14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Movember 22, 1960 50. Articles For Sale CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (WINE nd cider barvea, seid ook, oh Belg 1ans Still Run Ghana H ea d S NEWS IN BRIEF # Chores RA 37024 WE pay Wighest prices in the ety for DEFEATS MOTION * . » ' srmbire. Pretty's Used Furniuie od OTTAWA (C her Continued from Page 13 de Wh , i, "ih -- hig or ocCla 181M move fo a bral WOODEN storm sash, made (0 order casts prepared for the trade and v 50--Articles For Sele 50--Articles for Sole festonnle sues. Thome AA 20 fo By HORACE CASTELL e nations! economy " Kawshu COMMerce minister tabled in the TAED lies, most ail sizes, $5 and wp. LARGE. doll pram, ies ots pr Tn. Oot. Coma Pp Stall Write d 3 Sowar. than. Theol J rigidly controls ACCRA (Reuters) -- Ghana is Boateng, minister of information Com ons as de ealed Monday , BF. GOOBK Blores res, anadian rens A 4 Zim am m sure, f h bi Company rgd mire marching towards a socialist pat and brosdeasting, said recently ight 0 he motion F. Goodrich Mores, BA 5-454 nearly new lepihey ' ow vinator oe 4 . 5 . 4 a . a pi % 4 G00 ioreh, # srvicles in good condition, Enos JE instr Ful gecatorite, tele ELISABETHVILLE (CP) The in Cangda prices of food stuffs and coal oo" ety Adamatio agrees. Economically "Wied for a copy of all eco MODERN bia % Persian ism ost, Telephone WA 32108 benevolent paternalism Belgians We said one reason the com- used for cooking. These are sold Yost: activities Si the EouBtE waking, he told a symposium on "omic forecasts prepared for the $75, Man's fail cont, wie BW, $5, Roth 1 COOK siove, Acme col or wood, in WIG bedding sie, lowew POces Buoyed for the Congolese before pany formerly paid iis employees on the open air market jn the A EF Colm le 0 0 sport, ave Ne national economy, Ghens mmster between Jap. 1 and 3 fox Wang be pA pe saris WES at rics 4 ' k f P 4 ' wen 31, 1 . excelent condition. BA 53856 good cond Feieghone RA 37187 lox I nsned orice $36; spring. independence ¢ o ptinues almost Partly in kind was tha the rican quarier of the company desi fos Badhinnl gli should approsch socialism grad" : / Later, the gov USED parts snd repaice for sii makes : fille branded names, 9% unchanged in Katanga province, breadwinner, if paid in cash, lowns ernment control and supervision ually. "To nationalize everything SYmment agreed to file a copy of ¥ lype w % Ya hp meters CHEN ERFIELD waite made nwo ngs, plone on it is most evident in the oper would drink it all on Saturday Fringe benefits are extended on 4 suddenly would be upreslistic," iadian economic outlook p sustiaiend Eneonditionsd Will sacrifice for irss han Wall price ; ot omy. out they 0. ations of the multi-million-doliar WEht, leaving his family hun- 8 more lavish scale to the Un Ke nom El of too, there Is 8 4. cyplained for 1958, Whehars ond sieves Telephone RA 32198 for further par. $23: Rollus cuts, complete, SIREN) mining industry, copirolled by EF ion Miniere 2000-044 Belgian planned nd Low ards socialism Bit on the social plane. the NO ACTION TAKEN » tiewlnrs $14.08; fi pillows, cash and ool ussel The miners are housed in com- employees in offices, laboratories AINOUER BL 8 Much slower pace 4 : directors in Brussels min J ye 5 viglism W director us moye towards socialism has been oo Minister Ful said quickening in recent months, p a nn court action has been taken to FRIGDAIRE, hepyy duty W eieciric RADIO snd record player, Viking. com Wilson Finiture, 20 0 Es A A I a IAs rhe ok ILE ri ange with deep well gooker, excellent pio oiios three gr ecording, long i edad There are some 95 000 Africans oe bungalows for which thes prion e and below pair he de eared ate ahieaivs . of condition! Must sell. Telophone RA model, dark walnut, &ood condi. oo upwouse clearance of odds snd directly dependent on the Umion oC Tro lh on ents) 8 FB oR hid tw} ; Ot Gibana's ruling Convention Peo- ticularly since Ghana became a|nrecorve' the editorial independ. 34748 Yelophone BKAndaiph 5544 ends, some sightly marked. Many Miniere du Haut Katanga (Min 7% (rancs cepts! a Europeans are paid twice what ple's Party, led by President republic within the British Com b ' vi IRE P d lines, costs (OTROIER, BF ' taf A Ag month. The houses all are of they would get for similar jobs in 4 Nkrumah, is to make 5. ence of Vancouver's two daily ELECTRONOMY, RCA Vitor, Admiral, GIRI/S winter cost, sie 10, wise & famous brand ines, costs (o400en, #0 ing (inion of Upper Katanga: for 357 a marry aud ave: 2 Betton and come are an ti h 4 Nk monweaith newspapers, Such action was The finest in TV Hifi and serviee, all cont size HS In excelien cond er top desks regular v, BRN ey fa a A '" WICK ah as0 y n | Zim ig come e 0 ree i " socinlist stale ry " o > SURE Righest cradein allowances st Parkwsy tion. Telephone RAndoigh 3257 995; apace saves davemwort, amar jobs welfare and health ry small garden and electricity year comracts mah has been described by the , Cemralized gove Snment control proposed in a recent anti-com- ps y " 54 pect " 5 atic elie ? " i has pa 7 § Telovinion, 918 Sige Breet Novih. wouvON sont, brown, full leng i, wie © ln Tene education, food and 8 ' Robert skirted around the ques. The Union Miniere, ihcorpor eral secretary of his party "® spread ' rusts: ba bines report, which proposed > of dd i 15.18, price $30 iS Sova condition. © > values to $19.95, out they £0 The Union Minieve, a large tion of how much African work ated in the Congo but owned by Tawis Adamalio. as "a great Joh -" 9 We ny a gil " an court action to preserve the edi $1 BUYS 1 smoot oP of any bed HEA E ELD sult + C000 S41 SILHgNt flonr Tape Fes a syndicate with a capital of $160, ors are paid by saying each Furopesn shareholders and con- socialist Sigs " io hos peoy torial independence of the twe room wiite over 8150, This setounding SHENTERVIFIS SEIS woe 00 SU ananes Values tn S48 95, reduc. 00.000, produces b) per cent of yorker costs the company $3.50 a trolled by a Belgian hoard of But, at least economically, the ME OB Char} dailies under the existing com- offer 1s good until December 3 Easy | Co SUE SO ST table. Apply ed for quick sale, $36; lovely assorted the world's cobalt and eight per 4g. directors, has smelters here and government's aim is socialism] All workers now come under mon ownership of Pacific Press in Barony. Homa Fursishings, m 13 Athol Street East dofian Sable Ay iA "i 3 Wiis cent of its copper, plus smaller This includes housing, medical in Jadotville, #0 miles to the adapted to economic realities, the Trades U nion Congress # Limited, Lower!" COMBINATION door, won se 6 hid os amounts of other minerals and hospital. and welfare serv. northwest. Its six mines are al with private enterprise retaining Wing of the Conveniion People's STILL UNDECIDED BELLING furniture? We'll buy 8 We. 3, Inches br 5 BB InCnes Slt 0 ordion, mother of ' ces, free education for the 50,000 Kipushi, around Jadotville and at an important place ip the coun Party, and membership of a Lt: 5 and payment of ad Hoh MUNDINGER acenrdion " UNAFFECTED BY CHAOS - b z # ¥ Affat frigerators, TV's, washers pianos, 0 en $4 bass, practically new, $150 or company children maternity Kolwezi, 200 miles northwest of try's economy for some time to Trades Upion Congress union is sternal airs Minister Moves, Sie. FOF top sash Mier, ooh LL, i i best offer. Telephone RA 52974 Despite the widespread chaos oi." noncions and free trans- Elisabethville It also runs four come compulsory for all employees, Green said he understands there act 18 Prince Street, Phone piece cont se child's, blue ie TAY ph 4 2 Congo alter | ni s- V 0 ' 4 ; h J MTOR 8 Bots ARGS Teavy duty ie 29 ang WIR KFey fur trimming; while skates tha rippled ie np a a i portation by sir to the workers' power plants with an output of Socialism and capitalism must Yarmers are grouped in the has been no decision yet regard. ip; rangettes, $10 and ups washing ma: *7€ ommode ch srolier. Alf 52---Legol dependence 1ast June 3, the COM: Waive villages every three years, about 400,000 horsepower coexist to avoid convulsions. in United Ghans Farmers' Council, ing a nuclear arms pool for pines, 319 and up; refrigeraiors, $39.50 500d condition. RA 557% PANY 's MINES, Processing plants, another wing of the party, State NATO, He was replying to Op- home table and chairs, $25; OFFICE. store and rest quip ' AT F smeliers and hydro installations |farms and co - operative seitle- position Leader Pearson dining suile, M68 shedlerfinid ment. We bn L ' 4 kept functioning smooth) $69; step tables, 35.95; type: Easy (ern A . FF W BUR DOL Py ments are being planned a ; : 5 im cleaner 315. VINE Hamilton; Ashinurn, Brookii ATE OF Probably the only thing tha ; ! WANT CANADIAN FLAG oh Community Furn AT ged is { workers YOUTH MOVEMENT Five Commons members, four DOMINIGN Appliances ' iy 4 1 F OSHAWA, IN has changed is that workers now ( ! i ; Fn _Bipre, 19 Prines Sicaet, OMAWE- yu nity Bros.) Bow #0 dys { OUNTY OF OF TARIC are paid wholly in cash for their The country's two women's or- of them French-Canadians, have DE Sree Berea ' ganizations have been merged sponsored private bills proposing PIANO, upright, 55" high x 26 x 5, Market Hampton. A complele (1RERV/I Rf p lah nstead of half in cash and nuk, reconditioned, new felts, $200. RA appliances at hard to heat prices, CO JPERVISOR, DECEASED Suh afd An GAR) An into ome National Council of a Canadian flag this session, One Ghana Women, yet another wing bill, sponsored by John Smith 5 fax 3204 half in kind---food for their famil : : . " NOTICE TO CREDITORS jes : TEPEWRITERS, aiding machines, $90. NEW Jungle 4 i ofl of the party. Autonomous & £ (PC--Lincoln), is entitled only New eigetric dd-multiply-subiraciors, $29 95, terms § $ v . itl is of A dae : a ("3 $114 Bill Hamilton, cial 12 gauKe gun shells 81.20 per ) N ' Cyrille Robert, Belgian - horn pssociations are being di A law to authorize a Canadian n, Brook 6. Dominion Tire Store J t the ! spokesman for the compan Aud and integrated into a govern flag." The flag question has heen USED parts and repairs for al Slreet Wes 3 Re x during a tour of the compan ment-controlled central organiza discussed In the Commons for w / " ) J West makes of wringe: type washers 4 hp BACK-TO-SCHOOL bi an be pi p te Fa Ripusn) m ne, Am i' § we of FORONTO CP Poles sor I don't know how people gel than a half hour. Sometimes we tion of sport everal years, without any re- motors 85 to $10, guaranteed recondi- with cash you get by sell sel here, that only two days' opera t . f f y- " 4 " tioned washers and stoves, Paddy's sports gear | ' 4 s Waynegartne: he eminent au e ides that comed riters act don have an book work Youth is being graduslly ult Market, Hampton, CO 3-224) Classified Ad ) a or igh the tl i : y CL p NE anc YY TOWERS 40 1 sell-supperting 107 # friend Writer t th day rest of the time the mining an hot dipped galvanized with all: PUR cost, shes ' Al sre hereb ' smelting chanpe netalled and RuURran: Size 14-16 ost $750, oe $20 f na , % three-shifts-a-day hasi six da How the. bush teed for one yesy, $57.95, Trio Televi: RA 3.2120 J ' ) sion. HA 7 tons were ost last Jul I'he v he : thority on everything, is going to like idiots at their ing ses. worry about and we pitch right grouped in 8 "young pioneers NO DEAL YET A man into space $lons ays Bhuster nto the comed movement, Veterans' associations Associate Defence Minister Se. haired nel I don't even know if some © One takes over the typewriier have heen merged into one bods vigny said Monday no agree A week ble professor go abou them do. Bul to us this is a and the other--if dohnny-- and all charitable appeals nov pb Bae heen completed yet on WOOD for sale, cut short and aelive J Sth j Just Robert said the company's pa will be hammered out noi in the business and we wouldn't dash Paces the floor, If it's Shuster, are passed through one fund, the Jo cover purchase desl where: $1 BUYS a 5 piece chrome set, #0 Up-lad both hard and soft wood. Appl 5 ¥ which fernalism towards its 22,000 Con. Pentagon or at Cape Canaveral, around like jerks while we're be sits quietly by pulling on a annual government - supervised, ¢anads 'would buy a United holstered chair or two table lamps and My O Star vestieton, Ontario , ' X RRsA & > 4 » Nk h Trust ¥ te, valued at $59.50, with the pur: |. . golese, Rhodesian and other Af hut in & second-floor, hook lined doing something as important (o PIPE hile Wayne assaults the Kwame Nkrumah Trust Fund States jel interceptor in return chase of any chesterfield over #150, BRAND new & HP Buccaneer outboard 00 = 20 t p rican workers and their families den in central Toronto ius as making our living aching Economically, the move tog, Anorican purchase of a Ca This amazing offer is good until De motor. { isso Ba rw ~» v 4 y ing skits with our crazy wards socialism so far has been nadian transport plane, He was amb Asy Arm ¥ pi arvanty. Best offer B.6891 s is 1 » quiet hg arke p e de | Easy terms. Barons' Home thi he sober, quiet gry g.pAY WEEK professor is the easiest thing we Most marked in plans for the de-| ooiving in the Commons to Hur Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Sireet South. AMPLIFER p also ave had n ers happy, healthy and at work i il y p { y ale a 4 A li: Bag pt MAPUTER H atmosphere in which toil Johnny Apout 9 a.m, every day Mon: do avs Shuster, "He's such a velopment of both wholesale andi, to" gianna "Fort William), VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, A €ost, new AB | V) p f a . SMALL TURNOVER Vayne and | rank Shuster, pul 4, o Friday Wayne walks of far-oul character we can gel retail co-operatives i it parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. #ler & pm a f Ne Phe result," he said hat ting in a normal 9105 day Like geives the three blocks from hi away with almost everything and The government is hard at INTRODUCES BILL teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. TWINS' three-piece 1urgun ve " ors ay brokers' clerks . Cm A work planning the establishment Arnoid Peters (CCF Temis. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv: sets, in excellent condition | the turnover of worke 8 only a home to Shuster's, He goes di- we've come to love him over the oo co Jan es all over the coun kamir ntroduced what he ve. RA R050] Anytime ROrING coats And hate, she ' : three per cent, lower than in Bel: wayne and Shuster are come rectly to the office - den and years ' aming) | A ry called "8 modernized and more BULMEF \ 1 AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. KA 52324 b dians possibly the most re- Shuster shows him any mail On the Nov, 22 Wayne and =', large delegation went to thelyealistic' basic law governing Soviet Union for two weeks to divorce, and a measure cutting Prompt Servige. Free estimates, Order GUITAR, Gibson. electric, solid body, | 0 iN UGLAS BULMEF 51--Swap & Barter nowned ever produced in Canada concerned with the business end Shuster hour on CBC television, tanks, pressure systems, three study the structure of co-opera out the cabinet minister's salary now for early delivery. Chair and table lued at $170. Belling for $100. Almost X » Fenials Clave Fax. 412 Simone Noth Yaluny, at, 3170 nel ing or) Ad a " pl and the resent (he populariof the operation for example, he is seen as an idea thi he ve a k ' sof { M y y Jos FUR coats" (two), seal, muskrat Their 5¢ » th seis; sump Pumps; stainless dea hat the hi e in a kind of We get rid of that sort of authority on the Wild West tives there. On the way home, paid the solicitor general be- length, size 38, repaired, ready for GUNS, ammunition and nunting sug OSEPH P. MANGAN OC steel sinks and cabinets; vanity basins; Aliec in Wonderland rabbit hole thing as fast as we can because. Of the outer-space problems, the delegates stopped off in East cause, he said, "we feel that of- full RA 3.8447 " ri RA 5.1615, 301 Gibbon Stree! d us p 0 pf lawn mowers: outboard motors; piping va ¢ a . : A a in o x J wearing Hhho plas, now and used, teria 10 per sent 43 King Street Fast SE itnnwe ot all omen, H. Cninn Park 8nd that every day Is a Mad neither of us likes if says they admit "that'll take a full Germany to look at the eo-opera fire does not warrant a full sal- continued on a normal MY vas necessary to keep the work Vo down. Dominion : i JVindows, standard miue, with CURL ol R Seal Oshawa, Ontari [Road and Hillside. RA 3.7088 Halter's tea party Wayne, "We usually do it in less/work day," tive movement there, ary, Arlington Avenue -- ORDERS taken for storm sashes, wood or Aluminum, free estimates, terms. | Phong RA 31-4980 | 4 5 5 CROWN View eamers with F7.7 lens and accessories, 18 film holders and case RA 5.4858 i NEW rugs, § x 9, 835; 9 x 12, 850; " enlors red, green heige, 5 piece chrome seis, new; over 40 samples to choose also old one recovered, from 8 up RA R805 $2.95 gallon PAINT, interior, exterior All colors. Guaranteed, flat, Nshawa Hardware and Electric ch Street, RA 37624 CHICKERING piano, very good condi ion. Can be seen at 967 Colborne Street ®» East Call RA 80174 BARY cot, medium sire, axcellent pink hive plastic mattress, foam rubber mat tress. hlankets, pillow, nylon fur pram caver, $12. MO 88624 STOVE, General FElectrie, 2", heavy fil n good working eondition, will sell cheap Telephone RA 8.5401 for fur A dal %T8 Lo ih ee wg rE Fine new features that make Al condition, 855; also hahy carriage, $10 Telephone RA 51083 after § pm ee A% | [LEE | i = | driving an Envoy even more fun! fury saat, size 15, 310. Telephone A 14) PR Denon yurghs wt wa) LY of ERE Shh \ BK DT MORE STYLE... te new viouNE tue Vos, rtay april) : | | | \ i Bll ovor's baadsoms mstemens Apply 292 King Street West | \ | EF 0 panel is just ons of the quality TAPE recorder. buffet, antique hed, . i ) A g 0 wa oe A features that make these new foe fete, ané sui, tint sabe % adh : fi : : series stylelonders in their cleaner, wood kitchen table, small fire 2 " ic . g f ' elass! And Envoy is economical proof safe. OL 33712 y y Yer 5 torun too, with its gas-saving, . Heonns ALUMINUM WINDOWS no-Powerd-oylinderengine! DOORS, AWNINGS factory prices. Manu \ " ally, Free esti BC, " tion » : MORE CONVENIENCE... Colonial Aluminum Sales | \ v oo Yass see how the smart new rear-deck he RA 8 461 ' ol { i y styling enhances the new Envoy's " our 5 : appearance , , , and see how the big trunk gives plenty of luggage SEE HOME APPLIANCE Se space for po a a pi SHAW ), : . : : | . As an added convenience, the 90 SIMCOE SOUTH - - ! '4 { di ignition key opens hoth front FOR FRIGIDAIRE ; i 400rs and the trunk! SALES AND SERVICE i ad mest ond Commercia RA 5.5332 mn lv X a ------------ im ------ i ! . BETTER SEEING ... allnew aluminum products = ' 4 i = Envoy Sedans have even more windows, Shower doors y 1 yy ' . window area! The laminated ne § Wi thing pv ing wt i wraparound windshield, together Senta) Nathing 3 Gil) 1 i b with the new enlarged rear wine 4 ; dow area, makes viewing easies, Aluma Seal Co. LARA a I ro rer RA 5.9365 ANYTIME ALUMINUM DOORS AND WIFDOwS) THE CAR THAT OFFERS YOU MORE ECONOMY, Hee i ie the feature-packed new Bovos! Here's he cr the Special Reduced Pr A § MORE COLOR, ac- or We Sell. Cash | really saves you money the initial cost is low, low, low--yet gives Imowledged style-leader in its and Carry MORE CONVENIENCE, MORE SHEER STYLE ! you standout styling, a glamorous range of color choices, and price class, the new Envoy now FOR 'QUICK SERVICE convenience features you don't find in many more expensive cars! ~~ hasaneven wider range of color » : A : There's a new Envoy to fit vor needs--three superb sedans and Shoices! You'll love ts brilliant heed tid colors, gl ALEX VAJDA a dashing station wagon--all with four-door sonvenience, five- rigacion, guevonsu pusiit 481 DREW ST. RA 3.988) HERE'S REAL BEAUTY, HERE'S REAL VALUE...in four stunning series! passenger comfort, rock-bottom economy! binations! And every naw Variety of 15" ear wheels Sto Eovoy! ~-tee the car of the year--the Haves Wilt Yeo Gtersenns 43 each, also body solder fort, extra luxury! and plastic solder HAW AUTO WRECKING 89 BLOOR EAST RA 5.2311 All Bray Custom Sedan (whitewall tres optional ot entre sosl) SALE ch ! a 3 . | Ine or Mhwitty - ; He slog: - ue ™ on Hlled SS voy Handed v ved " W guaranteed. | ho ever Suriem Fruasd Yiskon Weesh THE BRITISH CAR DESIGNED AND BUILT ESPECIALLY FOR CANADIANS | windows only Suggested maximum retail delivered price with Qit-Rath OSHAWA « WHITBY Prices quoted inobides dehvery, handling charges, Federal Bake end Kxolye AE Ww i Abr Cleaner, Heater and Defrostor and Aniifrcere @ Taves. (Provincial and Loon! Taves, where applicable, eve adkiitionel) ™ . Lymer Aluminum Ce | NUPAGTURED FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, MMITED BY VAUXNRL RA 85385 SEE IT... TRY IT... BUY IT... TODAY AT YOUR ENVOY DEALERS I MOTORS LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND. PARTS AND SERVICE FAOM SONY 10 QOASR. ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDCWS We Sell the Best «IEEE. | ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. HARRY DONALD LIMITED eps pi 140 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA WHITBY, ONT RA 3-2866