The Oshawa Times, 17 Nov 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY No one has ever been able to explain why the person who snores never has insomnia, The Oshawa Times night, Friday WEATHER REPORT Westerly winds will bring cool» er weather into the area by to- is expected to be mild, with rain, Price biot Gyer 10 Cents Per Copy VOL, 89--NO, 267 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1960 Second Close Mois Authorized es Fost Office Deportment, Otiows THIRTY-TWO PAGES ntegration of AP Wirephoto othices schools A fireman al right turns ho | vere stopped from converging to protest on few hardy marchers who | on New Orleans school board United States Cuts = Foreign Spending Eisenhower to dele Measure sald officials mine whether should he the ndustrialized on gold Ich as will meel and additional taken," Official nedy's aide formed of WASHINGTON (CP The spending In John Kennedy ad m i nistration, countries of Europe due to take office Jan, 20, will Britain, West inherit a new government pro- France, as well gram designed to reduce Ameri i? RAL ; can spending abroad by $1,000, ACTION IMPERATIVE p A definite improvement in our gto 1 fu ( that balance of payments situation Igns indicate I mandatory not only to ensure ow wil retain and hos ihiy economic well-being and militar alan this program aimed a ' i Ploy said ¥ pal ing business at home and hore, i Jome, id Eis. | ing the drain of American headquit wt ali} reserves now down $18,000 that the United States ean 000,000, This is a drop of $6,000, I 000,000 déving eight years With only 64 days left in his eight-year administration, Presi dent Eisenhower announced Wed: nesday the multi-point program of forelgn spending retrenchment! hich could divert new defence ports and to allow thei and civilian orders to American more funds when they travel inl Galbraith. who informed re astapod from plants in other yu. 8 There will be no curb porters later he has not been of: SoLnrion, . " (on the amount of money that can! fered a job with the Kennedy Service wives uttered prolesihine taken out of the U.S, at any ndminsiration, told the univer. Germany as Japan emphasized that Ken-| have heen kept in the proposals, Signifi bef announcement I] er, Kenneth a speech here wed to he of Eisenhower's Kenned Canadian - born Galbraith, deliv hich to cant! Just Kennedy expand stimulat curb gold cams| 1) security enhower La, hal ap the da ! ensure continue as a the future military orld," 0 mpathetie enn Ong partner the last arm near economic rowth and strength of th { 10m ) F HOW free wominent ( niversi el officials gold situation was The U.S. had to hold the| price line to meet competition! abroad. It had to reexamine [or Natives! eign aid programs, protessaor The U8, government also will Wednesda ress ahead with an American exports drive, to gel more coun tries wo reduce curbs against im the erlous price AN ounce old now jl at $35 ounce in south cases wtion Augusta and ex department includes int ram involving return to the US the dependents nhower an nounced Ga John Ken adviser to the pres ill pres of holiday headquarters panded in a treasury pos pre conference here resist the order otticia ensn main 0 wl pro {0 Cul sures radia of than hall road 1 abroad also are ubstantially What may have Ameri in Canada was not the mo the US transport Canadair Montreal providing Canadian government would American-made fighters 8S. defence officials say no final decision has heen made on Defence order to be oul th Can purchases made clear, Pending at is a deal wherehy purchase ClL.44 prouced hy {ment vould plane hefore de. limited ai he to the Higg mini released pre TORONTO Ontario s as ter ol livery Mr, Biggs read a copy anonymous letter to Signed "Your milk producer criticized a proposal hy the On it this proposed swap taro Whale Milk Produce: League to levy a five-cent-a-hun tae wor a iterate: Yat Saves milk, The money would be used jp tries eee pote anad Pet Chest Total At A Glance $210,000 $200,000 | MeLaurin {per ce that have died $175,000 be RE a O ph Psi he general area north of the va Shopping wntre, between $130,000 va Shaspine Coots, bese M Riggs said | ot 5 pion to to $125,000 he gresd degree ssible the bi ro a oe alt : $100,000 of the producer and $75,000 | $50,000 o CITY EMERGENCY $25.00 i PHONE NUMBERS a heel POLICE RA 5.1133 Your Greater Oshawa Lain wid. } IRE DEPT R A Bobd " COMMUNITY CHEST ved 10 take 8 «PT, A 637 ¢ te n sick pets HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Needs Your Support of buy the 1 On charge the agriculture of ven told that 3840 of the 484, time. ACmipiaL atl ont de; vi with Amer dependents living The plan, an official sald, Is; "Needless to say, we must ex i ches dave do Some home in batehe States Intends to keep its eco Galbraith later made clear to eginning » : pomiec "house in order.' But reporters that there should he no SACRIFICES NECESSARY there was some doubt that it boost in the of gold, pegged "Our people are at war, a new would completely plug the drain at $35 retary Gates in explaining the| come-home policy, "1 think our| people are accustomed to sacri fice," | tries were dismayed when Eis enhower announced that most (®) OW goods required under U.S, foreign . . economie ald pro-| grams will have to be produced] WASHINGTON (CP I'he price of Pegs in the US Eisenhower administration, after an US, fund Underdeveloped countries gets conferring with an aide of Pres| Galbraith said that while a ting American loans to finance ident-elect thelr development will be res/announced new curbs of US. Canadian and African gold required to use most and in some military and other government miners, it would not solve U.S all of the money to buy spending abroad to help plug the halance-of-payments difficulties American good flow of American gold into over he Rise ram may have some Impact in} At the same time US. spending programs in Can. neth Galbraith, an nda bly in future placement Kennedy, told reporter detence but dent-elect will Milk Market Skulduggery? CPE, M stant deputy marketing, sald today tario Milk Distributors Associa thon Is waging a campaign to Keep provincial milk producers 1 vie road willl x ican service men abroad + to show the world the United clude all talk about devaluation ' kind of war," sald Defence Sec Japan and several other coun: | military and Kennedy,- Wednesday oq n the gold price may help I'his new retrenchment pro. seas cotlers, ath sald the aim Increase mn disorganized delegate In a speech to the distributors {1st annual meeting, Mr. Biggs stressed that the Ontario govern ment supports the principle collective proclucer action He accused the OMDA of send ing milk producers an anonymous letter which he described as examples ol seen assist cheese Oshawa veterinarian, Dr. DF MeLau said Wednesday, he believes dog hater is placing loaded meat and where dogs can get them v child may pick up poisoned meat id pet almost died to the list this poison one mi in mn the worst chief-making 1 ng time" He also warned the distributors that the province plans ta elim nse the system of milk d tion areas, supports marketin hoards "as the best instrument avallable" to protect farmers interests, plans to facilitate far ners' operatives wherever casible and seeks to coordinate marketing efforts among the provinces HELP PRIMARY a have a strychnine wiener He some A fouryeal Wednesday 100 do fear \ of the of m wldin of yo dig last five said today oi of dogs | 0 Gibbons street north Is definitely hater sald Dr. McLaurin rson behind this seems to meats to PRODUCER road the depart | tog "The is strengthen ne using { work in attract He log cycles the pels said, an average that have heen Oshawa veterinarians in have died ol primary of 15-3 speech were the past stryeh 00 general for Dr, Me accident', dogs could be wore thelr the Numerous times veterinarian {is called to late," he said, Lakehead Ports Strike-Free FORT WILLIAM (CP)~Public utilities services returned to nor- mal in the Lakehead cities of Fort William and Port Arthur to day following settlement of a week-long wage strike by elvic telephone servicemen, Mayor John O, Booth said Wed nesday night that Fort William had reached an agreement in its wage dispute with 41 telephone employees, members of Local 33 of the International Brother hood of Electrical Workers Cl The announcement came 24 hours after agreement had heen reached hetween Port Arthur and 20 telephone servicemen and 65 Hydra employees, also members the hrotherhood"s Local 339. The strike started Nov, 9 when gotiagtions between the two cit and the telephone workers down, Wage liad heen going on for 19 months JOINED WALKOUT Port Arthur Hydro workers joined the walkout three day later on grounds thal a wage Agreement they had with the eity was nol applied to 10 per cent of eligible employees Picketing in Fort William kepi 41 non-striking hydro men from working, tied up street cleaning and garbage removal services for four days and halted bus service for a day In Port Arthur, picketing ne ies woke discussions |, Now AP EASTV stopped bus service sll day Tues day belore settlement was reached there Tuesday night, The telephone workers in both cities received the same wage terms, They got a 2%-per-cent nerease on wages in each of the years 1950, 1960 and 1961, The union had sought a 2'%-per-cent retroactive increase for 1959 and three per cent for each of 1960 and 1961, The basic hourly rate for lineman was $2.44 CONTRACT UNCHANGED Ihe Port Arthur Hydro work ers' contraet unchanged, al though two more employees were widded to the contract group hey will receive increases of 2% per cent for the 195960 con tract period and three per cent for each of 1960-61 and 1961-62 City spokesmen said the sirike did not create much inconven- nice for the 90.000 residents of the twin cities, Car pools were used during the transit tleups and telephone service was vir tually unaffecled, Lack of gar hage collection hothered some Pert Willlam stores and restaur- ants, Confession In Triple is TAX-COLLECTING MADE EASY MILVERTON (CP)--Perth County Municipal Association told Wednesday night a tax collector gathered arrears in a small Ontario community He posted his tax #8 post office bulletin showing arrears due He collected, Police Seek Murder Weapon TORONTO (CP)-Fifty police officers are searching today for the gun used to kill animal breeder Elgin Cullen, 62, of sub urban Etobicoke, found dead Monday in a shed on his farm Detectives also questioned two men about the slaying and will question a third today, A dog owned hy one of the men ques tioned was shot hy Mr, Cullen afternoon hefore was how roll on hoard, the killed Police vho he also questioned a $900 loan a from man got the vietim | Slaying I OTTAWA herifi's ol, (AP) The office said today that Chester Weger, 21, of La Salle HL, has confessed to the slaying of three Viarch Park | Bheiiff Ray Eutsey said Weger |Was a dishwasher at the lodge in the park where the women were on holiday, He sald Weger gave robbery as the motive, ; The women, wives of three Chi- cago business execulives, were brutally beaten to death in a {canyon in the park, They were {Mrs, Lilllan Oetting, 50; Mrs Mildredn Lindquist, 50, and Mrs Frances Murphy, 47, Their bodies were discovered March 16, [ Eutsey sald Weger confessed at 1:45 a.m, He had heen picked up at 5 p.m, Wednesday for ques tioning, The sheriff said he has heen under 24-hour surveillance for a month Discrepancies In a detector test question Weger Weger told the sheriff he did not rape the women bul dis arranged their clothing aller they were dead to make it ap pear that they were raped Chicago-area women last 14 in Bilarved Rock State second le led authorities to Nixon Wins California WASHINGTON (AP than a week after the election Vice « President Richard Nixon has captured California's 32 elec toral votes, Absentee ballots did it, and helped to shave President elect John Kennedy's country wide popular vole lead to less than 200,000, More changes affected only fhe try-wide popular vote count That this day coun count stood Way Lo Kennedy, 33,871,470 Nixon, 3,674,562 Kennedy's margin at this point {was 107,007 votes oul of more IEW OWN COUNCIL Report Describes a k= Financial Mess TORONTO (CP)~Mismanage- Fy ment of municipal affairs of the Ottawa suburb of Eastview, in- cluding disappearance of un known amounts of town funds was charged today in the report of a provincial government in quiry commission The investigators found town lands had heen sold to private buyers alt far helow normal prices, firms had heen given low and illegal tax assessments council had paid itself and the mayor a honus under the guise | " ¥ of guest entertainment, hank hoy | 4 ie rowings had heen made illegally, {7% A auditing had heen slipshod and [the town treasurer had heen in- competent Mayor Gordon Lavergne, Pro gressive Conservative member of {the Ontario legislature for Rus |sell, had been a director of a firm (engaged in Eastview land specu-| lation and, without reference to council, had authorized municipal | services for a development by the company,' The report, issued by the muni cipal affairs department, said] that its authors had no authority to discuss the question of malfea- took all buses and streeicars |sance, It made a number of rec-| off the streets and forced |[ommendations, though noting downtown workers and shop | that these have no binding effect, | pers to use automobiles to | The inquiry was made under reach their destination the Municipal Affairs Act hy (AP Wirephoto) 'C, Yates and FV Blake, ! Ho, VR. 5. 8, There's scarcely a vacant | spot left in these downtown A5 Angeles parking lots as a result of a strike against the Metropolitan Transit Authority hy #00 mechanics, The sirike PUBLICATIONS COMMISSION Freedom Of The Press| ot An Economic Tool | Canada's pub-| |eitizen is being injured hy an: has during questioning by the three: other under some unfair practice, to man commission that he believes/then the state has the right to] freedom of the press would be semedy the situation," infringed upon if Parliament de- cided Time's competition in Can | ada was inequitable and acted hy statute to correct the situation, Shortly before the sitting was adjourned--Mr, Laybourne was isked to come back today so the commission could continue its examination--the Time executive repeated to Mp, O'Leary his Ww G OTTAWA (CP) royal commission delivered a sharp warning American magazines competing in Canada that they cannot pro simply hy lications Time's brief to the commission disagreed that the Canadian edi. [tion gained any unfair advantage over Canadian periodicals through access to the editorial material and other advantages available through Time-Life's world-wide operations, | The Time Canadian edition was tand that government action sarted in 1048, It is substantially| would constitute restraint of the Ne same in content as other| ight of expression, Time Issues hin mn that , Saities Fibhidy anadian advertising and has a Mr, O'Leary snapped separate section on Canadian af- disagreement "No, sir, you could still read fairs, lime to your heart's content, WILL PRINT IN CANADA Ihere would be no restrain | Time. Canada, the commission vhatsoever The government was told, will be printed in Can would merely acl as a referee] ada starting with. a target date between two contending forces of November, 1961, but that it is! within the state neither feasible nor advantageous "This is the very essence of [to switeh editorial operations to our 4, 4 government, If one(this country from New York, | tect their shouting the merits of freedom of position he press magazine unturled the Wednesday and re ceived an Immediate chewing out for its efforis--in counter stacking claims by Canadian pe thal unfair American is driving them to Time argument | riodieuls competition ward disaster, Commission chairman M, Gral tan O'Leary, veteran newspaper man and president of the Ottawa Journal, said the publishers of I'ime's Canadian edition are nol aiding thelr cause with this kind of catch-all contention, He told back In Lay of Lawrence bouime, managing director {Time International of Canada Limited, that freedom of the press simply parallels freedom of the individual, and is not a tool Aut even without Nixon's home, than 67,300,000 counted so far, He|to be used to underwrite the state, Kennedy still is assured of Won 50.15 per cent of the vote to Prosperity of any magazine or 300 electoral votes, 31 more than the minimum needed for election I'he count of absentee ballots still 20,000 short of complete threw California into Nixon's col umn Wednesday, In the regular vote count, Kennedy had led by 34.360 In California, Bul as the absentee votes mounted Nixon turned that deficit into a lead of 13,160 votes The remaining uncounted Cali fornia ballots are mostly in the Republican strongholds of Diego and Orange counties Nixon also picked up votes Wednseday in official canvasses in Florida and North Carolina Kennedy gained some in an offi- doctor said there was no pain= pital when Gable clal cout in Indiana, These 40.85 for Nixon Greatest newspaper Star Clark Gable Dies HOLLYWOOD (AP) Clark san Gable, greatest star of them all, purse dropped his head back on a pil low late Wednesday night and died of a heart attack The end came so fast that his A few seconds Just » few ERasps, LATE NEWS FLASHES AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) US. Navy warships and Nicaragua "seek out and attack on these countries air | TAPE! (Reuters) | the American military assista today the Nationalist army w training. Dahlen sald Nationali | operate under conditions of ¢ Ma). ( attended hy| President prevent' iri a U.S, Units To Rid Central America Eisenhower has ordered to help Guatemala and any Communist-directed hecomes necessary, units ime work of of Formosa Practices For Atom War Chester A. Dahlen, chief of nee advisory group here, said as undergoing atomic warfare sl troops were heing trained to piemy atomic attack," en Pair Charged With Two Thefts Two Oshawa youths charged with stealing a car fv tion, 237 Simcoe street south breaking inte Acadian Cleane cuff links. Kenneth Kavelman Gordon Bryant, 18, of 487 by Magistiate F. S. Ebbs Magistrate's Court, today Ww Th were Ortona arrested this morning, and om Fred Lawless' Service Stas hey were also charged with this morning, and stealing of 20 Toronto avenue, and avenue, were remanded they appeared in Oshawa were also remanded on a rs 19 hen ey charge of possessing a stolen ear, Bail was set at $2000, had his he been asleep. A in room heard the gasps and shouted across the hall § to Mrs had moved into Hollywood Presbyterian Hos. 80, was taken there after his first heart attack Nov, 6 Ironically, death his best day since that tack, He ate heartily at dinner, took a little snooze afterwards and then chatted happily with his wife, He had even been shaved, WON'T SEE CHILD Thus ended the 30-year reign of the king of Hollywood, Sadly, he never will see his first child due in March His impending fatherhood was the topie of his last conversation {with his wife--and of many earl [ler talks with her and others, "He was more concerned about the effect of his illness on me and the baby than he was about him- sell," Kay related Gable had no previous history of heart trouble when the corons ary thrambosis hit him at his 20- acre Encino ranch that Sunday morning 11 days ago "He was the healthiest man alive until that came his wife said. "He hadn't even had a cold jin the five years weve been married," before Gable who came after first ats municipal experts in the departs ment herve, They held hearings for three weeks at Oltaws last summer after 9 Eastview rates payers petitioned for an invests gation because of incressed Laxes, In their 20,000-word, 74-page report, they warned that, unless present practices were remedied, the town of about 23.000 would he in financial trouble "Although the failure to budget properly, the overspending, the excessive horrowing and the fails ure to obtain full or reasonable value from the sale of assets have caused the financial posi tion of the town to deteriorate in recent years and although it is not as strong as it could have been, it is still healthy," the res port said, "The ratepayers ave nol ove taxed, "However, in our opinion, ang continuance of the practices fos lowed in recent years might soon impair its financial position and injure its prospects for the fae ture," A RECLMMENDS CHANGES " Recommendations included; 1, A qualified treasurer should he appointed so that "order and efficiency may replace disorder," 2. A complete revision of the town's building and zoning bye laws, which were not producing results required, 3, Plans for subdivisions should he decided by council, 4, Bale of town assets be undertaken only after | pendent appraisals, 5, Tenders should be called on major contracts, 6, The department should com sider whether Lucien Masse and Hector Menard, the town's outs side auditors, should continue to hold municipal auditors' licences, 7, There should be 'furthep and complete investigation" of the way In which cash was hans dled in the office of the town treasurer, Mrs, Adrienne Daw roche, "The manner In which cash was handled in this office could not have heen much worse," the report said, "There Is no doubt," It said, "that money belonging to the town has disappeared, that it dige appeared on several occasions and that it disappeared after coming into custody of the trease urer, Killed On Motorcycle NIAGARA FALLS, Harold House, 24, of Lewiston, N.Y, was killed early today when a motorcycle he was riding failed to negotiate a bend on a city street, It hit and broke off a concrete light standard, He was pronounced dead at the scene, , - ------------ Ont, (CP) v Silt, . 3 A, RECENT PICTURE OF CLARK GABLE WITH HIS WIFE KAY WILLL M$ teed etde AR A BB EE EE EE BE hh EEE EER EERE

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