ; i a GErAWA. IN THE COUNTY ore markeiing hoard unless the ~a p ) ' ' ' K J Vi ' i HK 3 4 AND PROVINCE OF ON ard change J policy regay RA B-6226 ' : ' h ' ) Kile + 2 J | TARIO, GARAGE OPERATOR ng grower ho use a chemical ; J wm DECEASED stowth inhibitor fa i a y | J 8 i A 1 4 . 7,000 he action will be taken on he LOCKE'S FLORIST , NOTICE TO CREDITORS half of growers suspecied of ns: il. arrengemer and 50-----Articles for Sale 50--Articles for Sale 50---Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale ALL PERSONS having |" the chemical unless * the Win A i hoard "rectifie its policy im h emer p | vd cider barrels, solid » ¢ % 2GC e ate © 3 requirements ] LARGE doll pram wotor, BACK TOSCHOOL | e paid PIANG, medium size, reasonable, su) Hh de 2h i Phd, soll Poi laims against the Estate of mediate aid a solicitor's letter SCLasION nearly new loathe yh h cash vo elk ised ah ha, 150 § Eo 44 b Church. RA 37624 ; "WILLIAM V/INDLE MOR read at a board meeting Tues ( A 7 | INC toreh, ail arti r ' i h All table. Telephone NG, late of th ty of Osh 4 : ISHAWA SHOPPING : Felaphone RA. 3.2148 y d Ad. A > y 102 53014 for further particulars WAREHOUSE clearance of odds ana NG, late 0 e J of 0 da CENTRE Continued from Pages J dW ends, some slightly marked, Many, Ow8, in the County o n Under the board's present pol COOK stove, Acme con " LARY'S black cloth coat, seal colar, (onious brand fines, costs forgotten, ai tario, who died on or gbout 24 - HOUR PHONI f good condition, 1elephone ' 9 i Collar; rug Lf la : man's borite top desks, regular $29.95, the 22nd day of September i tohaceo suspected of having i ost S780, mi black co. bi man's brown ulster; 8 516 5 PRE aver da p 4 4 4 A Wi ed ra RA B.6555 47 Automobiles For Sale 50---Articles For Sale further information by lig hi man's hiown ules} sinh boo saves Jlavenvort, mart A.D. 1960, are hereby noti been treated with the chemical custom USED tire most all sizes, 83 and up. BRAND new 5 HP B . thoard woob . ; ; Cer walnut And blond endtanles, . plain fied to send full particular MH-30 is marketed without a Mh OREYROLET deli HR STF, Goodrich Stores, BA 54543 motor, Cruise Da a L A de BARBY on lake, it ndron con i iit and fancy, values to $20.95, out they go to the undersigned on or be YF tag identilying untreated to. i down Hi) war bast offe i ! hed, dekp turquoise Sha np rom § rilig 00} J 1 5 IN MEMORIAM ' " Wh 0 row MODERN black Pe amh cout, WAITADL olf . fr .0 ' el fect condition, fosm mattress and storm iri hi, Li: ban iy or aos, gio fore the 30th day of Novem Dueco, Such tobacco brought an on King haski, mudium suit, see 18 10 14 brice UHENTER is 1B wie ddern tue TWING p winter (cover, $25. MO 8.4920 body carriages, values to $48.95, reduc ber, AD, 1960, after which average 10 cents a pound less at TAYNE CHENYROLET 00 J ent condition, HA 53 Will sacrifice for J Bis, in t eandy Hie 4 BICYOLE, man's, in excellent cond). ®0 for quick sale, ¥i6; lovely assorted date the Estate will be dis last v i In wy a : Telephone RA 32750 fo ; ' ; ' 4. hone ! completely reconditioned. Apply 2 Cofiee tables, vegular to, $24 0 five tributed with regard only to k A ) EakD parts ig hi ndab " i ore teulnrs : Wir Biwvkhin, for further pay, 201Y 88. Wilson Furniture, 20 Chureh joie of which the under yet within reach of all iG STREET WEST cars uetions Ihe hoard declined to take any action on the letter, although a DODGE sedan 0 S10, guaranteed reconditioned RADIO and record pave King com signed shall then have had s Pb 4 three spe {lone P MUNDINGER accordion, mother of new (est on treated and un. "0 ushers and "sloves, Paddy's Markel bina on, three | ording, ¢ oo ALUMINUM DOOR ) CHESTERFIELD suite, two 1arge ear: pearl, 144 bass, practically new, $150 or notice treated crops has been arranged Hamplon, CO 32241 model, dark wat pets, rubber underpad, coffee and end best otter. Teninons RAS 20m i ps he v BTUDERARER (ha FLECTROWOMY. RCA Victor, Admiral phan p i" A M \ OWS tables, two hall runners, refrigerator DATED aor Oshawa, this - excellent condition SLA the finest in TV, Hidi and service, CHESTERFIELD sulle, wine, Al con AND WINDCWS ar we Modern items in good con 89 _Swan & Barter 4th day of November, A.D. | . ion" Motorar BA 8000 Sol, Sud Service, (CHENTERVIELL siti. wine, 41 col Eel te B M_siavs Modern Heme p 1960 | Crash Kills Two 1065 OLDAMOBILE v' hydromatie, Television, 918 Simos Street "North tion, white enamel ullity table. Appl iy C5. he A ae Rg made OU Tanks, | ro aiems, Three . : Al » ® wish (0 express our radio, (wo tone; reasonable Telephone C070 tid ors y ore reasonable rales, Telephone T0C8 Dath seis; simp » RHODA ILDRED MORINC * . Cow) wa a sh in anprg ¢ HA 51. BUYS 8 smoothtop mattress valued OF rie 2 wore and. restaurant enuin Replacing Gla i 6H63 fo a po i fies sinks ang sabinetdy yanity anna Exec AN Wo 4 Driver Fined $50 oh ol 1 $59 50 h the purchase of any hed: men e buy and sell, nes une AWD mowers; ouihoard moto opin I al Pp : hdd aver $150. 'Ehis astound any terms, AnyUmn Bil ') x ( TWO occasional tables, with glass tops, and fittings of all kinds. H. Chinn, Park By Her Solicitor | . . A o _ / LR Aton ' ' ood until Ny gy ing Hamilton Ashburn, Brookiin } FOR FAST EFFICIENT Ure ji wood Budi Bid $15 Mond and Hillside. HA 3.7008 JOSEPH P, MANGAN, OC. | SIMCOE (CP)--~Harvey Smith, durin 7 t ' sarons' Home Furnishings, 424 . og SERVICH wie Vinkes a nice Christmas present ---- 14 . 19, of nearby Glen Meyer, Tues. DereAYOment In A oh i . we Bireet South, "Where Prices are DOMINION Appliances (a division of phone RA 51347 142 King Street East 1 vy " G i) he edn Beatty Bros) ld at Padd ™ day was convicted on a careless tnd mother We would Hike : "oa Yao J. ted i ' Markel ine A complete line of JIM ELLIOTT USED furniture in six-room house '| USE E Oshawa, Ontario : | OIL tanks, pressure systems, three py , te driving charge arising from an spec) thanks to D win 5 } fu ' We'll buy | ppliances at 6 beal prices. CO rivate sale, all in go ' tion p a p . Jpacial thanks to Dri. Olasier or hrakes 0 BELLING r we'll b t Ke appliar at hard lo beal price t all in good condition. Tele accident last August that elaimed tals "alan "Princens Markare al TE ease, or. Wp cath. Gute ow | Ax 1241 RA 3-2866 ras | rings, WA Ym, or soni. OSHAWA. TIMES Lo EMORIAL PLAQUE |{\o jive ll i ' 3 Smith was fined $50 and costs, nin ation of Nazi Camp Survivors! oe 10 days Fhsodore Cowle and family, | Fi iom gue JAutniilon and Gi AY Do inion shotun shells 3-20 nit f OOD & FR Ef ZE [R AE eit Juice, | Telephone MA CLASSIFIED placed a wreath on the memorial] Mys. Wesley Hilts, of George. py " vn as! It he {ance d Prince Street, Phone KA #1131, NEW Jungle carbine Rd he Melntosh Anders 0 CREYROLET | ' n $20 95, terms § n, $2 wee ne PHILOO rg 10% cube foot na, eniinia b Bond) Btrael y highest prices in the eity for plague to Gestapo victims at St [town, and her eight - year « old x irnitire. Pretty's Used Furniture Paul's church, Knightsbridge, daughter died following the Please Note hr : Prange {ups washing ma. SEE HOME APPLIANCES : - COLUMNS ar November, ash, A GOODRICH Stor tires, bat. early n V jerash WA 1b] /€ I efrigerators, $39.50 Of HA PLYMOUTH. se verti 1 table and cha ; : nator refrigerators, tele Deadlines now In effect for Aad ' ! ; oo ehenteriield 90 SIMCOE SOUTH y th f I on Budget Plan. RA 5.4543, : 0 ch Ed f J ary A Kishi type . BIG bedding sale, lowest prices in % i 4 Birth Memoriams, Cards eof n cleans Vi FOR FRIGIDAIRE n, bunk beds, eight pieces com | | his eolumn Community Furni p ele, our slashed - price $56; spring I r - 5 EN ondinn A 4 Thanks HN KAW AC A ' Jandition, Street, Oshawa be LE od mattresses, branded names, dis 9 AM, SAME DAY MO B57 PIANO, upright, 55° high x rome continued = tickings, close out Jom ; a aI nd ma IA a BA 14 86: continental beds, springfilled DEATHS w= CHEVROLET de 0 ngle e. eight only, oul they go 11 AM, SAME DAY pond iP i" ory FYPEWRELERS, adding machines, $1 : Re iy fainbiele, feeinl ¢ ? " LOB; fake foam pillows, eash DIAL RA 3.3492 on King : Ww eloetrie add moltiply sabi ractors nin py ; Ay ee ay akg cents. Wilson Furniture, 20 WOOLDAMOBILY Church Street maroon and white Drake exceptional condition, 4 Usk art and © repairs for and yo nie. Hi damilion Ashburn, Brooklin "A i . ment, Call n r Demon stration V bligation One contract, r a RA "a 4069 Variety of 15" ear wheels fee animales | $3 each, also body solder en, RA 3.977 nakes of wringer type washers, % hp Mortgage Firm | ronsamex wi SO ih, motors to '510, A4avautena Soctna awa Times Claswiied Ads duty for ar. (0004 WANES ave, Moses Paddys A ,ma Seal Co. and plostic Solder Was 'Callous' action : y a 4 ot pi 0 a - nr ovaries RA 5.9365 ANYTIME OX | ) AND SHAW AUTO WRECKING installed and guava TORONTO (Chal Wows Tot oe fo "1 ten rane" sear," $570 "Fre "Feit ALUMINUM DOORS | FREEZER PLAN #9 BLOOR FAST head, Ontario Insurance superin- 5 an $1 BUYS a § piece chrome an up AND WINDOWS! 4 . RA 5-2311 it, sald in a report released FORD i HY nolstered chair or two (able pa and a Lrilite alued al 850.50, with the pur L { A day a Toronto mortgage firm i . aT Lie pi ™ y SALE fused re tration because MME S A ing 5 good until De Api , p al acted th eallou J " mb 9 rms. Barons' Home ) { ; VNU roduct of the } . } hings 4 \ Nirgel South ¢ ' f h quali at the best ir cians' nly ' Price J full guaranteed VACUUM cleaner repalr all makes CALL FOF \ he p e hung windows only tehead said Trving We Attachments, brushes, EUaran then { es \d rn ' 18, Call now X icant > Yennil an 138 CHEVROLEY J ¢ | Maly, \ ' im Ci AR Repair iory | ALEX VAJDA [ ) " Lymer Aluminum Ce firm's general man. ok mere condita anytime "41 DRiw ST. ha Seam PHONE: RA 5.3709 RA 8.5385 ain colors or Kay stripes more con ' estimates, Orde n a AN ES CHEVYROLED ll 1 1} Chair and tanle to thelr ne A *h 1 y J « i Simcoe North ntenior.. radio, Ww X eh WH ORDERS taken for storm sashes, wood A ee estimates, lerms only wi | nel Y ass cnkvioLEY Phone RA 340A0 ORIStration ur rol ' R ' Tx 8 CROWS v camera with #7 ye ake te | | ¢ and Avice 12 film holders could not be granted vl } n appeal but the MW y P S28; 9 12. 830 y ¢ It, was not an , x ty i ur piece chrome i doaday ' . or 40 samples to choose] 4 Fuesda I one, recovered, from $3 up hs tified they \ fi METEOR | | ey 0 Cove np i" no SO Hadid Ag Thi 4 h y t | 2.05 gallon . a K ¥ H ew ry Klos 5 \ chead sald that in | ji y Electric, 4 Van phicants were un: 48--=Automobiles Wanted brn "WG piano, very wend cond : ain refunds of depo WANTED A OREGON ndercoat ton Can he seen at 967 Colborne Street i i nan ad nol come gq iio GMC 0 Go Kart less Las RA KO174 7 For tor. Dave, RA af TELEVISION, General Electrie, 17" in : LAKESHORE Autn Wrecks WA dition, § alan haby carriage, | ath for wievking. HMighe aiid hone RA 51083 after § pom | MET FARNINGS dun electric, apart | SPOT CASH a nian, Tia: aus By THE CANADIAN PRESS PAID FOR Huronian. Lid ote Mime Wren attheiunent t i ; y ANTI e ! table. small five GARAGE ALUMINUM WINDOWS Adams, the distiller who made histo th tl H H | ALMINUM WINDO ws, the dintillor whe wade history with the Where does the Volkswagen go in winter? ' now famous Private Stock, has done it again! red | f A mR = I pe oy Yt yd. The lad anagin No ch Hen Adams now presents Gold Stripe, annther ¥ a car was specially designed fod is gone lor good, the on 30 engine ORONTO Cp Ih ; . in N \ $ in a Hash even on the colde : Colonial Aluminum Sales Canada s rough winters, N wauld have Mars has , dont RA 8.4614 After + RA S.Si78 col 100k xth conse Custom Blend, at a moderate price, ereated N day amid light ane be a lot hike tha Volkswagen For mornings especially Tor the Ontario taste, instance, the Volkswagen has a very high All vital parts of the VW ara well N index a Next time you buy, try mellow custom blended a d clearance -- it picks Ms way protected: a strong undershield keeps e ahoad to sufferers from ndustrial ore 00.31. Westoru oils RHEUMATIC, ARTHRITIC, i | : at 80.37 NEURITIC PAIN, BACK-ACHE ; In 24 ounce and 12 ounce sizes, and you n agree, volume | ald ripe in its tall. handsome Hask bottle hrough the deepest snowdrifts, And with m re € Di the angine in the rear, a YW's power is tecting the the owne diraciy over the back wheels. Yow ga mvestment ow ne aa M6000 shares com TEMPLETON'S : Adams has done it again fox beller rachon Wn mow ond ice Some day soon, take a VW for on th 1.337.000 Monday A | Bet going whea Wi sowing is axciting drive in the snow. You will find industrial board in HS Pipe Line was ofl -Créam only port ol this amazing car's story. For that in weer, a Volkswagen goes anys eheral Motors dipped NEW : example, there's mo radiator problem where you want it to LINMMENT : and Powe because there is no radiator. Antifreeze VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD Aas x with each box of T-R-C's you purchase In New, Applicator Bottle Specially his -, your neorest wagen dealers. compounded to give Quick Relief from Wiel oar ' N advant \ Artheite, Rheumatic, Neuritic Pate, h on ore Volks h Home mbed une Back-Ache, Sciatic, lumbogo, Mescuine A - Campbell Red Lake Sirol and Wrenches. SELF PENETRATING They are part of a network of 331 officiont VW service centres right across Canada. ampbell Red Luke] Hobe 108 Weeder SHESNURN GOI D Eipocialty effective : 1 i at 10%. while what wad wilh \ \ \ S BY A N } A OoTO RS rade balwean nations ire wd a al 3% A ® A £ wo-way steel, Every STOL RARE hi a (CP SOOME PAN ¥ \ CANADIAN RYE WHISKY 334 RITSON ROAD SOUTH. Ger oh , hie FREE TRIAL TODAY ing reet x ra h hl TEL: RA 3.3461 i 1a oth was found Mm showing wa the Chair, i