pimator =: 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Movember 18, 1960 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT etis__| Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange ' Charge Canada BLACK -- Bev. and Shirley are happy ee fd hd % annousce tie bArth of their son Bt FORONTO 15 AM, STOCKS Stock Sales Wighlow Ii am es Stock Sales Bighlow 11 a.m Obes Siock Seles Bighlow Ii am po Sock Hales Wiahon 1 po " Gulvws Gaporss Hospi om Puesiey, By The Consdion Pree BoM Ny wins mW Bast oo Meilogumi W010 0 $0 1 or Taam to Br, Gimmes for Hrade Jorouto Mack Exchange--Nov 18 Con Gas 7 1 Seven Aris 10 #4 8 8 ~W Belcher we # + Mcintyre 0 Wh Wh B y. ™ (Guiotations in cents unless Mariel Craig Bi 9 7 Shawn 750 2% 2% Eiis we 6 0% 6 ~% McWat . . a FORREST Wily wes Mary nee| SUES 10 BS SHER, WRK Dist Seg 100 $15 1 Simpsons 34 . = Bidcop i ih Wh Mets Ursn 5 HAVANA (CP), -- Officials of; Even Latin Americis #iple D Brid 20 §i Slater 5 v; Bouzan glee #2 W% LE] % +1 > Tink THE a A & h Bosseny) wish to snnounce the birth 4 Frdry 7% y vf Barian wo 7 ky pire 5 --i% Minda the United States Embassy here! maots--who 8s & group are sin of their sun, R Williem, 8 0 s : 4 ws. 48 Tussin, November 18, 196), at INDUSTRIALS Don atores TH Suet Con 59 shin 64 Came hp 75 ; we Wiig 12 i say They are disappointed that! oon" lt tor the Cu the 'Oshawa Geners! Hospital, Tha Dom Tas srr 25 Sleinbk A : : C Chih wi 806 +8 Murray ; {Canada has not seen fit to Join Dr, Sanies id Econ In A gH ™ p! 7 ow 7 Galan oe 5 un = a 4 lin the trade embargo the U8 Dan regime -- accept the Cone 4 low 1} Cn'ge I 5 " Fin & 3 Can-k 1160 ~i ew A L y _-- a Sr "Th AT p L vote Ti 19 Bn "0 $i 3 Bew Bourn h 2 y imposed sgrinst Cube last dian policy ss justified by the D Acad-Atl pr wm un ; sm # 1 Undu me rp Crm oo 1 4 Bb 1 Rosande sa JM % 7 7 {month circumstances A y Hi " Jn Gas b € Halliw EATHS Alia Gas or "ht wn 1h J 2 7 Un sass" 7" 59 +H C Mabon 500 " Northgate 1 rl | They say Canada is being used] poy, (he counter-revolutinsar: Alta Gas wt 925 75 Th n A I Walk GW = 283 $41 Biv 1% + Con M and p 520 $18 9 issn f ' 2 Bd {by Cubs to bridge a gap In ts! "00ns Aperican Embassy offi CHURCHYARD, Brien Edward ~ Ag C pr Sh Wh Wh ; h 8h 1 Wat Equip © . C Mosher 124 2 en Is 3c S30 Ol je antry's economy until Russian oi pore contend thet Canads, . Weston A h Ww « Red Po 2500 Opemiska al a aoe aptly 45 vip rR Veums' 3 Ys, WAH CHedbe mas Ores and Caechosiovakian & xp ¢ It #(5."Cpplving Cuba with the goods sh Woveriber iy pA ; s Vier 76% G1 Power 1h 25 2 Curb : oe Crowpst 13500 J ; wo Bm mW {have had time to. reshape it tol cb." Cod Yo avert possible ine rifin. Churehy loved husband 5 5 5 ON Gas mo oi oer $iah son 1 DAruion 108) " = 3 0 a 'ab 'eb [communist specifications, ternal collapse, is in effect as + Man BL Harwood Bond No / Horne Pd 1 bY MO Paper Sa WA Wh Dematn 0" un" 308 ih % 19% 4 Among opponents of the leftist! Sein. we orcad of communism amare Weone snd" Kev Hoeh Ai ig RE ur Ere A EL A, Donalds 00 6 wh revolutionary regime of Premier| i" 0" a nie rics 1 50 390 ; i by OILS East Mal 54 4 | Fidel Castro--of whom there are par son of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Church. Brazil 2 7 pl is ar an BD Adley, Ontario (RR No A Ba ol ny B%p 22 wy) ; Bo eT Quemont 200 909 {many both in Cubs and sbroad| In reply, it is argued that Can iby), Mr. Churchysrd will _rest| BCE 4% pr + op lny typ 1l3 SICA . Asamers wo nom Fidrieh : 2 |i ting f p Canada's policy has caused a|Ade's practice has heen io trade # McEschnic Fonersl Home, 28 King-| BCE 4% pr " mp Tob 1rd 1236 17 4 Cdn Dey 1960 440 435 435 Faleon i ou" Rio y TH i lot of ( H with all eountries regerdiess of don Hosd West, Pickering, after 10 ; : Dy os or 00 $16% 16% 16% + C Superior BIS 10% 16 10) Faraday 0 A Bix Athay : lot of resentmen their political stripe, She has a Sunday (Punersi notice |ster), | : Bh A 4B ' ning C88 | 74 Cent Del 400 50 540 5 Geeo Mines #4 . B But there is also plenty of ¢ { Tot Ut / I C Mic Mae bh HA 16 Giant XR ~~ & Rockwin 00 16% 16 16 sympathy and understanding, In!lOng carried on commerce with HE LEY Entered inte rest in the ii 1] v ng Uti 3 4 Dev-Pal 500 t GF Mining 2 2 Rock 0 genera), Britain 18 the same Russia, Ching snd Poland for ip. , % + " 1 8 3 2 3 ue : "ro : . p kes Sovember 1: ont ahanina ues] Become 10 10 10% int Stl P ! bo Karen iB 290 78 1 b bias 2% Ban Ant 78 Bo line as Canada, There is nothing| stance, Moreover, Cuban leaders Lowrie Scott, beloved wile of Norman| Build Prod 3 9 vs + % inv 873 A N Cont 1250 4 p 2 1 Headway ®» 2 Rime My on the United Kingdom statute Stoutly deny that they are Com a § # ' pe selly 4 4 Pp 2, 4 hy Bs mma on bow us i Z Kelvinator : 4 Lar f : Hits F om f Biscoe He ns books that would authorize eco-|Munists : 0 ferviee in the enapel, Saturday, Nov:| Con Cem " uw J iiarks Fg 31% 4 : Phillips int Nickel § ih un ri $5" 655 nomic sanctions against Cube,| Canada's own of decision en td dh igre Usk. Za, Com, fie x 4 Ih fm, dG gS Im, MH RB A A= di | wil come, many observers ses, Ssked not to call at the funers) home| CI Frdry 1 Lob Lpr 20 § ! au 3 i! i Jaye Expl Taurcanis 5 SE 9 Castro's nationalization pro- if and when the Organization of before Friday.) | Can Malt 7% 857) % STH ih GF pr Frind OH 1h 14 Jellicoe wb 6 Ferritory 3 Bw 13. 4 gram and the resultant business American Slates invoked eco € Safe 4 pr £3) O82 )) 6 0% 9% Un Oils 3 : ! Ketr Ada 9 yr Un Keno 5 760 750 stagnation have dealt a severe nomic sanctions against Cubs LOUDFOOT, Hugh Weott 4 C k 1 W 8H 4 cal $ J in, Ld 4 y y 4 residence. 13 Pine Breet, Alan M Dd Rg Aig 1 1s 4 d-Wes 0 180 18 W Pectin yaks Ling 7 4 p Upp Can 00 110 106 109 blow to British exports to Cuba. Canada does nol. belong to the day, November 18, 1060, Hugh Seott| CBAL A wis 15 26 » 4 Ne 1271 Latin Am 3 : » Veh fv na ' In the first ieght months of 1960|2)-nation iplera-American group Loudloot, aged 72 years (Veteran First Can Celan 4 23% 4 di p H 5 Leneourt L A 4 . be they were down nearly 0 perling, though the present governs World War and - Membe B, co ! 5 y Phone w Hi oI 205 14 LL Waite A xd 575 8 / y g 4 122 Conan: ester, Aer beieved] € nem wis ' #5 i ; Bi Abagus Alias in itn Nora wis 7 Willroy 125 5 cent from the same period last) meni has show some interest in husband of - Maude Ficken dear f. C Fairiks B $6% 6% 6% = age-ers 170 $2 23 Acad Liton p08 8 300 300 Macfie p Wd Wiltsey 3 | year | Joining ther of Gladys (Mrs, K._ Wroer Mil CF Prod 3 3 ow Corp 0 #45 5 Advocate 0 oA 4 % Macleod 2 5 Us Wr Hirg v 1 uz ad ERE . --r : T 6b 3 A © ad wis ' ' 4404 20% 4 ] ford Bay, Oniaries David, Leonard, C Husky gue 3 At 900 194 181 12 Madsen Jum mm iy A bem) of Ajax, and Doreen (Mrs, R Cdn Oil ; § 21 4 Hoe AV Can 300 4 f pbs 4 4 4 1500 p Sales to 11 mom. 262,000 A an, IER rotiy of PR 1436 $21 Wh D Royal Bank 1256 960% 60% y Atlin-Fuf 500 " 1 #4 Maritime SE -- L EETING haw of Scotland Resting --- " . 36, Can » C.R.A. ANNUA M each dropped 1 at 40 and 36, t the : Willis: E. Sherrin Fu A IR E y 4 a" 1 4 with odd sales to 26.50; good 22 4 ' T k T lks ral Home, No.2 Highway, Plexerng :: St cl . Tr ds See 24; good cows 1515.50 with odd Market Loss adn Malting and Canadian Food| J IIMKEN la Ajax) from nS Saturday, Service in tops at 16; medium 13.50-14,50 | Products A were ahead 1 each The officers and Board of Directors of the Oshows and Distrier the Chapel on onday, og avember 3 common 12.50-13.50; canner and . | . » Commnity Racraobion Sasbeialion with ta. ennsunce that tit ANNUAL AD 58 and 14, Co ity ene guar oons viz. vd hey Lod By Golds |" oma H11 Continue 1 cao om ssmemman wis 'we mie. arson on Te -- ---- bologna bulls 16-1650 with an | Golds, extremely weak, 7 "oy To 0 B00 om For We arson oF Teonrting on The YRuw's optralion, L rs ar e odd top. to 17; common and med / ONTO (CP)--Led | i ds! 5, Pampbell Red 1a 8 _ Hud Bt TORONTO (CP)--Two sets of fo elect new Members of the Boord of Directors, and conduct such ra tum light bulls 11-15 YORONTO Ph ni 14% and Dome % a 4 meetings heiween the United) other business as may come before the meeting MONUMENT COMPANY and industrials, the stock market son Bay Mining led hase Jud. H A Replacement cattle; Good light took its third consecutive loss losers, down % at 45% Bleelworkers of America (CLC) CONSTITUTION OF THE OSHAWA AND SPECIALIZING IN TORONTO (CP) With the/lamb prices strong to 50 cents) 0c 21.23: stock calves tol 2 wii land tor ¥ ' i Cal on IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE Monuments, Markers ble exception of some per hundredweight higher 25: common and medium stock. 1iureday amid light and uninter-| Despite a ¥-point gain by Cal-iand the management of Timken] pIsTRICT COMMUNITY RECREATION ASSOCIATION SEVEN MEMBERS Is, Comerstones Posse EX 402 ; Catt cceipts, estimated atlers 18:20; off-coloved light dairy|®*ting trading gary and Edmonton at 14, and Roller Bearing Company, Si OF THE BOARD RETIRE AND SEVEN MUST BE ELECTED. Mor tatutory of oll type plainer end cattle, rading at the alle seesipis, tau % ocker On index, golds failed 1.44 ata 30-cent gain by Canadian Bu-Phomas, and the Dominion for election to the Board must be present af this meeting, or have 4 Bp Th 700, were some 300 head more|stockers down to a a el am an | , 4 KING ST, E Ontario Public Stockyards this a i about 1200 4 . . vs 83 » 85:97:89, industrials 1.15 at 408 perior A, Bridge Company, Sault Ste indicated in writing thelr: willingnews fo tend for. election & 35 GS lweek was a sellers' market than last week and abou ul Calves: Choice vealers 33 - 35; base metals 80 at 156.81 and down on the ay, Marie ale ey ite] n, RA 8-311) or RA B 8876 Trading was active on all head more than the same week good 20-82; medium 26-20; com western oils .B1 at 81,16 | meee | Ontario department of labor of Anvene holding @ C.R.A, membership is entitled 10 all voting privileges 954 5 ars 12- : classes of slaughter cattle with(In 1959 mon 16-25; honers. 12-18, p Volume was 1,480,000 shares SHOVEL HITS MAIN ficials, Chief Conciliation Officerl] <n to hold a position on the Board Memberships may be procured G sell trong, heifers fully] Slaughter cattle; Choice steers| Hogs: Grade A closed at 27 ared with Wednesday's 1, wm ie ' p La ¥ id Thursd on the Annual Meeting night, priror to the meeting -ERROW FUNERAL steers selling strong, 5 oan Hie} e with Todd loads at 27.80; heavy| Compare TORONTO (CP) A 30-foot| Louis Fine sal wrsday, - 2 cents per hundredweight|24-24.50 with sales to 2»; 0d( 50: liahts 20.50: stags 18 901,000 eyser of water spurted on Av: The union has been on strikel]l Anvene wishing to place their heme or that of anyone else (in accord CHAPEL p earlings firm, cowsisales to 25.20 and one fancy load) sows 18.50; lights 3050; slags 19 "yr" word took the higaest|# J ance with regulations as indicated chove) on the nominations list for . hifi 8 Yeu; Ings nundredweight at 25.50: good 22.23.50: good 22-lon a dressed-weight basis & Ay ar Tadeo, S lenue Road, one 4 the ely slat hoth companies for about 14 alection may de se by contacting the C.R.A. office, 100 Gibb Street K "e558 beyonc ric L . ls pe shied 4 ad og ! aD st G p 0 V f ; Imain traffic arteries, wrsday | weeks | Ah TAs. Andres » yond oF or and more higher and bulls 2 a; medium 19 21 W ¥ gis Mii and 1am: Good handy Bright and Western Grocers A iia a power shovel Accidentally] Th Timken meeting Is In its elephone | ' 1 gd or ¢ i le were B50; ge heifers 20-21 an eight lambs 2050-2 5 dis i . g stead Replacement cattle were|15-18.50 od h 1 | er ower she ] ken m THE FORE. 15 CORDIALLY. WVITED RA B-622 in od il at firm prices|a few choice to 21.50-22.50; med. counted $1 per hundredweigh : plerced A 2 inch water main, fifth day, The company is the| A 6226 hile veal calves were firm |lum 18-19.50; common 12 . 17;|good heavy lambs 17-18; medium lambs 15 17; sheep #10 accord-| Basements in e ea were|second. largest industry in St, 390 KING STREET WEST a 26 cents to $1 higher and choice fed yearlings uU 0 + . 50! and common down to 14 feeder!ing to quality, i flooded, Thomas, | LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond floral requirements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 - HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8.6555 IN MEMORIAM 2, BRANT ~ In loving memory of a father and grandiather, Clarene Nick) Brant who passed away Novem: 18, 1658 "Looking back with memories, Upon the path you fred, p2\ We bl the years we had with you And leave the rest with God You left us quietly, your thoughts Inknown, But you left us with & memory we Are proud © own Too dearly loved to be forgotten by sughter Dorothy, son-in-law Allan and ramily ; > 3 ~ What wonderful news! And what wonders await you with the arrival of BUNKER ~ In loving memory of my { Vauxhall's spanking new models, Famous five-passenger Victors now iear mother who passed away Novem per 16, 1965 Lovingly remembered by her daugh: ; . / sport a totally new wide-span grille -- @& huge, roof-high wraparound Ld Va armac J WADE - In loving memory of Henry g rear window, redesigned interiors, exciting new colors and trim. More Pe Teuutiful memory. of ie #0 3 / 4 big news! For the very first time Vauxhall's elegant, six-cylinder Velox beautiful memory of one so dear, A aay th ome with ad Tearets - : y and Cresta offer the thrilling refinement of a lightweight Hydra-Matie O one that ws wi never forge Lovingly remembered by wile Alles, - / automatic transmission as an extra-cost option. See all that's new In son Donald WADE ~ In loving memory of Henry \ the featurefull Vauxhalls « at your nearest Vauxhall deal Harry) Wade, November 18, 1087, Flease God, forgive a silent tear A fervent wish our was he: There are others, yes, we know, But he was ours, oved him so. Dear God take a message her in heaven above bP a, SS ik 4-Door accessibility nbered by daughter ohm, grandsens; i Vauxhall's 4 wide-opening doors let g passengers come and go with ease and dignity -- without disturbing the drives, uglas and Richard Please Note Deadlines now In effect for this column: ; 5 ' "pe * Births, Memoriams. Cards of ) ET bg DS ew $ ility Thanks i AM. SAME DAY 4 Ts A {||} New wraparound rear window extends DEATHS ; = high Into reofline. Provides unexcelled 11 AM. SAME DAY . vision for driver and passenger DIAL RA 3.3492 Trunk space galore Contracts F = : Qpen wide Hae aoe Awarded -- ge ess vos opt For Roads . T-- art PLUS ALL THESE NO-COST EXTRAS! 00.000 in provinclal highway contracts were announced Thurs - \ FIVE-PASSENGER COMFORT © EFFORTLESS RECIR: "Largest went to H, J McFar. : | CULATING BALL-RACE STEERING © LAMINATED GLASS land Sonstryction Company, Pie- _. : : : . ~ WRAPAROUND WINDSHIELD © FRESH AIR HEAT n 2 worth of paving and structures on Highway 401, ) & DEFROSTER © INTEGRAL BODY- CONSTRUCTION : from the Napanee River 4.9 miles run the = SS ECONOMY CARBURETOR © RUSTPROOFING BODY DI Other awards y . ---- Highway 15 -- Shewman Road:| : © OIL-BATH AIR CLEANER © LEVEL-RIDE SUSPENSION from Seeley's Bay to Morton, \ " : : hy -- ELECTRIC WIPERS Construction Company, Thorn. or) Highway 126--George Boo Con: Vicle/ Ds luxe' 4Daar Sad Whitewall tives aptional af extra son The British Cor Highbury Avenue site, miles # mos. ended Sept 3: 1980 suilders Limited, Toronto, $384. \ y Ripon : -_ i. \ © HYDRAULIC-ASSISTED CLUTCH © NON-STALLING %.43 miles nil), $319.275 for paving from | / A GENERAL MOTORS WAL UE mc omp any. Netand Ly xh al bustt and backed by proaches at the Thames River, re ondon, and John T. Hepburn Nighway 97-E, and E. Seeg- Victor Standard Victor Super Victor De Luxe Victor -- Wag i NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS §1158.642, $1.43 a share; 1969, 266 KING ST, W,, OSHAWA WHITBY, ONTARIO #62 granular base and drainage Highway 11 -- K. J. Beamish a wn Earlton to Englehart, 9.9 miles, L 3 Company, Toran, Hono or WIDE MODEL CHOICE...BUDGET, PLEASING P erection of structure at the same LEN miller Limited, Kitchener, $158,. * * * * ) wt 199 for granular base and struc. $ 43 2579 with OU-Bath Alr Ok Heat no, Ser ee 420 $1925° $2001 b *$ $ SEETHER OSHAWA-WHITBY EH Quebec Telephone Company, $937,196, § 0a,