The Oshawa Times, 23 Nov 1960, p. 15

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Ba SE ed ka BEE EE HE 'EEE aE EES EE EEE EEE EE AE EEE EEE SSE LAE a A wv rn This Is 48th Time = THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, November 3, 960 15 'Miss Grey Cup' |; Grey Cup Final "| Cliff Pennington Is Coveted Crown 22 72e, the 4h since the a i E i P VANCOUVER (CP) ~ Taken; In between are several press Drst put wp for gg ion Vy aces as Tos A Hi hlight Of Gre y Cup Classic collectively, they measure 319 wierences, & tour of the eity the late Egrl Grey is 1210315, And that's a lot oflond a series of unofficial func it is the 33rd Esst-West finsl.| OTTAWA (CP) -- Centre Chill diene lowered bis average W " THE CANADIAN PRESH om WOInan ia} : hE The East bas won 2 times, the Pennington of the leagueleadiDg 295 gosls sgeinst per geome, # ghlights of East-West Grey As 8 matter of tact, thal"s nine] Saturdey morning they appear West nine Hull Ottawa Chnediens, Bas v thee ols in tHe Lup lipals since the West fir women the nine representing he Grey Cup parade, then The West first challenged in taken a Six-poipt lead in the in 2" RE omy sk slienged in 1921 every mal professions! foothal} 4 for the stadium, And aller 1901 There was no West chal dividual Eastern Prolessions games He leads in shat - owls . Dee, 3, 1920 Famonton Fik he " anada In the Wiss Gres the pre-game. ceremonies £6Y Longe in six later years--190425 Hockey Lesgie scoring race, ani' th three " West challengers; lose 234 up Sompetit " ing gel con sigy for the game Mself 77, 1936, 194-44 crease of four points over bis Sudbury bes taken over se the to Toronto Argonauts Toronis here this week : g i y 4 i tes ith oe AD at toons Here's how the pine em wi ines Blue Bombers won| 68! week's total most penalized teem with 2 teams ewt 10 12 plavers from 'ithe national gridiron classic itm - i Dee. 1. 1923. vets Yom M They come from the cities of] PEUIOTs Mack gp the cup in 1959, winning 2177 over| League olatistics (odey Eave| Ving while bo Wisn * : B-Lueets Laver ; 4 {the Big Four and Western Inier Miss Monbreal Alouette; Jone Hambton Tiger-Cats ai Toronto, |Penningion 29 points Jip qeledls Region ROUEN ETE : provineisl Football Union, By|Seuve, 2, 59", 178 pounds, 3 Buddy Boone of Kingston Fron. penalized ployer with 5 min WA, record ometeam score | Friday night one of the nine will|2>%4, mown hair, bine eyes and dust Kast win Was Hamillon' slo ocne "who felled to pick up a Wes Nov. 20. I024~Gueen's defeats Xo be selected queen of the festival | member of the Montreal Alou 74 VICOFy 1h 1957 over Winml-l ois last week, is tied at 23 The Canadiens established 8 Foronio Bulmy Beach 113, wet ; "4 { She'll he crowned in Empire] ce majoreiies PEE, points with Fred Hitz and Terry record last week while extend ond team in cup history to win Stadium ceremonies Saturday! Miss Ottawa Rough Rider; 3 |r ing thelr home ice unheplen ree straight: no West challenge 7 ? just before the champions of Marion Daley, 18, ¥3', 110 Penninglon and Skippy Bur- streak to 15 gomes, 11 this yesr ay ine to he used fof The present w, 59', 126 pounds zume "a Joke" and say some Wy ih PYJAMA PARTY bounds, SAH Jue hit 11 YOUR me fil night 6 on by 404 points over queries green eyes and a. university Sof ded, The ; For FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIRS end NEW FIXTURES tor rst / Ve 1924.26.27 4 4 wr first of six tin 924-2452] Basi and West meet for the foot-| pounds, 352245, blonde hair Wonlvaal Fons | chell of the (railing Monivesl and two last yerr in their semi {Rovals have picked up the most fing series with Sudbury The Queen is Anne Finlayson of Van-|36.25.3, grey eyes, and leader of ng ous " ' , . Miss Finlayson helps the BINS coro enpioyer on the Alouettes' most valuable es " 44 ) ne on their rounds of press confer Mi ayer this season for the fourth : ' b ¢ 5s Winnipeg Dec, 1, 1928 -- Hamil ' j 4 ences, dinners, luncheons, shows! p Winnipeg Blue Bomber: fo LJ p 4 E dem Dee, 6, 1930-Toro A ' 8 A. get-nequainted dinner and!" agi Lo oo iohewan Rough. Peck Sam Ef erry. Both were GOOD ORDER? 3 . y sched yt H { f Oat 0 d F Statistics Show 50% ident in Saskaloon ! Four allstar team J pit. dire 3 Se : . gu fs ' ¢ | ball title, and she will reign untill blue eyes and a high school stu assists, 19 each previous record of 12 was held but too late to challenge Queer y 1 7 ™ : p, 5, 1925 : 1 leouver, n 19-yesr-old blonde 36-\the Argo. majoreties F rth T ph Rg Sm 4 124-36 university student who won| Miss Hamilton TigerCat; Rose ou ime altri Litt) | 3 0 Fiza : SA H In 8 poll conducted geme-hy private pyjama party are rider; lee Oakenfold, 2, 54 on H » Miss Calgary Stampeder 21 092 vores are NOT -- If You Fall into this Group 207 SIMCOE §7. §. OSHAWA portation east, diiierence Big Four foothall ses liminary judging and a nigh date with Dennis Day are set for], : dh Thursday, On Priday they meet Dee on Fhe : singer Jimmy Rodgers at the Kon Gi i " @ d y og 4 airport, appear on lelevision and); 5 Whee § ' : : ; Ba 1 then have El : ate dinner bhelore and an oll company emploves y hird tackle Bill Hudson was Roughrider i Te y 87 yy the Friday night fingls Miss Edmonton Eskimo: Mary. fourth, and tackle Jackie Simp freal bar 1 tor 4 7 Jo Powell, 18, 58 125 pounds, son fifi hall for atl } I Nays % [4 G 36-24-36, brown hair, green eves Hudson has seid he doesn't : Minnesota Gets [5.02 university student Sidon has seid he dvesi't arte game J ¥ ' | Miss B.C, Lion; Barbara Wol- next season and Simpson sald he males 1 1985 We f y : og 75 Rose Bow! Invite 863 16, 54" 118 pounds, 35, 2 if Hudson doesn't ers of W ipeg Victorias # EB 74 i i. mm hb A - 0 1 v4 {the 1961 final when she willldent » Crown her successor Miss Toronto Argonaut; Beryl Pick Patterson Eddie Johnston of he Cong by Budiwry, ruling Grey Cup) Thomson . -- ---- ders delei Winnip 26 4 1 ithe title & year ago In Toronto. |( rs p 7 54 3 Lo Tige 4 : a Ady f = AA A ye Ua 4 | MONTREAL (CP) Montregl " ais' Elis football tens picked Hal Patier- defeated Regina A and tours that precede the Miss pounds, 5 y el 1 bropde hi 25-34, blonde ha 4 K0: cup Lindl mond | Grey Cup final and dance Friday | Jon ves. anf 7 Wniveraity st. Bame by a distillery, Patterson pled for Wednesday and 5 pounds, 3-23-34, blonde ha two later msde onard 9 7 118 pour 1 vieh V. 2% ns the fan 2 y ack George Dixon STOP WASTING MONEY NOW! ww, onde hair, bus i) dark blonde hair, brown eyes Patterson won the award In MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Phe a8 Vernon, B.C., native, now at- 1955, 1956 and 1957 for a record) University of M hnesolA HER tending school in Calgary number of repeat performances i eying ¢ 4 day night accepted an invitation ---- ' y ( Washington in the annual 937 In ie ) ) pli a ou ¢ esen for the British Columbia Lions | alternoon en Edmonton Esk Rose Bowl foothsll game next A BE = NAN . " i . 3 " ", . " " a ! Foothall Club float. One of the mos and Ottawa Rough Riders | Jar ve. 9, 108 v N ( i ] ee hk " : hip tu highlights of the Grey Cup fe clash in Vancouve Empire Minnesota. the last - place in: = ------ aipeg Blue Bomix 7 f . 4 vities, the annual colorful par Stadium, for the Grey Cup and |ishe n the Big Ten in 1959.} J Otte Rov da | M / le now AMiracis almost FT Canada professional foothal stormed hack to win eight if | 1940 Wi . | 2 Ug ALE I and enthusiasm | championship pine games. this season, shared | =, Canadian, R ry | f 4 js 5 will. he displayed he C PWirephoto |the loop championship with Towa] and currently is ranked No, 1 in - pa ng ne |} n 1941); Ottawa win wer Ton wer defeat) te and see Stampeders defeat tans invade end zone on|the BALOD u has never played mto Balm Ottawa Rough Riders 127; Cal le Edmonton field goal at. 'n the Rose Bow | = AT ' | = game total-point ' 1 1 W ) ry ja | far TE t I mechdown, | ) ime in cup award Edmontor i nele On-| player of the game by sports| J game 1s A 1 or whi vormie H took 1a Rugh I ball Union wr scored 10 points in 10f | histo : ' pass from Quarter Keith Spaith. dropped from cup competition, | minutes four singles and a| ™ & Nov, 29, IW Hue y ¢ Nov, 36, 191 Lew Hayman Nov, 24, 195 -- Edmonton Es touchdown--to wipe out Hamil Bombers defea { y )COMEs on coach to n fivel kimo omplete triple over Mon. lon's 7-8 lead going into the final Riders 18-16 on up championship Montreal | (real, winning 80-27; Toronto Var-|15 minutes; largest erowd in| * tie breaking 38-3 A Fastern Canada sports history,| = third quarts {wil 1 ' v ; y ry Hayman's previous winn / rong final score, showing 51-27; 93,133 saw game at Toronto's Toronto; Geory fg fg shers | Onto Argonauts 1933 J Frank (Pop) Ivy of Eskimos be. Canadian Natlo nal Exhibition d Ottawa placemen oy hive 4p nto RCAF-Hurricans comes third eoaeh In cup history | Stadium; receipis were record m had hooted three fleld Argohal : EE Nov. 25. 109% -- Weal n three straigl Billy | $466,039 -- ticket sales all-time = missed an 18-yard ! } : ot mid bow)' REE {Al Hugh Queer University | high $302,628.50; television radio quarter as ha el Ie rant ' i 11 ¢ $ 0 win over Winnip \ he rst th victories in|flim, program rights produced point; five fleld goals thie | ity 1922-24 Bombers; Jack Wedley 10222324 and Teddy Morris of | $164,810, -- Otta vi and two hy Winnipe "i 27. 148--Cup final be. BOMAULS 86 ts record by playing Toronto Argonauts maiched i in rie ec. 5. IM2 -- Toronto RCAF: comes hig festival spectacle; Cal. OR Seven Cupwinhing leans, six 1045-46-47 , p with Argos (1037-36, 1945-46-47-50),| Nov, 30, 1957 ~~ Fan trips fe fore garians by hundreds invade Tor : 8 Hurricanes first armed ¢ arians by hi is 1 {one with St, Hyacinthe-Donna | touchdown-bound Ray Bawel of conna (1044) Hamilton Tiger-Cats, first time in PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE Nov, 29, 1952--Cup televised for cup history spectator interferes ud first time Argonauts de. with player; Tiger-Cats go on to Toronto | fent Edmonton Eskimos 21-11 core touchdown and defeat | Lanes ave available deily Nov, 28, 1953-Indian. Jack Jae: ¢ pled Winnipeg Blue Bombers Eskimos Are No Strangers 3 Vii FU Smbtil iF ot Cot Te ment nl pon oh clory, 18 over Hamilton ton; Fritzie Har 1568 lee lay, secorin pt in fourth quarts THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY ONLY Alouetle defeat ( a ) stadium scoreboard flashes 1 EE EEE EEE EEN EEE EEE EE EEERE A LJ none for touchdown; turns te Vaneouve Winnipeg DOVER SUITS Of Fine English Worsteds iE RE ERE EBEE ESR] EEE ERD EERE RERS EER NEW SHADES NEW PATTERNS FINE TAILORING INCLUDING THE FAMOUS DOVER CHARCOAL GREY WORSTED FLANNEL Winnipeg loses 126 to Hamilton Blue Bombers defeat: Hamilton ------ C Grid Battles Tiger-Cats Piger-Cats 356-28 in one of cup's " rey up Nov, 27, 196-Jackie Parker's most electrifying games: Qua For reservations phone electrifying 8 yard touchdown! ter Jim Van Pelt of Blue Bomb EDMONTON (CP) Bdmon- oy Twice named as Tun n final minute of ime on ers res me-game-record 22 ton Eskimos are ne ers toll wlan wistanding player, he ! eK Hunsinge famou im TT 1 two touchdowns, two Grey Cup skirm Jarnine for the le, gives Edm nt i I kimo i Of ind four convert hey , Hou ; ih ear. Others 26-25 victory over Montreal Alou { im game In second 4 Johnny Bright, 26, (etle q oT lugging Winnipeg's | Riders of the B Fo ha lO rd Nov, #6, 1955--West ho if cup } wi BOWLING LANES Union In Bat wda i v id pekimos in! final for first time-at Empl ) 1950 Winnipe Blue| alasslo at Vancouve } y 'mes before he. Stadium, Vancouver; crowd of B weak close defensive 360 KING ST. W, plus eonch Eagle K vi Ind h Columbia 39,417 all-time record; Mon ¢ wide open ith 17-point RA 5-885) g Ov Cup lence ¢ PACKIN ! pi ) k with the club treal's Sam Kteheverr ets vee: spl n final eight minutes to n ' he la Grey Cup at least ln of the 1950 record G08 ards bul round fullback Charlie Shepard of the Most of the expe ( power gives Edmonton 84:10 vie:lBomber voted outstanding! vith Calgary Stampeder PUN NUE vo oN ® they won the cup in 1048, Kw } : LAB laved in the tual again in 1049 RECOVERED JL TFR 30 alic \ " . : rn Since then he ha aye In ' : k el Mm middle " at # A A 7 A i 100 he wa famed OUR TWO MOST POPULAR COLOR SLIDE PROJECTORS i" ha CO ' Sever ve mm 4 , ; ; wd with 30 pass completions for it Hamilton Tiger-Cats 21.7; 1 halked up in Edmor | | okle R i" | ine cessive wins 1 J ! "hy A5L BEANO, Was 1956 } when the wep Veteran fullback Norm { ) If ) oul Kwong tops the b-A eth hie njur ON ON EVERY COUNT, ,, FABRICS, STYLES, PATTERNS, COLORS AND PRICE . . . THIS OFFER CHALLENGES COMPARISON THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY ALL { 0 REGULAR ' 69.50 VALUE Regulars - Talls - Shorts ear but has re EEEEE ED] ay in | athlete ol ( f N¢ 0. h (2 4 a ; A alked of retirin nis~ear and { gamit oy : started 1ate He cored q 0 ef the Ki } t Big touchdowns in the Western Inte over the LJ Alouette in 1956 econd Grey Cup weup (Grey Cup keted Guard ward Gino Kmech WAS OUTSTANDING (1), tackle Ja amb (1), cen } Steph fackls provincial Foeothall Union thi season Malthack Rollie Mile guard Ted Tully, 80, have played n four Grey Cup MEN! Look at this! TOPCOAT EVERY SUIT TAILORED BY THE SUPPLIER WHO HAS MADE 90% OF DOVER SUITS FOR THE PAST 41 YEARS EES NSRSEENEEEES or CAR COAT With the Purchase of Any MAN'S SUIT Open A Charge Account ® No Interest ® No Carrying Charges ® No Down Payment 36 KING § Where Smart Men Shop" SAWYER'S 500-R PROJECTOR features remote change forward or 129 50 reverse, and remote focus. plus self-contained case FAMOUS ANSCOMATIC S00 WATT PROJECTOR has remote change 139 00 plus selt-cycle feature, and self tained case BOTh GUARANTEED FOR LIFE BY KARN'S START CHRISTMAS LAY AWAY NOW IEEE EE BEES REESE E EN] Use Our Convenient Budget Plan BUY THE DOVERWAY AT TIME OF PURCHASE IS ALL YOU REQUIRE~--~BALANCE IN 6 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF 7.00 EACH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ESE EF SASS SE EEE ES EERE ESE ESSERE EERE E REE EEE EEE EEE EERE REESE EEEBERRED -- 1919 -- | BODO EE

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