The Oshawa Times, 17 Nov 1960, p. 18

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SHOWN ABOVE al the Wed- nesday session of the Homes for Aged Course of Instruction, at Hillsdale Manor of Medical #re some Hillsdale Manor: LL. Earl director of the Homes seh of the Depart Wellare;, Honor for Fudlow for Aged hrs ment of Public From left to right, are i chairman A commitiee management day Ald the Needs | the officials and guests for the Cex n of Are Increasing The Hono able Lou 4 Cee'le minister of public welfare for Ontario, sald Wednesday, it 15 he COMIBE More eviden that most elderly dents in our for the suffer from some physical or mental difficulties require medical ser and tention The more administratm hoards of management of nursing, matrons ficials from a at the Wedne Homes for the Aged Course struction, in Hill Rossland road east SPECIALIZED SERVICE Mr, Cecile sald he see that the day devoted the program the ald he was sal our Doctor W. W, Fi man of Geriatrics Committee, is ized medical service pone in this eountry "We have you know, a full time consultant in the person of Doctor C, Keith Stuart, whose skilled efforts are heing directed [#14 ana more Ene of hime res aged to a degree and vice a minister was t 20) superinl m¢ peak endent I ol director of than mni¢ and other province of the of In Mano 08s the aa { m dale was pleased had medical to heen wholly care He tn n nomes fied "that iddle, char Advisor creating a special in oul econd Adequate Power towards the development of ts of medical care and treat ment," My went on He said, "I have encouraged by the n which medical needs have and | fhe partment when | say that further developments now under will prove even more effectly part of the medical care n the Homes for ihe asper Cecile heen grea excaien heen treated 7 speak oy hecome program Aged INTERESTING TALKS The of Wednesday 56 morning talk hy Di Why Keep Record Roger a registered nurse of nursing from Green for the Aged, in Toronto on "Planning a Bed Care instruction at the included Priddle on Vii direc Acres COUrse sslon ] to Home poke Win After M afternoon the the Ir, Cecile spoke Dr, C. K, Stuart pecial medical consultant for the department "Drug and Treatment "Mr Rogers spoke again, Thi ing ho talk was called "Duty and Dele gation of Personnel", The da closed with another lecture hb Dr, Stuart, He spoke on "Admis sion Policy and Procedure mn spoke about Routine on Company (Osh contributed $s Oshawa a) Tue to the 2M) Greater Supply Assured Large coal-fired thermal eles trie plants and big nuclear power plants will be providing most of the electrical power for the prov- ince in the next decade, members of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club were told at the Tuesday lunch eon meeting The trend was outlined hy Charles G, W. MacIntosh, inform ation officer for Ontario Hydro's central region, whe illustrated his remarks with colored slides, Mi MacIntosh was introduced hy Wil liam CGibhie while the apprecia tion of the club was voiced hy Harry Gay PLANNING AHEAD Ontario Hydro 1s planning ahead to provide adequate power for the rapidly expanding popula tion of Ontario, AW the large sources of hydraulic power have heen harnessed, although there still remain some 20 smaller power sites on rivers in Northern Ontario which would provide ap proximately 2,000,000 kilowatts Some of these power sites are now heing developed and the power will he available where needed in various parts of the province, hecause the commission is introducing extra high voltage for long distance transmission of power with less line loss, Mi Macintosh said However, the commission's en ginec vha study the power lead growth trend, have forecast that Ontario will require some 21,000 000 kilowatts of electrical energy fill its power needs hy 1080 This is 'more than three times the amount of pawer that Ing ind pravines hat | miss ning now to get of elected power h more el \ \ red tations he the m now in the « d and plan sinnlies used why produ { ahed \ i nisi auat m the larger thermal and pth pleetel from nu omic he R JOBLESS UNION Meeting The joint committees for the Oshawa Jobless Union met at th UAW Hall, Rond street east, Wed nesday night and prepared a program to present to an open meeting of unemployed warke:s at the UAW Hall Thursday Nov, MH Jobless 3 attend Wis meeting, Leaflets M1 he warkers are urged wn dis Unemployment noun LN d, a We meeting riba the \ ommission of the and commit worker The coord nmit composed o nhers | Oshawa and District Labor Coun ell, Local UAW, and GM ba mmitiee other commit entirely of Malcolm tee ni wm | h T™h unemployed wirker Smith, president of fo ® tric generating station in Toronto was mentioned, This station, hy the end of this year, will have a capacity of 1,200,000 kilowatts, | READY FOR GROWTH The commission Is building the world's largest thermal eleectrie station in the Port Credit area The speaker described the many interesting features of this tion, which will have a capacity of 1,600,000 kilowatts, At full load this station will use about 16,000 tons of coal daily and some 60,000,000 gallons of walter per hour for cooling purposes First power from this glant sla-| tion, amounting to 800,000 kilo] watts scheduled for the late] {summer of 1861, The plant will cost about $250,000,000 The plans of Ontario Hydro en gineers have included the con struction of the first nuclear ipower plants in Canada to take] adequate care of the future needs, | One of these, the nuclear power |demonstration plant, with a capacity of 20,000 kilowatts, will go into initial operation in 1061 It is situated on the Ottawa River near Rolphton sta total J, CLAUDE KEON Is Head Named 43, 1 Lhe the new Oshawa I. Klaude Keon administrator of shopping Centre I'he man a sales hy Ca Late vacated now real ¢ post who | in ind for all ited hy pal Lid former mes a Inseph hmit JOINT PROJECT nadian advert This atomic fuelled electrie tion consultant power generating' station Is being built jointly hy the Atomic Energ Commission of Canada Limited Mr. Keon lives | the Canadian General Eleetrie with h ite. and two ehildren Company and Ontario Hydro, and Cheryl, 16, and Harrold 8 will provide the Ontario Hydro I'h foal operation of thi engineers with much valuable in formation and experience in pro electrieity from the power atom centres owned and oper Investiment wrt ph vill centre he a real challenge M 10 1o ste 1 Warkld rrmen tore id fueing P of the Another in the a de ing oversea Wai manager Rapuska { Years Alle Mr, Keon oper ied ile Leansportation A I the | onleree Ae mn wl h Vil nuelear electrie power n to he constructed on the ke Huron at Southampton MacIntosh hriefly in aperation tation | hores of | Dou Point Kin hetween i this station that when 1065, | cheduled to 200.000 kil il dine HY in il nd commend | peeia sorihed tated theut ale him pre whmin 10 { shappin ¥ LL needed run war, 1 dard Keon con mba Ihe Aly Three To Seek Seats On PUC unemployed the one mn to Michael the \ ul lities ¢ Lah until a oth Program Set For Nov. 24 Local 222, said of the he expec Hngs ng nerease held mee an with mm the the to ) at whieh federal minister of of Oshawa and will he invited Starr on he mayor gniiaries eak said one of the the program M to in mu they migh ds each yoar HF. Raid both mem suggesting how he unemploy ann w Another suggestion" A member of Local : 5 " Wr 1 hy sibility of them Ware emp 5 ef vould forge comprised V pe In could cut wnemployment ia hall Mal present either, » Prinel M Osha New Centre | promo: | awa Community that {| afternoon totalled $171,108.06, list of contributions, not previous ly acknowledged Mr G Creighton, F Edward Bind (Optometry Bruce Jones and Greer (Barrister Inhn Dy Behofield Insurance be, BP ¥ Mrs, F Ihe Goodyear Faton's of Canada I'he Principal Investments Ba Peep Restauran Dept My and W. Douglas Johns, super minis | | intendent of Hillsdale Manor nd guest MLA able Lois P. Cecile, QC ter of Public Welfare speaker; 7. D, Thomas Oshawa Times Photo C. Baxter store man enting cheque to R, Falrthorne, chest n manager, At right is Doyle, executive Community Chest feentre), assistant ager, is seen pre a Arthur eere {Chest Donations Pass $171,108 Stacey Limited i) Limited ) 0 hopping Centre Empl the Greater Osh-|Margare AG Chest announced to Wednesday Rita Wris The| ©. Packer 1.00 Loblaw's Bhopping Centre Employees Continues The office of contributions follows: Creighton M. Farest 200 no Vanderhurst 25.00 and Ms, T, K I. Murdach vaser, Drynan and Murdogh Employees: i. Heal Walton 1.00 2.00 1. 1.00 W) 1 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.0) 1.00 0 5.00 3.00 10.00 45.00 ).00 24.00 100.00 100.00 20.001 15.00 5 (3, dones Joan Young Mis. M. Bailey David Wilson Miss Marion Jack Taylor Miss A. Pawep arl Grant Id Wilson 5.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 0H Matin Bradley (Heal Fatale) ) Bmp | 2 0 | 1.00] Agency 15.00 slate G. Roberts Louise Wagget A. Maldlow Investment a and District Heal § B od A 5 J 0.00 | 10.00 0.00 Ovens Phillips A 5. (1) 35.00 | De, HL Arnott 10.00 CHEE Bro ind and Gira 3.00 Dr. €, 8 Camphell Canal Ca ¢ Limited Lea JJ, Courtips Dr. KB. Dahert Reg, Aker I. RK. Reeve Don Ellison Mrs. Jan. Hohh 1.00 Wm. (. Meeter 101,04) Grace Winnel| 1h Tohn W. Mone 00 Pe, ©, and Mrs, W. H. Sten i00 |B: A, Stan I. Gartshare of Canada Willson Employe ntay Avs Elizabeth Boynton Ca. Lid BH Jackson 100 | Mrs. EB. Rose W. Pentland 3.00 | Oshawa Contractors MeLead Printer 20.00 | Krnest J, Wadsworth Tire and Rubber Ca, 40.00(A, WH. Murdogh Insurance 20.00 Ontario Steel Produgt 0.00 mployee hington 0h Gardner Imperial Bank 5.00 I'he 0 Malleable Tron 00.00 45.00 1 00 3.0) on, Lid, Eixeelsior Life Insur. ( Ld Employes 04.00 i.00 10.00 (Shapping Contre) Behmite Keon a Mitehell Mancheste M. Mea Clark weehin Gatto ander i00 | 10.00 10.00 0 10,00 i. 00 8.00 1.00 Darath 100 fi.00 1.00 15.00 15.00 on 0 Girish Williams 11] Kay Anagh 300 2.00 10.00 1.00 3.00 3.0) al Transport MeRae Employees RF ) | 0 | 2.00 Cherry anklin Simon we Civele Lid, Employes Stuard Freedman I Humuhrey Fabri Town Lid) 5.00 6.00 10.00 TUS i #0 7.80 14.00 1] tary 7.40 Al West [81] Larry Liss Kevin 0 Lantan 31.00 | 10.00 470 10000 00 i000 158.00 100.00 EY Keith W. | Oshawa Distriet Labor Coun United Steel Workers, Laeal CL Allen. CPR Freight Mullen I Employees Vi K. Healthwaite fram Variety Show CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations wishe dent who days M and best to the following re of Oshawa and distriet are celebrating hirth i . Council To Study Sketch Of Bandstand north; William Huza Sharhol street Aly whine Pritchard, 506 Ma A, O Roard | I'ueseay Date $171,108.06 468 Montray Jean Rrisehais, chairman of the of Parks Management told the parks hoard roan wehiteel's perspective for Marg Oshawa Windsor MT he Ave ion St; Roberta Rogan, 3686 that an Smith, &9 Stevenson road north Sandra 10 h Wall, {' M2 Courcelette and | The chairman said the plan has NT ( hy the property 1) Elizabeth street aret A fam \ proved design meets Humewond Ave. John Wis newski, 188 Central Park Blvd, south Sleeman | Futner St, Hampton: Hugh Dobbie, RR a Don proposed bafidstand for Lake na Greer. 8 st (View Park has heen prepared for Ajax Al Fice Ea the city council property cammit haven street: EU hy Witham Milne, avehiteet and if its fi per val of the building King plans and spe he prepared and wiruction of the The bis Oshawa hay riod ( ent t { nated there | Walt i V 13 \ the budget the The | MAT i. He i on 1960 fo the architect tand can hw the budgeted Ca Hound That Thou A Racoon He was [believes the ; ed vs will [Ameun oon the LL R am v h Reports hda WLW hoard \proval he rece SOOT nspecia in the and structure, n 5 of it Phone A» his ay proposed design T, EATON CO, DONATES $1200 TO CHEST L001 National | 10 grounds, Toronto, Saturday, Nov | Canada Fhe Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1960 PAGE SEVENTEEN '15-FOOT SIDEYARD Erection Of Triplex Approved By Board Nie LensdowneBussex area, A spokesman for (hose opposed howse with inadequate frontage south | FESIAEnts appeared before (he) rEue Ad thet a triplex wouldlend eres was tabled until & sure TT Oshawa Commitiee of Adjust: "tower over homes in the Island, Ivey can he made and sketches ment Wednesday wight in sppo- The island referred to & blocklproduced ition to an appesl by Downs of houses containing ne triplexes, Greta street resident G, Furey's Realty to build a triplex withithough there are some aeross thelapplication for a patie with ine nadequate frontage" require street |ndequate siteyard was also ERS Area woning is R2B which per- tabled, to allow more Information The landowners are short by mits anything up to five-plexesito he gathered and so thet Mr, less than two feet, with adequate ~ sethacks and Furey may attend the next heer Chairman Louis Hyman, SK frontages ing, on Dee, u 8 F, W. Mclellan and Fi El The residents also ar A, Taylor, Phillip Murray ave- agreed to allow the appe pro] p Argued that me, had bis appealed tabled 0 E fi . # triplex would detract from the 4 Ps Vi § ¢ | y e vided 15-400 side-yards are ma) area would present parking prob- hat imare sketches could he oh TNs 4, D SE Boy Suffers Concussion WHITBY (Staff) Riding home from schood on Wis bicycle Wed nesday, Raymond Leeder, 8, TH Brown street, suffered a cOoneussion when COM SECTION F A he was slruce by & car The car, driven hy John Cour noyer, WL Brock street struck the the Pitt and King fore noon Whithy proceeding street when Wis car travelling on Charges are pending Eric hoy at corner of treets shortly be Cournayer on Pitt the hoy street pice sam west hit King price ye Erickson Was south ported, Constanie nvestigated 4) signature petition from nearby homeowners was A Downs Realty representative| NINE APPEALS ALLOWED submitted to the three man com 58d the building would he the] Nine other applications were S same size as others on the street, allowed; the only difference being the ad-! MM. Pokorski, Oshawa hovlevard dition of a hasement apartment, south Aparihent Siding with ' inadequale sideyar UNAWARE OF BYLAW J.C, Blephenson, Mary street Builder Sam Jackson 101d the garage extension with inadequate court he was nol aware of a by rear yard aw governing extension of eaves E. Green, Holly court, carport nto sideyards with inadequate sideyard An Eastdale street home built! 6G. Lysyk, Riverside drive hy Jackson has three fool eaves north, house with inadequate in a four fool sideyard, exceeding sideyards the Himit by one fool D. Basley, Somerville street, Four home. owners appeared to EXIEnsion to existing poreh make sure it doesn't happen Babayan, Ritson road south, BEAN They were concerned SER for non-conforming used with vacant lots still to he car lot huilt Dr, W. G, Wall, Bimeoe street novth, enclosed porch with ingd- equate front yard depth iH, Zariwny, Park road north, house with inadequate front yard depth | H, Bartley, William street west, enclosed porch with inadequate 8 front yard depth Will Renovate i Home For Internes land in the The Oshawa General Hospital to provide | Board Tuesday night empowered of Little Its building committee lo reno ate the Burns house on the Alex ndra street side of the hospital the 10 make it into living quarters for iternes who will he coming tn Lease Land ToKoftC For Sports Parks Mara al meeting Tues voted to lease Ie of pes Yard The ment day afternoon proximately four acres of land Wn {the Harmony Creek valley lof Hoskin avenue, hetween Fare II avenue and Harmony dt | No. 267) fo Hall Ye Bom upon Jackson I Clause in the 150 homes in Lhe this 1s the first have had." APPEAL TABLED Zadorogny's appeal ap Bald he didn't know hylaw. We subdivision complaint south wis huilt and WE fn Bt, Gregory's ( Knights of Columbu diamonds, for a 1-year period | will he heen completed for the TT: 1156 py | Provision made when {the lease | a further | rental fer {hoard E } own VAs -- 10-year term will he $1 year, The request City Solicitor McNeely to prepare a lease G A lelie y rece council advising the Bt. Gregory Counell Knights of Columhu city council Sept, 14 purchase or lease of Harmony Creek valley hall diamonds for the League hasehall,"" ed from eity| that No. 2671 | applied fo] the F hoard mittee for internes, He said the medical staff commitiee wanted Is commitiee to push for a penis house Interne quarters on top of the new wing Dr, Grant said the board will eventually need modern accom maodation for interne purposes if It wished to attract them to Oshe awa, Dr, A, PB, Fulton said even if the Burns home is renovated, it Is SLL going to be far inferior to the worst accommodation ether hospitals have for internes, He urged building committee meme bers to tour other hospitals' ine lerne quarters "to see what they are up against," A unanimous vote was records ed lo authorize the hullding come [mittee to go ahead and renovate the home, of the Oshawa & Area Drivers To Seek Honors Three chest committed Photo tary [THY Time. Couneil informed the hoard the K of C application received consideration of the planning hoard and the eity property com-|'@ Join the hospital staff mittee, City council adopted the! Ihe house was bought for hos recommendation of the property |Pital use when plans were being nmittee as follows: {made for the new wing which Is "The property commitiee|tV under construction on the district pecommends that the land lying [Alexandra street side truck drivers will compete) south of Hoskin avenue, hetween| Although there are just four in against accident-free drivers) Farewell avenue and Harmony|ternes employed at the hospital, from all paris of Canada in the| poad, being approximately four|ihie hoard hopes to have at least Truck Hoadeo to bel acres in area, he placed under thel20 on the staff by the time the held in the Automotive Bullding| jurisdiction of the Board of Parks|new wing has heen completed, Canadian National ~~ Exhibition] Management and further, that it he recommended to the hoard NEED LARGER STAFF that the K of C he granted the| Hospital Superintendent, W. A use of the area for hall diamonds, | Holland explained that ene in on the condition that the K of C|lerne is capable of looking afler will pay all ensts of development |belween 20 and 80 patients, The and future maintenance." additional resident staff will he Board secretary IL, R, Barvand |Pequived when the new wing, sald that the area would he open|Which will give the hospital an for the use of people in the additional 220 beds, has been neighborhood on all times when | complete fram| the diamonds are not in use | Building Committee Chairman The K of C is aware of the fapold Washington said his com Rassihle damage py ooding and mittee recommended the Burns Will he respansinle for any dam-| pause could he used for interne r which might oceur as a rel MCeS RE © etl 5000 truck and transport drivers sult," Mr. Brrand said residences as construction on the new wing 1s well enough ad who have competed in provineial| A. ( Brisshals hoard thal vanced to permit renovation and regional in recent man, pointed. out that any build work the 1 bag ings constructed will have to eon : ou the home (a hegin, months [farm with the hoard's require Mr, Washington said his com [ments and they would autamati-|Mittee felt it the board wanted lo get internes te come to Osh New Clubhouse "" ™ "™ " "avi. it woud have 0 ave some Given Approval H, Millen and ¥ Ellegatt moved the hoard accept the Hap. [Hosted the committee be given many Creek land for park pure. permission te proceed with the | po | preparation of the Burns home as The Board of Parks Manage ment, al a special meeting Tues day afternoon, approved the eon a residence for internes moved the land be leased to the! He sald all the other facilities truction of a new clubhouse building at Storie Park at an esti K of (! for use as hall diamonds at Oshawa General Hospital are far a 10-year term, The mavers up-to-date in every way, But, he mated cost of $6000 he $1 per annum According to the committee Al an earlier meeting, the chairman, the hoard would not he arranged and the approval of | building the Storie Park area residents! The hoard received a petition, [COMMITTEE PRAISED Speaking on behalf of the medi hols sald the Storie Park Neigh: proval to the locating of the new harhood Association has $1000 on clubhouse on the Storie Park site. [heaving of the medical staff eq cor ' Oshawa and Competing for national honors and a share of more than $5000 in prizes will he; D, A, Weales, Consolidated Truck Lines Lid Oshawa; George Heenan, British American Oil Co. Lid., Cobourg T, A Wilcox, Shell Oil Co, of Lid., Pickering Sevenly = four drivers across Canada will participate in the annual of driving skill, They represent more than ae re -- To Seek Funds For Dystrophy Victims The Oshawa firefighters ame nual drive to raise funds for Muss cular Dystrophy research and Pa tent comforts will commence Monday, Nov, 21, These drivers are promoted on a national scale to insure the education of the public on this subject This year the committee has decided to obtain the help of Oshawa citizens in a blitz drive on the Monday of Museular Dys strophy Week, In past years, Oshawa could not he covered due to the small number of fires fighters available for canvass 8 Campaign headquarters feel this year's goal of $10,000 will he reached with the co-operation of these neighborhood ecanvassers, This fund benefits research and provides comforts far the 20,000 known muscular dystrophy cases in Canada, The pamphlets distributed hy [the eanvassers have often helped the publie to recognize symptoms of this disease and as a result IS many new cases have heen une m:eavered, contest roadeos i, Dixon and Ald. A. V. Walker siggested provision be made for | added, the present interne quar a 10-year lease and the vental fee ters are "a long way out of date." bob appraved the building pro. pand and a Bit of $5000 will he run into great expense in renovat vided satisfactory financing could | made hy A. G. Storie for (he ing the house. was received signed hy residents of Mill and ! Hoard Chairman A.C. Brise- Oxford streets, giving their ap: cal staff, De, W, G, Grant com plimented the committee on 1) we SCOUT OFFICIALS PLAN YEAR'S ACTIVITIES discuss plans of the Cubs and mmissioner of Cubs: Alan | er of Cubs and Scouts and distriet staff activities for the pickson \i o V \ VISH J \ 3 5 sls eoming ved The appointed Shy! uy sont fommus Brace Jones, assistant distriot commissioners. from left. are. Vener of Cabs and Scouts: Ed | commissioner of Cubs Davies visi 0 ®» tet vies, divisional commissions { «Oshawa Times Phole -------- - The newly appointed division al commissioners and assist ant commissioners of the Ray Asso clation Tuesday night te wot Oshawa mel dis aeouts LEE | Dona Ellison, assistant distr

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