The Oshawa Times, 23 Nov 1960, p. 12

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: CAL AEE EE aaa EE EE EES EES v vr 7 reyered . poh ' Cd EEE EE EE a hala dd i "Eb dE a 4 "vv FY FY YY / (and the search for 8 betler track COnLInues NEWS IN BRIEF REVERSE, SITUATION GUELPH, Opt, (CP) -- Alls Toutsevova, only giri member of California Designers + Favor Strong Colors By SHIRLEY GALLINA (is now practical as well as beaut BEVERLY WILLS, Calif, (AP) Wl, : on Bold, brilliant and beutiful are dow Solar Aelenly " i of the colors endorsed by Caliornia ® " 0 GaTE, Wiki 4 tov Sopids Sines the last designers for spring 1961 he found frequently in many col "Essentially, Proust's outlook | Timid pastels take a back seat futons, alevensy tegrated ne on lie was iragi-comie, # sort [10 the singing vibrant eslors eon "oc er have gone of devil - may - care puritanism (YPIER add zing and stripe - happy lor spring, Even distoried by his Yack of faith ([ashions ranging from sporiswesr soe or "ho uous) harbinger of i bourgeois gods, , , » Would 10 hall gowns, Pan yh Anon po gh . Jom bring me another of those, They were shown at the 10th 4 oD ' i of the striped and striking, Again plegse?"' pnnual National Press Week, wn: ingenious designers have Yeah I had the hour der the auspices of the Calilornia gaded figure flattery through fn virus, too, but in my case it fashion creators, when 9 MBP (ricate mitring and handling of lasted only 23 hours, My dostor fatbirely Ang sityrier gletigners the stripes thought maybe daylight saving paraded their fashions bre , ariRE 4 { fashion ediiors from the United Fabrics for soring will allow % dC * 4 £m Hitter ah ata, os ih fom, souffle and silk organdy; to ' h p slink . , . in crepes, silk jersey or spread color with & dRTIng Wend, Sireich' fabrics: to swish . in in homes as well 8s apparel, has (oriole peau de sole or wos de = Arguments For Abstinance | By HAL BOYLE | wEW YORK (AP)--Remarky everybody gets tired of hear: ing st cockinll parties "We must get together again real soon," "Honey, | did not slart & eonversetion with thet strange blonde, She came wp And started talking to me, Anyway, what's so strange abou! her? I think she's kinda pice" "Martinis slways make me want to take olf my shoes, What do they do to you? "My business? I'm in insur ance, and since you brought the ime had something to do with subject up, let me ask you, d= Fd "Where have you been all my Ife, baby?" "Well, to make a long story 'Reds Aim At Speed Title By DAVID SELLS (7aeord would he a great prestige a Soviet student delegation tours MOSCOW (Reuters) The achievement for Soviet motoring. ing the Ontario Agricultural Col. Sovier Umion has Ws eyes onl The search for suitable racing lege here, was surprised to find Briton John Cobb's still - wn'clreuits and the right type of oply two girls in the freshman enualied world land speed record Wigh - speed track began three class, She seid that in the Soviet ol 34.6 miles an hour, sel in 1047\ycars igo, A site was chosen in Union girls make up the largest on the Bonneville salt ists io the heart of the Kara Kum des percenigge of university students, Utah 'ert, shout 200 miles east of the . . $0 far, Soviet manulseturers Caspian Ses, in cenirsl Asis, | Wb ay have not developed a car capabie| The track, some 12 mi 2 LM (CP) =~ Experts of approaching this speed, BOF | as concrete hard snd Mies long: ments (0 determine the effective. have they found a site suitable ness of fluorine in drinking water for such highspeed record at #5 86%, Bul it proved unsuitable 5 a (ooth-decay deterrent have tempts, But & small group of ear Vr speeds of more than 150 been carried out in Norrkoeping, enthusiasts is woking to the day "'e* an hour and has been aban Sweden, since 19972, 'A report ex- when a Boviet speed artist wil) domed for high - speed record pected soon is expected to show try 1c best Cobl's record purposes, However, it has given a 0-per-cent reduction in dentsl The aitomobile industry here, TS¢INE experts useful ex € caries, house and keep the perty wing." "Darling, haven't you pul ""Fhat fellow over there must be in bad shape, He's heen talking to his own wile for a hough developing, 1s still in its infancy, Bo record-breaking snd | morrow's garbage AGRICULTURE MINISTER and natural resources, He he eame agriculture minister In October, this year, Mr. Hamil ton, 48, is & palive of Kenora, Alvin Hamilton, new federal agriculture minister, is a for mer high school teacher who has never operated a farm He lost six elections before win- | ning 8 seat in the Commons Ont, and 8 graduste of the University of Saskatchewan in short, | three-putied thet green, made the next pardour hole in six, and then, , , " "Actually, as | see it, what we should do in the Congo i, I forget how the punch line pes, but it's reslly a very unny joke." "The food at cocktail parties is so timeless , . , you can't tell today's hors d'oeuvres from yesterday's cold euls ~~ or to "Some people find me a dreadful bore, but others say I'm quite lovable,' "When this shindig breaks up, let's all go over fo your full hour--and the only way | ean explain it is that he doesn't recognize her," 'Okay, V've had one for the road, Now, where's the road?' RUSSIAN FLOWERS HERNE BAY, England (CP Russian sunflowers are being grown by gardeners in this Kept seaside resort, They got the seeds by writing to the Boviet embassy: One women has tied red flags to the flowers "just to keep them sek," ~ lw can be expected to add a come up with a 4ezZIing BITRY 1yndve' tf f ' at yids. te say $ilks and silktaced synthetics The pa i ne " os many all have a gleam or a glistening tones of brig A sors + BEAMING surface, "Silk linen,' a misnomer gold and a whole range of Who cove is veally & silk with # diluted blues, from a lively tes) jinoniike weave, and an import to an Intense turquoise, A light, on fabric for spring bright gregh Wee Wal of 8 Sophos! Cottons, prettier and more co) 3 f | ht z 4 parrot, and a high Intensity Yel "cn "ever before, will be seen in 8 grenl diversity in everything from budget - priced fashions to the most elegant coy ture erestions special lustre to the spectrum, Continuing #8 & major color choice are the lilae to amethyst shades WHITE PRACTICAL TEACHERS COLLEGE White is prevalent everywhere, The Ontario College of FV.duca blazing, pure white wonderfully tion was founded as an education of so many fabrie innovations, it onto in 1907 motor racing are really just be EINMnBg, The Soviet Union already hes entered the world racing lists, Drivers Eduard Lovent of Khar kov end Alexei Ambrosenkov of Noscow have held wogd records for small-engined (250 ce and 350 ee) CRIS PRESTIGE VALUE Lorent last summer broke the records for both engine capacities in a car of his own design on the Baskunchok salt lake flats near the Caspian Bes, where he averaged 141 miles an hour over a measured kilometre (ive from being home: hecoming to all, With the advent faculty af the University of Tor- @ighthe of a mile An eventual oracking of Cobb's HOW YOUR LIVER BILE HELPS BREAK DOWN FATS IN THE DIGESTIVE TRACT Carter's Little Liver Pills' exclusive formula of vegeiable 4 roe lieves irregularity gently and effss- tively. At the same tims, it setusily improves the flow of liver bile nesded 10 break down (sis in your digestive trae fo when you feel ol , heads aehy, nervous snd need » laxative, take Carter's Little Liver Pills, Remember, Carter's not only re= lieve irregulerity, but setuslly im- Bove the flow of liver bile, Get arter's Little Liver Pills today) Laboratory testa have now proved that oer Wie emulsifies Pi rer broken down and form & smooth, ony-fow) mix, n your digestive trast, liver bile helps break down fats the same way, Meany of the foods you eat resch the digestive iraet ne undigested fatty solide, Your golden liver bile hel bresk down ¢ fats, , for o and more completa digestion, for Qu'Appelle in 1957, entering | history and economics, the cabinet the same year as Big Money In Katanga ELISABETHVILLE (CP) Ai The bad: Police state methods; rich and powerful mining monop- punitive warfare against Baluba oly owned and controlled by ab: tribesmen in the north whe op. sentee Belgian financiers appears pose Tshombe; poorer sections of to he the backbone of the separ- the Congo are deprived of a atist movement in the Congo's share in Katanga's Katanga province wealth; political and eonstity- Without the millions poured tional dissension that is giving into the local economy and into leaders In other provinces separ: the provincial government's atist ideas; a tougher job for the treasury by the Union Miniere du United Nations to bring inter. Haut Katanga (Mining Union of tribal peace and economie and Upper Katanga), Katanga's Pres: political stabllity te the rest of ident Moise Tshombe could not the country maintain his independent police The Union Miniere, set up in state: within the Congo 1006, controls all mining in Ka I'he Union Miniere, a company tanga and contributes about a spokesman sald, will pay $30. third of the Congo's entire in- 000,000 in taxes to Tshombe (his come, Robert estimated year This year it will produce 80 per This Is more than enough to pay cent of the world's cobalt and Relgians $1000 a month te run eight per cent of the world's Tshombe's army and police with copper, A sister company, Fore a firm, controlled hand and to miniere, in southern Kasal prov. provide for Belgian "tech ince, just north of Katanga, pro nicians" to run his government duces more than 680 per cent of administration and public serv: he world's supply of industrial fees smoothly and efficiently, diamonds, BACKBONE OF ECONOMY FAILED IN BUSINESS The arvangement cuts both! A string of subsidiary eom:| ways panies, all Belgian - controlled, "Without the Union Miniere process and sell the minerals and Katanga would collapse," a Bel: metals, harness hydro power to gan sald, "Tt would be nothing." feed smelters and distribute elec: There would be no industry, noe trical power, power stations and little com:| Tshombe, a 43-vearold hank merce, The meagre agricultural! pypt husinessman before going| industry would not feed thelinta polities, apparently had | 1,500,000 Katangas living In an enough economic shrewdness to area the size of France, hiteh his wagon to the powerful Tshomhe apparently is aware industry, of this and leaves the Union| Early in the July troubles that Miniere and its §160,000,000 cap: caused the collapse of the central| ital investment alone. The com: government of Patrice Lu pany towes the line, too, [mumba, a political enemy, Cyrille Robert, the company Tshombe proclaimed his prov. spokesman, sald the company ince independent and proceeded will not pay taxes to the central is live off the financial, teehnical government at Leopoldville, with and administrative strength of whom Tshombe is in open polit: he Relgians eal and constitutional dispute, If we did, Tshomhe would elose us up Just like that," he said, snapping his fingers and adding Belgians have no influ ence on Tshombe's policies age | There are reports from other INTER TRIBAL WAR provinees of support for There is some good and some Tshombe's idea for a loose fed had in the situation eration of independent states in The good: Employment and the Congo instead of a strong full stomachs for Katanga miners central state as sought hy Lu and other workers; economic sta. mumbsa bility for the European shop:| Most Relgians and some UN keepers. and businessmen who officials, speaking privately, say know and want no other home but a loose federation huilt along the Congo; relative security for tribal lines appears to he the hest white women and children in the solution te the Congo's internal southern part of Katanga, chaos and political troubles International Finance Group Hy FORRES RHUDE of planning and development Cenadian Press Business Editor The theme will be Increased The International Development Employment through Accelerated Association, a new body whose Industrial Development, purpose is the financing of eco nomic growth in less-developed PLAN TRAVEL DISPLAY countries, announces that it now Travelage Ltd, -- a company is organized and ready for busi: formed by Toronte-Hamilton in Ness, terests--will hold a travel show Membership 1s open: to anyin Toronto April 2L-April 29, be member of the World Bank, of lived to he the first of its kind which IDA is an affiliate, {in Canada, So far, 22 countries have Mri. Frances M, Hunter, the accepted membership, Including company's general manager and Canada, {the show's producer, says it is subscriptions of present mem. designed for all tourists, whether hers total the equivalent of $726, holidaying in Canada or abroad 720.000, payable in annual instal: ~those who wish an inexpensive menls over a five-year period, If but interesting holiday; those all members of the World Rank looking for an elaborate, large jo, initial subscriptions will to- budget trip; and others seeking tal the equivalent of $1,000,000, &n off-beat exotic holiday, 000. Canada's subscription is] Features, In addition to ex $47.890,000 hibits, are planned to include IDA will provide financing in Musical groups representing less-developed areas included in participating countries; a "'gour fis membership. Its loans may met" restaurant featuring foods carry more lenient terms of re. and wines from various parts of payment, and way finance athe world; live displays of arts wider range of projects than and crafts; and fashion shows for those of the World Bank, One both women amd men | stipulation is that prejects| In 1858-the latest .year for shall be of "highdevelopment! which figures are available---Ca priority, sadians are estimated to have - spent $542,000.000 on travel in The Ontario Industrial Develop. other countries, and $1,000.000,000 ment Conference will be held injon Canadian travel foronte Nov, 3:-Nov, 25, spon' The show will be held in the sored hy the trade and industry| Canadion National Exhibition's branch of Oatarie's department automotive bullding. 'S =(CP Photo) While the rest of the country now faces a long pull up the economic hill, Katanga remains relatively peaceful and prosper. ous immense ' 4 m STARTS, A FUN AND FANTASY MUSICALETTE ON THE SPECTACULAR? MOTORAMA STAGE LJ p Marilyn the Magician... will this evil sorceress best the Magic Man? hf 3 The King. ¢ his palace boasted lovely page girls, Che Queent / "Off with his head" she said, then changed her mind, X. 4 Che Magic Man... * 7 his modern magic :§ * The Princess... startled the court, will this high-born maiden choose the Magic Man? Sir Joust~A~Lol... ¥ a splendid mass of might who met his match, x For a full half-hour you'll thrill to the beauty and richness of "The Magic Man!" To the pageantry and color of medieval court life. To the romance, the intrigue, the comedy, the songs and dances of this brilliant stage extravaganza. And it's freeDon't miss it! . Directed by Howard Cable. Choreography and Staging by Allan Lund. Narrated by Bruno Gerussi, GENERAL , MOTORS ERS FO lining: A wealth of sound, practi cal, wonderful ideas thet you can use right new w= ideas that will fill yeur days with pleasure WoNDER-Jied! Why does temperature change ® erystal's colon? How will you drive "ne hands' on the highway ef tdmorrow? Can you change a sound by adding light? These are just a few af the questions that are answered ot the many exhibits where you participate 2, EDUCATIONALI Graphic illustrations of the wonders of chemistry will be "seen In "Preview of Pros ren", Educational indeed, but alse entertaining, fasch nating = and amusing! Gleath-taking DECORI Enter the door of the Autemetive Building and you're in another world! A world of bounteous beauty with the mest dazzling, spectacular displays your eyes have ever feasted upon. It's a fantasy land of wonder w= and it's yours to see and enjoy, Spend the day! Clean, modern restaurant in the building, 'NOV. 25+DEC. 10 EXHIBITION GROUNDS TORONTO © AUTOMOTIVE BLDG. OPEN 11 AM. TO 11 P.M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY - SATURDAY 10 AM. TO 11 P.M. - OPENING DAY 1 P.M. TO 11 P.M. \

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