{and B30, Canadion Legion vel Botery "War, 8 ~ 6:0, Local 2 vs THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Movember 22, 1960 11 {Beuton's Dairy ve HaydenMae Jon sl | Mar, 4 ~ 8:0, Oshawa Dairy ; EL, MA TE ar, 15 = 6:30, Rotary vs Lo- den Machons vs Tony's cal 220; 7:0, Kiwanis vs Cana. 98 8 =~ 8:30, Oshawa Dairy freshments, dign Legion and 8:3, Kinsmen v5 Beaton's Dairy and 9.0, Hay: Mar, 21 = #80, HaydenMac- ve Lions, den-Machonsld vs Tony's Re Dongld vs Oshawa ny and Beaton's Dairy vs Tony's Jon, U 5:90, Tony's Refresh 'Oshawa Minor Hockey City League Schedules BANTAM LEAGUE NOTE I. Convepers Messrs, Charlie (37061) and Bob Sel 2. All games in the Baniam League will be played on Monday from 2.00 to 10.06 p.m 3. This is an Li-game schedule ending Monday, January 23, 1961 4. ""Round-Robin"' Play-off be ries will start Mon., Jan. 3, end Mar, 92 ~ 6:30, Local 222 vs freshments 9. Canadian Leigon; 7:0, Rotary ve. Web, 7 = B00, Oshawa Dairy Refreshments Lions and 8:30, Kiwanis vs Kins- ve Tony's Refreshments and Mar, 78 ~~ 8:3, Oshawa Deiry men 9:3, Hayden-MacDonald vs Ben. ve Tony's Refreshments and | Mar, 29 = 6:30, Tions vs Local tow's Dairy 8:8, Hayden-MacDonald ve Bea 222; 7:8, Kinsmen vs Canadian JUVENILE LEAGUE tow's Dery, Legion and #:3, Kiwanis ve Ro.) "ROUND-ROBIN" PLAYOFFS OFFICIALS OF TEAMS tary | Feb, 21 ~ 8:30, Oshaws Dairy! Beston's Dairy ~ Bill OFFICIALS OF TEAMS ve Benton's Dairy and 9:90, Hay- RA 572229; Ralph Jones, Canadian Legion Waller den-MaeDonald vs Tony's Re 80640 Dowe, RA 88555; Allan Leavitt, freshments | Hayden-MacDonsld All games in the Midget RA 52187 Feb, 28 ~ 8:30, Hayden-Moe- Bremner, BA 5540, League will be played on Wed: Kinsmen Colin Cairns, BA Donald vs Oshawa Dairy snd] Oshaws Dairy Alan nesday from 6:30 to 9:3 pm, $8112; Gene McAvoy 9:90, Beatow's Dalry vs Tony's RA 507%; Eugene Wiles 4. "Round -fobin" Series John Killen, RA Refreshments Kiwanis and ve « Capadion Westmount 274 B57 ve 9.00, Local Tire dan, 250, Local 2i64 Local 1817; 600, Local 205 Canadian Tire; 7.00, Houdaille In dustries vs Westmount Kiwanis 8.00, Police Association Civi tan and 900. B'Nai B'Rith vs Duplate dan, MW) Wi 10, Westmount Kiwanis: Don Brant, RA 56106; Murray Brant, of Bantam league MIDGET LEAGUE Russell (RA ¥: Heard (RA 8 NO YE 1, Convener of Midget League Mr, John MeGraw (RA B6064) 2 This is » 16-game schedule ending Wednesday, February 22, 1961 Civitan vs Local 3 2184; 600, Local WH vs Police Association 700, Duplate vs Local 1817; 8.00, B'Nai B'Rith vs ve KA oust Bathe, BA 57716 will. Kiwanis OTTAWA FOOTBALL and re in politics, Of eLeran enc left . I pal a A awa Rough Riders hove Vionday Bobby Iauncning feur Simpson has hope of a third career in worn in b heing city clerk STAR TO TRY POLITICS AT candidate elections Hastey, as an ald in Oawa Cr Ww manic Dec, 5 rephoto ing on March 27 i. Tis Round-Bobin a 9game series 6. Beoring wm all games 2 points for a win; | point for # tie game Nov tries series he T=500, Houdaille Indus vs Local 206%; 600, Civitan s Duplate: 7.00, Police Associa vs B'Nai B'Rith: 5.00, Local Westmount Kiv and Local 2784 vs Canadian Tire Nov, H--=000, Local 2784 vs Local 1817: 6.00, Local 205 Canadian Tire; 7.00, Houdaille In Westmount Kiwani Association vs Civi B'Nai B'Rith S04 Hon 1817 anis JN dustries 0, Police tan and 9.00 Duplate Nov, 2l==0.00, €i 2784; 6.00, Local sociation 7.00, Duplate Local 1817; 8.00, B'Nai B'Rith Westmount Kiwanis and 900, Ca Tire Houdgille Indu an vs Loca 2 Police Irie OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Nov trie Houdaille Indus 6.00, Local 1817 7.00, Westmount Weis 0) s Duplate B'Nai B'Rith 5 is Westmount Kiwanis and 9.00, Ca padian Tire Houdaille Indus res Feb, 65.00, Houdaille Duplate; 6.00, Local 1817 vs B'Nal B'Rith; 700, Westmount Kiwanis ve Local 2784; 8.00, Police Assoc ve Canadian Tire and 9.00, Civi tan ve Local WH I0ah Feb, 13-500, Local 1817 Canadian Tire; 6.00, Westmount Kiwanis Local 2r5; 7.00, Civi B'Rith; 8.00 Ind. vs B'Na Houdaille Dup tan Loca THA 9.00 tion Feh, 2-50, Westmount Kiva vs Police Association: 6.00 Duplate vs Local 2784; 7.00, Ca padian Tire §. Civitan; 8.00 B'Nai B'Rith Houdaille Indus rie 9.00, L 25 vs Local ale Police Associa and wal Ly Feh, 270.00, Ci 6.00, Houdaille olice Association; 7.00, Local 2764 Local 205; 8.00, B'Nai B'Rith vs Canadian Tire and 9.00 Duplate We Kiwanis Ind, vs tan tmount Industries and 1% start on Wednesday, March Ist, ending Mareh 25th, 1961 3, This "Round-Robin" Series will he a S-game series 6 Beoring in all games 2 points for a8 win; | point for a tie-game 7. The Local 222 team is the Bantam "All-Star" team and will play all games on Wednesday at 6:30 pm Nov, § Local 222; 7 and 8:30 Rotary Nov Kiwanis men and vs Lions Nov, 28 = 6:80 Local 222; 7:40 Canadian 1egion and 8:30 men vs Lions Nov, 3 6:4 Canadian Legion; 7 Lions and 8:30 men Dee, 7 = 6:30 Lions vs Local 222; 7:30, Kinsmen vs Canadian Legion and 8:30, Kiwanis vs Ro 6:30. Kinsmen v W, Lions vs Kiwap Canadian Legion vs L I = 6 7.80 LE W, Local 222 vs Rotary vs Kins Canadian Legion Rotary vs Kiwanis vs Kine - Local 222 vs #0, Rotary vs Kiwanis vs Kins 56000; Dell Killen, RA 59195 Lions Local 222 RA 39881; John Hillock 54683 Rotary Bob Suddard, RA 32497; Bert Suddard, RA 53979, JUVENILE LEAGUE NOTE: 1, Convenor of Juvenile League Mr, Cy Thompson (RA B5530) 2. All games in the Juvenile League will be played on Tues day, from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m 4 This is a 15game schedule ending Tuesday, February 14th 1961 4. "Round - Robin" Play - off Series will start Tuseday, Feb rusry 21st, ending March 26th 1961 7} Elwood Bradley, Phis "'Round-Robin" Series y-off will he a six-game ries 6. Beoring points for a tie-game 7. The Oshawa Dairy team Is the Midget "All-Star team and will play all games at B 3 pm Pl 2 a in all win; | games point for Joe Reid, RA BOL. ments vs Oshawa Dairy and 9:30, Boothe, RA 37884 HA g Mar, 7 = 8:30, Tony's Refresh. Tony's Refreshments ~~ Peis sweeping the country -- OFFICIAL = fon Whitin CURLING BOOTS for men and women TANKARD Black, Briarwood $17.95 2784; 6.00, Pr anadian Tire 5 March 6500, Local 205 {al B'Rith: 6.00, Canadian Tire Duplate;: 7.00, Westmount Ki VENIE Civitan; 800, Local 1817 Houdaille Industries and 9.00 Police Assoc. vs Local 278 Mareh 18=-5.00, Canadian tmount Kiwanis; 6.00 B'Nai B'Rith Police A 2H Duplate 5 Cj vanis vs Local Nov, B = 6:30, Oshawa Dairy vs Beaton's Dairy and 9:80, Hay den-MaeDonsld vs Tony's | Re freshments Donald vs Oshaws Nov, 15 ~ B30 Donald Oshawa 9:30, Beaton's Dairy vs Refreshments Nov, 22 = B:80, Oshawa Dairy ve Tony's Refreshments and 9:30, Hayden-MaeDonald vs Bea ton's Dairy Nov, 20 -- 8:30 vs Beaton's Dairy and 9:30 den-MacDonald vs Tony's freshments Dee, 6 #:30, Hayden-Mae Donald vs Oshawa Dairy and 9:80, Beaton's Dairy vs Tony's Refreshments | Dec, 13 = B30, Tony's Re: freshments vs Oshawa Dairy and 9:30, Beaton's Dairy vs Hayden MacDonald Dec, 20 = B:30 vs Beaton's Dairy and 9:30 den-MacDonald vs Tony's freshments Dee, #1 #:30, Hayden-Mar Donald vs Oshawa Dairy and 0:30, Beaton's Dairy vs Tony's Refreshments Jan, 8 = B:30, Oshawa Dairy vs Tony's Refreshments and 9:30, Hayden-MacDonald vs Bea-| ton's Dairy, Feh, 828 = 6:30, Lions vs Local| Jan, 10 = 6:30, Oshawa Dairy 222; and 7:80, Kinsmen vs Cana-|vs Beaton's Dairy and 9:30, Hay- dian Legion and 8:30, Kiwanis den-MacDonald vs Tony's Re vs Rotary freshments MIDGET LEAGUE Jan, 17 = B30, Hayden-Mac:| "ROUND-ROBIN Donald vs Oshawa Dairy and Mar, 1 = 6:30, Local 222 vs|0¢0, Beaton's Dairy va Tony's Kinsmen; 7:30, Lions vs Kiwanis Refreshments, | ar Dee, 14 Kinsmen; 7 and B:50 Rotary Dec Kiwanis men and Lion Jan, 4 6:30, Rotary vs Local #0, Kiwanis vs Canadian and 8:30, Kinsmen vs ice A ciation vs ( B and 9.00, Ci Deg nadian they ry two had leit oll off to deter that game off next week the alleys ne whe These Pom Twister #00 Kingpins 15 Deuces noes = 6:80, Local 222 80, Lions vs Kiwanis Canadian Legion vs VE 5s Local 8 Local 1817 vs Ca Westmount K 7.00, Civitan Local 2784 itan 5-500 Tire; 6.00 Van Local 205 B'Nai B'Rith: 8.00 Houdaille Industries and 9.00 ? Duplate vs Police Association Dee, 125.00, Westmount Ki Police A 600 Duplate vs Local Ca Tire Civitan B.00 al B'Rith vs Houdaille Indu es and 9.00 206 vs Local 1817 Dee, 18 1617; 6.00 t Police 2784 5 B'Rith y Duplate NOTE Arena League LAKEVIEW LADIES This week marke ' rot series, and ment knew no ive of future | wrech hut LEAGUE 0 lean } end of ' sid no and Bob 676, Doug Jean Law 634 and Dave Owen he point fo teams will nd If this is Bowlers over Brune Rice) Roy Adair 654 Hank Packer We ha n the Delve hdd Corby Dairy and Hayden-Mae- Dairy and Tony's FENCE FRIENDLY Anderson " " point fl 6:30, Local Rotary vs Canadian 22 vs Kins Legion 09 bowler th puble of 489 (289 also had a double of was Fire Lo 7.00 ociation and Ind itan 5.00, Houdaille Ind Local 206: 6.00, Civitan vs Duplate; 7.00, Police Assoc, © B'Nai B'Rith; 6.00, Local 1817 Westmount Ki 9.00 Local 2784 Canadian Tire March 27-300, Local 2784 vs Local 1817; 6.00, Local 205 vs Ca nadian Tire; 7.00, Houdaille s Westmount Kiwanis; 8,00 lice A Civitan and B'Nai B'Rith vs Duplate OFFICIALS OF TEAMS Deg. 28, then, the remain I. B'Nai B'Rith: Gordon Fuller games will he on the usual RA B-8079; Joe Zak, RA 5-5458 Mondays 2, Canadian Tire: Danny Gra Dee, 28 3.00, Local 206 vs RA 5-1542; Don Olinyk, RA 5.2668 B'Nai B'Rith: 6.00, Canadian Tire 3. Civitan: Bev. Smith, RA s Duplate; 7.00, Westmount Ki 2042; Ken. Brack, RA 5-3320 30.30 ne 1 40 vanis vs Civitan; 800, Local 1817 4. Duplate: Bill Kellar; Jack Filiatt 5 Houdaille Indugtries and 0.00, Kellar, RA 5-6484 George AUX. 27 UAW Police Association vs Local 2784 5. Houdaille Industries Tohn no Same "pomtion. Jan, 93.00, Canadian Tire vs McLean, RA Howard Me Union Maid's took 2 points from Westmount Kiwanis; 6.00, Local Leod, RA 5:5672 Happy Gang, Go-getters took 3 points 2784 vs B'Nai B'Rith; 7.00,) 6 Local 1817 Murray from Jo-ettes: Luckies took 2 ointa Local 1817 vs Police Association RA § 5: Jerry Legacy Local 206 va Duplate and 7. Local 205, Morris Bryan, RA (fram Blow Outs; Busy Bees took 22): 10,00, Houdaille Industries vs Civi-|8-5265; Joe Tamblyn, RA 5-4140, points from Moonheam's Doubles J. Slater 488 (256 ¥ Hall 486 ; tan #. Local 2784: Ken Lodge: Har old Woodcock aod, ¥ s 208, BNA Hall 201 and Tilley Neil Burrus 473 (256, 218) 200 Ferguson 267 265) and E MeCabe 412 Standings Int Belles 2 Men's high singles Igie Clarke 33 Singles M. Inch 1 Lemon 9. Police Steffan Mahon e Avery § Honor ng the parade wl cla 7:30 B50 Bal's Gals # M0). Winnie Scott aut together 2 Bark. W , wer Lan Mabel heen | d y f ' wn d Kn san 200 Aoing » K and h Barb! Team 8 Z7R4 Local 1817 1.00, Local 9.00, Houdaille Mareh tn tie he only on 5 down and get a of 68 Others aeialtion 27684; 7.00 n 222; 7 Legion Lions Jan 11 6.80 Canadian Legion ° Lions and 8:30 men Jan 099 22: 7 Sate] es slowpokes Mayhells 2 Headping lites 0 ters 2 nadian B wn and Larry Lenord end of first series Oshawa Dairy Hay Re Sal's Gals i i, al Rags MEN'S STORE d Local 222 vs 7:80, Rotary vs Kiwanis vs Kins LEAGLD thank the as Be 9. Hopefuls 18 Satellites [1 and Slow poke Landing ' 7 0), Mavhells Tester i Headpins Local Lelia Tokers 16, Rehels sx» Black, Blue, Red and Tatty Brown $15.95 Ken Watson Curling Boots first choice of eur). ing enthusiasts all across the country! Canadian made from quality leathers. Lined with genuine { lambskin for really comfortable warmth, Crafted with non-slip foam microcellular soles for sure~ footed traction, (Ken Watson 'Long Slider' avail. able for the curler who slides), A winning choice on the ice, A favourite for any winter sport, BE BURNS CO. LTD CORNER KING & SIMCOE 575, RA 5.4611 OPEN FRIBAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 PM like 26 3.00, Civitan Houdaille Association: 7.00, Local Local 205; #00, B'Nai vs Canadian Tire and 8.00 s Westmount Kiwani Due to the Children commitment, the Bantam games will he on Wedne anls and #00 Triples 212); Ann Svivia Newey 200 Singles Jefferson 262 19) and Industrie ih, 213, 217 Phe second sect Liki Myers 36 off to a good start with the leams Jennie Gardian standing in following order; Gutter Frances Sandford Pauline Vincent Honeymooners 7 325, Freda Cousing 225. Joan Paltman Ro Boys 0 Gall Robinson 208 June Keenan 201 and Marion Rosamond Northe #39 PRINTERS LEAGUE wn of the season got 1) 6:30, Lions vs Local 0, Kinsmen vs Canadian Legion and 8:30, Kiwanis vs Ro Ind tary Po- yan, 25 0, Kinsmen; 7 and B30 Rotary Feh, 1 Kiwanis men and 5 Lions Feh, 8 = 6:30 Rotary vs Local 202; 7:30, Kiwanis vs Canadian and #30, Kinsmen vs m1 and take Our man next Roh Indie Yani our beating Ii secretary is going to h week as we under Allen has decided 1 his team insie and he is not the Girls # Hoblow ' 4 tand 6:90, Local 30, Lions vs Kiwanis Canadian Legion vs 222 vs m Dot Relly mn High High 1 Single Lois Gavas 214 on Ellis 20 20M) Reese 20 0 were Fishers P Robinson Luglenburg 06. J. Byrnes 206 5, 8. Siblock Aine 2 B¥ i Wi E. Peelin CC. Wills 2i8 40 04 and § 232 Averag ' ple, Barh Wilson Barb. Wilson 35 J da Oshawa Dairy Hay Re: fi 7:80 #850 22 vs King Legion 3, Local Rolary vs Canadian 0 ter next replaced h Tuck ng : Lymer NEIGHBORHOOD LA O'Rei Camphell Our second section slart same very hice triples. Ju the top howler with a 71 followed by Wilma Me 238 292). Real ¢ thes 262 Mu / DIES 1] SHOPPING CENTRE Ladies' high triples 686, Sandra Ferguson tent, weren't Marg Lantry 64 a B83 (240. Men's high triples 234), Mid 787, John Bonnetta 7 I he 13} LIL) 120, Lawrence 2311, and Ede Reading 612 ( 04 Ladies' high Helen Anderson had highest | rence 202, Dorothy single game, M1, Grace Cumming 232, Opal Morrison 165 Jo Cobblediek 230, Ethel Toppings 220, Men's high averages Wally Elliott Melindless 215, Myrtle Waite 216, Hank Packer 195 and Brune Rie n Fue A 1, Viti | loll Fhoste Mullen 208, Myrtle' La ' high singles -- Marion Me Jean Lawrence 377 and Sandra LEAGUE fean Law Ma { N ! second sectin » have a th a 668 rence wo Tet rn oul and gel Legion MEIN Lions Veh, 15 fi:80, Local 202 ws Canadian Legion;7:30, Rotary vs Lions, and 8:30, Kiwanis vs Kins Wall and had i averages -- Jean Law 5-656 Mclean 177 'and Rodd White! Tean 165.00, Houdaille Indus Civitan Associa Local ingies 3, Flyers 8, Pin Pickers 1, Boh Delves 308 and Peter Vroma I nm standing Hee } 3 VS ) i Pinchers Fargetfull Pp s 0. First Section Happy Gang 10, Jor fi, Moons. : Local 20 ! 6,00 Carlings and Suds had a third game tie. Diamonds 84, Pacers 23 beams 16, Blow Outs 4, Union Maids VS Puplate; 7.00, Poli Since some of the howlers from these Jesters 19, Ringers 18 12, Luckies 123 and Go-getiers 7 tion vs B'Nai B'Rith; 8.00 YOUR LAST CHANCE Association; Larry RA 5.0800; Neil Me RA 34506 Effective Dec. 1, new taxes on im ported cars will raise the price of the New Vauxhall, Now is the time to buy that car you have been think: ing about, Quality, Economy, Per- formance and many features pre- viously found only in the big cars can be yours when you buy the NEW VAUXHALL, All good reasons for buying "The Value Car", Don't pay the extra cost later in the year , , come down te The Cliff Mills Motors NOW and "Eye It, Try It, Buy It", The Value Car , , , THE VAUXHALL FOR '61, BUY NOW...SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! We Also Have a Few 1960 Vauxhalls a DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES ® Economy © Comfort ® Big Car Features "Yauxhall The Value Car LIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. RA 3.4634 1961 VAUXHALL Priced As Low As $1927.00 All Cars Covered By General Motors Guarantee THE BRITISH CAR Built and Backed by GENERAL MOTORS KING ST, W,