The Oshawa Times, 9 Nov 1960, p. 17

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AHowses, Apts, Flats | For Rent FERFISWED five : wo branninivns 3 ta tT MEDIATE posession, Grows (ian, fo TR pread, tana A S150, or Fas THREE 190m Borimed, vie wie hath, mfcigaratan, wave serial Ww ond South re EPFER 4 In sew Rome. The I. TY wi * [fra A ras. piaes hoih Seyorme ond wad Anvewsy, Adwits APARTHENT for Tomt -- soll-comiain oh, tun - hediowm wep ly eontial, sowih of Owbaws € Av wil hie Timammbos |, Apply WM ERprins Shane 43--Reel Eaters for Sale Too hbute Ay Ai wr wo a net y 7 RA bys] 41 E SWERDFIGER | REALTOR 114 BROCK ST, MN, WHITBY, ONT BUYING OR SELLING FARMS, HOMES LOTS AGES Office Call MO B-EO3T After Hours Harry Jermyn MO B-3895 aie, rutinad indy wid hore her # Aewl Sopiriunit hi Wid oom mal pu ands have fo he ITREEF waked, fromt wort + A & wo. room fit, #6 oma ie Ale bod ar Po thas oe a og GF cram nat "A Taa--Nooms Vor Rent LARGE from fain ho Sehasping on, wl com enianens, i AIRIR, 194 wo persons, $8 ------ RA nisin MICE turmiohed room it iota pl og Re 1B vy Mri RA 57084 sitar 6 pm Ce ONE lurmiahed room In new Rouse, suit wie for one or two single E08, or Kent emen. Phone RA $3008 alier 5 chim In iy vA | il ony Bright spacious hed siting room, th modern furniture In clean Rome, ne tas hits s WM desired, One min " pi cectie Man only a RA Ho mom for Femi yr prone RA ¥ i Wi nies furnished " Roy lite Fernt ONF¥ " ad FURNISHED bhedrgom, Quiet cow fort ahs " ton bath some, neith A's triet » 014 NICE room for girls, twa sinsie beds, Hght cocking (aciiities, private on (rence, near hospital RA #1014 or 1 Hillcroft 81 LARGE well spring Hilied whler parking, #% yp B iA on winished bedroom, continuous hot East, RA 56146 furnished housekesping Fanms, hedronm and kitchen with refrigeraior parking space. Apply 166 Agnes Birest FURNISHED bedroom on ground floor in new i me, WEht housekeeping, TV and 1) som privileges, close 1 school Yona (ransportation, suitable for! in gentleman, Apply 216 Chad: | hum Bireet SINGLE ream for to Bhapping Centre niell Street wo one gentleman, close comiariahle hed RA 58721 with use of Apply W | | eho LIGHT hoi rel Elgin # SPINE roam rey silly logated East. RA H-4150 TWO large furnished roams, twin beds, | cnuking ities or boarders, parking To8 Carnegie Avenus | ONE large furnished reom with private | bathroom centrally located, Miroan only 188 Warren Avenue, RA ONE Larus furnished front roam, ground floor, use of phone and parking, house keeping Mf desived. Call RA 34150 LARGE furnished housekeeping room, with vefrigeratgr and curhosrds, Ap ply #87 Ritson Road Bouth ONE large furnished room, suit two gentlemen or eo Apply 164 King Brest West KOOMERE rooms, single beds, central 44 Colborne Bast, RA 5.4582 ONE furnished room for gentleman, Apply 620 Bimeos North, SINGLE furnished room, use of kileh en and washing machine, central, clean quiet home, HA ROOM Tn privale hori Very oeniral {hing mm mat suit gentieman, 108 St Btres # housekesping o good clean comioriahie $6 weekly wo fir. privil cation, WINGLE on nished rooms with Ah he Biv of Bhont: ATTR WE a. i rooms, avail alle in private home, #3 Park Road North, 8:7 pm, RA 80671 ONE furnished room In new bungalow suitable for lady) use of kitchen an washing machine Call BA B-1086, WO partly furnished housekes! rooms, use of washing machine, adi ite 46 Drew Birest, RA 35-4152 after § p.m SINGLE furnished room, quiet, elase to hospital and hus stop light housekeep ing If desired. Apply 384 Simeone Street North NICE furnished room, new home, Kiteh: en privileges, for gentleman, Phone RA 5-7854 after § p.m HOUSEKEEPING room for one or two gentlemen, close fo Padiars, Pitings, South End. RA 5.2628, 47 Ele ool, ONE large unfurnished room, ahle rent, 28 Prince Street 45---Real Estate for Sale Lg "Tar sala, sewers RA & we oom, Hise ight cookin tontrel sewars And waler, © 1007 LL 78 R, hundred down, five rooms, 1% storey, brick, hardwood floors, oll heated, central, for thousand, #10 Adelaide East. RA bat, NEW MODERN 6 ROOM Ranch-style house Close to school, shopping and bus service. North west secs tion, Owner leaving city mer M. Simpson MO BEBEIS E. Swerdfiger, Re WH 2.4951 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER HOUSE HUNTERS STOP LOOKING $7,600.00 this bungalow with herdwo floors, oll furnace, plus bathrooms. Toxes a | £686.00 yeerly, term v 000,00 down, $65.00 moni 4 helonce run until pe efore Ws sold phone EB for frie : fl AS--HReal Estite For Sele 45--Real Estots For Sole tal Sole METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E, DIAL RA 8-4678 LUKE STREET Thee bedroom Ya storey brick home, excellent location for schacls, shopPing, - transporietion, churches, Well decorated, landscaped, breadioom In living reem, A borgein of $10,900.00 with. $2,000,00 down, Imwnediots possession DUPLEX A good reverie home, § room complete eparnment down, 3 rom apartment up, separote entrances, Good central location. Full price $13, 500,00 NEW STORE AND APARTMENT In modem new shopping centre, 200 x 50' store 4 Bibi with separale entrances for only v1 56000" 00 én this office for further particulars, SOUTH EAST SECTION---$8500.00 ihedroom stucco bungelow, 2 years old, tenes only $99.45, Forced air with oil heating, large lot, plus garage NEW HOMES Your choice of new homes, built to your specifications in Mar mary Heights Crestview Gardens and Wilson Rd, M,, excellent location, close to schools and churches, You m own one of these fine homes of prices starting or $12,500.00 end with down payments os low os $950.00 the bolonce on | NH.A marigage, AFTER 5:30 CALL Millar at RA B-5123 LLOYD REALTY LTD, REAI RA 8.5123, RA B51 RA B.5125 SIMCGE 57 TORS ™ 10) JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR NSURANCS 167 SIMCOE ! RA 5-6544 $800 DOWN $800 Storey and a half h f very clean rooms all redecorated full basement large modern kitcher $9000 for Bill Ratcliffe me just been Large t heat Ye Y { oil ng ng thing iA only ever Call 5-6544 500 DOWN $500 Two storey brick { In older pert of Three large rooms down, two rooms and bath up; clo bu Asking only $9 500 Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544 ] SACRIFICE NORTH - WEST Seven rooms stone and brick one and a half starey home Top location, close to schools and transport, A buy for a low price, Owner moving out of town, This must be seen. Coll now for Bill Swarbrick at 5:6544 or 5.8342 STEAL A HOME For low down payment, easy terms, No reasonable offe refused for this six room home, Nicely decorated, heated with oil, all conven lences, Inspect and name our price, Call nok, ask for ill Swarbrick RA 5.6544 or 85-8342, NORTH OSHAWA Located just off Simcoe St N. In a good residential dist rier, this six room two storey home must be sold. The in terior has been completely remodelled and offers a world of comfort at a very moder. ate price, Nicely landscaped lot with paved drive and gar 29 The full price is only $12,300, Substantial down payment required, For ap pointment to inspect coll Ted Cunnin ham ot RA 5.6544 or 5:235 a FULL PRICE North-east Oshawa, One and a helf storey frame home Three bedrooms, living room modern kitchen and 4 pe bath, Only $1,000 dawn $75 monthly, Call Ted Cun ningham now at RA 5.6544 or 5:2358 Member of Oshawa and locate town f e 1 hops, real RA Telephone RA 5.6271 District Real Estate Board | WHITBY CLASSIFIED ROOMS TO RENT Breakfast seed, gentlemen preferved, P 8-428 . 0 TYPEWRITERN, Just 11 "Arock North, MO & "arrived. New if and used, 848, Midtown, ied Furniture, | FO PRIVATE SALE -- Flveplex, Rearly now, centrally looated, large down pa ured, ried to sell, Apply 08 iy. MO #4762 RBA ack loam, manure for wardens, call MO A481, Whithy APARTMENT for rent, kitchen, dining | TO yom, hedream, private bath and en. trance, Heat, Ughts and water supplied, | Aoply 808 Centre Street North or Phone § MO 8.2008 FRESH fish: Cod fillets arviving every Lunenburg, N& Smoked fillets, Kip pers and Dighys, down east hologha, fat and mixed salt pork. At Routh End 1GA, Whithy, "opposite Firehall", , FOR small Ajax manufacturing firm Must have following qualifications: | Hookkeaping, typing, payroll and gem oral office wark, Write Hox 790, Ajax, FOR RENT = Apartment, two aloely | furnished roams: bed-sitting ream and Kitehen, frig, stove heat, light and a water supplied, private sntrance, Apply | 231 Palace Street APARTMENT FOR RENT « One bed: roam, heated, close to schools and shop ping. parking, OL 53611, Brooklin, CASH prices paid for used furatture, vefrigeratars, stoves, skates, and almost any article, Midiown Furniture, m Brock Strest North, MO 8.498) ATTENTION hunters! tratlers, 'ents, Coleman stoves and | lights, sleeping bags, M3 rifles, shot guns, boats, molars and raters" Wilde Rental Service, MO 8332. COLD wave (Lanolin eaviehed) fram $6.95 includes masterful shaping, sham poo and styling hy Ken, Please call 83124 for appointment. FOR the best in INSULATION use PAL O-PFAK, Save money and install yourself, ar we oan do it for vou. For free estimate call H, H. Goode and Son's Lid 801 Brook North. MO 8.3817 USED "FURNITURE and appliances, ele. We nus sell, exchange anvihing Hamilton Used Furaiture, 108 Byron Street South, MO S831 TYPEWRITERS, new and down payment, cabinets ters Haddock and Hole Thursday from For vent, cable | TW FOR RENT RE Won boat - cabin trailers, chain saws, skill saws, coment mixers, paint sprayers, shotguns, rifles, etc WILRBE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas E, MO 8.3226 Hiway, new SALE ~ 1850 Simoa collapsible seats, perfect eandition, Make an offer {713 Green Street, Whithy, Ask for ™ FOR RENT -- Three-roomed self con tained apartment: avallable immed ately parking, $45. 300 Hrook Street South. OF STL evenings FOR BALE = Gill's speed, good condition Phone MO 84703 | Fon RENT «December 1. Two hed roam Apartment, in apartment bullding Adults preferved, MO 83501 Whitby ALUM siding, pastel colors, free A , will go anywhere, Phil Ha , E88 Green Street, Whithy, MO bleyele, three Reasonable | FOR WN = w= Furnished room with a (ae rivate enir Phone MO FOR SA walt til MO 8.207 FOR SALE -- New Kelvinator ap phianees, We are clearing all our stock at same Juices below cost. Came in early as there in & limited quantity Also Simplicity washing machines with 1hyear warranty m $98 Midtown 3 3iture, 111 Broek Street North, M(¢ ia respectable home. Well votied manure, why ig. 86 per load delivered ru wiling, "eavestroughing and blown rock weal insulation. Free esti males anywhere. Phil Harper, 28 Green Street, Whitby. MO 8435 SEPT TANKS cleaned the sanitary new tanks installed Waller Ward 04 Chestnut West, phone MO 82563. PLANT YOUR BULBS NOW We have a large variety » daa, fof Dutch bulbs. Nursery Stock, Landscaping BEVERWYCK GARDENS HIGHWAY 12 3 miles north of Whitby PHONE OL 5.3570 Residence MO 8.4733 {ond car, $350 "3% HALF TON truck, V8 malar, mile 7610, Dick Barrioge 56243 5-6983, Everett Elliott 53-9290, Jos Magy | 54191 Marion Brew Lioyd Mecalf OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR 130 BROCK ST, N WHITBY, ONTARIO HOUSES FOR RENT: $85.00 to $95.00 monthly THREE-BEDROOM BRICK, close to schools FOUR ACRES en the outs) $6,000.00 ASHBURN VILLAGE Eight-room, $6,500.00 PICKERING BEACH w= v ] 5 9 $12,800.00 irts reduced to two-storey, Tri-level, seven rooms, fully Insulated, double garege, many extras -- $13,10 WARDEN WILSON = Threebedroom brick, monthly carrying charges $76.0 514-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, three large bedrooms, finished recreation room. Make an offer IWOOD CRESCENT Three bedrooms shrubs and frees $13,900.00 HALLETT STREET Brick bungalow $14,000.00 BELL DRIVE CENTRE STREET Three-hedror dition == $18,200.00 OSHAWA == Nine:room Make an offer, DRIVE oll heating, ll GREE} 20° living room, 18" kitchen, extras custom built in immaculate con de im brick Select your own sign house suitable for rooming house Six-room brick, L-shaped living room, ree room = $16,000.00 PORT PERRY Twelve-room brick, cellent gondition STREET EAST OSHAWA Two- two baths, panelled recreation dition, BELL two baths, fireplace, ex four bedrooms, Excellent eons KING storey, reom, staff MO B-4088 MO B-2167 MO B:2430 MO 8:4743 Call our efficient sales Audrey Moore, Res Mildred Belida, Res, Reta Snow, Res Phyllis Therndyke, Res Office =~ MO B-5853 WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.6588 OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY THEY'RE MOVING Everything Is ready to go but they can't take their cosy 5 room 3 bedroom bungalow with them, It sits in an A+) residential area close to schools, transportation, handy te shopping, Com. pletely equi ped with storms and screens, decorated and land. scaped, $12, full price=--N HA, mortgage at 514%, See this ene for a i looking home. GENUINE SACRIFICE $11,500, Yes, be wise--secure your family's future, For less than rent you can own this 5 room brick bungalow, Stert @ combined savings end home ownership plan new, Lew dewn payment After hours please call Wes Elliott, RA 8.0581; Lloyd Corson, RA 3.2537 Bill Norris, RA 5.6588; Dick Young, RA 3.7183 Charlie Rankine, RA 5.65688 47--Automeblles for Sale CENTRAL. Fark Blvd, Owner bullt brick bungalow, Three large hedrooms, extra large Kilohen, | lly decors ated, aluminum storm Tandaonped {Only 815,800, Joseph Rosen, Realtor, RA 65-8870 BEAUTIFUL briok and stone buna low with attached garage, carefully eon tructed with beauty and wiility in mind, vanity, PFlerson windows and many other extras, North Oshawa. $14, 000, - Joseph Hosen, Realtor, RA 5.0070, | 8000 DOWN, one mortgage for balance, | mmediate possession, seven « room |, briek, 1Mostorey, family or income {home fully decorated, four hedrooms, {three piece tie bathroom living voom, dining (0am, modern kite 'nM MET "with V8 moter, formerly own hoo] teacher, real sharp, only hoes Van eusen Motors, apposite Brewery on King ne 00Aoh, TeAlly elean, metallle with whitewalls, only 81605, Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King '1 PONTIAC in Ale condition, 'o Susi ne radio, heater, all new tires, Wi CHEV. goa oellent condition, 'Pho PURLIO par auclion, o chen, fill base: (10 a.m, Approximately | ment, oll ih private drive, nice lage, RA 5&3 $00 FULL down "payment, wix-roam brick bungalow, § per cent NHA, two years old, 23' ving room, full hase: | ment, fully decorated, immediate pos session, priced for quick sale, Mr Lau per and windshield washer, hack | son, RA 8.4043 Brethour Real oie te LM autside rear mirrer, two tone t {oapper and hele, 8300 wiles, original ONLY Wilh down--0ne Mortgage for hal: (Owner RA 33400 after § pm, ance, carvies 887 monthly, Rew, dee: | 58 MORRIE Oxford sedan, Ideal sec arated, large lot, private drive, sodded ond ear for the family, Only $108. Van Baek and front, buses, schools, sewers, (Heusen Motors, opposite Rrewery on wpping, all conveniences, Yes, alt} King, heat HA Sawn WT damon, Real gy Giwv. Woiatr, Wario. standard hid a transmission, vadia, beautiinl red and SPOTLESS bungalow in College Hill, at white, only $404, Van Heusen Motors, wohively decarated, landscaped, alum: oppasite Hrewery on King garage, new oil furnace, oe PLYMOUTH sedan Joseph Hosen, Realtor, RA 5-8070 uaise and white, Just had camplete apartment house on a Valve job, only $795. Van Heusen Motors RA A8a1 apposite ile Brewery ~m King Wilson South near ated, oil heat, low HA hy Auotion, U Duhawa Car Auction, 88 Grenfell, RA |'. PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, im lar: Winn LOVELY twa hig lat Saevifiee ROOM bung lor, eampletely deen serial, many extras, landscaped, payment, open morigage alow, i BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res; 5-3574 A178 CHERROOM home, $19,700, $3000 down A real buy far this Toroamed brick wae, Just B years old, 4 good sized nedvooms, piece bath, larke living vd dining ream plus lake movers Kit chen with lots of euphoards, oll heating vwinedinte possession, Schofield insur | ance Associates Lid, RA 3.2288, Call fenry Stinson evenings, RA 0843, PRIVATE sale, $11,800, $1500 down, at teantive alx - foam hame, storey and all. Apply 292 Monash Avenue 46--Real Estate Wanted WANTED Wy or twa stavey home, reasonable price, law downpay. ment. No No agents, | please | RA S855 47 --Automoblles | for Sale . PONTIAC, very a ocandition, \ahie By RA AW W CHEV, halbton plok wp. This track in periect condition, Must Ei hy Salar day. Make an alter, OL 53712 VW CHEVROLET deluxe, twa door, sun visor, radia, two tone colar, Ideal seo Phone MO $310 SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT Tel.: RAndalph 3.3461 ASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W 43,000. Price S35 and '80 Vauxhall r, 15.000 miles, S143 RA S88, | % CHEVROLET plok-up truck, #00 ANDY NAGY'S w agg susiom ooh yh Flestwond | BODY SHOP bax, Jol , Flos, o f re Debio laiin | MERCEDES - BENZ 40 CHRYSLER, has fo be seen to be ypreciated yo BR Her veo | DKW (used MO S58. 300 High Streel, Apt SALES AND SERVICE b Whithy 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3.7132 Sl PONTIAC fourdoar sedan, auto | matie. Call RA >The N { LZ} f J ad | ul CE vi hd Belair two-door Ward. vi ffi | | hatlery | | | | | ) econmmions, best ofter. Call |48--Automobiles Wented wwe "Va [nd pi 18 leaving sell. Aply 405 Pri Ave, RB, fod PODGE, (modest, radia, tow a ee, Al Sonic. Phone HO ow - pA FREY Very anon conden Teiephone RA S4008 after 4. ou RIAA pista, comers, leather ania , witimene, $owas saef: WE, CRE WIRAOWS BOWERY w { Bre radio, wise wheels, bei fiom, 30,400 mies. Never Take tenda, can finances Wii price $1209, Telaphone Aoys RA A5440; ove- mals (6 NTH I ol CHEVROLET Bel AIF lows Boor wiiomatia, 1ade, aq any Pedided duih, power Weaken fos wid rer at A oF , gi 5 AUSTIN Spriie, good Phone WA Ld wiier § » fast i WARN Metropohiion, low i fy wiier § pm Wit DONOR seden, 055, Call RA Pld Wh CHEVY, YA, twa od very Rood sandition. Mi Avenue West 'Wy CORY AIR Aciine saden, ped, BF miles, #8 arifice Call BA BI715 5% OLDS, Buper #6 sarn hor ery reasonalie. WA 17660 alter § ONEY, radia A Then after, 251 Oshawa Blvd, North, #0 BLACK deluxe Vilkswagen, low mileage, Phane MO 83072 alter 8 p.m Hi CHEVROLET station wagon, V8, antamtie, clean in and mb, Aesept trade, Can be Hinanced MO 85670, 51 CHEY., good condition, best after. hire HA A420 heiwesn § and pom "WW OREY. Impala, two door B arian white, one OWher oar, TRAMNANIS, 5220 a WH NABH Wambler, motor snd body #% ellont, needs minor hake job, Rly | nm Motors, eppesiie Vin MH wery on WK 1054 ONEY "Handing anil fwo dbor, WW put Will seespt older ment, or will take good Call RA BH2% tor In re-hinit, truck engine, rd vi averdiive | power |} 7] new i HA hardtop, automatic ans wut win, new tires and $200, Phone BA H4068 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Bave " to 2 per pent Bix months 0 pay. personal servies at your home eal) i "mia i WIOK wilanion A ane-nwner, undercoat oF I GMC; alse Go Kart less Tha HA 5-285 I AREA SHORE rs for eeking SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 4 PRK RD, § 19421 CASH any choice clean car WANTED Wreckers want fighest prices paid For IMACKIE MOTORS |» KING ST. E. VARCOE'S RD. HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM» PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING 5T. W, RA 35-7822 50-~Articles For Sale BF, GOODRION lores - Trl tories, elvinator refrigerator ine vison, Thrifty Budget Plan, RA 5-484 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all mai parts, attaehments, brushes, teed vebullt machines, Estimates Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv los, HA 8.0601 anytime PAINT, interior, exterior, #3 0 All polars, Guarantesd fist Nl Oshawa Hardware and Bisotrie, Chureh Street, HA 3.76 fad, ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS! Special Reduced Price, or We Sell, Cash and Carry' CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAJDA 481 DREW ST, RA 3.988) PORTABLF SEWING MACHINES WITH 20 YEAR GUARANTEE | YEAR FREE SERVICE $54.95 CHERNEY'S "White" Sewing Centre Sales = Service ~ Supplies | beautiful tur} { | 1 SABYAN MOTOR (TIMES BUILDING) FOOD & FREEZER| * PLAN may have tried the rest, w try the best, (Example: 38 fomily of four $16 per wh vers food and frees" er), 80% groceries Wupplied, all well-known products, high esl qua meats, Life-time warranty free the only guaranteed by Good No down pay« Call now for Demon. no obligation RA 8.4969 CLEARANCE SHOW-ROOM SAMPLES Y N averag ity 201 ane Housekeeping ment stration h "hers Prices are 2 id i ne id any her Yi vA Istar, oo9, 136 Bimooe i il ian WRAP tir WINOHF, tre "9 ne ara ol hd {i ad Apt, 2, a8 o Avemnie hy, U hd] Kets 68 ehrome set, AR wd #h 3 vole Wo table lem ut8 | ase of any ia pial ia 8 Am ior Is good unt gember 3. Easy terms. Barons' Hom © urniehings, 44 Bimene Bizet Bowih, | ower!" LX WING Lor ed "Air oN Via, yur own Dune Hid yA delivery, 10-year wary nly | Write Heating and Air Conditioning, Wa Dantorth Avenue, OK B-5068 ORNERS taken for storm or sluminim, fies estim Phone nA § ol ROOMS: of furniture nia Includes ehesterfield, chrome set, headroom suite spring, step and eoliee table and tame lames, pillows, ete. 25 down |" delivers | "Guaranteed Best Value" | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simene, | EREhes, won od | Mes, srms only #285 che A fr mative houdors | FOR BALE oF ren, these sabin trail { ers, Meeps five, equipped with Ras stove and lights, Jes how, hydro, Wilde! Rental Bervies, MO #1225 IQUINDATION sale, 850.000 stock must #0, We've really ghopped prices and frieze Kroehler chesterfield sulle reg, $249, Nauidation price $156; Wxury| S-piece, foam sectional suite, fusiom built by Berta, tailored in a "carpet thick' high pe cover, reg, S448, Viguid- | ation price $48; 10-plece complete Hiv ing room outiil, & real smart group smash bargain, lquidation price $46 apiece Early American chesierfisid| suite with foam cushions, attractive tapestry covering, great saving, out i goes, $188; 4-seater chesterfield file foam cushions, narrow style arn eholes covering, reg. V8, anid tion | price 8189. Wilson Purniture Co, Chureh 84 AWNIN or gay siripes Prompt serviee, Free estimates, Onder nv (A w early Hellvery. Chair and table 8, Clove Fox honoh Simeos North CA Victor, Ad Vv, Hi I-A and serv way elevision, 918 {rr Hirest North, Colar Tv on display, : w bridesmalds' dresses, Marin tH to mateh, see 12 Je i, cost ch, reasonable, MO PINING room sulle, § pieces walnut, d eondition, upright piano, varies of furniture, RA R.4687 #17 ROK Vielor TV for sale, 1660 model " excellent eondition, $150 cash, Apply Mrs ith, 987 Byron Street North, Whit 0 EVGHT piece walnut AIRING room suite; Friamaire table top electric stave, with deep fryer well, good sondition, Call RA 34138 after (} wa hedding town, "Tawest prices In elght pleces som at trom apringfilled, aut they go, Hel I contin I hed fae, lint only, Away oots, complete, special, ke Joo i laws, cash and Carry, " sents, Wilken Firniture, 80 Ww Chureh Street WAREWOURE oisarance. ends, some sligh wr Hi Ll oad i horlle top y $10.06; space saver coverings, regular walnut and blond nd fancy, values to 420.95, out they go fram #4; toidlght floor lamps, Fuiuler $10.05; slashed to 87; '80 model metal body earria ues 4 #48.05, reduc ed for quie! 1 lovely assorted coffee tables, regular to 824.50, Hve only #8, Wilson Furniture, 80 Chureh treet PIANO, "upright, 58" high x 26 anh: reconditioned, new fells, $400, nA 1 plain "rent, F phone LILY munition RA , fs oun hip "er 6pm AINCH by 4 ft. x 4 IL, uhdaray, he ath ean 81611 ar RA 81 SKATER, new used, sold and ox changed, Largest seleation in town Drayton's Cycle, 304 Bond Street East NEW Jungle carbines, 308 ealibre #30 05, terms #5 down, § eekly, Spe. olal 1% gauge shotgun shells 81.80 per 10, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Blreet West CHILD'S bed, complete with sides, mats tress and springs, $18, Al condition) S18) orib with mattress, 87.60, Phone RA 8-878, plar plywood Phone HA CHRISTMAS TREES PRUNED OR SHAGS Scotch Pine and Red and White Pines, Any size, Ab. solutely lowest prices, Fowler Forestries, 306 King W., RA é SALE Aluminum Products ot the besi quality at the best rices, fully guaranteed, ouble hung windows only $18, Call now Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8 538 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial All aluminum products Doors, windows, shower doors, ewnings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates call Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS DIRECT FACTORY PRICES MANUFACTURED LOCALLY DOUBLE WIDTH READY-MADE DRAPERIES ern or florals atin, fully lined ated headings Finished length will tit windows up to wide $24.95 PAIR FREE ESTIMATES _ NO OBLIGATION Colonial Aluminum Sales RA & 4614 AL UMINUM DOORS AND WINDCWS We Sell the Best and Repair the Rest Replacing Glass, Screens, ete FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE CHERNEY'S KING ST., OSHAWA JIM ELLIOTT RA 3-2866 onl these! 2piece genuine airdonm rubber ¥ 40 | Mousehald articles available ri terms, Barons' ning they In 58 Dhaveh Geont, tn ak a LAA A | wxeeiient cond: |i a 14, Turner | Cudiiiae ovens a WLIING | iaeratots, ole, oop fot Th Frines bin AVTOMATIO wa, bh set saver Ine ued, best plier, RA go muskpt £6 x ont ht pee RA 13008 i" Are, a winier cont - Rll 74 see 10 fo 12, eolor reasons ine HA BH017 BARK brown maouton {bee 1810, price bh i FAL chesterfield sits Lenni Lian, Fenson bie, Kelophone RA 1 RIFLE for sale, with #8 in good | | eandition, Phone KA iY " BARGAINS Heavy duly ben, $26 and j FRngeties, $10- and uj ing ma whings, $16 and up; refr Ahi hy 744 and Wpi chrome table ahd shales, wine-pieee dining sulle, 868; Oa] (nirfonm) $69; slop tahies, 85.05; ty wrier, 80; vaewim cleaner $15 Visit |oF phone RA B-1151, Community Furni ure Store, 10 Prince Birnsl, Oshaws YEAR old Viking yh range, Very Fes songhie, Fhone BA 85-6001, WO beds, one single, one double, In | good eondition, RA #1283 BAUER white figure shales, ke new, size Bhai msoriment of girly' slothing, lee § (0 13, Good condition, BA 3-413) ELEOVRIC wuilar and amplifier, Apply 520 Front Bireet Wikies, Wi § MM holiday movie camern with Hight hig projector, 46 x 8 screen and film spliear. Also Mosherg 28 calibre 15 short Automatie rifle Both new this sum mer. KA 80167 after 6 p.m DINING, hedroom furniture, other ov, 11 and Nov. 12 only, 363 Athol Brest Bast, MIXMASTER 700, atischments, meat grinder, frit press, liquidizer like new, Fhone RA § S408 fl BUYS » Smonthtop maltress; valid at 8554 50, with the A room sulle over § 0, i offer Is good until December 3 Home Furnishings, Jimeos | Bireot Bouth, "Where Prices are foam pli [} 8, only 9; hroadioom ses! jor Ash and carry, iAmps, values to price 87.00; 8, reg, $130 ¥ Haas on orth mattress nd ear ¥ Be with the very ond i [Charlie Naylor attended (he Pres- | Harvey Balson and family on = |M, Nemis us| Dart, Woodvil of a furniture, students' desks ii chest §17, vanity dressers 086; floor covering, i Dawaands Ra J Mioed to 2 fi continental eds, Jomplete w hrdwand legs, single size og, 999, liquidation special $23; end Hie 1 nut and blond, plain and fancy, ues to #30, oul hoy 0 from 8) filled matire furable Hekin "While at, MN pl #14, | wale RREeS Or el Wilson gl #0 Chureh UNPAINTED hookeasss, only he in| furniture, Students' KA! L] hit 's Purl i fie I Kireel THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Wovember 9, 1960 Vy = 14 Children i weekend Mr, and Mrs, Guy Psd doin ri SB 3 Mr, snd Mrs, A A Vihar. visi: hay, , and Mrs, L, Pi ! Vie, Hy fi Ad of Mrs, Hvisited Mr, and Mig D, Solins, on j ' 5. Ace Abbott, Mr, | Alihott, es, Ronald Abbott Mrs. "rraih -\ ert, Oshawa, Wate weekend visib ors with Mrs, E, J, Perrault, Mr, Elmer Down 3. fami) % Eheneter, Boo, ond erry Ma (re with hr, le Mrs, P, W, Davidson, ond y Me, BE, J Perraul 7 Fravk Perrault, Os -- the weekend hunting in the wank id near WM r, and Mrs, Henry Dart Ken visited Mr, and Mrs, od Dart and familly, also Mr, ed Mrs, William Dart, Woodville, on Balurday, Mr, and Mrs, Ken Wood, John ny and Cathy, Perrault, spent the weekend with thelr grandfather, Mr, Johs Armstrong, Winches ter, Mr, Armstrong celebrated his 77th birthday Mr, George Yonley Toronte, Fred Cam visited Mr, and Mrs, eron, Sunday, Miss Pearl Pascoe, Mr, Dave Rickard, Newcastle, were weeks end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, C, Shpley, Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs, Willlam Preston, Courtice, visited Mr, and Mrs, W. Cameron, Tuesday. Mr and Mrs N, Voter and Di anne, Toronto, visited Ma. Henry Dart Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, W, Cameron were Sunday diy dinner Visitors with Mry, . Flintoff, North O an John Crulkshanks, Mrs F, J. Reed, Mrs, Herman Hasse Vrs Ray Cameron and Mrs at 8, Paul's x, on Thurs n with eneral hyterinl WA Rally United Chureh, Aja: Viste Seoft Stainton is monia in Oshawa ospital, y, and Mrs, James Stainton and Mr, and Mrs, John Barlow, | sitended a Hallowe'en party al (Mr, D, Skinner's, Oshawa, Batu. {day night, Mrs, Ray Cameron was #& caller at Mrs, L, Hoskin's, Thorn. ton's Corners on Friday, Mr, Christopher Dormer, Lon- don, England, returned home on Wednesday after visiting » week with Mr, and Mrs, Harry Oyler, Mrs, Gilbert Metcalf and Ro sanne, Orono, visited Mrs, Ray Cameron, Wednesday, Mrs, Clarke Moore, Oshawa, was a weekend visitor with Mr, otc. and Mrs, Keith Stainton, IN AUDITORIUM Mr, and Mrs, W, Frank and pavid, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Mr, Keil 3% i p §2---Legel his Tor any denis hy my Wusband, He " alte 1 dle, Nowen Never § ho, wish ut Cr vas i will nel be reson ui ied the purchase of any plece af w osks, #10, u drawers, 81 a" hagkense dressers, $40, URED tires, mosl all siges, 89 and Up, ¥, Goodrich Blores, RA 54843, 51~Swap & Barter OIL tanks, pressure syst piece bath sels; sump pum steel sinks and gabinets; vanity lawn. mowers; outhoard metars; § and Jutings of all kinds, H, Chinn, Road Hillside, RA 37088, CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA SALE OF LAND BY TENDER The Corporation ef the City |52--Legal i |1 will not he reanafainie for any denis |ineurred hy my wite, Carmen Mergleea, from Inte, November 8, 1860, Ueorge Meares, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HENRY HEWSON, Retired, deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of William Henry Hewson, late of the City of Oshawa, In the County of Ontario, Retired, deceased, wha died on or about the 18th day of Sept ember, 1960, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Reps presentative of the said de. ceased on or before the 9th day of December, 1960, full particulars af their 'elaims, Immediately after the said date the Personal Represents ative will distribute the assets of the said deceased havin regard only to claims o which he shall then have notice Dated at Oshawa this 7th day of November, 1960 EDGAR FRANK BASTEDQ, Administrator, By his solicitors McGibbon and Bastede, Barristers and Solicitors, 20 Simeoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario IN THE MATTER OF THE OF WiLL IAM WINDLE MORING LATE OF THE CITY AND TARIO, GARAGE OPERATOR, DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS havin claims against the Estate o WILLIAM WINDLE MOR. ING, late of the City of Qshe awa, in the County of Ons tari, who died on or about the 22nd day of September, A.D 1960, are hereby nots tied to send full particulars to the undersigned on or be tore the 30th day of Novem. ber, AD, 1960, after which date the Estate will be diss tributed with regard only to claims of which the under signed shall then have had notice DATED ot 4th day of 1960 RHODA MILDRED MORING. | Executeix By Her Solicitor JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC. 14)2 King Street Bost, Oshawa, Ontare Oshawa November this AD of Oshawa hereby invites of: fers for the purchase from it of the following lands on Richmend Street East, east of Wilsen Read, which Is a new City-owned subdivision; Lot 1, Registered Plan 752, having @ frontage of 55 ft, 1% in, on the south side of Richmond Street East and o depth of 104 ft, 34 in Lot 2, Registered Plan 752, having @ frontage of 88 ft, 1% in, on the south side of Richmend Street East and @ depth of 105 ft. 434 in Lot 3, Registered Plan 752, having a frontage of 85 ft 1% In on the south side of Richmond Street East and a depth of 106 ft, 634 in Lot 4, Registered Plan 752, having a frontage of 50 ft 184 in, on the south side of Richmend Street east and a depth of 107 ft, 8 in Lot §, Registered Plan 752, having a frontage of 50 ft on the south side of Rich mond Street East and a depth of 107 1, 8 in Lot 6, Registered Plan 752, having a frontage of 50 fr, on the south side of Rich mond Street East and a depth of 106 fr, B%in Lot 7, Registered Plan 752, having a frontage of 85 ft, on the south side of Rich. mond Street East and a depth of 102 ft, 4 in, Lot 8, Registered Plan 752, having a frontage of 60 ft | in on the south side of Richmond Street East and a depth of 96 ft. 6 in, Lot 9, Registered Plan 752, having a frontage of 61 ft 438 in, on the south side of Richmond Street East and a depth of 20 ft. 234 in Lot 10, Registered Plan 752, having a frontage of 49 # 9% in, on the east side of Wilson Road North and a depth of 120 # Qffers for the purchase of the above lands may be made on forms provided for that pur pose by the City Clerk, dnd loor, City Hall, Behave. The closing date for tenders is pm, EST, Monday, Nov. ember 14th, 1960, and all offers shall be sent to the City Clerk, City Hall, Oshawa, in a sealed envelope clearly marked "Tender for Land" and shall be accompanied by a certified deposit cheque payable to the Corporation of the City of Oshawa for an amount equal ta 109% of the amount offered. The Compe oration of the City of Osh. awa reserves the right to res fuse any or all offers whether such offer is the highest or not Sorry to report Mrs, C, Na; AWA, Viaktors wih ) Mr, # lis a patient by Bowmanville morial Hospital, le there will Miss Patey Fisher took part fn ervice at Zion Voited Cre the recital given by prize Pups The dedication of the mew organ Laughlin hvbile Library on Bat urday nig v, and Mrs, Ralph Day HAMPTON Lorn, Oshawa, and dg Dou, '| 1as Day, HMCR Nova, H Hall HAMPTON w= Mr, and fax, Nova Beotla, Visited Mr, and Don White, Oakville, were w te and his aunt oy Johns, : Mr, and Mrs, Bloyd Wilcox son, Donald, Cobourg; were y| ents, mJ. DH Mrs, Fred Blunt an ro [Tames Blunt visited Mr, ro Mrs, Miss Madlyn Wilcox, Bowma ville, was a Sunday tea guest Mr, and Mrs, George Armour, return trip back to Washin DC, on iy after rhein last week with er Jarenia, Me odgson an other oy ee 2 Miss Gladys Edwards, Tol spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Dalton Williams son, Toronto; Miss Mary Peters, Bowmanville; Mr, Will Taylor, ling, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs, 8am Dewell, Rev, A, H, Harding, Bowman. the special ehureh service on Sune day was a guest of Rev, and Mrs, FJ, Reed Bryce Brown, Jean and Bob, Mr, and Mrs, Eve erett Elliott and Miss Mary Els lott, Oshawa, visited Mrs, Joe Mr, Wilbur Burnett Bovina ville, and Mr, and, Ww. Stevens were Sunday bur and Mrs, J. Hewson, Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Mountjo visited Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth ed Nestleton United Chureh ans niversary on Sunday evening, Mr, and Mrs, T, Wray were Mr, and Mrs, Jackson Wray and daughters, Oshawa, Mrs, Sam Dewell, with Miss tended the Durham Club in To ronto on Thursday evening of last week and enjoyed a splendid pros Mrs, A, Tompkins John Rogers (Sr) returned on Friday hy 'plane, from a visit Mr, and Mrs, M, Mountjoy visited Mr, and Mrs, T. Dancey, Cannington, recently and atte Miss N, Horn accompanied Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Horn to Carts wright on Wednesday and visited hitt's, Nestleton, and Mr, and Mrs, Fred Trewin's, Rlackstock, In the recent canvass for the the Women's Institute, $134, was eollected Our chureh fall Thankofferk ternoon and was conduoted hy on pastor, Rev, F, J, Reed, Rev, A, H, Handing, of Bowmanville, {ing message was much appreets ated. Special musio was supplied hy Mrs, Jim Swales and Mr, C, heard in the lovely voeal duet, "Love Divine All Love Excel ling" accomanied at the plana feotively rendered and much ens Joyed, Our choir of 25 velces, under the leadership of Mrs, K, at the organ, contributed two pleasing anthems, "Call Upon His Name" hy Caleb Simper {rem "Finlandia® (Jean Sibelius composer of muse, words hy Lloyd Stone) both were well rens L. R, BARRAND, ith Pies x Mrs, ¥ Sunday, ovember 18, at 1, 2 held in the auditorium of the Me 4s "war memorial, Naney, Winston and Frankie a Mrs, A, Fisher Friday night, end 0d Junie of his mother, ¢ day wbper ae ests of re Hogarth on Sunday evening, Miss Nina Hodgson left on hep and Mrs, "i L. D, Sykes, Salem, and Miss Gail Baker, ville, who was, guest minister af Mr, and Mes, Chapman, on Sunday, guests of Mp, and Mrs, wil Samells, Blackstock, and attends Sunday evening dinner guests of Willena Wilbur, Enniskillen, ats gram, and Mrs, with relatives in England, el a turkey supper, at Mr, and Mvs, Marvin Nes Rlind which was eonduoted services was held on Sunday al was guest minister, His inspin King of Harmony win were by Mr, Ross Metcalf, It was eh {Caverly with Miss Norah Horn and "A Song of Peace" arranged dered and provided inspiration, City Clerk,

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