The Oshawa Times, 9 Nov 1960, p. 15

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Ws, 130); Maden Morrison $14.s lot more Soom wi # hers were! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Movember 9, 1960 15 SPORT OUTDOORS By Jack Sords™ ---- OGHAWR BOWLING NEWS Fe" momen oo pow, G70 ies om der i frp ok en LE FEE GE re et ep Eh) od pan ¢ LEAN EAGER 0 (4, 009); Dk Jukneton $08 (230) 0, 817); 0. Goreaery 744 (0h, 001. 01) Frid (hrs B91 Nie 42 aN . Ba % Sa Lod (ors 1a) Kinloch' §, Lotiom a Bl There is wel he HE Beck left i", 6G. Hickey we B, Ross 78 (16, Bi, 276); B. G# A Wiis section and Asks ahd Gootmias #18 ang Rowden her Tok (3%, TW 295); B pd Th is, § H 5 Man ms 4 stam. tn he mies. WHI Hot cad yO oo J Jombien Bh Jo Woke (Tas, tow, 104); A. Brwon 78 (131, T0) y oo Bre i one pont between them, To make Wace KK Bnew 221, K HAR pa 0. Lanenbwex 015 (264, 36) wid W. lyn Cooper, Jom Blencowe snd Gerry Ore IEERStIng they howl REsinet each 205" 252" V. Jokneton 225, Jn Comrthey CHPETOR W53 171, 9%) Crawlond 0 snd Hose Crowiond ] her REE WREK at P 2%, Fis. Toson 209, I. Smith 2%, A Term Stondings AllStass 15, Dog 1 Cangraptiiations " BEY F * Prout 307, Audrey. Begs 06, K. Giveon Patehers 13, Ign Spots 15, 15 sd TOWN AND COUNTRY LADIES . max 347 and 15 Ben Bracky wWR # 205 joan Marks 212, Joan Baltes 2495, Oniers 12, Mishits 9, Beptnickers 1, Bow High Triples J, agers 8 993, TH Not ba lepve the women henna. Gi. [age Raiineon 99 wad G, Brough cats 6 sad Clowns § nn Ik (19%); Ed Aone Landry jad 2 Wi ann best Ber ane wi MM, White awh tiie with § 14 Lemon lesgge -- 5 lagemn, 0. WOTOR CITY MIXED WOSINEss pe 8 we ) Lniachaties whiten ished Pishesds, yermoen and A. Gibson ti The first section is over and the High BS M_ Good » Bitrry Fibs, GomAmias, # ig 7 4 Team Sanding Laguers B, CWVs Severs are the winRers with 1 points 7, B oe, MW, Mont Bix Hope: gomery 6 snd ws, ' fon Hike pointe from Bo les, Wi . Firs Yo 8, Smokies 16, To ile very flowy wy ots 15, Josndon 18, Question Marks 14 Ils with ¥ nAingers 15, &8sy Over 10 = Amie Lande Te (40: snd Sirens | cay 4nd Dries it, Holsnots 18 Ler * I - Purser " : i i, 40) and Ben Wrncey 118 (248 : in 0 Bervies , ey 2 ig ' " RrReey ' Rw wn |e i, and Ros hate 4 Now Shet & " A , or Fi ¥ y teams sre at full strength Asiby 81, B. HoWidsy y HAE: A ¥ S0--tary Buthe oo (U1; Art| HAIR LEAGEE everyone 6 settled down there may he [2 ' v, by pie yr = Farry " ig ag py LL AR Abid and Light & closer race lor the other thiee see / , ks nk AC ¢ & #a And Lathe White " Lyi Spoke Lak thee finite eaihi The Bah: tons Bi, 6 Slovell Th, WM. Lang 64 and M - ens ou Thee Lad 41 3 id ines » Wi cote cals and Misfits took (we point seach HIgh tnples this week sis Dave Me Bannon v2 | 4 E A; § H ath Freed aH wing Wad Dil uo. | and fing Patchers, Clowns #nd In snd Kas 161 (265, 27, 299); Rows Lylord Standings -- Bapphires 3, Dismonds 4 ck 216, Sid Hobs 4 y Wozhik | Guters ne 781 (28), LJ, 26); Helen Wiggins 125. 16, Maonsiones 18, Opals 17, Pears 17,4 Bloodsiones 11 snd Bi Hr ey et fil, Norma Bradburn 2%, Mos' Mae! High ites =. 1, Wing M5 (391, 9, (abs, UH); Lh Wine O83 (247, Bi Emeralds 4, » rider ni ort (44 ; Fast oi Ay 291; 8. Davies Barclay Beleman 663 (205, 195); Tom Wes 11 : - yA y Huu v hvvi Biri RB, Bes 149 (25%, Hae WL (a, 2, Wh) Harry Favie' Gins, dows you tink there would be 17, Happy Gang 14, Wonid-Be's ol ET. - » Iden 11, Ba ho ed i, Untavehabies fe 1 it (Light cars, sports cars and com We hope vou A have pieked i tickets for the dance on November 19 » I you need more tickets be sre snd see one of fhe exsgutive next week rl A i oe» mn e nes am Y m FIN WITTERS Ladies' high single ~ Nellie Temp (87/8 X iar, 246 7 H W¥ fou v 10 KEEP BUSY, L " Ladies' high (rigie--Nellie Templar cars mn no o AT A] MAKE yk FA van GUN CREINET OR RACK , SOME iE en's high single =~ Waller Houston Commits he REMDY-CLT Sy BE SURE To i Se s high triple w= Ted Tozer 095 E ASAD CHECK, { Link 3 7 ANB OH. YOUR GINS ex over 116 ~ Nellie Temples " ys 1371 § | soe BB; 1 : on Te 1 16: Vi Cornish 81, Booze Rich H 7 J ards 199 5 3 7 A A, A EE Os R Men over WW Wall Houston S16 ; i : , Verne Clans 26, Bil Bosrman 20, 1 Vorer 2, 2h: Al Price 425, Bian Simpson 203, i, 212; Boh Harper 220 | Team standing MeFarianes 3 : Friges 2, Torers 8, Smales 3, Richards 2, Houston's | WIRE AND WARNESS LEAGUE Team Standing Hi L's 2, Jest is 2, Pin Pickers 2, Gey Bix 2 Head Pins 86, GoGelters 43, Tueky Birikes 22, Hi Bawls 20, Alley Cats 19 and Merry Bix 18. OTTAWA (CP) -- A onetime supervision in 1951 and by 1956 ,0ver #0 --~ Marty Muller Tos Lhe, jockey makes sure that Cana-|fans had het 7.837.826 in 232 ymburner 644 (272) and Harry Snow dians, who bet more than $120, days, Today there are more hay- 607 (430) 000,000 on race horses last year, ness raceways than there are 'Wer 2d op orman B47. Poul get a run for their money thoroughbred race tracks Bowe Lanktard 330, Grace Tasks iil J.D, (Jim) Higginson, 63 against 19---and last year 225: Sylvie Kemp 218, Maurie Shorten year-old turf veteran who has dys wagers lotalled $135,956, i, homo 210, Flarence Johnston 208. also heen an owner and trainer Of every $2 wagered one cent Beth Lymburner 208, Cyril Weeks 208 traded his stable for a desk chair goes towards cost of the protec. ni Howard Walker wl | to become the federal govern: tion supervised by Mr, Higginson nanmon late o FAL McClather 9% | ment's race track betting super and his two ex-RCMP assistants, Brown 81, Diane Dabrowski 60, John visor in 1964 8, B. (Bid) Pratt, 40-year-old na-| Malcolm #2 and Frank Diskey 79 | He and two assistants, eight tive of Moose Jaw, Sask, 80d) prrEMEN's MIXED LEAGUE | Mathematically minded rls and| British-horn Brian Middleton, 20,0 We have three ladies in our honos B {ist this week £ep up the gs ! 7 specially trained RCMP ofic| ply threo men split up on in W"benS ii st" Wi to spection (rips, vg OUL ACPOBS offer belated congratulations to aur 89 tracks in every province ex- the country throughout the vac. newlyweds, Marion and Ernie Mac cept Quehec g season to help the 75 spe ioe clence, in the form of special perth selected RCMP officers al- an Tomiiar oh (a on | chemigal tests and PhoLography,| aus at the tracks 20%); E, Smith 648 (828, 318, 201); Vi has helped them police the tracks Wnox 636 (266); A. Tuson B22 (226, 308); so well that the only trouble they| REPORT TO OTTAWA D. Marks 620 (215, 24, 2001); H, Keys have these days comes from pa-| The track officers, from three 7 trons to seven plainclotifesmen at each B " Pi k Si Adams has done it again! AP track depending on its size, check CLL] ICKS ites 7 ; PICKET Fix ne minor infrae pari=-mutuel belting and send in . ' ; tions like trying to mutilate a reports after, svery race to the For 1968 Winter ticket to defraud the race track," | ooh ooking ai the crew of hpi . the native of Ottawa sald in an girls § Olympic Games interview. "And there's very Ii L tle of that All have to he good at mathe ih : 3 : "No race tracks in the world matics and the men are hand MANNING PARK, B.C, (CP) have the close supervision that|pieked for their ability not only British Columbia will push four- we have and it's likely that then handling people and figures W idely-separated mountain areas big tracks wouldn't want to oper {but in making snap decisions, as possible sites for the 1066 win. ate without it now, We proeet It's up to the. men on the joh ter Olympic Games them as well as the public," to decide quickly whether there, phe provincial cabinet made The federal protection, called has heen a mistake and who 18 (he decision Monday after meet for under the Criminal Code, also|'h Wrong ; ing at this provincial park, 150 "has -an direct benefit to the| "There is very little possibility yiias east of Vancouver, with "tick owner. It increases the of an infraction as photography groups backing the four sites public's confidence and the be! and ehewpical fests round oul the" pronosed as suitable were the tor risks more, sald Mr. Higgin te BR he Jnen to Bike the pub-iyovnie area, near the southern son who travels to each park al Every Y is filme od through BC, « Alberta border, Manning least once a year to make sure| CG 1 Park, Garibaldi Park, 40 miles that this confidence is well out and all major tracks have a '® J } A placed, projection room--some of them Borth of Vancouver, and the "We very rarely get a com complete photography labs on Rossland Red Mountain area, 10 plant." wheels--where the Judges can miles southwest of Trail, ou Race track hetting both hap 'Tern' a contentious race, Still --_ _-- ness and thoroughbred--is hig| Photos ave taken of every race business and the investors 'must | finish get their money's worth." Qualified chemists analyze urine and saliva tests taken of SENSATIONAL SNOW TIRE OFFER! RECORD WAGERS every winner after each race The "business" has climbed| and any other horse the judges from $25,187,508 bet in the depres:| decide to take" to make certain sion year of 1933 to $120,680,582| that drugs haven't heen used to in 1060, This year the figure willlstimulate or retard a contender he even higher, In Ontario, for] All equipment and hetting in example, helting is already up|novations have to he approved about $4,000,000 aver 1059, {by the service, part of the agri _ Harness racing came under' oultural department, | Win Juvenile Bees NO DOWN PAYMENT -- TERMS $228 verry AL Adams, the distiller who made history with the now famous Private Stock, has done it again! Adams now presents Gold Stripe, another Custom Blend, at a moderate price, created especially for the Ontario tasts, Next time you buy, try mellow eusivn-blended Gold Stripe in its tall, handsome flask bottle mo--=o30 O00 in 25 ounce and 12 ounce sizes, and you'll agree WEEKLY, FREE MOUNTING Now OR AT shawa Dairy and Hayden Defending scoring champs, N FALL, Poison ) " Y ietor in Rd "Ruth Dow ; GB " Hot WINTERIDE a one goal margin Tuesday night Watt registered two goals each Q ick h at the Children's Arena as the|for the Vending boys S uick on the getaway» Quran Minor Hockey fasueta- HAYDEN MACDONALD'S WHY A PARE WHEEL ? quiet on the go, lon Juvenile league oificially| GOAL, Chatterton; defense, Saun i PEEP LUG BITE ~~ Takes full opened for the 1960-61 season. |ders, Kirk, Hoakes and Camber a a {Tg bp foie the oHiee. ® fm grip in deen snow and The double-header saw Oshs(jain: forwards. Yahn. Rockburn tiveness and life of your snow tires by mak- mud for fast breakaway tra tion awa Dairy copping the lid-lifter Michaels, Stevens, Peters, Por ing them as flexible as chains -- you mount 42 over Beaton's Dairy while|ieaus, Taylor, Weindmark and one snow tire on "NEW" 5 Thur wheel and AWE PACKER 'Shaw To riae Mac's squeaked a 34 win over|Cullen. surface raughened, thousands other on spare in trunk, This way you al of minute crater' pores and Tony's Refreshments in the INR RAE » | nighteap TONY'S REFRESHMENTS -| ways have your snow tires ready to go ~-- edlges " ; 3 al 'oun goal, White and Yault; defense, Tonight the Midget league willlg re nk Wa acnell "Smith and without watting their performance when . }0R JREAD COMPOUND - f gular pris t pason's play playing a y start the season's play p EB A johnson: forwards, Garrard, | not required, Offer limited to present stock Available in Tubed of Tubeless for triple-header at the Children's \ lh 4 i Po At 6.30 p.m. last year's|imen, Cooper, Costello. Josephs, | of wheels and cannot be repeated, et cars including. imparts and champs Kinsmen, meet Local 222 Mazon, Masters, Dudley, Watt ampacts uit dowe el A A A a Re 0 \ le with ang ( At 79 pm. Lions tangle with Renae w= Johitny: Sadowski | in the final Cana- Kiwanis and in the Ha and Vince Genge, Scorer = Jim | din Legion are against Rotary at 8.30 p.m Shaw, Co SAVE 50% ON QUALITY Po BATTLE OF THE MILKMEN hy WINTERIDE RETREADS | GUNS and Leftwinger Neil "Army" Arm i Sa 0 With Safely A Al i) 0 strong, who missed most of last Aopen with a broken ankle made f ERT TT 750.14 essi start thi ear, : 4 Hing he Vining oa! n Yelp . 48 fe. AND 670.15. 13.95 yA a Lip ORDER PRICES )a wh Beaton's h g Dairy 32 Mis piping) ha \ : 800-14 : ER S$ JUST 10 Vo DOWN 5.40 mark in the final period : ) AND 710.15. 16.95 ) Sure We Trade Bring in Your Old whieh broke the 22 deadlock Gun. Your choice of Remington, Wins Larry Vernon and husky for | a1 Ask for prices, sompact ssa 9 chester, Marlin, Naaco, Savage, wan Andy Sinden 1alleg the ® With resappable trade-in, . Stevens, Ithica, Coosy, Browning. other goals for Oshawa Dairy Whitawalls $1.00 ext Rearguard Rich Branton and -e Gun Cases vier 1.98 up Captain Ed Don replied for Bea ---- WASHAWA DAIRY -- goal, Bea REPEAT OF FIRST TIME OFFER SELL-OUT den; defense, Cover, Kalesnik . = : BS TE TRANSISTOR k gd lott, Crothers, 3 aon Key Peters, An Pre-Winler Sale mm at Think of a fgure~~take away $300-~and pensive cars; they perform like expensive derson, Bradley, Lutton and Ver l " 0 TC er fully & AR R ADIOS | ---- | you're probably getting close to the price cars; and thay feel like expensive oars, \ weather stripped, with all equip of the Stendard-Triumph you'd most like But they're not. In fact if you call in at BEATON'S DAIRY goal} ment " L Markus; defense, Scribner, Ol ; a S to own! Almost everyone guesses too your Standard-Triumph dealer's, you're /ande Rrante Plus Large Grill with TERT 4 } AS RR yah -- RR | [hi hen they uy to price these fine likely to ut the nionst surprise of ; ears. And no wonder, They look like ex» your life! ers, Styayk, Norris, Huechler, Solomon, Rowden, Nelson, Don, |f Ros. 69.30, Nad - : IN 49.50 DOMINION ™\ ano ur BIE Fegd Fine care since 1909 Cotle, Barnaski and Montpetit, J ONY MAC'S NIP TONY'S \ Pon Cullen, a speedy left Coll now for FREE Estimates TIRE STORES } hid winger, rapped home a "hat on all products, \ 8 Down, $? Weekly tick" to pace Hayden Macdon- fd Au pred fully \ DOMINION a y ald's to a 54 victary over Tony's . hd ROYAL 1 : Refreshments ANAS HURRY , , , DON'T MISS THIS SENSATIONAL OFFER . , , fits most *6Y and CANADA) umITEd Al Weidmark was a two-goal ALLIS earlier 12.volt cars, Custom incdash trim plate and separate. speaker included, performer also for the Mac's. 5 Colonial Aluminum Hear it, you'll buy it. Fast on-the-spot installation arranged for small extra charge Sales © VANGOUVER + TORONTO + MONTREAL VISIT NORWAY | Norwegian travel arts es. f 1} Vmeoe Wh § LL al 48 BOND w Jy ETI Rbnbiehe EST (Comer of Church) RA 3-631 SMITH SPORTS a Nerwa woud teach a DIRECT FACTORY orrice | I ---- DOMMION RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED Py | 353 KING ST, WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIO

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