The Oshawa Times, 10 Nov 1960, p. 5

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Le SE EE SE Th de ae a a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thorsbey, Wovewber 10, 1960 § WHITBY Hastings were en at the PERSONALS {ome of Mrs, Brassewe fon & baby by ond i in honor of Mrs, Clesrved 5 butist funeh, bs introducing nw Hair Siylisk: Miss Poutine Von Hezewyk, ering speciol Budget prices blo bir 7 sto MAAS ein SPECIAL LOWER PRICES OM SHAMPOO, CUT AND STYLE ALSO, FOR A LIMITED TIME OMY Please Telephone MO 8-332) and mention this ad or drop in. No appointment necessary MRS. ELLA WRYTIAK, Prep. 129 BROCK 57, §. (upstairs) WHITBY OPEN MOM, TO SAT, 9 AM, ~6 PM, TUES, THURS, ond KR, == 9 AM ~9 PM. And DISTRICT (Whitby Praised For 1 Help To Hospital Mr. Joseph Cow, of Dundas street west, Is eslchrating bis Wind Wirthdey today. Lest week "The contract Tor uilding wes end relatives snd friends from swnrded 1 8B, W. Brooks, 144, 7% of town whe came to offer t their participation In the drive : n Oshawa, for $0854.00, - Plus thelr best wishes were: Mrs. Jock for a the Oshaws General WEIN MANAGED SOM for supervising Sh-iAdems of Merrion, Mr and Htospital by Councilor Wilhem! '1 16 WY CORSIGETER GFMOR | irades, $1 00855 total, Elestniestive wo os Dodd and Davidson, cochairman of the) het the hospital is in & sons Contraet Hill Cormich $196 509,| and thelr som, Y drive in the town, Wr Davidson, Hane il condition, well mansget, ana B. B, Stark $471.51, tor sltom, of Wellond, Mr. and Mes, 1 resented Wis anaugl report 16 the) stall, eqippe A and 3 "t Class B grand total of $1 0. Wory isi Manson Elliestt, of Broughem, tl counetl on Bis work with the Osh WHER is & 8006 TR ing lor a hos proceeding, and when the County) nwa eal Hospitsl fh A of this size with 200 beds. Grant of S000 is approved vm 4 yom hg were; Mrs lis one of council's members onl. "The Wg hasiness year isithere will be suificient capital to) " ttle, Mir. snd Mrs, Bert | the hoard Larroneing finances and adding liwild and [wreish, This repre. lor and other members of the | Atiached to Wis report wes the? Wed wing and other PEces | sents welely $1200 aifamily, Mr, Cowx wise riesived a auditor's report for the hospital gary quarters (6 provide aden and Provincia pisthdey greeting cord from nis | Mr. Davidson's report to counehl|Quite operation, al 6 €ost of |gramts (0 cost of ORETRIRE Xi granddeughter, Mrs, Charles Bot | follows; THN8 of which the City of pense, B00 each per bed and ots of Hawai I MN Oshaws, County of Ontario apd $2000 per 0 sq. 11, of space.) f The. Otetal Board is Com Public donations must subseribe Some rooms have wp wl Mrs EF. Welling is eclebrat.| woned of shout 28 Members, Wilco smaunt. of $1,151 with #2, 3, 4, 6 or 6 beds More prop-ling her Wirthdey todey. Wer ime. Thomas Wson as MEME R | coc conatie amount Tor campaign erty has been acquired sl 16e friends wish her meny heppy Te: | "The Finance Commitiee 5) cosis, The Ontario Hospital Asso southeast corner of the Wok {turns of the day Hunder the direction of Mr, Blek|ciation will provide 5 per cent of "1 have attended many meet Lovell and consists of Eigbtithe cost in grants nes at BR variety of ert Mr. and Mrs, Al, Pesishayk, of | members, Mr, W, A. Holland is I was Sub-Chilrman in the breakiast meetings at 7.90 am. | Toronto, snd Mr, and Mrs, Rich- "| Genersl Mongger and is in at- | Whithy Campaign and found many noon meetings at 12 noon ard Hamilton, of Elobicoke, were | tendance ot all meetings strong support from dustrial and 8 few at 8 p.m, ithe guests of thelr parents, Mr. | "With reference to the Finan- and business sources and public! "I can spy In Closing Mr. and Mrs, Wm, F, Ash, of Chest cigl Statement, ps provided by subscription wes good, with ap Mayor ladies and gentlemen, nul street west lthe Auditors Britnel and Moore, proximately $40.00 being don | Winthy's eontribution bs going 10} ! Chartered Accountants, | was in-|ed. The Hospital Board were ina fine hospital, a hospital thet! David, son of My, and Mrs terested to find that the operation high praise of the Whithy Com- ranks high in pubic opinion, # Kelsey Thompson, is eclebrating 1 of the Oshawa Hospital was welll mittee under the ehairmanship of hospital that is fash becoming his first birthday todsy, Friends The citizens of Whitby heave tions provide a subsiantial sor Clbeen roundly commended for pies, ths handled and the general pecounti Mr, Terry Moore and myself, one thet can handle eases whereof the fomily wish David meny | showed only a relatively small|and expressed sincere and grate-| gh standards are required, BIINOTE BOBIYETSRIIES, I deficit. and that the annus) grants ful appreciation for the splendid hospital we may well he proud] J hy various citizens and organiza.) Showing by Whithy Industry to have contributed in part, Regional Meeting CWI Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Atiwood : 4 Green RW McMaster Divinity College QUARTETTE ot the WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH Friday, Nov, 11 ot 8 p.m, Soturdoy, Nov, 12, 8 p.m, Developed and Manufactured by CONCRETE | PRODUCTS . Lawrence street, atiended lost M | Saturday the Madill - Willow wed- 158 F, Heard {ding which look place at Vietoris di » Square, Toronto. -- oo A Entertains WMS». » 4 wascenr 4 : ge y 2 v Teg gf 0 e wood erescent, and Mrs | The ¥vening Auxiliary WMS % i Rr y #¢ # as # | met at the home of Miss Florence! nn _lrY . ch "| Members of the Catholic Diocesé and in this country, He Heard with a good atiendance TO HONOR WAR DEAD AT CENOTAPE | Women's League Councils in Osh-| stressed that the strength of the The study entitled "Work Makes pr - awh, Ajax, Pickering and Rose: League depended not solely on the Us One" was taken by Miss Mar hank joined with the members of number of members, but on their ion Bromell, This gives informa Church Observes the League from Uxbridge and spiritual strength of the spiri-'tion on work camps being estah wacked the Church of the Im- tusl growth in the individual lished in needy parts of the eoun- J Y 134 h A 4 maculate Conception in Port members in thelr personal life, | tries at Frobisher in the Are-| t nniversary Perry at the recent Regional That as they grew spiritually they tie Circle, Africa, Hong Kong, | n x Anniv w Service| Meeting of the Ontario County would radiate goodness which! Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mala-| Te Rat yer uty Eh South Catholic Women's League, would shine not only locally, hutlys, Okinawa, Java and other) n o " ivi A A CokaDah Rev, J, Van Rut, 8CJ, celebrated provineially and nationslly, by centres, where the old way of commemorating HR en Vir Benediction which was followed making Our Lord's Presence fell. |life can no longer sustain life Speaker at the dinner will be held hy Sunday Nov. 5 when hy the Jenera) meeting in the Miss Mary Dobell Preside nt ofl New skills are taught, house lan Beresford, who is Regional Rov MC Fisher, BA, was the!" wireh ha thi Toronto Arch-Diocesan CWL, phuilding, farming, nursing, nutri jee-president of the Provineisl Mrs, B,J, Bpmages of Ajax pre- asked thet we make a concen. oy d other hie, visiting minister / tion, sewing, and other technical Command of the Canadian Le s ided, Rev, Van Rut welcomed trated effort in adding to thelgkitls, At one camp student fallen in gjon, Mr, Beresford is also mayor ; Jhe mi sage ' The! the ladies to the meeting and re | Rosaries for Chile She drew alieachers included a French Ca wreh an y minded them that this was the|vivid shocking pleture of condh-|nadian, Canadian Indian, Barba erviee willlofr the town of Gananoque Citizens of Whithy, led by mem bers of Branch 112 of the Cana will on Friday morn EN a dian Legion ng pay iribute to the two world wars, The was entitled take place aL 11 a.m, at the cen etaph on Dundas streel east Legion members will fall in al the Logion Hall at 10.30 a.m, for the parade. They will then pro eeed 10 the cenolaph for the serv. ee of Remembrance, which willl be conducied 'hy Rev David! Marshall, Legion Chaplain | At 6.30 p.m. the annual Re membrance Day banquet will take place al the Legion Hall Branch president Vernon Mac Carl has extended an invitation) pot only to Legion members bul to all veterans to atiend the han Quel, Helen Marshall Ruxiliary Meets whe November meeting of the| Helen Marshall Auxiliary of 8 Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held in the hall Tuesday with the president, Miss M Ross, presiding, During the de. votlonal period, Mrs, E, Guthrie vead the seripture and the pray er was taken hy Mrs, H, 8 M Cann After the reports were given and approved an invitation 1s sued hy Si. Andrew's Preshyter ian WMS, Pickering, to atiend their Thank-offering serviee Nov a0 at 7.30 p.m, when Mrs, K, W, Taylor will be guest speaker, was read, and also an Invitation to attend Oshawa's Knox Preshy- teerian Chureh's thank-offering service, Sunday, Nov, 20, at 7 p.m, speaker being Rev, A, Roach of British Guiana The study hook World and Why" was taken by Mrs. P. Howard. She explained that all Christian Churches join with those who go oul inte all the world to preach the gospel as it is an ecumenical movement, Mrs, Howard read from the seripture many of the commands and rea "Inte All the other This has heen Legion Remem branee Week in Whithy and dur ing the week, the Whithy elub rooms of the branch have heen open to the public, The week opened with Poppy Day on Bal urday and a church parade on Sunday for a service at the Whithy Distriet High School Monday night was Molson Night end Wednesday night was Ladies Night, Tonight is sports night at the hranch On Saturday night, the regular Legion dance will be held The Whithy branch observes ils ith anniversary this year, "Although many people econ sider Albert Einstein as a 20th Century giant with his atom split ting contribution which left a in his time was equally revolu tionary, with his study of his tory," Norman Sisco was speaking of the British historian, * Arnold foynbee, in an address to the Whithy Rotary Club at thelr weekly luncheon in the Whithy Arena Auditorium, The principal of Donevan Col legiate told the Rotarians that history could not be studied affected hy linked civilizations were geographically that in order to understand see tions of history, the entire his torie developments of that part of the world would have to he studied to understand its affect on the seetion in question, sons for the being of world mis his historical studies, showed that | societies or civilizations respond ! 80: gel the pieties and elvilizations, He sald| areas of serious difficulty where My, Sisco sald that Toynbee, in Choir sang the anthem All the Nations Praise the The "Lel Lord Plans are underway for a8 pres entation of the work of the Uniled Church of Canada hy means of displays, cost umes, Visitors, audio-visuals and speakers This ership of the local Missionary and Maintenance and Christian Edu cation Committees and is being The eo venture is under the lead called "Churchorama' operation of every organization in |the church is anticipated, ed, Mr, Sisco told the Rotarians that in the development of na o.| mark, there is yet another giant,| ions there were areas of stimula {who Is not so widely known, whoiijon existed, to this where a struggle which contributed mueh |e velopment "The New England States," he sald, "were the hardest to colon ige, were poor, were bleak, cold and barren and yet the early setl lers answered the challenge and produced many great politicians, philosophers, painters and writers | whe were Instrumental in the de. velopment of the United States in small sections as societies and| PERSONAL STRUGGLE that you development in | History has shown highest a struggle has existed," sald Mr | Bisco, He said that this was also true lamong Individuals who had to struggle and conquer the diffienl ties of thelr environment "Abraham Lincoln," he [lus trated, "was the son of a Ken. |r wared the challenge," he add-|them the hardships that we ex slon [tucky drifter, received his educa tion in frontier schools, had many failures in business and was not a success in his early political Miss M, Ross, president asked | °° or failed to respond to a chal| to he relieved of office for 1961, 'enge, Young People Sponsoring Sundoy, 11 om, & 7 pm, A weekend of gospel preaching and bright singing by dedicated young men training for the Ministry, EVERYONE INVITED TO ATTEND Peast of Christ the King, and that|lions In Chile, and told how the| d,s Negro, Jewish, Catholic, orth. as Christ was thelr King so, they ( rusade had its beginning, "It 18! o40x faiths as well as Protestant] were all members of the Mystical | not too late" to contribute, she i 4 uted Body of Christ, and that they said denominations were represent should strive to imitate Him and| The work of the Parish Coun | This demonstrates the *"ecumi hecome more Christlike, Only a8) ils of the region was presented pity" ean accomplish they hecome more spirituah would (hy the conveners in their reports! A discussion period followed | ey become more Beth lan showed how together the i and the meeting closed with pray- B J. Austin of Whithy,| work done by the individual cous " Rev, L y do The hostess served light re-| Bros For Free Estimotes , Dial OLiver 5-3311 the Director of the Region, intro-| ells made quite an impact duced the newly appointed Di The guest speaker was Sister freshments tor of the Toronto Arch-Digce 5 (Mary Rose of the Marguerite E---------- Rev L. H, Wall, Rev, Wall ex-|d'Youville Convent of the Grey|work of the nuns was Hllustrated pressed the honor he felt at heing | Nuns, who teaches at Bt, John's hy slides and life in the Novitiate made Director in that the Cath-isongol in Whithy, In her talk, Sis- was shown. All the ladies left the | olle Women's League is, in his | jap Mary Rose told of the Found: meeting with a much better| " A SO " | lopinion, "THE Society" in (his ress of the Grey Nuns, of her life understanding and knowledge of a |Study Of History Would Ease Problems and her eall to the religious, The' religious community, | Help Us To Help Others The Salvation Army Thrift Store in Whitby is filling a great need in this district, Through the co-operation of interested and compassionate citizens, many needy fami» lies have been assisted in obtaining much- needed goods at a price within their reach, [into courses that were dittieul To continue this service we would greatly ings in the struggle with thell appreciate donations of Clothing, Furniture, "Btudents have a chance of suc:|| Beds, Stoves, Footwear, etc, At present a fot, Lhe work ard Mb] great need of Children's Clothing prevails ! minds never develop to their lullll 'We urge your assistance in the words of the Blessed Saviour; 'As ye do unto the least of these my brethren, you do unto me", extent "In this age where we tend to judge people by what they have A long sold Winter is ahead of us, so lot us enjoy ourselves with the feeling thet we have helped to make on innocent sufferer able te bear the vigours of Winter in comfort, Our and not what they are," he said, "we allow our students to get into deepest thanks te our donors and & hearty welcome te new ones, the swing of things and gel a car "In almost every case,' said Anyone wishing to help us in this service, please calle perienced, "Many parents allow their chil dren to drop subjects in school and take easler courses," he pointed out, [The speaker sald that the| schools tried to fit their students 600x146 70x15 70x13 Mp, Sisco, "owning a car 1s on a constapt parallel with low marks,' LIFE ON A PLATTER The speaker sald that hy allow ing this, parents handed life to their children on a platter and| hindered their ehance to develop) their education, "Over the next 50 years the world will have to struggle with MO 8-8002 For prompt pick-up or drop in to our Thrift Store Only at Western Do You Get . . . Mrs, J, Rohson was nominated RESPOND T0 CHALLENGE and appointed to the office, All| ) "1 Ta illustrate this the speaker Hare! ney thi mi i, pointed out that the early pF "Yet he answered the challenge v ¥, ' ' Ytlon of Egypt responded land overcame his difficulties to india, will be guest speaker 0 oom of he igh | Recome what he was," the speak:| the thank-offering of the Helen side and the annual flooding of er said Marshall Auxiliary, Sunday, Nov. ihe River Nile on the other, "We need to struggle in order : 18, at the regular church service "over hundreds of years thelto develop," Mr, Sisco sald, some of the in Whitby |Bgyptians struggled with and| ge said that there was no short solved were The meeilng closed with pray: finally solved these problems and| out for a baby learning to walk, underdeveln o_o Li EL er and the group will eonvene developed a elviliaation Which! A haby faces a long struggle dividualism" and eastern reve] Dee. 13 for the Christmas pro: dominated the world 1800 years \jaugh many bumps and falls|ierialism" and the Juggling for] ag R Ri 115 Brock North--Just gam. Ihefare Christ," he said, "They porare it develops the ability to|warld power north of the four corners Sante walk, he said, He continued that| "Our educational program," | OPEN THURS, TILL 8 P.M, «FRI, TILL 9 P.M, a concert pianist developed his|said Mr. Sisco, "should be such talent through years of struggling that our young Jouple will be | FRESH curt MEATS FOR BETTER EATING WHITBY with the keyboard {eapable of struggling with these "Ag parenst we fend to forget] problems and the program should PORTERNOUSE STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK ¢ the lessons of history," he sail,| be supported hy the example of WING STEAK Ib when we try to make things eas: our own personal attitude towards {ler for our children by sparingilife and fving 'Ws MeKaight of the Minden club Kinsmen Induct and past president Doug RUMP ROAST . Pritchard in attendance, Deputy Eight New Members sovernor Lyle passed along some | whe . K a words of wisdom te the new mem | i he Whithy Kinsme 1) elwh held ters #4 Well uh seme of the old its regular meeting at the Spruce ry [Villa on Tuesday night with a and helped in the initiation of the good turn out. It was initiation ja Members 0 a oi | night and saw eight new members| iee-president Howard Jervery | [sworn in. They were Doug Win. SRYe & report an the trip to the stanley. 1d Dray, Ralph Risebor. (district fall counell meeting for) laugh, Don King, Harold Collins, [district 8 held in Sault Ste Jake Lindy and Cf Gordon Marie. President Murray Silver Life member Kin Gord Hawes|2nd Vice-President Jeffery made was haek after a lengthy absence the trip, due to a back injury and was lucky draw winners on Ties | [presented with his 1300 per cent day night were Jake Lindy, Doug 89+ [nin which is emblematic of 13/ Winstanley and Gea, Mums, | 1) vears of perfect allendance, a f FRESH frwe, fall blooded Kinsman to say| DUPLICATE RRIDGE SCORES COUNTRY SAUSAGE 4 Ibs, CUY AND ae) \s 51 137 BROCK ST. §,, WHITBY many problems," he sald, "and [the continued development or de oline of the world will d d on whether we can solve these prob lems," The speaker |eareer MILEAGE GUARANTEE pointtd out that problems to be full employment, countries, the BROCK Now Playin Saturday Matinee ot 1:30 Evening Shows at 7 and 9 pm, THE UN ABLE PERSONAL STORIES BEHIND THE GREATEST SEA HUNT OF ALL TIME! Phone MO 8-3618 FRESH EVISCERATED YOUNG ~- 6 TO 8 LBS, Roasting Turkeys 49* 14% WITH A RECAPPABLE TRADEIN . : i X 39: A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE TILL CHRISTMAS FRESH PORK SHOULDER BONELESS POT ROAST ROUND BONE SHDR, ROAST FRESH BOILING FOWL SLICED COOKED the least North and South -- Mrs, Hunter Kin Gord also had the pleasant and Mrs, MacGillivray, 112: Mp, FRESM PLATE BRISKET 4 Ib L FRESH HAMBURG STEAK 3 Ibs, | duty of presenting the Collis tro and Mrs, Wells, 101: Mrs, Wilson TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO. SLICED RINDLESS BACON 2 Ibs, Oshawa 145 KING W. RA 8-1607 John Kent phy, which is for the Whithy Kins: and Mrs, Spratt, 96: Mr, and (man who did the most work for Mrs, Winter, 85%: Mr, and Mrs, | the good of the club during the Thomas, 7. East and West Ipast year, It was presented this Mrs, Powell and Mrs, Kennedy, | year to Kin Clarence Hewson, Kin 98%: Mrs. Maundrell and Mrs Gord himself has won the trophy Chubb, 80%: Mes. and Miss on twa accasions Rovay, 8: Mes. MacDousal and The Whithy elub was fortunate Mrs. Watts, Ma Mr. and Mrs. Me in having deputy-governer Lyle Cann, W. Bowmanville 85 KING ST. W. MA 3-3134 Al Boyd Whithy 125 BROCK §. MO 8.3763 Don Pinder FOR YOUR FREEZER NIND QTRS. BEEF ( FENET MORE DAML YE ATEREOPONG SOUND 9:43

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