The Oshawa Times, 12 Nov 1960, p. 5

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Movember 12, 1960 } r, and Mrs, Ralph Sharp and Leiry snd his wile presented the| HANSEN FINED { M A ------------_-------------- . --- -- Ll | Mr. snd Mrs, Harry Harding, To. f G --- PONTYPOOL |X, 2nd Mrs Marrs Harding, tos 6s. Me. ang Mrs. Bradley esch| WINNIPEG (CP) George Herb Gould and attended the thanked the many friends for result 2 vas be 2 Huh 30 1 5 Come To The GET-TOGETHER CLUB | PONTYPOOL -- The sympathy presentation for Mr, snd Mrs, |'helr kind remembrance of them| .,.y" sume of the Western Tn of the community #068 vg to yi Dave Preston and fnvited them all back agsin ierprovineiasl Football Union : 0 ova " rm» oy Nick Badiuk and family on the A presentation was held on in 40 years. Alter singing "For semifinal -in Calgary last Setur-| sudden death of Mrs, Badluk on 211 th sre joll od fellows" " »e Saturday evening in the LOL hall they Jolly good fellows", a gay football commissioner Syd.| Wednesday Stterioon. The funeral in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Dave dainty lunch wes served with oid Halter announced oly was from the church on Satur p.oooon (Betty Lou Mitchel) on Mr, and Mrs, Bradler serving the The Calgary tackle was ejected day afternoon their recent marriage, They were wedding cake { C : p from the game, won by Edmon-| se ory ece| Presented with 4 television set. | ANNIVERSARY ton 41-21 after he threw punches , ' Ye tn Lo Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Kirk and| Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Custis 8 Edmonton safety man Oscar and husband, Wr. 0 Mrs. Len ye ttt Keuger the secmd auarer. | Saturday, Nov. 12 - 8:30 p.m. é d Caine sitended the wedding of piversary at the home of their Hallowe'en saw the usual num. heir nephew, Kenneth Sanderson, 4 ! ber of children out on their an el nephew, Ken eTson, | daughter, Mrs, Allen Basinette, manville, Orono, Peterborough, " in Peterborough on Saturday eve- on Saturday, Friends and neigh- Omemee snd Pontypool eslled nual rounds of calls "trick ori ging hors from Toronto, Oshawa, Bow.| during the afternoon and evening. O0.C.V.l. AUDITORIUM treat" despite the unpleasant eve. ning of wet weather. Some of the, WEDDING ANNIVERSARY | older boys, reportedly from out! A surprise party was on - of town, came along after mid. Saturday evening at the home of . . DRESS: Hard Times night and shot all the lights out! the Bradleys, in honor of Mr. and {| mas in t e untry on the main street Mrs, Keith Bradley to celebrate ; There has been two meetings| With them ad 40th Wedding a [ NEW, LOW in the school to organize and|niversary. 'There were nominate 8 comniitiee to look Euests present from Toronto, Osh- ] DAY after the building of an outdoor| 8%, Bowmanville, Orono, Peter- 1 EXCURSION FARES skating rink in the school yard borough, Eatimiies, Siienise Toronto to Glesgow ,,.. $304.00 return ¢ children th ter, an 0) POG! uf ? 2 for the ehildren this winter recipients of many hesutiful gifts i 7 Toronte te London $331.00 retum : IN HOSPITAL Mrs, Ephriam Whyte, Orono, £ - Toronto to Manchester ,. $318.40 return DINING i EDROO Mrs, William Rennie and Mrs. read the address and their son Toronto to Dublin ; $318.00 return 9-6" ws" KITCHEN RO Charles McNell spent Thursday tren em---- MRS, MITCHELL 12-4" 11-0" ! - efternoop with Mrs, H. Richard SATURDA Donald Travel Service I f - 51 Jimmie Willis is in St. Joseph's Canada's favorite new big band ; I Over 25 yeory' experiense selling travel ' Td Hospital, Peterborough, with a sound AB serious eye injury JACK DENTON WHITBY OSHAWA --BROOKLIN-FPh, MO 8.3304 - -- TORONT ol Af AND His ORCHESTRA PRONTO tM 393 COMES DANCING 70 THE SCREEN : sign No, 477. Now available JUBILEE PAVILION from this newspaper & new and OSHAWA | In the Beauty of COLOR! Ie Te 0. enlarged 1960 Book of House " col ot' Designs entitled "A new Belec- i " a ---- Pe did tion of Low Cost Homes for ------ | yarn ST ANDREW'S BALL : ; BEDROOM Canadians", price $1.00, Con- | . io g' g-4" ® tains 114 designs including 1 Wa, In | J N= / " storey, 1% storey, 2 storey and 4 TR I | P split level homes, plus much Sa ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM MA cO BATH i | useful information om building = Friday, November 25, 1960 room : las terms and requirements, Order | h | | your copy today. Also included ' PRESS OPTIONAL Ld " ain, " - Na in this Design Book is full in- | MUSIC BY 7 7 formation on how to order the ' | blueprints You are invited to accept a BILL BURNETT'S ORCHESTRA trial private Va hr 0 Yieksts May Be Obtained, From HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE, 4 ng 1. Kost lesson for "r 1. 0 ADMISSION: MEMBERS 40¢ NON-MEMBERS 60¢ LUNCH SERVE se as | W. OID CHAISSE DANCE (= ©." -- -- rons. «ELAINE STEWART. ... half « hour trig! esa nsssnsas ™ TONIGHT lesson for only $1.00 Here's (-- SATURDAYS EE ---- your chance to £ 5] 1 - . ick PO fie I NY Modern-Square |e now avickly py mo ~ / 4 and easily you / ( T0 THE a become an y % HOME DESIGN NO, 477 exper Goren w HEH C TELEVISION LOG wii mn wins TORNADOS gi bw DANCE PARTY Nr CHUH-TY Channel 1l-Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronts » recommend it, Plann CHATEAU RECORDS) partners a . COUPLES ONLY omy, {han "OCEAN'S 11" 5 omy ( y hie ing, each vay ve od SINATRA MARTIN (Color WGR-TV Channel 2..Buffale WBEN-TY Chanue) 4Buffals 1 ) proportion CALLER, BOB JoWLER : fF But don't walst=--come In ADM N / WKEW. TV Channel 7-Buftale WROCTYV Channel 5-Rochester \ \ si , bi no JACK DENTON ) ! ear front door ie was | RED BARN | ARTHUR MURRAY SATURDAY EVE | 1 fe of R ' : A | Wah WiEh W. Marks, Licenses "i006 PM, | g=Daeiipe UN, bdusle | ' 4 dividing ONTARIO'S FAVORITE oan 0 10 p.m | Feat : ; FUN SPOT Op p and Air-Conditioned ee decor | NED 1114 simcos St. 5. RA 8-168) 23 (a | BILLY swe rredW| DER'S i | En cut aro, heh make (Able iit FUNNY-SAD COMEDY Notun Artes ow | The Lavatory which Jn located i#.>@ Dancing Tonite 4 ABOUT JH HE TICKLISH y on Pp wv : : J { alse direct « (ld AT bi TW "ay % Bedrooms, 10s \ CATERING CALLED LIFE! expecially con ww DNIPRO HALL DANCES-DINNERS-SHOWS 1 Famil ! vhow ! 0 bed J | | eo | pad dor also the abun 2 EDITH ST. : | eo U8 EM, Bugs Jogo 1S Whi ; Ora block Fast of Comar Bitton & Block Enquiries Invited 1:30 P.M | , | \ and | d romier. Play toi) I A tae DINE AND DANCE 500 PM | 1g i200 P.M. 3 Sosting a sel { to the music of "THE CAVALIERS" Tunic a ' « Da A nada for this De PY EVER YONE WELCOME ® «AION COMMNY PER UNTATION LAI Jack Lemmon a ott GRAND OL' OPRY -- SPECIAL | Shirley MacLaine BN = a = iv DANC | INTRODUCTORY ' Fiof MacMurray : | sa clonand Browns | 2-beature Movie PLUS . . (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) | I oa | Sift Q bain DANCE COURSE Man f tieth, Ce Yoel) arin hd | FOR A LIMITED TIME y mate Mitchell Zaleski's Orchestra 6 PRIVATE LESSONS of = LPM Te Thoda / \ . at the tin F%0 ew, |, 2 pu Be' POLISH NATIONAL UNION HALL 2 CLASS LESSONS 5 00 which makes n res edroom, The red, agit For ion" Oshawa's Largest Public Dance | 1 STUDIO PARTY BAL WLLINS-GL0 TAB The ation's Future d : 3 biog ri dd 5100 P.M : A \ \ 168 BANTING AVE : i ---------------- polaiising. 1015 IN PERSON h e DOOR PRIZES FOR LADIES » FOR ONLY GIVE CHRISTMAS uateur Housed | qe tery ERO | FUN FOR ALL--EVERY SATURDAY--8:3012 | You ean brush up on your present dancing, or GIFT BOOKS |. ERNEST 10:00 P.M + d Mr, Jones A Celebrity Golf learn new and exciting steps in any dance of 130 P.M your choice, Whether you are a beginner or have OF THEATRE TICKETS e Rifleman ; : : & : . a i : -- been dancing for years, you'll find Arthur aly' { Things 1] Pa | U BB Murray's method of teaching is easy and fun Subd mr. Hon PM wo -- oxo Bowl iw hoptiat, |B gi | ARTHEN HUARAY KIWANIS CLUB OF OSHAWA ING 0 00 P.M ne we " t | Texas Troubadors | D A N & 1 N G 11% Simeoe 5. RA 8.1681 . 10:15 PM i J elie 10:30 "MM News: Weather | 4~Comed Open daily 1 to 10 pm | ros Seno | Round = Square = Polka - Ete. |Z iin | World Travel-Adventure Series . atre X 1 y ' ¥ { r | ) \ ' Ve ally thls PM. [U-The Masers Ma W ; Radio and TV, Decca A H wentieth Century | " 00 Pm nd MGM Movies Only Adults May Toke Advantage of This Offer id w--Presents---- yy Walter Cronkite 1p © Wit nm Also Featuring A le YL --- | ail Ton PM = 3 oan | BILLY BYRD | : &. R 30 a . | CARL H. THOMSEN fae | do wow | gtd" | aturday - &: M. | NOW, REAR POSSESSED HER AS LOVE ONCE HAD. " ou UM on SHOW & pANGE ADMISSION----1,00 PER PERSON | Italy, Sicily, & Sardina wird od 13:30 PM, r Pi 0 | i SUNDAY $US Marshall = Here 00d Show 8:30 p.m, | . ------ Dollar Movie 8:00 AM Dennis The Menace | ¥ 8:00 P.M, We hasey lowed by Dancing to [11-64-Ed Sullivan mee _ was playing a MONDAY | TY 1 f=Lawman EVENING : } 3 I | 52=Tab Hunter Show | W d N 16 . Fie Fries than, Gat oo. Tov LUB | a 16-GM Presents Main lla \ : | A=The Rebei | 8= Piayhouse Admission $1.50 i il -. Se y | J + N pe 2 Chevy Show wt BL Sly DANCING Hi vo | foga RED BARN Every Saturday Night Arthur Godirey aw MeGraw 0:3 rN \ © Five ning Gospel 0:30 P.M o ig " ke 3 ening Gomme | 1-ganer of Condon r Mac Stow] Tickats at Wilson & Lee LW, TABLE SERVICE Twi Faces West Alto Music Supplies or at fais amwars | Slirotnier wie | tems TM the Door, | For Reservation . ... MO 8.3191 in eon | 4=Mhar's wy tne | Western or CSR DANCING 9.12 $3.00 PER COUPLE all te AM. . wa 1:00 P.M. 6:15 p M : J Th CH CET -- | MLLER VAR GR ¥ Word CRee Award: Theatre 3 hp \ nto My Feet | 11:15 PM, Mavhouse y J r-- M J , Dow | Gus : RED TERROR ogi ' = | JOHN GAVIN / -- "ITALY, SICILY AND SARDINIA® 1 o mognificent film r 0 eather: INES IN KO \ MINUTES LEFT TO _ | - . I he overwhelming beauty of the \Matterhorn and the famed 11:30 PA a ENEMY A EN SAVE THEIR iolnight I \ \ ] \ 8 : ~~ ow "Hae : ; I JA You will be enthralled by such unus! activities as we find : ? 0p win, being pursued by the Sicilion rope spi the cork industry, erry's Club . Y the Children | heatre 1:00 AM | MONDAY y Knoll Reports £190 AM Sarvies Popeye ' \ ; | FEATURE TIMES ---- 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:35 . 7:35 . 9:45 Ld | ES yep ot STARTS MONDAY ONA TRAI N PLEASE SEE "MIDNIGHT LACE" FROM THE MONDAY, NOV. 14th, 8:15 PM. ie Big Rascals | BLN AM, Chm. You've never Sng | rt pidge | 9:00 AM. : oa seen anything like it! GLENN FORD - ANNE VERNON | | BEGINNING--NO ONE ADMITTED DURING 1:3 AM Kangaroe To 1 The Truth Ramplonsh $0 Te Adventure 12:00 YOON | 1-3 | 0 i. ii. 8 00 p mM DM) Rca Tove Fomeest Dewey MARIN THE LAST 10 MINUTES | Season Tickets, 6 Shows For $5.00 Bugs Hann Aad ashani Pe a ADULT ENTERTAINMENT dnd Gla : _--" I] ON SALE AT THE DOOR OR FROM ANY MEMBER OF THY Fuck "Kane Show S------------------ LAST DAY: | NOW SHOWING KIWANIS CLUB OF OSHAWA * Six NAKED EARTH 'LURE OF THE SWAMP" rius "RIDE A VIOLENT MILE" er Roow 53 -Wells io Cooking ¢=Comedy Serien " a | J News Romp liane Aulcy S-ltlome

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