The Oshawa Times, 23 Nov 1960, p. 19

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ve ' Vit J ik al of ' ' re? 43 ~Wonted To Rent A4--HWouses, Apts, Flots [14---Hloviss. Apt, Floats [4----Houes, Apm, Flats [sda--Rooms For Remt (45--Reol Estate for Sole (45--Reel Soils 10) for Sula af THE OSHAWA TIMES, Websssbey; Movember 23, 1960 19 F war ow Finished hmsshb TARE For Rent FICE Toom lor girls, Tue single beds WE met, 1 dey ae bovis, on EL do . Want sak ing hatitias, ed - deep in, we dian ii Be Wo ng A IRUEMIATE sossession, Srowed floor, WOW a rom, piesty furnish FREE -- two - room periment, sol i ear OAR '% ints or perm Ei "ee w ra # 7 " ip ", 19 ens pig 8 IF Women oF couple i ex A Eat Ae FobR~ 99 se08 WOWN, 919 87 p Av oA plant, BLA as. yA my WL ne he for oy vir re rove ap 7 | in pot Eni Wa bor » bnew ny wi a oy hots, Flots |, le WE With or without boeid, tee #4 dL dE LX dogg ko For Rent " (sr amrmEny, aE A A Co RRAND new, fursiched tesa pila = Whres rooms, WRke Lu Clie Telephone HA B ; Wiahen, private bath ene eal ' iid Sonny, Addis, whe CA welcome, WA SU 4rment meets ed Prat A ., Sok #54 pees 1 190 ann unkurrished arin oA a = hz | dad wr ary Viva ithe . Slane | rovins tor rem, $5 monting, war rey sitached Aor MODERS, two Bedroom spsriment, den Avene, RA - RA 51568 ferred Apts $6 Drew Slowest Pe Tor: . Wo three bad eipped close in South Generel Monee arn" Ll et om sper SEWLY desorsted. ' stad a Vere pom ra rl all pn Lad rd ow pr a $65 monthly, eviiletie December pow in new spertment bong, FE pon riek hows, _-- ae i» ¥ clophina RA 8490) Figerninr ond Wave, Paves Peking 7 best, alanine {Soom Ladera ad yo, Sh (SINGLE furnished oom ad hy Mile , LIST WITH LLOYD eierd Vy hes, hepvy Suby wong, TY serial, | Rome, fas | y Lo Bn. i EIGHTY - room havse on paved youd, ve Wiwies welk lo General Motors 4 wveiuhic Decommes 1, RA 'soi, fo Gl, oo pt fy HH i | oul Staghen TTL -- VER hydro, water, 4 Wowmaprile #5 yo M60 monthly. 5 Muisgs Foed, RA 1g eh ecambes b i), i I Rocker Bs : z ol THEN CALL YOUR MON re wil #4 y S074, end Bath. Eh ido la Th 1, Morey araligiie now, Wike Box Bo. 4 Fors raara ond bath, pain Fen a Bo iy Private en. witches win yo ad 9 toll rer thio o es BEVERLY sT AND Tore = fe wwii Times "wo Tay, po-- ok sed Eps hs vi : fon ATI a Wen AL hts, uppisien, lta of wares or #" Hi ne ary Ar Anat park: | yh ott -.) modem IBRAIOW 08 shay Cares | LA SALLE AVE, fi Prive, " A, now nes, Wm Bo ar aik . y Asx. of bested" Avciohe now Teg a bow, BA 49441 Jars re (FOUR roomed sboptinons, vofeigera NCW furviehed rors, how oy otis Pr Owner | Five room brick homes plus thon naw Shop FIVE Tum honioh 108 WoW, BUT Bee ee, S70 witer § pom three 100m Gperiment renting h Rr wh v SELF CONTAINED hiss ivam ii Ai ay Si, wr Wnciyding Vill Sires, Ohad. pee now, end bo i NICELY Tw ie oom zl a a or Porites 101,300.00 mnikly. Ouner UAY & KIDD ment $55 montis. Wcludes hont, | AL cellar ior orngs space, BA S445 FULLY furnished hres - rm oper of emenses, Ap Kons! Bigest eon {soiid re a? ddhrus $30.00 monthly, vB godly 1B one Co (Ay SEARTHENT for rent -- Selramialn | mens downetalss, semiymvbie Fie anit ence PRIVATE, scll-coniained, hiss roam one isc Lo hn pari XA BA Gone, Ce epine workman oon oll EALTCRS Api 4 oh bedroom wiper pRment, na both, O88 WEN ah i WHS haovy duty range and yyyp -- "wnd ih on second floor, B91 A Tomar ! soin landscaped T REAL ROH Tiniss with two BRINE, elose central, south of Oehews Clime Ave with rivets entrance, pening. 9 it Ag HA hopping eshte hii Per oe ress foetiiies, Sul wow sY fo Ea Fry (of King | a wien Kath Mt oh Whitby Plaza 10 Amwniown sid. (enersl i Fh scomber |, Apoiy 9 RELOE pibert Street, a 07 hod Arenas, ' responeitie emis, 'Tolephone R, As bl) Hes refussd, ow dont down i vit i wo i147 dare oh Wot No. 1 K s file tor rooming house ar sibienins. |\Cgt ned Trev aoari.| WAKEHOVSH toad fuse, XL 1 ly 30 bi SODERN wo ---- Lovey, Mgt room: light' hist To por Mai eavhone Me oo * money, Fie Fred rts Jones, E84 A 8.5123, 313 Brock 5t. 5, $a Santa hs gags two Mocks west of oh A ana P, Leming 4 Y ih hike hedromine, sewers. oi Hine" dat, time RA S893 wvening Tent, U0 LOWE FOO BPRIVIHERL, henled entlemen, ness hospital, bus, W, 9.9 private sairance, 910, lurniehed or wn. WODERN four oom Aewly dogersiod Separnie entrances, TV outlet, Wasing | b4 5 1, 377 Wngsdnle Avenue garage, _SOrRer int, , M6 ? $5179, 6 MODERN ROOMS FOUR - thom spariment, equipped nih 4 iad 1B Market 3.3996 apartment, SOVE, Mig dryer, machine, dryer, heat, wales spl Toronto EM 3.9603 refrigerator and stove, PIV outlet, parking #00, BA Use of celine ehildran, welcome, S100 TWO Tarnished rooms, hedrsom nd PLUS [] ¥ " wt lance Suitable. or cove uh FURNWISNED vo" rooms. sins Hele | od monthly. Wh 8192 oF 5-oh kitchen with refrigerator, tilt cop Whitby MO 8.3414 one shold. Prone RA 57618 privale Srownd floor, relniger dior; con - 4 i and mink, sil ciRvEniences "o $75 00 INCOME 4 APARTHENT ~~ thies rooms Wd bath, FURNISHED thies - room Avaiiniant mr OAD, ' foots i vaom POFKing, Feasopabie, 98 Contre private wivance, on big line. 10 mis lor working seule, or (hiss rr > Koen Bond -_ BW, epnen ealior Double attached go 00% EXCELLENT BUY i) bE wie i YWRlwWR omy wen, ' wer AY i da Faome four bedrooms Apily 85 Brock Sireet 5750 FRONT [a rooms i pi Bid pow avaliable, 197 furom Telophone BA () wiisr 4 pm \abie We private hams, #2 Perk we 187 KING ST E RA 8-466) ed driveway 3 nan fir. Beoutiful storey stucco and A aii 4 8 yg YA a ATA si So, ogi rion 1 | Sloe Si 7, he no oom » 0 + FOUR APM . yoo i" pr bcd "| 8 room, sul or one ern Kithan, second Noor, wilt Iuemess RITSON Road South, clove 16 KK uid stove, oi hosted. modern pi Ee Rs LE fey ry io ins "Athel| Meat and Delicatessen business, centrally locoted Ag} good $1500 Coll Bill Miller of 30 x 16 with fi din- ol ldivan central 106A, Hh three room snd. KAEhen, Navy WIIDG, eit. comamed, In syerment: DIONE, Hop on ns? ony \ Sirens turnover, Up to date equipment, Size of store 13 x 45 plus 8.5123 ing room 15 x "Good on suid icmnndbons 3 He 18 Ritson Bouin, wiles 5, BA Feieohome WA #4013 Ba kin ov Ha 3700, "ing sass separate work room; 36 feet of display showcases; 19" » ¥ : poi bedrooms, full base avi 9 a o FS oROOM turnished, heated apartment |KEARLY new three - bedroom hangs i BL 4 hedroum apart brtments CLEAN furnished spariment, Hove, 18 "5--Reol Estate for Sale wolk-in cooler, Good term lease. Reasonably priced mw Sune! LLOYD REALTY LTD, ment, Lot size 54 x 130, Sate, rengsreir VY WISE rit lon: Closer a Bis ad sacle 91% Cor," ren, OUR i Vatercon, tosere cL SOK J Niche Goad lo ARES = wid WRC ANT) has other interests For appointment and Rl) detell col REALTOR Bal Somers; 10,990.90, hath. entyanes, parking, was h y le No 0 oh . 4 I 3 ORY ERIE R 3 Poming iB y WA "848%, pis AB) For appartment al | A 4801, Dosing UAE: th AOE | Mu] water, hydes, $12,500 ood SETI. OF amram ssmn---- A ---------- ---------- RA 8.5123 ~~ RA 8.5124 Coll Bill erde, RA 57920 # worm house, three bedrooms with THREE "1ooms and Swi Private EXEhARES om iy property. Tindall Weil | RA 8.5125 BRO cK STREET HOUBE += for rent or sale, new, ox dd oil healed, immediste seen Estate, RA 50428 oh $85. Phone RA 41852 or wills BROOM modern brick bhunislow on h it Alexandre hapted. very ceptral, noders, " parking, 25 Broadview Avenue, Toronto Cadiliae Avenue South, renting for $90 | bork Terenas AA Lol) VIER Ladue, Sho, IA A006 "AD RE lots VIA Soproved. good 101 SIMCOE 57, Ne. Lovely building lo = Brock hi A 1 abl i diately |v ¥ | th miles Ld FOUR room spartment, sink and ORE , BURNERS, Sr n= THREE, room spariment, Wied a three - opm APRFUMSNE Wad | £erden a ree y Street South, 5% frontage # | $5500 with terms. Call K. Chomke, Jos H : >) ; supbosrds, on 15 Ritson Rosd wiy decorated, Privite eRiERRes, con heneile, self-contained, newly deco 4 Hh PrP sasonably ca ir Quic Svaiiahie now. Phone SBI18 fier § APARTMENT for rent, four somms 17] Pay ribin Y of v7 A glad, wove sd" reinighraiar. fark | Bo ey Loin Ll SEE SALESMAN AT NEW INFORMATION CENTRE : sole. Coll Bill Goverde sell -eant GRY RBIRNERS, W ry FAG ) 5 ) Pe ne L FOUR room house, Verge Tol 888 sellin Ae tor eur. SECOND bioek from Shawping Centre, bona #8 Gib BFeet, APL 1) pose and Warn. hee miles a Om T INCLUSIVE Members of the Oshawa ond monthly, available immediately. Phone [USEC SCIEN S056 for further per | four rooms aad privaie Bath, parking. wt Simcoe Bireet entrance awa S1A400 asking price with leims REALTOR District Real Fstate Board RA 4074) Hewlers 2 Sleyenson Road Dorth MODERN thraeioom hasement apart: Coll Jo Chemo, Joe Bosco Reslior | : ee - THREY room sell eontained SRL og pT Rare ng alow tor rent, THREE room apartment, Including pment, pr nd whee, $16 HA 59870 | FROM 2:30 TO 5 P. M. PICKERING ment, new kitchen snd Pathroom unite, consis: ng of Ave rooms, leeated at 16 Kiehen, hutlidn euphosrds, heavy duly weekly, no fon be sen ONLY M06 down one mortgage. for DOUGLAS i. i ay Ry Bg Rd Knwarths Speer, Apply 100] Simeoe *irine, parking, ciate to Wis, Telephone wnylime, Fone HA Vine Dalunce, earrice $67 monthly, news dee 2 Completed Models--Both 6 Room bath $. N oe 4 beret Routh for details A Baht] allies m TWO room spariment, tarnished, con. | orated, large lot, privaie drive, sodded| 6 LL14 .» Newmao ' y THREE room Speriment, sonal | piu soon ose avaliable Tee 1, THREE room speriment, bedioom, (noe ht water, near GM and bus, back ind front, bases, shoe pewars| With Attached Garage--Also 3 other homes in el on Brick and stone GOWER sation, private entrance, hepvy "li om Courtice Rond, all conveniences ng room, kitghen, three-piece hath, business lady preferred, BA 61680 tho one | all 'conveniences, Yes, advanced stages bungalows, only 5 left af half ; weon, Rel! ! Wiring, 'private hath, talaphohe ile from main Wighway ea 1 |compleiely furmahed, no ehldren. Tel \gwn pnom unfirmsed spariment, hat. #3 Sot, V. 1 isdn 6%, six rooms, Holywood R T R pr slephone HA 58070 Pha : rivate bath, gas ¥ heat, hyd fume extraction, A 14 Ll 4 tri suction condoms ow deg POUR + trom WORE Dut Va parlrien, "to gi moby. VID Ore or oe WA ~| Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd. ogy TR areas, divided 41 GLADSTONE AVE ed, hot wale th nil heating. © ; private entrance, RAvale Tele oho yi further inf - 6C8 Cer itil, hal Wale WH ii me rking, RA 81788 after § pom. | Telephone BA SHIN for further In(6F opp tor Thapecilon ~ naw odors FOR SALE | 6SIMCOEN, RA 3.2265 12 PRINCE ST, basements, some 5-piec . RA 8.4651 Apply 31 Charlies Birest -- spariment for rent, two rom . amie tile bathrooms, FOUR = room spariment, private en MODERN three oom furnished hase: | (Figeraior, stove, washer, yA Ww New ranch style bungalow rr --. ------ Model attached ore $ in BARY welcome, furnisned two-room |G oCuc Log Elin TTY outlet, stove, pear nent apartment, private Bath, laundry |aplenns, parking, elo "we A | with attached gorage. In on $13,800 to apartment Ml conveniences, near norm | ERECE SUG SOUL Tint Somerville Street facilities, TV peril, ail conveniences, Centre, #95 85 Montrave . each floor with separate GM and hospital, hus of door, Phone B00 SL sult business couple, Telephone KA Geli T ual = sell eh, i of the best districts of Whitby, Ing from $95, " ited , meters, seperate bathroom, ba 1 " | FURNISHED apariment--three rooms, 32003 , ed three rooms, second fl | | ai living room, teen ) a O I n payments from hot water heating. Ideal In- ents OOM on q i om hom TWO thiee room 7 4 ih wai Rd 1 heated. glenn, TV splenns, Esraie ipaadd hiusshaeping rosy in a clean trance, halsony and beds $, O Resales from $11,900, In 0 e for onyone, Pull ings, Eastend, ab med, partially fur: hath, stove, refrigerator, Ld bathroom, plus many exirgs rie $12 700 ith $3,500 Apply 958 Windsor or RA B47 yw hed if desired. O 1 fi pihly / . price ) wi y [4 po 1 by or and " LL posi a LE vote "Path ists AA ph Jovi] yy A Mant ausanaid Bon" T1 Port alas Phone IA 4182 To OSHAWA SHOPPING CENT] E RA 5.6588 various areas down, Centrally located ond ' I' privates i J - room brick bungalow, oll hested RL | and Ly a, ot Ph downtown and Shopping Contre. RA pu iiy oom hested apartment, his NEW. MODERN 4 ROOM Rentals from $65 to $108, Yacany now, Coll Selly Wal. plece bath, large sige rooms Atel couple, five minutes from four eor iness couple preferred, hesvy wiring ! oD NORTH- EAST AREA Whithy, Pickering, Alex ce, Box 241, Oshawa Times ners, Avaliable now, RA $2428 UNFURNISHED three vom, apark: HA 1 2617 after 8% h 0 / $1,000 down with full price ANE hedroom Apartment dt small THREE bedroom hangalow, Wiahen, | Ll: Mok bears etephons ON and two © bedroom spariments; Ranch-style house Toe story brie 750,00 Rrivate drive and gg A mortgage Direct Ny 7 to be arranged, Two bath. on, new tri-plak, slov a , fon a 22a naw slave and relrigersior, fumishe: r ) ust be sole ¥ washer, dryer. Lansdowne Drive, paved yy A room, TOUF IRA 42033. 698 Albert Brest Lor unfurnished, KA fxr ar RA 3935 Close to school, shopping end rooms, 6 large rooms, wel og, adults onl Telephone RA Ee APARIMEN d hath, Whitby ' decorated, low tax bas fs ony _ ATFRACTIVE three room apartment, | igen AER "anv for ehil; (UNFURNISHED Ghree room Bpart| oc service, North west sec NORTH "WEST AREA Toronto ...,.. § mortgage for balance, ' Moke ore mse | street 1ovel, private, three piece bath ment, heavy wiring, TV outlet, x Riis: stove, frig. Abstainers, adull home dren If moihas darks, parking: fired | reusanahle, slorage space, adults, WA| tion, Owner leaving city Five room bungalow on large landscaped lot, with paved drive, | Pickering... WH 8770 intment to see. Coll ONE MONTH'S central, HA BA676 svenings or BatUF G55 aferrilt Sireet at6ih 301 Glhoon _firest Telephone RA 5-627) Asking only $12,250, with reasonable down payment, Call us i % lv Wallace, " | ays NFURNIHID four-voom 118f, ground bout this CUSTOM BUILT 5 LARGE three « room furnished apart ; abou FREE RENT NW Ty Wome, tty 18, 1a | mani, nese Shonnint Comte od" oe C0" tt. ter bo: ht fracoun Simtroom' bik | pou 'Gower, a 8.4481 5 Lat, 0 an rvice i he ' iy / by " Biv Yas V-laadicion sion: Th Abvly 18 Harrie Avemie service am LB Paria Avaliable id aes Bouth General Motors, 77% Albert F SWERDFIGER NORTH- WEST AREA hungolew on lore jon 23 2 re h obi THREE bedroom house, Wise two - ' : dh a ; pes o modern, spotiessly kept apartments n another ding, five hACHELOR amitment " wig] LARGE furnished bright twa - yoom OR inom, home » duplex; separate mater - 8 room, Sewn, bedrooms with double closets, utom os For Sole apartment building, Centrally [room 'and four vooms, available, WA Liioniilic 'washer and dryer. Apily 915 SRAriment, clean, very Sentral, re REALT 0 w, both comple yah oh Lo oll RAS: py siding doors, large living |TH¥i ONNVHOLEY, gond ¥ unaing " 1) rainy May 8 ol and n 7 gl as dripped Monirave Avenue, ~Apariment 1 or ita We Bimess Norte we Wa] 114 BROCK ST, N, y 6 y p room with pleture window [Riniarised. S76 or bes offer, Te #9 (twindow gloss), cov ling, parking. Automatic laundry PARKWOOD FOUR raom house, In Boul end dis pill Tarnished SUATImONL slosh, WHITBY, ONT OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY bullrn volo bow, Holly: TR a ule facilitie trict, close to hus. Telephone RA B-627. | STRl oes ince Rathroom, private wood kitchen, loads of cup~ J SOUTH END = (hrearoom apartment, |ontrance, sulbable for business eouple BUYING OR SELLING After hours please coll; boards, ceramic tls, spla M 8- 4770 firivate entrance, untirnished, in wot or mother wil hid, day 'esre svell FARMS, HOMES, LOTS, KY 7183 Wes Elliott, RA 8.058) exhaust fon, ceramic tiled |B6 WELAYK Chevrolet sedan, eiogn NN ] MANOR home, haar his stop Telephone RA able KA 8.0707 MORTGAGES Disk Younis MA & 3.2397 ol Nor, " 5-6588 bathroom with 4-pee. colored |hroukhonts ii Telephone CENA Completely duplexed, 3 rooms bids THREE rooms and hath, priveis an APARTMENT, "sell. contained, park Ho also twa rooms and hath, gy Office Call MO B-BO3) Lloyd Corson RA 3.253 bath, bulltin vanity with DELUXE ing space, newly deeorated, suitable for (vale entranesi |sund fueliiies) in ---- -- - forges mirror, double Plarson couple, avallahle immediately, Tels apa tment house. RA 8-908 or he After Mours dows, No, | ook and tle hone MOhawk 80048 for further par ON lev lars er contained (hres ¥oom APAriment, Harry Jermyn MO B.389% T LF APARTMENTS | o\cmnay avenue [ines Epa) Rok "Tht Shes ium? Gt copoues Wosombe| © Sum oer, Ron A el some, 8, i ae v ol NEW BUILDING (PARK #0. & KING ST. hans mA" pt a inka | WH 2-495) REAL ESTATE LIMITED youn NEW three « oom old private | 1a schools, West central with with. bath, available immediately, ne mmediate Phing " sh rent, possession, on canivel with on Quist, residential s 1 vant, |kth donaral Motors, $4 Melage Road |Avily 1140 Wesker aro "MM NORTH END! | 40 KING ST. E. DIAL RA 8-4678 is : (TE Strest after , low price ha 12, 00 00" ' Immediate yoy ane. pig By ae, thromd 1 & 2.bedroom Apartments, |OENTRAL lncation, Taree warm eam: | GROUND floor -- four-room apariment, OSHAWA BLVD, §, «= Close Stoves, 'frigs, T.V, outlet, |fortabiy furnished room, In clean, quiet private hath, entrance, parking, lsun $695 DOWN to King St, low down ri LLOYD REALTY a home, hoard If desired, Gentleman pre. dry room. 165 Verdun Road, RA 55006 a oh this Wall apes, park Kod monthiv, ferred _Ahstainer. Telephone WA S-0819, | GURNINHED Two: room apartment, . i $1070.00 DOWN room, 2-storey brick Rents ya thinng OIHAWA LTD, Earned arape ret bere i ine: auahiawn maw. Wa or: oes DETACHED--OIL HEAT : hardwood and file floors, 4: PHONE NAlIng, Cour u wali Bree ( ONTHLY peo. both plus 2-pee, bath, RA 8-5123 RA 8.7272 RA 5.8787 a he: Cortef Fi HL rest ill) Le "Tight housekeep: ONE 00 MONTAGE RICHMOND STREET EAST oll heating, Vacent now, 4 hetwesn 7 and § pom ing ronms, nleely decorsled, hot water ROR fefmam Duan; of] hurnage hots (55 305 Ritson Hoad oven + Don't wait till prices go away JUST | BLOCK FROM KING STREET HILLSIDE AVE we Clot to duly wiring, $H0 per mont Ll M, Plant, 5. Albert Strast up. A limited number of bun h bi low, fil WHITBY CLASSIFIED Wi nd WT RR, Wiis | 44a--Rooms For Rent galows wil lft ot $12,095 WHAT A LOCATION . . . Barnvoom: oak and ni leon Sey Mad wR NEW Targe furnished roam, hoard If ee Our mo dels and have he forced alr oll heating, Joss. One, | adults. Auidll desived, excellent hus serviee, a home| constructed in your choice o {1 landscaped on: core an, fully equ ' . | FOUR from | [ A 50861 " miles er Een par "an Entre wor | Pan rt Wh trivate pr rep VRALE, suey (ro ot A | color WE REPERY WHAT A HOME II... glad. Full price $12,000 oy PAAR, Boe rt come, MO 8-484 » [with modern furniture In elean x : - twhrrha entrines, parking. 118 Adelaide ooking facilities if desired. One win ih oh CASH pad for used furniture, refrig:| TWO on om wparimenia, smart: | LoL GAOT cooking One NH A, marigage carries FOR RENT oD pa un Lp Giri panel raion stoves, skaien aime aR% 8% br A Saat, vont: | THREE Tom iF | Fil BROS Conite" Man "snl, WM) LL C0' monthly ; WHAT A PRICE! roi: Brose: aye on. Brel King Bel |Fa ficle. Mtidiown' Furnitre, m Bs [7 Vy i miogs d onl ; North. MO 408 Fiirmiahad roams, newly (MeRl Brivate whiranee Bak 'eatbon | fWo firmianad Tousshasping rooms, WE REPEAT St. E, near Simeoe ai heat: | ible CT 4 erdroam and h or 4, y FOR RENT -- Desamber 1, three-ro0 { on. | Fast | ark [hd apnea. Aphy 1 Anes Brest. These bungalows are detach: $12,685.00 with N.H.A monthly payments of 74,57 Ing, 3-pee, bath, Immediate fit dow wr ie i asso A any BarkIAE heRvY Yulding, 180 4 RITAON Woad Mouth a1 Georee, mod: | SINGLE room far one gentleman, ad with private drives whieh Includes both interest and principal possession, $85.00 monthly, -- ose Telephone RA S3014 ar fi. refrigerator, like ne | fw with recreation ream, reasonable to 4 ; WE REPEAT LLOYD AYERS hy OLRMOWRIL WILE Filly -- Viking four burner, slecirie stove, wae: | Hane tenants. Apply M8 Ritson Road © Picts. 63 Grenfell 'Biveel. RA 88731 A ped, twa tone, In good ions 8 FOR SALE - IT Mo ia, in ching, email drop ost inrams | |Latiak ly 08% FUNNIRHED we rooms with Wiiohan:| These homies ore oil heated HERE'S WHAT YOU GET; REALTOR RA 3.2254 after ones £008 go dit Le] walnut ponse Tod condition, reason + vinylite lop Fo an RARE WENT Tren "Three "voams,|®'te, suitable for young veuple ar givin) gx rooms and recorated in - Oshawa, -------- Bivd able. MO 808 ren (aols. MO 84TH aparime " ME | ililng tn share, RA 56448 after 4 h, partly furnished or unfur oils, Sewers, scheals, shopping 1050 sq. ft, of floor space Brick veneer with partial he OWEVROLRY Wel "Tour door FOR BALE -- 6.90 x 15 tires, three hun house of your nolonger sited | private hat ONE furnished von i 4 Lune: 4 dred miler only, good as new. $18 pair, : on" by a mbt nly 00 Nims arte! Nendeman gy your doorstep o bedrooms ; stone ow A ' ord Ny wa Phane MO $40. Chat i aot ---- ONE Targe unfurnished room, reason: Large madern kitehen with orcad air with oll heating VRoL¥Y FOR RENT ~ Anarimant, Miehen, in 1&1 joified Call RA 3:04 today! | REARGN ARTE "Fallahia fananis, (able vent 94 Prince Street AND inette Living reom with dinette OLSEN hohe wal ite, hedroom. Priv athream and ho shtrance. Heal, ghts, water supwiied alse feathers wanted vid in atm, hliERished NICE furnished room, new home, kif: | Exhaust fan In kitehen Ceramic tiled bathroom walls hyo RA ¥ privileges, fo fleman. Phe ih PONTIAC ho a "Oestre" "North, ghia' MC) Ho MD ¥ 3044 Roiieer Hi. Jake | Raat 44k duty wiring HA 5 Ths after Ap an fay i $695 1S THE FULL 2 aluminum storm doors Iron railing on front porch REALTORS hy de aufent Sinise nr. din, i Po he doy ot #| main "| COMPLETELY furnished hageinani ye IT woah DOWN PAYMENT Laundry tubs Gravel driveway Rndibelr AvhiY oe Hireod A apartment, newly decorated, hen tic 68 Warren Avenue nA Wl Sedded front lawn Prepald services including SUNSET HEIGHTS f wok Ph MO 0 8:04 ing voom, four plese Math plus lar Te pm. Phone ) ! M y ereation ream, ulavition oulel, drver [R¥dra, included, oy samt Avalae LARGE furnished housekesping roam Storm windows and screens eurh and gutters, $12,300 buys this five room i mileage, any ATR Fig ord, FOR BALE -- 8480 down, five-reom king, Adults preferred, RA |M% fale . low, 1arge living room, mod: Lad h Ll partioulars with vefrigerator and oni boars. Ap - bungalow, featuri 1, Hi A B8an, arn witchen, hres" nedreome Newly | i HEATED modern res roama, Kiiehen "0 TH. Jan Road South . RA 5 8831 3 models to be built on these 9 beautiful lots so call kitehen ith, pas: Ag shay ATTRYATH Aye a a on 19 ) wo tment " y Se Bowman A a Aidan PRON BA an Ta, a (hig 101 Sacrifice. RA habl) oie on | W, T, LAMSON REAL ESTATE this office for an appointment to see the models at aren, also dining room, living (30 bev oeni, Qin menthe to | ht am MO 83 ey COLD WAVE ville. Also store, (ROUND tlonr, private entranes, two L To. -- your earliest convenience rom, two ore Bg bbl io HH FOR WENT -- Ts Thom 404 ROWHANVITLR = Faas aparimant, finished raomi, heated, close ta North : " . me complete WIth GIUMING | pan Vil, "ane swher onl ment, with 0) floor, aoms. Kita 6, hath, laundry Oshawa, A and P. Apply 28 Orohard a um storms and screens, Autos a na. stove, hol Contained Phond| From $6.95 (Lanolin ene [IN Ho: vont $0, Phone MA BaavY View Bivd JOHN A. J AFTER 5:30 GALL matle washer, double garage Noare: epponie. Brewery Wr 3388, riched), Includes expert shap: [Ani 3 8 Queen, Bowmanville HOOMER ol 0 oda OR REN lower ® ng and set by Ken "Whitby's EYGHT room hriok hame, sxeellant con. | 100ms, ne Ri conan, soiniariabie B 0 L A H 0 0 D Jos Maga 5:92191, Marion Drew 5:7610, Dick Barriage 5.6243 | inapeet tall Nowt Hodg- BUYING OR SELLING SEE Hex, hes 1 roe Youn, | Lead! ¥] Hair Stylist". Phone dition, tose hy oapits oft heating, | 44 Lalharne East. RA § Lloyd Metcalf § 6983, Everett Elliott 3 9290 100 9 ' ar even | outlet, Rarage A ly 1918 Broek ih, ATA mmediate son, Wins = ings RA 8.4408, MO 8.4400 after § Bom MO 8:5124 for appointment, [gatkie, Wnietile, Bone ia MINGLE or pis ay OR LIMITED TED CAMPIN FREAN flab, Cod, Vaddosk, and saie| __(Coiffures by Ken - TWO furnished housekeeping roams, | 114 133 Celina Street REALTOR INSURANCE SANDRA ST, MOTORS fillets arriving every Thursday from hedroom and Kitchen, refrigerator, | ; Mere | lly good Lunenburg N.§. Smoked fillets, kinpers roam ut On [FURNISHED room, home Brivileien 167 SIMCOE ST, § ere Is an exceptionally g LA Ble, a nt ponent dl PLANT YOUR [Fo frat hyo 6 ALENSIAR Lo ol Ht RA 5.6544 buv In @ three bacroom brick | 607 KING ST. == OSHAWA mixed salt pork bungalow three years old, oysters At South End 1GA, Whitby, MA MONTHLY four - ream, vacant h p m T ¢ (Just East of Wilson Road) trol hans, sink. allel, hat water tank Ha TIN his home is. tastefully decor asi. Firshal BULBS NOW ie: iia sameat hese. with Sa en mont oe oon. 15 $1,000 DOWN $1,000 REAL ESTATE gled ond 'wootiemly clean | RA 34494 Res 3.3974 N twa raamed apart v ror RENT Lorde waranmed apart tove. Avply 1 HAN Sirol, Rear Osh Spectable POrSon. ABDlY. 70 ORANG throughout. Large landscaped Dairy 0 Sixsroom storey and a half Private hath suiabie for us| We have a large variety |*%* Btrnel 0 lot with older shade + CA AUCTION Toes nonin. Phare MO $2984 of Duteh Nl Nursery fe WILE, Sivoet. earner of Hlimeoe, four DOURLE roam with small Kitehenette, Baths FIN oil lumens hard IT ONTARI ST aluminum storms ond Missy R . enn 0 SON ¥ vk A o WO BO 1 Tv ET Ios thmalied. Walter matt, Stock Landscaping [ms Aumiy Nil Sireet, Suhaws' (und shiva. parking, ve. mines] Store and Stora oh RA 8-1679 To Vaneau pd Ye, Silurian, Ye am and Chast Wail Bane MO 82863 " CeNTmAL Toeation, we . Joom ar [ram Dupiate Ings, sult gentlemen | included in deal. Asking only - tad te ane Is Hoo Buy or sell here, iment 3 » \ VFEWRIT art arvvat. Newt BEVERWYCK [Shed snartuant, sitabie, fae omnia $10,500 full price; Taunton 07000 down "a8 NMA | OSHAWA CAR AUCTION and uve Hy Midtown vist raitare, GARDENS Tot None "iia, pede ood ou tries. TWO furnished Toothe, enna Toaat:| area. Call Rill Rateliffe, RA ROSMERE ST mortgage. $0 before you buy 25 GRENFELL ST. el vn five + roam thres . bedroom hungs ta Khopping Centre miortable hed 11 Bie orth MO 8 oR bc Raceiber 1. Two hed a ------------ fame olnisphane HA # ht or apply | S.6544 Rangh brigk bungalow with attached garage, fully decorated end any home be sure to inspect RA 8 5179 Ny t partment building, HIGHWAY 13, landscaped, natural stone fireplace, living room, dining room Nill preferred Hd" I Whithy 3 miles north of Whithy ONE MONTH ROSELL Boulevard, 18, imate) CENTRAL. LOCATION and three good bedrooms, Immediate eccupaney=--substantial Shia She vy gaiting dan Olan ATF = Back Tob manure TH foam, uitahie one of Awe gel Men. | Clase to schools, stores and down ment required. Call John Field, days RA 8.1679, nights FoR TATE = Back Job, mae Reta, MO #4738 FREE RENT Bichon mrivinter, weal" Memes "SRY vamuportation, his wep sone | Raa pore Te pints ulin, SABYAN MOTOR BARY Rudsied for sale talking strain, esidence 1430 | strueted brick one and half SOUTH-EAST Modern one: and fwosbed | FURNINHER Ronaskeaping roam, vem | lorey hame must be sold $2000 DOWN $2000 Twa year old brick bungalow SALES LTD. HH rest tral, use af phy nl faoll A | las ¢ ough I WACK Sager, converte: 8 BEAVER room apartments, $88.00 and {IA AUT MNO ak SURREY BOARS, INGUANL | Owner han built another home and offers terrific terms to the | with garage. Excellent value STUQEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN a ad rier. WH nose up. Best location. Telephone phone KA 83507 for then partioulars. | needed to put this home in purchaser of his present 6 room brick bungalow, Well located in ot $12,500 with one mort SALES o SERVICE Can arrange finance Phane MO Hat BARGAINS RA 8.8676. CLEAN comfortable 'single ooms, 81%) first class condition Priced the North End. Many extras included and immediate possession age. For appointment call 4 RITSON RD. SOUTH NEWT machines for rent. ale iar m---- ARI HR WIR beds, suialie 1%! 10 soll ot $11 560, Ror on if 30uired. Coll Charles Smith, days RA 8.1479, nights RA File Ristow at RA 8.5108 HAW. NT, Mach TORTS a a nertina| 14" STANDARD HARDBOARD OFFICE SPACE |i HA 30767. pointment to inspect call 8.82% or (0 5.3608 evenings, Teli RAndolph 3.3461 ewing entre, 111 Broek "treet North, | 4 "sh 1.79 HEATED housekeepl # fi! fed Cunningham aot RA TERR RAK CTR oR hp LR ME FORMULA FOR FINE LIVING LOWELL AVE. --_--. : Fla R Avaliable now. Apply Toke o 1100 sa. ft. brick ranch bungalow, five years old, add Five year old, three bedroom FOR RENT Box. baat and | PORVAR RL WOOD UNBERLAY RENT a pita . { DO YOU LIKE | broadloom throughout, install a 42 ft recreation room with bungalow. Modern family FOR YOUR CAR traile hain saws 4 x 4' she! Ld mame. use of whining machine ago | LUXURIOUS LIVING? | luxury bar, sink and 3 pe. bath, order lots af cupboards and sized kitchen with builtin | aw, gen ~~ a" | 20 sheets or more $1.10 Paisengst elevator service [48 DIew Steel RA S418) after $ pm] You'll love this beautiful | double closets, sprinkle trees about the lat, and place it all on breakfast nook, Seperate VAN HEUSE paint, pray ¢ MAHOGANY SLAB DOORS New Galiding. Cantrell: 16 [RGOM. "very "class ta North Gen | ranch style home only 3 yrs a quiet residential street in the North End. Priced at $16,600 fruit cellar, Forced air oil - rifles, @! Standard sizes == slight de ullding. Centra {oral Motors, far twa genllemen, single old Built by owner, it's con. name your own down povment awner will hold one open mort heating, high dry basement, MOTORS LDE RENTAL 4 cated In downtown area, [BN AI, 48 MARY iruction 1s abo goge for balance. Call now Winse Bradley, days RA 8.1679 ved drive, Vary close to WILDE fects $4.95 "RA_B0808 strue 5 above Jeproach; 4 pa y Service and Sales 4" FIR PLYWOOD SHEETING Moderate rent. Leases now | FITRNTNWED rooms, 0 per week. Ge bi A wo Bg YE 0A JV Tobi! a ph a S$ o MO 8.3226 9 \ Usman only, Telephone RA 3.3883. with large stone "fireplace tantial down payment re. 1415 Dundes E. MO 8-322 - 4 x B' sheet $14 available. RooM a ana weal This home Is situated on o BEAUTY PARLOUR quired, For more information ANDY NAGY'S how #irls, between 3 acre of land in Taunton, $800 DOWN call Roy Flintoff ot RA 2 8 BEAVER LUMBER a and a oh bus J A very largé bungale «S107 or . . \ FOR RENT CO. LTD THE TIMES iit of allaw" of "Se "S| A vers orgs ngolon vot | uniuhed bums 10 years oid showing good wot on ver, | $3107 & RA '33434 san | MERCEDES - BENZ ] KHER (wa reams. alse single. $5.000 down and move right ment has steady clientele and down town location. Present rent | (CORNER DUNDAS & HICKORY Bl ILDING Private. ground floor, | vefrigeralot| in For inspection eall An $30 per month, Bauipment supplies included In full price of RA 5.6165--RA 8.5107 AW ERVL parking, eb FOARARANIY $6" Contre thony Siblock. RA $4844 or $2,000 Call now John Figld, dove RA 8.1479, nights RA 3.2974 far ducrinunatig | people WHITBY Lo A ARTIR S00 PAs CALL 19 Athol St, W,, Oshawa | 408 ING Ww. NST WA 08 Dunlop We st Phone MO Contart L. WILSON and stove, all a Vg hing, { M 3 84174 MO 8.5818 Phone RA 3- S474 (fnasiisw esession. a Abert) Luxury Anartments ember of Oshawe and Winse Bradley, RA 3.2004 lohn Field, RA 3.2874 Members of Oshawa and --_-- Ral eee District Real Estate Board Charles Smith, RA 8.8254 Harry Millen, RA 3.2524 District Reol Estate Board (Continued on Page )

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