The Oshawa Times, 11 Nov 1960, p. 6

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he Oshovn Times Published by Canadion Newspapers Limited, 86 King 5, E., Oshawa, Ont, Page 6 Fridoy, Movember 11, 1960 Policies And Puzzles In Kennedy's Victory There is little point st this stege in speculating shout the possible effects on Canada of the policies of President elect John Kennedy, In election com- peigns, cendidetes rerely make the mistake of spelling out their idess in detail, and Benstor Kennedy certainly did not meke meny mistakes, There is, too, 8 considerable difference between promise end performance, particularly in the United States, where a president appoints the members of his cabinet without having them go through the test of election, One can expect, however, a freshness of epproach to international relations, A great desl will depend on Mr, Ken. nedy's selection for the difficult job of secretary of state, but the men most often mentioned, Chester Bowles and Adlai Stevenson, are both highly gifted, articulate persons of considerable in- tellectusl stature, The former has had considerable diplomatic experience, while the latter (who would undoubtedly have been president during the Fifties, if Canadians had the choosing) has tra- velled widely and has met most of the world's statesmen, Certainly Canadians will look with hope to the new US, administration's ability to introduce new ideas that will make US, foreign policy more flexible and to avoid the confusion and lack of direction that seems to have dogged the Eisenhower administration in its international deal- ings, Canadiens will ponder, too, the brutal finality of a US, presidential election, Richerd Nixon end Henry Cabot Lodge have been defeated, but they are both men of undeniable ability and could contribute substantially to the strength of government in the US, Because of the US, system, they ere forced to the sidelines, Under our parliamentary sys tem, they would be able to lead the opposition and test government policies and actions by their eriticism, Another puzzler for Canadians is re tention by the US, of the electoral eol- lege, Mr, Nixon trailed Mr, Kennedy by less than one per cent of the total popular vote, but lost in electoral votes by a considerable margin, In view of the closeness of the popular vote, had Mr, Nixon lost three or four of the more populous states by a narrower margin, he could have won a popular majority and still lost in the electoral count, One of the big things that the elec- tion did prove was that a Roman Catholic could be elected president of the United States, Arguments will be going on for a long time about the part played in the election by the religious issue, but one fact stands out; Senator Kennedy's religion did not stop large numbers of Protestants from voting for him, This does not mean that religious bigotry is dead in the United States, but it does mean that the bigots are a minority, Time For Remembering The bugles have blown, the wreaths have been laid, and the nation has been still for its annual twe minutes, And one can wonder what, on this day, was being remembered, For remembrance, this is but one day of many for those who have felt the agony, the fear and the brutality of war, No special reminders are needed for those who lost sons or husbands or brothers or sweethearts in the great wars of our century, Nor do the men who fought and returned need any special services of remembrance for themselves, Those who suffered and those who fought pay a special tribute this day to the others who are all too well re. membered, But what of the others, those who did not serve, did not suffer loss, or were too young to be involved? What, Poisons And Although the old problem of small children being accidentally poisoned in the home has been alleviated somewhat by the federal government's system of poison control centres, the advance has been made in methods of saving lives once poison has been consumed, rather than in preventing its consumption, Children are as curious as they ever were, and as the Ontario Safety League points out, the number of children who swallow poisonous substances in the home has not decreased -- only the number who die as a result, And many of the hundreds of children who are rushed to hospitals each day, and. are saved, retain the ill effects of their poisoning for the rest of their lives, It's obvious we can't push the entire responsibility for accidental poisoning on the medical profession, which is already doing its share, The initial responsibility The Oshawa Times ¥. & WILSON, Publisher and General Manager ©, GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Oshawa The Oshawa Times festablishad 1871) and the (thy Gazette and Chronicle (established 1863), 1 published daily Sundays and statutory holidays excepted), ot © Daily Pub Association, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Cireulation and the Ontarie Provincial Dailies Asses ciation, The Canadian Prem i exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news despatched mn the paper credited ta It or ta The Associated Press or Reuters, and alsa the local news published therein. All rights at special despatches ale alse reserved, Times combink tices: Thomsen Building, 425 University Avenue At og Riv 640 Cathcart Street. Montreal, P.Q, SUBSCRIPTION RATES carrier In Oshawa, Whitby, Alex, ane Brooklin Pént Perry Prince la Grove Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, Liverpoal, fonton Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen, Orono. Leskard, Brovghham, Butketon, Claremant, Columbus, Greenwood, Kinsale, Roglen, Blackstock, Manchester Pontypool and Newsostle not over 45¢ avings of Ontario) outside in at 00 elsewhere 15.00 pet por week carriprs delivery areas year Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 on this day, do they remember? Do they feel any sense of personal involvement? If they don't, they should, They might think about the reason for these annual observances and the sacrifices thus coms memorated, The wars were not fought for glory or adventure, and the men did not give their lives in sodden holes, in shattered ships and flaming skies, because of some compulsion to play a cragy global game of chance with death, The wars were fought to preserve what we now take all to lightly = a way of life that embedded in freedom, Those untouched by war, those une committed, may not be able to dis. tinguish between freedom and licence, That is because they have not known sacrifice, Perhaps they can learn through this day of remembrance that freedom calls for sacrifice and responsibility, Children for prevention of these accidents lies with the parents in the home, A cursory glance at the most common causes of accidental poisoning to children reveals that medicines, household cleansers, cos. meties and insecticides are the potential poisoning agents most often found in the home and to which children are at. tracted, Although parents tend to think enly of the medicine chest when tackling this problem, an equally deadly area in most homes is the cupboard under the kitchen sink, where detergents, solvents, drain cleaners and furniture polishes are usu. ally stored, Another contributor te child. hood poisoning is the habit of pouring leftover turpentine, coal oil or other toxie liquids into soft drink bottles, in» viting the unsuspecting child to try it, Parents should take note of what is poisonous in the home and then make sure it cannot be reached by young children, Not only should the medicine cabinet be locked, but safe storage found for the cleaning agents, pestis cides, and so on, Other Editor's Views GROUNDED FOR RACING (Union, Rheims) The airport at Le Touquet is so close to the racetrack that planes disturb the horses while they are running, Which is more important: horses or planes? Offi. cials have decided that planes must not take off or land during racing hours, Bible Thought As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, -- Galatians 6:10, The hallmark of the "Christian" spirit is charity towards all No one would argue that this is "natural" It goes against nature because it is only of Christ, SHAKING DOWN THE LAST LEAF OTTAWA REPORT the country should he run, But 1 under our democratic system, the House Spokesman For Labor Group By PATRICK NICHOLSON Each year the federal cabinet traditionally assembles--in part only--4o hear briefs submitted to it by a few favored groups rep- resenting special interests, The spokesmen give the government gratuitous advice, some sound, some prejudiced, little of it novel, on every topie from tariffs and taxes to a national flag and the Ten Commandments, Not so favored is the biggest. spending and hardest - driven group of Canadigns--our house. wives, who are not received hy the Cabinet, yet who would ecer- tainly have some common-sense comments about their problems, | "New" Prominent in this much-bally- hooed annual ritusl has heen the Canadian Labor Congress, that loose-knit association represent. ing some all-Canadian unions and many Canadian "branch plants' of UB, parent unions, As there is now a Conservative government in ofice here, the Liberals find themselves in oppo- sition, POLITICIANS HAVE IDEAS The Liberals, just as the Con. servatives did when the Liberals formed the Government, have plenty to tell the eabinet on how REPORT FROM U.K. RAF Volunteers Lured By Ghana By M McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng,) Correspondent To The Oshawa Times LONDON~--The next few weeks will likely see an exodus of offi: cers and sergeants of the Royal Air Force from Britain, bound for Ghana to take charge of the train ing of the new Ghana Air Force which is in the process of organ: ization, Ghana 1s offering rich financial rewards for any air force personnel of the required rank who will volunteer for duty in that eountry, In the first in. BY-GONE DAYS 85 YEARS AGO On the seventh Armistice anni versary, a brief but impressive service was held at the Memor. fal, while the two minutes silen- ce was ohservel throughout the city, in honor of those who made the supreme sacrifice, The Rirra Bible Class of Al bert 8t, United Church, held its annual birthday party under the residentship of Mrs, J, Hickell, A total of 64,084 hooks were issued during the first ten months at the Oshawa Public Library, V. Whitely, president of the Oshawa Flying Club, announced the membership of the club was making good progress, Chancellor R. P Bowles was the guest speaker at the H0th anniversary of Ebenezer Church, The Songster Brigade of the Salvation Army under the lead. ership of Thomas Coull, visited Mimico Salvation Army Corp, and conducted special services with a musica! program, "Kathleen" a sparkling musical comedy; was presented at the Regent Theatre under the aus pices of the Local Order of Elks, The Oshawa firm of Fred Flin toff and Sons, hardware merch. ants, have purchased F, Maundrell's hardware business at Whithy, Official opening ceremonies were held for Dunbarton Com. munity Hall, whieh was given to the community hy Harry Newman of Dunbarton, H. W, Elliott, Inspector of the Children's Ald Society for One tario County, announced the month of October had created a record in the history of the Society, The subject of teaching musie in the Oshawa schools received favorable commendation al the Home and School Association meetings and a decision was left for further consideration, The Ukrainian Church on Al bany St. planned to erect a Sums day Schoal hall to the church, 3 stance, some 100 sergeants and between 30 and 40 officers are wanted, and there ave far more volunteers than the number re- quired, The Royal Air Force is willing to allow the personnel selected to he seconded for duty to the Ghana Air Force, with Ghana paying the shot, One of the main inducements offered by Ghana is an interest free loan of enough money to purchase a ear, In this connegr tion, a figure of £700 was men: tioned, The volunteers have been promised enough in honuses to ring thelr pay up to more than £30 a week, FANTASTIC OFFER The first tour of duty for those volunteering and selected would be for 18 months, followed by the option of a further 16 months, In belween would come three months leave, on full pay. "This 1s certainly a fantastie offer" sald an Air Ministry spokesman when the announces ment was made, "But of course we do not know what the cost of living is out there, or what living conditions are like in A, Ghana" No one below the rank of ser. geant 1s wanted for this job of training young airmen for the Ghana Air Force, place for them to do that is on the floor of the House of Com- mons, The National Liberal Fed- eration is not invited to submit a brief to the cabinet at an annual presentation Emerging on our poliieal scene now is the unborn and unnamed party, conceived in a shotgun marriage hetween the Prairies' freedrade farmers and the largely anti free-trade lahor unions concentrated in Ontario and B.C, At that marriage, Cas nadian Labor Congress president Claude Jodoin served as best man, Now that this "New" party has elected its first representative to the House of Commons--a last week's by-election at Pelerbor- ough, Ontario--one must wonder whether the CLC is still a political neuter, entitled to invite itself to a public "private meeting with the Cabinet; or whether now, as the effective steam hehind a po. litical party, it should not state its case on the floor of the House of Commons just like any other political party, One thing organized labor will have to face squarely is this des velopment: If U Is abandoning its traditional position of political neutrality, and in fact if not by rule is compelling all union meme hers willynilly to contribute to its campaign funds, then it and all its supporters must expect 'to he regarded by other political parties as an active political foe, to he treated exactly as any other political party, ALL.IN PROPER PLACE One of the first changes which might reasonably he made would be to abandon that very undems ocratie annual meeting between the Cabinet and the CLC bosses, which is In fact a private parla. ment outside our regularly-con. stituted Parliament, Mp, Jodoin and his associates now have a selected and spon sored spokesman inside the House of Commons, That first member representing the "New' party will have his opportunity to state his party's case in the Throne Speech debate, the Budget de- hate, and other occasions, from the floor of the House, It 1s very clear that the national organizers and sponsors of a political party eannot clothe themselves in the willo'-the-wisp ethereality so long enjoyed hy labor unions, It is In this respect regrettable for union members as a whole that they, alone of all associations of members of Cane ada's working force, have sought to make thelr exclusive interests into a policy for the nation as advocated by an "ad hoe" politi cal panty, QUEEN'S PARK Board Supported On Amalgamation By DON O'HEARN TORONTO ~~ The government finally faced up to the Memvitton situation, And thereby it faced up to the whole question of amalgamation, It stuck by the Ontario Muniels pal Board, And therefore it will stand by it firmly in the future, If there was ever a situation in D, which it wanted to give some easement it was that of the Nis agara peninsula town, Li was more firmly against union with another municipality than any similar case we have ever had here, And the local people put up #s strong a fight as these halls have SOON, Under the eircumstances Pres mier Frost did not want to look like a hard-hearted dictator, And he could also well under stand the sentimental loyalty of the people for their community, He Is very much inclined to wards local sentimentality him. self, But he took a deep breath and said the word, The greater good had to male, and the decision amalgamating the town with St, Catharines stood It was a very deep breath he took, In fact, There were nearly five full fools seap pages of explanation of why the appeal was being turned down, Hut this was the only real gesture that could be made to the town, Progress had caught up to it, And it had to be bowed to, TURN DOWN The OME, as it may seem to some, does not grant all annexas tion applications, The same day the final decision on Merritton came out, in faet, the Board turned down an appli cation from the City of Barrie, The city wanted some 350 acres in adjoining Vespra Towns ship, It really wanted the land se that it could properly service a new garbage dump And the Board said no, It did not give any finding as to whether or not it could come sider this a reason for annexa- tion in itself, But in this instance, at least, it wasn't, It found that the land com cerned was not sub-marginal and could be used for betler purposes And so the application went out the door, bans didn't weaken Into 8 slump, barely dra FALL OR FREEZE Other i each morning; the nare he tim starts his day with 8 vie. over your eyes! Psy « battle weakness more then ness, Instead of dozing off, they PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM "From atoms to superstars, everything is in constant and more or less violent motion," says a physicist, That's another great trouble with the universe it's nervous, "Temporarily, the se of hearing is considerably dulled by eating," says a physician, Kindly nature does the hest she can to protect us against after-dinner speakers, As much as we dislike television commercials, we prefer them to the eandidate who takes to the air and makes love to us, "Time. is eating up space," says 8 pseudo-relativitist, So that's why it's hecoming increas. ingly difficult to find parking Cobourg . + Port Hope » SATURDAY EXCURSIONS TORONTO Good going and retuming some Saturday enly, EXCURSION FARE FROM Belleville . $4.80 Bowmanville » $1.90 300 Oshowe 275 Whitby + + +» Corresponding fares from intermediate points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS 1.48 1.30 ME CANADIAN PACIFIC WA CANADIAN NATIONS ' [ Specially priced for November! 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