[= -- Kennedy' Your $6 contribution will provide transportation for one day for eight erippled children to and from the Cerebral Palsy treat- ment centre at Simcoe Hall, arrow In Huge U. S. Popular Vote dhe Oshawa Times Rainfall will taper off toward evening, giving way to colder weather, Winds light, VOL, 89--NO, 260 Over Price or Copy plot 10 Cents P OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1960 ® Ca Ral I Wi TWENTY-TWO PAGES a KENNEDY GIVES DAUGHTER CAROLINE V Democrats Solid In Senate, House WASHINGTON (AP) Solid{In Montana Democratic majorities will con-|sentative Lee trol the Senate and the House of ahead Representatives when the now | The Senate lineup stood; 87th Congress convenes Jan. 3, |Democrats, 87 Republicans Democrats quickly nailed] . do control of the Senate in| REPUBLICANS GAIN Tuesday's election, And by g| With 44 House races still in o'clock this morning, they had| doubt, Republicans had made a Py y an balf of the! net gain of 14 to push their total o Bled mote, than ns 9 to 144 against the Democrats' 249, Nonetheless, With returns still] " om J incomplete, it appeared the Re:| In 27 governor races, Demo. blicans had dented the (op-|erats had elected 13, for a net wavy margins the Democrats|8ain of three, Republicans had Democrat, Repre Metcalf, was 63 ative front some ground same ered Ralub area o Kan'anga provine wdguariers here aanounced unhush hy tribesmen in ) way UN hie today I'he bodies of four members 1 1l-man Irish patrol have heer recovered and one soldier w Chest Total At A Glance $210,000 $200,000 $175,000 $150,000 $125,000 $100,000 $75,000 $50,000 of 1a h or Was politicians held in the outgoing 86th Con-|elected nine and five races re gress In the Benate the old mained in' doubt, lineup was 66 to 34 and in the| Overall, however, the outlook one President Eisenhower had to to be settled, the kepublicans| = d had pleked up seats in Delaware 402] with in the last two years and Wyoming, Senator Kar)|0f his administration, { | Southern Democrats, most of | Kennedy opposed to parts of the party platform, will continue to hold ew or d e many of the committee chair » 1C S enne Y ainst legislation they dislike | Senate Democrat Leader Lyn BANY, N.Y AP) Demo {don B, Johnson of Texas won re -- BANS Kennedy swept to an|election to the Senate, hut was ousted Republicans from control] 1 he big' three in the House of the state's congressional dele.[Speaker Sam Rayburn (Dem gation l'ex the majority leader, John McCormack (Dem, Mass), and On the state leg yp trol despite Kennedy's strong] tion showing in traditionally Repub lean upstate area With returns practically com { President Richard Nixon, the Re publican candidale Republicans, who gave Presi dent Eisenhower a 1,600.0 vole produce a Nixen ¢ lge of only Irish members of the United Na 300,000 in the territory ans force in the Congo are he Tuesday leved to have been mas nal rebel Dief Waiched ister Diefenbaker was in the great parade of Canadians whe stayed up late Tue n t learn the returns from the United was late to bed in doing wha came naturally to countless Ca padians, following closely the re sults of the vote ures of varied palitical stripe The prime minis home in the capital for election Liberal Leader Pearson was in Kayville, Sask., filling speak ing engagement Generally and offi cialy interviewed in Ottawa prior offered across the border PHONE NUMBERS $25,000 - | Your Grea POLICE RA 5.1133 eater Oshawa House 203 to 1564 was for a Congress similar in With only two Senate races et make-up and key figures to the Mundt (Rep. 8.0.) was locked in i a seesaw battle for re-election, whom supported Senator John even though strongly manships and be in position to team up with Republicans election day victory in New York prepared to resign to assume the state by 400,000 votes and the tide|Vice-presidency the Republican leader, Charles plete today, Ken had 3,609 693 votes tp 3a for Viee margin in the counties outside of . re : New York Clty in 1056, could FIISARETHVILLE (CP) Ten a northern Electi U.S. Election OTTAWA (CP Prime Min States presidential election Aides said the prime minister Mr, Diefenhaker withheld com ment, as did other Canadian fig New York City while CCF leader Hazen Argue was at his home in to the election saw little differ ence hetween the two platforms FIRE TRPT. RA 5.6574 | COMMUNITY CHEST HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 | Needs Your Support Irish Massacred In Congo Ambush tpecessary. 11 MINNESOTA VOTES CLINCH KENNEDY WIN X Grain Strike J} May Be Long VANCOUVER (CP) Thou sands of tons of grain sat heavily in five greater Vancouver elevat- ors today, tied up by a strike of 325 grain handlers, { The walkout started at mid B night Tuesday night, A meeting (prior to the deadline failed to © |seitle contract issues between " |the companies and Local 333 of the Grain Workers' Union (CLC), A union spokesman said the strike "looks like a long one," The tieup is the second this year, Last spring grain arrived here from the Prairies wet or frozen and a long drying process | halted shipments, i Government mediator George Currie said there has been no in | Packers | | To Face dication that the federal govern » Inquiry ment will intervene, The elevators involved are the Alberta Wheat Pool, Saskatche-| wan Wheat Pool, Pacific Elevat:| BRANDON, Man clals of the United Packinghouse Workers of America (CLC) were to ICTORY PIGGY-BACK ors, United Grain Growers and {Burrard Terminals, They have a| |total capacity of 21,000,000 bush els, Ed Sims, Canadian director of the International Union of Brew-| (CP) = Offi- ery Workers of America, with) which Local 833 Is affiliated, ia "Currie made an honest, siren appear today before the Bran yous effort, but there has heen inquiry commission, no indication in the last 1 which has heard appeals from months of any attempt hy the| {using .: aboka | Companies in trying to negotiate {husiness groups for stricter reg. The companies never offered a wiation of Arade unions. figure of thelr own on wages," | Mp, Justice G, E, Tritschler of Company spokesmen were not the Manitoba Court of Appeal 1s| avaliable for comment, conducting a one-man INQUIrY, |see--s------" set up hy the provincial govern. | ment, into six-month wage trike against Brandon Packers! N Seat Limited by more than 100 mem-| The| and don strike bers of UPWA Local 255, walkout started Feb, 29 ended Aug, 20 Mr, Justice Tritsehler re quested that UPWA representa. tives, specifically Fred Dowling] UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (AP) [of Toronto, the union's Canadian|The United Nations credentials director, and Norman Riches of committee was expected to rec Calgary, western supervisor, ap- ommend today that Congo Presi pear before the commission to- dent Joseph Kasavubu be seated day in the General Assembly as his The Tuesday chaotic young republic's repre heard that trade|sentative, un entities,| Kasavubu still faced a battle their actions and|in the General Assembly, which lable to for damages they must approve the committee's {may cause action, The nine - nation Soviet | The briefs were presented by bloc and at least eight Asian and the Winnipeg and Brandon Cham.|Afriean nations were spearhead. hers of Commerce, the Manitobaling a move to give UN recogni hranch of the Canadian Manufac-|tion to Kasavubu's chief rival, [turers Association and the Win. deposed premier Patrice Lu Inipeg Builders Exchange | mumba, | The credentials committee had not been scheduled to meet until December on the Congo seating question, But it decided to meel after Kasavubu appealed Tues day to the 9 -nation assembly for the immediate seating of a delegation headed by himself The credentials committee 1s made up of Costa Rica, Halli, critically Morocco, New Zealand, the Phil. ippines, Spain, the Soviet Union, United Arab Republie and United States, Only three of nine nations--the Soviet Un commission briefs urging made | for suit ns he egal responsible eported found today injured The fate of the remaining six|the members of the patrol was not/the hut the Balubas have the wver heen known to take prison: | 100, the UAR, and Morocco P I'he in the past|2re known supporters of Lu ed dead bodies of their Mumba off with them HAS ONLY RIGHT reports reaching this Ka. Kasavubu, in a 13 minute pital sald one Irish speech opening assembly debate had survived the ambush. lon the Congo, sald only the Con been listed as dead in/go's chief of state has the right casualty list, which said/to nominate the nation's repre. bodies had been recovered. sentatives to the assembly, The UN declined to issue the! To loud applause from most name of the survivor, who was|members except the Soviet bloc reported eritically injured, His/and the Aslan « African group chances of survival seemed slim, Supporting Lumumba, Kasavubu said his delegation would include SEARCH BEGINS representatives of all Congolese Meanwhile, heavy patrols of factions, including the rebellious Ivish and Kthioplan troops went provinces of Katanga and Kasai wit into the dense bush surround nown have drag {victim Lat a dic He had be tn lang ( louy For Kasavubu adjustments the main Sims said wage and vacations were stumbling blocks, HALT SHIPMENTS Even before the strike became official, its effects were felt, Ca- nadian Pacific Railway placed an embargo on sll grain ship-| ments to Vancouver and Cana-| din National Railways followed FS suit, An estimated 3,000 boxears loaded with grain have been held up on the western Prairies, Three ships 'were idle at berth here today, unable to load, and another eight, waiting to load, were anchored in the harbor, | In the tieup last spring it was| said the dally expense of each of| the ships tied up in midstream was $1,000, | HONEST BUT STILL POOR HALIFAX (CP)~John Dal macs, a 22 - year - old unems ployed Hungarian immigrant, found a fortune on the side- walk, but he's still looking for a job, Dalmaes found a hag con. taining $50,000 ip cheques ly- ing on the sidewalk, He left them at a bank and apparently the owner was lo. cated, A man phoned Dal. macs later and told him he wold receive a $6 reward, PAT NIXON WEEPS With A Ny ' LOS ANGELES (AP) = Vice ident Richard Nixon, smiling "through bitter disappointment, went to bed today apparently | feeling he had lost his battle for | the presidency to Senator John Kenedy, With his wife Pat sobbing heartbrokenly at his side, the 47. year-old Nixon went before abou 1,000 campaign workers shortly after midnight PST and sald; "If the present trend continues, or Seen Kasavubn was quickly de nounced by Ismael Toure of Guinea as a tool of Western|Senator Kennedy will be the next colonialist and imperialist pow-president of the United ers States, , , ." | Guinea Js one of the elght| Ag millions watched the dra Asian and African nations spon-imatie spectacle on television and onAE 3 Fegolutice hu hive he listened on radio, Nixon added: ssembly recognize the rival dels| Ra TINE egation representing Lumumba, | "I want Senator gounedy bo Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister|know--and I want all of you to Valerian Zovin also threw his/know=-that certainly, if this trend support behind the resolution te|does continue, and he does be- seat Lumumba, He said Kasa-|come our next president, he will vubu did not come to the UN kaye my wholehearted sup: port, « « » with the mandate of the Congo- lese people, + +» My congratulations to Canadian Ships Feeding Cuba? HAVANA (Reuters) == Premier] But the British Embassy here Fidel Castro claimed Tuesday was understood to have noticed night that Canadian ships were|no significant increase in com. bringing inte Cuba potatoes,/ mercial inquiries from British beans and other food from Rus-|firms and has received no ques. sia, Caechoslovakia, Communistitions from the Cuban Foreign China and Japan, He apparently Trade Bank, dle ot el rate pC . did not elaborate on the Canario, poor, SIDESTEPPED At the same time, Ariel H, PL! Picot referred to a higher au. cot, acting import chief of Cuba's|thority questions put to him on | reports of a projected Anglo-Can- Foreign Trade Bank, said inquire ies received from European Mer. | adian pool to market Cuban chants proved the trade embargo| Sugar and oll, imposed on Cuba by the United (Canadian authorities in Of States 1s "stupid." tawa sald Tuesday the Cana Picot said he has received sev government ws not involved in eral inquiries from British manu-| the reported pool and they knew facturers and agents anxious to/nothing of the existence of any trade with Cuba following the en-(such plan by private Canadian forcoment of the U8, embargo, business interests, Cuban embassies and consuls] Castro told a crowd of several ates in Europe also have been d union bers, includ: "flooded" with similar inquiries, ing a delegation of Chinese Com: he said munist union leaders, that an enemy "cannot succeed with any th mg Niemba, seene of the ame bush, in an attempt to find the seven missing soldiers | Ihe 11 Irish soldiers were ou on a datrol to remove roadblocks LATE NEWS FLASHES form of lithning attack™ on Cuba, Lakehead i when they were caught in the) ambush, A UN patrol later found! he bodies of the dead men at the apparent scene of the am bush early today, Also near the formally conceded the election bodies were uniforms of the six| Treason Trials Postponed MADRID (AP) A (rial of 10 opposition leaders on charges of trying to overthrow the Spanish regime of Gen Franco was suspended indefinitely today because two defend. missing soldiers, Niemba is in the area constantly threatened hy armed bands of Baluba tribes: men, But this is the first clash there in which UN soldiers have been killed | A UN spokesman said Niemba| lies in an> area taken over re-| cently as a "United Nations de-| fensive zone." where UN troops have the right to use arms if | centre of an ants failed to appear Bomb-Ban Talks Called GENEVA (Reuters) by mutua! consent of the three will be held Thursdav Nixon Formally Concedes To Kennedy LOS ANGELES (AP) Vice-President Richard Nixon today « A scheduled meeting of the Easts West nuclear test ban conference today has been cancelled is reported to have asked for a postponement of the meeting to await results of the American elections 'Boats Tie Up of Senator John Kennedy, | PORT ARTHUR (CP) = Two ships are strikebound at the Lakehead after a sudden walkout of members of the Seafarers' International Union (Ind.) said to be due to a dispute between the union and the National Associa tion of Marine engineers, Vessels of two shipping com. les are involved-N, M. Pat. erson and Sons Limited and Francisco Of | pan Nixon Goes Down {then added with a smile: 1 F AS DEFEAT NEARS Smil Senator Kennedy for his fine race in this campaign.' Nixon's campaign, spoke to re- MINNEAPOLIS (AP)~Min- nesota gave Hs 11 electoral voles to Senator John Kenned, today and clinched the U presidency for the Ma setts Democrat, WASHINGTON (CP) w= John the closely fought 1960 presiden- tial battle after the Republican Just before 11 a.m, Republi. can nationsl committee chair Morton, who directed Richard porters at the White House where he called to thank President Eisenhower for his help in the campaign, Kennedy, 48, Is the youngest man and the first Roman Cath- olic ever elected to the presi- deney, It was one of the closest fights in decades, The popularity count margin in Kennedy's favor was one of the smallest in this cen- tury, It seemed he was carried and was midw tr 1 At Hyannis Port, nedy"s press secretary sold Ken. nedy was "aware" he had been elected president but that he vi Nixon, 47, to victory by the big-city vote the Mass, Ken- favor Nixon so far, The Los An- geles votes include 90,000 absen- tee ballots, The AP said it was not possible at this stage to say positively that Kennedy has won the state's 32 electoral voles * al. though this appears to be a bet ter than ever possibility," It was a record-making elec tion, with the total vote count ex- pected to reach some 70,000,000 far higher than the previous ree. ord of 62,027,000 in 1956 when Eisenhower was returned for a - second term, The battle was reminiscent of the 1916 fight when President Woodrow Wilson and Republican Charles Evans Hughes went to bed not sure which of them had won the election, For 48 hours the votes came in, jradudly re. ducing Hughe's lead and finally glving Wilson a second term, In 1M8 Democrat Harry True man barely sera) through to beat Republican Thomas Dewey, In addition to the presidential contest, U.S, voters also elected members for thelr two houses of Congress--the Senate and the House of Representatives, Demo crits retained thelr firm control of both houses, With some races undecided, they lost a couple of seats to the Republicans in the 100-seat Sen~ ate, where 84 seats were at §! they Nahibticans 144 with final § still due in 44 contests, Nixon took an early lead in the returns Tuesday night but the trend to Kennedy developed as WIFE ALSO 'CONCEDES Mrs, Nixon gave some indica. tion that ghe felt the race was lost, While her hushand conferred with aides before making his statement In a ballroom of the Ambassador Hotel, Mrs, Nixon suddenly burst through the door and kissed each of three secret service men who had been as- signed to the vice-president dur. ing the campaign, "I love you all," ghe sald, and "I guess I'll have to get a job teaching again," Everyone who heard her had a good Idea of the kind of state. ment the vice-president had de- elded to make, A few moments later the Nixons walked arm in arm down four flights of stairs to the Nixon Victory Celebration Room, They got an ovation that sounded as though Nixon had de- feated Kennedy =» even though probably few in the room felt the vice-president still had a chance wouldn't make any statement un- til he had heard from Nixon, " Nixon, at a Los Angeles hotel, was expected to make another statement shortly after noon ber fore flying back to Washington with his wife, She sobbed Tues- day night when Nixon offered his congratulations to Kennedy on the fine race he had waged, A onetime schoolteacher, she told reporters later: 'I guess I'll have to get another job teaching school," While the trend pointed to a Kennedy victory Tuesday night, the lean Boston senator went to bed shortly after 3 a.m, without conclusive proof that he had won, It was Nixon's own state of Cali: fornia which finally leaned to- wards Kennedy and seemed to have fallen into his camp, indi. cating that Kennedy would get more than the minimum 269 elec- toral votes needed for victory, At noon EST The Associated Press advised that the bulk of the votes still to be counted in California lie in Los Angeles, soon as substantial results rolled w, Yel they represented no land. side, President Eisenhower defeated Democrat Adlai Stevenson -- on the basis of electoral votes--by 442 to 80 in 1062 and 467 to 74 in 1056, Perhaps the greatest question mark of the election was Ken. nedy's Roman Catholle religion, The last Catholic to run for the presidency, Alfred E, Smith, also a Democrat, was badly beaten in 1028 in a campaign that aroused much religious controversy, Many religious and lay leaders including Nixon and Eisens hower--deplored the so - called Catholie 18s ue, Kennedy vigor: ously defended the role of his re liglous bellefs in public life, stressing his advocacy of the sep. aration of church and state, As it turned out, Kennedy won not only the three most heavily Catholic states -- Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Conmecticut-- but also the three most heavily Orange, Riverside, San Diego and Santa Clara counties, With to pul! out a victory, the exception of Los Angeles, all Protestant == North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, plus many in the scale between, i, pporters of Sen, John F, Scott Misener St hips Lim. [ited, Ships from which orews| walked off at the Lakehead are the John O, McKellar and the Vandoe. delegations, The United States The next session Kennedy, including California's Gov, Edmund G, (Pat) Brown | (centre foreground) and Atty, Gen, Stanley Mosk (fore ground, second from left), let loose with cheers and confetti at a Democratic headquarters CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATS GO WILD in Beverly Hills, Calif, early today, As vice-president Rich. ard Nixon virtually conceded defeal in his race for the presis dency. (AP Wirephoto) elected JJ WM