The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1960, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sorwrdey, Movember $2--Legol Whoa; REGAL. Botiw aes, snes 5 WY * Ad 45 Resi Estmie for So Sale 47 -- Automobiles tor Sale ai ok Ds stony; Had dori pe a i _ raping, hark pris IANS, AOR Aeniel Beis mation. Low» pitt if maine iily perieat, WW top Mators, BA £ oh wilh Ra 1 GREY ROLEY iad ast AB Automebiles Wanted | HOUSTOMN'S GARAGE 50--~Articles for Sale AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM oi mom rick [oy x8, $5 per tes : BA 500 sear of TS 3% POLE y Flats |A4--Houses, Apts, Flats A--touiss, Apts, Fits (45-~Regl Estate For Sole bor bart AN U8 met, 1 gree) ome roves o ARREIH FRE RRC " pres ch. ly Hin Baw tow ihh wig ie, Sastiie lad prs logins Ihimidhost- For 3 w wi Ft OI Ry rt r 0 dd wis 7 et pet Hina f IHREN. giecn w gray fav Vig wing, re at a ple ais " G or 8 And 4 LABRA - RIW 4 I frame. A rims Bewly yr) bi 4 ¥ 4 pilvaie bach foe 8 pot: ps Povicie a sin APARTWENT one with Eade] mel, Weatid N we add ad fi dnd APAETHENT pacs Bath, private sttrancs, wlan, wll comtained. (ne Some Aly $57 Gehaws os thre FOUR: Yate Lida Ed epiiaich wes child Phone BA 57% AY 18 CARILIAC A Bouse, oi Reglad, hot bediioma [aH To #eprtiment, #54 deve £4 is Cid Was Fore PY EER pire two rnem agent ~. rg ErivEle enits Parking Wed isi 4 vm | ohio THHEF men sible Es Four kupboards #vaile FER HED [| nd ing, " 19ble LI £84 Breet THREF I « oon Private SOupIe prefers piece FOUR eih F iA § of LARGE SIX ROC DUPLEX BRAND NEW é lmmed call "MRE MA RA 5-0020 ONE MONTH FREE RENT Madern one reem apo up. Best location RA B-B&76 $85 Tele riment PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMEN SAGUENAY AVE! & TRIC (PARK RD Die KING Nn Quiet, residential | & 2:bedr Stove fr park from sty m v drape Rents ng, ef $90 FHONE RA § m RA 5.7272 a PERISERAIE, iL Ahpd iin Eh Fuk pomims, newly Ares ei ed Aiaatinc ta} $5 oF month. Telephone BA iM 190555 alle int soups with Gress Apiy © Bin Bpaitiend [= [17] Ad A and tw 00 end anthly oun, sw -noniined apart ra 4s oF hay Frome lide Ra oR yori Agwty 1266 Weekey 1)vivs O8 FIG oe Sp ey West ri : Ehud pithy we Ati y 2 ROW BF Powe ov [rire bath, etre wry. 5 Verdin nd forma A, lyon Frm oot, ¥ libata hid wel # Borsrord HIRE HR ps AVAILABLE with Fpsse tog mess b heh IR ald y ais py of Ae, 53 f Fark R NFLR NIAER fis WERE, Reavy WITIRg, * ihe adn «alin ¥ Bless dd " fi Aish ad UNFERNISHED PT a TWO Ace m IM ely YER THRE} L 9 ONF new nur gLEAN (vil and hed ref HA hed ag hone | hgated, y dull Li HA FIVE dawn to 8-603 LARGE Kilehs Hr 865 a mor lephone HA and deca are thieg ¥ kam, PArking, rea | at Bimead nf FOR "YE TS UE ST, gel, Apartments T eutlet KA § MODERN (hi Priva week! $787 lin WHITBY CLASSIFIED males 8, fe and very ¢ sale PUPS | A ald two stare suitable Hners ent Call Iv VHITRY Central two-ream fridge Suitahle MO #3 Large i floor a Fhane oping roam ping roc i an vy. M0 Soh MO & a J £PTI0 Wal way Baw 1a #1 Chastoul Wa TVARRRITEW ea. MA Dal tor FF and 1 aliding hie hame ah RAR 1g | oN ale, real i Sales « EMO 8.3224 REN Apart males 8 \ FOR RENT ile 0 hey Ve fo and win ( ed apart nd stove far busi Att FEMALY 8 or fue with Street Nh Wakthans al mad ¢ ted nial ah J , al, Heal Vil Twa bed & S50 With Cla \ WANTED hithy aun with A.M » altar ap stack Wn strata 1 PLANT YOUR BULBS NOW W @ have a k ® vO if Dut t ety Nursery Ng BFVETWYCH ARDENS HWAY 1h b | ents 3 th 0 wiles § Whithy PHONE OL 5.3570 Residence MO 3.473% VROOM or rean VRENG man bezm Lp - he Chiang. Fos Am Hel sida West, BA Cos yo A 15 BIORE spas 7 nn Rew Beey A spire ol Pals Li catia fon sneak speck. RA § AFAR HENT fon romt itl ante ", By att tL Anas madd i, sin A Libawe £ December bb ADV ed ly phere Wy 5 Ais TA, RRR Adis Bt PH Barrie HW fir - room hanawion Bie few / ~ apartment wr y yy fy wing, TV send, why §. BA 9500 i Sha--Rooms For Rem Kasha patie BITRE WARIO five ites Pa i] POLBIE pon with smell nose (Reins ERLIABER, BRIBE te, FRLInES, Mit ya A jody, frst vacant shad Eons ovis of Mes ne privileges, wing. Available Avenue alter FRINGE or tun years Hid parking we Albeit RA 32788 EERIE THER 6d. AP i, gp fd 4d phone BA -9979. For win» sable fo at 7 om 5, PHVA A F104 CVIng KARINE efrigeyato nes Street yd En close | A 6870) WLLL, UN FURNISHED | ia comfortable 8 weekly HOOMIERS far gentiemam roam, TeROR t i hedeoop inuous hot BA S814 w home, Kit Phine gin East dentieman with private ed, Woman HA 81788 nished oom Fatng on Re #7 Hilts id Bauth One latge fur suit twa ge 104 King Street ed housekeeping temen or couple West v home, Kiteh Fhions RA pp! NICE furnished goom, he peiviieges, for gentleman § after 6 p.m NEW large Hi Li nom, bond MH ¥ A 6.8561 ICELY | nes, Al ¢ HA ATTRACTIVE hig in private th, pom we part furnished I use of washing ma ih Drew Birest, HA 84188 COMFORTABLE light housekeeping foam in fies d t fav single gentle ted near Slopes 2 Elgin ed rans th all gan ply 84 Raval Steel, Tels ame, aval ne Fark Hosa HA Pvt hoitaskes pine ing, gaits alter § pn furnighed h Wl bis, Appl fartahle ith men 10787 ingle roam In heds, sult ery eentral and hath, twa fur lable immediate] a Shopping Centre HA 5.0887 tn 0 Hen fen single Mary Narth tHemen and FURNISHED rains, 88 pes anly. Telephone and twa weak Lian 3.2833 RA hoped wirls, an hus ah in New hetwesn | raule ame, for [Phone BA FURNISHED | Private ane nd ar Whith 60 alsa single refrigerator 8 Contre pais flan Asan alle FURNISHED eeping tra ( ne facilities HA 8 ! rapm een Avall x roam NHA, two full hase diate pos Mi Law Balale uiek "Beetha ur 10 Heal ent house on a "RA 88011 NEWCASTLE \ all v kable land ¥ hank barns 1 401 and Ne. 2 high $10,000 for auick sale 5 on No. 2 h adjeining ba 40 Ihway chool 40, HAROLD C, PEDWELL BROKER tle Ph BOWMAN & GIBSON 111 Dundas St W WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.3521 N WHITBY n » 1856 SS. room Large liv. n kitchen, 3 watad land On IGHWAY OSHAWA HOME d WHIT BY INCOME ded a be nace. 2 a Hs) ng NT \ ate Member Oshawa and hed, | 1s, | | | A hams | District Real Eatore Board ad le R49 wan BOWS, O75 ment ing Wy 8 Rew home IB Wy « FRR A or 8 Mossy b= 4 Dewi 5, Wisheting, Wi LOVIN CHAN A aad Frome sels a wii wis gos RAR GLY % A po J ad vee Arve ad £1 5d oy Rome i» Wiithy Lames, Rew A hand IB, TE WOBERY sixinom Faneh Hote ow BR Wis or rl og Al # iad ad St things Anahuici did Wa ha bn it J {10m Wlehali 1 V7 Fu EVER ed pony On Fortew Avenue chiar 1nembing, » wl Frimlaiom, TT qsiebiity dace a Whener, fniiel ay CRB Vy Fuh ww ried #i ¥ y add whgnd Cran ermg wh NEW § 98d 4 hott 'homes from #14404 75 5 mont i Bek eomcte wit sereens. AR prepnid sory Lill ud For aia Hom. cal Bill Swarhrick HA y 2 POrEr wr Shia bes and AEP REBGALAW -- Bud roms, 1 hepled Simeoe 1, Full price dose 1a by ' (7am school, Apple Hil A 31 ROOM NEW MODERN BUMGALOWS oms, kit 5. 6( Ww NODEREM 6 DON HOWE REALTOR - INSURANCE | 67 KING ST, E RA 57732 NORTH END med i Ranch-style house he h leqy ning end Cr WE 86 ng &ity 4371 FOR SALE 5 cation t brick bung A home, taste with paved scoped grou Ie further i Irene Browr A REAI 8-ro0m rar attached Kap r £ offer secn 9 forr RA Y MNAGY'S 7 Shion MERC Eo! BENZ 'W SERVICE , OSHAWA §-7132 Real Estate for Sale 4 SE ANI HV ul LING Oke an apps this gem right RA Loreen Kellelt 4s OPEN HOUSE rr Ave ? am Visit eur Home of the ndale In finest sub-d fram For DOUGLAS REALTOR FOLLOW OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 $558 DOWN $558 é raom brick hemes $10 8500 and 510.800, $63.80 per month, plus taxes, 1050 squ feet bungalows ar, 1180 square feet full twa stori ( pletely me dern with all the np auality eanstrues tion second to none South, opposite Lablaw's, Oshawa Shopping Centre LLOYD REALTY LIMITED RAB-5123 _ RA B.51] 101 SIMCO! Oshawa's 0 until 7 pm | RA OPEN GOWER 4651 B THI HOUSE SIGNS P.M. and venson's Rd exiros hte TORS RAB ST. N WILSON Realtor RA 5.6588 $7,900 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE $7, 900 FULL PRICE Lavaly 4-ra he Si all heat, side Hil Wye \ f la payment and | nth AY he fect for couple Woul ke t lust call RA 5.6588 $5,600 FULL PRICI $5,600 Bown, bala Of HE n me fixing and | ! t location N.HA HOMES NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION PRICED FROM $13,500 ghaose from, all Nort | AIDE ST MARION RTOPR ST., CENTS PARK BLVD wping Centre mall in rent, Per m h n 1 $600 needs torey frame PARK ROAD GLENBRAE H tian STREET NORT SATURDAY V Al OPEN EVENINC AND ALL DAY Bill Norris, RA 5.6588 RA 3.2537 Dick Young. RA 3 RA 8.0581 Ch LOOK OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2 ONLY 2 $12,900 AND $16,900 FEATURE a 1 screens deed lawns exhaust fan Counter top stave wih built olored bath with ve Swedish walnut table spray LOCATION LANSDOWNE DRIVE OFF WILSON RD. NORTH FOLLOW MODEL HOME OHN BOLA} 25 MIT RA 5-65 SIGNS | |! LEB A THR fins Eelye ia a #4 LRig AW, bi, WI Awww b.5 adds oa 00 SEL PR ed unid , Gol one Wi south nd dd f Led Tindall Rew | 1uag PLETE BRAKE SERVIC MOTOR TUME-LUF AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING $7 kA 37022 S0-- Articles For Sole mer file cw py Fhowne WO & "" CREY WHT, Betas Ralls , 10400 ies A #04, AA hard Ar | Sthidtadubitan "Fors pasar fpial $008 FAR WREhE, A) KBR ENIOY » My tis Eom, § i ss REET bys washers, iy y Hh BI, BuRyomiagR IR iRAines hd saves. Prddy's Werke £8 san ol wr 8 i» WaERaT Harnih wy FRIGRAIEE, hesvy ty W7 SRREE WHR Assy WEN sabe, wn eh Wetomons Bh ont Ad. Flack ye wa 1h CREYRBLET roach wiplarived, In Bnd RA Ah Teiephone BA 8 hr farther #4 #lantiie oh CORY REIIAR FAIR Whi thy wo iid ig ROLY f FIABG acenition WM hwes iseently re 5 mdikingned wager, Feieghone MArkes further pasthesars EAECTROGROME RCA Vidi The fnest tn TY, iH HERES LIRAEIN Riis Velovision, Sif Bimens ee & GYRE PRyInenis, £ ¥ Bart WH, Ha py 8 WEWEYRMAT Bet Aly " grnih f w wie, ig I is ik, Ajax Brest Worth ian, Bew fiirs a Cwinr TY wn isiay wiely ie-paied, Bnd / ONE hed, hen dA ER A ¥ we, Mast wo, Mo 78 is aid $i BUYER & smontblon metires ot 85 ih the " of FROIN Bue BYRE $159, {lotler Io mond unit Dee lerms. Barons Wome Bimene Bliset Boilh Lower!" FLECTRU Wh nich, &s v FA 56s why wd ws CREY rig fig extient em 0 Aww 4 mer 4 1056 BUICK dap, fully ik, palin aie, Tr Tienes y Molds, WA LA ig condition; baby sarnigge, Hovd oon veridie ; ggmbinalion yadigreemd play er, Phillips, ness some repels Re] SELLING furniture irigeratons, TV's, washers Liane stoves, oie. For lop rash offer, ron inet Jb Prine Blreel. Phone BA 8119 PARGAING, Hes eles, § 50 Aown § 1s PONTIAC EHP i We'll hay H B@ i Al esi in goad condi es And Kain BA SOLIS slter 4 FIN AM ped oie) Felephineg duty oh i a ¥ WYRE OLBEMOBILY VIANG ft EH) HOLEY 4 rREah ™ BEATERS, new changed, +8 Drayton's Cyeh FEPEWRITE NS I Wine £9 Sew eiwetiie 0d ky Samir Rene 80, and vow I damiiion Asihurn, Beookii ORDERS teken fo free HA § sold and ox YROLED con in lawn fy k fond Bliest East t FLYMOUTH RE 1950 CHEVY 1 sashes males wont num wrms HA 5408 VEYELOVAEDIA f n WICK WA heater, Wenmore Auty » d condition HA 8140 phone #2 1 PONTIA LU A (A ACH Ire gi i sl fur Wn f ie 10 o A Heular 1058 PONTIAL gond condition eolpr dark § 1 des sun visor. THREE Velephone KA further p Bond [fh ili B6o16 11058 YI KEWALEN erfeet condition, USED [te mileane, oni nu down pa ih ment, Hifi ni A B80 iotars 86 no S10, | | #50 PONTIAL Ientian me Ly ar |" 00 mile GME ih i a fui the Apply 1 Howcones for sale f lephons tree for further particulars and repairs yABIETH hy eed Feeoni es, Paddy i allamatic we tans MO B5%4 tig 1h used, larg sharpen i 165 Byroy Open unt § p.m in eeAon rake hi ing rei in Feleph PONTIAC ition, rain Apply Bpartsman Street South, Whithy Vhursdoys and © li mW TOWEY jf hot dir Heanized ehane fnstalied legs' ear, $57.08 i Ver hie AVRTRES hope HA Turkey oh guaran Televi with and Trin ! offer wt Town line ( il Aki A i two dingy 8 chrome sel, an up ) tahle lamps and i0.60, with he J Held aver SL Hood until he i; ANB AWNEE Coif nenGE phan | 1hhe 3-706 ALLETATS # per pent personal sery V 3602 IGE ODLPSMOBILE automatic hardion, radia, new tires nee new, in geod condition YMOUTH 1 LU |) ne KA 8 i allpr sedan, S148 g of ar IT his amasing sfier 1s pier 4, y terms, Barans' Home Furnishings HH Hlpoos Blvest Boulh here Prices are Lower!" BOY'S thie Aula Tasuray Bix V8 UR 0 months pa Foy ioe ab your home call KA Outil, size 64 excellent Ronaiib HA b-0816 VACUUM cleaned repairs, all attachments, hrushes machines. Fslimales free jim Lhe Repair Bery een hane twa dons } ane 1 HA 52781 running in fi it nals, Vas HA B40 Aney [ AWA J] anytime twin tone dition, radio windshield washing further informa ine awn fo . heat 1 OLBSMAOBILY NGN, pl lore or a Bal: EY i pt seryl en # ales now for earl stripes 'SABYAN MOTOR! IMACK IE had | rentals. Cleve Bim Yarth BABY lends alsa Worn anes 30308 helween Ld Bunheam deep fryer semi-formial Telephone HA pants (twa), seal, muskrat fal igo of, repaired. ready fo HA 6.1015, 401 Gibbon Sireet BLACK fron ralling for porch dition, BA $4008 after 6 p.m ANTIOUE far den or Phone BA FOUR windows, standard size, tori windows fo mate, Can he seen al BY Arlington Avenun INGLIE plothes dyyer, in axa dition, private sale, $80 VATA for further infarmation Kenan, va Sand Tor fa Ration dded dash | wind Plane RA while 1A CHEVROLET in axcellent condition 18 Mill Bigot far fu HIRE PONTIAC best atfer, Will ME) BaeTh sedan, pawer-glide Bast offer, Appl they partieulay wiz h-BAAD Fin lenuth 14 fi, S138 or | ling 'WHE Fara Hevies aller five new eon i NT n AR ER Champion, 4-day 0 down payment ll Hilllap Matars, KA 6691 yO Pana | foi Iden offer Bun, aver 100 years ali tiaphy roam, Hest 10017 afier 6 pom nahle hydramalie FRRRI Telephone SURFER i, iF i 6870, Maditind HE Chaviplel VE gn warhiration, stroker kit, KA ent pon ny nm 1060 CHE VROL ) futamatig, gr hi 1 was! Hel Aly 1 wer, | J All Day awn ph of aluminum products hower paving g down call on Seal Co RA 5.9348 ANYTIME ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS DIRECT FACTORY PRICES MANUFACTURED LOCALLY FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION Colonial Aluminum Sales RA 8.4614 window 1] | ag on } ROLE UN wd thn allan LL] ng al wllon free CAR AUC TION Very | 10:30 am By OSHAW 1} AR AL GRENFELL RA 8-5179 [ON aT, t SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD SIMCOE SOUTH BUYING OR SELLING SEE FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE 1 ED CAMPIN | Pamestis ou ELD MOTORS | RA § Ra | ALUMINUM Bl ORS AND WINDOWS! Re¢ 8.5574 | Special Reduced Price or We Sell, Cash and Camry! CALL FOR QUREK SERVICE ALEX VAIDA DREW SY RA 3.98%) | 20 SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER WAGEN SALLE VICE SOUTH i LE} 1461 LK 48) Variety of 15" car wheels $3 each, also body solder ASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 Kid W 48---Automobiles Wanted WANTED oo and plastic solder SHAW AUTO WRECKING 82 BLOOR EAST RA 5.2311 | al or : : \ A Go hart ad AND W IND "WS G ST ALUMINUM DOORS \ wmdere Sell Best Rest een WAR We 5 paid » ARE HhRy the To the Replacing Glass, S$ oN DOT SPOT PAID FOR FOR FAST EFFICIENT \ : SERVICE "Uens paid off, JIM ELLIOTT MOTOR SALES RA 3.2866 ALE 2 é DODD $ MOTORS VARCOE'S RD Lymer Aluminum RA §-33835 Lo KING ST. & i. EBER parts sald rapaien Ing pH makes aba Ruiaflant won ed's semtric reed nn wwehees st Parkway pew 5% y whiikh A alana ing Fasy wrmishings, 44 Where Prices are in 4A HA #29 end BA rh VIHA self-supporting (GUNS ¥ makes Kuaran Order and table with Telephone KA SPI i 7 LI CHARI wine 15d, gaol gm pei WF VV, Wits HR seme Wf en at, Bat WEED, workers ied The (% oe beter Bh Ady dolly ts Sad To pian yows ph ini ji A 10 today NOTICE TO CREDITORS MM THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF IGMACY SALA, DECEASED Al jerey pat g WA wns oer BB galon; wew #1. Foy mans iia mation Aw fe A #90 4 WA y EPRIGEBATOR, Generyl Fledtria oil Mae, ges Phos big Fhowe LARY'R mndksst soni, Hie Pal Wry, ranean s. Phone RA VI wiay HEF AT wil Com i". white, WW" neh Iw HY ah ie Very hyn. ¥ NOMI TnL A964, oll sider 4 wk A as Fo wha, HOW; choot hil # BY ven "vib, Wiles s Fumie, Ld inst the Estate of lgnacy WEF lote of the Town of SRBRT # BAraEt wiIkE pd wider hi his, iid Oskawh Wardwais and Plo Vrrls. BA 37804 DOMINILE Applishess (3 Avision of 108.) how Ad wt Paddy's srk Hampton. A complete ine of piphianees ot hard to best prices, COF ax 40048 gp | Lod ad on or aban the 14th dey of August, AD, 1960, ors hers by notified to send " [h ers gned om ow oe the 15th dey of December, 1960, full particidars of their claims, immediately after ihe said date the assets of the sold deceased will be distrie buted emong the periies SOHO, Wiis sen be paid] S01iled thereto, heving res you get hy selling 1 56 gard oh 10 Elowms of which Eni Whionkh an Osawa THssl they shall then hove notice, i Ad. Ast today, Call RA 0407 DATED ot Oshawa, Ontario, ¥ ' Ad Wirker SUONTINUED paiterns of Towr oor | hod doy of November, Erin ih Acsiins, reduped fot, § yee hick wid GREER AND KELLY, ren ony, Barristers, Be, 74 Simeoe Strast South, OSHAWA, Ontario Solicitors for the above aslate NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HAROLD LAKIN, DECEASED fe wily dunia Enriines, WE eslibre 5 85 down, $2 weekly. Mow iol is prim shotgun shells $1.00 por nin Tus Bors, # Bond i oy We { BACKEND rw bh ihr hall pris ' rd wp RA 6404 ilo inter d, Ie na y BIA fa red da fist , gloss Elecite, # WIA wn 61 suid Lady #7 Hine winter hikh wi won, Wks pew sherifice M65 i" RA arid yuri LU HIFLE od Winchester further | | for WW 8, aim new Fi sn telephone BA 66587 INGLE bed, springs i oh , wn slo x 0 Twa Viushall 47 44 nr partie! Al persons having claims ogainst the Estate of Harold Lakin, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontarie, Painter, whe died on of about the 1st day of May, AD 1960, are hereby notis fied ta send to the unders signed on or before the 16th day of December, 1960, full portiedlars of their claims Immediately after the said dole the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard enly ta claims of which they shall then have netics DATED at Osha Ontarie, this 3rd day eof November, 1960 GREER AND KELLY, forristen, Ae Simcoe Street South, OHAWA Onteria Solicitars for the above eslate, eambination windows #8 tires. HA m IW WOOR far sale, cut short and aeliver:| i hot {and soft wand. Apply | * Neptieton, Omarin § HEP Buscanesr oulhnsrd way lay me yew { offer. BA 56801 recom changer, Mso AMEM tuner, Will sell Telephone BA 66718 BRAND new ot Fil) 54 Ji TIER speaker {, new Spm AM CoA after I TWINS els, In three piege excellent ts and winter sie 4 Phone furaunise condition of hats, see 4 294 ENCYELOVPAREDIA 6 shales size 6, ike h und clothing Hight) worn, 92 Glen GUITAR, Gh Jued at $170 Includes i" oh volumes, ligure Aunhiity of and (ady's Blieet oh, eleetrig, solid body Belling for $100. Almost ehse, cord and slap HA 4 ammunition new and used Damin Tire West hint) and nunting terms 0 yey Blore, Mp rent Bond flies fnwn yi reat WE phy hi ised burma i Blore. HA OFFICE, store equip ment, We hu ery thing fr ial Autin Trash _ Industrial 'Accidents Down ble rales, Phone RA B-6868 tor | Nh GODDRIEN Blores tres, hal: | elvinator | Telrignaiotis. foe TORONTO (CP) = Alan Maes Donald, Workmen's Compensa- tion Board eomptroller Priiay fisagreed with an Ontario ¥ed: on HA ghest prices in the eily for Used Purnimies | Bimeoe uli -- and and sell Festal oid new trade Brookiin her By orien vision bedding bu n nls LIENTH TY Chureh | FP IWAREHOUSE clearance ends, some slightly rand lines tap desks, Pio | oaverings walnut 11] i ROOMS of In his Oh ne |] ring, step and table lamps, deliver | Barans reel blue with ndition HA 8:18 GIRLS eat, size 12 fur i very & \ (Ri MORERN black lamh = poat 5 med \ ih, pr Man's | i dition Holl 1) | eg a NIINGER eal | Hm mather al S150 oy HA ¥ LUE) §1----Swap & Barter GIL anks " Tophans president of pressure oly Ayslems Thritty Budeet Flan. BA 8.4840 lowest prices in prige if; Spring hranded names, dis | eration of Labor claim when he nied tekings, close out from [told the royal commission en in f continental Beds, springhilled ht only, out they gi h y I! years as comptroller he had form pillows, cash andi noted a steady decline in acei Wison Furniture, 20 dents Street : FR ws! An OFL heief sald that there marked, Many had been a Bl-per-cent Increase Nar pla, den 0h Bale duping the last 10 years, while regilar #58, wpecinl 890; [the provinee's working foree had | and biand end tables plain | pisen only 21 per cent id Taney Alues 1g 2 6 I! 4 THE Woh fi out they #0) arp MacDonald. said last year ) ot ala shed 0 57; '60 inde! metal | Ontario had 1A fatalities per 10, Por "SER kt 0, va a 000 employed" ae compared fo free. tales, ekotar 1" Soo Hoa 81 In British Columbia, 28 in anly Wilson Furniture, 30 Charen | the Prairie provinces, 18 In Que he Maritimes, 1.4 in only $200 (Rewind and chesterfield ant hed na Mt teas In a letier to the eommission, pillows, ste. 388 down |. OD Anderson, general man Guiranteed Best Value! ager of the industrial Accident Pity Assoelation, suggested that the [OF] had used Dominlon Bureau {elude workers not covered hy compensation, and had failed to consider that the workman's YA Hoth in fpompensation hoard had ex tended coverage fn trades not past deeade F. BH Hrookhanks the Ontarie Reeveation Asseela {fies | LON ald the provinee should un ph sup pimps: stalnless devtake inspection of public Tann maweis; authanrd mala p at tlie af afl Wuds. 11 Chinn, Fark | peelally winks and hokey {Road and Hiilsie, RA 87008 Arenas ACROSS elkht piepes com dustrial safety that In his 18 gnmplete, speeial ests forgotten, ar-iin Ontario's Industrial accidents i BG telah Hear lamps, regular Bireet bee, 2.8 In furniture HE] the ehain/United Btates Home Furnishings, 481 Simene {of Btatisties tgures, whieh in previously covered during the sinks and eabinets: vanity DAA huildings used for reereation, es A hyhel % Leave aut LL Unhappy i. Move slinkingly etion j, Continent BEN (abhp) }, Omits Canstollgs tion Corvus Alder tree Sindbad's hivd Famala sheep and jump 1a epp Peonomia {Oem stone Coopera 8, Stuekup n Admin Porsan the 22, ne Aneel Bop (HI) nm, Wi iH As a £5, Rome, Herlin 2Y, Sp up Cleft Like old milk fa. Dwell Leg front Daxterous Sound, as Niagara Falls syllable Formerly at , Below i {hate Vostordas's Answer op 40, Cuckoos 41, Male shoop 42 Yellow bugle 43, Tin 45, Exelamas tion 47, Musio note 2 EH Red Apple Parakoet center Kgvplian yelia town iver te Pay of Riseay ENOuses \ 1 Gaull AMY Ia Risonit's oftspring + Cheek ne rand 8 Con ton We Bl ¥ on wm alia thy L] POWN | 3 Mw | 8 Regwiation

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