TB THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednerdey, Wevember 9, 1960 BIRTHS | Today's Stock Mark Vie oe WATER id AAR of Bon and Poi (hee| 1 ARROURCE TRE BF Burry, on Mondwy, 1986, #s Oshawe Generis) DEATHS FALLANTE -- Entarnd iis rest in the Osmaws Gepersl Hospisl on Toesdsy, Nevembe i965, Bestrice Alice Val a #. Albert ver, Harry Pallant of Oshawa, in i" besa ld Resting at the Arma wnersl Home. Omens the chapel on Frdes, No Interment Oshaws (Friends dre asked funeral home helore PEYIIFE ~ In the Toronto Hosphinl for Sick Children on Wednesdsy, No: vember §, 1560, Wendy Gall Pettit, wn. fant daughier of Mr, snd Mrs Pettitt, in her ith month. Funeral trom) Armstrong Fupersl Home, Oshawe , November 10, 2 pm. Inter meni Union Cemetery, y a OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memarials, Comerstones, Statutory of all types '435 KING ST. E Ph RA 8-311) or RA B-8876 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond floral requirements for all GLCasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 86555 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all, RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM United Fuel TORONTIH 11 AW. FUCKS By The Canadien Frew p-Aad jet, wd Erdividend, ghia, gw RA WITINE,) INDUSTRIALS Anti 1s $n Wis Axpd AS Alt ist wt Ais Gas Alls Gos or Alta Gas mt q C lee Mush CiL Cdn OH CFR Cdn Tire Coch Dy Con Buks Con Gas Corby Crestork Crush Int Crush pr Dist Seas D Bridge D Fndry Dosea | Dom Slores 345 wm Li 31 16% 4 Hie 6% Liquidating HAMILTON (CP) Minority shareholders of United Fuel vestments Limited indicated al a special meeting Tuesday will be hard in the Bupreme Court of Ontario next month ask ing for an order winding up the company and appointing a liqul dator, United Fuels is a holding DEWSBURY In loving memory of my husband, Lows ©. Dewsbury, y November 9, 169, with memories, th you trod 8 hours we id awe h | "had with you, company whose only subsidiary is United Gas Limited, distribu tor of natural gas in the Hamil ton area Union Gas of Canada, Chat MeGRATH ~ In aller B, McGrath, lavember 9, 1058 Having ] J ond kind in all his ways who passed away! Uprig days, Mince id kind in heart and mind | wi at 4 suliful memory he lef by wile, wer and grandehildren CARD OF THANKS BANDALL w= We wish ® take this opportunity te thank relatives, friends he neighbors for cards and beautiful Fal offerings, received in the recent th of our dear sister, Madeline ® Joan, Kay, Flossie and Rose: Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column Births, Memoriams, Cords of Thanks w= ? AM, SAME DAY DEATHS w= 11 AM, SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 Plotted To Send Borax To Poland? MONTREAL (CP) Business. man Paul Alterson, 38, of Mont. real Tuesday was committed for valuntary statement, charged in two plots to ship a strategle material to Communist Paland Alterson, head of Barclay Ins dustrial Specialties Limited, faces four counts of conspiracy and violations of the Excise Aot Borax, used in vefining jet fuels, is the material involved, An agent of the United States treasury department testified in ham, owns more than 9 per cent of the class A voling shares loving memory of And the motion was supported by |, noeq owners of 00.922 shares, Fight voles were cast in opposition chairman of the United Fuel class B protective committee, and Scott Fraser of Montreal questioned the executive officers on the wisdom of the move They represented owners more than 28,000 shares more than 80 per cent of the class B| ghares--who did not accept a Un ion Gas offer of approximately $40 recently After the class B spokesmen had spent an hour reviewing company affairs, Arthur Patillo, United Fuel counsel, suggested that arguments be aired in Su preme Court Jodoin Proposes Deficit Financing LONDON, Ont, (CP) Claude Jodoin, president of the Cana dian Labor Congress, said Tues day Canada should fight unem ployment with the same weapon it used to defeat Hitler--defi eit financing "The situation we find ow selves in today calls for a hud get deficit,' he said "We are nol suggesting deficit financing as a permanent pol icy, We are suggesting il as a remedy for the extremely serious situation we find ourselves in to day." Mr, Jodein, in a speech veil erated Labor's bid for a govern ment program of social projects hospitals, schools, roads, urban development and so onto coun ter Canada's une mploymen problem Addressing the school of busi ness administration at the Uni versity of Western Ontario, he predicted unemployment this winter could easily reach 750,000 people or one worker in every elght of wat Block Seles Wigh Low Ji am. EW ge { In| they| et ad aad Walk G6 Ww Wesiani Weston A Wood J A forv Ahk slog { Papas adil Ogivie add ad Fens w ad hid ¥ natn Ld Fh wh ad I ww = 01 wy ining Gas wi nt Usd Inter PL ny Sym A Jock wis Laura beg Lots A fable B Loh i pr MB and PR M Lest Mi Mass ¥ Mii West Moore North Star wr NO NGas Ocean Lem Vige Hers Pow Corp Pres Fleet aN Gas wi Roe AY Can ad ad dd wh w Hr wy i wh _ 20 Home OF B HEOG Mavtwix Meds Bat Pete Fie Pele Puce Pole w Permo wm Place Prove Ranger South 1 Frisa ON Un Oils Wespas Wshwmrna W Lease Gan Balada wis seven Ane shawin sheraton silverwd A Bim psons soulham Bpartan Spartap wis Bt Pav St Wire 4 Yor-Dom Bk Tor Star pr F Fin A r Can PL Trans Mi Trans PPL Un Gas Un Slee! wh Vener Pow zlh BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Canadians Buy More Insurance By FORBES RHUDE interests alone, without taking Canadian Press Busipess Editor|into account the very valuable Items from here and there: real estate which it holds in the Life insurance owned by Ca-|Toronto ares.' nadians increased during the| British Columbia 1950s by 164 per cent, says the| poration 14d, hy Canadian Life Insurance Officers andson and Bons: Association, The increase was from $16,200, | prospects for 000,000 in 1050 to $42,900,000,000 tion," at the end of 1950 Hiram Walker-Gooderham and By provinces the increases Worts Lid, by Merrill Lynch, from 286 per cent in|Plerce, Fenner and Smith; "The to 90 per cent in Prince stock has good defensive char. Island, with Increases acteristics, provides well-secured Abiciie AEpich Akaitehn ARAcon Angle Hur AF ion A Arcadia Aun Barnet Basha Bethim VER Bicroft Bideop 165 nh Pol 15500 Wy rr" 24h win Cor Rich: present Power James "Al capital Alberta Edward and Just to the end of his | George A, Falls of Toronto, broadly related to population and income and offers moderate ap income increases, but with some preciation potential in view of variations, [improved earnings prospects a over the next few years,' International Business Ma: chines announces a new dicta tion machine, It uses a mag- netie belt which, the company states, allows an executive to correct dictation immediately, By rvedictating the paris res quiring change, the old diction is erased and the new res corded, The magnetic bell, the company adds, ean be used thousands of times, Merrill Lynch, after a canvas of 270 big and little business men across the United Biates, says; "Regardless of pressures. on profits and problems in polis ties, the vast majority of the business men cast a landslide vote for optimism, In fact, 106 forecast higher sales and prof. its on or before next April, Fifty think business will be unchanged and 24 expect things to get worse," The report adds that while the majority are sanguine about sales, they are worried about high costs and many are on a cost-cutting program, Recent company studies by various investment houses, with extracts from the comments, in clude Jockey Club Lid, by Green: shields and Co, Ine; "The com: mon shares would appear to he an interesting investment on the basis of the company's racing The industrial commission of No Spare Hydro For Cornwall OTTAWA (CH) The Hydro-privalte Electric Power Commission of|Cornwall, ¢ Ontario said Tuesday that none| lan N. MoKinnon, of the electricity it has available | hoard chairman, also for export to the United States is|ller that before export licences suitable for power-hungry Corn. #'® granted the hoard must be hd convinced that there is no need in Canada for power being ex ried | The power is to be exported, IMr, McDonald sald, is surplus to (any Canadian requirements He sald he was "puzzled" hy [Cornwall's objection to the grant He said 25-cycle power would/!M8 of licences because firm be useless to Cornwall as the/Power to be exported is 2d-oycle city consumes 60 «= cycle power which "is of no use' to the city's companies servicing sald ear MeDonald of Toronto counsel for the utility, Pe Lorne general told the National Energy Board that Ontario Hydro is seeking i onees to export firm power of A-oyeles and interruptible power { 60 oyoles 0 {60-oycle system Spies Wigh Low 1 0 Ti% #i ad va Wi Lidia oda Hh w levels, the shares offer attractive) apprecia energy et Listings on Toronto Exchange . Fp LA a Sales Wigh Low 1 a.m. CF g» a Be i» is % » Sales Wigh Low ii a.m. Ch go Mariwy Iw Bn BB » Maritime iw 72 7 rz % iw Vive wu 4 FEiR ERE nalts E3Y z "we we % won ue *soadfy § EEER = huis SENET sfrrsuase : =~ RF IRRT ABS NHI feselst Dome Donwide Enst Mal Varadny ¥ 1 ih oioaey Cenex Giant YE GF Mining Gunny Heath Hothnger Hoyle Hud Bay Int Nickel Jave Exp Joliet Jonemith Kery Add Wilke Lahr aaor I Duteult Lake Ling Osi $-vedd = w Hs 4% * bs + wi dissent L 3 Rewly Bix Athah Hache Ry wnar Dan Ant Sheep Cr Fd Bleep RB Bud Cont Buntirst Bylyanite Yee UnShaw U Ashestos Un Keno Ventures Waite Am Wasamas Willvoy Wr Harg Yale Lend Yh Bewnr Young HG Curk Yukon Con 1000 Bales to 11 am ith =A 13% + 4 i» z 11% =~ " w A wi Lam atin Ve Latin Am Leiteh LL Lae Laredo wis Lynahst Wiedon Macleod Madsen Malartie 9 1500 | fed 10h we w Ed 1h a5 m" 426 7] 45 i" 45 "" Sok Ny. i" x Owen Sound, Ont, a city of 17,500 will attempt to tell the Owen in Canada and the United States population situated on Georgian Bound story and will be directed A brochure--produced in color Bay, hus started a series of news to business development peopleand giving the basic facts about letters, Mae McKenzie, industrial in government, bank, insurance, the city--~accompsnies the first commissioner, says the letters real estate and business circlesletter, i Be told the commission 8 United Slates company trouble exporting the Saving from the Great lakes hecause 'New Rules For | Hot Cargoes |= cryies pumomam, me less the product is in 8 sesied TORONTO (CP) ~The Toronto hold, » Harbor Commission may revise 4 regulations for handing danger: The regulation wes imposed ous eareo lo permit ships carry. MET 1wo ships emrrying the ing ammonium witrate to call for chemical Mew wp in Texas o% additional cargo, General Mans. Tex., Ap 16 snd VI, 1947, E. B, Griliith said Tuesday. ng 516 persons, gs A MESSAGE TO THE SICK MR. J. A. DESFOSSES oF 506 ST. JOSEPH BLVD, EAST, MONTREAL Whom Everybody Calls | "THE HEALER" Will Have His Office in OSHAWA | ON NOVEMBER 11th BETWEEN 10 A.M. and NOON AT THE LANCASTER HOTEL 27 KING STREET WEST Those interested in his work will want to take this opportunity of meeting him at the above mentioned Hotel where any information desired will be given, --] | 1 ' # ) = "We have a large amount of The d0eyele power Ontario Hy. shipments--worth $43,000 apiece|/idle plant and a large and grow: Aro wanted to export was ter. ~were intercepted and confis:|ing number of idle men, In this ruptible and could be cut off with cated, lsituation, the extra money short notice, making it unsuit court Tuesday that two 300-ton The sale of this 25-cyele power and 60-eycle interruptible power, | he sald, "is In a sense found] 8 Emmanuel Minskoff, chief) of the department's enforcement service, sald the shipments were! made from Argentina with false bills of lading | He said his department had! found correspondence linking Alterson with Ceell Atkinson, 62, of Elbridge, N.Y., who has al! ready pleaded guilty in the US, to_participation in the seheme, Voluntary statement is a stage of Quebec legal procedure at whith the defence may submit evidence to avoid trial Pearson Tapes Dinner Speech | OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition Leader Pearson now plans to! Supply tape - recordings of his , 3 speech for hroadeast to Liberal dinners in 13 Canadian cities, Liberal Tuesday A previous announcement said the speech would be hroadoast simultaneously to the Liberal! gatherings hy miore - wave, Al Liberal spokesman said this had been erroneously interpreted in ROWS Teparts as meaning the speech would be on elosed-eir ouit TV Plans to hroadoast the address via telephone lines have bheem| sorapped In favor of the tape re) eordings The dinners, ranging Wm price from $5 a plate to a top of $10) & Mate Wm Toronte, are heing hy the Young Liberal pabig to raise funds to send to the Janwary rally of Moarals bere. { created hy government deficit fi nancing will not push up prices,' NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Anglo Canadian Telephone Company, % mos, ended Sept, 30: 1960, $1,778,332; 1049, $1513.472 Imperial Investment Corp. Lid § mos, ended Sept. 30: 1960 $406,802; 1939, $305,348 Preston Mines Lid, ended Sept. 30: 1960, 1939, $21,000 Rix Athabasca Uranium Mines Lid,, § mos, ended Sept. 30: 1960 $130,000; 1939 net loss $53,000, TORONTO (CP) Despite a lack of guidance from New York where the stook market was closed for the presidential elec tion, the local board advanced on # broad fromt Tuesday Industrials, on index, were up . fi mos $267,000 headouarters said|1.63 at 4.4, base metals were self-administered or taken acoi up 58 at 1697 and western gills were up 60 at 83.08. Golds were off 8M at M8 Volume was 1.380.000 shaves compared with 2,166,000 Monday Ranks and steels were strong Bank of Commerce gained and Bank of Nova Scotia '» lington and Page-Hersey steels with gains of % at and MN Utilities were mixed and pap ors Were quiet Among asserted favorites Huron and Erie jumped fow points at & Dome and Melntyre Porcupine were weak among golds, both off Bat 33% and 23s, while in base metals, Labrador gamed % af . a] Bar paced Wh dentally able imoney.'"" Profits realized helped Mr, MoDonald was replying to! reduce the cost of electricity Mavor L. G. Lavigne of Corn: l0 consumers supplied by On export licences to Ontario Hydro -- MeDonald pu Ontario Hy because it was prepared to sell [dO has plenty of power to meel power to private corporations in|Any of Cornwall's needs, How -- {Ontario Hydro family by estab [lishing a municipal public util Ferguson . (to sell power to the two private A Suicide fcompanies now servicing Corn wall, This could enable the two Harry Ferguson, Britain's 78. Wall at a lower rate than the did year-old "tractor king" who was Municipalities now in the Hydro found dead in his bath two weeks family and helping to pay it dose" of barhituate tablets while! To obtain power from Ontario sulfering from depression, an in. Hydro, the city must be willing quest was told Tuesday to help assume the risks and ob diet alter coroner K, 0. Brooks sion enterprise, told them there was no evidenoe | = to show whether the tablets were R t 0 Ferguson's physician, Dr Michael King, sail the industrial ist had sulfered a depressive had become more severe lately CHATHAM (CP) Kent and Bs Treatment Involving drugs Was sox burley tobacco growers are preseribed 10 hear reports later this month the Massey-Forguson company,' ment survey of barley produ the glant farm implement com: tion and of a recent Ruropean pany formed by the merger of tour in search of markets for Massey-Harris Company Both the survey and the tow In 1952 Ferguson won @ $9. were sparked hy refusal of a 330.000 court settlement fram the group of hurley tobacco growers ciates aver patient infringement. [tarie Burley Tobacco Marketing He claimed the company violated! Association last spring that hw ah agreement he made with the ley production would be sus wall who urged the board to deny|'@rio Hydro, New York state but not to two ever, the city must first join the Il was against Hydro's policy CHELTENHAM, Epgland (AP) companies to sell power in Corn ago, died from a "massive over. Way, The jury returned an open ver: ligations of the whole commis Tobacco C condition for several years which 0 acco rop Ferguson at one time headed of an Ontario agriculture depart his company with the Canadian/this type of tobacco Ford Motor Company and asso to accept the decision of the On iale Hey Ford &a 1009, pended Ww | | Not meal... not a kibble...not a biscuit... a completely different "pressure processed" dog food! NEW FLAVOR! Deop-down satsfyig flavor and fresh, wholes some aroma shot through and through every morsel, into every cell, Dog owners report new flavor makes dogs "Eager Eaters". makes dogs eat Bike they've never eaten be } & NEW FORM! "Pressure Proces. sed"! in an entirely new way, Heat treated under pressure, exploded mto orisp, light-textared nuggets with thousands of tiny flavor cells. Looks appetizing. And i Easy for dogs to eat and digest 1s NEW CONVENIENCE! Feed dry or most. Absorbs liquids in. stantly, ® easy to mix, ready to feed without waiting, Moistened nuggets Keep firmness, won't gum wp or glue to pan, ON SALE NOW AT GROCERS AND PURINA * PEED STORES, NEW NUTRITION! AR 48 vital nutrients dogs need for gloss and heen, spirit and strength, Crisp meaty nuggets of nourishment that fe, Without question, a more complete, better-balanged daily diet than most humans get nrovi ' A oi Ma. J covery lager Eaters (and gives them BETTER daily nutrition than most humans get) MANUFACTURED BY THE WORLD'S LARGEST PRODUCER OF ANIMAL FOODS { RALSTON PURINA COMPANY OF CANADA, MMITED, Shurkan, Buta