The Oshawa Times, 9 Nov 1960, p. 3

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SENAT Lydon B. Johnson, Dem §retic viee-presidential ina date shakes hands with Glad "Shorty" Burleson OR walire al CHEST AGENCY Welfare League Force For Good Women's Oshaws 4] the in familie Since fare League pesisted needy started at a gmergeniy b who banded together and d I ed and means of helpin people seriously affected bh depression The members pance themselves hy of 81 a vear and paid #L each meeting (8) made \ayeties and repaired clothing and group vised and Invesi needy cases GYMNASIUM BUILT The work grew, The eame from donation Associated Welfare Bocielles nual eampalgn, the forerunner « the Greater Oshawa Communi Chest, In 1044, the les over the bullding on gtreet south that was donated { them by the lale Cha Robson and, In 1081, with help of public donations pasium and extra club were built, Club rooms time of oni HE a group of Ways a donatio CU e chapte another eolled a thir fund th { and gue too himen les tl room hecaus Bimeoe Hall outgrew its original] Oshawa Community Chest as th fakes MARY Years ago eague of women members dis: hehall of the city covered more and more needs | be filled in the community The program has tremendously with the department still one of the fmportant, Over 2200 people ing the past year we assistance of one fneluding elothing tickets, medical seriptions, ren! furniture, bedding gohool hooks dental glasses or overn hl aceomme dation, Nearly 14,000 used clothing alone put $7,000 ENROLLED During 1939, more eople were enrolled for he ol of housed in Bimeoe Hall gram the interest Aursery sehool Age mind, the elderly men and who helong fo Golden Club and all the Athleties, plana practising af lities fection classes cerenral school and brary, St moe an ¢ kind of anothe food mee services hyd lgitehen ware artieles « ere give han one activitie The pre of panes, oluhs his pup | JE \ eel the 151 n het elasses an peech eo pal | childrer Nurs elinie John cadet (Speaker Cites Loan Advantages The members of the Oshawe Y's Men's Club, oi thelr dinner iesting last week, were ad dressed by Bruce Loge, a mem ber of the club and sn epee {of Industrigl Acceptance Corpori tion Limited, Wis (alk deli with | the mechanics of loon and resi financing, Ms sdviniages to the | individusl, industry #nd Ms ef fects on the Conadisn eCoROny | In his speech Mr. Loge #% plained how instalment haying allowed individuals to uy uel iy products out of Ineone here by sequiring s Wgher standard living sooner than they ecowld ¥ all purchases had to he made on § £ash basis: how financing aided try by allowing companies to buy yet leave capital free; and how # time payment plan was setnally : CAPSULE NEWS Need Ships For Grain MONTREAL (CFP) (officials seid Tuesday shows 206 | bushels of gran hed ping holtleneck Wn unless move ee rive tw teke more gran shipping fim been pallbearers cleared through Montreal's ship- mainder of the BEoysione Kops, the last 24 now vile with age, Among the of (hours, They sald, however, that mourners were & few of the Vessels Br over pioneers who helped Wm create & new art of comedy, His inciuded Lhe re Mack Sennett bathing besutios, now greying matrons, Senpeit, seas I might be several weeks 76, died Saturday expansion of business and Indie (hefore the hoitleneck fs deared,| IMPERSOSATED VOTERS MONTREAL (CP) | WPENS NEW CLUB | NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP) Four men po new $150000 boys cub wes THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednurdey, Worenber 9, 1960 § "JOHNSON GREETS WAITRESS Wel th arranged lo fl ns cdlopen each weekday N a gym broadened Ver Pre Vater RLY the ce heiween mass Pro-|Were sentenced Tuesday 10 IW opened here Tuesday by Liew he ho nae mas Consumption oF | erm of from 10 to 9 Bays 0 ienent Governor J, Keillor Mae purchase of goods mupicipsl eowrt for Impersonal. way Soonsored by the Nisgers Mier the telk Mr. loge ding voters in Montreal's Oct, 2 pails Optimist Club, the new pected » question snd answer | municipal election, Among them viuh will serve the ety, Stam. © period in whieh comprehensive Was Vietor Arnold, w, #04 (ord Township and Chippewa, | § points of the loan and finance Michael Wood, 71, both of Vor siemmership meludes 1000 boys! {Dusiness were clarified and dis-|onto, each wes sentenced to 3 ond 700 girls cussed days in joll, SEARCH Ernie Derry, chairman of the OWN AREA work committee, announced thal ua SED PY SUN An La. DOON (CP)=Polee searched, 9 i in most Al] og 7 day &v she had heen serving for the past 25 years (AP | an Austin Texans, cafe where | Johnson and his party went to | while awaiting elec The waliress sald | | hreakiast nm returns Wirephota) BANKS CLOSED ie Lake Huton G B '. 4 the ay urom worgian 1 Canadian medicolegal experts) / City hall offices and sll banks cnoubelt ares North: of the recommended Tuesday that com. Clad) A Cappagli, 21, of Argen {will be closed Remembr mice Day, | Great Lakes the weather will eon pulkory blood tests he introduced tina Tuesday night won the Noy, 11, Because of the three-day! tinue cloudy snd cold with seat! in Conada to et down on deaths|heauty title of Miss World, Can-lojosing, the hanks will remain! tered snowflurries today and onl and damage caused hy drunken oda's entry, Daniea d'Hondt of open Thursday, Nov, 10, until 6 Thursday driving, The Forvensie Society of Vancouver was among ihe p.m, Lake Erie, Canada, in the second day of its finalists selected from a field of Lake Ontario regions, Windsor of the Boys' Clubs of Cab {elghth annual meeting here, de 7 entires Brown-eyed Miss Cap ERROR IN AMOUNT Hamilton, Toronto; Cloudy with 4 Membership means that the ' |eided to submit its resolution to|Pagl, who is 36-23 a6, won B00) oo oe viet of community chest|the occasional shower today RAY ast antorm wo the Adlon [the federal government for con | (#1400) and a new ear | contributions, appearing in Tues |Cloudy and eolder tonight and he elub must be | sideration TOUR A SUCCESS |day's fssue, there was an ervor Thursday Winds southwest 2 to the program SETS OPENING DATE | TORONTO (CP) A the amount given by Hender fay [owen % tonight and i 5 "* The " f d|must be continuous and not just VICTORIA (CP The first|tour of Japan and Hong Kong by son's Book Blore, The amount|™yie mg, fin itt ho Hh ol gt hy hs session of British Columbla's|101 Toronto businessmen Tues. should have heen $200 rather), "gt regions, London: Cloudy| nd He X aL WW it | 26th legislature will open Jan, 26, day wos termed a 'great sue {han the $100 credited with the occasions] shower fo required equipment, Premier Bennett announced cess' Ly James Wakelin, gen have staff who understand y i yO ik Re oro day Cloudy a colder with problems of youth and ean uesday ora na Wager the Orme snowflurries and locally heavier ) Board of Trade, Mr, Wakelin, in BURY MACK SENNETT ae of 1 NEW METHOD | ' snowsqualls tonight and Thurs help where needed to sol charge of the tour's administra day Winds southwest 20 today HOLLYWOOD (AFM) Mackitive arrangements, sald many northwest 20 tonight and Thurs Bennett, a native of Danville businessmen developed new con day, | Que,, was honored In death Tues: tracts and formed an entirely Ford ships some autos on Kastern Take Ontario; Wall | day hy the dwindling ranks of new concept of Japan, he sald,| the new tri-level railrond flat: / ! cars which have about 26 per cent more capacity than ore dinary flat cars, burton regions: Cloudy with al You get more for your ad few snowflurries tonight and) Thursday, Winds southwest 20 to-! vertising dollar when you use the inexpensive Oshawa day northwest 2 tonight and Thursday, Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk land Lake regions, North Bay, Times Classified Ads, More |7/dbury: Cloudy and turning and more smart businessmen [Colder today with seaitered are finding Classified thelr showers changing to snowflup-| advertising answer, Call RA 8:0402 for complete informa. tion about special business rates boys' clubs, | : Chess Club, A Club for boys and girls, school are some catered for al oelation club, Jr Pq Feen-a ' Ab ge THE WEATHER OFFICE | throughout Ontario and Quebes says W will become colder | Thursday with scaliered snow the Y's Men's Club is expanding! = ™ . Kitchener Tues Cm nail, 50, was fatally injured Tues. M6 ATER Dear yd ts youth work program north of ey when crushed against the 08y might without success efter! to the most active season yet, | } h made to ahandon & small hd ! Eh apt thelear, Police said Lapiel parked een ms 0 BHANGOR : ql n Mr, Derry glso announcing | it sir here, Mel Wright told Wa-| ou ' 1 lub! rolled down the hill, erushing him 'erioo yoleet 8 wood-working club} ro 3 Pea af Bimeoe Hall every Thurs: against the garage door as he stopped near his home ond left NO ACCIDENTS T hd ; isnid the girl was efying, When reported no traffic sceidents on Cold Ol 11 ht REMAND TELLER {he ran after the car the driver Yuesday or this morning | | PAMILTON (CP) = Darlene! came | Oshawa Fire Department re old and diove toward Blair, AMDILABEE hank teller charged with manip The followin, g f Cal i fae i ' a p wing streets will be Casts issued hy the weather of ries today snd Thursday, Winds calls answered Tuesday fu TURNS FIRST SOD closed today: Wilson road south|fice at 4 am {northwest 20. $8,000, wos remanded Tuesday until Nov, 18 | Needles, chairman of the hoprd speave avenue; Blevenson road Southern and Central Ontario] Vows tonight, highs Thursday: lof governors of Waterloo Univer: south from Gibb street to CPR; 'ate Tuesday In advance of Windsor 24 '" NT JC 9) vale / Rg) 1 jonN LUA ¥.~pur. for a 82,500,000 engineering bulld- polis avenue to Rossland voad| Prairies and the northern PAV Kitehener 4 4 A He ing which will house 2000 sci-|west; Albert street closed pt|® the province, The rain willy ondon ho, vey id or agi and Ng an expenditure of $18,000,000 east from Simcoe to Ontarip|in Southern Ontario today with! North Bay y, mo o on other buildings for the unl streets; Mill street from Centre the colder alr making itself felt! qpuskasing & long and happy life; "Never i p (cloudy weather is forecast fi " lenroiment would reach 200 in-|sible these sireets will be open 4 ier 18 1LOFECAs "| let anything bother you Chuding 'arts shidents, hy 1963, "1% local traffic WE southern regions tonight and on | ' . MONTREAL (CP)--A group of FAUTY heavier snowsqualls indicated for Credit Bureau LONDON (AP) Norma) A . A i : King street and looked forward (C0) of his gerage by his own B Teporl that an atiempl had § p ' 's his ear In the driveway snd beginning of # new Y's Men's his CAr wn Fivewpy Township police & ear] ning was locking i | three or fowr-yeargid gil, Hel The Oshawa Police depsriment Johnson | FOUR AMBULANCE CALLS hack, picked up the gin] of be Elizabeth Burns, 21 » year STRERTS CLOSED TORONTO (CP)~Officia) fore. and colder with a few snowfiur | ved our Foutine | wating deposits tolalling nearly WATERLOO (CP) Irs G from Olive avenue to Shake. MBynopsis--Rain spread scross| Forecast Temperatures NEEDS NO DOCTOR Bur. Sy, Tuesday turned the first sod Stevenson road north from Anna coder air driving in from thels(, Vhomas , fh Wind Virthaay ay ence students by 1065, Forecsst-|CPR bridge; Richmond street| 8per off to occasional showers! fornia enjoys his pipe, This recipe for) Co oo™ oo a codies said total (to Oxford siresis, Whenever pos In all reglons by evening, Cold! Moosonee ¥ 7 Thursday with snowflurries and! ASK BLOOD TENTS WING BEAUTY TITLE Archers gland A n|of the i-| Bimeoe y | BOYN CLUB ACTIVITIES Hall is one of 70 mem nursery arhivities o Hall Niagara, Western Bimeoe ners ell standards Southern Georg. | ie nore [the the el give [them | Thi yi has sh k| League el Hall tha vears' work in Oshawa n the Women's Welfare and the staff of Bimecoe there 1s no end to the efforts in Oshawa and that they will have te expand as the size of the eily Inereases, For more than 99 per eent of its Bimeoe Hall is depend e|ent funds from the Greater Many ears ago it undertook » task on for which it wholehearted support publi 0 participating in Oshawa Commun the agencies the Greater ity Chest A WELFARE ASSINTANT at fimeoe Hall, Miss 8, Parker has a pair of shoes for one member of a needy family in Oshawa, Simeoe Hall Is one of OBITUARIES ROBERT SADLER |Nov, 10, at 2 p.m, Interment will A resident of Bowmanville for be In Claremont Union Cemetery, | the past 11 years, Robert Badler lev, William K, Houslander, of § Queen street, died in Bow. pastor of Trinity United Chureh, manville Memorial Hospital will conduct the services Manchester) Tuesday, Noy, #, following a Am a n vith guests from Prospect| stroke he suffered Baturday mise BEATRY ¥ A FALLANT v ¥ alrview Lodge last) Born in Pickering Township, J po ow Ing 1 a eg hots i afternoon and had a Mr, Sadler was in his 74th year death ne. Ma Hho a hy (He ried the former Ada Jones Heneial HOSPILE day, No {He natried the tori hg Toh B, of Miss Beatrice Allee Pallant, | | time tH Yokering Township, Duriog & extended to Mr [ln Biekering Toy : lived She was In her Sith year : s lifetime, the deceased Cawker In the hig_litetime, the decease A daughter of Mrs, Alice Pal: In'Pieketing Towushin and Blac Attend Meet Alster and ot n Pi hi 8 Wa Tag lant and the late James Pallant, | i[the late Mrs, Harry Willard the deceased was born at Oak Patsy Holthy, Prospect, was Hyon pg emploved at(ville March 26, 1006, A resident 3 3 : : BROUGHAM « The regular(hirthday party was held for My. [cities guest of Susan Roach on the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Of Oshawa for 41 years, she was {meeting of the Woman's Associn-[John Tweedy, Forty people sat| Mr, Rudd is marvled with two veekend plant until hs retirement | an employee of the Oshawa Gen tion Was held at the home of Mrs, | down to a bountiful supper Inelud.| young boys apd will reside local from|ihpee yoars ago, He a mem. eral Hospital, Khe lived with her T, Philip, Ing a large birthday cake, Guests|ly. He is interested in service arid WO her of Trinity United Chureh hrother sister-in-law, Mr, | The devotions were taken by|were present from Lindsay, |weltare work, 80:[ "A greater lover of horses, Mr, and Mrs Pallant, Nonguon (Mrs, Burrows and Mrs, Burton|Claremont, Stouffville, Toronto, The appointment represents [Sadler spent much of his time Toad in the absence of Mrs, Wannop, [Oshawa and Brougham {the rapid expansion of the Credit from this area enjoyed on the farm of his son, Ralph The oldest member of her fam Mig, Cresswell had a very inter Mpg, H, Blohm of Toronto vigit.| Bureau in recent years, In the | (he fine concert given by|Nestleton, who owns show horses Miss Pallant 1s survived by esting program entitled "'We'vel od with Mrs, E, P, Soden on Su {Credit Reporting, Credit con Oshawa talent in the new HighiDuring his younger My mother: two sisters, Mrs, Constant Borrowers day evening PU ulting and Collection fields, It Auditorium on © Baturday | Sadler kept show of his Albert Ford of To An important resolution WOR Avs BP. Se a {15 anticipated that the new addi own, His other Intere includ: ronto and Mrs. Albert Arnold passed by the Woman's Associa christening i Sry ittended the (jon to staff will reflect in even and Mrs, H, O, Dobson and|ed hockey and gardening (Florence), of Ebenezer and a Hon that will be forwarded to the)" ell © OW Arthur Camp: potion service to the many clients Harold Dohson spent the Resides his son Ralph, and his|brother, Harry, of Oshawa next congregational meeting, The| yy» \ Camo of Mr, and Mrs, |in "Oshinwa and surrounding diss kend with relatives near Lon: wife. Mr. Sadler is survived byl The memorial will be resolution urges the congregation yi chp wll at Bt Paul's|iviots from Dunbarton to Co a daughter, Vivian, at home and held at the Armstrong Vuneral to seriously consider the bullding) Noy ch, Alax, on Sunday, | hourg Advi a second son, George of Kirkland Home at 2 Friday, Nov, 11 of a new Sunday School Room : | This 1s a step in the right direc. 1 o|need for thelr Oshawa Times Photo work on ries this afternoon, Thursday cloudy with a few spowflurries and continuing cold, Winds south [west 20 shifting to northwest this | afternoon I Timmins-Kapuskasing: Cloudy oi needs the of the WILFRED M, Morse Watt, president of The Credit Buresn of Oshawa Ad, 280 King street west, an nounces the appointment of Wil fred M, Rudd as manager, Mr, Rudd comes to this post with extensive experience in the credit field, having served as branch manager for Beneficial Finance Company over eight years In many Onlario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia RUDD J | MANCHESTER ol MANCHESTER mu most enjoyable 8 Mrs vinpath Peers and of h ' aunt {os stock ville Mi | the Co | the Munro home Hospital after there following a oar (lenrge was Oshawa Harry | V {manth elden Many n of ed the book of the year medal for his book by the Canadian Association of Children's Librarians, The award has heen made to coincide with Young Canada's book week, Nov 1h te 22 Oshawa Photo MISS ENTD WALLACE, head of the children's department of the MeLaughlin Publie Library, holds The Bt, Lawrence, which has heen chosen as the best Canadian book In Fnglish for children in 1860, The author William Toye, has heen award Is iy VBA her ¢hool horses (Frances) il { venln i My service Times -- A -- COMING EVENTS 2pm Lake and nine grandehildren Rey N. Altken, pastor of The remains are al the FF will eon tion and we hope that the reso lution will be Implemented, Simeone Sireet United | Library Planning Rand M Tham ¥ Ladies Satara fea, opened Chyaint ' ATAA n hureh treet Soi $46 » BINGO, Bathe ih } ¥ Park p.m. Whist Monday, 8 p.m NEARLY NEW SHOP Thursday and Friday 2109 PM ST. GERTRUDE'S 690 KING ST BINGO NQV MARY WEDNESDAY 2th 8 PM A f VF MARY ALIDIT ( PEO? Tt AT MARION LS Bus w afte a street bus at door a at auditoriam ve bing 16 GAMES OF EACH OF ¥ $8 I GAME $10 $20 $40 SHARE THE WEALTH $50 EXTRA 2 CARDS FOR OR 10 CARDS FOR §! ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARI DF Ted ) & 18 ADM LENORE OG For Book Week Plans are being made in the color to Canadian history through children's department of the Me. the telling of old tales and the Laughlin Publie Library for dramatization of major events Young Canada's Rook Week, Nov, (with anecdote and detall, It has If to 20 all accounts of all the explorers It has heen announced in Obtain it {wa that the St, Lawrence has| The book is nol necessarily a | been chosen the best Canadian|ehildren's book, Miss Wallace book for children In English and] says, but iy excellent for Grades the anthar, William Toye, award: 7 and 8 of the Book of the Year for Chils| The theme for Young Canada's HOES, dren Medal {Book Week this year is "Around { Miss Enid Wallace, head of the the World in Books " Miss Wal Dworshak, | ehildren 8 lbrary, reports that it{lace's department has heen loan appears to be a popular choice ed a collection of drawings and Sohoep:| with young readers in Oshawa|paintings done by ehildren in and will be displayed in the many countries of the world hy ; y Sherman library during the book week he Canadian Junior Red Cross, | ooper, unchanged 'hey will be § Malne--xMre, Margaret Chase ALL COPIES LOANED | Yair Smith, unchanged Yesterday the six copies bought | November 15 to 30 Massachusetts -- xLeverett Sal. for the children's library were tonstall. unehanged all on loan TO PRESENT PLAY Supper Dish 1 Made at Home", | Nebraska xCarl Miss Wallace, 8 member of the| A special event of Young At this meeting the girls learn uhohanged Canadian Association of Chil./Uanada's Hook Week in Oshawa ed the different salads you could | New Hampshire x§1yles dren's Librarians who chose the WU! be the presentation of the make, Fach girl participated in Aridges, unchanged hook of the year for ohildren, | PAY Cinderella hy the girls who | the making of one | New Jersey xClifford P. Case, [v8 it is the first time that a belong to the book club in the! Next meeting to be held of Mrs Oliver unchanged non-fiction hook has been ehosen|Ohldren's library Harden's on Nov, 12 at 10 am. | South Dakota xKarl . Mundt, | bY the Association It will be put on In the story| Nancy Roberts was hit by a unchanged ™he French book {foam of the library at 10.30 am, [oar on her way home from sohoo! Wyoming Keith Plantes Vagabondes, by Mareel| a'Urday, November 36 {Thursday night, She suffered gain from Republican | Ganveoan is also nonfiction. The Miss Wallace estimates that] concussion and spent the night in {medals are always awarded ajihen are ow WO aotive mem [he hosaital, Witch those oars, | a [year after publication to make/bders of the children's lihvary, [boys and girls RROGRAM certain that all members of the During October alone there were! IMRE tl A pros Association have had a ohance to/¥0 new registrations, Halt of WA MEMBERS . ram for traning the Comwall/read the books from which the|them, Miss Wallace believes, the| Mr and Mrs, Charles Surphiis Nei: area's Jobless has hoen approved Prize Winning one 1s chosen, and/direel result of the Grade 4|attended the Retail Merchants As. [to assess the opinion of children Classes who paid their first visits | Ho¢ lation convention on Nov, §, Olio whom they have introduced '® the library with their teach. and 8 at the Royal York Hotel in \derman BR, RH. Lethe hooks, ers during the month under the Toroms 1 South Carolina xD olfiolale of cr crmt + noe public sohool library program, Oh Suiviay Thurmond, unchanged Arrive here Hg Suan ont a Ne ig hy gt re | Tennessee sEstes Kefauver, 's fl : o N ra Ota EAS direct result but that they in too [unchanged a to work owt etal of the Falition, Mins Wallace believes, | started w ith the olass visits prised to find that we encourage Xena 2 We courses The book begins in the mists of Younger brothers and sisters books fob children who haven't unchanged commercial the river's creation and ends want to have library hooks too even learned to read vel and Virginia A ng ma with dig the Si yn vey Je an Sor ig then before we know what has | . rh | \ of e fami coming home with happened we have Ww \ 00 unchanged Chine operation and barbering. ' HH restores sxcliement and one and their parents bring them members." she save we asl Calvary Baptist Chureh Morris Co, Funeral Home, Bow On Tuesday evening last a few Friday Navemher | S . duet the serviced, Tnterment will manville, for service Thursday, be in Oshawa Unlon Cemetery of the congregation of Rrougham iw Naverhe United Church met at the home luding Bake Sole of Mr, and Mrs, Welr, They pre sented Mis, Welr with a Bible § ict | and WA pin as a going away re. | . membrance of thelr days in Brougham, Mr, Weir ls in hos n 4 . eC 10N pital suffering a broken leg. We wish him a speedy recovery, West Vieginki Euchre results, Nov, 1, held in Sncadi dod Brougham Township Wall, spo sored by the Brougham Woman's Institute: Ladies, Miss Murcar, Mrs, A, Carlton, Mrs, George Muteh; Men's, John Newson, Wir Trolley, C, H, Newson | Next euchre, Nov, 15, at #30 p.m, Hostesses will be Mrs, G.| {Gray, Mrs, Milne, Mrs, Shirk « prizes and lunch provided The Hith meeting of the Brougham Busy Beavers was held at the home of Grace Jack son on Nov, §, with 12 girla pres. ent I The roll call was "A Vegetable Bond Street, vember 8 8 pow, 20 games, Nix 30 Jackpots, Share the RINGO, Union Hall nil $8 alihy We WHITRY CLUB dnesday BAND BINGO BAYVIEW Nav. 9th $00 extra CANADIAN PRESS sJennings Ran | Followi is the Canadian dolph | Pie st parties of Unlled | Blates senators elected: (34 to be |elected) (x-Incwmbent) Colorado xGordon Allott |ehanged wn, $1.00 a ion Democrats [ Delaware J +! 5 53 | John "Sparkman, fo. in 'from Democrat Idaho xHemy unchanged Kansas Andrew pel, unchanged Kentnoky xJohn Hy THE W hy REPUBLICANS al Game t) 8 Nos un 3 A The Oshawa Branch No. 43 Cane adian Legion, wishes to thank the citi- zens of Oshawa for the splendid re- sponse given to the annual Poppy Day Appeal on Saturday, November 5th. Caleb Alahama : {unchanged | Alaska xt Rartett, un |ehanged | John L. Melallan 1 and BINGO 8 PM E'S HALL y Sts.) $20 May ¢ doubled or tripled $100 JACKPOT INCLUDED Loor $15 NOVEL DAY EV al, GEOF bart la $12 \ "Arkansas unchanged Georgla lunehanged Niinois ohanged | Lowlsiana [unchanged Michigan xPatrick V Nmara, unchanged | Minnesota x Hubert rey, unchanged I Mississippi wames Workshop, Eastland, unchanged ne h Richard B. Russell Paul H. Douglas, wa prize The Results were Most gratifying, and will enable the Poppy Day Committee to continue its work on behalf of the sick and needy Veterans, xAllen J. Ellender Curtis, Ae Humph Acting Classes | and 'Drama Sponsored by "The Pilgrim Players" at Simcoe Hall Our Special Thanks are also extended to all who took part by selling Poppies, and to the Oshawa Times and Local Business Firms for their timely help in the way of publicity, : OSHAWA BRANCH NO. 43 CANADIAN LEGION D. J, IVERSON H. D, POWLESS President Chairman Missouri sEdward V, Long chosen lunehanged New Mexico derson, unehanged North Carolina Jordan, unehanged | Oklahoma x Robert {unchanged | Ofegon Mrs therger, unchanged Rhode Island {Borda Pell, unchanged Thomson Aolinton P An si. Everett APPROVES CORNWALL 8 herp Mau hy the Ontarie Eduoation department A! DOMe de mire sald Tuesday the dan a 1% Nica ; Nov, §, the 17th department will The parents are often sur hades BB Johanson Thursday Evenings planned are train , : of a } 8 p m Willis Robert Dale dressing, welding : &

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