marae | She Oshawa Tones patron soit of music, will celebrated in Ochaws fomght hy el irik the Oshawa and District ire of the Hoysl Canadian College of SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1960 PAGE Organists in 8, George's Angli-! can Church pg A | The program will start of 8 Wii / . p.m. with the 8t. Cecilia Fanfare written by lLiewt, Francis J, Francie, conductor of the band of the Ontario Regiment and dir- |eetor of music at the O' Nell Col- {leginte and Vocations Institute, | I A nismber of the hymns will he i # brass i and organ, One of them will he variations on the theme of the bymn tune, Rockingham, The chairman of the Oshawa {und Distriet Centre of the RCCO,| Clifford Evans, will play an orgen | solo of the Chorale Number Three by Cessar Franck | Pwo unaccompanied hymns will he conducted by George Rapley, The hymns are the Bach chorsle { to the words "Sacred Head ow Surrounded" snd "Bread of the World", The greatest effects of the evening should he achieved hy the massed choir singing to the accompaniment of the hand and organ, On the Stanford Te Deum in B Fist the massed choir will he accompanied hy the organ only 3 G - The Oshawa and District Cen IN LINE FOR TB TESTS AT GM PLANT tre hopes that Tuesday's festival of music will become an annugl Monday, More than | Oshawa, Shown handing Mr, | ing with the program, The eo. oo" the city and increase of the punii scope with the coming years 5 % Mr. ¥. H. Walker, president at GM on of General Motors of Canede 12.000 General Motors employes = Walker his card at the south = operatio fills out his card for TH tests il undergo these tests hefore = GM Plant Geraldine Oatway, requested in in the customer delivery lounge the program is completed in a registered purse who 1s assist he $ ha-" a we CELEBRATING , : 5 ; 4 i oy 4 od 4 i ow ehp ¢ of A Harvestof Little Theatre o {| BIRTHDAYS | ohm ons, one tei |e de ert | Srv i oa ol | hem Ware hs 1 mmr E] this important Congratulations and best the cameraman at their annusl = Kassinger, president; and Fred = he the president of the associa- | turned out for this business wishes to the following resi meeting Monday night in the @ R, Jones, second vice-president: | tion for the ensuing year, Elec. 0 ' i event, Is | 1V Award ' 4 / i dents of Oshawa and district Hotel Genosha, They are, left | The association outlined its ob. | tion of officers was one of the | ~Oshaws Times Photo armony ! 2 who are celebrating their | to rights ©, 8, Hobbs, secre. | ~ -- TE ---- ¥ a : hirthdays today . For the third consecutive year, to he an evening of exceptionally 7 4 Mrs, Douglas Hough, #81 » I hd Co rt Se es Ha Event the Oshawa Little Theatre has re- fine enteriainment » Jarvis sireel William | B 1d S ren n nce Il ceived the Lyceum Club and For this play, Mervyn Jenkins % " 2 Kuzenko, RR 1, Hampton; | 11 ers . Lloyd Meinally, 170 Albert Is Arranged The Oshawa Chapter of the Women's Arie Association gift for jg handling the lighting in hi 7 { s iL street; Mrs, Keith Rogerson, Sweel Atelines Satirdar night the benefit of drama, whith i sual capable : manner Mervyn i " £ 600 Burton road: Edward Jov 4 presented its third annua ATVESE given in commemoration 0 whoa has acied In a number ol hansen, 110 8 or drives 1Cers oar Tro er p of Harmony at the 8t, Gregory's late Mrs, Walter Corben's work productions, including a fine A 1 ' { aen, / J pve owing 3 avec mosting, auditorium. In addition to the in this field, Mrs, Corben will be characierization of Sam in Lit y p aireel #05 Hor aHiendet n HAR Bree Oshawa songsters, choral groups remembered in the city for her vwhite Sheep of the Family" 4 top Cory, 356 The Oshawa Board of Vduca- Club's request for the use of the Acco iation: A. L, G Metcalfe from East York and Toronto and extensive work for the theatre as has heen of no end of help to the ay, : Lakeshore road Andrew ec 2] tion meeting in committees Mon- Dr, ¥, J, Donevan Collegiate aud- president of the Oshawa branch the Oshawa Chapter SPEBSQSA convener of the dramatic eommi Little Theatre, As well as work % Waskan, 631 Howard street; day in the O'Neill Collegiate and itorium on Bunday afternoons, and members of the local exeeus yore on hand to add to the pro- fe of the I eum Club an at ing " the three major grodus bi Patti Russell, 97 Banting ave New officers were elected and! Yocational i Shiu agreed that A The Board agreed thet the sal-|tive, it was announced that three ram, one of the origina embers ions for each season ervyn 4 nue Tani Campbell, 1377 \ , siren should he constructed on po 2 ani rine 7 ONE The first half of the show en ihe Oshawa Little Theatre's board yseips the directors of the one-act pel fant mph Nugeat. 12 constitution was given its first oo, property. on Waverley ary of a public school principal excellent corcerts have been are titled 'The Gay Nineties", was 8 of directors plays for the Orono Festival in 246 Baldwin sivee(; Pairick |IWO readings at the annual meel: yop py "the em erg en ey obtaining 8 public school inspec To ft TO TE poliey of en i | musieal portrayal of a plenic axazibi ¢ dttle! all their lighting problems. N alla 08 Centre 8 {ing of the Oshawa Builders Asso Lend i afi vided | tor's certificate m incre scene in a park during the "Good Phe executive of the Little all thelr iting prohien wd Watters, 1103 Centre 8, south, |e 0 ™ 5 the Hotel Genosha, |THeASUres organization provi ed | 10 | a ay be in need | raging young artists, the first 0ld Days" Theatre as in the past, has de fob gh wi dip dite Fheatre ng ROBERT B, McCLURE Whithy: Jimmy Hohig, Si Monday night the rsa zation SHINES BOspO hy #300 when such qualifications concert will he presented Tuese Dewey Tatton directed the Osh. cided that the "Agnes Corben '® '00 UCR ToF Him lene Martin. 105 Hormany | President for the new term willl the siven's existence o hi 'im are received at the Board's dis-|day, Nov, 20, by Miss Denise E, i { ( sa liz 0 \ 0 2 § 5 exis 8 0) NT y awa course in its presentation of yemorial" could hest serve i Ma J ha pe that Mig ve! Mi 1 road north! Mrs, Cloyd [be Herman Kassinger, Other of: "rhe resignation of Mrs, J, Fd. ¢retion and that the salary of any Tuer, Wits ol Nawmatiot 4 ours of wo > orth Herma i ) signe : / : any avon. Venn he Jive halt of She ho. min drama by encouraging young peo ihe design and construction of 8 1ssionary Morey, 160 Bruce sireel ficers are: Lou Pantaleo, first junds from King Street Senior principal qualifying and at Pres: rormer frie of Boy i : f § y ay vice-president; Fred Jones, sec : ae 29 B ul A which is the Fast York Chapter ple to take an active interest inipiay's set, Taking into considera Wi re Hive perscts to In pres Public School as of December 22 ent on the staff be included is living in Toronto, ™ PPOs t C, Btephe ACCP . of the SPEBSQSA, took (he spot: live theatre, either as members|tion the hours of hard werk, any . their he Dshawa ones of ond ies president; Food Dioh was accepted hy the board (The public school supply teach-| The other concerts will he pre. light to entertan after the "Gay of the audience or as participants one who has worked on a set willl 1 ea etion Genki fo y wilt a Nari ar Totes Ballers R:. H Lrinney, supervisor Oars' daily salary rate will he In sented by the Roland Park quar. Nineties" presentation. The quar: in the group's productions, Con-|\confirm the fact that seeing the Regent Thealre pri nl i' Association; C, Stephenson, alter bunding ad Hai Ratios, Feport, creased hy the Board from $12 to (et and Ilona Krombrink, ' oy So 1 pil ap 3 he , ih of i] 1e Boa i weve 5 5 - y 1 (et is composed of Doug Godard, sequently, memberships in the set fulful ite purpose is a source] . four-week period, The current [nate director, NHBA; N. Diehl, repayment for a considerable $15.50 a day effective Jan, 1, 1961, | Membership cards will be matle enor, George Shields, lead, Oshawa Little Theatre were of much pleasure, For this play out n 1a attraction is 'Crack in The |director of membership; C, Hen:| oot nt of the damage done to the The salary rate for home in: ed this week, Shields, baritone and Don God: ywarded to 10 students selected as for a number of plays during Mirror", alse 'Squad Car" derson, director of advertising and Dr 8, J, Phillips School truction will be increased from hold, hass w the principals and teachers of the last few seasons, Jim Krae Reports on birthdays will |publicity; A, Banfield, director, | #2 to #8 per lesson as of Jan, 1, | The Brooklin Ladies' Band pro- (he city's secondary schools, mer is the designer, His effec] One of Canada's oulstanding reoBivE BG sak1 Caver.| A request by the Club Loreley 1g41 y he received only hefween the |National Home Week; G, Caver {or the use of & second classroom et- ut- ote tainment with several selections, [10 AWARDS season's plays did much to en er, Dr, Robert Baird McClure,l prose RA 8.8474 (Hann, delegate to the planning in the King Street Senior Publie A quartet from the Toronto] The following students recely hance the entire due has heen assigned to Oshawa 3 Pf \ H chool for German language . . i ( A ; 2 productions, a . hoard; I, Travell, director with. Y Chapter of the Sweet Adelines, | ed these awards: at O'Neill Col Preshytery of the United Chureh out a portfolio, | classes will be investigated by elg or 0 ep ing é which call themselves The Spark. |legiate and Vocational Institute BUILDING OWN BETS for Wednesday, Nov, 23, Dr, Me- o [the chairman of the public rela lers, added to the entertainment _. Robin Rice, Marilyn Blyfield,| Des. Bailey, Ray Langridge Clure, who returned to Canada rou The ehjectives of the associa-| inne eommittee, Mrs, C. C, Lee, "Get out the vole", was one I k (last summer on Furlough, has fon, as outlined in the eonstitu-| znd her committee in view of Park Asked of the subjects discussed at the vided part of the musical enter tively designed settings for each! missionaries and a forceful speak. yo 0" ore" 0% Sug 10" m. |ly, director of entertainment; R everal women's quartet se: john Wilson and Walter Zarow- and D'Arcy Smith are also work: 4 Sowa: on. : oy; at Oshawa Central Collegiate!ing on the set for "You Touch. been in constant demand as a pl tion, are as follows: | heating difficulties on a Saturday Monday night meeting of the The Sparklers quartet Is com: rgiifute --. Willlam Huzar, Peter|ed Me!" These active members| speaker not only at missionary : "To associate the home build i Apple Hill » Veterans' Road Unior Chamber of Commerce at posed of Wynne Prat, (enor, voifay and Ruth Yeo; and at Dr. (are constructing the set in the meetings hut also as an oufstand- eunion ers of Oshawa and district for the WANT AUDITORIUM oo al vesidents petitioned council Mon. the Hotel Genosha, Marion Dodds, lead, Anna Dodds, 5 5" nonevan Collegiate Insti-| limited quarters available to the| INE after-dinner speaker at serv purpose of mutual advantage and) A member of the Oshawa Cloud| | A i Thursday, Dee, 1, between 8:11 baritone and Maisie Newton, bass ice clubs oy 0 n Chasers Club has requested per. 9ay night to make land available Following the intermission tute Lyn Matthews, Andrew Little Theatre and this involves During the day Dr. Mec) n Twenty-one "old hoys", mem.|"0-operation, don to he present t th axt |10F & neighborhood park, They Mm, In the City Council Chame , fan oh Pietrzyk and Lyn Rajea {many tricky problems due to the| During the day Dr. MeClure will hops of 8, George's Anglican! "To improve the quality and|MiSsion to be present. al the next) ' > | bers, candidates for mayor and al. flearge Shields, or the Canadian felive: {dresses Whithy | N fHean hoard seling 1 t the ¢0omplained that the present King Chordsmen served as master of Harriet Rapley is directing the|set itself and the area available (Tver AGETAREEs Wh EREEY ANC Young Men's Club of 25 years|chavacter of homes for the peo. OAC MEEUNE 10 BUPPOTE We ido"nark is inadequate, derman will he open for questions ceremonies for a part of the pro. season's first play, "You Touch: I Which it must be built, | HARA, BF 100 Pb, a0 AIL EYE ago, met in the Fleetwood Room ple of Oshawa and district A. H. Glecott told council the Civic policies by those at. gram in which the audience par- ed Me!", which opens at the] After the set is constructed, it|Siveet United Church. He will ad ™ Hotel Genosha Saturday night| "To help and improve Stan : : "tiny tot Dark. ahant hird {ending Li Meeting and hy anys tielpated in a sing-song McLaughlin Library Theatre, must be painted and under the|dress a missionary rally arranged to ce ebrate their 10th reunion|dards of Practice for those en 1 Y 0 Oris ly tol park, abou one-thir 0 me wd hing or ne. The Sportsmen, which is the Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 8.30 pM. |givection of Jim Kraemer; Ray|D¥ the Missionary and Main her group was instrumental gaged in home building, jas acre, is tou sthall "The Dut Proben ry er ae Tha Oshawa Chapter of the SPEBS. sharp, Harriet is well known to \ o y tenance Committee of the preshy § Instrumental Ini «mg exchange experiences and : tion was signed by members of}: QA, composed of Bill Corhett, local audiences for her outstand Langridie, Sheila McManus, Lor | tery Representatives from every Pung on iostrel shows hideh information among those engag hl ine {Ha families, representing 615 Hate of thie Phong Bs the at tenor, Bert Huteheson, lead, Eric ing successes with (he Little raine Ogilvie, Shirley Piper and | church in the preshytery will be) hero nany city resi: aq in home building children tention of the er that Hooth, Jaritone ad Nem Os Theatre ; Among her many Isobel Shaw are attaining the ineluded in what is expected la he Yearning for bygone days. 1060] "To represent its members in James Nichols, 26% Prince Mr, Glecoff suggested tWo!the annual Christmas party at rne, hass to r for POT: fine productions that may he re desired effects, These and many a capacily audience 4 k ' A 3 ther: f Nat 1. Provincial street, Oshawa, was fined $50 or gore wil ad th, he: : | y §, ) & A : president Cecil Naish said; "f/matters of Nationa rovineia y acres on Wison road south, be: the Training School for Boys tion of the program called are the opening comedy of The public is invited to attend 4 i Local Policy i Legisl a month in jail, Monday, when he| ween De 1 Shake Y ' : The Sportsmen were followed fos samen. "White Sheep of the ONers help in all the various An otrering will he received for, "1h some of the fellows con: ad Loot dliey ei opislation ded qullly to leaving the scene | Ch Deal and | th espeare av: Bowmanville, will take place T st 5 N L 4 | 30 | iy p ) ' @ 8, 3 M n 1 hy the Marley-Paje four, which 18 |g. hoe © chance drama, Stages of the construction and| missionary purposes Jected with the minstrel (hwy 8 home DUAIng. "of an accident, Oct, 35, His licence Ros yf oveloped, place Thursday, Dee, 13, another quartet of members of "High Ground" and the sensitive| painting of the set before it is| Dr. MeClure has served as a| nny oof uec | younger boys. |was suspended for three months ayor Lyman Gifford admit: The Jaycettes will present gifts the Oshawa Chapter of the Sweet Joudry play "Teach Me How to actually erected on stage for the | Medical missionary in China, as). A ANA! . vy Anything like VISITORS AT ROTARY fed the city had two acres there, te the hoys and supply the re. Adelines, The quartet is com Cry", Harriet, who is president play : ' [well as serving in various capael:| "a ince We left, Viditors at the Monday meet: W. J, Zankowicr, of Toronto, |, | | | said ¥ vas IMing right from | Walling for the development of freshments for the evening, d of Pat K tenor, Shirl Singing of the old minstrel Shid he was Wining right from) oh steal Thi ram is under the dl Patel BA telion, Snir O¥ 10! the Oshawa Little Theatre and ties in Honan, Hankow and India, | oul yoo deed te, by |ing of the Rotary Club of Osha.|Park road south, when the Nichols| 14 Nearby acres, Nis program is under the dl. Ake, Margaret Moffat, har. & q The re > " | fp ¢ [ 2 salivad: 3 LL P / y| J hd lear strue N . Y ] ap " itone and Jeanne McKenna. bass. |the main driving force hehind thig| The reserved seat sale for "You From 1041 to 1046 he served as attending members, Immediate| WA included Norman Heffernan, car struck him from behind and Reason? When the 14 acres are RPOuUp can always he relied upon rection of Jaycee Bill Kellington, Pouched Me!" commences onl director of the Friends' Ambu past president Clarence Cox,|of Toronto, and William Twist, [didn't stop. developed, the five per cent land Speaker of the evening, Javeee Encores hy the Canadian Nov, 26, at Henderson's Book lance Unit in China. With the Nichols said he had ) Jane Charlie Letman, president of Dis. » RRA R p ra y v H | § 3 a lot on conveyance would be | y Chordsmen, the Sparklers and the to present a polished production. gt So Fe of am, to 6 p.m. closing of the China mission field ho doubles es city tax collector, Beathawa, wed Rotavats Lo 3 hie No na wa ed He Tht! Wo bid to hing Mdded 10, th yet 7 membership, commented Orhawa Chorus were heard hefore| om ANTIC COMEDY dah iPr, MeClure took up medical npa e songsters on M8| Reman ille: 0, Tedman, King:(he was just going to stop and tell park on the Oshawa unit as being one all the Sweet Adelines and harber. |" , " ' hanjo | Ap 4h | of the leaders Ontario shoppers took to the stage for a! | You Touched Me!" is a ro Cards for sick members were! ®toni John Lewis, Kentville, N, 8:/a policeman ahout the aceident| aid, Christine Thomas didn't] ert ders In Ontarl Bahia obnassen W Missionary Society at Gaza, Pal land Brigadier Stanley Gennery, when the policeman stopped him grand finale mantic comedy by Tennessee Wil estine. where he served until) ined by all and sent to; Clive|and Brigadier y Gennery,)) iy Siopy think councli should ask 'these i liams and Donald Windham { est ota oa ery erved until gis "pave Lockhurst and George (Belleville, and took his car keys, people to wail until someone sub TOROIAVED DAIRY . . . . adapted from a short story of the Polson {divides his land." CONSIDERS PIPELINE same name hy D, H, Lawrence Out of town members attend. 4 services were held here Monday The government's decision on y [Clure proceeded ta India to en | . Ald, Finley Dafoe sald the/for Malcolm Roberts, 77, any Edmonton » to + Montreal ofl || | Interesting to note thal wil gage in hospital work in our Cen. "8 Included: Max King, Peters newly completed city parks plan|dent of a large dairy fi 4 [i h iams and Lawrence, two oul [tral India WN afin borough; Reg Terrett, Toronto:! » [dent of a large dairy firm for pircline i he tation sues anding contributors fo literatur ' JH fe nt of th AL medical Ed Pankhurst, Ashburn; Len! Is on its way fo council and many years, who died at his p : ; 0g " B superintendent o e Ratl; 4 J ! 4 8 1 e h 2 soon as the administration sue. 510 EEC onied each pe Intends ot of he R tla Hos Corn, Burlington and Don Smith. should be studied mil {home here last Friday, ceeds in expediting other work 8 { p : hefore it, Prime Minister Diefen. Other's talents in the fine piece of Tio Joel iol le i ave tation as a surgeon. He is also y "ey usa. I | or xachn efore ne Mi * Diet W Uy as p 4 J 4 . Pac able member p haker sald He added ihe govern Stunedy. a. do - UsuA J a Oshawa ~ Community Chest, it active in prOmOting, publi he thi oil Naish; Fg Ph ment is considering the pipeline ciate Liese men With comedy and ag reported Monday afternoon, | Measures such as surgery and Wolfe Miller, secretarystre : in all its aspects now You Touched Me!" should prove phe jist of contributions. not pre. Mass inoculation campaigns 5, Lary-ireasu | © IVES of ef , not p er; and the new 1961 president, By PAULINE VAN EYSSEN |the work themselves and have viously acknowledged, follow Rert Cornwall, now of Oakville, Oshawa Times [obviously often not understood it Gillard Cleanit Service 10d 15.00 3 Others attending were; Les Education Reporter . ~ Would Devalue Hi liis 0 Conor 3 00 Pleads Guilty Raker, John HMorrowdale, Wil.| Civie elections are two weoks| MANY auaLIm 8 a dean Marshal 300 liam Burnelt, Cy Campbell, Fred|away and in the case of the Osh:| Hoard members have shown rah, Wilh ty G t M th Fordham, Roy Groat, Bill Gib:|awa Board of Education there is/Many qualities, There ave those Kathrene Iwas 1/00 e S on hie, Walter Jackson, Charles/a tragic dearth of candidates [Who lost no opportunity to ques. : |B. Adams (Royal Typewriters A . Heath, Ollie Miller, Ed Simmons Three citizens have announced 'on and dispute and have over Canadian Dollar {rthur Murtey Nadie het! w Kebioth Sibuon w] Solute and Stan Turner they will stand, done it, to the boredom and pre. shaw clure \ N as jailed fora month by Mag \ p 3 oi nA as Jo a me ) Vis |" Tn the present hoard there ave sumably of the officials and cer fhe British Americal OI Co 5.00 ha] \ ' ) } trate KF. 8 Khbs, N ) hag Fhe devaluation of the Cana. realize they cannot compete Household Finance Corporation 100.00 K londay, when at least the same number of tainly the press dian dollar, the establishment of against producing aveas with My Yous Pondarak (Tadley 400 ho pleaded guilty to Jus Second Barbershoppers trustees who have indicated that There are others who, by pa. a permanent economic advisory lower wages Le Ry BI ie Je Living a plying they would he only too happy to|tlent explanation and information 1 committee and the granting of, Mr, Zakrgewski said that U.S. Greer, Murphy and MeDonald } Pl F Pp relinquish office and. leave the|/ad sometimes long experience scholarships to student willing to investment funds would continge (Barvisters) 2. h Hinson Bil Sharged alte he an for rogram lexacting and much eritiolzed (Of board work, have tried to con | orve as experts in foreign coun: te flow into Canada as long as Ne thet Canada supply Lid 100.00 Jog 4 i aookle n - \ J ar } oy One of the features of the role of the school trustee to some solidate opinion, Some have tries were among the ideas ad:|there is a fair profit to be made. |, Hid bi Bie ahie to produce a Unotar City Ravgershoppers first|one else hrought attention to matters vanced by Leon Zakraewski,'Solutions must he found whieh! Naren Cannon +d Tele ot that time and told police sun al "HiLites Of Harmony" Having sat in meetings of Where there has heen ambiguity President of Taymouth Indus: would enable US. subsidiaries in, MJ. Millington aon It had heen suspended. This tim: 1g ne presented in the O'Neill bi FR ib Be or confusion. Some have appear tries Limited, of Toronto, at the Canada to compete on a price] Carel Bavehuk 100 ed out ta he true Collegiate and Vocational Insti this board for the past year ed to hold their counsel and speak Monday meeting of the Rotary basis as it was. in the interests! ob. Gatnnaham 1880 Magistrate Ebbs sentenced Gib (ute auditorium Nov. 3. will be, 0 FEM of any member of the (yo \whey they have had a de Club of Oshawa of US. firms to export from Oxbhaws Engineering an Welding son with the minimum of one (he Nighthawks Rarber Shop public although exactly two have qo contribution to offer, and A native of Poland, who grad-'Canada to certain areas Hn art _ month an each charge. They are Quartel's appearance a a hed he some, motivated perhaps hy pen eq i KIOWicH a pr N iy z 1) J A 3 Pp | uated in engineering from War NH was suggested that a new! Letwer Hoh ta 10 run concurrently, His driver's' "the Nighthawks, who were the ROY page = | ave o snare SONAL feelings or worse still pub AW Unin sit the « sake: lig ence will he su A} need for A J ar cone lusion that it Is only the ne) y seek $ versity \¢ APOAROr spawn corporation should be set Bruce Maat fa A guests of the Canadian War Cor case that a oitlsen rans for this lolly seeking, have tried to sow headed a large carporation in up to encourage and assist the Yonh ak \1 B year respondent's Association on a office except » cumaiderabio suspicion ar throw the spanner in Scotland during the Second services to compete on an equal Peacock Tut 100,00 goodwill visit to London, Eng S00 , the work Warld War and came to Canada export of Canadian goods and Mes. ¥ 10.00 {land, were among the barber To single out one member for WT R J. He as JMroduced basis with other countries lol gy Ho days Lots [shoppers who introduced HRH MUCH TIME NEEDED condemnation and another for (hanks. of the i gh " It was also the speaker's opin: W Wi I! vince Philip to barbershop har The citizen who is prepared to Praise, as was done in this paper by Vice-President C. Lancaster.|!0 that a reappraisal should be fi "pd i000 men spend 140 evenings a year on a last Saturday, 15 to my mind \ \ | Other well-known guartets and h re a hility | 3 a fence awhlie hoarse etur Ww the Mere irresponsthility It was pointed out that the ex made of Canada's defence bud 'y aan's AUR Inundated choral groups Who Will put in publ poard in ¥ n ix p £00 é ) . \ priticism that this ene has re : | NUS isting high degree smplay. | 10 ee iI savings oan be 500 . : & d Lord OPINION NJIUS ing Wan DIOURNt -- io Made. This is in lime with the Haves T Mavs we Rain means flooded rear lots Anpearane al the how Ss ude gaived, would be over-ambitious UNJUSY measure by Canada's inability Tolidea that Canada's armed forces Pahans Steam Baws ad ¥0 far Wychwood -Humewood avenue Rind ER AR Aehak! if he were doing it solely to ad atte With nd i {should be geared to the demands' "Lia. Empl) pao TOsidents, city council was tol! IM ne \ Mik p wif Ra vance his own ends, palitically or \ "25 Toe'taus oF this Seard The speaker did not a free with | Made upon them hy the United A Margaret Holden pi 00 Monday night CLIRY) \¢ 15eaun 8, from IN Win any other way i - Wh et ail \ Nh \ . aaa | ations W. F. Mereer (Contract) 000 Mrs. Audrey 'Ceajkowski claim: !® And the Casualaives from That is not that this Suid pategol aly Stpute this the suggestion to impose higher| T. Barrington 10.00 Oshawa. In addition, the Motor hat 18 not ta say thal WS most unjust opinion and suggest| § City Chorus will be on hand to} board has handled its affairs With {4 one of my colleagues that hel tariffs as too few new jobs would! Mr. Zakrzewski also suggested] Ww. J Baya a i Heading caused hy Cen he made available and the tar/that Canadian labor unions] Lex Melean Ata tral Park houlevard houses being iioniain dispateh, Discussion has often aitend the meetings and pay less 4 i BK Mereey } : ig \ N BR ifs would work adversely against/should be free of dictation from| 7 &, Mere 3% built on a "much higher grade An extra feature will be the/Deen heated and protracted, 100 attention to the independent and Canada's export market. The de {the unions in the United S1ates. 'ponent Aldsworth (Phe agrapher) 25.00 She said one lot was still under appearance of the East York protracted biased conversations of certain valuation of the Canadian dellarHe felt that Canadian labor lead: hreland's Studia ata/one foal of water Rarbeshoppers 60-man chorus,) This is perhaps the most ser board members if he wants tol KINSMEN DONATE CHEQUE would result in the price of im./€rs are capable of making their J. Wilin's Signs won! Board of works chairman, Wali choir is a familiar sight tofious eriticism that can be levelled base his opinion on faet | ports going up te the Canadian/own decisions Audrey Billie (Be Atwotk Hany 3 ner Branch, promised to invest: Rig Four football fans who have lat this board. In spite of a power! No public board has the right! The Oshawa Kinsmen Club | schools, M, Cranfield, left, consumer, The setting up of scholarships|g s Kresge Co. Lid. Carp. gate, enjoyed its singing for the Argo house of officials sitting at the to resent just eriticism but while' donated a cheque for $1600 to president of the Oshawa Safes Attention was drawn to the po- to aid students willing to serve Simcoe Si. and Shopping Centre 373.00 The builder says the city is to paut home games Jower end of the board table, well the eritiolsm is of this kind, the the Oshawa Safety League Sat: | ty League, Is shown accepting tentially important marketsjas experts in underprivileged Barbara Broaks 10 blame, as they gave him the| A portion of the proceeds from able to carry out the work they citizens who could make a val. urday. The money is to be | the cheque fram Ron Wilson, available to Canadian goods in'lands would be a means, through Carling Bre s 1 a.00 grade." continued the spokesman [the show will be turned aver to'are paid for, the trustees have able contribution to this beard' used to purchase safety patrol | representative of the Oshawa \ § work on the staff of the Church In the spring of 1054 Dr. Me Ad the only person outside the officials who has heen consistent. But the city say tw Botithe Oshawa Retarded Children's insisted all too often to go inte will be conspiouous hy thelr ab. equipment for use in all Osh. | Kinsmen Club, South and Latin America. Cana: the Calomba Plan of enhanc i 10.00 MALIA Come between property owaers."|Fuad, |i ea and machinations of sence 'awa public and separate «Oshawa Times Phote = Sead (oe dians, the speaker said must Canada's prestige abroad. v Tol Ww baw