The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1960, p. 1

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Community Ch ' THOUGHT FOR TODAY Optimists and pessimists may be mostly wrong, bave more fun, nist, optimists Frise Pot Guesr 16 Corts Por Copy I -------- WASHINGTON (AP) Us officials pietured Cuba today as fullding wp a huge arsenal of Soviet-bloe military weapons fo Arm revolgtiongry movements taroughout the Caribbean ares TW The state department an nounced Friday might (hat (he government of Cuban Prime Min ister Videl Castro slready has imported 28000 of 'rms from the Boviel wicluding tanks, guns and MiG Jot fighters The department said shipments @lso Included shout 6000 tons of gsorted smmunition in addition to almost 46,000,000 rounds of rifle, machine-gun and artillery ammunition previously obiawed lw Castro from non-Communist shurces According to the department's received tons Ble eight =. Tey | | L Castre has Massive Arsenal In Cuba -- CS lye Osharon Tome ' est Climbs Past $175,000 Mark WEATHER REPORT Variable cloud, with fog patches and showers, Temperatures slightly higher, Aeon Fost o_Second Class Mah Office Department, Ofews EIGHTEEN PAGES OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1960 GHANA DEFIES io now has the largest army mn Latin America, Wis militia was pit at 200,000 persons and off) vigls estimated that his regular army totals 40.000 Russia and Hed Ching are co operating in the supply of arms to Castro, the state department iid, because they "apparently desire to contribute to Caribbean tensions by burdening the Cuban ceonomy with excessive Arms purchuses and hy supporting the gugressive policies of the Cuban prime minister," Washinglon officials expressed the hope that disclosure of the Cuban arms information, evi dently obtained from intelligence) sources, would warn other na-| tions throughout the hemisphere 1 the dangers of serious Commu nist-directed trouble-making by Castro | Privately, officials put thelr figures, fenrs in blunter terms, The Com munist powers, they said, are clearly using Cuba 85 a base for aecumulating arms with which to supply revolutionary movements whenever there is an opportunity to stir up serious trouble, total of 93,000 automatic rifles including 45,000 from Communist Czechoslovakia; 10000 sub-ma chine-guns; B variety of heavier weapons and 10 Soviet helicop (ers The state department sald Cas Kremlin Rein On Castro Threats? squad. delectives| HAVANA (AP) The muting, The Eisenhower order--ihe re were questioning resi-\of Fidel Castro's rocket-rattling sult of a request from Guatemala seven-init midtown wamings to the United Biates and Nicaragua who charged un: Park Ave, huilding heightened speculation here to- successful revolts against thelr Castro Vranciseo, building su-|day that Moscow has advised | governments in the last week told detectives he him to take a more moderate were alded by Cuba ~ sel off a the inciner|gourse in bis dealings with Wash: chain furore, including both erit- |leal and approving comment in NT OF BLAZING BUILDING Baby Found In Incinerator | MONTREAL (CP) A new horn infant pulled from the flames of an apartment building incinerator was reported in seri ous condition today at the Mont real Children's Hospital Homigide meanwhile dents of the THREE FIREMEN DIED IN BABEME Three Killed In N. Y. Blaze A nine: workers already had left for the old 0aY Viremen first realized men trapped in the hasement when contact was lost with them ia walkie-talkie radios, Fighting through flames, they managed to The three firemen Herally oul two to safely, but could not Yslid to thelr death" inte he yeach the aiher three, The fire basement of the five-story 100 men died within 10 feet of a stair huilding where the fire started, (way which remained intact de: perintendent, First on the scene, they fushed spile the fire found the infan ih lhe icing: sow yard the basement only to find pe 9 ator Friday after he had se "6 inglon, ward the had heen converted Line Jond, wire lgniified as to some refuse and heard evies,| The Kremlin's hand may be Latin Ametics on the naval jabs inte & chute for sliding down! gis Sammon, 84, and John Cos: The infant suffered hurns over|behind the lessening of attacks tion and a Cuban letter of protes mevehandise, | new, 140 per cent of the hody in the government press against|lo the United Nations, Once in the smoke-filled cellar President-elect John Kennedy Ciuatemalan President Miguel they were unable to find thelr in contrast with the increased Ydigoras also sald he favored a way out tempo against President Kisen- Korean-type police action against The fire broke out shortly after hower and Viee-President Rich. Cuba, and both Guatemala and § p.m, in the 100-yearold brick ard Nixon---possibly with a view|Nicaragua were reported consid. NEW YORK (AP) alarm fire roared buildings In lower Manhattan Friday night, trapping and kill ing three firemen and injuring a dozen others through Were 8, Winter Fair building housing textile concerns to keeping a path open. to later ering invoking the hemisphere's at Broadway and Grand Blreets BPREAD TO OTHERS Within minutes it tumed into a toreh as flames mushroomed through the building, then spread to five neighboring structures The fire was out of control for more than eight hours, feeding on holts of elath and other mater als ive alarms were in Manhattan and four in Brooklyn bringing #4 pleces of fire equip ment and more than 450 firemen "Phis 18 one hell of a fire said Fire Commissioner Kdward Cavanagh, whe was on the seene along with Mayor Robert Wag ner One wall eollapsed parking lol, buryin auto -WORKERN ENCAPY There were only a few persons in the buildings and they fled when the blaze started, Most sonnded in a several "| conciliatory approaches, It was noted here that Prime Minister Castro's newspapers and radio made no mention of Boviet rocket support in their blasts at President Eisenhower for order ing UMN, Navy ships and planes aw Hive mare Wiley ink Chapaol Gong Morris teamed up to members of the two-round | obstacle hefore a other Hyeleam Jumpoff event "a oom over a i he: Course Closes Today TORONTO (CP)==The Royal fore the parade (hat of the 100 ada's show window of agricul: horse and cattle divisions, 69 ture, winds up tonight with a/were won hy Ontario breeders Canadian National KExhibi {livestock "that the majority tion Coliseum farmers look for the greater part| follows the awarding of the inter A he tock ehamplons HOW TO AVOID national horse team champion: filed out of the arena, the scene PARKING TICKETS of of the annual falr champlons--the Prix des Nations It will also mean the end o./Trophy in the international team trolman William Sturges didn't let the jeering from the work tion between livestock hreeder show and agrieulturists from across he United Btales won the | parked near a factory Friday Hut he did stop when an em States captured last year from Cer Friday night than 100 many fof the plant and yelled: "There's an emergency A plasses, paraded in the festooned and 1 arena throng of ap: defeat (he vevor belt," Sturges called for help, Two W. P. Watson, livestock missioner for Ontario, sald and a rescue truck rushed to the plant, tying up evening Agricultural Winter Fair, Can: championships arded in the ceremony in the arena of the Mr, Watson sald that it is 40 Guatemala and Nicaragua J The closing ceremony, whieh!tf their income hip trophy, will signal the end was for another battle | PHILADELPHIA (AP)--Pa intense, though friendly competi: horse jumping event at the horse ers stop him tioketing ears Canada and parts of the United svent and retained the trophy it | ployee leaned from a window livestook, champions in their own Hugh man's heen caught in the con preelative spectators police cars, two fire engines rush hour traffic in the pro 1047 Rio de Janeiro mutual assistance, treaty of MOBUTU ORDER Cameraman Ian Melntosh, 42, and a television news corre- spondent have reported they are safe and well in Cuba, The CBC television news service sald earlier it had been trying unsuccessfully to establish eons Castro's boasting of Soviet rocket support ceased almost abruptly before the present blow up in the Caribbean, however, I'his kind of talk abated after to set up anti-invasion patrols off [Castro himself told Cubans Nov, feeling-out Noviel offers of assistance and to) rely on their own strength, This speech followed by three| days another hy Soviet Ambas-| OTTAWA (CP) Canada's west CAMERAMAN SAFE tact with the two men, They sald they had not reported in the last eight days because they had been working in the remote Sierra Maestre region in east communications, -CP Wirephoto Claims Lumumba Still Congo Boss | LEOPOLDVILLE. (AP) -- The| Mobulu announced Frida Ghanalan charge d'affalrs, Na- night he had given Welbeck unt! thaniel Welbeck, sald today he Monday to get out of the country {does not intend to bow to Col, with his nine-man mission, Mo- {Joseph Mobutu's order expelling huty has heen accusing the Ghan- iim from the Congo alans of helping deposed premier | Welbeck sald he had recelved Patrice Lumumba's efforts to re ino formal expulsion notice from turn to power, {the Congolese authorities and! welbheck sald be had received siressed (hat his government formal assurances of protection Mobutu's mili |does not recognize tary regime "1 do not consider 1 have to leave," Welbeck told reporters, "My government continues fo have diplomatic relations with the legal government of the Congo headed by Mr, lu mumba." Soo Steel Strike Ends TORONTO (CP) The United Steelworkers of America (CLC) has reached a settlement after an 11-week wage strike against the Dominion Bridge Company at fault Ste, Marie, Ont,, it was an- pounced Friday night, Louis Fine, Ontario's chief con- ern Cuba where there are no [elation officer, sald the 100 men involved will receive settlement terms for ratification Sunday, First Stage Over (ance of a healthy Canadian per. ward-bound publications roy alllodical press, has completed phase of an involving every Canadian browses In a neighborhood news stand or has a mail subseription to an American magazine The (hree-man body received commission the| inquiry All sald there Is a need for ac. tion--and most reported plans to Who make recommendations In future (hearings, The commission has left the capital on a cross-couns try tour of Information-gathering {but will be back in Ottawa for sador Bergel Kudryavisev at alp.iefs here in public hearings| December and January sittings, labor rally, Though almost every| other Cuban speaker took glow ing note of promises of Soviet {rocket support in case of US, avgrension, the Russian diplomat stressed peaceful coexistence, | Informed sources sald some members of the Russian diplos matie mission have dropped hints that the Kremlin, busy with its own problems with the United |Ntates, would like Castro to be a {little leas belligerent, (TT assessing charges that American competition in the publications field 1s gaining an overwhelming advantage that could lead to slaughter of all remaining Cana dian periodicals Completely lacking in the open ing hearings--beyond generalities Impossible to pin down were specific recommendations by any of the Canadian publishers anc printers on suggested courses of action toward ensuring malnten Inside, Sturges and the others found that no one was caught \ a4 conveyor bell When Sturges returned to ticket more illegaly parked oars they had heen moved 'We'll Fight The Act' Deportees Tell Press VANCOUVER (©) SYWe're a grandson, brother and mether year court battle by the two men Avalanche going to fight this thing and win, remained in Portland heir Hght was supported hy od Hit | We're going to fight the act until] "1 guess they'll be up heve to yeation, newspaper, union and it's repealed." visit me in a week or two, They'll ehureh officials, Twice it went to Hamish Seott MacKay stay there watil 1 see what the wrt and was TOKYO (Reuters) A giant avalalnehe today swept 58 mount COU taineers down the slopes of Ja ald arpenter, made the velaps. That's why 1 chose rejected hy split deolsion ; A \ The deportation ended an igh feat a hout the constitution \ | SlEHOR arly today 0 oh b "pans famous Mount Fuljama ment at Vancouver International convey I think the deportation from United When they ruled on our case Police said the avalanche States 1 sald Mr. MacKay, a heavyseliyaaved more than 6,000 feet down Mr. MacKay, a native of Con man of about six feet with thins io 1a aan foot mountain, Japan's $210,000 de Van i year Supreme ( pam Rupreme fallow his the | \ during | Was Segregation Suspense NEW ORLEANS (AP)--An un:) New Orleans' first public school vasy calm settled over this trou:| integration since the late 1800s bled oily today while a threes brought a week of school boys judge court decided what course ootts, unruly protest demonstra school integration will take, [tons and street fights The Judges, all southerncrs,| . ._. o russ considered these paths {RECESS FOR WEEK | They can put off until emotions subside and a tehools recessed for a week to federal = slate tangle unravels |210w teachers to attend states t a court|Wide conventions in Raton Rouge hey can leave in effec wn order that admitted four Negro and for the Thanksgiving holiday, | The court's decision could set § sip ) | |[Miabgtade aw tw "iil, motion the lowering of the tra | Or they can dismiss legal ac.[ditional segregation barrier in the lion against Louisiana which /©!ty's Roman Catholic schools, (blocks its legislature 'from runs Catholic officials say parochial Ining New Orleans schools on a|fUstgrade classes will admit Ne segregated basis gro pupils when and if public sehool racial mixing is working. {Of some 46,000 pupils in New On sort, Alla, whe entered the US ning grey hair, "I've never heen yicnest peak, carrying away | $200,000 the US. when he was eight was peace], It pressed for the LATE NEWS FLASHES leans' 70 Catholic schools, about 8,700 are Negroes, HOUSE ADJOURNS In Baton Rouge, Louisiana's 9 a 3 a4 communist A a a ) : in 1086 al the age of 21, was hd | . I three groups of mountaineers of two men from Portland, Ove, 1 MR hig , PAR bled # of them students ¢ hy the US immigration ate od 11 atl \ dalle 5 --_ A departed bi all god Communist 1931-33 with the now-dishanded a SNe SIA W leteuce wore + the 1930s Oregon Workers' Alliance, whieh |* V activity during the hs the missing climbers $175,000 A $150,000 $125,000 $100,000 $75,000 N he said wg ganized to ald th wat de HERA EEE $50,000 $25,000 ported Friday to Finland white Alon he was born while his parents SOUGHT Jons were visiting there, He entered "It was doing a good Job amd Your Greater Oshawa | COMMUNITY CHEST | Needs Your Support moaths old creation of jobs through publie! . a works and the like, At ane time HAS MANY FRIENDS ie it was recognized hy the govern . 3 Javea uy Al 3 y 4 ment as the bargaining agent for W MW Whereve Bo n Ne the unemployed have NERS hay In 1930 My, MacKay took out LLL LL p aw Hu his first eltizenship gapers in Chi a e § bt A he Portland , me cago, Later that year he moved sho a 8 A {elephone RUMbEr to call' io PRIA we 193 applied Olympic Ban For S.A. Mr, MacKay's wife couldn't PORT ELIBARETH (AP) "They told me 1 gel them because | was a ( ag st. 1 had a lot of hearings am CITY EMERGENCY - h tine denied 1 ws ry ! Om munist. They sever allowed me PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA &1138 FIRE DEPT; RA 56574 WHOSPITAL RA 3.2211 plans KINGSTON (CM A i aid.) tay ay) A for two men who fled from a 18 hours after the escape Wa SONS mittee to han South Africa fre Wn come face to face with person who told them 1 was MMunist Me. Ma be deported water (Waller Act, | AP The maternity ward nay a o d from will an onthreak of 2 aly \ die he Meany Jailbreak Truck Discovered mud-covered found today pear suburban Hillsview as police pressed a search gang Friday, The twoton dump truck was discovered some sociation, which claims to represent 50,000 non-white sportsmen, said today It plans to ask the International Olympie Come "| Disease Outbreak Closes Hospital pital was closed friday after one mother other women were stricken with the ailment but are reported recovering, "mo babies were alivcted, state legislators toned down thelr tempers and called for an end to violence, The legislature ads journed until Wednesday and went home to await the federal court's action The request to suspend integra tion until federal-state differ ences are resolved -- came from the school board, The state cons tends it has fall sovereignty over public aducation Samuel Rosenberg, the board's lawyer, told the special tfibuwnal Friday the dispute could force closure of New Orleans schools through loss of funds The board seek prison truck was Collins Bay penitentiary work Asked The South Afvican Sports As m the Olympic Games of Mount Clemens, Mich, hos was believed to have S disease, Three cated 4 may Ar a wv lof money. of state efforts to out [™ : : 0 integration] Tempers finally cooled as escaped with {' Binor injuries when Wis truck, Canadian magazines reported in thelr opening submissions pre [sented In Monday -through-Friday [wittings that they are confronted {by a multiple threat to thelr {compefitive position in the 4to-l {sales ratio held by U.S, publica. tions selling in Canada, Canadian publishers reported the main threat to the existence {of thelr magazines--which they {described as a prime force In {building up and preserving the |Canadian identity--as publication of Canadian editions of U.S, mag: a¢ines and the growing popular ity of "splitrun" advertising, Under the splitsrun approach, A national American publication substitutes a Canadiandirected ad Into editions flowing into this country although the magasine is unchanged otherwise, On Friday, New York execus tives of the Hearst and Fawoett Publications Inquiry from the United Nations, Indian Gen, Indarjit Rikhye, acting head of the UN Congo operation, sald that as far as he was concerned Welbeck did not have to leave thé country, At the same time, Rikhye stressed that the United Nations |"does not intend to interfere in [the relations between the govern. ment and diplomats," Welbeck has been persona non grata in the Congo since last Oct, 4 when President Joseph Kasa- |vubu accused him of interference eo Con, internal affairs, Churchil Report Cautious LONDON (CP) = Sir Winston Churchill's doctors, although sate Iafled that "everything Is all right," issued a cautious medical bulletin today saying the old statesman has less pain from his injured back but passed an une comfortable night, The language of the bulletin was less reassuring than the earl lor comment of Sir Winston's personal physician, Lord Moran, on Churchill's recuperation from a fall In which he broke a small bone In his back, The official bulletin sald: "Sir Winston did not have a very good night but the pain from his injury is loss," After Lord Moran and Profes- tor Herbert J, Seddon had con. a na 1 Cluded a 00-minute visit to Neuy. 1o helm, * ou, Donald Churchill's town house, Lord i % Moran told reporters vice-president, | , poriers: ' | "Everything ls all right He appeared, along with John| He did not elaborate but his Miller, Hearst corporation viee:|eamment was taken to mean that president, complications such as chest cons Fawcett publications include! gestion, which often develop in a Woman's Day, sold through suman of Sir Winston's age while permarkets; Mechanix Illus immobilized abed, had not mater trated, True Confessions, Motion falized as yet, Ploture and Cavalier, { -- In the Hearst list Housekeeping, Science House Beautiful, Popular Me: chanics, Town and Country, publishing houses sald the maga:| zines they send into Canada make a major contribution to the free oxchange of ideas between peo- ples without harming Canadian periodicals, "They are read in Canada, as they are in the United States, because people want to read them and because people get in. formation or pleasure or useful are Good Digest, Election Expense Sports Afield, Harper's Bazaar, Limit Sought Motorboating and Cosmopolitan, ™ PY. " The Fawcett organization on ld {CrieShotid {hire been putting out an edition of campaign expenditures? True magazine which carries al J, W, Pickersgill, Liberal mem. special Canadian section and 80+ per of the Commons for Bona. liclts Canadian advertising, but|yista-Twillingate, hopes to put the Mr, Hanson sald publication ofl question to MPs at this seskion | | ! Drive Keith Dorchester, Ont., of Jennings | this edition has been suspended. of Parliament, DRIVER ESCAPES TRUCK BLAZE carrying a mixed cargo, went ato a ditch a ist pulled Jenni from ¢ Aikobuusued near | 0 he Tecumseh, A ' motor blazing truck, (AP Wisgphoto) .

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