The Oshawa Times, 9 Nov 1960, p. 16

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a THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT £1 280--T rollers fatto Tat l 3,78, tiie NEW BUSINESS a TELEPHONE LISTINGS =e oe i FE FOR BENT -- Tent trates " ee SECRETARIAL aig. a. ho: OVERLOAD SERVICE - Specializing in Typing, Short» hand, Dictaphone, Bookbesp- sing, Direct Malling, M.mege graphing. For fost accurate office assistance MO 8.6181 | T8a--Mortgages 2nd and 3d Mortgages -TOQ PAY ALL YOUR BILLS ~TO PAY OFF A MORTGAGE TO BUY A HOME FOR ANY PURPOSE Low Monthly Payments No Bonus No Extra Charges Rebates for Prepayment Loans Life Insured SUPERIOR Discount Limited THE FASTEST GROWING ALL CANADIAN LOAN CO 17 SIMCOE ST, N RA 5-654) Open Wednesday 'Til B P.M Saturday "Til 12 Noor Offices Throughout 16 THE OSHAWA TWAES, Wednesdey, Movember 9, 1968 Coll The Dirsst Closcitied Member RA 3.3492 $68 of garden WOE By SNP, reReRatie rales RA &i80 YOR SHALL JY i eed A nm CLASSIFIED AD RATES fal 4% 225 14 , horse mers, sills we peed loads, Phone BA OWEN BROTHERS CO, LTD, TREE EXPERTS We speciclize in tres prane ing, tres plonting, tres 1» moving, covity werk PHONE RA 5-5267 COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Gorders ploughed, londscoping, wood cf, removed RA 8.1798 FALL SPECIAL FRESHLY DUG 12 to 16 ft, Well Bronched HARDWOOD MAPLE TREES Regular $12 ~ NOW $6 Oshawa Garden Service 86 Taunton Road West RA 3.3222 PATIO, FLAG AND ROCKERY STOME STONE PLANTERS TOP SOIL AND 50D SUPPLY AND LAY OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE NO. TOP SOIL 6 YARD LOAD 7.00 Phone RA 3- 3162 | HOMES--COTTAGES |14--Household | Repairs GARAGES Aluminum "Glider Custom-made Kit chen Cabinets Free Esti mates, No obligation, Terms Long Soult Constrn, Corpn, Lid RA B-4614 {1 V==Business Opportunities {STORE space 24 x @, can he tised for shop or store, situsted at 406 Albert Street, RA 9.2685 WRRATE, § COMECUTIVE WERT ' oH 1/E i 5 87s 402 W not pois within 7 "e rie wh ap ABOVE 1 apply nly 16 of gers 'fr sonsecitve spd insertion orgerss of 4 ois BAR COonstiinges a Pew oignel TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plots, heli chicken with french fries, fish end chips, hoamburgs, hor dogs, milk. shokes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER. RA 5.388) 22--Redio Repairs « (GEORGE WHAON TY sptennse snd) towers, Werk fully ganrantesd, Foy free] estimpies, phone BA 89504 # rv RADIO, GEORGE'S TY pervies, TY serial, wid {GIRL LL Vor oF Te ey | Banitn he Jot re rug edl RR in-4 ad vr re Box 2, there HowTETH HONTERTH. RIEHL, ond + Ehartered Acsmiants BA 5 #4, Bork; #5 Ariment, a ir ons and Business holings bs 5 ow on month A 3: [7 oY oo yA hal fetter. abbreviation $ ond s Niguus, Kou s a8 6 word, or ge | 5c addi ional Al Classified Advert mgments MUST be ii by © pm. The doy be fore publication, Office hows Baily 8-5 Sotwday 8-12 BEGAN VOM Se The Osnowe Times shall not be responsible for sirors in Gdvertise ments sm EG oIherwiss then wn wiling, nr Yor more then ene meorriet srt ion of ony adver is nor beyond - price charged tr a wngls insertion of the advertisement nn which enor occurs. And Bisa reserve the ng 19 classify gaveriising according 16 We own Classification in the case of duplay advertise ments The Times will not be held responsible for mers space than thet in Ld oh the actus sie aecLUpie he publ $hers BnasoyouH Ww reprog bi ol advertising mefis sorectly but assumes no lability ony Inssewracies in any form we Furmished, on Fr A wb haw reser, wavy § i, 2 TEN oom io dowmiawn ale for immedi pie i MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS Manufacturing or several ol = time BA S04 a ay io, Hh el A AE ge ww pb WA S984 or RA includ RR Tia Sl dd OVEN for WF DEWAR sed Ly, Kecoupinnts a gad pufiors; Cult Siow Bitt™ To DEER MOOSE Heliburton Highlands nd Excellent Accommodation Reosonable Rates, Guides ROCKCLIFFE HOTEL MINDEN, ONT, Phone 91 32---Articles Wonted MEN'S Bovkey whales, dun #, slbo doll ZRITIngR, Rood condition aml, RA 3 2461. | WANTED » Seeond hand shale sharp ener in Ad condition, Viene RA Lo dd WILL pay $10 and wp for 184 dipn | Ledlver acliers, ana coriain nt 1947's; wen 1998 snd 1045 wanted, RA 6-527 tend Blrast, | Lda MONTE, Ll Ca, Chariered Accountants, ka Sa, 1% Simeos North : Alas WH dl dissed, frees Mationat hr Indie repairs rn rs, gonization ladies for telephone survey from own home---giso opens part time, for Oshawa, Port Hope, Whithy area, Coll RA 5-9366 before 6 p.m 37 --~Mals Help Wonted WANTED y TRBHTES fd {Eliott A KA 39/98 (Fred p. Chartered Dehaws, WILSON, Ontans, BONALN ¥ Ascaumtant, i "2--Burriviers ALPE JONES, BA, Sad Thomes W| Gresy, » olers Morigage loans available THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, sol itor and Notary Public, 26% King Phone RA $1763 FRASER, DRYNAN sd | Barristers, Bolleitors, No e, Bank of Commerce 7% Street horth, RA 5-5486; N.C, Fraser, 8C; 6 Murdoch, WHA {mn kah roAatons, towers, $59.55 Aer wls moved, repaired. Fics sstimpies anywhere in eity and surinunding Sis tiicis, Phone BA 39525 or RA 37921 rent, two i Ths ELT ta SE 3 0 th entre, Montrave, RA AVTRACTIVE Mraet level, ar three 7 REBIDENTIAL ~ sell contained, ests To hr iri. A Pirie aves Ld Some HA Lh evenings 1% day. pra cesiriasily a. wi | bedroom apariment, 191 Cray Anan, Whithy, MO B8105 Foun roam od, two-piece 44 handle full time malar #96 now, BA S70 Ghold have connection NEW (wo - hedrmom house, 8 Bloor ore, Car easontisl. | Blrest Est, ofl buries, hot weler tank, | partiouiars to Box Apply 76 Warris™ Avenke FIVE mom house lor veal, Apply | CASH huyers are vending the Oshaws I Mil Street Oshawa {Times Want Ads every dey looking for Four Om chmers sgiipment. Beil yours essily by alling RA i v7 for a friendly Ad rae 7 nd house Sone Write; a - WANTED = Reliable man as dekier| | THREE Tom Be partly Ween Pile res in Durham County snd Oshawa, Bx perience hod necessary, A fine apport Ribia couple preferred nity to step into oid profitable business)" -- --- irigeraiar niin in ki where BRawlsigh Products have been FOUR - room selon ment | room, twin beds, Gladsions AVERuS | sold for years. Big profits. Products snd bathroom nd | Badd, furnished on eredid, Write Rawlelgh's, (water included, UA yd I or Dept, JBI0-183, 4608 Richelien, Mon [couple with ene 6 ree THREE rooms and suninewm, prveie wil hesied, very central, modern, pRrking, [THREE - room i Joe nesiad, adults, $80, WA 0909, 4 private entre: wir: oniral Sb BEE toon furnished Apartment Ing, Phone 15 por week [los slesinie Phone for FURNISHED ha rh it, int aller 8 p.m RA #1684 two yoeme, suitable for La yon WAKEHD! APPT or working couple is adi w, HAKEHODUE § if FIVE. room aperiment, sep hy 4 ARGUND floor, Apartm kitchen, or, dest on ove, bath, unfurnished or some, $43 weekly, Available December 1 4 trance, hot water furs. village on paved b road, 18 7 ights, modern "on King Breet, Broek Biroet Fast Oshawa, CO 32 aparment, private + 00m haiise, oli ReAlRE, tea pha E hedroom LIniAD ation pike hath ings for demonstrators, FOR T.V. TOWEKS Or SERVICE SEE US WEN / Bliset East CREIGHTON MURDOCH tary Publi Creighton, QC; D wm, 6. | gnges wrranged : | DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister | and Solieitor, 4 King Steet East Telephone: Business KA 38001, Resi dence, RA 85373 JOSEFR FP, MANGAN, & solicitor, Money 1o losn King Street East, Oshawa Residence, RA 55405 Lire preter household, Box 71 Port erry, FURNISHED we - room averiment, privale sptrance ground floor wes Eom, FRINIEErator, parking, wise Sng ih Fhiahad Soom, very eepiral yA " "Tw hedroont, { Pow youm _ apariment, Lprivale hath, heavy duty wining, stain. tions slesl wink, Phone BA S175 sliey 5 pm Adults or one baby weleoms, _\HREE - room hented apartment, hus $55 incon pouple pratérted, avy winng. HA 82817 did ONE and two + Yo wpariments, new stove and relrigaraior, furnished oF unfurnished, BA 89545 or RA Bah, CLEAN furnished prartment, Hove. tw TV three time salesmen sell sluwminum windows snd siding ghest commission paid. For sppom ment, phone RA 57924 KALBSMAN oe, Breas 00 with Termers [1 CASH FOR SCRAP | Item giving pun WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, Ope All Dey Seturday M, GREENBERG & SONS LTO 308 Bloor St PIANOS JU Ten upright oF Apartment Siple makes 24. Oshawa Times pi " Write Bo ORGANS wanisd dition, Box 117, tallied " 40 son 1 B21 Samp AL Antenne ONLY FRES ir Ch Sparimant sell -comt. oh ote Petrone por A th : nel State size and con Lo he Oshawa Times of adver $55 fre therein SURVEY ir I | | excaveling, Dist] Fagin Whitby | Inia snd Alan, | B CITY TV, BO2 Simcoe 5t 5:-7844 RA SPECIAL ON FAMOUS SAMSON TV TOWERS ADA, tower ingle Rade channel head f barrister, | Oshawa wir le Wh orien) Ba=Building Trades RA 80292, | BULLIOZING snd MO & ny th v Bie 5612 Free estimates ZV. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, soliel:| {rouners, 98 wilisourt Drive, for, ir. 13% Simeon Street North, WARDWOORN floors wipplied Office WA 59741. Residence, KA 5-5548, |inished, O18 floors re-surinced GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar |Wih_30684 risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public |WATERVRDOY ING specialists. Roof to § King Street East, BA 54717, Russell |o or appomiment, Write Box J. Murphy and James A MacDonsld ir "Bowman lie BOWMAN David L,, Barrister, Boliel tor, 8% Simeoe South, KA 59002. Res) dence, RH BU264 HUMPHREYS, Bovehyn Barristers, Solieitors phe QC G8 Boyehyn, BA; W A Iman, LLB. 364 King Street + 4 hones: Offies. BA B-1177; Res, : 1606 or Whithy, MO § 7781; RA yy Mr io lean RA 8.5804 or RA 3.7333 WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND: FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) £ - -- ; oh | EATON'S in Oshawa Require a man with ex- perience in floor covering sales and Hillman, H v, Chim Hum cleans " A Unings In Free esti (YOUR local shimney Ineys built and repaired {stalled | mates | PROFESSIONAL painter, (or, Guaranteed work snd materials, | [Free estimates, Al, Convey, RA B-0086 {ro JRNITURE repaired and re sad stored, Bee our materials for recover | ing. Brues BR, Dalton, 76 Charles Street RA 37212 CHESTERFIFLDS rebuilt, recovered, | like new, Why pay more? Our rales [PAPER RITE spol reducer are reasonable. Satisfaction guara ad in Vogue, $150. Phone Of Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Uphol " En furnapes yacuumed BA 3897 "Norden" Windows, CEDARDAL I' SCRAP IRON and METALS LTD PAPERS~--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL RA, 5-3432 hang 1] from |! fren structure with AC 2-13 alls $59.95 com and guaran Apply Customer Accounts Office 38---Male or Female Help Wanted |WANTED MeGIRBON 'snd BARTEDO, Barristers Solicitors, Clients' funds available for first 20 Simeone Street North, HA 50566. Charles € MeGibbhon, QC; Edgar | Bastedo, GK JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, soliel tor and Notary Public. 18% King Street East. HA 52260, NHA and private morigages arranged morigage pletely installed IN TE Pletely * MA loontion, $80 per month, No ehild £8 {onr-room heated Phone RA 34628 after 6 p.m. i, Es {hath and sniranee, Tne hedroom home, gell ol Ontario 39098 19--Personal North End location. Phone RA 5-35) FOUR - foom Aeon DERN four room newly daciraied veliahie soupie ta manage | Dent private hath, esis rtment, stove, refrigerator apartment house, some experience pre ferred, Ip exchange for apsriment State references (0 Box 281 Oshawa washing fa ov, 18 IROOM house with i DAY year advertised RA 8-818 Holiel GREER and Kelly, Barristers, tos ele A Simeone Street ha al RA 3.0078 I. Greer, BA Se RA 50008; or wo --Nursing Services ANDEN Nursing home new ownership ple BN supervises hd anahle 7 Optometrists RICHARD BLACK, Dr HA 52330 ¥ olry lense evenings hy appointment € NH TUCK, KO, pay ae unis at Bank or 74 Burk Street. Tnvalids amined at home, Dial RA 5 4087 aptametrist South Residence phones, Ter over Y Kelly, FA. BO id RA #5632, Oshawa, under Care for elderly peo inquiries invited, of Optom the examination of eyes, sontaet 196 Simeoe North (at Colborne), RA 34181, Please Downtown Damin'on BUSINESS FOR SALE MODERN ONTARIO BARBER SHO 19 BOND ST, E Central location, § working chairs, fully equipped, 5 year lease with option, For Infor id by A 8-203] ex Eh 2oy] 7 ~=Surveyors [AT TERATIONS of kinds, {able vate, Phone RA 5.0488 wll Foanon Ler {Co, 10 Bond Street West, Dial HA [2 0811 CHESTERFIELDE and old chairs re |oovered like new. Get the hest for less at Modern Upholstering, 144 8imene South Call RA 56451 for a» free estimate Al PAINTING DECORATING by tradesman interior or exterior, Roxa | tone work guaranteed Pree estimates | HA LR LLL YOUR loeal enimney neys built and repaired, gos Unings In stilled, furnaces vacuumed, Free estl. | mates KA 33007 KLEENER SERVIOR Rug, uphol | stery elaaners, wall Fhone | RA A253 oustomer FAINTING ano pa fosnional work ire stimates work! guarantees at low prices. KA BO0818 STORM windows washed and put up cleaner, Chim wh hanging, pro | Our business Is & satisfied | ' LADIES ~ Have your hats made fo mateh your outhit, Bridal, velours, vel (vet andl fur trimmed, We also re model, glean and hlogk. BA 5.7008 SPECIAL Farmanent waves, Edward's Beauty Parlor, § Strat, RA 3.765) |HYGIENIO supplies (rubber | matled post paid in pisin sealed enve llopas with price list, Bix samples 25 aentsi 8M samples, $1.00. Mall Order (Dept, Addl, Nov-Rubber Co, Box 91, i amilion, Ontario MRS, PROFESSIONAL READER Card reader, and advisor Bring vour problems to her No appointment necessary, Open dally from 10 AM, to 10 pm, RA B-4141, 140 86.50 Celina ANN PALM woods) | | OSHAWA TV 361 GIBBONS ST SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT I DAY OR NIGHT! TV. and RADIO CALL RA 8.5286 All Wark Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECT RONICS FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE == RA 5:4159 100 ANNIS STREET SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Waits cars for wrecking, Parts tor sale, alse scrap Iron and metals, etc, bought, Open Saturday all day, Phone _RA5:2311 89 BLOOR E. TV TOWERS A011, self-supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized, No paint STAMP STORE RA 8.3221 | from, Bpesinl bu - | ROOM ROYAL COIN AND | Tims 39--Agents Wanted MEN Pleasant ouldoor work, Aver par hour No sxperiencs nes ry Write Hawlelgh's, Dept, T910VY 4008 Richelieu, Montrenl CHRISTMAS Card agents. Bell Can ada's hest sglection of ersonalized greeting cards, Over 50 eards to choose es oRrds rite for WwW, L, Smith Ont, yuur free album today and assogiates 14d Alix, 41--Room & Board private, running lounge. La Maison Blanche, Thornton's Hoad South, RA 84461 BOOM and honed for two quiet gentle: men, willing to share, separate beds, near North GM, RA 5.7406. ROOM with hoard or light housekanp: and hoard, whaler, |rais entrance adults only, East to downtown and General Motors nr shie for rooming house or sub- tng. ny: Immediate possession, RA 88141 time RA 5-8048 svening, room hedted apariment, #ep: 4 Bond |X THREE - FOUR: room Ararat, euphosrds, on 18 Ri avaliable now, Pho |THREE rooms Inelu sink and ouphoard, H-5618 heiween 1 pom WHITBY ~ (wo + wove and refviger dry fachlities, op Apt. 10, A oul and § pm, bedroom Aba ont, aun NEWOARTLE = five v partment, Iaund oll Phone 3086 #10 MONTHLY = modern selian ed well heated four » room aoa Foam ei bes and dry for ki. A wa "Wo , anal ol: THREE ately VIVE a heath outlet, 4 frigerator, » ention, reasonable , AClovE thi Fo0m | Eh hgh i 0 Re aa 1 L] drys parking, RA #1010 he large unfurnished room Ive, private hath, ond 4 avails mm A 3788 le im nt, wi oniran ONY 6 nay duty WiFing ty outh gle #ir in private home, kite! "Kooly 8 Arthur 8 ot room house on Howar ng, all Any snianoey 59408, " A A west "Phone after 6 pm, room Apartment, nhc Irconthime decorated, hilche neite 00 ih and refrigerator, three stove bathroom, Isu ble, ! Apply meos entrances, ing privileges, close to down town, Apply 23 Elgin East, KA 47914 ROOM for one or two men, separate Complete with new Marina 61 all channel antenna, Total price, Installed and REVERSIBLE skirts a specialty, also | alterations on ladies' and ohlidren's wear, Comer of Elmgrove Avenus and DONEYAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On Phope Mack KA 5.2058 § tario Land Surveyor, eommereial blue printing, 12 Bloop Street East, RA Simeoe auth . Rating - 64 KING ST, W,, OSHAWA oN ie ATmers, LE LED H. FLIM and Trollope, Burveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue Phone RA 56881 GT, HORTON and Associates, tario Land Surveyors, Professions) gineering 06 Dundas Street Whith MO #8081 DONEVAN AND FLEIBOHMAN, tari Land Burveyar, printing, 18 Blaor ba64a 8--Building Trad Ald work ing Sireet Fast types of carpentry and Chimney repairs, hriek siding plastering HA #2050 estimates ALL types PavOSITOuRh walks, stoops ALL plumbing and heating Phone HA 53581, Harold R Lid, plumbing, heating and ing, #54 Hireel Bouth BULEDOZING and excavating MO BAGI2 Free estimates Brothers, 8 Hilleourt Drive ALL types of carpentry, eonerele ehimney wark. Terms arranged estimates, Phone RA 852685 PLUMBING fixtures building repairs, HA #0384, Gordon Simeone and heating pipes new and used ton and estimates free on plumbing, Dial RA 8481 WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30 WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.254 204 CHESTNUT P.O. BOX BUILDERS ST 139 w Ceramic tiled bathroom sup. complete Large ft Phone ond fixed four fittings goles range. 90 First class tradesman anviime RA 8.1172 DODD & SOUTER PAINT WALLPAPER plied with 0 PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For Free Estimates coll DAYS MO 8.5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 Whithy : 2 a 107 Byron St PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver 5-331) H Ontarie Land East On West, commercial hlue coment eavestrough Free roofing ehimnoys, fAreplaces, side May Dial Tavior Whithy Free ehang tank 10 sewer a spe tallations at reasonable rates, | TILE MO 8 3809 Park Road South, RA 5-4478 DRESSMAKER Women's, Children' New and Remodelling all types of furs Low prices, perfect value job Mrs, Irene Crop 22 ROWE ST, PHONE RA 8 6706 OPEN EVERYDAY . UNTIL 9 PM En on RA [FOR weed King ng 00 your rhribe SPEAYING And prun Call Oshawa Home Landsoaping LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weeds treated sod, top soll fill, Complete service control. Free estimates ED. KNOWLTON RA 5.6047 field nursery sand Weed and gravel fit ANY | J CHOICE LOAM FOR SALE GRAVEL -~SAND--FILL Also Back Filling Lots |evelled RA 5-2156 AURORA SAND & GRAVEL Brick, Sand, Crushed Stone, Road Gravel, Pit Run VALLEY FARM RD, Phone Mobile Operator TEmple 9-254) | BULBS Van Belle Gaidens East 'on No, 2, MA 3.5757 Bowmanville Open Evenings SODS A-1 rolled, weedtreated and fertilized, Field sods Townline N north of Taunton Rd 9986 and OL 5.3545 Low 2 mile RA 3 Prices Oshawa Home Landscaping SPECIALIZED IN FALL PLANTING AND SODDING, SEEDING. TULIP BULBS, COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Call RA 8-6366 "CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 13-~Gardening & Supplies ANG BVATHTRRNA, supplies (for pampleln Garden Servios A BEATE § 606 engineer | The home of Quality Dutch | FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M, Mackie Co, Ltd RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service $7 labor plus parts SEGERS RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS RA 5-7488 wall | Specializing In to wall carpets 15---=Instruction |IHARVEY DANCE ACADEMY | Tap, Royal Academy, Hallet, Halon, A land. Heglster now, 484 King West, RA | {8108 | PRY AT KB teacher, student counsellor, {16 years' experience, hy interview only {Aol naw, HA LILLIAN Mag daneing sehool yahatie, pre-sohool Saturday. Masonie LEARN TO DRIVE} At the Oshawa Driving Scheel Licensed by the Police Commission Fully trained instructors Standard, Automatic cars "RA 8-009) DRESSMAKING COURSES 2 davs weekly, Monday, Tues day evenings, 7 to 9 Learn to cut vour awn. pat terns and sew for the whole family from the children to adults Call between 5 and 7 R 8.577) 10M Marsh hallet pharaote Temple dance educator, tap, baton, ac vr. Friday HA 4.728% 16=--Insurance ALLATATE Auta Insurance. Save Wl to 30 par cent, six months to pay For | porsanal service ab your home, eall RA | |S 17-~Money to Loan CLIENTS money to loan, first mort {age. Mortgage and agreement of sale | purohased NHA worigage arranged, | iEhion, Fraser, Drvaan and Mur | doen | WE HAVE clients' monies available for | loans on first and second mortgages and alse purchase of martsages and {agreements of sale, Louis 8. Hyman, | QU, 3 King Street East, Oshawa, RA | ER i FIAT and second morigaie, Sale| agreements purchased and sold, Hen | nlek and Heaniek, Barristers, 31 King | Street Rast, HA 37a MONEY 10 LOAN Monies for all types of mort gages; for fist and second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant landy; term mortgage for fist and second ang | | | shorn builders mortgages tor M fast, Oshawa 3.4497 1 cQreements ed Apply King Street Telephone RA se paehe Swartz, 26% ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murdufft will be in Oshawa, Nov, 22nd and 23rd Phone Genosha Hotel these dates for appointment on 21 Personal Service SIOKROOM equi for sale, hospita [ment for rent and beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers, ocommades, safety sides, canes and crutches, Also rolls way heds and cribs, Reasonable rates Free delivery and plekup, Phone Ald Rentals, RA 81604 PETER FAN Nursery School 4:8 years, Monday to Friday, monthly, Contaot Supervisor, eos Street North, NA 8.2604 WAGAR'S Driving Nehool licence, fully insured, dual Call evenings, RA A880 ohildven from 818 Al Bim Government oontrals FUR COAT AND JACKET "SHORTENING, SMALL ALTERATIONS For reasonable prices take to ELEGANCE LADIES' WEAR 9? BOND ST, EAST RA 8.3331 FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION'S CHRISTMAS PARTY AND BANQUET HOT TURKEY. DINNER AT $2.00 A PLATE INCLUDES MUSIC AND HALL FOR DANCING Smorgasbord, steak, chicken and other menus quoted on request RESERVE NOW DIAL RA 5.2737 LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH, Off Harmeny Road North 22--Redio Repairs T.V. TOWERS 40-1, tower, hot dip ized 213M all-channel stalled, guaranteed | year, $52. 30.11. roof aerial, $32 Expert workmanship ROLLAND T.V _90 Cromwell RA 3.4849 DID YOU SEE OUR NEW ALL GALVANIZED RADESS TOWERS wExpert workmanship w= 941 All Wave Antennae Did You Know That We wHMave Same Day Service ==Employ expert Technicians alls tll 8:30 aalvan in w= Take Servite C pm TRY US T.R.1.O. TELEVISION | 171 BOND ST, EAST RA 8-6781 "RABBITS and ducks guaranteed for year, $59.95, TV Enterprises 253 Drew St RA 3.3553 25--Women's Column GERDA'S BEAUTY SALON 621 KING ST, E Lanolin perms 7.50 up, Mons 12:30 te 7 pm, Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m, to 7 pm, Saturday 9 am, to 4 p.m. For appointment call RA 8.2641 |24~~Market Basket [WoNEY white, Hguid or processed 108 Ritson Road SIL | [CARROTS 800 day from amber and {0en, K.P, Anderson, ! North, Phone RA hushel, Spanish onions, | $8.50 hushel Bring containers. |Eyman, half-mile east of Nicholl's Garage, Courtice. Go north to first cor | ner [BACK-TO-SCHOOL bills oan be paid {with cash you get hy selling used sports gear through an Oshawa Times | Classified Ad, Act today, Call RA 3.3402 (for A friendly Ad Writer, (ORDER early; prices |apring, Potatoes, wholesale, five bi oF over, 83.35 each, retail 30, ib {bans fren delivery, RA &100 op avoid viMoulons winter Htore in fruit oellar RLUE grapes for sale, alse door, ar sire, Call atier 4 pm, at 1103 Street 25--Pets & Livestock LABRADOR Hetrlever pup, one female, blonde, tive months old, cheap, Apply 01 Anderson Street, Whithy BONER pups from 388 with or with out papers, A331 Fox Street, first street east af Thornton's Road behind Drives In Theatre | Baby Biting Good WIH | Gi STAMPS AND COIN ALBUMS, By Whitman, Minkus, Regent ete. Wanted to buy, all scarce Canadian end Bd con coins, Highest prices paid for old gold coins of the world, We buy stamp colleg- tions beds, breakfast i desired, Phone BA BAG1 ROOM and board for one or two chil dren, in new home, Fhone MO 8.5004 any time ROOM and hoard for two young gentle: a] Apply 181 Park Road North, RA 501 GENTLEMEN packed, honis 08705 ROOM or room and board, Kood meals, lunches RA good meals privileges, Phone 35---~Employment Wanted RELIABLE woman would like to care for babies in her own home by the week, Phone RA 8:1080 EXPERIENCED woman will care for infant in her own home, Highway §, East Whithy, Monday Friday, #4 Hours ean be altered, 915 weekly, Box 180, Oshawa Times, YOUNG Gevinan lady Contre House: work, live in, Blackstoek 110118, SERVION station attendant requires full or parttime work, Write Hox 235, Oshawa Times RELIABLE experienced women, avall able for baby-sitting and home making, Bureau, RA 3:4081, Closed Thursday afternoons, W. EXPERIENCED any oare for children in my home or haby siting af night Phone RA 3-368 36-~Female Melp Wanted GIRL To Vive In for Tight housework, look after two ohildren, while mother works, 880 weekly, OLiver B-3681 GIRL wanted to take care of shildtan, do housework while Inather sin Telephone RA 100 hos. | Doard, gentlemen preferved, also vloss to North GM, hospital and four)" corners, Apply 240 Division, ROOM and board for gentlemen, three minutes from four corners, Apply Charles Blrest, ROOM and board, close hospitul Phone RA 52308 ROOM and board, six days & week, home econked mw TV privile South ¥nd, close edlars, Fitti HA 8.2625 ROOM ane board for two gentlemen, two single rooms, good home cooking Apply 208 King Street Hast FURNISHED hase ment apartment, three rooms and hath, in let home, oentral, HA 3.0600 after 6 p.m ROOMS and vent, with or "ition + hoard, 996 King Street Kast, near Rit: son Road ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, oon tinuous hot water, home privileges, Ape ply 841 Ritson Hoad South, IN OLEAN, quiet home, wood me and beds, lunches packed, hot wa pring, refined gentleman, 81 Fark oad Bouth NICE "eloan rooms, Nokih aM or with or without rage for vent, Bus stop at door, #4748 y 0 water, henting, a a FURNISHED 2 "Yoom ApATIment, bathroom and entrance, hulv ste Pi ing, available now, RA 5:8617, 4 EL treet, ee PELUXE pein ne iaing, west gentral, with or HL call pore Tenity, Oshaw RA a Furnighed (hres in ment and hath, self. conta 3 --. io i Fl central, RA B-3581 evenings, i roams furs i bo Bf me bus iY Re eH 5 443 Kitson Hoad | Wo room i Apait: ment, k, A hath, adults, 72 THREE . Fil couple "15 A Athol "Bk, oa ONE three - room, furnished part ment, avilable Nov, No, on one + Apartment vallable No rv. foes Inelw Anply o Aver bia ATORE or business wy Meo Aix: room houss, downtown location, Jin heated, RA LR) ni A B.4048, FOUR Foom ceniral logation, privat AN seph Bosco, Realtor, RA ore. SMALL clean home tn sation, fu able bedroom bun a treet, Arig 1 1 Ive room bu bus and _sehool inl, nls RA ATH quiet person or WE NEED 12 LADIES For pleasant telephone work 42---~Room & Board Wanted PROFESSIONAL man seeks quality type of board and lodging, Immediate, Qthawa, Write Hox 136, The Oshawa mes from our edwntown office, Twenty hours per week, $15 salary plus bonuses, shifts available 91 or 145 or 5.9. Apply 11 Ontario St, Room 8, Thursday and Fris REERHOUND, some abedience Telephone RA 01 REGIATERED i imported You | halved German Painter pupples, four | months ald, Special Pheasant and al dogs, Phone WHitehall 34183 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready or | tralning, talking strain. Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin Street Bast BEAUTIFUL young [RA 38811 PURERRED fox terrier, wire, elght weeks ald, female, #60. WHitehall 3.0106 BLACK and tan hound, 10 months ald, S55. Phone RA 57a 16 months old, papers, Athining Hest otter. ! vedistored Callie for sale. Phone CO 33480 REGISTERED dachshund pupples six Yoke ald, alse grown stock, Cedar View Kennels. Telophone RA 55083 BOARDING, (rimming, bathing. defies ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 58am 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stook pleked up prampily Phone ecolieot, Hampton, COUWax 3312) Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone OAT straw for sale, 55 acres In Held MO 8318 'M4 INTERNATIONAL 30 Utility trae tor, taraue ami lifier, pawer take ¢ fast hiloh, 550 hours use, cost aver $3000 mew, sell cheap. MO S478 |27 Fuel & Wood DRY hardwood ends, suitable = fr naoes, staves, fireplaces, of 3 large | toad delivered. Phone RA wh 28---Summer Properties COTTAGES, camps, hanes, acreage in beautiiul Kawartha Lakes distviol, 8 miles wertheast Toronte For free ist | ng folie. write Bowes and Cooks Lim | fed, Realiors, Pelorbarongh, Riverside | aM dv, PRESTIGE TRAVEL CAREERS BE A STEWARDESS ~-- AIRLINE RESERVATION. IST TRAVEL AGENT CLASSROOM INSTRUC. TION GIVEN BY TOP AIRLINE PERSONNEL, WRITE TODAY: CAREER COUNSELLOR, THE CANADA AIR CAREER SCHOOL, | 0 Ay AVENUE, TORONTO BOOKKEEPERS Earn Extra Money Intelligent ladies with a flair for soles end knowledge of Bookkeeping required by firm in the business records and data Held, An interesting combinaiivn of sales work and records supervision, either full or part-time dav work Hours and distriet to suit your convenience, Excellent come mission on sales plus steady income from service work, We 44---Houses, Apts,, Flats For Rent furnished rooms at Maple Grove, 86 weekly and oare for in old bay lke your own, Heal, hy ald, One ehild weloame, Jelsphone owmanville, MA 3.8548 after 6 p, MODERN two + bedroom oquinped with stove, bamboo drape: velvigeratar, washer, dryer, TV oulle parking Phone RA 8.6707, north en TWO rooms, upstairs, furnished or furnished, available now. newly rated, sink and cupboards in kite no children, business couple prefer 13 Harrie Avenue TWO - roam apartment, farnished or unfurnished, refrigerator, stove and A vate entrance, contrally located, $43 monthly, RA 5.7378 NEWLY decorated hres - roam Aparh: ment, ground floor, stove, reiriguralat, all ednveniences, husiness COUR ferred, RA 8-334, RA 8-606 4 FOUR + room apartment, private em trance, private bath, TV outlet, stove, Near schools and Store. Apply Sy Somerville Sireat TWO rooms, partly fi ne ohild THREE gE 770 Ll 00M " Cadiline monthly ~ LY 1x Delu elect 1, + room, modern # arimel 00 hath, private enir ments, loom, locker, Ing included, Call Apt, 309 Adelaide RA 5.6606 before | p.m, or after 5 pm, artment, newly Aecor or and stove Mating WO per month, KA #9168, thi modern brick bungalow Ki Avenue South, renting for Available Imm Hately, Cone avko Realtor, RA 84601 room apartment, seif-oontaine airs ally located, private entrance, after 6 p.m, vent. Vor oe Box 247, rier awa i | MONTH FREE RENT Immediate Possession xe 2:-bedroom new aparts Hallywood kitchens, rically equipped, broads drapes, T.V, outlet, hot water and parks No, St. West, -- FREE 2 weeks rent In very modern one bedroom apartment with balcony, Whitby, Phone MO 8-4770 105 Craydon Rd, Two now, bedroom apartment La Salle Court, available Phone RA 5.3815 or RA 8.6485, One ments, best location, monthly, North, Apt, 15; RA 8.8676, BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS ond 2-bedroom Apart electrically tquigned, $85 and $100 498 Simcoe St, weleame, Apply 378 King Wivent West FURNISHED three - room apartment, with semi private bath, all convenl ences, hight, heat, water supplied, work, ng couple, no children, RA 52500 13 COLBORNE Street East = apart ment far rent, $14 weekly FIVE « room brick bungalow, ofl far nace, ane wile east of Taunton in Jones Subdivision, Phone RA between § and &, GOOD brick house = hardwood floors, thive bedrooms dining roam and Hving room, Kilohen and pantry, Available November 1. RA 506 THRER roams and balk, private en trance: alsa two poms and hath, pr vate entrance! laundry facilities: Wm apartment house, RA 5-3938 or 84 Wayne Street SELF contained three room apartment, With complete hathroam: one oF twa will tain vou, we of car would be on asset, Write Box 214, staiing tall particulars in fist Jetter, | ehildren welcome. Oconpancy November {8 137 Rosehill Bive ONE, two of three furnished rooms, pole 1 p and ore W SX row ik Ne Ped a slon, Telephone RA far. OOM oo Woloom, "adie RA Hl He ovly ema fated Sha Bamboo ably Machded RA ih ro ta ita hark Road YAR is EF [Margie [aren unfurnished ho Available nh Ei LT wl 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN DUPLEX 551 SANROWNE DR, AT Laan ay led Bots, a ving room, tile kitchen with dining area ee balcony, Vacant now for ine spection, Stove, frig, washer dryer, Call Frank Hazlett, RU 3-1733 or after 6 Ts 9387, 3008 Rr St Joronte 19, ~ FOR Passenger elevator service, New building, Centrally ton cated In . downtown area. Moderate rent, Leases now available. L. WILSON Contact 1 {glean respectable persons, at 17 Snir | Phone RA 3. 3474 Quiet I & Rent RAS Orono, stoves, drapes LESKARD HOUSE FOR RENT Bungalow, 4 reoms, large lot, $28.00 a month, Appreciate References. HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE, Ont.--Ph, | ring 16 _ PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING ST, DISTRICT) residential street, bedroom Apartments, friga, T.V. outlet, parking, ete from $90 PHONE RA 5.5702 monthly, F979

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