The Oshawa Times, 12 Nov 1960, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sotwrdey, Movember 12, 1960 13 [LLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 4, uur. son TH i Seripture~Psalms 1186; 117; 118, mn wr pr #55 " m XZ 7 'Lowered $ § (12, meted te teemen top 70%, ' 277 TENUER ACCEPTED A nl Eleven tenders were opened on Limit Sought |.% weir ms r of 20,000 tone of gravel in the | BROUGHAM -- Willism Palr- Township pit, The two low ten ton Home an Sehort Resoeseir, a Mo Ciude Bmith and e £84 y | wed towmeip comet thet. thelper ton, =o spd reduced at Dup- Chapman superinten barton school, Highway 3. Hel gan wor oes' ord said the present limit is 45, and) ponies through the village, 4, He sald ey \ : 2 le El [thot fhe Besocietion felt Mron@Y| Township previously In 8 setise - - 4 ¢ - es . Ry 1 ma , saying 8tiactory manner, but he was pot i Eo. [3 I 2 / i = speed limits both to the esst and familiar with the other : | ce SE EA Lh £0 a ily west are reduced, Ne Hell Io be, "er Sim "I love the Lord, because He hath The sorrows of death compassed me, "Gracious is the Lord, and righteous "Thou hast delivered my soul from be iz ¢ Deputy Reeve Ross Hawthorne (order heard my voler and my supple ations and the pains of hell gat hold wpon ,, , The Lord prescrveth the simple: death, mine eyes from tears, and my . ; A » 4 4 ; y ; said the the Department of High. Sn hath inclined His ear me: | found trouble and sorrow, Then 1 was brought low, and He helped feet from falling, 1 will walk before ' p : hh SR [ways were setting speed limits unto me therefore will 1 call upon called 1 upon the name of the Lord; me, Return unto thy rest, O my » the Lord in (he land of the living." -- 4 A AB x ("A lin a different manner, "As you| Once noted for it fine Him as long pi 1 live," Psalm 0 Lord, | beseech Thee, deliver my soul, for the Lord hath dealt bounth Psalm 16:80, fi b ; 2% y know, he sald, "the speed limit, ©Ven's, the Augsrten public # 16:12 § i soul." Psalm 116:54 fully with thee," --Psalm 116.57, GOLDEN TEAT--Fsalm 118:1, A iy : i goes from 40 to 45, and 30 to 350 Vienna was opened in 1775, -- -- " i 4 é 7 in very rapid succession, The De- sic partment is doing this on an ex BIBLE LESSON Berry Stars Peacemakers Are || Pe % FT PN pt = HARMONY 1 A ey [ones vi a3 | UNITED CHURCH w t lls For Help [improvement cv; f God (fi. 8 A (innit mt 7] on 7g ot vo a SASKATOON (CP)~ The Boel 1 ren 7 x 4 i Dire i | Reeve Beoft told Mr, Pair : "Wimister ely for the Improvement of the ; ] : # Af LE | [grieve that the matter would hell Ross Metcalf, ARLT, ACCM, Not Unanswered [i im imab wn mer wn amos omg noiote (WEL "NGL Sage 0 | in vl opr sion | bli Oo na Percy W Wright, garden 80r| vq desire peace, The Infant Is! Sing of God, which passetn i| BB QO © sv "8 muscurar pysrorny 10 AM, [7 the Rtar-Phoenis, who a distressed when he sees fighting) | iorstanding shall keep your f ¥ g | Councillor Ross Deskin an- SUNDAY SCHOOL By NEWMAN CAMPBELL hath heard my voice and suppli- was prompled by a remarkable or hears his parents quarreling. | corte and minds through Christ i ' ' bo #7 nounced that Pickering Township 11:00 AM "A Psalm expressing love and Cations, Becaute He hath Inclined response 10 8 se5)e8 of articles we are healthier in soul, mind| jects Philippians 4:6, 7, i 4% 4 ; v ; firemen were sponsoring & eam. KINDERGARTEN CLASS gratitude to God as are Psalms His €or unto me, therefore will | on the Saskatoon berry, and hody when we have peace , A J <4 palgn to eld muscular dystrophy 11:00 AM 116 to 118 form what is called the call upon Him as long as I liv Fhe baskatoon bush produces "jesus said, "Blessed are the| Living by faith in Christ wei | ' 4 # \work, and asked thet Council MORNING WORSHIP Hallel, meaning a hyme of praise, --Piaim 116; 1-2 1 small, purple, edible, berry ike | poacemakers; for they shall be|can be peacemakers, It ealls for) Ca ' psi Mgr BB me Ye m the word comes our word "The sorrows of deat ome which is a variety of the called the ehildren of God," |a compassionate concern for our vv 5 rid of $25 : A Hearty Welcome To AI H 4 ciujal Ay Hel f ew ve vassed me, and the pal rvice berry, The fruit was v The first quelification for al fellowmen, A spirit of hostility os gl A on lias vis A resolution was d that ailetujan, a enrew wore yas y 4 y Indigns, In stews, soups and p maker 18 that he havelwil only antagonize, No matter ! The Presence of the Lord, - ; 'praise [4 vhich is oid upon m 4 Hoan i { peaning 'praise Lo God," wich ! ' mien Wimsel!, By nature man Is{ how terrible the sin Is, we can found transliterated (the sounds id sorrow, Tie 1 ( y iny the Baskstoon bush 15 reb against God, He must only help the sinner if he 18| #0 give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; because His In onc language by the alpha: hie name of the Loi; © LOVE, 3 f as an ornament, al I ind, Then he will|sensitive to the fact that We mercy endureth for ever, --Psom 118;1, | SOUTHMINSTER betical signs of another), the dic- hesceeh Thee, GEHVEE Hy BUR hit is still an Smportan nd the words of Romans! really love him, Jesus, PeLer,! rer -- r-- | t WESTMOUNT tionary says Praim 116; 34 of wild fruit erefore being Justified by Stephen and Paul struck at sin | " 4 z it United Church "The Halle Is sung at the three] "Gracious is the Loi alveady has an: honorary: fait} ¢ peace with God|clearly and strongly, But they|time" But the foundations for(turn over the gold deposits ($400 1109 CEDAR 87 UNITED CHURCH great lestivals of the Jewish peo righieou ed, our God Is m cident: B er Phoenix edito v our Lord Jesus Christ," hed pity and love for those whod lasting Fea o had not heen million) made by the Freneh CL, Lewis, Student Minister ; ple~the Passover, Pentecost, and ciul, 'Fhe Loid pis \! ie knowles, and two members The war with God Is Paullwere held in its grip, We must| ald Abratibm ineoth Ww el government and the Bank ofl -- the Feast of Tabernacies, IL wa gs I was bio lo i a board of technical advises rote tn the Thessalonians, love If we are to be peacemakers, ected president o e nited France, probably suag by our Lord and He helped me mi hed » Professor D. KR. Rob "ihe His disciples belore they left tin Heturn unto thy Hh y are ¥ id or x uliurist of upper room on the way to the soul; for the IA ah a ww Lolversity of Baskalchewyn | FLOYD ST, AY GIBBONS 11:00 AM Marla Toylor, ARGT, RMS, w ' siiidd States, did not swerve from his| Let us follow the example of| ' y wganis! and Cher Leader 2), "The very, God of p ace In secking for those things purpose to free the slaves even|Jesus Christ, the Prince of| MORNING WORSHIP REY, FRANK H, WARD, B.A, ever exer. [Which make for peace we must though It led to Civil War, In| Peace, We can do this when Hist vgnriiusiASM FOR CHRIST? 11:00 AM, The Christian must 5 1 1 h 0, Foi ( f ' care Jin. have a long range view, When{being a peacemaker we must peace rules jn our hearts, This Garden of Gethsemane, on Thurs bountifu with th ¥ WU nd Les Kerr, who will be su } right to peace, Again, have 8 4 y not resort to immoral acts, Mac-| is the way of happiness, The hap] © b LEWIS, Student Minister, Sacrament of Baptism p il wrote Be careful for no-' Mr, Chamberlin returned from| ) | Pi P| oy psi 0 will be celebrated dering the day night of Passion Week (Mal:|iiast delivered my soul [roi lent of a federal forestry hy "B |kenzie King was right fn 1949 in| py peacemakers are the childre / ) A , ; nie avis APE. an endent o eral tores ni: hut In every thing hy! his interview with Hitler in 1939, kenzie King was right in 1940 inipy peacemakers are the chidren ing Seryl thew 2; 80, Mark 14; 26 Aath, mine eyes wseiy siatlon next spring : ver an dom Aication w ith he promised "peace for our | rejecting the British propossl to of God, Ra EE 11:00 AM, ow 0:08 ag 1 di ud Lid . -- SUNDAY $CHOOL Junier and Senior Sunday Sehol Rev, Wilbur M. Smith wiore the Lora ui gt of fusiatoon Horticultural Boclety ; jin ho 17 ERIE ST, Dial 8.3872 REY, W, A, McMILLAN, Pastor [| A WEARTY witcome To aw fil Primer Kindergarten Musery Peloubel's Select voles. by the my [eel trom Laling wii i" J. Zavy, president of the "I love the lord, because He{llving, =--¥sdim 115; 4 i the society might well spon >.ab 0 8 . £15 WELCOME ME Yhll iki) Chute | WE gor Bis, and explained that he THE i Alliance ih » ' Lord lor ai ils Ha Lowi Wis experimenting with, the [1S idl an i I wii | ' ee Cup 0 i saskatoon himsell, 2 f a : METHODIST Council Can't [ic]. ui tos in ous, of ss osiaioon timer, © 0 NLS tan mv. Gv. poaman, Po FREE | he Lord a Hb: dela sry of bib, has suggested thre NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH . I | We can all "call upon the naine | projects for the group . The first 11:00 AM DIXIE DEAN OF | Control Birth ol Lit wor fof Hairs 0 h . voileglion. 9: bug ing ie RADIO STATION HCJB I Centered In Christ | World-Wide In Scope , » » | SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD usiy, In lo 10 | itip Ho) Fossin ! "THE VOICE OF THE ANDES! Interested In you MINISTER we REV. H A MELLOW. BA NROUGHAM Mrs, Eunice | empiation collection of allied Specie | I In music and mess at 10 ond 1) am 10 AM.SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES, ORGANIST w= MR, J, R, ROBERTSON Ie resisting Lavience, a Plekering Township , hat may cause us Lo sin, He | Ig and possibile crossing elp us In all our pre bi ms ol and the ov hot Waa. STonting Se 7:00 P.M.--"OUR GREAT HERITAGE" 1 AM==MORNING WORSHIP T30 prd TT pa living In a modern ori n KLioens (I iy ant ; " on . g As declared by aur beloved Sovereign, 7 P.M, ~THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR. SUNDAY SCHOOL SESS SSIONS the Canadian National Rallways i 1 fruits such as the pear ( I J reine | I Ww : | Jous and ditt : Queen Elizabeth 9:45 AM =Bunday School for All Ages at Resslend Road expropriated In order to bhulld You are always welcome at the Friendly Church of the Light 1 1:00 AM. -- MR. PHIL SPENCE their bypass line through Dun / da | barton and were renting until the - Ee NE WED, 8 p.m~~Mid-Week Prayer and Bible Study, (| & Lite Hour, Listen Every Sunday, 9 am, == CHML Hemilten, tims 2 when they would he The BYNG AVENUE | will be the guest speaker, removed ------ - - Mrs. Lawrence said that there] Christadelphians || PEN] ECOSTAL er---- Baby-sitting service by Come Double Club, P » [i CHURCH 9:50 P.M.=~'"Friendly Chet over CKLB" 2 ohildre . were from 3 to 12 children In each CHRIST'S BRETHREN SEE home. which she considered a MAT IHEW 12:46:50 | Telephone RA B-2426 ! hardship on schools, and asked Pastor, REV, G, A, CARKGOLL / Invite seekers after Truth . Law courell iw discuss this matter ly for Free Bibl with the CNR to apply for Free Bible || ge ture do hear the felented. group 245 SIMCOE STREET REV, pis PIERCE, MINISTER paid the houses Ne rare] lars. on 10 AM. SUNDAY schoo || © friend! It behooveth us not to walve the Telephone RA 3.447 Albert Street United Church : rate, , ts . ; "Any dealing we have had with Write 11 AM, MORNING WORSHIP || injunction of God, but rather acquiese and [| 10.00 AM,--SUNDAY SCHOOL REV, 8. C, H, ATKINSON, Minister Transportation RA 5-4558 MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist 'ond Choirleader fhe CR save sume fo nothing. | CHRISTADELPHIAN [) 7 p.m, guangiLstic submit to that which He hath ordained a £,_Orgoni 11:00 AM.--"THE 20th CENTURY 11:00 AM--"WHERE GOOD FOLK FAIL" WE Soule sald. "Asyineg ECCLESIA Who, yo sl Post Office Box 121 Bible Study & Prayer His divine Testimony, | "AH CHALLENGE 7:00 P.M.~THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR | 7:00 P-M~--"RUT THIS ONE THING BROADCAST CKLB ratepayer, submitted to counci a list of tenants in houses which seems 50 tumult would be of no aval" Oshawa. Ontario EVERYONE WELCOME that could legally he done " I KNOW 15th Oshawa Scouts & Cubs end First Company Guldes they were . i rave : "We don't ask people who pay NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH Yedneudar 8 Pmanfipier, frie Preaching 11:00 AM =Nursery, Kindergarten, Beginners, Reeve Beott sald that he did Lo r od For further Information Please Writes Councillor Ross Deakin asked If Guides and Brownies will attend this servige, taxes to hold the hirth rate 150 Albert St. THE SALVATION ARMY Fe 7:00 p.m ~Crusader's Friday, 6:30 p.m, == Children's Church houses and how they rent them mot believe there was anvihing)..... _-- s-------- 29 GLADSTONE == PHONE RA 5.7578 Tople--"Don't Be Pushed Around" HEY tae. pall ST, JOSEPHS POLISH ee -- Vusudoy 7130 pimemVoung Pussies 943 AMPrimary to Senior Sunday School down," he commented A resolution was passed that SIMCOE AND JOHN STS, 8:00 pm, == Men's Fellowship Mn Liyrice be aiivied thet 10 A.M, HIGH MASS MAJOR AND MRS, MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers We extend @ cordial Invitation to worship with us St A d L . | . Andrew's United Church could take on the matter , -- = |l Celebrant; The Most Rev. Dr. D. R, Maximilian Rode, 11:00 AM. AND 7,00 PM . : M, MINISTER; REV, A By : Prime Bishop of the Polish National Chureh in Poland, LIEUT.-COL, AND MRS, C. WARRANDER Citra jo Ry EV: GORGE VELTORD: Nol BB : isti e Parish Hall following the Service, Hebron Christian Reception in Parish Hall following y 3,00 P.M,~SPECIAL REMEMBRANCE SERVICE Reformed Church ALL WELCOME 200 P.M~SUNDAY SCHOOL A 11:00 AM --"TEACHING BY PARABLE" One block north of highway 2 on Jusiday, 3130 iM, wee The Home, Laague Meeting King Streef Pentecostal Church 9:50 AM ~=Senlor, Intermediate and Junior Classes REV. J M. MeKNIGHY 11 am=Nursery, Beginners and Primary Classes Thicksen Rd, dnd you see the _--- ---- n - wr t-- ohurehl i i . EVERYONE WELCOME ea, SNEAY, Nev. 13 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH | 7:00 P.M,--Subject: 7:00 PMT ANDREAS CHAPEL RECHON of chit mots i | HORTOP AT GLENWOOD GREAT EVANGELISTIC RALLY REV, G, TEKFORD WILL PREACH ¥ Rev, N, Frank Swackhammer, B.A, 7 pm"The Son of Man gave y A Minister life as @ RANSOM for many } Mr. H. Philp, Musical Director fl Carvany BapTIsST CHOIR == SPECIAL SINGING Minister: Rey, J, VanHarmelen : a b CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS 9:45 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL TD ar UE ve hoe go gn [| vs win Sei oF Coy Spt chet 0 Coen [| AY CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH me, Jesus, Son of God?! 7.00 PM, 9:45 AM. BIBLE SCHOOL for all ages, Pastor preaching at both services Rev. Warren G, Dickson, B.A, Minister "Christ's Cross == My Life" [| 11:00 AM. --~MORNING WORSHIP Wednesday, 8:00 P.M, = Bible Study Mr, R, K, Kellington, Organist-Cholrmaster " GRACE i a "AIR MAIL FROM HEAVEN" Subject; Ages and Dispensations -- ) 3 ! The Bible School at 9:48- 1 == TO PERGAMOS This Service Is open to the public == Come end bring a friend, 10 a,m~Sunday School w= 11 @.m==Mission School 7.00 P.M, --EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Supervised Nursery == Tiny Tots Church == Ample off street 11:00 AM. --~MBEMORIAL REMEMBRANCE SERVICE LUTHERAN = aL Nursery and Jr, Church at | 1 "ER | OVER 0 " FROM il AVE T 0 GOVERNOR'" parking, Minister's Topic: "Lest Wa Forget" CHU RCH a ---------- ll .----.e,ea3_» . RAVER FE IWiHIP w= BERLIN REPORT THE CHURCH OF. SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM The 4th Oshawa Brownies and Girl Guides, the CGT, and Explorers, ---------------- i ------------ and the 2nd Oshawa Cubs and Scouts will parade ta the Church, There FOUR DAYS OF BIBLE TEACHING==Sun, 20th == Wed,, Nov, 23 Wil ve a Color Patty, placing of wieatts, @ bugler, feading the names E. A. Lavell School 4 wmacnese | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MAIO JAN, THOMAS, D$0. a Ns on mm -- RR A CE ir vi LAKEVIEW CHURCH ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA ERY ODY H.C SUNDAY SERVICES -- in Boston, Massachusetts ena e 1351 CEDAR STREET SUNDAY SERVICES 10:30 AM SUNDAY: SCHOOL--11:00 AM, Opening of Sunday Schoel, 3 o'clock SUNDAY SERVICE 1) AM SUBJECT: Classes for All Ages == Biing Your Children Along ST, GEORGE'S CHURCH | ! 9:15 AM "MORTALS AND IMMORTALS" A Rev. Cline BGreg oh yJoget See RA 5:2906 SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes jo : "TRINITY 22 The Church in the heart of the eity with the World on its heart, testimonials of healing through Christian Science, | 9:00 AM--HOLY COMMUNION © | MINISTER; REV, JOHN K, MOFFAT, BA, "THIS 1S THE LIFE" READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE, 11:00 A M---MORNING PRAYER--REV. €. D. CROSS Director of Musie: Mr, R. G, Geen, LCM REGULARLY ON ria) ay 7:00 pm, to $i pn, 7:00 P.M.~EVENING PRAYER-~REV, D, WILSON 11:00 AM.~DR, A. C. FORREST Television Y OTEXCEPTING HOLIDAYS. Rn \ / ganar, iy Yet Suen Sosnart ba resh {from a fact-finding mission ta Cuba, mr CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH 7:00 P.M~JOINT SERVICE IN ST, ANDREW'S CHURCH ST -- " Saag 1 Presentin Mary end Hillcroft Streets ---------- fh ha ------- = i TEEN MISSIONARY NIGHT Rector: The Ven, H. D, Cleverdon == Phone 5. 5795 DR. GEORGE TELFORD Witl 8:00 AM, == 11:00 AM, == 7:00 P.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL In M==Junior, Intermediate, Young People THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH i NOS Ba 2 LL aL CANADA "ANGEL IN EBONY" HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 11100 AM --Nurvety, Kindergarten, Primary KNOX ST, LUKE KING ST. F. & WILSON THE TRUE LIFE STORY OF SAMMY MORRIS--an African Prince G, D, RICHEY, Lt "Dore 8:00 A.M.--HOLY EUCHARIST 11:00 AM. --SONG EUCHARIST 7:00 P.M. --EVENSONG XI Steet United UTITITRN | ST PAUL'S Filmed in vivid color on authentic location I Comer Court end Barrie Streets, and Block East of Albert <i ; ) now new po Rev Dork Abene Bon TED. ® Tortured by Tribal Chieftain \ Ministe eo Wandering Through the Animal-infested jungles of Africa Hi tching a ride acre the ocean on a tramp steamer, 1 Rd. W 8 Beverley RA 8.6014 . M Walter . | ST. MATTHEW'S CHURC 9130 AN ' T, H URCH REV. MERVIN A BURY MA. B.D Minster rch Sunday School A Good Place to Bring Teenagers. m WILSON RR. south & HOSKIN oe 70 Mr. Rhyadid Williams, Choir Director and Organist ; 9:30 AM umbent: The Rev, R, A, Sharp = -7064 a. BABY CRECHE 1AM unday } People's Bible Class at || » ALL RALLY AT 8:00 P.M, = 11:00 AM, -- 7:00 P.M, ] YOUTH DEPARTMENT NURSERY ANG. CHURCH seriooL | | |! | i I ind Choir Master Enrolling in a university with no previous schooling rr BOB SMEREGE GROUP: The Wood Cocks==Singing 9:30 AM Teen Choir and Testimonies nADL 3 dview Par ! . H 10:00 AM, PROPHETS OR | Wendview Park " St. Andrews United Church U8 As Y.P.U. SERVICE PRIESTS ; Nursery Class ST. MARK'S CHURCH 11:00 AM --"THE WAY THE MASTER WENT" 11,00 AM at., Nov, 12 at 7:45 p.m, Broadcast Over Radio StationiCKLB ll S \ 7PM Morning Worship i STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE, Read: St. John 12: 20.28 : - =a \ IAL 10th ANNIVERSARY SF ma Director: Steve Zurba Rev, A, Woolcock == RA 8.3058 Junior Shaler "Come, Ye Children, Sweetly Sing" (Peery) "TRY Pi : SER Kia 42 : = adies' Tria: "My Saviour Speaks To Me" (Yale) 11:00 AM. ~--HOLY TOMO a Mrs, dames Bell, Min Carol Edwards, Miss oan Bali se ilitle nthem: * ; p Lord" 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER ALWAYS A WELCOME TOR AL My hh RL han) CHURCH

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