B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Movember 19, 1960 GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES IRD FCOUT MOTHERS AUX. master of "A Pack Cubs andlocsl association representative, The 2rd Scout Mathers' Aux Me, Alan Lamb, assistant Cub- Mrs, John Black, J Hisry held is regwiar meeting at Waster of "B"' Pack Cubs were The December meeting will be the Southminsier United Church #50 presented with cheques (or ig the form of a pot luck supper on Monday, November 14 with!thet Packs at the home of Mrs, Harvey Mrs, James Moore presiding These cheques are given each Mosier, 200 King street west at The new executive for 19606) year hy the Auxiligry as Cheist- 7 oclock, Gifis will be exchang were introduced as follows; pres. mas Gifts, Kach Leader reported ed, Mrs, Floody will look after ident, Mrs, James Moore ve \riefly on his own groups pro- the emteriginment at the Christ presidents, Mrs, Benjamin gress mas supper, Two pew mothers Cousins and Mrs, Thomas Robin rs. Kirkpatrick gave the ex were welcomed, Mrs, ¥dward son; secretary, Mrs, Glen Swin- ecutive board report, There is to Linton and Mrs, George ¥ioody, dells; Mrs, Gerald Suppelsa lin. o presidents and viee presi Refreshments were served {treasurer telephone eonveners dents basle training course on Mrs, Blair and Mrs, Black, IMrs, Lionel Clark and Mrs, Ger tovember 29, in the Wall at # ald Craigie; social convener, PM, Next executive board meet WESTMOUNT WA iMrs, Roy Clowes; sick CORVENEY ina on November 24 Westmount United Church WA {and press reporter, Mrs. MM. Mee Coolidge presented Mrs, held its regular meeting on Tues. George Peters Gravelle with a Beowt cup and day November 15 Following the husinees, Mrs saucer on behalf of the Auxiliary Mrs, John Jackson, President ve 1a vale ont of th rs, AVPTcllon, of Whe vest pened Uh macing with & poem Scout Group Committee, The re service as secretary, prior lo Lak- land prayer, The devotional was sponse was unanimous, A dis. ME Over the office of President, led hy Mrs, Murray MacPherson enssion for B card party in Jan Euchre reports were given and assisted by Mrs, Kenneth Mark, wary was slso held, Conveners show that they are being well at Mrs, Morris Love sang Iwo will he appointed st the next tended this year solos "0 Lord be Merciful" and meeting Mr, Harold Pascoe, a former "Sundown" accompanied on the Refreshments were served by Seoulmaster of the 1st showed piano by Mrs, Sydney Boneham,] Mrs, Roy Clowes films taken at the Northern ad-| The speaker was Mrs, Waller) ' venture base, Camp Bamae, Hal- Lane who spoke on her mission IST RCOUT MOTHERK AUX. ivurion, ary work when in Africa, The November meeting of the The offering was collected by Ist Oshawa Scout Mothers' Aux ATH GROUP COMMITTEE. Mrs, Bert Harris and Mrs, § J, iliary was held in the Scout Hall | The ath group commitiee of the Puston, : nn Gibbons Sireet, The meeting Girl Guides Association held Us The business meeting followed was open 10 all branches of the November meeting at the home with Mrs Harry Bennett reading ui group of Mrs, William Blair with 17 the minutes, correspondence and THE McLAUGHLIN QUART ETTE The president, Mrs, ¥rank Gra- mothers present, roll eall, Mrs, Byron Boville gave] AT THE CLOSING banquet | the front row, left to right, are | Cox, John Preston and Louis \velle, presided Mrs, Melville] The president, Mrs, HArey the treasures report, Mrs, Miles] Children of Mr, and Mrs, | avenue, are Willlam Glenn, | and Linda Marie, Glenn Is six the Oshawa Tennis Club pre. | Carol Whinfield, Ann Stiles, | Plodzien, Absent when the pie- [Coolidge introduced Seout Doug Mosier, opened the meeting, Mrs, |8toughton reported on ecards, william McLaughlin, Farewell | Carol Patricia, Anthony wor | years old, Carol, seven, Tony, sented trophies to the cham: | Donna Harris; back row, Nop. | ture was taken were Michoel as Pascoe, of the 15th Oshawa Thomas Hornshy gave the treas- Mys, Charles Melnroy nominat- gh - - r---- git, and Linda, nine, They are pions of the 1960 season, Been in | man Davis, Clint Hall, Ronald | Gillies and Miss Kay Hopkins, Seont Troop who showed pictures Wrer's. and annual report, The ing committee reported on offi the grandchildren of Mrs, Pat- > g the anniversary eake, Present! J of the Jamboree which he attend. Minutes, annual report and €or cers for next year, PERSONALS from Toronto were Mr, and Brs, Hck Kavanitth, Wiliam Me { 5 ! is Id . 4 5 ¢ was read by Mrs ak decided to have of : Mr, d last July in Colorado Springs, respondence was read hy It was decided to have a po Leds ' Pare i Presentations To Tennis Champs CLUB CALENDAR ea do uy 4 A di "ER John Black luck supper for the Christmas Fred Adams, Mr, Percy Adams Laughlin, Niagara Falls, On- Mes Vig It was announced thal a treat meeting and also a January tea . : : : A successful bridge sponsored, com Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs 8 {0 give y Guides & he , rye aid ; ! - a e a u S osing anque 2 Kirkpatrick gave the treasurers O07 nes i Pr YI refreshments Alumnae of fe Ontario Jad es" ald Hendrie, Mrs, Adams has T ollege 5 he t the College jived in the distriet since 1923 T ' 2 Ie y Mrs BATHE PARK AUX, College was held at . The Oshawa Tennis Club held bers are well represented and Women's Hospital Aux Mr, Richard Crouter veceived|'WIned the meeting over to Mi on Wednesday,, November 16. ond has heen a widow since 1941, FOR BEAUTIFUL Wer 4 § a! Sunshine sheki ap 0 x " sw Unie its annual closing hanquet-at the|everyone was disappointed 8! Sunshine Rebekah Lodge y i bin Juiliary 8 new Yolen officers, results as follows: Presi-| Park Association held its Pegulae TE gurls wale elton Tie los PORTRAI 16th Beout Mothers' Aux daeK Tor the use of the Cub Packs qn Mrs Harold Mosier; vice meeting on Tuesday evening, Bone, Dean of the College, and g ! table arrangement and candle Rembors Bith Becout Mothers' Aux or re ay president, Mrs, John ( Widerhose November 15, with the president, Miss Doris Batty, president of the, My, Charlse M, Cooke, Kings al) " light lent a quaint atmosphere tol Following the presentations, the Pleasant Mon, Aft, Club troduced Reverend Frank Ward. |TCCTeIarY, Mrs, Leslie Magee; Mrs, Cleve McMann, presiding.| ay, nae Miss Bone and Miss (on roud east, was surprised Jast (pu was the master of ceremonies, givie and the halance of the eve: Oil Beout Mothers' Aux hy; social convener, Mrs, Robert Hewitt, read the minutes tickets as follows: Miss L, Cook, qauahter, Jeanette Cooke, from The club president, John Pres-\ning' was spent dancing and|Conant 1 and § Assn {United Church, the group spon-|fechitzki; card convener, Mrs.| Mrs, Wilfred Ogden gave the wee § J, Besufay, Mrs, $ vancouver, British Columbiis the past year's activities and arranged and excellently present: Willing Workers chaplain's badge ier, Mrs, Robert Crouter, Mrs, lit gave the whist report, The » E. Taylor, Mrs, 8, Preston. United States and Mexico and is " m [ 5 y 8 Mr, } y ks, Assi Miah Be ¥ ' § o Fay of, ' nite ad Mexie $ 40 King E. . Mrs, T, D, Thomas gave a Warm|ed on a stereophonic hi-fi set. All 20th Seout Mothers' Aux Mr, Michael Banks, assistant| William Blair, Mrs, Ge or ge|ireasurer"s report was given by sips BR, Hengle, Mrs, J, La now living for the time being in od RA 50151 J Oshawa. social - hostess, Miss Bvivia presented with a cheque which he| Brownie representative, Mrs Mrs, Cleve MeMann thanked Gray, Mrs, C, Marsh, Miss M,| The presentations and receiving| Bilenduke, Although the crowd PUESDAY received on behalf of the Beout|Harold Braund; Guide represen: all those who helped cater (0 8 wicoman, Mrs, J, Richardson, 4 and Miss Rita Chevololey and tario, Mre, lobert Ellsmore read the Ist Beout Mothers' Aux report open the bazaar, Mrs, Mosier John Gaskell for the election off The Ladies' Auxiliary of Bathe, guests wore welcomed bY She has three sons and two Flying Dutchman. A double "1" el ply lig jor hus Mr, Crouter replied on hehalf the dinner, Mr, C, Edward Houck|iahles were rearranged cabaret B and Prof, Women's Club the naw minkier of Westmont treasurer, Mrs, Thomas Horns The secretary, Mrs, Robert Butly drew the prize winning week to receive a visit from his ton, delivered a brief resume of merrymaking, Special music was College Hill H and § Assn, [oh and presented him with 8lyames Parker; telephone con: bingo report, Mrs, Robert Hew Brick, Miss N, Hallpike, Mrs. hn had toured the southern and friendly talk on tennis In|aprangements were made by the Coronation H and 8 Assn, Reoutmaster was introduced and) Floody, Mrs, Edward Gingereski, Mrs, John Fisher mond, Mrs. D, Howe, Mrs, Tlie Rosedale district, Toronto, of trophies for the 1060 season|was not the usual size, everyone Froop, Mr, Roland Arnold, Cub "tative, Mrs, Melville Coolidge; | wedding reception and the Bathe nice Tong, Mrs, ¥, Smith went smoothly and quickly, Only agreed this was the most suc Joks Cub - Park baseball banquet, Wd the Mrs, A, Welsh, Miss R. Mitchell one junior was present at the cessful dance and best music yet [F000 JOCK t was decided to hold 18 Miss A. Wilkins, Miss K, McKe banquet, Usually the junior mem-' provided, Bt, Peter's WA Christmas party on December 20| via Mrs, J, Raine, Mrs, G, Lori 3A Joe League in the clubhouse, Jach mem mer . . Matthew's Guile her was asked to bring a gift] 2» Ii . Parents' Example of Safety Rules tin." icin that wvening fo bo exchapied | Mr, and Mee, Finest Mam y as the lights of Cp igyme® aren S Xa p Y Canadian Legion Aux, Bingo was Played. Winners Varcoe's road north, enter ained oo . " Ont, Regt, Assn, Aux ; were Mrs, Wilfred Ogden, Mrs, |last Friday, November 11, for I e Children Warns Officer Holy Trinity WA Be 4 a John Dyek, Mrs, Robert Bell and| his mother, Mrs, AJ Adams, ~ Impress S H and 8 Council ( o~ ; Mrs, Delbert Olmstead, who was gpelebrating her Both .e Jessie Panton Aux, ki . Refreshments were then served histhiay The gues! 3 honor bi Y y i d rOUS : - and practised at all times, Con: before crossing a street Court Oshawa, i 3 hy the hostesses and Mrs, Wil. celved numerous g Albe "0 ; f " ry hon n stable William D, Tane told par-| There have been five acci- coir Breet WA Lo Hod Ogden Weld tt Yooky wip; "1 hers wene advised that ents attending the November dents in Oshawa in the current Ki ary Ap W \d 1 lof HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The members were ady ted that meeting of the Cedardale Home year" (he speaker revealed, ng » reel A i (Evening Chiuvier) the December meeting w ) and Bchool Association, Two hun: "There are 600 safety patrols es Arvilla MeGregor Aux, | ivening pl held on Dee, 12th as opposed to dred and five children between corting children across roads to "Men's PC Assn, At a well attended meeting of the 19th and would take the form the ages of five and 14 years died and from school in the eify, but First Baptist WA ') the Evening Chapter of the Wo: of a Court Whist Party convened and A000 were injured in Ontario| children must learn rules and Yriendship Group } {men's Hospital Auxiliary held by Mrs, Douglns Sager, in 1060, Three of four accidents ghey them when the patrols are eta Bigma Phi Ww " J |yecently, Mrs, R, J, Murphy as| A nominating commiliee as were caused hy disobeying a safe: not there," Dorcas Group general convener presented a appointed consisting of Mes amats Vellle Dearborn Group glowing report on the succeess of George Suarez, chairman; Mrs Constable Tane remarked on , the Evening chapter's recent| John Howson, Mrs, Henry Bick Safety rules should he known ty rule, by not looking hoth ways the danger of crossing between wEDNESD 3 | } le, Mrs, D, D, Clemens and Mrs E. A, Lovell H&S parked cars as many adults do FADAY faghion dd J. MH. Lockwood for the purpose i" ' yr oalaie |Vietory Lodge, LOB» Curley presided If parents obey safety rules) oo okah Loin No. pH over the meeting and opened the|of presenting a new slate of of Annual Card Part |and show respect for police offl:| Sly Gil L general meeting with a discus: ficers for the January elections, | tery god te lav thelr Shildren Storie Park Aux sion on forthcoming plans for the] Welcomed as prospective mem: W atura ao the same thing $ pl p " hers to the Evenmg group were: Successful Event Constable Tane closed hy an.|Christ Chureh Aft, Guild ensuing Hy non, olaliood reported Mrs, Elgin Savery, Mrs E " n swering questions by the mem: |, : at plans had been finalized for|Chrisomalis, Mrs, Peter Zaka The E, A, Lovell Home and bers, THURSDAY fhoe platia had Bion finalized fori Chrisomalin, Mis orviliee School Association held its an: Mps, Alyn Elliott presided and Calvary Bapiist WM$ Nov, #4, Highlight of the evening was a nual card party recently, A falliihanked everyone who answered 10th Group Committee Mrs, J. H, Lockwood, knitting|brief lecture by Mr, Don Sug design was the decor of the audi-\s yequest sent out to increase Christ Church Eve, Guild convener, reported that two baby|den who was introduced by Mrs torlum with art displayed by the membership in the association Albert Street WMS outfits and 23 pairs footwarmers| Curley and spoke fo the mem students of the school under the| he treasurer's report was Oakleigh Lodge, LOBA had heen submitted for the chil:/bers on the timely and important direction of Mr. John Francom. given hy Mrs, Gordon MeQuaid. St, Blephen's W.A, Pi dren's ward, Mrs. J. A, Macdon-| subject of the forthcoming Tu \ Brocade Fashion Case ~=Autor A Much admired mural wn Minutes and voll call were read Couples' Club ald as membership convener re: berculosis Survey, matic Lipstick, Blue Grow Per La of the Bo Aram {by Mrs : Gordon Heaton Corre Eva Alexander Group y . ported to date there are 83 ac.| Refreshments were provided by L fumalr, i y spondence was read by Mrs, Wil ; tive members and § assoclate|Mrs, Wm, Holland and commil The guests were greeted by(lfam Huhonuk, Mrs, Elliott ye : pr members of the Evening group.|iee, Mrs, Nicholas Lakas and by the minded everyone of the Home » conveners, Mrs, John Pearce, Inland School council in the 1B, A the bridge room, and Mrs. Rieh:| Lavell School on Tuesday, ard Lack, in the euchre room. vember 20 and also of the school p , ' Mid, Alhert Crowell and Mrs, Ste: hasaar Raturday, November 26 i A ne Healy, IS YOUR phen McConnell had charge of Arne, William Shaw. trustee of the i \ Oa the euchre room Hoard of Education, will open Invisible Veil Compact with The door prizes in the euchre|the bazaar, Mrs, George Thom MR, AND MRS, STEVE WIDISH Wowsieonic anplam: 32,30 room were drawn by Mrs, Lloydison program convener, intro Photo by Mary's Studio in ps | Courtice and Mrs, John Gaskell duced the junior ehoir of Cedar Re -- as follows r, Allan Cochrane, dale United Church, Under the : : Miss Reatrice Whitefield, Mrs. direction of the organist, Mrs L Family, Friends Honor Couple E, C, Van De Walker, Mrs, Nor<iA 1 Rapassin, and assisted hy GOOD ORDER? man Short, The winning neo Ban Mrs, Henderson, choir mother ., [ the euchre room were held byiihe children sang several well C | b t 25th A Mrs, Rodney Sargeant, Miss Bea: | inawn hymns, including Every 8 e ra ing nniversary Statistics Show 50 % trice Whitefield, Mr. Rohertigay with Jesus." "How Treat a 0 Perfume Mist==Blue Gram, Smith, Mr, Stanley Prevost, pion Art." "Love at Home." and Mr, and Mrs, Steve Widish, |kowski, Is the daughter of Mrs 40 Mémoire Chérle, My Love \ \ 4 Ove ), ' i Mus are NOT -- If Y all into this Grou ' ' Mrs Clifford Gibson, Mrs 1 solo, ""Rless This House," sung v Eulalie avenue, celebrated their Katie Kruehkowski and the late 0 ou F P Valencia, On Dit, 5.00 George Madden, | Mrs. A. Led hy Miss Ronnie Leavitt. Mps 20th wedding anniversary recent- (Mr, George Kruehkowski, Mr STOP WASTING MONEY NOW! vens, Mrs, L GAVENS, Elliott thanked Mrs. Barassin ly when they were honored hy|Widish is the son of Mr, Kornel The @oor prizes in the bridge and the chair ) y : their family and friends at a sur: [Widish and the late Mrs, Widish CALL RA 5.5132 TODAY Jobim, were drawn 4 ig A Mr, Allan Brook addressed the ike pa, Wash 'adudah Jail of Manitoba For FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIRS and NEW FIXTURES gvell ane rs rots meeting briefly to urge everyone My alter Wasik, god-daugh-| The couple were married In To hent as follow wi Mrs, Clitford|to take advantage of the TH ter of the anniversary hride, pre<ironto and have lived in Oshawa GUSCOTT PLUMBING Jones, Mrs, Kemp Smith, Mvs (Clinies in Oshawa. Mr, Rrook sented her with a corsage of ved for "5 years where Mr, Widish Hyiiney by hg 3 Mis William stated there was an average of ross and He bridegroom was|is emnloyed at the General Mo 207 SIMCOE ST. §. OSHAWA Aland Bath Mit makes hard oleman rs, Stanley WENer, [10 cases of TH a day in 1959 and {presented with a boutonniere, tors and received his 23-year pin/ water seem smoath as silk Mrs. Roman Krawets, Miss Ros: he nly way ta discover this dis {Later a hol supper was served this spri [ ) 4 | TO. Later a ho : pring, | 1.00 amund Comrie, Mes, John Me gase in Hive was by a chest BRIDE TO BE and a sing song enjoyed Lid . } Cammond, Miss Jean Craig X-ray. There will be a mass sur The engagement is announe From all the guests present, | The success of the card party vey of Oshawa. and canvassers ed today of Miss Doreen Marie [he honored pair vecelved a was due to the extensive work of will he calling at homes Kitaul and My Bebe i) urle 'hoautiful coffee percolator and | BIG FAMILY WASH? the following conveners: Prizes The room prize was awarded Quigley of Vancouver, Rpitish [from their niece, Mrs, Carl O | r tg Mra, Cyril Powell, Mrs, Alana Grade 5 and 6 Mes, Lillian! Columbia, The bride-to-be is the dite, and Dr, Osidita, they receiv hh Tatin, Mrs, Alan Atkinson: re: Peters is the teacher daughter of Mr. and Mrs, od an inseribed silver tray, They a il 0 EN freshments, Mrs, Robert Prit Refreshments were served hy! George Kitzul of Thoreld, On. also received many other gifts --- f | S : chard and the grade mothers: the social executive, Mrs, Adrian fario, The marriage will take [and congratulatory messages 4 Favors, Mrs, Everett Graham: pill, Mrs, James Johnston, and place in St, Michael's Cathe Mr, and Mrs, Widish spent f , ( Mirror Lipsticke=with the wagle roll-out mirror, AN [7 [lof X i | 12) tables, Mrs, Edward C1arki Mes. Roy Foster, assisted hy the dral, To \ shit \~] 4 | \ J assis al, Toronto, on Saturday, their childhood In Manitoba, Mrs. | \ } chairs, Mrs, Byron Words ni tek grade mothers of Grades 5, & December 3 Widish, the former Jennie Kruch hi ets, Mrs, Robert Smith: table 7. Mrs, Peter Caunak and M ' i cloths, Miss Marilyn Reynolds Donald Leavitt. The next BOTH THE SAME PAY? display cards, Mrs, Stephen Me neaiing will he on December 12 Connell, Miss Laurel McConnell; | 18 1 Hl Coun advertising, Mrs. John Jeffries: |. : . [EX NJ sale of candy, Mrs, James Jane haha iy Shs now we | Lillian. Mae. Marsh WHEN YOU HAVE A Refreshments were served hy! New Zealand, with its rieh soll Relrestmenis were served ta! New Zeatond, with is rich, soll GAS WATER HEATER mothers of 103,000 square miles, SCHOOL OF DANCING There's nothing like having PLENTY of hot water for D.E.A.--M.D.A. laundry, dishes and family baths--whenever you need it. ao Rabble futh Suiiolens FOR THE FINEST IN Enjoy all the hot water you'll ever need with no waiting, A Quon; tive, ie. 12.00 HOME ; Ballet, Tap, Toe, - Get a fast, economical COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC Character, Baton, GAS WATER HEATER today, No other fuel equals Natural Gas, DECORATING Boni wip CHOOSE FOR YOURSEL @® PAINTING Pre-School, A 17 Per on § Per ® PAPER HANGING : FRIDAY & SATURDAY i RENT Month " BUY Month © ROXATONE WORK 1 w \ : San : J & © MURALS at the VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AND SEE THE DRYERS ON DISPLAY 7. VA) AL / CALL FOR COMPLETE nese eparimer WINTER | # SALES * SERVICE WIDE FREE D RY ' \ RN PATTE'S [Le MASONIC TEMPLE SAEs SERICE gy Today ef bE onde 8 Year eerie | 6 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA pe PROPAME Simcoe ; Special! | Sams 3 BHONE 84 3.3829 oImeNen: RA 37253 Galt and Victoria Sts. Whitby MO 8-3328