The Oshawa Times, 7 Nov 1960, p. 5

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BRANCH 112 COLOR PARTY IN PARADE veterans to the annual service | School, Henry street, was a | Shown above are the members of Remembrance, held this year | color party under the direction | of the party, Left to right they at the Whithy District High ' of Comrade George Brown, ' are Robert Adams, Violet ut iy SIH Leading the members of Branch 112 of the Canadian Le- glon, Whithy, and other Whithy | Flyers Edge Hillcrest In Best Gam Lillian Parade | Brown, George Brown Kirk and Mery Dale | Marshal was Alf, Reardon Oshawa Times Photo (tional, "Our Needy Brethren", church parlor at 2.80 p.m, Nov, 4 Afternoon Auxiliary Discusses Refugees The November meeting of the Miernoon Auxiliary of the Wom- an's Missionary Society was held in the assembly hall of the Upit-| ed Church at 3 pm, on Tuesday. | In the ah of president, Mrs, Hore, Mrs, H. 7 Fallaise| presided and opened the meeting with an inspirations] thought, | "Fo worship rightly is to love! each other". Minutes of last meet. | ing were read and adopted snd treasurer's report given, Mrs, D, J. Kean repo spondence, A warm tribute was! paid to the memory of the late Mrs, A. Moir who had heen & very devoted member of the Wo- man's Boclety, Members were asked to assist in the Tuck Shop, at Fairview Lodge the fourth Friday of each month from 2 to 4 pm, Mrs, 1, Kemp reported that a Mission | Band was in operation again wn. | der the leadership of Mrs, Wal-| lace and Mrs, Marshall, Mrs, 7 Breckenridge announced thet # churcharama showing work from) every organization the church! would be held beginning the week of Nov, 9, | Mrs, H. C, Phillips gave a most interesting report from the Pres. hyterisl meeting held in Bt, Ste phen's Church recently, This meeting dealt with the new wom: an's organization of the United Church Mrs, R, W, McQuay's group| took the program. The subject was "A Home for the Homeless" Mrs, O, Robinson led the devo for corre: doing to help these |exile in Switzerland said "A refu- based on John Sth chapler verses 117, The story of the erippied man, Jesus had a great concern for people of sll classes, He henl- ed their sick and concerned Him sell shout all their needs Mrs, G, McQuade gave a very interesting Aad A refugees and thelr problems which are many ond tragic, Mrs, MeQuade #lso told something of what the United Chureh of Canads and the World Council of Churches Rg ' new way of ile, Canada has join. ed with 68 other nations in focus. ing attention on the overwhelmig | 4d in Europe and other countries, Two percent of the world's popu. Iation is homeless and of this two percent one third are children, Mrs, McQuade gave some facts from Dr, Elan Rees' hook ""We Strangers Are AMraid"', Much money and help In different ways has heen contributed but much more will he needed helore this great problem is settled, Each person has something to contrib. a, S27ng pV erstonding ond Fienaship wiki go a ng way \@- wards helping, Lenin when ¥ fre is & person who votes with 5 feet", There is 8 bigger pedes- trian poll today than ever hefore, They vote for freedom, we ignore their vote at our peril Mrs. Fallasie closed the meet. ing with prayer, Mrs, 8, L, Os horne and group were tea host esses, Executive will meet in the "WHITBY And DISTRICT By CLIFF GORDON © ley played at the local arena this| i" poprry y band io i POPPY DAY *OPryY Abbe | CBN AY 0 HELP LEGION B almost every part of town for Branch 112 Canadian Leglon, Whithy, Over 40 boys and girls were selected to sell the pop. ples and collect funds for needy veterans and thelr families, are pletured with the newly arrived wreath from the Pros vineial Government of Ontario, The hoys each received a free pass to the Brock Theatre, Whithy Oshawa Times Photo Fire Chief Asks Parents Co-Operation Back row, left to right, are Steve Nichols, George Young, Rill Bow and Robert Primeau, Front row left to right are Fred Fusco, Brian Trinkwon, Joe DeChamps, Ron Bragg and Ron Br The campaigners Taking an active part in the Canadian Legion Poppy Day Campaign were these young men of Whithy and distriet, On Saturday they could he seen canvassing for donations In Fallen Are Martyrs Speaker Suggests 'o-Operation Could not the name of martyr i makes mueh difference to our his life in his hand because cer. Pepariment has heen called out be applied to the men and women [hearts and minds, how, In our|tain things heme dane in| lo several fires, helieved to have who willingly laid down their|thoughts, we picture them, and I| Europe, fighting for the|/been started hy mischievous lives in the defence of what they [plead that we have a right in|Ward of God and the testimony | children, The identity of some of helleved of Le:/this matter o the consolation of {of Jesus Christ the juvenile arsonists is known hy glon members and other Whitby the Holy Seripture | The young men wont the Whithy Fire Department and oitigens were asked on Sunday! "1 know that many good peo: forth from Canada, he said were [21008 are being taken to assure afternoun, Speaker at the annualinle hesitate even to think of our, men who were seeped In ideas |" they da not start fives again Service of Remembrance held at/fallen comrades as martyrs, that van counter to everything the| Puring the past two weeks the the Whithy Distylet High Sehool, much as they admire their devo: [Nazis had instilled in a genera. | irelighters have heen called out Henry street, wis Rev, Stanley |ijon and mourn thelr loss, partly [tion of German youth, "This is/'0 fires at Sawdon's coal shed, Armstrong, Rector of All Saints' hoeause they recognize that pmething we should bear in| the CNR freight shed, a barn fire Angllean Chureh {good combatant may not be a vind every Remembrance Day it Dundas street east, a burning "1 would ask you whether we good man," he said he sald, "Tor the great majority ar at Rroughton's farm and a may not, following St: John's) "No one would wish to bring of Canadians were lads who died honfive in the middle of Gilbert teaching, apply the name of mar |into Christianity the Mohamme: | for what they believed, street east, The Fire Department tyr not only to these who were dan doetvine that death in battle Cin . has received Information about a cruelly butchered or burnt, un-(is a sure passport to paradise," WAR OF CREEDS five at the Ontario Ladies' Cals nappy and unwilling "We would We stand today in the midst lege, believed ta have heen starts put much mote to wholagree that death in battle may (of a great warid-w de ed hy hoodlums, which was ex» gave their lives fro and vol-lonly mean obedience to orders struggle," he sald, "in whieh doc tin wished hy college personnel, untarily in the of what!and physical courage, both excel: | trines and dogmas are the oh ol I'wa gasoline and oll soaked tires they believed Armstrong lent qualities, but not especially |15sues. It is a war of ereeds." were thrown over the College sald, Chrlsiian." "And the strength of those cannons and set afive, The fires {who war on the Christian tradi-|were put out with foam extin. CANNOT JUDGE {NEAR DIVINE LOVE tion lies in the delinileness of | guishers "1 admit thal our imper-| "Rut the voluntary and free their oreeds, their confessions) Whitby Fire Chief Bruce Corner feet knowledge we cannot judge giving of a man's life to cham: | and dogmas, no matier haw one-|is appealing ta Whithy parents this or that individual," he con pion the weak is the nearest sided they may he, 1 want tinued, "all we can do in the/thing we know to the divine love stress this, because important Christian Chureh is to commend, fol Jesus Christ." he said "And|political, economic and military as we do, those who (all iniso I say tha! the man who left|issues sometimes tend to crowd battle to the merey of God. But/his home and his work, and took oul the all-pervading religious Phone MO 8-3418 BROCIS warrsy "Does anyone thing Now Playing Evening Shows at 6:35 and 8:20 Welt Was a congregation who suflerers, [sald Mr, Armstrong those religion ly tenes Mi d with the sevious consequences of start ing fives "They nat only endanger their awn lives," he said, "but also tt they endanger the lives of fire at the oer 1 reside he | in their | EWES, and reside nts in the im. "Not on your mediate area of the fire In addi {Hon to causing costly damage to along with the Americans, anti-| "and steps will he taken to en: intellectual, belittling the impor sure that these misdemeanors tance of what we believe," he will cease warned 'neglecting serious study, wanting noble fruits with: | | Communists ave fuszy Last Complete Show ot 8:20 beliefs?" he asked. life, [Pronerty Lid ; wr (CW "e STACKED... IE UNTY "i N i aul the convictions that bore! | them," banded Sunday after more than | ANTHINTELLECTUAL "We definitely know what 1s a us as Christians at our weekly |: "We have been as a people, #oing on" said Chief Corner TEAM DISRANDED NELSON, BC. (CP) Nelson to Maple Leals of the Western In {come back to earth and watoh | leruationat Hockey League dis | worship, what would they say th (30 years of continuous aperation. [he asked, "They would say 'what/ Ihe club, in last place in the has happened? Is this the faith hree-leam league, blamed poor that ance stirred the world with a| Mtendance, lack of capital and | thousand trumpets? 1s this the 'ACK of good senior players on miraculous faith that burp ws ¥MCR to bald a team for its with its flame'?™ withdrawal, The twa clubs re |" Closing, Rev. Armstrong loft MANNE in the league, Trail (the question "Why have we al Smoke Eaters, Canada's repre. lowed these breathlessly exciting] Sentatives in the world hockey facts to be confined ta the tomb | Championships in Switzerland in lof words behind closed doors? |[February, and Rossland War Leading the parade of Legion Mors, will meet later this week members and veterans from the '® discuss haw to keep in opera Legion hall to the high school was | Hon the Whithy Brass Rand. Rev David Marshall, of St Andrew's of the Whithy United Preshyvterian Church, and Chap ad the Seripture lain of the Branch, led in the! led in prayer minute's silence at the beginning! John R, Frost was soloist and of the service. Rev, John Smith, (sang "In Flanders' Fields." ally at Athalie Chureh lesson and | « (yer 282, 881; M, Bemis 256, 262; 10110 see that their ehildren realise] year took place on Baturday night as the Niagara Valls Flyers edged the Whithy Hillerests of the Jr, B league 6:4 in a real spark ling exhibition contest, It was a fast hard fought game with plen ty of action hy both teams, The game was marred late in the third period as LeClair of the winners was cut hy an acelden tal high stick and had to have attention by the local doctor, Owner » manager » coach Hap Emms of the Niagara team sald he was pleased with the game and that he would he glad to play another game here, Gary Harmer and Nelson Le Clair paced the winners' atlack with two goals each with single counters going to Wayne Callr mont and Jeannot Gilbert, For the Whithy elub it was Lyn Middleton, Stan Westfall, Kimer Tran and Gord Luke with one foal each. That makes five goals n two nights for Luke who ap: | | BOWLING NEWS WHITRY MIXED LEAGUE High Singles - 215 and over: Des Denyer 228, 216; Don Den. J, White 242, J, Marshall 222, N, Pegs 241, 245; Ed Steer 224, 231, 20; RB, Pascoe 2530, 24%; R, Pas. eoe 268, 246; B, White 800, 244, 280; ©, GI 821, 228; M, Jordan |2A7, 248, 217; ¥, Coleman 218, G Hager 216, L, Conner 221, J, Con: | ner 36, J, Kirk 833, 236; D Walker 242, D, Dafoe 270, Holwell 220, G, Tgglesden 236, A, Knibbh 218, L, Riley 216, D Han-| cock 238, 240; J, Mothersill 278, | R, Childs 238, H, Moore 216, Mothersill 245, 800; D, Grant 237,| ! Moore 279, R, Black 246, 1 MeHaffie 226, A, MeHafie 234, 217: D, Rowden 281 220, 278; | MeCarroll 248, J, Hruechle 295, 361; B, Collins 808, | High Triples (00 and over: A, MeHaftle 08, D, Rowden 749, 1. Mothersill 677, C. Moore 47, D. Hancook 645, J, Mother silk 622, D. Dafoe 669, K., Lewis 643, J, Kirk 760, RB, Collins 686, | J, Bruechle 761, B, White 783, C.| Gill 688, M, Jordan 737, B, Pas: coe 717, R. Pascoe 700; D, Pegg 000, Ed. Steer 683, Des Denyer| 706, Theatre Guild | | For New Play The Whithy Theatre Guild held a special meeting at their new [workshop on Dundas street west [to decide on a director for a new play to he presented in the near future, Harry Chapman, leader of the Pilgrim Players of Oshawa, ae |oepted the post as director of {Emile #ola's drama "Therese" My, Chapman was one of the founding members of the Whithy Theatre Guild in 1953 The play will he the Whithy {Theatre Guild's entry in the Cen tral Ontavie Drama League Fes {tival, Well over 20 little theatre {organizations will compete in the festival and eight will he selected {to enter the finals at Hart House, {University of Toronta, The win ner of this final will represent Ontario in the Dominion Drama Festival {It was announced at the meet ing that Mrs, Joan Hill was ap painted to the affice of area rep resentative for the Central On tavia Drama League. Mrs, Hill's area embraces all little theatre groups fram the easterly fringe of Toronto through the lakeshore to Bowmanville Casting for the drama "They ese will take place this week The drama offers a great deal of soope for those whe have an ia terest in dramatics, either on stage or hack stage. Those Inter ested in auditioning for a part in the play can do so hy calling Mrs. Joan Hill, MO 329020, | | pe ars to be headed for One of the best games of hock: | Ye [far the third time in the A15, Don Denyer 616, M, Bemis|™ Boy Dies, Brings Chooses Director | Death Toll To 3 # banner ar, Cliff Goderidge made his first start in goal for the Whithy team on Baturday night and looked very good, He appeared to freeze on the first goal that heat him, but from there on in he played inspired hockey, Niagara Valls drew first Wood at the 2.81 mark as Harmer got his first of two, on a goal that Goderidge froze on, Middleton tied It up for the Whithy team less than three minutes later as he backhanded a shot past Arm: strong In the winners' cage, Both teams were short handed when the Flyers came up with their second goal of the game, a neat three-way passing play with Le- Clair driving home the goal on asses from Gilbert and Kd West: fall, Harmer got his second goal of the game at the 14.80 mark and the Flyers appeared as if they had the tide swung in their favor, The Whithy team was right in there and got that ene e Of Year were short handed, The Hillerests had now cut the Niagara Falls lead to a single goal and you could see that the Viyers were really turning it on, Ed, Westfall was driving fara as was Gilbert, LeClair and many of the others, They realized that the Hillerests really meant business and that if they gol the equalizer they might easily get another and beat the 'A team, But fate was against the locals and Gilbert got his big goal at the 16.20 mark and this was the one that broke the backs of the Whithy team, Mind you the Hill. crests did not stop there hut play: ed fired Li hockey right to the final whistle, ICE CHIPS , , This was a ter rifle hockey game, one the fans will talk about for a while, , , , It was hard hitting but . muek cleaner than the one here on Wednesday night, , , , Goderidge making his first appearance In the Whithy net looked good, and will more than likely get another hack just 20 seconds later as Stan Westfall, brother of Niag: ara Falls' Eds scored on a hard ghot that eluded the Flyers goalie, The visitors held a slim chance to prove his worth to morrow night when the Hillerests of the Metro B league with game 4-2 edge at the end of the first, The Flyers were held well in check in the early sages of the second period as the Whitby team appeared to be speeding up the tempo of the game. Tran tied the count at three all at 6.21 and the 650 fans were really Whooping it up, The visitors were short handed at the time, LeClair found the range for the second time at 7.06 and se Flyers had the vad game Claivmont made it 6-8 with less than two minutes te go in the period, Naplorkowski brought the Whithy fans to their feet in the final minute as he made a tre: I. mendous rush up the ice and fed a pass over right in front of the net but Morrison just failed to tip it in Phe hest goal of the game for our money was scored early in the third period, Gord Luke was the trigger man on this one as he took a pass from Tran and went right in on Armstrong and drilled it hame knee high to the left of the goalie, The Falls team was once again playing short handed, so it appears as If the local power attack was elieking Saturday night as half their goals ere scored while the winners time called for 8.80, On Saturday night, Nov, 18, the Newmarket Redmen will be the visitors, AUMMARY 1st Period will host the Woodbridge Dodgers | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Selling poppies for-the Whithy Branch 112, Canadian Legion, on Baturday were these wo young volunteers from Whithy, They were two of 40 young people who sold the poppies at Mendey, Wovewher 7, 1960 § FOR POPPY DAY strategie places in town, Left is Virginia Nicholls, 9, of 29 Broek street , and right is Marion Matchell, 9, 121 Colborne street east, Oshawa Times Photo Some Highways Snow Covered By THE CANADIAN PRESS Some Bouthern 'and central Ontario highways were snow: Toronto said heavy snow in the Goderich and Arthur areas left highways covered, The same cons ditions existed in the Owen Sound ares where three inches fell over. night, Th eold air from the Arctie sent temperatures In the Muse koka district down to 16 degrees, covered today following a week: end fall which brought up to eight inches of snow in some Breas, Cold alr also moved in from the Arctic and dropped tempera: tures In some areas to below freezing, Beven Inches of sow fell Bun ay at Centralia in the London aren, In the Georgian Bay dis triet six inches of snow fell at Collingwood and eight at Stayner, But Barrie, 20 miles west, missed most of the snow, The department of highways In SHIRT LAUNDERERS MOTH AND BURN HOLES REWOVEN WHITBY RA 5.3555 There's no Substitute for Experience! In Bouthern Ontario temperatures \dropped as low as 25 degrees, DODD & SOUTER PAINT end WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON §T, §, WHITBY MO 8-5231 YOUR C.I.L. Paint Dealer Painting & Decorating Contraston ten, Pu rhangi wll Wal » hy | Mure! , Niagara Falls; Harmer, Hergott A . 8 Whithy: Middleton, Tran 5,18) , Niagara Falls; LeClair, | Gilbert, 1, Westfall 11.50 , WN , Niagara Falls; Harmer, Clairmont, hilkipa , Whithy: 8, Westfall, Shearer Penalties = Tripp 2.89, Esta brook, major; Kadwell, major; 10,01; Ashby, Gilhert, 16,16, ind Perio 6, Whithy: Tran 7, Niagara Falls Gilbert, Brander ! #, Niagara Falls: Clhigrmont, Glashen, Rutledge 10.17 Penalties--Clairmont 4,45, Bob: ble 11,68, Harmen 14.24, frd Period #, Whithy: Luke, Tran ,,,, 181 10 Niagara Falls; Gilbert ., 16,20 Penalties -- B, Westfall 1.00, | (ashen 8.58, Naplorkowskl 6.19, Harmer, minor and major, 8.67 Kadwell, malor and automatic LeClair, "| T.V. AERIALS Moved -- Repaired Installed, INDEPENDENT SALES & SERVICE (WHITEY) AT MO hy WHITBY AUTO TRIM THE HOME OF GOOD CAR KEEPING [YOUR SLIP COVER CENTR MOS 8/121 DUNDAS STW | 301 DUNDAS ST, W, MO 8:4009 == WHITBY Mohawk Body Sh misconduct, 8.57; Wright, 10,00, Sneddon, major, 14,08; Wright 14.47, The death of seven-year-old | Norman Rimmer in Toronto's | Hospital for sunday evening brings to the the death toll in a two-car erash near Ajax early Friday morning, The boy was taken Wo the hos pital y General Hospital where he receiv: | od preliminary treatment follow | ing the crash about ene mile west of the Ajax clov@rieal about 6.13 a.m, Friday, | His mother, Mrs, Dorothy Rim. mer, 42, of Toronto, and a family | friend, Sydney Woods, §4,. Niagara Falls, were killed in stantly when the ear in whieh they were riding was struck from the rear by an eastbound ear Woods, Mrs, Rimmer and her) two ohildven, Norman and a sis ter, Naney, 14, had been on :%eir| | alr way to Kingston to visit a rela: ye tive when Woods' car stalled on Highway 401, Police said that a Department of Highways truck appeared shortly after and shovs od the stalled car off on the south shoulder, » Nancy, said police, trjed to flag down passing cars to help) start their stalled vehicle while | the other three remained in the oar, Mrs, Rimmer and Norman were in the rear seat and Woods was behind the wheel, One car did stop to offer assist ance bat found that the bum per of his car was ton high fer the English model car Woods was driving Police sald Nancy was on the! highway, again trying to stop' a car for. ald, when an easi clear and was uninjured, Ulf Edelsword, 20, of Rexdale, has heen charged with careless appeared in Oshawa dent, He for a ve police court on Friday, mand, Mothers Got Wrong Babies DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) = Two young mothers have exchanged sons after instinet and a blood test told them they had nursed the wrong babies for nearly a ar Mrs, Una Faul and Mrs, John Phillips were in the same ward in the maternity home, Both named their sons John and both left for home on the same day, unwittingly with each other's baby "When people noticed there were no family eharacteristios, we decided ta have a blood test," sald Mrs, Philips, a friend of Mrs, Faul The test proved there had heen a mix-up and the mothers ex. changed the babies, The small wild ax known as A304 is found only in the island of Colebes in eastern Indonesia. | Sick Children eavly [bound ear evashed into the rear ee |of the Woods car, Nancy jumped | from the Ajax-Piokering (driving as a result of the acel: | | Developed and Manufactured by Bros For Free CONCRETE Eatimater OLiver 5-3311

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