The Oshawa Times, 11 Nov 1960, p. 8

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B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Wevember 11, 1960 F Guide Association | GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES | 11TH PARENTS COMMITTEE The November mesting of he ith Parents' Commitize Gil wes held Guide Howse with Mrs. Charles Stainton presiding Mrs, Gordon Vetere read he secretary's report and Mrs, Erp est Thompson gave the reas er's report Prior to the meeting the mem hers went 10 the airport where they were met by Liewlenant Colonel ¥. 8. Wilton whe ex | Hained the details of the Out" shelter and civil defence The group returned to Guide {House for refreshments sory eh {hy Mrs, Charles Blaipton and { Mrs, Gordon Petre The next meeting will he held on December 6 and will he in the form of & pot luck supper 57. MATTHEW'S GUILD The November meeting of Si Matthew's Anglican Church Guild was conducied by Mrs, BR, § Gouldburn in the ahsence of the president, Mrs, G, A, Turton Mrs, Dongld Morrison read the treasurer's repovt and Mrs Gouldburn read the minutes The tearoom at the Christmas "Fall 2 November 71 with Chinese Dipper, alter which will ment present will attend a speci Bile Conference meeting ot Calyry Baptist Church with Major len Thomas ax special sperrey SA HOME LEME The regwisr mesting of the Salvation Army Home |ergne was held on Tuesdpy aflernoos, November § with 79 members present Mrs. Major Bankin led in the ing of a few choruses, Mrs William James welcomed everyr one, and made the RERONREE: ments with special mention of the annual bazser and tes to he held on Friday, Bovember 18 Mis, James introduced the guests from Wiithy whe led in the devotional period, Mrs, Locke of Whithy read the Beripture, Mrs Horswell of Whithy sang a solo, My Task," Mrs, Copisin Roberts of Whithy spake on remembrance, She men tioned the influence of the dead upon the living and ended with prayer, Mrs, Horswell song "I | Gained the World and Lost My Savio ¢* ajor Rankin thanked the I #8 699 pm, ats Wotten served refresh Fhe December meeting will he held ot the home of Mrs, William Bear, WW Elgin street gas MACE JACKSON AUX The November meeting of the Alice Fackson Fyeming Austiary of King Bireet United Church was hid in the church parlors with Ww members and several visors preset Miss Mary Maclean welcomed all those present, The worship service on the theme of "To getherness" was opened by Mrs PA revise. The seripiure reading was Laken by Mrs, Elmer Randall, Solos, sung by Mis Morris Love of Westmount Unit ed Church, were enjoyed, Mrs Sidney Boneham secompanied Mrs, Love on the piano The offering was reviewed by Mrs. I, BE. Beott and Mrs, Bryes Brown, Another chapter of the Study Book, "into all The World Together," was given hy Mrs M, Moffat, The pianist for the evening wes Mrs. F R Ayers Miss Maclean took charge of the business period, The minutes of the October meeting were read Hood donor clipe on December. The devotions) period was led iin S Gregory's hudinariim by Mrs, Clan Sams Boom count wes won by Mev | ye viee-pri Mrs Harold Besrd's room, Yomg read the mines snd Following the piogram, he eth call treasurer's - report candy seie was held cember 5 RErting take the form Refreshments were served by of #2 pot buck the mothers of the Grade 3. Mrs, Fraok Ward spoke on the hd a Women's Guild work wn Seothand wor Refreshments were served by g 1 Mrs, Glen Crawlord, Mrs, Cyril The regder meeting of the WOTE wos held pt Simeone Street Camper and Mrs, Nicholas Vas United Church, Mrs Gayton, hes presided and opened poem. The wor service as the, 2 nd a a THE STARS SAY Yova Pegg sang # solo "Face 10 By ESTRELINIA Reg', Mis. Fred William introduced FOR TOMORROW the Reverend J, 8, Pierce of the. Act with the future in mind but Pentecostal Church who read don't be overcareful, This any from the gospel of Bt, Peter and' people who have never done com the Book of Romans and look ss mercisl writing have -& good! is or I Thank God for the chance to begin ope that is within me" Yrs Charles Langlicld gave & FOR THE BIRTHDAY port on the provincial conver: tomorrow Vs your Wirthdey, FEDOIT ON $16 JF your horoscope indicates thet you) ence pt Goll, Mrs, loyd Pest have fine business prospects gave She setrary » [eyont H early in the coming yesr, I you re, Fr Whame d aor. use them to full possibilities they er's report should prove adequate for some Mrs. Herold Parrott invited the (ime Fyn . members to her home to hear 8) Next February i is possible missionary from north Arica, Wthat you will co-operate with announced that Mrs, H. A, someone in entertaining, or even BUY VALLE som fol owt of chewy rushes, "pri parents were invited to tour the was read by Mrs, Warner Brown, wile good ones, cored for, last yours lass rooms, and 5 bake and Is wes suggested thet the De indefinitely ES ------ HOUSEROLD WiNY Keep costers from sebring the SMILE A WHILE A large London finance organ floor Wy WIsppng collophens ination received this pote with the tape around them, JACK TURNER OITIZENS DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER RELATIONS SAYS; "This season we suggest quick cASH from hy Mrs, A, Hatfield, Mrs, £, D Shreve gave the treasurer's ve port, Mrs iam Bri adbiry ri ported 12 home and hospital calls, Mrs, B. Brown reported on reading, It was voled thet the 1961 executive he the same @ the 1960 owing to the amalgams tion of the WA and WMS in 1662 The December meeting will take the form of a potluck sup per with Mrs, Douglas Redpath convening, A hake sale was held hy Mrs, C, A. Powell's group, Re; freshments served and a guests, Tea was served hy the Cheerig Group Newt week 1s a special gram, featuring Mrs, E geant and ber daughters, MARGARET HAMILTON GROUP wold have charge of thei make some money through social for shulins during the life, In Beptemher he sure to istmas season maintain harmony, since others Rw 2 . may be under pressure, (WOMEN'S FAVIWFUL GROUP "i Ue, Wider presen. ol Mrs. John Coleman, pres | Fair on Saturday, November 12 is to he eonvened hy Mrs, Robert | Mothersill and Mrs, Harold Me Cahe, A discussion was held re garding further assistance neces sary for this project The following members were appointed for the Bomineting committee: Mrs, William Clark wil CELEBRATE 40TH ANNIVERSARY )" 'it, mt Wr Paul's Preshytervian Church was The decision was held at the home of Mrs, Norman Mr, and Mrs. John L. Cock: ( from the Honorable Michael hs for the Great t hapter din. 0dgson, Beverley street Mrs burn, Nassau street, are pie- | Starr and from their son, Jim, oe oh Savambes 36 Derek Allen presided tured at their reception recent- | in Montreal, Mr, and Mrs, " Refre shit onts wer served by. Sac an held regard ly on the oceasion of their | Cockburn were married in Vier | yo will pocn and Mos, ME Fath and Miracles", social hall hour was enjoyed fortieth wedding anniversary | ginia, Ontario, on November 10, | por 3 ginton "phe next meeting! AMET the projects on hand which was held at the home of | 1920, and have lived all their y rh id 2 will he # were decided on, Mrs, Alex Bro their daughter, Mrs, Ronald | married life in Oshawa, They |" MOVEMNEr y die and the hostess served ye Wilson, and Mr Wilson, Glen | have four sons, Jack, Jim, Bill CALVARY BWF freshments forest street, where they ve. | and Boh, and four daughters, | whe vegular meeting of the JESSIE PANTON AUX ceived the congratulations and | Mrs, Ronald Wilson (May), calvary Business Women's Vel (East Group) good wishes of thelr many | Mrs, Robert Oakes (Mina), owship was held ai the home of phe monthly meeting of the friends and relatives, Among | Mrs Kenneth Ashmore (Miss Nora Moen, Simcoe street past Group of the Jessie Panton the the many gifts received was a | (Martha), and Miss Dorothy |nopth, with 87 members present a Society was held in Cruwys chesterfield suite from thelr | Cockburn. Also included in their Miss Mary Parkin, Matron at the parlors of 8t, Andrews United way and Mrs immediate family, Congratula- | family are 18 grandehildren Mercer Reformatory { 3 " . Toronto, Church with Miss Grace Ander: wrong way ) OFy TERSAREs were ve elved Photo by Mrs, 8, McArthur (was the speaker and portrayed son group leader, presiding Thie was part of the ODEN life City in this institution, both with Following the reading of the|House program held at the sehonl Mrs, Wellington Trainer and which includes representatives of slides and Informative talk, i icc hy Miss Nellie Seorgie!in connection with education group served refreshments the Old Vie and the Shakespeare| Beripture read was from Bt, Mal: and "the treasurer's report hy week, Richard Debickl, Fastern wa > Stratford thew 26: 81-46 which brought a yee William Bear, discuss Canadian Accordion champion . WESTMINSTER WF, real challenge and a reminder to (0k place regarding the played two Dark Eye The monthly meeting of the| will draft a constitus| each individual of her res bazaar. new officers. ete o. and Sorrento." Mrs, Rodger Women's Federation of Westmin- prepare vealistic esti: bility port was also submitted cover. Bishop expressed the thanks of sie ney Church was held on mates to he submitted to the! Refreshments were served ing the layettes which the group|the members to Richard and to Monday, November 7, with the Chancellor of the Exchequer he-|the hostess, Miss Nora Moen making those taking part in the skit president, Mrs, Warner Brown, I fore the end of this year Next meeting is to be held on! Mrs, Hamilton Collins and Miss) Members were reminded of the presiding CITIZENS" "Thinking of gifts to buy, holiday expenses , , , snd wondering how you will mest the costs? As a Citizens budget counsellor travelling throughout Ontario, I mest many who are worried about holiday bills, I'm pleased 10 recommend the friendly, convenient Citizens losn service, Call today, see how quickly Citizens arranges loans of $50 to $2500, at terms 10 suit you best," pro 0, Bar: b | August, opened the meeting with a prayer and weleomed the members Mrs, William Mitchell ealled the roll and gave her report There were 16 members present Mrs, Roy Wood and Mrs, ¥d ward Michael were reported on we sick list, Mrs, Stanley Bone thanked the group for cards sent to her hushand ; TE 1.8 It was decided to have a pot furiidiiriil Hidoiits Hh luck supper for December meet: skit entitled '"TIMerviewing ng to he held December 18 at 6 Tenchel the h ahlight a he o'clock, The group will alse ex November had change gifts at this time Heights Home and School, Mrs ¢ : A t . Perey Hayes played the part of he 4 liong) Mp "dhe (eacher and Mrs Linyd charge 0 hd elinglon fra strated the right!€r. Mrs, Stanley Bone read the demonstrated HE 23rd Penim followed by a prayer. | George Visher the "rc "Harry Stewart gave # on her trip to New York we Whether or not you sre sn artist you might put art fo » practical purpose the first half of October, An avocation such @as this will complement Seorplo's determination and aggression in everyday work A child horn on this day will he restrained, forceful pnd di rect in dealings The regular meeting of the garet Hamilton Group of Bt made to lon was Were by P Whithy, MO 8-582) Goel Ri SO Wee FM Fr ' i" , / Loos mas 1 ms Mn Icke SMALL STARY ' - The first census in Canada in 1666 showed & population of 3.215 Loan Offices in all Principal Cities exclusive of Indians and Eski mos social Was meeting of PLAN NATIONAL THEATRE A special commitlee has heen appointed to take the action necessary if a national theatre is to he built and established in Britain by 1864 -- (he 400th anni versary of the hirth of William Bhakespeare The commillee Memorial Theatre at los upon-Avon, pomsl tion and hy Terrific Savings on ELECTROHOME TV at PARKWAY TELEVISION I" THE BURNABY = This 2 console is powered by the performance-proven Electra» matic Mk, | ehassis for pies tures of outstanding depth and clarity, 2-speaker hi-fi sound system has 2 phono jacks for T.V, sound output onion" 999,50 ELECTROHOME output An All Canadian Company 1960 STEREOS At Clearance Prices THE BRETON -- Power, style and big set perform ance at a popular price, The 21-tube Electromatic Mk, Il chassis with Autematic Gain Control and three |.F. stages assures the brightest, pictures ever speakers for rich, clear sound reproduction yi THE KIRBY = Hand-crafted 21-tube Electromatie Mk, II squared picture tube with safety glass bonded to the tube itself provides maximum unobstructed viewing area. 2-speaker hi-fi sound system with 2 phono jacks, The diss tinctive cabinet will reflect your good taste for years to come chassis, 23" sharpest two full 269.50 Full power transformer EERE EEREERERR. THE SHELBY (llustrated right) = Chair Arm remote tuning, 26 tubes, power Mk, 11 ehassis Deileraft in Walnut, Swedish Walnut pia Walnut, Mahogany, Light Oak and Fruitweod, Twin 14" x 312" speakers 3990.50 transformer Cabinet by Most cananiang think that Labatt's is just about the best beer you ean get anywhere, But it's also nice to know that independent brewing experts rate it as highly as we do, In a brewing contest held recently in London, England, among 120 competitors from all ever the Commonwealth, the Brewers' Guardian Challenge Cup was awarded te Labatt's as brewers of the beer judged to be finest in all classes competing , + , the best heer in the Commonwealth, This is the latest of 28 occasions on which Labatt's quality has brought top honours to Canada in International Competition, including the Prix d'Excellence. won at the World Beer Contest in Belgium in 1958, So any time you call far one of the great Labatt brews Labatt's IPA, Labatt's Pilsener Lager Beer, or Labatt's "50" Ale--remember you're drinking the Commonwealth's beat beer, Labatfs Truly outstanding value THE ROXBOROUGH (lllustrated loft) -- Mirror sham 23 T.V and life-like hi-fidelity radio phonograph in one aft Cabinet, 21:-tube Imperial chassis Trans. AM/FM i 40 watt teren magnificent Dell Electromatic former powered 15-tube Hi- fidelity cha MUSE power oy stereo, peak 3 deliver put, ® No Parking Problem ® Highest Trade-in Allowance ® 90 Days Free Service From Our Own Shop PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH (The Finest in T.V., Hi-Fi and Service) RA 3-3043

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