'New Dining Room Chairs, Ornamental Exciting, Differen I By ELEANOR ROSS pace problems in today's smaller Iayowis or (he tendency these swperdusury Prackels, po to watch TY while dimmg from al we Just put wp With dining rooms (tak on marie floors, sparkling hers, they are loth functions! | Te the reason the dining room! iowntains, precious Panis and wa comiorable is on the wane really because of| statuary, and specially - designe places, Bub most of #8 a.Nt packs are iwricate frames that plastics thet can he washed off are really handsome. Their legs with (hat useful sudey Sponge. take novel turns and twists, The frames got the seme tres: FUNCTIONAL, COMFORTABLE I chairs woud bring Psd. as nine THAR to any von, id oe : dining room, Whether they back the ied Agr home or not, will certainly de wonders lov dining aren, While the designs are daborale materials weed are simplicity the A Josh clean Haell to 2 Actually, re wo wiry there Ld A HISTORIC AREA little surface that will Settlement of ing. immediately Cushions are often covered with hegan in 1075, that bore ws or turn the Feoml's Yer inte another bedroom of a dew. All of winch brings ws to oA the new dining chairs recently introduced to the retail market, | Phere' s certainly nothing boring, about them for they're oral mental, exciting, Aillerent looking. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dizl BA 53-3474 | / {White these are cogent faetons | sometimes we wonder i part of Lit isw't due to the average dining room furniture i In many # household, espe leially in the oidtype house or (apartment, the dining room fur THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Movember 11, 1960 7 | PERSONALS " ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES Married recently in St George's Memorial Church were Mr, and Mrs, John Everett De Hart. The bride, the lormer Miss Sylvia Josephine Fow lenzuk, 1s the daughter of Mr and Mrs Matthew Powleniuk of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, Eimer ie Hart of Port Perry and the late Mrs De Hart Photo by Garnet Belfry - Lord Baden-Powell's Heritage Benefits Boys Everywhere Beouting In your communiy what it ean do for your child" was the Parent Education theme of the November meeting of Mary Street Home and School Assoc) tion on Monday 2g. The speaker, Mr, ¥., B, Alker, is Dis trict Commissioner of the Boy Scout Association in Oshawa, and he gave an historie outline of the life of Lord Baden-Powell, found er of the movement, Even al an early age his humanitarian views and love of nature were quile apparent and on his retirement from a brilliant army career, he began to write a bi-weekly maga zine called Beouting for This became so popular that he| was requested to start the Boy) Scout movement and in 1908 he held his first camp with 32 boys) attending, Boon girls clamored to! get into this movement with the result that in 1909 the Girl Guides Association was born. The whole world mourned the death of this great man and his grave in Bouth| Afriep 1s simply marked by the well-known Beout sign, the dot within the elrele, meaning "1 have gone home," Mr. Alker| closed the resume of the life of Lord Baden-Powell hy reading! the memorial he left behind In paying tribute to the great facilities available to Scouting in Oshawa, Mr, Alker sald that per:| haps the greatest were 208 lead: ers who gave thelr time volun. tarily to train 2468 cubs, scouts and rovers in Oshawa. To Hus: trate the exceptional facilities available to Boy Beouts in Osh awa, Mr, Alker showed slides of Camp Samac and the Haliburton Camp. Of particular interest were glides of the Oshawa Camporee| held in May, 1060, at Camp| Samae, where healthful com- petitive activities kept Oshawa Neouts eager and interested for a weekend under canvas, Mr, Alker concluded by extending an invi- tation to any interested parents to visit either of these camps and vee at first hand the many facilis enin Boys Murléss, Mrs Mrs. 1. E. Hink Everett Warne wil fhe I Mrs. George Mervyn Allin son and Mrs he milending meeting of {Women's Association at the Royal York Hotel tomorrow, The Honorable 1esie |B, Peprson, leader of the Liberal party wm Canada, Wilk he he | guest speaker ai the luncheon {Miss Judith La Marsh, recently {elected Liberal member of partis ment for Biagars Falls, is sched ile panel pia pt. In aitendance will he women [rom every riding in Ontario annual Ontario 1inhersl in he held Torome SET the as Jadu nig Corinthian held The semi-annual dance sponsored by Lodge, No, 61, 10OF ton Baturday, November #t Oshawa Alrport with over couples present fembers KEEP IN TRIM Was hs i were in Yoromts, Pickering Ajax, Wiithy, Brooklin and Port Perry, Music for Qancing was provided by Ted Taylor and bis orchestra from Ajax, The general comveners were Mr, Bey Green tree, Mr, Charles Siainton and ir, Donald Keeler, Two distin guished guests were present, Mr and Mrs, Albert Cole, from Detroit, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs Charles Ovum from Wind sor, Ontario. A number of ladies present from | | 89 TODAY | i Mrs. Charles Ellegett is re | ceiving the caongratilations of her many friends today on the from Oshawa were winners of the, PCeasion of her Wh birthday. lucky draw prizes, Other winners from Fort Perry, Whithy Pickering Tarontn next dance will be Year's Eve at the YET Ea he New Ajax held on OCvI val Casement last Sunday a id Mrs treet, spent Wr Alma St, Catharines Loses 60 Pounds In 6 Months Overweight Is Jubilant ain norma) weight attend once @ dd" '4 By IDA JEAN KAIN Never underestimate Ihe These were in mimeographed POWER of 8 woman once she made up her mind 1G CAFTY|PUrpose form ad Mr. Junkin led in a through on a project, The. hero-jumphant. The leader has lost ort iscyssion period Ne the tory had heen algrand total of 110 pounds, The various suggestions listed, In hi f a member oflclub members have lost 408 chool report, Mr, Junkin men community, pounds, Cheers! ioned that skating at the Chil pound i dren's Arena would begin Wed six months, which almo nesday, November 8, for Mary! peifway to her Breet students and follow every! Ac this erucial time the family second Wednesday thereafter moved to another city where ho Members voted to hold the an-| seducing club existed, Convinced | nual skating carnival in January! that reducing together is the mos! and Mrs, Armstrong announced effective plan, this reso lute that the speaker at the Decem- dieter proceeded 10 OVEaRRIZE ber meeting would be Mrs, H, D,| reducing elub--and a large scale Cleverdon and that the students' Here is her report carol service would again hel "I had 74 more pounds to lose held and doubted that 1 could go Refreshments were served hy alone Since hi A Range mothers of pupils in Mr, Wayne| the city, | WIRES organizing a Junkin's room with Grade Moth. fo how f go an 4 ers Mrs, Earl Conboy and Mrs diet group , "Fortunately William Frobel assisting the so 1et For two or three civie club clal conveners, Mrs, J, R Dunk| jeaders, and called them all. One| and Mrs, Lloyd Rorabeck a real 'doer' in club activities womptly invited me to speak al he next eivie eluh meeting, 1 did and, from the audience and thelr friends, a new and original Diet | Forum was horn! Later our mee were held at the local willlmonth for a weight eheck has| This Diet Forum has spirit and Results have heen ir) the Grade 5 and 6 and 2, 3 and ne in our shining success n a diet club in her She had reduced 6) Wis HOUSEHOLD HINT salt goal pad shakers from Lo prevent 1aker When dry the inside with a large needle with nail polish SIZES 4825 14%~24% ] [I saw a pamph vince 1ast Jan, 22 until early fall, our group of about 20 ha {Tost & total of 408 pounds. 1 have {shed 50 more pounds and 1 am inow on the last lap of my re {ducing program, Our alm is a {welght loss of one pound a week {We discovered that slow losing {is best for it takes a good while {to relearn proper eating habit CLUB RULES The success of this Diet Forum makes its club rules newsworthy Members pledge to make an hon lost effort to lose weigh' safely and sanely, No member cuts cal ories below 1000 a day, Serious attention 1s given the weekly cal orle account, Those who fall to turn in this important record are fined five cents, Individual weight is recorded each week, Weight gainers ane fined Members miss ing three meetings in a row with {out valid reason are dropped onee a ®l department, General Motors, en corroding, paint the insides of the canister open the holes from 'Margaret McAdam Feted Bride-Elect | Miss Margaret Anne McAdam for a really beautiful dining room| whose marriage to Mr, Roy Jor genson will take place in 8t, Greg wry's Roman Catholic Church, to marrow afternoon, has been feted al prenuptial event Mrs, Jack Driscoll, assisted hy Mrs. Victor McAdam held a linen shower al the former's home, | Adelaide street west | Mrs. Robert Wright, assisted Mrs. Royal Ishii, entertained lat a miscellaneous shower at the {former's home, Grooms avenie | Miss Marie Paulenchuk, assist ed by Miss Martha Ann James and Miss Beryl Price, arranged a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. H. W Price, Crooms avenue Co-workers of (he hy Engineering lertained the bridedohe al a dinner party and presented her with a gold swivel hostess chair and from the staff of the engin eering department, General Mo tors, she received a stainless steel sel witure has remained monte nowsly the same through the years and quite out of keeping with today prettier decorating trends Decorators have devoled their best efforts to practically every room in the house, plus the patio and even the laundry But dining room furniture, even in the better price rackets, has undergone but few changes of improvements and so the dining room, when there js one, has he Leome merely a place to eat, with out any Individual charm of Hs awn THING OF BEAUTY Of course, where money was no object and there was the desire it became a thing of beauty, I In a Hurry ? CALL MERCURY TAXI RA 5-47T1 Oshawa's Largest and Finest Taxi Service Pythian Sisters | Honor Grand Chief The November meeting of the Pythian Sisters was preceded hy a banquet in honor of Grand Chief Jessie Bevers The meeting was opened with introduction of Grand Temple Of ficers and grand honors were {given to (8 Beatrice Hurst; PGC) Mabel Disney; GP Edith Me. Gregor G. Becretary, Mabel Norman; PGC, Ada Gillard; PGC Jessie Goyne PSR Iva Breckwill; PSR Bertha Lewis; PSR Bertha Thedroff; PER Iva (Cliff; PSR Margaret Harding; PBR Lena Brown Initiation was held with Sisters Hazel Devonish and Edna Huban Joining the temple MEC Marjorie Carey present ed the officers and degree staff with corsages symbolic of the temple eolors, A Thankyou letter was read {from Sister Kay Elliott who Is leonvalescing, The Red Cross is still in need of additional help on cancer dressings, any sisters who! who could donate their time! would he welcomed Manager Margaret Stevens es carted Sister Iva CHI and Emma line Henderson to the dias, MEC Marjorie Carey presented them with a life membership, Grand honors were given Sisters Mae Rudder, Mary Shields and Iva Cliff will he on duty at Hillsdale Manor for De cemher It was voted to donate $10 to the Community Chest and $6 to the AAI oA £3 y f s more modern, much! and may change in These chalrs combine FEsage A Complete wing room furniture. ( wend, | il #5 cane and plastic with iron, Their, Bi : es ut Cig SPECIALS Mon, -- Wed, ONLY 8.50 COLDWAVES Now until December at CHERNEY'S PAY NEXT YEAR Get the jump on "Senta", Deo your Christmas shopping early, or buy what you need now ond take advantage of Cherney's special terms, If you don't have on account, now's the time fo open one, BUY ON A BUDGET ACCOUNT Pay a small down-payment, then pay ne more until Janu ary Ist, 1961, Chemey's will open on account for you in 9 matter of minutes BUY ON A CHARGE ACCOUNT Ne money down -- Payable in full by February 10th next year, CALL IN , . , BROWSE AROUND 45 KING E., OSHAWA | RA 8.5677 NOW 5.00 Florence BEAUTY SHOP » 3 Better Selection! Better Prices! Better Service! Pu i WE AACN RAR TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA Vw Cas OPEN TONIGHT 1 5 J RY p rrr er « 5 eee a RETAILERS HE VALUE STOR ware RIAPSEIF RP GIFT-BOXED SAVE 429% ! 4 PILLOW SLIPS ROSES A 1.37 REG, $1.98! SAVE 35% »~ Fine quality white cotton with Prizes are awarded {month for the champion weight loser of the 4-week period, Any een-ager who joing must have BRIDE-TO-BE i; heirs vein sional The diet sessions last for one [hour, This is followed hy the ex |ereise period, A YWCA exercise authority conducts the exercise part of the program A nutrition specialist 1s a guest speaker once a month, The question period 1s lively Finally Oshawa Minor Hockey Winners of the draw and door prize were: Ada Gillard, Mel ba Crane, Bertha Lewis and Ada Howlit ties oftered at Camp Bamae and the rugged heauty of the Camp Bamac Adventure Base at Hall burton, Mi Mansell Gerrow program chairman, introduced the speaker and My, Clarence Guy expressed the Association's thanks BUSINESS MEETING The president, Mrs, H. B, Arm strong, presidéd for the business meeting. The and treasurer's reports were given hy Mrs. Bruce Sonley and Ms, Wil fred Hamley respectively, Mrs Sonley also reviewed the bylaws of the Mary Street Association Room attendance awards of $1.00 each were made to Mrs Harry Keyes' Kindergarten room * and Miss Patricia Taylor's Grade 4 room, who tied in the Junior division, and to Mr, Gerald Harp er's Grade 6 room in the Senior division, On display were the Jun lor and Nenlor attendance ban ners which will be kept in the! winning rooms each month, Mrs Armstrong expressed her thanks to Mrs. Wilbert Clarke, Mrs, R, 8 MeMurdo and Mrs, A, J. Ba clay who made the new banners, | Mrs, William Broadbent gave an eouiaging report on the family] donation plan and thanked all those wha had helped in th school fund raising project, She also mentioned that the teaching staff would still accept any late returns and that receipts for all momes received would be going out to the parents shortly In the absence of the principal Mp, Gerald Harper, Mr, Wayne Junkin presented some 'Study Aids to Homework" whieh had heen prepared hy Mr, Harper for FOR HALF-SIZES Ry ANNE ADAMS Simple, slimming, casual! En pM i a oatantils; ah intaralal: Hm The meeting closed in ritualistic joy this versatile shirtwalst from | goem, refreshments were served tow through next Spring, It's pro portioned to fit and flatter at AN EXPERT SHAMPOO & SE shoulders, waist, hips, Primed Pattern 4825; Half Bizes 144, 16%, 18%, 20%, 224% 24%, Blige 16% takes 4'4 vards 85 Pane By Experienced Operators at Moderate Prices HAIR neh rabrie RUDY'S STYLING FIFTY CENTS (50) in tamps cannot be accept: | AND BARBER SHOP Wilson Shopping Plaza | SOCIAL NOTICE [hivinl atk Nanti, Atstsnbion.| Free Parking Phone RA 8.2351 yi lS for 1.00 {a | # i 7 LIFE-LIKE polyethylene long : : i 3 i stem Roses in garden-fresh cols ors, Reg, 29c each! Savings: Priced! Complete with ** Fern', I'he engagement is announced hand-embraidered decors, Pair, today of Miss Kathleen Grace (Kay) Simons and Mr, Brian DD. Cable of London, England Daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Simons of Oshawa, the beidedohe was formerly women's editor at the radio | station in. Kitchener, Ontario, and has heen living in England for the past 18 menths, The marriage will take place next spring In Oshawa Photo hy Michael Ward only LOVELY ASSORTMENT BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS AVOID THE LAST MINUTE RUSH! BUY Rit) ; NOW WHILE SELECTIONS ARE COMPLETE! A secrelary's the graduates whi al:| gona coin v 3 WN wv / FASHION STYLE NUMB Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | care of The Oshawa Times, Pat: tern Dept, Oshawa, Ontario, SEND NOW! Big, beautiful, COLOR-IFIC Fall and Winter Pattern Catalog has over 100 styles to sew school, career hall Only dhe SPECIAL OFFER! NL ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs, W, H, Simons of IRON-SHY Oshawa wish to announce the Curtains or table covers made eNEAgement of their daughter, Kathleen Grace (Kay), to of plastics should never be iron Arian D. Cable of London, od, After rinsing in warm suds jand, The marriage will simply hang them up to dry place next spring in Oshawa 9.99 Sturdy metal body with cushioned top, Choice of white, yels low, turquoise, pink and black, Fully ven~ tilated, lightweight, Attractive decors, Gift-Right, Beautiful ecards printed in glowing colors on excellent quality paper, Velvety flocking, glitter ar trimmed with fail, Boxed 81 cards, Com lete with envelopes, Zeller Thrift riced, in Vers Eng take 120s PLASTIC TABLE COVERS 1.47 Reg, $1.98! Save 235% Cots ton » flannel! = backed Table Covers in Gift-right patterns, 54 by 54 wns, Savings-Priced! FRAMED PICTURES 1.99 Reg. $2.79! Save 30%! Beau tifully framed gokd-color em: bossed subjects, mounted on decoratorsmart grounds \ by 15 ins, Savings-Priced FOR SUPER VALUES! LADIES' & MISSES' Wool Headwear CUDDLE CAPS AND BONNETS 9:10 1,98 SAVE 32%! 4-PC, SET 1.27 GIFT SMART! = Sturdy metal et consisting of flee Can graduated sizes Attractive decors, Reg, $1.89 Savings-Priced! GET THIS 20¢ SIZE ASPIRIN. Genosha BEAUTY SALON frig) > Special =) $7.50 \ | NOV. 2130-22nd ONLY Make your appointment now, RA 5-2521 ® Special ! 20-pe, Gift-Set ® Open Stock ! 5.98 Value ! "FANTASIA" DINNERWARE == Choose your faverit® Homemakers! Made up af 4 cups, 4 saucers, 4 ww 4 this "Starter Set" for 12,50 Canister Flour isters In waar, Tea, ¢ 4)3-in, plates, 4 = Zin. plates oatmeals, Grand Home toa! Savings-Priced! LELLER'S LIMITED NE A wy Ske oF your DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST, §. PHONE RA 3.2294 TESS 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON'S RD, §, PHONE RA 3.2209 AE AVA a EAL EAA EAA DONARE, 9 SIMCOE ST. N. od »