Donald "Unemployment andiin he greater spervisory PpOWers, 4 mupicipsl aifairs, The presen.' a 7 : i : gkm = 8, will 5-5 | EIN Pl Finance Issue [= nia: inn 200 GOOD EVENING » ' i y ; dl yd i . Niagara and Sarnia, There hiss field." 2 J Hi y Ro yi ™ | | ini -- By JACK GEARIN 1522, a 24 For Ontario A a : wy DON meENEY (revons desing win oe wie] To The Public of Oshawa ! CITY ELECTION CAMPAIGN STILL LAGS 4 i -. ! N f § E & ! Ca i ess Sia j commission sale of land in the The municipal election campaign Is dragging. gr y | Canadian " : id Writer eninmila Ay Hydro's purchase It should pick up next week, but interest thus far i y i 1 | TORONTO (CP) ~~ Municiphliof Jang at Sarnia a government : . affairs ond the provisce's fi-lviyhitewash has been negligible, about on a par wth the interest dis« y Y played (in bygone years) in such places as Belleville, j a : sate ve eupeiiad bo shaee Sel For ha. fel, tine Sie Wi) OPEN OUR DOORS where the citizenry learned in a most costly way what | = i j lature reopens Tuesday, ad nig RagR eB Bd 4 i meant to slumber off and to pretend that City Hall was " a ' | During the last session the 8e-lher 1ecess for the Christmas non-existant, oh . d (partments of agriculture and 1a holidays, then reconvene in Jate HEARTS d P URSE Even the Sunday \ hor Jew Sopomition fe Jen January and run wotil April an movie plebiscite here has | : rogressive & On & | Mr, Frost is experimenting failed to stir excitement-- - goverment brought 1am fos win the split session because of there is also a lamentable " y and the Farm Products Market- pressing order of legislative T Ai daarth of slderminie cz : Fur business and the long hours of 0 |] ; nie can~ ' ng Act, debate during the last session, didates, Municipsl affairs affect the, goteot committees on automo greatest number of people ANA bile insurance and crop insurance There isn't even an the government will have to find ,oopeply will report this session ' The Unfortunate Victims Py - Im. a : Sides Rane candidate ind ways and means of strengthening Both are slmost certain to op. Wily be tagged as | local governments without in- y " # possible spokesman fc / Host oy ling Ot government 8 Pomibl Pp n for ; fringing on their autonomy. sponsored insurance, The select OF e Oshawa Downtown ; | Municipal scandals, notably in committee on legislative prac Businessmen's Association, Toronto's York Township, Belle- tices will recommend minor an organization whose in- | pan abey" yo vile and the town of Eastview, changes in House rules, " fluence in City Council | RAY wn) HA have drawn attention fo (hel. yy po oonrINUE fn . . ' inl # bor whole field of municipal affai circles has diminifhed to > 7% ' ' Select committees on the cost - ¥ an all-time low , . . os. i MH Fre Si " _- MONEY 18 KEY PROBLEM of drugs, land expropriation and "n Several would-be ake Via ix x A y Pinancial matters will alto he the administrative and executive D Y 1 R Pp divimonie cand ; Eada prs a major issue. Omtario has a problems of government will pre 1 andidates (like . p ; budget of nearly $1,000,000,000 sent interim reports and oy to ex-alderman John Dyer) . ; and is going into debt st a rate be reconstituted by the House so are carefully weighing the lof about $113,000000 a year. [they can continue their studies in 2 i" ZA bs ai scales before aking a U premier Prost has receive ; . JOHN DYER #10 Taung 2 1 W INS ASSIST APPEAL DRIVE ul mist Pt i Jos iceivt on yA is how the opposition Give Generously 4 a decision The true picture will emerge next Thursday at Twin-sister Patricia Robins, | cago, The four - year - old | ricia goes, Jacqueline has to go, |5OVET nment for a better tax shar: parties sum it up 4 United Cerebral Palsy 1961 | Patricia's honor is being an- | so Mr, and Mrs, Raver Robi ing arrangement, so 8 'provincia bers; Leader Jok Ww 3 4 the Council chambers when nominations Fo alr ) : 8 Mr, and Mrs, Haver Robins, "5 - m oe John Winter 7:30 pm. in th yuneil chamb y poster girl, holds "crown" as = nounced later in the day fo the | of Levittown, NY, all came sales lax seems imminent, The meyer ~ *'Pederal-provineial fis en our anvasser ans open. Jacqueline looks around for | cerebral palsy association's | slong for Pairicia's biggest day [Liberal and CCF opposition can cal relations and municipal rye: There were times in the 1040's when aldermanic | mama's approval today in Chi- | conference, Everywhere Pat- | so far, he expected to employ the situa: form will have (0 he discussed candidates were so few the fear was expressed that all » tion to the best political advan: Then there is unemployment -- ON = 12 seat-holders would be returned by acclamation, when Kill » INTERPRETING THE NEWS tage Most of the unemployed are vivies , y The most important govern [Manual workers and 40 t civieeminded groups went around knocking en doors 1 ed Six, ment a will be included are under 24 years of a This| *® [ LJ (even stopping people on the street) to get candidates, a the speech from the throne tos & technological age and we'rel The initial aldermanic entry list was paltry in 1054 . hl Bd ed by Lieutenant-Governor not training the people to do the snd 1055, but. what happened?--there was a record 28 Fined $5 (®) itica a m J, Keiller Mackay at the legisla-| kind of work that is required fo entries in the former year and 24 in the latter, There ture opening be done, | were 18 in 1058, TORONTO (CP) =~ Operators Outside of new legislation, the| CCF Leader Donald C, Mae] . . wee" |of a drug store, which sold poi only other material ehange in the SCHOOL FRILLS ILL ADVISED NOW son that accidentally caused te In Britain House will be iwo new faces The story of the Board of Education's latest plunge death of six persons In Ontario Arthur Evans, mayor of Brad- A : were fined $50 and costs Friday) By ED SIMON The Conservatives, y ford, and Philip Hoffman, into the sea of high finance makes for exciting reading, y 4 Thi By ED SIMO le Conservatives, writing off) 5; ektor at Th i but it will do little to ease the concern of the overs ily breach of the Pharmacy! canadian Press Staff Writer Jer" mote I hiuetop fired sblef lorcolur ot Timagonn, TO ALL CITIZENS OF OSHAWA / burdened tax-payer, Jordian Operating Company In spite of the stimulation of fortune' in approximately equal Timiskaming ridings for the Con- Limited pleaded guilty to selling seven byelections in two days, proportions to luck and the cele. Servatives in September hyelec: The free-spending (frill-crazed board), with its 3 3 i . oR codeine phosphate and methyl Britain remains politically be-|brate: by : Jin tions and will take their seats for| customary disregard for its financial status, has award- [CHEE PERS drugs, while| calmed praied imperturbaility of thelr|T one BOE He. ed contracts totalling $2,510,075 for the new composite no registered pharmacist was The conscientious electors! Bven an undivided Labor party! Standing in the 98-member| high~technical school in the northwest Stevenson's road |present to supervise braved wind and rain to do theiriand a better organized 4 ded fouse; Conservatives 71, Lib: sector, Defence counsel H, W. Oulch quiy at the polls, But the results| machine would have been hard erals 23, CCP 5. : [ said the store now had two regis-| ifared no portents of upheaval put to find anything to inflame The government believes it has i ) ] i i t $760,000 more than previously re » y This is about $790, ny an ¥ usly {tered pharmacists on duty full gix Conservative candidates|ihe voters, dealt effectively with opposition quested by the board ~= the plain unvarnished truth (time, took the field in defence of seats charges against the Niagara is that the city can ill afford some of the luxuries in~ won by Prime Minister Maemil- LOW-KEY POLITICS parks commission and the Hydro. cluded in this new showplace (such as $212,000 for a . lan's government in last year's] Ever since Macmillan doused Electric Power Commission by New Ontario general election and all six came down the fires of the Suez contro-| appointing royal commission in. swimming pool and $235,000 for an auditorium) regard« S08 SX suttie) res ; p ointing ise i i ome in triumph, Ahor- versy on taking over from Sip/vestigalions, less of the high motives behind such lavish spending constituency in Wales, loftily dis-|Anthony Eden four years 289, lor SATISFIED | 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Movember 19, 1960 with the taxpayer's money, g bi t P t Tore Ti bid h ' : rege g reports of the party's British politics have been con Eo 'yr School boards, like individuals, should learn to live a ine 08 disintegration, elected a Labor|ducted in a low key yh the Liberals ad CC hid : : ; ¥ ing ator A icate e na se within their budgets, especially in times of economic TORONTO (CP)--Allan Gross. man by a thumping majority, | There have been financial Ri ae a a again this session U BERCU LI N AND uncertainty, This board has constantly and ruthlessly (man, Pro gressive Conservative NO BIG ISSUE i ated hy SH a88, but they have nollheeause they are dissatisfied with member for Toronto St, Andrew, The voting was dominated bY emerged clearly from the Jorgon|ine findings, The CCF termed disregarded its budget whether in dealing with its ad. has been appointed minister "0 outstanding issue, If the vo-ior (he economic experts, Un X-RA y ministration centre or its convention policy, which al |uinout portfolio in the Ontario (ers of Ebbw Vale, who sent left-lemployment and housing short lows frequent trips to far-away points, cabinet, Premier Frost an winger Michael Foot to West-lages have bred discontent, but| OR Several month: 0 the board got the green light [nounced Friday, minster, sought to strengthen La: \only in the regions affected, In| Treasur Man To determine elo If Several months ag ard got g g : Short infected and f fr City C cil for a $1,750,000 debenture on the He succeeds W, J. Dunlop, bors move towards a defence (ernational tensions have simply 3 nfected and extent o rom y Council r 760, 0 Conservative member for Tor. police of unilateral nuclear dis-|sepved to rally voters behind the Charged In Theft | Which will determine if any TB infection infection, new school -- this was before the board decided such |5nio Eglington, who retires from armament, their sentiments were|goyernment, a sum was insufficient and returned to Council to get [the executive council to become hot ech 4 sliowhore. Ga Ws the location of te by. MIGRONTO. (CP\-mJoht oe THERE ARE SEPARATE CLINICS FOR EACH 11 conditional approval for $1,000,000, if such amount ine vice-chairman on a newly » es a | tablished university committee, (bor info third place in four eon: Topies, Immediately after last/iax branch of the provincial cluded a swimming pool or auditorium, but not both 8 | luded w gE P d * also announced Friday, stituencies but only one of them|year's general election, Labor (reasury department, Friday was The board will now return to Council to get the Mr, Dunlop is a former min:|came within shouting distance offiost an MP in a seot they had|pomanded on $10,000 hail on new amount passed. This will be done without delay, ister of education, the winning Conservative, And won by a bare 47 votes, The Con:|oharges of stealing $7,000 from It is to be hoped that Council will stand firm on The seven-member university|there are no consolation prizes Inlservatives won it by 600, {the government, its original commitments and not bow to any special committee will be headed by Ed. the political world for men whol In this week's balloting, apart| Police sald MeMurren, 35, z y J ) 4 4 am ucation Minister Robarts, finish second, from the marginal seat of Bolton/made out cheques for farmers' pressure or lobbying efforts, If the Council feels such In a prepared statement, Mr ; (East, where they barely scraped gas tax rebates to fletitious Bathe Park Clubhouse heavy and needless expenditures are justified, it should |¥rost said Ontario's university {through, there wasn't a con: names, deposited them in vari . . h Blvd Eulali put the matter squarely up to the taxpayers, family has now grown te 12 and stitueney where the result was in|ous Southern Ontario banks and ' Oshawa vd, at Eulalie OIKS Ten trustees supported the $2,610,075 expenditure [it 18 Seairahle J provide any serious doubt, [then collected the money, THURS NOV 2 Orange Hall 5 1 more orma vehicle or e T a . La wut 4 whi Fletcher Rryuan, Saywell, Britten, Brown, study and consideration of uni Ma Strike | Ll 4 . 15 Bruce St, ee, ) ) 3 on, versity development and the in Y Four other board members stood up to be counted [tegration of university purposes C.R.A. ANNUAL MEETING FRI NOV 25 Albert St. United Church after strongly opposing the $2,510,075 item, They are; [and policies I T nto whbedddiud Al * 348 Albert St. Rev, P, Coffey (who feels the new school is too expen= |, He sald hh ie i iil to Rave n oro 2 L ' presse ative © | sive) and Trustees O'Neill, Shaw and Armstrong. Trus= |(ec to of JB Lo pond omni, TORONTO (CP) -- A strike of The officers and Board of Directors of the Oshawa and District MON NOV 28 Albert St. United Church tee Armstrong says the technical wing is too costly and [for university problems, co - or. Metropolitan Toronto's 3.800 Sortiunity Resraation Awiaciation wish ta annaunce that the ANNUAL od 348 Albert St, that the 1200-pupil school is too big for ti $ dinate university development member Civie Employees Union TING OF THE AHIGCIAVION Will SP HILO DIGIMBIR 4th " =p pA school 13 ea hig "of that section of i ler fin Y yy OPMENt| (or) may tie up all public ser 1960, at 8:00 p.m, for the purpose of reporting on the year's eperation, Albert St, United Church the city, Trustee O'Neill also feels the schaol is too costly 3 Pig ay a hee ds to) rs tram garbage collection fol] 1 lect new Members of the Beard of Directors, and conduct such Y . 348 Albert St e 0) pia gre p -= he does not think the board should provide such riod pi nels hid RN waterworks and road mainten other business as may come before the meeting er ha facilities as swimming pools and auditoriums, although [sis , ance next week IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE OSHAWA AND WED N \"4 Eastview Park Clubhouse such would be used by outside groups after school hours, Ontario grants universities William Dvarcatt, President ol DISTRICT COMMUNITY RECREATION ASSOCIATION SEVEN MEMBERS MJ . 30 LaSalle at Eulalie Father Coffey feels the school will have far too many ahout $30,000,000 a year, x nd 2 i Friday te in Re QF THE HOARD RETIRE AND JEVEM MUST BR BLIGHD, Nem fi da , : - | pared 0 PAC a d 1 ) I ¢ V ward must be presen technical training rooms (10). {iiike ic defiance of provigolall] lor uldetion to the Sard must Je prea - ii nadine; w ki Harmony United Church The board is unwise to ignore the protests of such 'T E Labor Minister Charles Daley id A orice od ve ait vo J Harmony Rd, : dN 3 , avin ts nl . nyene halding a nembershin is entitled ta all voting privile veteran educationists as Trustees O'Neill and Arm- wo scape and he ik Sui) Rela ions and 1a hald a position on the Board, Memberships may be 'procured St, Phili School \ Me tlears Oatlov.. or . Rung 0 ¢ r, Daley declared that a | Ci% 0 Aqcual 'Meeting night, prior ta the meetin t Ips schoo strong and Father Coffey, who is a Separate School conciliation board's report does § Tg, priter Yo the Meeting Oxford at E Id hs ! xtorda a mera . representative on the board, From Kingston not constitute a report under the Anyane wishing ta place their name or that of anyone else (in accords IS PERT 2 ' 'av : X T y ance with regulations as indicated above) an the neminations list for Jrusice Masgebet BREW Shay not sways be diplo- Sibi : habo Relations ack. ai glection may da sa by contacting the CRA, office, 100 Gibb Street, H St, Philips School matic in her spirited fact-finding expeditions arour NGSTON (CP)--Two young : JU 8 atl Telephone RA 5-111 by P 8 Pp 8 und YOURE! id bar the union from strik " g Oxford at Emerald Harmony School the hoard; but she is persistent and courageous in dig- [Prisoners fled from a construc al sks } I L ageous in dig tion camp outside the walls of NE He took a similar stand on THE PUBLIC 1S CORDIALLY INVITED ging up pertinent data, She likes to speak the blunt [Collins Bay medium - security!® - Split between conciliation truth, regardless of the scorn such performances occas~ [penitentiary Friday. They made board members in a dispute be: 4 LL Nn Harmony Rd. Ss sionally draw from fellow members who vote with the [their escape in a twoton dump !Ween subrban North York and i Christ Memorial Church { uck ¢ 600 outside members, power groups. She was at her best in the Holshawa |'"uek. 3 Hilleroft at Mary St, ap Nn antif 5 y deal and thanks to her dogged persistence the taxpayers or Tes Catena ne / oe L f ELEN \ were saved at least one acre of land, Chatham and John Percy Ward, | Oshawa's I y oT " TR A] ' , 126, of Toronto, . I \ DON'T LET GEORGE DO IT HIS WAY Police and guards attempted Busiest Members of the Oshawa Little Theatre (those sed- (to head the truck off an High | Real a ulous toilers in the vinyards of the amateur drama {way 33 west of here i / i by " \ rama) est of here Tender EAT'N i ' - are in a state of ecstasy, and understandably so, follow= The men were described as | Estate al yy Al ing the successful Nov, 10 appearance of the Royal Win- [PH of a prison work party} Firm RA 65103 TRUE-TRIM BEEF pc ¥ \ TINY alin] pa Bathe Park Clubhoe MON., NOV. 28 vie hi hae n A building a staff house outside the nipeg Ballet which drew more than 800 to the Dr, F\ J, |west wall of the penitentiary, Oshawa Blvd, at Eulalie wall 9 the | . Donevan Collegiate Auditorium, -- Ee -- J --- 2 ' i 'The OLT is to be commended for its enterprising 12 KING E, RA 3-3633 TU ES NOV 29 Orange Hall spirit in this pronation fling i She field of profes M og . 15 Bruce St sional ballet -- we find it difficult, however, to go along peci : with the thinking of some of their influential hh CITY OF OSHAWA eat 5 ials Mon, & Tues. I WED NOV 30 Albert St, United Church such as Trustee George K. Drynan, whe interprets this . | o . 348 Albert St, success as a sure sign that a $235,000 auditorium should : be included immediately into the architectural a } Notice of Statutory Holiday STEAK SIRLOIN Ib TH URS DEC 1 Albert St, United Church the city's newest high school, WING . cB J . 348 Albert St, The city needs such an auditorium, yes, but let's Federal legislation provides that when not saddle the taxpayer with the cost, The city also LEA R needs at least three more centrally-located, outdoor Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, the day N. Rif : Above schedule to Dec, 1 onl i swimmi Is (for th i Kidd . : . only -- Testin swimming boos (fr Use ious' Kiddies Mr | after i a statutory holiday. STEW BEEF 4 lbs. 1.00 J in Oshawa to Dec. 16th -- See dai 3 for. children's hockey, miles of new roads, and an ad- n S| awa ec. t -- ee daily listing dition to the City Hall, among other things. MONDAY, DECEMBER 26th, therefore FRESH MADE of Clinic locations. Mr Drynan frequently serves as advance guard ill be STATUTORY HO spokesman for the big spenders on the Board of Edu= Ww a LIDAY | : eal Patties 31bs.1.00 HOURS OPEN : cation. His approach to these problems is too often une 3 . : realistic, The voters on Dec, 5 would be well advised, | City Council, by a resolution passed the 7th day of | : > ) i 2 TO 5 P M therefore, to reject him as emphatically as did another || November, 1960, ruled that Tuesday, December FRESH MADE $ SE EL : y TO 10 P M ' BEEPS 3 «V8, group of voters in recent memory when "Fighting | 27th, will not be proclaimed a holiday in the City George" sought a seat in the provincial legislature, ! ED. CLINE ENTERS ALDERMANIC RACE and the Municipal Offices will be open for business Country Sausage 5 lbs. $1 Edward Cline, a veteran of Local 323 inter-union on that day. politics since he moved to Oshawa in 1940, will enter TENDE the aldermanic race for City Council Dec, §. He served L. R. BARRAND R seven years as president of the Oshawa and District City Clerk, Labor Council, He was secretary-treasurer of the comps i UB TEAKS lb. 59¢ any that built the UAW headquarters qn Bond Street \ i Help Prevent Tuberculosis Have A Test und pn, SA