The Oshawa Times, 22 Nov 1960, p. 7

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nm OS . { LARGE yiSW 4 y 4 Halibut, one of the most vily. able commercial fish, may weigh up to 470 pounds, ---- Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED 4 By Klestrolysle and the newest, fastest, Kise Comtwry Beories shortwave, ad Jo, Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Digl RA 3-5474 bi 8 Gs , i ; / your tris sel; 2 2 £ J 4 160emem, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Movember 22, 1960 7 ; a i FREE Computation Maik MARIE MURDUFF PERSONALS fd is tbe eet Donald Wil 0 j PHONE RA 3.4641 f 4 . 4 4 for sppoiniment on these doles Mrs, Alex Knox will he teal, W, Browne, Mrs, room hostess at the haar, tea, son and Mrs, A, Hebb, and penny sale to he held this : i i week in Bt, Gregory's auditorium! Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Johnston, 8 2 a 4 Sd : a ---- sponsored by St, Gregory's CPTA Gliddon avenue, were entertained ; £58 / Other conveners will be Mrs, quietly recently at the home of § : & ' x i £ ffl. ditt hid dif William Bolssoin, knittin Mrs, thelr niece, Mrs, Douglas Brock, £ H Alan Boland ving: M Clif- and Mr, Broek, Conlin Corners 5 d ford Harper istma irs, on the oceasion of their 40th wed pe PPB i it: F k WH FH njoy Jack Menard, candy: My I. A ding amniversary, Vollowing the Yanch, religious; Mrs, Douglas turkey dinner, the honored pair ' fs E Blair, aprons; Mrs, ¥, M, Gil-'eut the anniversary cake which 4 : ¢ t more, home baking; Mrs, Charles had been made hy Mrs, Brock iF 7 . a i uxuries Stovell, white elephant; ' and were presented with a china ry ® g 3 Max Rilehie, fish pond dinner set : hy Mrs, William Bhs op " it : dui a the bazaar to he held this woe Friends Honor Nod : YA R D L EY rR ~ HAPPY LITTLE JOHN | Koy Yau usm for agp ean Arnold ! J ' ' Pa happily for his picture | lism Callison, Oshawa, and Mr, | your bathein Lavender, Teas, birthday partie od Prior To Wedding is John Callison, son of Mr, | and Mrs, William Brown, Wal- | the fragrance of youth, ding anniverss and Mr William Brown, lyford, Beotland, and great a Prior to her marriage on Satin Faunton, John was one year old | veandson of Mrs, John Callison holiday plans are a of inter vovemher 19, to Dr, Robert! an Sepiember 2, He is the | Oshawa nley Barton in Bt, Andre grandson of Me, and Mrs, Wil Photo hy Hornshy =~ HAVENDOMEM est In HHS COHN, tenant. United Church, Mice Jean Ar per drum ] phone oF visit Lie sotl wold was entertained al several $2.25 To & vier thre 1s no crore. vie mm ove es Christ Church Evening WA " TT rh ; big NOEL 4 successful Wala oat A IAIEY Shutter Bt ev HOT 41 AA as he recent st ann res were omer cneaies si Names New Slate Of Officers COLORFUL COSTUMES | Seated left to right are Pre i V £08 Scottish tern f Miss hylerian Church under 1 al ther friend of th "pilot yA gh I ie Miss ou p wih hesm Naintar en t i : Ah piees of the Woman / Mrs, Fred Lloyd entertained ai) pe November meeting of theltary, Mr B, P, Cook; parish 0 Ie lo ub as a compli Miss Lo in \ " hie gf bo 4 His i i 0s} | Photo Hon. The president M W. V.lher home on King street east ouoning branch of the WA of council, Mrs, Charles Dewhirst ment to International Night, | Miss Muriel Wilson, Mexican; | Beottish o 'shavwg ing WO paylor, opened the bazaar, The when a china tea service and 8. cjict Memorial Church was held tea hostess, Mrs, A, ¥., Powell rooms were atirac I el decoral five Pleas Place selling a Pres pocenil Irs, W. J, Howard pre-|thankoffering, Mrs, Glen Drury ed with the Christma mow ented ny W Ishawa eaver ded educational secretary, Mr John Ukrainian Menu, Talk on India GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES Mrs, ¥, T. Lamble and M Co Guild and friends h wiles and treasurer's re- Houghton; telephone commities it, Mcintosh poured lea hose present at a shower held] 1 iven, Two new mem: Mrs, William Broadbent, Mrs at the home of My Anthony An: jo ere introduced, Mrs, Jack Bruce Jackson, Mrs, J, R, Par Feature International Night NORTHMINSTER WA | Nef served bh o Mi Rey i Lander an Mrs arelleka on Grandview street Ini gied and Ii Jorman Wadr-'sons, Mrs, Hedley Element Willred ( ( (Rossland Group) mn Shepherd and her com Jo Bi Ee al KDI Inded friend from industrial burton. The Christmas bazaar will in # des in f ) Ons [ i er mes J Lonnie FElALIONS department and parts yo on Wednesda December 7 Blre United Church Centeniia i 1 A h of {eannot possible | f ' ' oup of | | eli fo he held Breet office of General Motor th Mrs, Edwin Roberts as con national Night I | J I Hall held under the auspices of { (} | Mon i | wer 60 neighbors and friend i " Oshawa held # er, ployment, To 1 the « ; wireh took p of it the Hotel Genosha Monday, Ot NAor de h h ener, Mrs, Glen Drury will be WHIT SEWING W [ the Wriendship Croup. Sh UY gathered at Blorie Park Club iting serv MACHINES | MAVINDIR SOAP whith W ol tage industries and developmen 3 meml { Lh 0 the form of a Christ \ Hib in charge of the hab | n-of home eraft i i / , ; 0 : and will be in the ar was opened b ; fiouse for a surprise miseellan: |, Box of three nok Group of | ? an Orthodox i re! Mahatma Ghand wo 1g with pra | { rvyn Cryder-| MEinsen, " convened hy POS shower. Refreshments were mye December meeting will he He NEST ALUE | $1.75 1" V tree t.! relief to starvin he hooth f By erved hy Mrs, William Short and celal 7 Yom! chureh hall, B f i I ) y Harold Babhington, fant A \ a Christmas dinner and socia » [1 A I r., Mi Arthur Tuson and Mrs, suening at the home of Mrs Se al of the n f A half-million | y Vi A > edna A and 1} deol ig, en 0 ELEANOR HOY. GROUP wii Mrs, Douglas Redpath, pr: Mot a sensibly priced. , costumes of oth the universitie Glove home meet of the doll ML 14 Ny ; Midi {ih A presentation of a ching five Following the business Mrs: W big dollar savings 1 hakin I pleee place setting and salt and|y oedswan gave a hrief talk on Booth, knit é a swan g L LAVENDER TALC ; ch wa 'ayy one ouch | POPREr was made by the employ aio, on every model,., rowpER i pleasant ho ne 1y A Mired B in presided Hof ' i My MH MaeMil pos of har dept General Mol Mi Robert Galpin, nomina . | $1 00 Mr. Pinto described Ind 48 A tary type hased on two house ; Ah flames Moth ere nine members an i i Curae Low ie hride-elect was 8150! (ions convener presented the new ' q alehing Mrs, lan, noveltie y (resented with a woollen blanket aie of officers for 1961: honor FROM REGULAR ROUND Li and of contrasts and contradie-| Based on Ghand prin et Mohri en i ve tions. With thirty times the pop: co-existence, the ernment pur ld Et Being Bd, rs. A i 1 read the min: | Seott, apron; Mi HE THERE from the south plant medical eens 5oy president, Mrs, 1. D, Clever-|| BOBBING TO AUTOMATICS $1.50 f i and M Russsell Worsley tea room tre and employment office, Gen! qn president, Mrs, W, J, How AVAILABLE ON THE EASIEST TERMS and School ning of | ment fo 0 mark the drive for h I " Bre hv 3 y ember i Pras nor Ho Group of Cedar Dale nae , ! ( held recent cand Mi yest speaker Pinte of Bombay, Ind } fostered hy the ernment making his home in O overnment Is elected In a comprehensive ldress, vears and |i the parliamens A ulation of Canada it { pe apled hy sues a policy of non-allgnment or Hindus, Moslem I hs, | neutrality hich often m the treasurer's veport, He Alderman Chilstine Tho m a eral Motors wd: vice-president, Mps, Stanley Parsee and ('hristian There interpreted hy western nation 14! ort ori en of the fall ha i y opening of 11 Mrs, 1, A, Newton and Miss 1.awrene ording secretary, | 'g are 18 oui Iangumies ind | Tol 1s the Yoni gigas ~Hoitink [ih weld" cent showing thai wit offical at the ober of he wriuio Newton hed. n mist ee ™ sams achvenne io P| MITCHELL'S dreds of ain [ang Hindi Is now!largest democratic nal g hie roup d heen ery gue : » be held laneous shower at their home wonding secretary. Mrs, Roh 4 7/0 bY / in the J 4 # k 9 SIMCOE 81 WH KA 3343 Ihe § vere many nurses from the On pohert press secretary, Mrs is spoken. everywhere democracy, it 1s neve tario Hospital, Whithy Ray Webster; living message The climate is divided rough Nh ind ceed," th L Pheresa Holtink and Henry Wig ie form of a pot luck supper! Mrs. Lyman A, Gifford open | ay . Into three seasons: cold, a tem M Muriel Wil (gers, hoth of Oshawa, exchanged || er hall of the ehurch on tne annual Christmas Bazaar al he hride-clect is a graduate of pos Mundie MacLeod; Bulletin AUTHORIZED LOCAL DEALER perature around 60 degrees; hot | HEE MiTiel Wilson Introduced 50 dar vows recently 'at St, Gre nher 21 at 6 p.m (. George's Memorial Church Oshawa Central Collegiate Tnsti- zMps ¥ V. Davies: dorcas seere about 120 degrees and rainy with Ir Pinto who As heartil tute and graduated from the On or Roman Catholie Church Ref ments were served hy Centre street, sponsored hy the hanked by Mrs. Pred Lind elreshimen Vey VE( y 2 4 My average fi f 400 inches, In|'ha I I nilsa ' : a 8 Mata' (1 ssp tArio Hospital Training Sehool Pha 0 alia arn] who presided ith the Reverend Frances Sku. Mrs, Harry Blanchard and Mys, [Women's Guild, Tea hoslesse Whithy, 1055 bridesmaids. (he Misses Stacia ave f 1 ive } I Mrs, ' : 1 Fourteen guests were present mave officiating Adreian Hill, iwere Mrs, €, D, Cross, | gaseypelak and Marlene Curran, | severe, The hride is the daughter of My wore coral nylon aver net and tal fram Peterborough and i ' m | The whmon.s hein, di dd or Ouhaw o oi hs a wore represented. (fi Mis, Hernan Halting % he) | | Pretty Wedding feta identically styled io the other] gprep right " vole, phe SPA or id [son of Mr, and Mrs, John Wiggers attendants, All wore headdresses Women hold high positions " of Oshawa 4 g § Qigg RE of roses to mateh thelr gowns and equality with men, Tt is still eus "| Parents' Counc il Given in marriage hy her hro.| B J " i ; At St. Hedwig 8 carried nosegays of white chry y tomary for parents to choose ther-in-law, Mr Anthony Asse: 8 a i santhemums | v id ; he marriage of Cvela Bos Mr, James Roshkovieh was mates for their children and | Cerebral Palsy he rt, the bride wore a full-length a ; | _ kovieh and Mate Kapular, Toth he y 1 Sri Wie Frank Kapulal although the ques Ho of the dow 0 own of white nylon net aver ruf 3 i of Oshawa, was solemnized allushered ry is banned, it still prevai A | B : fled nylon net and satin designed ; Bt Hedwia's Romid Cathal Tiere to Wl #, L E'S i i ( eception was held at fhe Fidug ation Is compulsory and nnua azaar ith lily point sleeves and a 4 el | Church with the Reverend Frank Hot ari sain and following a YOUR SANTA CLAUS STORE free The government 1s estab. The Oshawa and District Cope. "UNA neckline studded with se | a Gas 8 cil Kwiatkowski officiating wedding trip to Niagara Falls the lishing television. stations for edu: hral Palsy Parent Council 4ul4 and pearls, A flower erown| B : 4 The bride 15 the daughter of newly wedded pair will live in eational program held its annnal bazaar and tea Meld her short veil and she car. @ J ¥ id i p Mrs, Spasa Boshkovieh of Yugo On) va The government has also ban In the Memarial Hall of Simeoe "181 8 cascade of stephanotl X , . slavin and the late Mr, Pandil|---e ned the caste fem and en. Street United Church on Satur Mi Anthony Assehert, sister A ; Hoshkavich The bridegroom FOR PROTECTIVE USES forces its IK lation hy impos: day afternoon, Novemher 19 f the bride, was the matron-of F Is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Ivan ing jail sentences wherever di The bazaar was officially open: NOMOr In a sleeveless sheath of i ? Kapular of Yugoslavia PY Lu 4 erimination fs shown ed hy Mrs, R, K. Richardson hie hracade satin topped with a J i | Given in marriage hy hes OLE WAVH PLASTIC TRAY MATS Although life in the villag is president of the Wamen Wel. matehing bolero, She wore a white Pg i S } ¥ " \ 1 Hh Re | m hat carried a nosegay of pin) : uncle, Mr, Stephen Boshkovieh in ] f he I { ) \ li almost pr ve. life in the eltie ire League of Osha wrod the bride ware a full-length gown 8 cosmopolitan and In the sub.|/tion of My Richa A mn gland white ghrysanthemum 4 | 4 BI a of white embroidered nylon nei DONE BY EXPERTS iirhs, modern and atlractive made hy Mi Delbert Arkle 3 over satin featuring a scalloped Electrified klichen telephones| the bazaar convener man for his heather Ry stand-up collar and lily point ' at $8 per month and easy living! Later Mrs, Richardson poured 1ollowing a veception at the ? ¥ py sleeves, A crown of pearls and RUDY S m ake life pleasant but expensive [loa Re 0 presidin 1 vere Mi Ho | renosh 1 the ne vl ; ( Qed! - we : [une stones held her short veil : ' ' ie ease and expense come willey and Lyman| Dai 1 on a wedding trip tof " : : J 3 F h H St el A Bein , , Yh and she carried a bouquet of red asnion nair y in from the number of servants re. Gifford, Servin vere the Sea Il return to lve| v roses and white ehrysanthemums quired to run a home: a cook at| Rangers group with Mr | Miss Mary Kotynski, the maid ond BARBER SHOP $30 per month, a hearer op table! Beamish, leader 4 i olshonor, and Miss Margaret Jar servant, $40; a dish washer fhe Home cooking table was Clark, Mrs, John Bothwell and vis, the senior bridesmaid, both] Wilson Shopping Plaza 1 houseman, gardener, 1aundry| captained hy Ms. Ralph Camp: M Alfred Samell , / ware short dresses of royal blue Free Parking man, a chauffeur, and sweeper! hell of Bowmanville and her : Convening the knitting a . ! i {velvet RINE ) 1 ) Wmi le ane ra enin 1 pparel § | velve designed with scooped at graded wage istants were Mrs, David Gray, /booth was Mrs, Albert Rose of J ] Inecklines, large puff sleeves and Phone RA 8:2351 | This system makes for employ. Mrs, Roy Bacon, M David! Bowmanville and assisting pot {fully gathered skirts, The junior Mi Victor Smida, Mr Peter . Vv | Boyko and Mrs, John Alhond. | 4 1 AND BLANCHED PEANUT The aprons were convened by d were Mrs, Jack Luke, Mrs i next meeting is to he held For Slush er Snow Heavy gauge, With edge 26" x 14" Harald! In Oshawa Mrs, Walter Sterriker and assi f | Walter 0 2d M ' 1 : MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW We sell them by the barrel Macey i for a gift that enly you can give YOUR PORT- ne Knick knack ane areel PORE BOC are a ht be RAIT -- You can be sure this gift will never be 33c 1h. duplicated ar will never be out of style and will always be treasured by your friends if taken by | TO LIVE AT BURK' S FALLS | HORNSBY STUDIOS in their new modern studio, Shep With { Friday. Nite hl and her assistants were confidence where yeu Oscar Pingle and M Roy vened hy M Nob ) i teed by Mis. Norma Harper fartied 1 (ly at Albert | and Mrs. William Grant of MH R BY | DI He this THY sn - | ve Ly Ser ae aid Aa rin Ts Seal of Satistastion tor your shopping | Grant Rober iokle ony Haggis To Feature oT ei Ten el Lhe sou of Me: aud Mes. Albert | 40 KING ST, RAST RA 5.0151 didi I of Port Perry, the bride is 1ekie of Marmora he daughter of the late Ay Photo by Mary's Studio At Highland Ball ic : k ito by Mai i 1010 n An + Christmas booth 'wa land's national dish, the ; . {' Is one line really enough | In Montreal's Queen Elizabeth '""IN A SMALL OR MEDIUM BUSINESS f toserve id Hotel, the traditional ceremony The answer may be Lof piping in' the haggis will high ya YOU MUST BE 'ON YOUR TOES'... b p § oa second line, pli light the 8, Andrew Society ETITR---- that's why I had the | Si Sra oh ll of the Third Battalion Wek Wateh (Roval High i $ ® answer or make @ tegiment) of Canada, will Aly Bell [ k 2 l k call and still leave Ipipe as the six-man haggis party tl 00 0V¢ n Y 2 ~ one lina tren for enters the Grand Salon with the]. § we *s WN JOLIN + 14 Scottish national dish ] ! B® " = ld & sal on ane poh ol dan elephone selup | Chita liv. bearing RRs ba j --" d hy R or receiving another {ty, bearing a drawn claymore or x A : p : ho Highland sword will be followed iF a st down en "call hy four men carrving the hags \ Sa : backs" == 30 times thod on crossed beams, The sixth 3 y wasting to you and member of the party will hold! B "I was amazed that a new look at my te lephone setup could 4 YOUP SUstamars, {aloft a bottle of Drambuie : mean 80 much to my business W hen your telephone facilities After parading through the . : are fully up-to-date, the result is efficiency , . . and bette {grand n nd t lack Watch o § ie service to customers, That spells out additional profits!" Officer 08% in the alleries 3 J ¥ 4 ot te hotel. the: ary on. ; " b Yes, without the slightest cost or obligation can have a sent the hod to the guest of hon g ; Bell representative make a study and & free recommendation } Alsen Mt us show You or, General Sir Neil Ritchie 4 hi 5 and show you how improved telephone service will pay off ments in Dy saul Yavin KBE, CHS, KCB, DSO. M( \ 5, a i 3 in time saved == better service to your customers, services which may help your business, MARRIED RECENTLY |General Sir Neil wil then EE hs N - el pil 1] air 10 the ¢ h § ee Ro 5 © our free 4 - Mie af AR {iradition known as stamping the \ ictal ie ter wedi | dihior if ping ; Yew AR THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANV OF CANADA ed Church \ ony rs i tog Eldon Eugene Van De Walker He of M A ' a wep's stamach The hride, the former Miss | Walker, all of Oshawa | kredients not easily Joycelyn Loveless, is the ~Phote by Ireland "every supetmarket,

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